Can't Stand The Feeling Of Paper While Writing (Or Dry Materials)

by Melanie
(Cincinnati, OH)

I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a "dry feel", he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under his hand to write on paper. He is really interested in getting rid of this problem.

He would like as many activities as possible that would help him in this area. Do you have any suggestions?

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Mar 13, 2025
What about Sticking Out at School?
by: Anonymous

No one mentions the fact that it is hard because school kids dont want to stand out, so they wont use plastic folders or any of the other "Solutions" suggested here. Is my kid the only one who is horrified at the thought of standing out?

Mar 21, 2024
by: Anonymous

I was sketching when i realized, even with the juciest marker i cant stand the sound or feel of bond paper. Trace or vellum is chefs kiss. Paint marker on glass is equally satisfying. I can only write with a 2H pencil and my grade school teachers complained of not being able to read my writing because it was too light. I am so grateful for erasable ball points and the apple pen lol. There must be other plus sides to this nuisance.

Sep 29, 2023
I feel exactly the same.
by: Anonymous

Since primary school I would put a ruler or transparent plastic between my hand and the paper. I couldn't stand that feeling when my hand slides across the paper. The same with boxes I wish o could wear gloves or moisturize my hand directly after touching them them. It's never really bothered me but I've always wondered if I'm the only one who feels this way. At the age of 37 I still do it but in public I cringe and hold it in.
What a relief to no I am not alone.

Aug 08, 2023
Dry? things make me nauseous.
by: Anymoose

I get nausea from certain textures like, running a finger nail against paper especially the side of a piece of paper, writing with chalk, using wood the hasn't been oiled, those mechanical pencils that sometimes slide across the paper and squeak, and rubbing receipts together. Good to know I'm not alone.

Jul 12, 2023
Clay Drives me Nuts
by: Anonymous

41 now, however, in HS I told my ceramics teacher I really didn't want to do clay. I absolutely hate the way dry clay would get under my fingernails and the texture on my palms, and under my nails, shutter/cringe. I remember her eye-rolling me to this day. This page is very validating.

Jul 01, 2023
Hate to touch paper
by: Anonymous

I hate touching paper, cardboard, paper bags etc I found grabbing a cold metallic object before I touch paper definitely helps. I get sweaty hands almost everyday which I think really causes this issue to be worse so just trying to cool down your hand temperature and making them cool and dry is a good place to start.

Jun 06, 2023
Myself and Siblings have this
by: Anonymous

Found this site around 4 years ago and completely changed the way I viewed this issue. I am female 26 and have had this issue my full life, from the side of my hand touching paper while writing to just being dry/touching anything dry (with some things causing extra issue). I spent years wetting my fingers, sanitising constantly (unbeknown to me that this was enhancing the issue as it actually dries your hands out). The solution I have found is consistently ensuring I am applying hand moisturiser but would be hugely helpful if anyone has further solutions.

My two brothers also suffer with the exact same issue. Everytime we have sought solutions we have been hit with the same answers...autism...adhd...etc. Though none of us have ever been diagnosed or assessed for that matter. Honestly so refreshing to see more people with this issue, as it caused so many problems in school with teachers etc. thinking it was lies to avoid work or just attention seeking.

May 19, 2023
I've found my people
by: Anonymous

These comments go back to 2012? I actually just Googled this to see if there was anything on the net about it. Only thing that came up but so glad to see I'm not alone after half a century. Just thinking about those brown paper book covers gives me goosebumps and chills. Pretty much what everyone on here has said. Wooden tool handles, paper bags, newspapers, etc. Thanks everyone for commenting.

May 19, 2023
51 year old and been this way my whole life
by: Anonymous

Been this way my whole life. Brown grocery bags and newspapers are the worse. In school I couldn't touch the paper to write on it. If it's humid out it doesn't bother me as much. Winter is Not really, it's just something you learn to deal with. It's not the worst thing to have to deal with honestly.

May 03, 2023
Might be worth a shot.
by: Keira

My irritants WERE Mainly Paper, Eggshells, Eggcartons, pottery, glassware straight out of the washing machine, wood and freshly dried laundry. Years and years of misery and money wasted on lotion. Fixed in less than 2weeks on the Carnivore diet along with many other issues like anxiety and depression and blotchy skin. Im Upset at myself for listening to all the uninformed people who warned me about the dangers of this diet... it was all BS. I wont say it will work for everyone but It worked for this person right here.

Jan 26, 2023
Smell and sound of paper
by: Anonymous

Beyond touching paper is the sound of someone in the same room turning a page of a newspaper or the smell of a newly opened book. To me back then it was comparable to the sound fingernails down a chalkboard.

In my old age I don’t have any difficulties with it however it did create a lifetime of hardship for me.

Undetected in my childhood it was simply assumed I was a low achieving student. To this day anything I hand write is almost unreadable. How do you learn to read as a youngster if you can’t turn a page in a book?
Some say skills not learnt as a child can be generally lost forever.
It was touch, smell and sound for the first ten years of my life before the phobia started to fade.

Jan 15, 2023
Touching paper still bothers me at 62 years old
by: Anonymous

Always had a problem touching paper, cotton linens that are dry, unfinished wood products and card board boxes. If my fingers are wet, I do not have a problem with the feel of these items. I used to lick my fingers often to find relief in writing and manipulation of these types of items, but I have gotten better with breaking from that habit and find other ways to wet my finger(lotions).

I still wet the handle portion of wooden cooking utensils and lick any wooden popsicle stick before I can comfortably handle them. I am 62 and still have the problem.

Jan 14, 2023
what is going on...?!
by: Anonymous

the other day at college i was writing then suddenly i felt this weird sensation of the paper against my hand which my hands sweat and gave me goosebumps. i've never felt this before and i can't find any answers on the internet except from here.

for anyone reading this your not alone and one tip that i think is useful is to write with a ruler under your hand to not feel the paper.

Dec 12, 2022
There is hope
by: Anonymous

Hello I commented previously as my son would not touch paper since he knocked over a pencil pot when he was 6 years old and found the strategy of using a ruler as a barrier to the paper when writing. He would not then going forward touch paper which is really debilitating....

I know different things work for different people but to give hope to all when he was 15 because school were not helping even though he had an ehcp I had to pay privately for an Occupational therapist who over zoom (pandemic)guided me through a process to work with him on the following stages which was over the course of 9 months each stage was VERY GENTLE over a two week period...

1. rubbing in hand sanitiser/lotion in to the hands whilst eating a sweet or listening to personal favourite music (something nice) daily for 2 minutes this I think makes the tactile feel of hands associate with something positive...

2. explaining how we can be in fright flight mode and have overactive response to stress learning stress
relief ie. breathing excercises

3. tearing paper/ scrunching paper/cutting paper. it is a gradual desensitisation and exposure method and the Occupational Therapist made my son set the targets of what he wanted to achieve as he needed to own it and for it to work he needed to feel like he was driving it all.

I thought it had been a waste of time initially things did not change but six months on now starting at sixth form he no longer uses a ruler and he tolerates paper. I cannot say whether the process worked or whether he matured or just didn't want to continue standing out. I am hugely relieved. As someone who was desperate and looking for answers I wanted to share our experience.

Dec 12, 2022
Same I Hate dry
by: Anonymous

Not ALL dry things just realy dry stuff like paper or dry skin

Nov 28, 2022
I didn't know others had the same problem
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue, my fix was gloves even though they made my hands even more dry and that's when skin began making me go nuts, rubbing hands together makes me cringe just thinking about it.

Nov 22, 2022
Sensitivity paper disorder
by: Anonymous

My son is in 7th grade in school and has this same issue.. he will not touch cardboard! And for his school work I laminate all his books and paper that I can and then he uses a permanent marker to do all his school! You can get one that writes as small as a pencil.. we can't evens rub paper in front of him he freezes up with goose bumps .. so this is a real thing and I wish there was acure for it..

Nov 15, 2022
Dry materials ESPECIALLY after my hands where recently wet, and then dry again
by: Anonymous

When I was a very young child, I would throw absolute tantrums if I accidentally (or even sometimes couldn’t resist the urge of) scratching denim, paper, or even leather. If I scrunched my toes in my shoes and the sock didn’t move with my toes, and remained in place, same thing would happen.

My mom is a saint for dealing with this. She didn’t quite understand how it even worked, so I would just start balling and say that "the socks were doing the thing". To this day I don’t touch much after a shower for about an hour. The winters are the worst, my hands never moisten up. I’m 20 years old, it’s never gone away, and that’s ok. I’ve decided to live with it. But it’s kinda cool to think this is a real thing and not just me.

Oct 06, 2022
Chip in my tooth
by: J3

It hit me when I read that teeth and this disorder could be linked together. I just started having this issue after I had to have a root canal done, and then about one year later, my front tooth just chipped for no reason, a very tiny piece chipped off. I had it fixed, and the sensitivity to touching cardboard has made me wear gloves to handle it. I have never had this issue before in my life. This is very interesting but also very frustrating to deal with. I just wanted to add to this theory of the connection between teeth and this disorder; Fellow feeling goes out to all of you.

Sep 09, 2022
That dry feeling!
by: Sam

I cannot believe this is a wide spread thing. I thought it was just me. I hate hate hate the feeling of dry things. My worst experience is with cloth! Socks. Which is crazy because I have this need to wear socks 24/7 I just have to lotion constantly. Hold hands. Cannot do. If I start to notice that dry feeling anything after that, that I touch makes me cringe until I get lotion. My hands lock up and I can’t move until I’m smothered in lotion. I’m talking about it and now I feel like I can feel how dry my clothes feel.

ALSO. Laundry. I cannot pull laundry out of the dryer while it’s warm. I die. It’s the worst feeling I cannot deal. Folding clothes. I have to have lotion on before I start or everything I touch gives me chills and locks my hands up. I can’t touch people or things too. once I start feeling this way I have lotion everywhere for this reason. This just recently started in the last year or so and now it’s unbearable.

I wish I knew what causes this and how to fix it.

Sep 02, 2022
The feeling of paper drives me nuts
by: Anonymous

Whenever I try to touch or feel paper,I get this really gritty shiver

As if someone is scraping a fork on the chalkboard
It's drives me insane

I almost beat up one of the teachers because she used to lick her thumb to make it easier for her to grab the test papers on the pile... that drove me even more insane

Aug 24, 2022
Hate dry things
by: Anonymous

The thought of touching paper,cardboard, or even dust on my skin makes me want to bite my teeth in disgust. When my skin becomes dry is the hardest Coz whatever I touch feels like ughhhhhh! I can't describe.

Jul 23, 2022
paper irritates my skin
by: Anonymous

I have my final exam of Law from 25/7/22 , I can't touch paper , it irritates my skin , I have to use a piece of cloth while giving exam ,I put that cloth in between my hand and paper , it makes very difficult for me to write the exam , but I have no option . I even don't know what this condition is called , is it normal ? or is there anything from I can use to get rid of it ?

Jul 01, 2022
Returning from the dentist
by: Anonymous

Hello, anon from below, I can confirm without a shadow of a doubt it is a dental issue, as after my tooth that had rotted to the nerves was pulled out I started to be able to touch, smell, and even SCRATCH paper without shivering!

Maybe try to resolve dental issues and it'll be fixed, would love to see more confirmations of this theory.

Jun 02, 2022
by: Anonymous

I feel this too! For my entire life the feeling of chalk, blackboards, paper, cardboard, and similar.

I get the feeling when I smell or touch these surfaces, but it's at it's worst when I breath it in or scratch it even slightly with my fingernail. I think this may have something to do with teeth as others say.

May 09, 2022
I hate paper
by: S

I hate the feeling off paper, at school I always used too cover my hand with my jumper and try and avoid it, I would dread going too school because off this..I'm 13 and the thought off using paper makes my hands sweat..

