Why does my 2 yr old rock?

by jaime
(crisfield md)

My 2 yr old son loves to rock but my concern is the fact that he rocks so much that he gives himself a headache, but i cant seem to persuade him to stop.his doctor hasnt seen any signs that it could be autism but it still worries me.what can i do? will he just simply grow out of it? he always has to be moving could there be something else wrong with him or is it normal?

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Feb 10, 2012
by: AnonyDanielle

My dtg is 5 and has rocked since she was 9 mths old! I have asked for years at every doctor visit why does she do this?? Everyone told me it was ok and not to worry. She still does it but it is alot less. It was all of the time when she was going to sleep and in the carseat. Now she really only does it when she is watching tv. From what I can tell...it's soothing. I still try and discourage it, but it has become much less over the years. We have tried for years to get a diagnosis, and they say she is not autistic, and always have said this, but now that she has SPD.

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