And when my hands sweat it makes the texture unbearable I also hate cardboard and the feeling off it

Anyone know how too fix it or help?

Apr 25, 2022
Only while writing, not drawing
by: Anonymous

I only really have this problem while writing. For some reason, the collision of a pencil tip and paper just drives me insane. It's even worse when I try to write on my digital art tablet. Strangely enough, I don't really get this problem while drawing. My guess is that with both, the small-scale precision required to write letters adds to the aggravation, while drawing is calming.

Feb 20, 2022
by: Anonymous

I have the same kind of problem with paper and glass, I use tennis ball wrist bands when I write

Feb 12, 2022
Dry paper
by: Anonymous

Try a different weight paper. Heavier weight paper have a smooth shiney feeling to them and don't have the dry feeling. They feel softer. More like they've been coated in hand cream. Copier paper, newspaper, cardboard are all cheaper lightweight and recycled paper and are dry and dusty.

Jan 23, 2022
i cannot stand packaged stick butter paper,wood,cardboard
by: Anonymous

I've had this thing for two years now and I can really say I hate it I really do at school it gets really annoying when I touch paper or even hold my sharpened pencil I just can not stand it I was also hoping for answers but.

I really want to know if this thing has a medical term?

Jan 15, 2022
by: Anonymous

I have the same feeling towards surfaces that are dry. For example, I cannot stand to touch aluminum surfaces on a dry day. As a result, it makes my hair stand to touch my MacBook or iPad in the winter when it is dry. One thing that seems to work relatively well is to keep my hands warm and well moisturized. When the touch of the metal to my hands is not to dry, the irksome sensation seems to dissipate, and even pleasant.

Jan 08, 2022
me too
by: Anonymous

i feel the exact same thing except it’s accompanied with extreme rage. if i touch paper for too long i either need to "kill" the paper or make whatever part touched the paper hurt. for example, i touch the paper with my thumb and it irritates it, i need to stab my thumb with my finger nails or bite my thumb and scrape at it. with the "killing" of the paper, i typically throw it or punch it out of my own hand which sometimes aggravates me more if it irritates my knuckles. when my hands and fingers are moist i can bare touching it longer, but when they’re dry i can’t stand it.

Dec 23, 2021
I'm crying of happiness
by: Konstance

I'm a 19F I have the same exact issue, I can't stand the feeling of paper, carton, unhandled wood etc and a lot of different clothing fabrics and in my experience, it doesn't get better.

Also hand creams and lotions don't help for me but that might just be me.

I'm so happy this post was made and that I'm not alone thank the gods that's not the case.

But as for solutions I use gloves or smoother paper, When I was still in school I'd buy special smooth paper on my own dime that I could touch but you can't really write with pencils you'd have to use pens.

Thin gloves of a smooth material can also work to a degree but it varies greatly with what you use.

I don't know if there are ways to get better but you can find solutions around it that's what I had to do and still do.

Dec 10, 2021
I want to cry right now
by: Anonymous

I am truly overwhelmed with emotion, I could have sworn I was the only one.

And could never find a way to describe it that made anyone even seem to kind of understand. Meanwhile it took me like actual time.... To scroll to the bottom of countless others who describe it sooo accurately.... You just know when someone has that similar reaction b cause of the details.

For me chalk is the very worst, but I'm 🤔 not King the common denominator here really is the dry ess factor, because I too started seeking some relief in the temporary armor lotion would provide. As I sit here writing this the thought I of people sitting on the beach and their bare feet rubbing on the metal beach chairs is making me insane, I know that's maybe a bit specific but it's one of my childhood fears because of how it sets it off. I know someone understands when they can really associate with the reaction. I hear people describe it as their skin start to crawl etc.

But while very true it's still a bit vague and doesn't, for me, highlight some of the completely non seemingly unrelated things that happen. ITS ALL IN THE TEETH. I feel so badly for those who say dental work has made it worse I never thought about that but I could see why and here's the reason. The weirdest thing that I do that is a kneejerk response is I feel as though I need to like scratch my teeth, or tap my fingers on my teeth it's kinda funny to see but somehow it grounds me and I wonder if certain dental work severs that source of relief.

Anyways it made some good sense to me. But yeah just about every item anyone has mentioned will on a broad level of severity cause it but for me dry chalk touching or writing with is making me feel so on my teeth right now. Thanks everyone

Dec 06, 2021
SortKwik Helps
by: Anonymous

I can't stand the feeling of paper. It was horrible in school, especially winter, as a child. I would sit on my hands until the sensation from touching paper subsided. As an adult I discovered SortKwik while working in banking. It has been a life saver. I put it on my fingertips and the sides of my hands so that writing is bearable. Hope this trick helps as nothing else ever did for me. Much better than lotion, IMO.

Nov 17, 2021
i hate paper!
by: Anonymous

paper has always felt weird on my skin while writing i never thought of it but now it bothers me so much i have to wear long sleeves or jackets or hover over my paper while writing to not touch it.this also happens to me with other materials which i also hate. happy to know other people have the same problem i thought it was just me.

Nov 13, 2021
Paper makes me feel weird, like in a hurting way...
by: Stupid paper

Have you ever felt paper and thought it felt very annoying?
Well, to me, it feels like it HuRtS Or sOMeThInG. A Greta way
To avoid this stupid thing is by digging your hand inTo your jacket to write. Iv’e been doing this cool trick for well... my whole life!
Plz give 5 rating!!!

Oct 17, 2021
To Melanie
by: Anonymous

All I can suggest is hand lotion in every room. I was born with this problem and I’m now 71 still suffering. It has gotten worse over the years and I can’t even see paper, cardboard, unfinished wood etc. on t.v., my skin starts crawling, my teeth hurt and I get cold all over. It seems to be the worsts in my fingers.

Also watching people wear most materials especially sweaters does the same. I haven’t been able to wear most clothes or have materials against my skin ever. I always have to have hand lotion after I wash my hands and lotion all over when I shower. I was never diagnosed, doctors just look at me funny when I try to explain.

The child you work with is at least lucky to have you by it’s side, I don’t think anybody ever believed me. It really restricts your life in all areas.

Oct 16, 2021
paper avoidance
by: KC

My son is now 15. He has not been touching paper since he was 6.He said it used to sting him, he now justs uses a ruler as a barrier to write and two rulers to turn pages in text books. we have been working with an OT since feb21... desensitisation rubbing hands with lotion whilst eating sweets ups before scrunching and ripping paper... Hand stationary on paper... hand moving accross paper gradual exposure we did wilbarger protocol which is body brushing (that needs to be through an OTs guidance) but he still avoids every day experience with paper so I really don't know if its been worth it ..but it may help some people.People who don't suffer really don't understand how debilitating it can be.He walks on tiptoes and has adhd and dyslexia diagnosed.

Oct 14, 2021
Big no to cardboard, paper, styrofoam , cotton and dryed towels
by: Anonymous

I have thrown up every time I touch paper, cardboard , cotton and dried towels I had to start doing online school but still. My parents do not believe me at all and make me read a lot. When I was in school everybody told me I was sooo skinny because I had to do math and reading. Before I went to online school I threw up in my mask while we were doing math. PAPER, CARDBOARD , COTTON AND DRIED TOWELS ARE THE WORST.

Oct 11, 2021
I'm the same way
by: Anonymous

Just the thought of touching paper or cardboard makes me what to throw up.

Oct 07, 2021
All my life
by: Anonymous

Besides the paper, cardboard, styrofoam, unfinished wood etc. Does anyone else have problems with materials on your skin? I have never been able to wear most clothes, everything just burns on my skin. I have no rash or redness, it just hurts.

I had a brother with this same problem but his got better over the years whereas mine just got worse. I find cotton/polyester blends the softest to wear. Growing up as a girl this was a huge problem. My mother said I had that sensitivity since I was a baby.

Also does anyone else have these extreme reactions when just seeing all these materials on t.v. or hear people talk about them? Lately even socks are bothering me, it’s crazy.
I just can’t get enough lotion on my skin, especially my hands!

Oct 06, 2021
by: Bonnie

I’m in awe. When I was in 1st grade I would write so lightly on my papers I would get in trouble. I’m 25 now. (Female I’ll add) I HATE cardboard. Folding construction paper is the frigging WORST!!! Napkins, paper towels, dry bath towels, styrofoam, cotton, toilet paper, string, shoe laces, pulling on hoodie strings (the sound and feel of them makes me GAG.. Foam flip flops, pencil on paper, ice scraping, sharpie on paper is a NO. Nail files, chalk is the enemy. unfinished wood omg. Velvet, stepping in packy snow (the crunch). When I think of these things my sides shiver and it irritates me to the core.

Surprisingly I can sit on a couch without bother. I read another comment about no one believing us. I too was accused of lying. (For what???) it’s very real!! If these things were damp, I can touch them no problem.

I am so glad I’m not alone!!

Oct 06, 2021
I feel like no one believes me or cares
by: Anonymous

Oh my goddd this website is hope.

I suffer from this "paper hate" everyday of my life. I cringe so hard when touching paper or dry products like jeans or felt. The ultimate worst for me is that sort of card stock waxy kind, or the ones in history books.


Godspeed everyone I'm glad I found this.

Oct 05, 2021
Ugh. Paper. Cardboard. Styrofoam!!
by: Gini

I finally decided to see if anyone else has this problem with paper! I’ve never been able to conquer it, and have learned to deal with it by lotion and beeswax.

I grew up before computers were for everyone, graduated in 1996, and if I didn’t have this handicap I think I would’ve done better in school. Being forced to touch paper every single day made it hard for me to focus on the actual tasks at hand. Ended up having a very unique way of writing where just the tip of my pinky joint touched the paper. I’ve never met anyone who has had the problem, and have been teased mercilessly at times by this problem. And it is a problem. Just trying to explain it to someone else gives me uncontrollable shivers.

In school kids would try to get me over it by doing the finger nails on chalk, but the paper shivering was so bad that the nails and chalk didn’t bother me at all. Been there done that, and nails on chalkboard is nothing like the repulsion of dry paper products. Now if I get coffee to go, I have duct tape and I tape enough of the cup for me to grab it without shivering. I still shiver a little at the thought of the paper cup, but not nearly as bad without the duct tape.

I feel for anyone who has this issue. It’s a horrible sensation that is scoffed at and I wish I knew what caused it. As a little girl I my best guess was being burned down in a library in a past life lol

Oct 02, 2021
All my life
by: Anonymous

I’ve had this problem my whole life. I can’t even think of cardboard or paper and shivers run down my spine. My hands get really dry from the inside out and I have to run for my hand lotion. It’s the same when my hands get wet, I immediately have to put lotion on my hands. I do have Raynaud’s but I don’t know if that’s related.

When I see paper or card board on t.v. even I get a total body reaction. The worst part is that nobody ever believes you. It has gotten a lot worse this last little while and I seem to feel dry on the inside and creepy all over all the time. There’s not enough lotion in the world!

Jul 23, 2021
by: Anonymous

I have the issue as well I don't think you can get rid of it I would recommend talking to his school to see if he can get electronic versions of assignments

Jun 24, 2021
After vaccine?
by: Anonymous Bear

Want to preface this with such: I'm not anti-vax and don't regret getting it, but wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences!

I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine early May and within the day had severe hypersensitivity to everything, my skin was sensitive to the point that my clothes almost hurt. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I had other as expected flu like symptoms but they all went away within 48 hours.

After, for a while, I had this sensitivity to paper you describe. I currently work as a cashier and handling receipts and folding cardboard boxes was close to unbearable, I'd get nauseous. It started to let up maybe 5 weeks in, and now ~7 later it's still here, but not completely gone. I don't think about it as much.

Can't find any other place describing the sensation, let alone if anyone else only recently (post vaccine) started experiencing it.

Jun 22, 2021
RayNaud's ?
by: Anonymous

RayNaud's ?

Jun 18, 2021
How I dealt with paper sensitivity
by: Nuke

I would keep my hands moisturized with lotion...if lotion wasnt available, I licked my fingers side of the hand. Today, teachers use a transparency for the hand to lay on while writing. If my hands were moist, I did not experience the uncomfortable touch of paper

Jun 18, 2021
Yes just yes
by: Anonymous

Soo true! Im a kid and when i just think, see someone touch paper, or just touching paper or when i write paper i get goosebumps ☹️☹️

Jun 15, 2021
by: Anonymous

Did anyone find the solution like meds or therapy or suggestions? It will help all these guys. Please Post

Jun 09, 2021
by: Anonymous

So it isn't normal for people to feel discomfort when touching paper or rough surfaces? Or use sharpies or napkins? The sound of the chalkboard making me clinch my teeth from the pain? Wtf

Jun 08, 2021
NOW I understand my daughter
by: Anonymous

Feeling ashamed and humbled. Thank you for all your posts. I now understand how my 8 yr old has been feeling every time she comes in contact with paper at homeschool.

She complained of printer paper. It smells dry and makes her nose itchy and dry inside. She has to put water in her nostrils to moisten them. Cannot stand to have her palm on paper while writing. Hates it when I run my finger on paper while reading. I made her a fingerless glove but she doesn’t like wearing it. Have been putting printer paper inside plastic paper protector sheets and she does schoolwork on that with dry erase marker..not the best solution though as marker easily gets erased.

She is ok with construction paper and paper with a smoother less dry feeling. One day she put lotion all over her paper and she said that worked (art project) .

Before reading your posts, I thought my daughter was getting too emotional because she didn’t want to do her schoolwork, I was so wrong and I’m so sorry for getting frustrated. I understand now. Now I need to work on trying to help her cope or get some professional help with this. Thank you again.

Jun 05, 2021
teeth has somethign to do with this
by: Anonymous

im a 16 year old teenager.when i was 9 i fell down on the floor face first and broke the tip of my incisors.i went to the dentist.he grinded the teeth a bit which made chilly feeling go down my spine.after thet i have become oversensitive to sound and touch of dry stuff like styrofoam,cardboard, paper,drywood etc.

i had this problem before the tooth incidence but it wasnt that worse.paper was quite okay i remember.but cardboard and styrofoam were a no-no

Apr 10, 2021
Im happy for all of you, pls do reply if you have advice it would help me a lot
by: Anonymous

Im between 10 and 25 years of age, I do feel the same thing i just wish i have the same vibe with you guys. This just makes me think that no one believes in me about this.

i also have sweaty hands and hyponchium. Its sad to think about that nobody believes me because they think im just too sensitive and they have never seen people like me before. I also dont know how people say theyre hapoy theyre not in this alone? For me i prefer this to be just for myself if i can so that more people out there wont suffer anymore i may sound selfish but this is what i think and its anonymous i guess. About my hyponchium its a skin that grows longer under my nail causing my fingers to be sensitive when cut too short. Nobody believes me i have that i just have to endure the mental cringe and its painful.

Mar 31, 2021
by: baby daddy


I hate the feeling of paper. Everytime I touch paper or rub it I get chills and do not like it. Especially when my hands are wet or moist, it makes the feeling worse.

Feb 19, 2021
It has something to do with the teeth
by: Anonymous

This is not a tactile issue. This is a teeth/root issue. Last night I ate a bag of sour jelly beans and this feeling got so bad it didn’t go away the entire night.

These are the ingredients:

I’m a nurse. I’m committed to figuring this out. My teeth are bothering me so bad today and my skin in very dry. My purchasing a humidifier, but I’m telling you the solution lies with the teeth. How many of you guys have had severe dental work?? I know I have. They put some some permanent clear fixture around the bottom of my teeth when I was a kid. I’m looking into what this is...

Feb 19, 2021
Help me!
by: Anonymous

10/10 AGGREED I have been looking for something to stop this nothing WORKS! Every time I touch paper silk and almost everything including my mousepad and nothing works iv tried lotion getting used to it but none of those worked but when I put my hands in warm water it stops but only for a bit I need meds or something because I literally can do ANYTHING

Feb 18, 2021
use mosturizer
by: Anonymous

when i was a child i use vaseline before i write or draw anything on dry surfaces

Feb 18, 2021
by: Anonymous

Has this been fixed? Oh god it feels so bad! I can’t do basic things that other teenagers do because I CAN’T TOUCH ANYTHING! 😖

Feb 10, 2021
Try an ipad
by: Anonymous

I too hate the feeling of paper. If you can, maybe get the child an ipad, or if an ipad is too much of a distraction try a drawing pad that artists use.

Feb 08, 2021
i relate!!
by: Anonymous

fifteen year old here and i have the same experience as you people here- i’m in the process of getting tested for ADHD by the end of this year. haven’t found a fix or treatment yet, and i’ve been dealing with this for as long as i can remember. happy to know i’m not alone!!

Jan 27, 2021
I have this but no one in my country believes me lol
by: Anonymous115 ksa

Ive had this ever since i was a kid and still have it till this day . When you translate the word chill or goosebumps to my mother language it just comes as this small little thing that anyone could get from time to time ... and i have struggled because of it , every time i try to explain it to anyone besides my mom they don’t believe it or they just dont care .. or even make fun of me lol

Even my mom didn’t started believing me till I explained it to her OVER AND OVER AND OVER .

Worst part is teachers would laugh it off and wont do crap about the god damn kid who is coloring or drawing loudly behind me ... like wtf people wtf .

Anyway i just hope that someday someone big enough would shine light at this HORRIBLE problem

God bless you all

Jan 13, 2021
I need help
by: Anonymous

I was watching the IT movie and in the beginning the kid folds a piece of card stock paper. It made me cringe so hard that I had to skip through that scene. I can't even watch someone fold paper in a movie or in a show. Even in real life. It makes me nauseous. I don't understand.

Jan 01, 2021
Feel Of Paper etc Give Me Shivers
by: Anonymous

I have a similar issue where I can't stand the feeling or sound certain objects like paper or cardboard and it's worse lately because the local fast food restaurants have changed to paper straws instead of plastic.

The Feeling of paper on my teeth send shivers down my whole body, my hair raises on end then my teeth hurt as if electricity is running through them and even just the thought of the paper in my mouth or just thinking about the sensation it gives me triggers the shivers and sore teeth all over again.

This also happens with certain sounds like metal on ceramic, wood being carved or sawed, the scratching of pencils on paper, metal grinding metal and many other sounds that trigger the same response.

I honestly wish i had a medical answer as to why this is happening to me but sadly I haven't found anything yet and my General Practitioner is also at a loss too.

Dec 28, 2020
Can’t stand the feeling of paper
by: Anonymous

This was a massive issue for me at school, I don’t remember a time where it never bothered me, any type of paper and card board. I also dislike clothes that feel tight on my skin. I hate writing as the skin between my pinky and my palm touch and it makes me fee sick, the same as when I bend my elbow and the skin touches and the same behind my knees when they bend. I need to put hand cream on when ever I wash my hands if they are dried off with paper towels.

Dec 19, 2020
Try stone paper
by: Anonymous

Those plastic transparent sheets for overhead projections are the only reason i survived school. I’ve found Stone Paper notebooks to be the least stressful solution at an affordable price. Not as smooth as I’d like, but after I stretched out a page my brain accepted it as plastic. Only notebooks I buy now.

Though one of these days I’m gonna pay to have a box of lined notebooks printed in that ultra smooth coated paper used in most art and kids books.

Nov 26, 2020
Can't draw with charcoal
by: Anonymous

Artist in my 30's, decided to mess around with some charcoal pencils for the first time in years. I'm having a hard time even putting pencil to paper without cringing. Glad to find this website and discover I am far from alone.

Nov 25, 2020
I feel the same
by: Anonymous

I feel the same, also when i hear people scratching paper, it makes me shiver, then I start feeling the bad feelings of when I touch paper, I start sweating, and my head shivers. I have a lessoned effect to some types of cloth, not the plastic ones tho.

Nov 24, 2020
I Feel The Same
by: Joe

My issue with paper feels like it's getting much worse over time. I'm in school and it is very hard when they get me to do paper handouts/worksheets. I always use an electronic copy if there is one so that I don't have to give myself goosebumps and shivers from paper.

Doing assessments is frustrating because of the feel of the paper.

Nov 21, 2020
hate touching dry things
by: Gavan

im 16 and i hate when i have to draw on paper for school i need lotion ask the time because my hands get dry and i can’t touch dry things like cotton, paper,tissues ex

Nov 17, 2020
Hypersensitive to friction
by: Anonymous

Oh my God, i had the same feeling from past 5 years,
Can't even explain to somebody, as it seem like a minor thing, but it always made me sick even when we used to highlight something on paper, or in summers to fold clothes is hardest thing for me
The friction seem to affect my brain as well,, sometimes i have headache after getting encounter to these things,

Nov 10, 2020
i thought i was going crazy!
by: Anonymous

i recently started having an issue with touching cardboard, paper towels and similar materials. it came out of nowhere. it doesn’t make me sick. it just has a terrible feeling. hard to describe. even thinking about it makes me feel strange. it’s really the sensation on my fingertips. UGH! it’s awful. i’m glad to know i’m not alone in this.

Sep 24, 2020
by: Anonymous

Has anyone tried putting New Skin Wound repair on their fingertips to see if it would prevent the unpleasant sensation? I used it when I used to bowl when I had a cut on my finger. It really does feel like your own skin...and allows you to function normally. It peels off when finished like glue. And if New Skin is too expensive for regular use, perhaps just use A thin layer of Elmer’s glue in the same way. Hope this helps.

Sep 17, 2020
by: Anonymous

I’m 30 and have always had a problem with like scratching a sheet of paper. But within the last few months all paper and cardboard give me goosebumps and chills. Just the thought of it. Hate paper towels and ripping cardboard. Very surprised how many people

Have the same issue. I just don’t understand why mine has gotten worse out of no where

Sep 06, 2020
Cardboard eeek
by: Anonymous

I’ve always had an issue with cardboard. I cannot touch it. Paper doesn’t bother me as much, unless someone creases paper. I feel sick throughout my body. Emery boards are out of the question. It’s not possible to stand or walk on a wooden deck without shoes. Using lotion definitely helps. It’s nice to know after a lifetime of this that I’m not alone in it

Sep 01, 2020
Me Too!
by: Ivy

I’m relieved to finally hear that other people are bothered by paper in a similar way that I am. I thought this was a condition unique to me, and I am just so glad to understand that I’m not alone in this!

I especially hate the feel of the back of notebooks. Some are cardboard, and that texture isn’t great but it’s manageable. But when I feel the back of notebooks that have what I call a paper plastic back, I get goosebumps and feel all cold and sick, like I’m going to throw up or faint.

I am also a big reader. Like read-a-500-page-book-in-2-days kind of big reader. And this is a problem! The pages of books bother me when I turn them A LOT. I try to read e-books, but I just can’t stare at a screen all day the same way I can stare at a book all day.

And toilet paper, tissues, napkins, and paper towels!!! Those bother me too. I have stopped using paper towels all together, and recently in an effort to reduce our paper product usage, my family began using cloth napkins and making our own handkerchiefs and I was like THANK GOODNESS. While my family is very supportive, they don’t understand my aversion to all things paper, and how touching paper makes me feel. So when we made this switch, I was extremely relieved, and I would suggest you do the same thing if tissues, napkins, and paper towels are bothersome to you.

As for toilet paper, well, why use uncomfortable paper to rub waste off your butt when you can use your hands and some water and thoroughly wash your hands afterward? My family thinks I’m a little extreme, but I cannot make myself touch toilet paper at all anymore.

Anyway, I would suggest e-books and cloth napkins and handkerchiefs as substitutes for paper products.

Aug 20, 2020
My experience
by: Anonymous

This wasn't an aggravating issue until one day when I was taking art lessons with chalk pastels when I was 17. After that day I first couldn't stand touching paper, right now the list has grown to the following:

*I have to use cream on my entire body after I shower.
*I have to use cream on my hands after contacting water/hand sanitizer/alcohol.
*I have to use cream on my feet after walking through dust.
*I have to wear leggings underneath denim jeans
*I cannot wear cotton underwear
*I have to wear gloves when handling paper that isn't laminated, this doesn't affect the use of toilet paper or paper towels.
*I have to keep my lips lathered in vaseline or any glossy substance.
*I have to wear pasties to prevent my nipples from coming into contact with ANYTHING.(this became a problem when I was 15)
*When I was a teen I could not wear tight clothes (I forced myself and now I'm used to it)

This needs to become a proper conversation, we're not nitpicking here over stupid things we genuinely are suffering. Any path towards breaking these limitations is more than welcome.

Jul 26, 2020
by: Anonymous

finalllyyy !!!

Jul 01, 2020
I am having same
by: Anonymous

What is solution ? i am also feeling same

May 22, 2020
My whole life
by: Jenny

I am 40 and have dealt with this my whole life but never spoke about it because it seemed like just a minor inconvenience.

I am like this with my feet as well. The very thought of walking on carpet after a shower gives me goosebumps. I have to lotion my feet, hands and entire body after every shower. As a matter of fact, i have to lotion my hands and feet after any contact with water.

I'm okay with paper though, but not cardboard or the really thick paper plates... the list goes on and on. So glad I'm not alone, we should start a support group ;-)

May 04, 2020
Wow! I thought I was alone all these years.
by: Anonymous

I have always hated paper towels, napkins, tissues, cotton, q-tips, popsicle sticks, chalk....anything dry. I wet my hands before I grab any of these items. I also have to wet my feet just a little before putting on my dry socks. I have always thought that I was a weirdo for doing this but I guess I am not alone. It makes my mouth water and I cringe at the thought of touching anything "dry". I try to push past this but I just can’t ! I just wish I understood why I hate these things and why does wetting my hands or feet make it a little better??

Apr 28, 2020
Live with it
by: Anonymous

I hate most paper. Newspaper, notebook paper, and that cheap newsprint. I can’t hardly stand paper coffee cups either. When I was a kid, I would pull my sweater over my hand so it wouldn’t touch the cold paper! I’ve written about this before. But I don’t feel this has caused me a lot of problems. I didn’t even think about it much. Until I ran across this site! I’m a retired primary teacher. Imagine me with all that paper!! Mama of the six year old...try the sweater technique. Help her pull the sleeve of the sweater over the part of her hand that has to touch the paper. Oh, as long as I can remember, I have been petrified of getting injections. Now I wonder if that is a piece of this puzzle.

Apr 28, 2020
my 6 yr old complains the same
by: Anonymous


I'm so surprised to see how many of you facing the same issues like my 6 yr old recently started complaining of it. i took to internet because she would have a meltdown at the sight of paper and homework became such a stressful thing. I got to know its a sensory processing issue which needs exposure to different textures and am in the process of working out a plan for her but i hear u all and i see how painful it can be for those going through that might be abnormal to others in general. it breaks my heart. if anyone has suggestions -- pls share,

Apr 27, 2020
I Have this to and i'm 10!
by: Anonymous

I am 10 Years old and the same thing happens with my skin, To the feeling or the sound of a hand going across paper makes me get goosebumps. This is annoying because I am in school (online) and i have to use paper every day.

Apr 26, 2020
Omg . This is me!
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem! Mine started when I was about 7. I'm 25 now. I hate the dryness from paper. I hate the feeling of cardboard even more! Others do not understand and neither do I tbh. Hate it heress

Apr 09, 2020
Finally! Someone who agrees with me!
by: Jackson Brown

For as long as I can remember, it would bug me so much to touch paper. My family and friends would always be like "Can you pass me a napkin," but I couldn't. Sometimes, I can't even read a book because the pages are so dry. My dad keeps telling me that I need to get over it, but I can't. I keep trying to get a napkin on my own, but it is so hard. But I'm glad that I'm not the only person in the world that feels this way.

Mar 30, 2020
by: Anonymous

I also cannot stand this feeling it just happened to me recently this year. I do not know why but every since touching paper and timber has felt really bad. It just give me goosebumps and irrates me. I have tried using hand lotion, however they were off really quickly so I'm not sure what to do.

Mar 22, 2020
Hand Washing
by: Anonymous

Besides paper and cardboard, I absolutely HATE the feeling of my hands after washing with soap and water. Now with the corona virus, hand washing is important. If I don’t put hand lotion on right away, I.l go nuts. I’m 68, a retired teacher and basically have lived with this all my life.

Mar 20, 2020
I feel your pain and im sry for all of you
by: Rediocre

I am so happy am hopeful that you people are out there. I found this forum months ago but I just read it. No that I have seen some more posts I am full of joy and joy repeated. I hate this as much as you people do. I am still in school and as such am required to read books and fill out multiple stacks of paper over the year. Although my school is on the lower end, we still have access to online programs. I can not imagen being older and going through school 10-20 years ago. I have great amounts of respect you y'all who had to deal with that. I don't think that I have it as bad as some of you but then again I have nothing to compare it to. mostly what I feel it a very notice-able shiver followed by if not already goosebumps.

I get this feeling anytime I touch fabrics that are not very smooth. I fell it mainly in my arms and my face mostly but the felling still remains in my chest. As said I get this when I touch certain fabrics. With my body I have found some places to get more sensitive than others, with this being the case I wear only shorts as not to touch anything below my knees with much fabric, (even in winter) and my jacket sleeves all the way up.

I also feel that I have ADHD although I don't have a diagnosis since my parent say it is "not a big deal". I have not told my parents but my siblings have told my parents. We remain open with each other about this issue behind my parents backs. Sorry I went off on a tangent about that. see what I mean. I got off topic about SPD when I was supposed to be doing English.

Finally, I want to finish off by saying that washing your hands off very regularly and trying to handle objects when they are cold helps.

Just a test here. Think about those paper labels on the starbucks cup. GRRRRRRRRR gross and shivers up my arms and face again. I wander how many of you also get these issues. Good luck with your life and I hope y'all can share your tips with me and the others of this rejected "overexaggerated feeling"

Mar 11, 2020
by: Anonymous

I don't have much to say, I've had this since I started writing and because of it I did poorly. My daughter is dealing with it now and not well. It's just nice to know there are others out there having the same issues. I don't feel so alone or crazy anymore.

Mar 10, 2020
Glad to be not alone
by: Anonymous

I’m 16 and a sophomore in high school, I’m in all ap and advanced classes so naturally the paper load is very high. Touching it makes me cringed and get goosebumps down the back of my head, this is a new problem and I don’t know why it happened all of the sudden aswell

Mar 08, 2020
I've found my people! at last!!
by: Anonymous

Wow!! i'm 24 years old and i am literally in tears because i am not alone!! no one ever believed me when i told them that i can't touch cardboard or paper. I hate it when i'm writing for class and the dry desert feeling paper touches my arm and side of my palm. i have to rub it or scratch it to get it to go away. that when people look at me all weird. if i touch dry paper it makes me want to throw hands at anyone who makes fun of me. Sometimes I even have to use a sleeve to pick up a paper or cardboard, and this is where people would roll their eyes because they thought i was being dramatic. i'm so glad that i'm not the only one!!

Feb 05, 2020
by: Anonymous

I can hold it in my hand with no problems. But once the paper touches my arm i loose it. I can't stand the feeling of paper touching my skin. It makes me sick. I feel like punching anyone in the face if they make fun of me for it. In reality I can't stand when other people rub it on their skin. I quiver in disgust.

Jan 30, 2020
by: Matthew

Hi everyone. I hate touching paper but specifically on my knees. I can’t stand paper, cardboard, napkins, etc. on my knees and I think I’m the only one. What does this mean????? Does anyone else have anything similar. I can’t handle it.

Dec 20, 2019
This helps
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue and have had it since I was a kids and got vaccinated before I went to public school. The best things that's helped me is Working Hands Hand Cream. It's in a green container shaped like a hockey puck. I highly recommend trying it.

Dec 19, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue but it's so bad because it only happens when I takes showers and last for days so I don't take showers often or was my hands I avoid water as much as possible because when I touch paper or clothe after comeing into contact with water I get goosebumps and shiver and I want to get rid of this so I can actually take showers daily it makes it difficilt

Nov 26, 2019
I got this also
by: Anonymous

I am 40 have had an issue with paper since I was old enough to remember. I cannot read my daughter a book at night because touching certain papers makes my palms and fingers very dry to a point of being uncomfortable. Then my mouth becomes very dry and I actually sort of puff for breath as crazy as it sounds like cotton mouth. Same sensation from wooden tongue depressors; Popsicle sticks. Very annoying thing.

I just don't think it's something that can be cured. I think it's actually an allergic reaction to wood products. But it sucks and it is very much real and not a mental health thing. I also have oral allergy syndrome which too is connected to pollens and trees.

Nov 09, 2019
Me too. News to me
by: Anonymous

I just found this now. I'm 25 and i've been struggling with this as long as i can remember. I never knew what it was. Hands on paper feels dry and also gives me an uncomfortable screeching sound in my ears. Same with flour (especially on the table), also some types of clothing (Worst may be some types of wind jackets) etc. (Nearly all dry materials).

This has been very hard to deal with during school years especially as people (classmates, teachers and family) don't believe you when you tell them what's going on. It's still something i struggle with everyday.

Oct 30, 2019
Me too
by: Joshua

I have always had this problem, Touching Cardboard,paper,dust... It is difficult to even put on cloths after a long shower.I am now 33 yrs old. The only thing that seems to help is actually touching these things everyday, I still get chills and goosbumps when I touch these items But the Sensory overload is much less intense.

Oct 22, 2019
Haye paper
by: Anonhanymous

WOW. I posted so long ago about this and it feels good to know there are others. I HATE cardboard coffee cups. But I don’t mind at all if it has a bumpy sleeve! Can’t stand paper or getting my hands wet because when they dry I about go nuts. I’m a retired teacher and grandma to three!

Oct 22, 2019
Sensory Processing disorder
by: A mom

My son has a sensory processing disorder. And he doesn't like the feel of paper. He doesn't know why he just gets this feeling when he touches it. The dryness. He can't stand it. Since he has the disorder we can book this 'Sensory room'.its run By a non profit group called resources for exceptional children and youth. This room has different textures. Sounds. Lights. Things to stimulate sensory experiences and expose you to it safely to help you adapt to the unwanted sensory reactions.

Always worth looking into occupational therapy and hand creams as well to deal with that feeling. I need cream when i touch paper. I get that feeling too.

Oct 22, 2019
Hate the paper texture
by: Cassie

My son Was diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder 3 years ago. He told me this week that he had something important to tell me about something that was happening to him at school. I thought bullying? And he says. It's the paper.

At school he can't touch the paper. The texture makes him uncomfortable. The dry texture. this is part of his disorder. Textile sensory experiences. My doctor recommended we book this sensory room through resources for exceptional children and youth And you just expose yourself to different textures and sounds to help yourself adapt.

You can't change how you react to sensory experiences you just learn to cope.

Sep 30, 2019
Phew.. I’m not alone!
by: Anonymous

I can’t touch paper at all, and when I am writing with pencil on paper i get goosebumps, really really bad goosebumps. same with blackboards, but with blackboards I can’t stand the sound of the chalk on the board. Same goes for velcro ripping, but with velcro ripping I feel it under my tongue and I have to press my tongue on to the floor of the mouth to lender the uncomfortable-ness. And i don’t like the feeling of my cloth mousepad, either.

I am glad that I am not the only one that feels like this.

It would be great if i could know what this (condition) is called. (If there even is a name for it..)

Sep 21, 2019
How to cope and manage
by: Verthalon

I have been having this problem of not being able to stand several things . Mainly paper as i really like writing and have to deal with it a lot at work and university.

Recently this condition has been worsening and Im also having other problems such as weird sensations on the tips of my fingers in both hands and feet. Mainly right hand.

Its difficult to grip things such as pens mouses as the sensation begins.

I cannot stand keeping my hands dry and am always putting water on my hands to keep it wet. I cant put lotions or moisturizers as well due to being irritating

I have seen a neurologist , had several tests :
blood tests normal , NCV was also normal , But EEG was abnormal . I dont however think this problem is related to EEG. The doctor referred me to a psychologist .

Can someone tell me how to cope with this .

Sep 18, 2019
I understand
by: Anonymous

My issue is I can't stand the dry feeling after my hands get wet. Ive found that eucerin lotion is nice and thick but not greasy! So I wear gloves to prevent my hands from getting wet when I can then carry the lotion in my purse to use after washing hands and such.

Sep 06, 2019
What could be causing your odd issues
by: Gina

Have your environment checked for mold. My sensory issues came and went with the development and removal of mold in our home. My issues were annoying (couldn't touch paper bags and the like) but mold can be debilitating in so many ways that are bizarre. Please, please, please, if you or your family are having behavior, attitude etc., (health issues) that seem to be, "all in your head", get your environment checked for mold.

Sep 05, 2019
A mild version
by: Anonymous

I hate the vibration transmitted up from the paper through a wood cased graphite pencil. Coloured pencils are fine. Charcoal pencil that vibration is so extreme that it becomes fun and I can use it. My fix for graphite is that some mechanical pencils don’t transmit in the same way. The heavy metal holders tend to be better.

Also fountain pens are better than technical pens for ink.

For paper, have you tried marker paper or yupo papers. Very different textures.

Jul 16, 2019
glad I’m not alone
by: Anonymous

I work for a mailing company and when we’re sorting boxes and bags I ALWAYS have to have gloves. If I touch a cardboard box or bag without gloves I want to throw up. Styrofoam does it too.

Jul 09, 2019
Desensitization and sensory integrative therapies
by: Anonymous

From what I know and suspect, this is directly related to tactile defensiveness. I have actually heard of others who are sensitive to this particular feeling as well.

The best and only way I know of to overcome this would be desensitization and sensory integrative therapies such as The Wilbarger Brushing Protocol or The Burpee Method of Buzzing And Brushing. Both of these methods require specialized training and should only be done if you yourself have been trained, or if another OT who has been trained shows you.

It also need to be monitored and supervised closely while the program is being used and fine tuned regarding frequency..

Jul 09, 2019
I didn't even realize this was a thing....
by: Anonymous

I'm glad I'm not the only one. When I touch cardboard, dry paper, cotton balls, etc., I get actual goosebumps. Even reading about it or thinking about it produces the goosebumps. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard, same feeling. I do also get overwhelmed easy. I'm glad I read all the comments so I know I'm not alone in this!

Jul 05, 2019
Yeah, this thing's so annoying
by: Anonymous

God dang this thing. I've been living with this problem for 21 years now. Whenever I buy a popsicle I always remove the stick from the pops and while holding it, it makes me cringe like crazy. When I go get groceries, I get my girlfriend to carry the paper bags for me because I can't stand the texture and feel of it. Everytime I have to touch a dry object like paper, toilet paper, etc. I'll have to wash my hands and slightly dry it, otherwise I'll have to force myself to touch/hold it and bite my lip. My therapist told me that I have to get used to touching these kinds of objects but it never worked, hope I can outgrow this problem.. somehow.. lol.

Jun 16, 2019
by: Anonymous

Wow. I have never read so many things about people feeling exactly what I've been feeling my entire life. It started in grade school when I couldn't touch the side of my hand to paper, I had to lick my hand and place it somewhere on the paper and relick for every line I wrote! Also I refused to carry paper bags in from my store.

I still live with the same problem and have found ballpoint pens to help with the paper problem and keeping my hands lotioned (but I hate the feel of lotion too so I put lotion on my wet hands and then dry them off). Anyway it pains me at work because all of the door knobs are brushed metal AKA DRY AS HELL and it gives me goosebumps and chills down to my bones even THINKING about touching it. I've started using my elbows to open handles.

I'm a nurse and whenever people wipe themselves with the dry toilet paper and their dry hands I cringe so hard and have to bite my lips and squint my eyes. The soap at work dries out my hands and I have to lotion multiple times a day but then wash it off. My own soap at home is moisturizing and I have less of a problem with toilet paper. Also buying toilet paper that is very soft is a Priority for me (the one at my work is so dry and every time I go to bathroom I dread using it)

I felt like I had SO many issues for years. But now I don't feel as alone. It could be a hypersensitivity things because any dry sounds drive me crazy and make me clench my teeth.

Anyway that's my ramble. Hopefully you guys can use some of my suggestions. I will keep reading to find more! I think this is a problem we will just have to deal with.

May 22, 2019
Glad i'm not the only one
by: Anonymous

I have to say I am not a fan about dry paper myself. I don't like the texture of dry wood, cotton balls, q-tips, and paper. I can touch it, but my teeth end up hurting or I end up cringing and start to get sweaty. I really hope somebody finds a cure for this because it is very annoying dealing with paper all day.

May 21, 2019
by: Anonymous

Omg I have the same problem I thought I was just sooper weird. Do you know if this is something that you can grow out of or am I stuck with it for life?

May 21, 2019
Hatred of dryness and sound
by: Anonymous

It is becoming embarrassing putting my figures in my mouth, bending over and wetting my toe nails with my figures to make them feel less dry. I am 22 and I don’t feel like I should be doing this. The thought of some specific things being dry makes me cringe to my bones. Things being, dry toe rain, dry finger nails, dry palms rubbing together, dry feet on wooden board walks and dry concrete.

I have tried exposing myself to the feeling of dryness but it makes me pretty emotional and angry. I also believe I have a hatred of certain sounds, mostly chewing, swallowing, tapping and dry sounds. I think maybe my hatred of dryness is related to my hatred of sound! The only thing I have found that helps my hatred of dryness is using moisturizer.

I am glad I’m not alone in this.

May 14, 2019
I never thought so many people also felt that way
by: Anonymous

It started around the same time as I started high school. I literally cannot bear the touch or the friction between my hand and paper, weither it be paper towels, paper sheets or toilet's really annoying. I love reading but I have to read ebooks instead of the ones I have at home. I even came to hate writing at all because the way I'm holding my pen creates a friction between my fingers that I really hate...

I just really hope there is a way to solve this condition because there is no way I keep on using the school really messes up my handwriting. I can't even revise my notes because of this. :(

May 10, 2019
by: Anonymous

So- I have this problem. So for paper and touching stuff like it- I got a 'glove' that I wear on my wrist and part of my hand. It helps a lot when I'm writing.

Apr 22, 2019
More like me
by: Anonymous

I've absolutely hated the feel of paper (and similar textures) my whole life and I've never heard anyone else say they felt the same until now. I personally find it especially difficult because I enjoy sketching, drawing, and other types of art that often require paper. I've learned to write and draw with my hand floating above the paper over the years.

Apr 12, 2019
I used to go with my dad to work at construction sites
by: Anonymous

I feel relieved that there are people out there just like me and I am not alone. I used to get this painful feeling whenever my hands were touching paper. It would also bug me when my teacher would write on the chalk board and it bothered me so much.

I used to go with my dad to do construction and I hated the seeing him sand the unfinished walls and the dry dust that would come into the air. It would just drive me crazy. Symptoms include pain in my wrist, arm and my teeth will bother me if I come into contact with paper, chalk boards, sheet rock, and many other things.

I hope that one day there could be some kind of cure for this.

Apr 11, 2019
by: Anonymouscookie

I used the vasoline overnight method and it makes handling paper tolerable. Nitrile gloves also work, it's better than latex. But, lack of air makes the hands really dry afterwards.

Apr 11, 2019
I'm 36 years old and I have been this way as long as I remember...
by: Anonymous

The paper after washing hands, the wooden stick, the super feeling of the dry smooth cement on the floor after on the sole of my feet after swimming, time, I hit my mother because she was reading a book and dragging a metal spoon on the is almost like dragging your fingernails on a chalk board kind of feeling I literally thought I was the only one and barely share with this wit others. Sad news is that I never found a good solution , other than lotion to make it just a bit better ...

Apr 08, 2019
Wow, I’m not the only one..
by: Anonymous

This drives me crazy, I can’t touch general paper or popsicle sticks etc.

At school I have to use a plastic library card under my hand so I don’t have to feel it.

Wetter hands make it worse, I CANT BARE touching paper, wood etc. With wet hands same with dry.

I feel I would enjoy school a lot more if I didn’t have this, mine only developed about 2 years ago and it drives me crazy.

It gives me goosebumps and shivers even just thinking about it..

I can’t stand blunt or bad pencils, it irritates me so much scraping on the paper.

I am happy to know I’m not the only one with this.

Apr 06, 2019
Not alone
by: Anonymouscookie

What is the treatment for this besides spitting on my hands? I use nitrile gloves at work to avoid touching paper. But I think it has gotten worse since I used the gloves. Not feeling the paper for a while makes touching it even worse.

I tried cocoa butter but that lasts maybe 5 minutes if that. I'm going to try wetting hands then sealing with vasoline.

I wish I could just spit. I got plenty of it and it works the best.

Apr 01, 2019
Glad im not alone
by: David

It all started the beginning of 5th grade when all the sudden paper just felt so uncomfortable and dry. Im in 6th grade now and its really hard to do work and my hands are so dry. I have tried so many different lotions and i have drank so much water but none of it works! I also HATE cotton or any fabrics that are made of small strings, such as cotton.

Mar 31, 2019
by: Anonymous

for me all my classmates have no paper phobia but i do i use to be so normal until it happend i am very thankful for this existing weating gloves especially latex helps alot but im not allowed them in school

Mar 29, 2019
by: Anonymous





Mar 28, 2019
I feel hopeless
by: Anonymous

I've suffered with this sense 3rd grade it's so intense that I have had anxiety attacks at school because of this people around me think I'm doing it for attention I've had to quit going to school because of it it's so frustrating I want to go to school but I just can't deal with paper and I feel like I'm missing out I hope someone can find a complete fix to this I'm so sorry if you have to deal with this it sucks I tried wearing gloves etc. But it's also the sound that gets to me if ya know what I mean.

Mar 28, 2019
by: Anonymous

As someone commented below, this type of behaviour, with sounds touching is typical of someone with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But it’s not exclusive to it, you could be hypersensitive, which would explain why touching things or auditory stimulation can cause difficulties.

Hypersensitivity can be a part of ASD or it can be part of another diagnosis or simply a stand alone issue.

But generally it links to SPD sensory processing disorder. SPD would explain why you don’t like loud noises or certain noises, why you can’t deal with certain smells, touch things that make you cringe all the way through your bones (as my son describes it) or smells that make you feel sick.

One way to combat this is to start small with the things that cause you difficulties by exposing yourself to them in order to become desensitised. Another way is to get the help of an occupational therapist.

You can take your issue to your doctor and they can refer you to a specialist for the needs you present with.

Hope this helps someone.

Mar 27, 2019
Dry hands and dry feet
by: Anonymous

When my hands or feet are dry or not moist in any way I cant touch materials like carpet, paper towels etc. I have had to wet my feet before walking on carpet many times before....I always wondered what this was...

Mar 21, 2019
I am 72 and thought I was alone in this.
by: Anonymous

In the first grade I suddenly was unable to write with a pencil. The scratching was similar to the chalkboard scratch. Whatever caused this issue got worse. Putting my hand on paper, cardboard, rubbing book pages together, crayons (I couldn't stand the paper feel on the outside or the dragging of the crayons. Worse was Styrofoam anything. Teachers in those days didn't understand this issue. At times I would bring wax paper and fold it under my hand so as not to touch the paper and used a ballpoint pen when allowed.

Sadly, I quit school at 16 solely because of these issues. It has been tough adapting in work and all other aspects of life due to this issue.

Does anyone have any idea what happened to all of us in this matter?

Feb 25, 2019
What helps me
by: Anonymous

I’m 28 and have had it since primary school....the closest description i can give my throat starts drying up and I cannot speak....I try rubbing my hands together and licking my lips to create moisture...try not touching any paper or any fabric (example clothes that I’m wearing because the dry feeling makes it worse).

What helps me relieve the symptoms is ALWAYS drinking water...when it happens, I drink water like there’s no tomorrow until the sensation goes away...

I don’t experience it as often anymore; but I have noticed that most times I experience it, it’s when I hardly drink I myself have related the condition to some sort of reaction of dehydration..

Feb 22, 2019
by: Anonymous

OMG YES finally I’m so glad to know that I am not the only one. I have had this issue throughout every single year of school and it drives me crazy! It also doesn’t help that I’m left handed and can’t write without getting graphite on my wrist.

ANOTHER thing I hate is that I can’t stand stuff like dull pencils, that drives me crazy. I bet I would actually enjoy school if I didn’t have these problems, and I’m only in 6th grade

Feb 03, 2019
So happy to know I’m not the only one
by: Anonymous

I hate touching paper🤢 the thoughts alone makes me get goosebumps, feel like my teeth are so sensitive and like my body needs cream and warmth if that makes sense.. if I take a shower or get cold (or both) the discomfort I feel gets soooooooo much worse.. I CAN’T touch paper or other dry texture stuff as well (li can’t I can’t I really don’t even want to think of it)

I’m 23 years old and I feel this problem did and still does influence me negatively (especially when I was younger and in school, I’m sure it was part of the reason I didn’t enjoy many of my classes, I didn’t enjoy anything that involved taking notes or using papers)

But now I learned to live around it (I take a shower at night after I finish all my work so I’m sure I won’t need to touch any papers after the shower, I make sure to always have cream around me, I am always warm/have a jacket and gloves and I only buy items with textures I am comfortable with ...

but still I wish I can find a solution or something that can fix this... it would be so liberating!

Jan 12, 2019
Update to previous comment - paper straws
by: Anonymous

I've commented previously, but thought I'd ask. Is anybody else nervous about plastic straws going away with paper straws replacing them? Oh how I HATE those things!

Jan 03, 2019
(gets goosebumps when touching certain paper)
by: Anonymous

(which affects his writing and reading, especially bothered after a shower)..

Jan 03, 2019
thankful for validation of son's experience
by: Anonymous

This is a relief to see; my son who is a pretty typical 11 year old has said for years that even reading is so tough because of certain paper textures, and homework and writing already a challenge, but he'll say "you know I can't to homework now!? I just had a shower!" (because wetter hands means touching the paper so much more irritating.

An occupational therapist I work with hadn't heard of it! A mechanical pencil seems to help.. and he does a lot of audiobooks.. but I'm still looking for more ideas..thanks..

Dec 31, 2018
by: IM NOT ALONE!!!!

Reading these comments has made me feel validated as I thought I was the only weirdo on this planet who had this affliction.

I absolutely hate that dry, crunchy, stiff texture that paper has. But Newspapers are the absolute fucking worst.

My own personal hell would be a room filled with newspapers and that was it. Sleeping on a newspaper bed, blanket made with newspapers, walls made of newspaper, and everything in the entire universe was made with newspaper.

Dec 21, 2018
Glad I'm not the only one
by: Anonymous

School life was a living hell for me because I literally couldn't stand the feeling of paper, school jumpers, black board and the edge of the tables they used at my school. There was one kid who would have his woolly jumper in his mouth and it would drive me absolutely crazy making me cringe so hard that I wanted to scream and cry.

I couldn't deal with pencils scraping against paper, nor the feeling of paper on my skin, I would protest constantly when told to use a pencil for numeracy lessons, literally always carrying a pen so I could use that instead, I got away with it too most of the time and when I didn't and was forced to use a pencil I would suck my lips in and squint my eyes every time the pencil touched the paper, it was such a nightmare omg.

The worst possible thing for me though is scratching paper OMFG this drives me insane it makes me want to die, it is the worst thing ever, I'm cringing so hard just writing this, I hate hate hate HATE it. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this "condition".

Dec 13, 2018
I thought I was the only one
by: Anonymous

I can't stand the feeling of paper when I'm writing, so I use my jacket sleeves or my long sleeved shirt to cover my hand so I don't feel my hand rubbing against it.

I also hate some of those science desks that have the dry feeling. I hate chalkboards so badly. Everytime I see something dry, I imagine people scratching on them. I cringe so hard.

We were doing something in science class today and my friend kept bothering me by scratching the thumbtacks on the table and I was freaking out. I had goosebumps and it just kinda felt like I was dying lol. It's so bad. Anything that makes the slightest squeak I will fill like I'm gonna die.

Im in band and play the flute and we play alot of high notes. I cringe so hard when I hear the noises. This has been going for years and I wish it could stop.

Anything that is dry and feels weird would probably kill me lol.

Dec 10, 2018
WOW My Father / Self SAME THING
by: Arrector pili ((0.0))

Hi all... I wanted to research this in college and give a speech on it, I didn't. I am in awe of how many ppl here have it too. I cannot handle anyone touching paper including myself, cardboard, pop-sickle sticks OH My Gosh !!

When I was about nine years old I told my father "I cant touch it" one day while doing homework and he immediately gave me that astonished look and replied with "You have it too?".

We talked about it at length throughout his life. He was a chemistry major and a commercial airline pilot all of his life and never cured this problem. We both avoid these items when at all possible.

The condition is quite hindering and slowed studying to a crawl especially when I was tired or not as interested. Mind over matter I suppose.

I feel sorry for anyone who has this. I also have tinnitus and they both cause such anxiety to the point I .. wont say. I can say it is bad bad.

In general I am a calm person and not much gets to me, not the anxiety type per se... In case it helps anyone..

I personally was over immunized in the 70s as I moved a lot between family members more than I could count. Considered high functioning autistic by a few who know me well including two internal medicine specialists and a few neurologists from when I had a significant head injury in 1968 causing petit mal seizures among other symptoms such as migraines and severe bruxism. I don't drink at all and no history of addiction.

Allergies are a long long list. ie.. aspirin, dyphenhydramine aka benadryl, Methylcobalamin aka vit B injection/capsules, statins, ibuprofens, novacaine of any kind etc etc.

As for my father, a genius possibly Asperger's. I have no idea of any major injuries other than his drug habits and alcoholism from appx ten years of age which he never beat yet was treated continually in rehabilitation until he passed away young.

Whenever someone or I touch dry paper or cardboard etc I find myself with "Tongue Over Lower Teeth" reflexively.

I would love to know more before it is my time. I guess it is time to start studying arrector pilli and etiologies..

"Arrector pili" the chills
microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis. When stimulated, the arrector pili will contract and cause the hair to become more perpendicular to the skin surface (stand on end).

Wow a lot of links below this..

May there one day be a cure for us all.

Dec 07, 2018
I'm not the only one??
by: A

Mine isn't as bad as others, but yes! I feel the same way. Dry wood on paper gives me crazy nervous ticks! Markers make me very uncomfortable. Sometimes I can power through, but usually I feel like I'm suffocating!

Nov 28, 2018
by: Colten

I thought i was the only one it feels good to know im not the only one

Nov 19, 2018
I thought i was alone
by: Anonymous

For some reason I can’t stand touching paper, or rubbing my hand on anything paper like. So everyday i wear a sweater to put below my hand when i write so i dont have to feel the paper😖. I also hate doing dishes because my hands get so dry.

Oct 22, 2018
synthetic fabrics
by: Anonymous

When I was a kid grabing some water proof nylon jacket or similar item would make me feel like if I was going to start suffocating but only in my mind, not physically; and to grab certain things I'd have to wet my fingers.

Besides this, when I was a kid I had aversion to the sound of things rubbing against some of the same types of syntetic fabrics I felt unconfortable touching. It would give me the feeling of wanting to move away or destroy the source of the sound. Funny enough I've never felt as unconfortable as others to the sound of nails on chalkboards or cutlery on a plate.

Now that I'm in my 30s I barely mind these things and even though I use to think they were related now I believe they have nothing to do with each other.

Oct 10, 2018
could we all have some sort of phobia?
by: Anonymous

i can't deal with cardboard, ripping paper, other people ripping paper, paper bags, fingernails touching pretty much anything dry, dry paper. Pretty much in that order, is how bad it is for me, cardboard being the worst. i cringe, get goosebumps, i get really bad anxiety when i think about one of the things i listed. i thought i was alone, but i guess not.

what if it is some sort of phobia?

Sep 27, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have had this problem since I was little. I'm 19 now and still have a hard time writing or doing anything with paper. Standardized test were awful for me because a pen is the only thing that helped at all. I also cant touch things right after I swim or shower that are dry including towels and if I have to touch dry cloth I always have to lick my fingers

Sep 04, 2018
Same problem
by: Anonymous

I am 14 and I can't use pencils only ball point pens without getting goosebumps and shivering. Whenever my fingers are pruned I can't touch anything without nearly falling off my feet. It doesn't help when exams need to be in pencil.

Aug 21, 2018
At last, I'm not alone
by: Anonymous

Omg, I can relate to so much in these comments, I can't stand so many sounds, but basically I like to call them "dry" sounds, the one thing that is different to me, is that when I hear or feel those sounds my mouth gets dry.

There was one time, my boss came to my desk, and started scratching it (the desk is made of this dry material) because he saw a spot on a table and he was scratching it for it seemed like eternity and I felt like my whole body was paralyzed and I couldn't do anything and I even felt some kind of pain in the head and neck.

When he stopped scratching it, he asked me something but I could not answer right away because I needed to recover from that state of paralysis. This was the most extreme scenario in my life.

I think the hard thing is that none of my relatives understand me, they think I'm making things up or something. And I understand that this might sound crazy to someone who don't feel this like we do. And it's so hard to avoid these triggers these days, when you buy or order something everything is in those cardboard boxes and opening them is so awful.

I mainly ask my wife to do that :) Good luck everyone!

Aug 16, 2018
This is uncanny
by: Anonymous

I also have also had problems with certain sounds and (less so) the touch of certain textiles until recently. Now I will touch my tongue to my fingertips to prevent that "dry feeling" upon touching paper products.

I also continually put lotion on my hands. I CANNOT STAND opening my cat's food cans, twisting a metal cap off a bottle, cracking a can of seltzer, etc.

I relate to so many of these comments... and what is incredibly interesting to me is a comment from from someone in July talking about extensive dental work!! I got crowns put on all of my top teeth in February and have had ongoing pain, etc. which the doctor has said is probably just overactive nerves. This seems like way too much of a coincidence.

The other thing though is I recently stopped taking Lexapro after 2 years. I've been thinking that is causing this overactive sensory issue.. who knows maybe it is all of the above.

I know one thing for sure... it really sucks and it makes you feel like a crazy person.

Thank you to everyone for sharing!

Aug 13, 2018
Might be autism
by: Anonymous

My son also cannot stand the sound of paper, cardboard, and wood so far. I believe it is the dry rub as most of you expressed.

Last year he was diagnosed with autism as other sounds started to overwhelm him. Sounds like coughing and clearing the throat.

Thank you for describing the feelings you had with these sound. It helps me to understand how he feels. I had to post as I read some of you asked what it is and I do believe it is autism and there is help.

My son is currently in ABA therapy and it seems to be helping him.

Jul 19, 2018
Me Too
by: Anonymous

I'm writing this to hopefully help. I have always had this problem since childhood.

Can't stand chalk, writing with a pencil, raw cotton, paper, Cardboard. It has been my whole life so I was sorta used to it. I rate it from 0-10. I generally was running at a level 2 and able to avoid these things. However, I had extensive cosmetic dental work over a year ago. Suddenly, I was at level 10. It moved onto to towels, clothing, paper, (even watching other people touch it drove me crazy) I've been to therapy, tried sensory therapy, doctors Medication for nerve pain) EVERYTHING. I really thought it was the dental work.

So, recently they discovered that I needed two root canals (nerves right?)after the root canal I am back to a 2. I hope this helps as we feel so alone in this it's hard for anyone else to understand.

Jul 08, 2018
I have this too!
by: Anonymous

I have always had these "symptoms" as well, although not as bad as some people. (Based on other comments). For me, the worst feeling, EVER, is crayons. I absolutely CANNOT use crayons, or else I have a panic attack. I actually walked around my house, grabbed all the crayons, and threw them away. And to this day, there is not a single crayon in my house, and nobody in the home is allowed to use them. (Even their own)

Jun 25, 2018
OMG Yes!!!!
by: Anonymous

I hate the sound of paper scratching against paper, or anything that scrapes. I especially hate cardboard. I can't take it and when I hear it I get goosebumps all over and feel cold and just thinking about it is giving my body this reaction. I don't know what it is but its very specific. It doesn't happen with money or anything else, just paper and cardboard.

Once, I was eating lucky charms and a marshmallow scraped against my teeth....NEVER AGAIN. I thought I was alone in this because no one I know has this. Sometimes even the sight of cardboard gets me nervous because I get worried I'll hear the noise. It's terrible and I hate it. I can't even touch a blackboard without cringing. I can't help but wonder what this is caused by.

Anyone got answers?

Jun 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

It's almost like this page was meant for me! I'm also not going to lie... I lick my hands that I'm feeling a dry spot on so I don't get that feeling...

Jun 13, 2018
i hate paper🙃
by: Anonymous

i’ve had this problem for years , i can’t even look at somebody touching paper it bothers me so much, i’ve never met anybody else with this problem and people think i’m weird for it. it sucks bc i love to read but hate touching the paper in the book. i hate any item that’s dry such as chalk i can’t stand the way it feels and i don’t understand how other people can touch it it just bothers me so much

Jun 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Finally people who understand me!!!!!!!! I’ve had this thing since like 1st grade where I could not stand touching paper bc I scratched it once and from then on I cringed at the thought. It’s so bad I hate touching cardboard, money, and anything that has that kind of feeling. Nobody at my school has this problem and they all scratch their papers to get on my nerves. 😲😲😂

May 25, 2018
I'm not alone!
by: Anonymous

Yes! I'm not alone. I literally hold papers with two fingers, my index and my thumb. I absolutely hate it when my art teacher expects me to use dry, crusty chalk and "blend" the colors by rubbing the chalk and paper with your hand. I also literally got in the habit of putting my fingers out before grabbing the stainless steel fridge so my fingernails won't touch it.

May 23, 2018
A lot of different things
by: Daniel

I’ve always had this issue too but I’ve just learned to deal with it. But it’s not just with paper, it varies a lot. I can barely touch paper, paper products, stainless steel, chalkboards, etc. The worst thing ever is having "pruny" hands from soaking them. That just multiplies the problem and I can’t stand the touch of anything. I try and avoid these things but if I have to touch them I will.

May 21, 2018
by: Mike B.

I can agree with everything I'm reading in the comments.I'm 38 years old and have always had this. The absolute pinnacle for me is wooden popsicle sticks. It is so uncomfortable just touching them nevermind trying to eat off of them. Goosebumps galore! God forbid my teeth scrape against one.

May 20, 2018
useful drawing tool that could help others
by: Anonymous

I draw, but I've been having problems doing it lately because of the sound and the feel of certain types of paper. This half glove somewhat helps.

Charcoal is the worst.

May 10, 2018
14 and hates paper
by: Anonymous

im only 14 but i’ve been dealing with this for a few years, since elementary school. i thought it was normal. i got into the habit of pulling my jacket up under my hand so i can write and it wasn’t until this year i noticed i was doing it. and now that i’m doing it, i cannot write any other way. people think i’m crazy because i refuse to touch paper.

i avoid doing work when it’s not mandatory because i don’t want to touch more paper than i have to. the problem is on my right hand only though, on the side of the pinky. it doesn’t bother my left hand although i’d rather not touch it. if i lightly stroke it with my finger, it tingles for a good minute after that. it’s nice to know i’m not alone.

May 07, 2018
Glad I’m Not Alone
by: Anonymous

I have loved reading the comments! I identify with almost all of them. Another thing I hate is those cardboard coffee cups for coffee. The kind at Starbucks and hotels!

May 05, 2018
I thought I was alone too...
by: Anonymous

The feeling of writing paper bugs me I’m like tryin to touch the moon when writing it is worse when I’m in my moods!

May 02, 2018
41 y/o female in hell because of this
by: Anonymous

I've suffered with this all my life. The biggest culprit is newspaper; I absolutely cannot touch it. When I was a kid in school, it was used all over the place for various projects, and it was murder for me to do. When I check the mail and those coupon things show up on newspaper-like print, I leave it for my husband to get.

I thought it was some silly problem in my head; just thinking about it is making me anxious and cringy. When people fold paper and crease it with dry skin, it makes me cringe and shiver. I yelled, "STOP!" at my dad once because of it. He was taken aback, but he may as well have been repeatedly cutting my arm or skinning an animal.

I don't understand why this elicits such a reaction, and I really wish I could make it stop. At least it's a comfort to know I am not alone in this.

Apr 30, 2018
This might help
by: Anonymous

I have had this issue very badly for many years, I also have the same issue with cardboard and brushed metals. It's tortured me for so long and has only gotten worse. I'm now 13 and about to go onto to do GCSE's and now is the worst its every been.

I became worried that this phenomenon would crumble my grades and continue to haunt me, so I begun experimenting. I soon came to realise that one way which almost temporarily gets rid of it is to wear headphones and listen to music. This I believe focuses your mind more on what you are listening to then what you are feeling. I understand that you would have issues if still in school like me as its "school policy" to not wear headphones in class but it's definitely worth asking a teacher.

I hope this comes on handy to someone and if I find anything useful I shall come back.

Apr 26, 2018
I never knew there were others like me!
by: 18 year old paper hater

I've had this feeling for as long as I can remember but I had never thought to look it up. An incident today prompted me to and now I'm glad I did!

One of my teachers was folding a piece of paper into 3 sections and as all the sides scraped together it drove me crazy! I had goosebumps all over my arms and the girl sitting next to me commented on it.

I may not have this as bad as some of the other people who have commented, but it's just something that gets in the way of my everyday life. Being at sixth form when people move papers across desks or rub their hands on some, it really grosses me out! I hate it when paper falls on the floor and it gets all gritty, the sound as it scrapes across the floor is horrific!

I'm also the same with washing my hands - I literally cannot touch paper after water and I never understood why. I also hate the feel of certain rough towels and was brought close to tears once because I had to use one.

Ironically I'm an artist and I'm going to study Animation and Illustration at uni this year so I won't be getting away from paper just yet!

I'd really be interested in finding out what this disorder is called, if anyone here knows!

Apr 24, 2018
I just recently started experiencing these syptoms
by: Anonymous

Recently I have began to notice how my body reacts when I hold a certain type of paper. The smooth papers are just fine, but once I touch a more granulated or "dusty" paper, I will involuntarily hold my breath. I do not do it on purpose, but I will struggle to breath normally while holding a paper and I did not really know why until now.

I am still not sure that this is what I have and I am not 100% sure it is just not me being silly, but I have literally started to notice an odd discomfort and the feeling of not being able to breath while my hands are on a paper. I have even resorted to putting on lotion and I honestly really hate to put on lotion.

Hoping I can get over this!

Apr 19, 2018
I thought I was alone too
by: Anonymous

I’ve had this feeling since second grade and I’ve wanted to die due to the feeling it drives me insane especially since I have to take a lot of notes through class I don’t usually wash my my hands cause it boosts the sensitivity I hope they will make a cheap special type of paper for people with sensitive nerves I use germ x or wear thick leather gloves when I take notes I would think in class why do I hate the feeling of paper or am I the only one that hates paper I also hate when people find out so they crumble up paper rip it or rub it together if I can figure out how to help get rid of it permanently I will be happy

Mar 26, 2018
I Get This
by: Anonymous

I am left-handed which makes it harder but my only suggestion is to wear a sweater

Mar 11, 2018
I get it
by: Mushy

I love art, I love drawing, I love using my artistic abilities.... but I can't handle to feeling of dry paper. I always pulled my sleeves up so my hand wouldn't feel the paper.

I get Jan, too with the hand-washing. Lotion immediately follows. One more thing to add, I can't go bare foot. The feeling of dry feet sends me through the roof. Lotion and socks.

Regardless of what you say to overcome this...... tactile disorder...... bulls..... I'm over 50 and that's a nice thought. Please don't bother charging anyone for your time. It doesn't work.

Mar 02, 2018
by: Jan

I’m a retired teacher. I hate touching paper. Too smooth, cold, and dry. When I was a child in school, I wore a sweater every day. I’m left-handed, and I would pull my sweater sleeve down over my hand to drag it across the paper. This is one of my most vivid memories. So To the boy who used transparency paper, I totally get it.

I also hate it after washing my hands, that smooth and dry feeling. Gotta have some lotion. One more thing, manufacturers tags at the back of my neck can ruin my day. Thanks for listening.

Feb 26, 2018
by: Anonymous

It gets my every time especially when someone rubs paper with there hands to turn the page.

Feb 04, 2018
I know the struggle
by: Anonymous

I have had the same problem since my childhood years. Im now 31 and still go thru the daily struugles of living with this.

Im a pre k teacher and it gets in my way of every day things i must accomplish i feel helpless and my family thinks im crazy. I have to wear gloves just to touch paper or even to restock paper towels...thats the worst. I haven't found any help...ive just learned to cope by trying to avoid those items and ask for help when i need to use them.

Makes me feel sad.

Jan 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

i have the same problem and i am 14

Jan 08, 2018
by: Anonymous

I've had this issue since I was six and the weirdest part was is that started with dreams.

I can't even describe the dream but I would wake up crying, stressed and my teeth would grind together. After a few dreams, my dad and I realized the solution was putting my hands under cold water. I think these dreams came from touching the bedspread or something.

Along with the dreams, my hands would get so dry I wouldn't want to touch paper or any other dry surface including my own hands which were a pain. I even remember once in second grade in my after school program I asked one of the teachers I would tell her the answers to my homework and she could write them down. But sounded like cheating to her so that was a no... my hands would be usually dry after washing them or from being cold.

So I started carrying around lotion in my backpack. This was helping for school and I managed to focus and get my work done but my problem still wasn't solved. I hated going out to eat because it was always the same thing. Go to the bathroom and wash hands, dry hands, ask mom if she brought lotion, oops no lotion, put OLIVE OIL on hands, eh didn't really work, the waiter brings ice cold water, grab c\glass of water, DRY HANDS.

This happened so often I didn't want to go out to eat or wash my hands. And If I was forced out to eat I would get jitters and uncomfortable. I hated it. Ill also cringe from, fingernails on a towel, wet rope or like shoelace being tied and rubbed against each other and felt markers. My teeth would hurt I'd get chills and cringe.

All of this would drive me crazy and I hated it so so much.

Dec 29, 2017
I found some relief using latex gloves
by: Anonymous

Lately it has been very bad as it is winter and dry...I can't even touch a paper grocery bag. My past relief was licking my fingers before touching freshly dried clothes, cardboard or paper...but I started wearing these gloves and they really helped

Dec 28, 2017
What to do about drawing
by: Sneakers

This is Sean Anderse from earlier...the last letter my name was cut off.

Well, as I mentioned, I have this problem, which kills the enjoyment or reading books...but also...I draw a lot..and ended up drawing on the computer as well as colouring the art....but I loved doodling with paper and a 2B pencil...but the sensation tends to get to me...have to use a small smooth object, like a book or CD case.

Think I mentioned that i n previous post, but dont think I asked if there was paper out there I can draw with that is much smoother to the touch...but not super Vellum paper or drafting paper...thing is, both are pricey, and both I believe are more transparent. I am looking to paper that is similar in appearance to regular paper, just without driving me bonkers from touching it....most paper in sketchbooks are quite rough....even when erasing lines, the sound also makes me shiver and cringe.


Dec 24, 2017
So True
by: Anonymous

I am glad, I am not alone.

Suddenly I feel hypersensitivity with noise and touch. I can't stand hearing cat scratching on cardboard, music, paper sounds.

I cringe, feel shiver and chill when I touch paper, cardboard or rough surfaces.

I don't know what's wrong with me. It's been a week I feel like this.

Dec 09, 2017
by: Jiro

I had also suspected I was the only one in the world with this . Thank you so much , since now I feel a little better . Knowing countless people have this too .
If anybody has found the name for this phobia/Disorder then please tell me . Thank you 👍🏾👍🏾

Nov 27, 2017
Wow, I always wondered what was wrong with me.
by: Sean Anderse

For as long as I remember, think in high school, I had trouble touching paper...touching or rubbing paper would make me shiver and cringe...almost as if someone did the nails on a chalkboard.

The sensation of touching paper is so hard to deal with at times, and never knew that I was like that...even thinking and writing this, makes me shiver thinking about it.

I would often lick my finger tips(then slight drying them a bit on my shirt) when reading a book and turning pages, and I also used a smooth surface object, like a book or music CD, or plastic card, to rest my had on when writing.

Thing is, I love to draw, I draw a lot on the computer, but love drawing with pencil and paper, but the touching of paper makes it such a pain.....the one joy I have in life is followed by the worst feeling & sensation I get just from doing that one thing I love.

I really wish I can get rid of that, cause it's just a terrible feeling to have, and no idea why I am suffering from it,am sure I never had that problem before...I used to read a lot as a kid, but now reading isn't fun when your skin is shivering and cringing from the constant touch of the paper.

I would also like to draw without having to get shivers from the touch of the paper as well. Hard to tell people this, cause they cant relate to the feeling I get from it.

Nov 26, 2017
Me Too
by: Lorna

I can't stand to touch chalk, newspaper, powder, sandpaper and that super soft material that is used for robes and throws. Just thinking about those things puts my teeth on edge (shudder).

Nov 08, 2017
What i use
by: Archer

in class i use a hard plastic sheet of clear plastic i put it under my hand. Its not the most effective way but it still works.

Nov 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have this problem too and i thought it was only me

Nov 06, 2017
i needd helppp
by: Anonymous

i dont know if i am autistic but i was sitting in class writing a paper about autistic terms and then i felt the need to look up 'what does it mean if u hate the texture of paper' everytime i write, it feels dry and my wrist gets cold and it makes me cringe and i get grossed out and it says i may be be in some way autistic and it is just so scary.. helppp @nicholesheltonn

Oct 23, 2017
So I am not alone?
by: Anonymous

Rubbing paper on my dry hands affects my ears first, then caused an irritating tightening of the chest for me... I have learnt not to rustle paper at all, however, people get to do it beside me quite often but I have also learnt to close my ears in anticipation of the action... Perhaps, it is an auditory problem, I can't be sure though... I expect there is a name for this condition... Anyone?

Oct 20, 2017
Yeah same
by: Anonymous

I really really hate the feeling of paper so whenever I have a long sleeve jumper I will always pull the sleeve up so it covers half of my hand and My hand won't touch the paper. It really helps.

Oct 19, 2017
I’ve been d also my point it’s this as an adult
by: Daniel

I’ve had this my entire life where certain materials drive me nuts and oddly take my breath away and make her hard to talk when I’m in contact. If I’m having a sensory overload while holding a newspaper or a fleece sweater then my voice will sound breathless and reserved lol.

I’ve just learned to deal with it and I use a lot of lotion. Lotion completely changes things for me at least until it is absorbed in like 15 minutes.

I disagree that you can rid this by constantly over sensitizing someone especially a child. I’m a mailman and I case 600 newspapers a week and it’s still exactly the same. I doubt it’s something you can get over like a fear of heights or spiders..

Oct 19, 2017
dry markers on paper bother me
by: Seth

I had a job where I had to highlight paper and for some reason it drove me crazy sometimes, almost made me sick. But it seemed mostly isolated to the job so idk.

Oct 15, 2017
im not crazy
by: Anonymous

i just seen a video on youtube that made me think maybe i should look up this thing i have had all my life.

when i was a kid this is my first big fear in school.i thought i wouldnt be able to do normal schooling due to this.everything shot goose bumps threw me when i would touch dry still happening 35 years alter.

i guess i should really look into what this is.i tried explaining it to a psychiatrist but she wasnt understanding what i meant. thought it was ADD or something like that.

Sep 16, 2017
by: im not alone

i thought i was alone because i had asked people at my school everyone said no but every time i rub my hand on something dry my ears felt tingly

Sep 05, 2017
I thought I was crazy n alone in this
by: Anonymous

I've been dealing with this as far as I can remember. Paper and towels are probably the worst of it. I can't stand the feel of paper or the feel of it on my wrist,palm while writing or if I have long sleeves on I have to push it up. I can't stand if something is on top of paper like a towel. It drives me nuts!!!!

The thought of others touching paper as well makes me cringe and grind my teeth. Especially when someone drags there finger across it.

I would LOVE to know what this is called. I believe it's some kind of sensory disorder n anxiety but I really don't know. The material of certain things also bothers me. My mom an cousin have the most horrible material in their car n I can't stand to sir in it. I can't wait to get our.

Just typing this and reading everyone's comments makes me grind my teeth. Ughhh!!!! I could go on and on

Sep 02, 2017
I'm not crazy....
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much. I thought that I was the only one suffering. I frequently travel from school to school, so I meet a lot of people, no one I've met has had this.

When I started 7th grade, we had a back to school night, and I had to continuously hold a piece of paper. I kept putting it in my pocket so I didn't have to touch it. My father kept seeing me do this, so he repeatedly said, "Get over it!" By this point, I started to think I was going crazy.

When we started school, I was ready. I had bought an erasable pen. I find this very useful for me, but some of my teachers didn't allow it. All I could do was use it in secret. If I needed to erase something, I would put my hoodie sleeve over my hand to hold the paper still.

Erasing itself still irritated me out of my mind, but it still worked...I tried using gloves, lotion, etc. Yet nothing else worked... This was the best I could come up with, so that's what I did. I still haven't figured out anything new, so I really hope there's a solution...

Thank you for your time.

Aug 31, 2017
Foam Rubber
by: Andrew

I am 50 and for as long as I can remember I can not touch foam rubber. Other materials like sandpaper (the very fine kind) weird me out, but not as bad as the foam.

Forget waterboarding, just bring in some foam and I will tell you everything you need to know. Just looking at the stuff I shiver and my toes curl until they hurt.

For all of you with the paper issue I feel your pain. Once I bit into a piece and I thought I would die. I just hope I don't die before my older brother because he will bury me in the stuff.

Aug 29, 2017
i'm so done
by: wants a normal life

I don't know what to do or how to stop this feeling. It makes day to day tasks hard and no one except my mother takes me seriously, my dad thinks it's a stupid little thing. I cant fold paper, use napkins, write with woodner pencils, touch suade, touch certain materials or even sit on my couch bc of the fabric. I don't know what to do and the feelings are getting worse by the minute.

Aug 24, 2017
Interesting it affects so many others!
by: Anonymous

I'm 45 & have had this my whole life. You learn to cope with it better over time, but it's annoying. I wipe my hands on my face (or hair) to get oils from it on them & it helps. I was the first one in my family to have it & have passed it on to my 2 boys. They've had it since they were little & I was careful to hide it from them until they started having symptoms on their own. Their having it is actually somewhat reassuring to me. I've taken a lot of grief from those around me for it & my 2 boys having it helps show that I'm not making it up.

Aug 13, 2017
What is even worse...
by: Anonymous

What is even worse is the dry recycled paper towels in the bathroom to dry your hands on. My god, that makes my teeth hurt and runs chills down my spine. I hate that feeling so much...

Aug 07, 2017
I hate the sound and touch of paper
by: Anonymous

This is totally me. I cannot stand the toouch and sound of paper. example: When someone is running there fingers along a paper it makes me cringe so hard. touching paper is horrible as well

Jul 29, 2017
I hate chalk
by: Anonymous

I hate touching chalk or cardboard. That horrible dry feeling on my hands. I get the shivers just thinking about it. Pencils and paper are bad too, but chalk is the worst. What is this weird thing? I had no idea so many people felt the same way.

Jul 20, 2017
Construction paper
by: Erin

I have always hated touching paper, and the sound of other people running their hands or fingers over paper is the most offensive sound in the world to me, I violently cringe. But there is nothing more offensive or disgusting than construction paper.

I have a friend that thinks it's hilarious to wrap birthday or Christmas gifts in it just to see what I will do. I HATE IT SO MUCH.

Jun 04, 2017
same thing
by: Anonymous

I get the same feeling and when i touch dry pottery, i shiver and my jaw feels so weird!!!!! I've tried lotion but it only works for 10 min.

May 27, 2017
I am kind of suffering from this.
by: Anonymous

This is the closest thing I can find to what I am feeling. I can't touch glass or some of the shiny types of paper without feeling sick or wanting to shield my ears.

May 05, 2017
I have this too!
by: Anonymous

When I touch a wooden pencil it feels HORRIBLE I refuse to touch it. I regularly use macanical pencils/ plastic pencils.

Apr 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

i hate the feeling of when i touch the edges of the paper or like if someone is rubbing their finger on top and bottom to turn the page it makes my tounge push up against my bottom

Apr 09, 2017
Anxiety driven tick?
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have severe anxiety and I notice that when certain things trigger my anxiety, my difficulties with touching, looking at, thinking about, or seeing or hearing other people touch certain textures is a thousand times worse. I thought I was losing my mind, Im so glad I'm not alone.

Most porous textures, and dry textures set me off badly. I can handle touching plastic, and some types of metal... but for the most part I cannot stand touching paper, wood, most types of metal, chalk, anything with dirt or sand on it. Anything abrasive - like sand paper, multiple forms of fabric set me off... Its a complete mess.

I try not to think about it, if I see my child playing with chalk I try to focus on something - anything - else. I'll even start voicing my thoughts or walk a few steps away so I can't hear it. I've tried using lotion on my hands before touching anything that might set me off, sometimes it is unavoidable... but it is starting to help less each day. I hope it improves soon. I thought I was alone and totally losing it. I think it is some kind of phobia worsened by my preexisting anxiety. I hope that helps somebody.

Apr 08, 2017
My story to dryness
by: Anonymous

I am only thirteen years old and I always felt like it was normal to hate the dryness of paper and other things like it. Eventually it kept getting worse where till every 30 minutes I would put on lotion. Eventually I knew something was wrong when I started to refuse to touch other people for my fear that there skin would be dry. I would have them put lotion on first.

Finally I am relieved to know I am not the only one. I also put a tissue under my hand when I write on paper. Thank you so much for helping me. If you have a diagnosis for this issue please email me at

Thank you

Apr 06, 2017
I feel the same!
by: Anonymous

I can't touch paper, napkins, popsickle sticks, certain materials, etc., or watch people touching them or hear people touching them without cringing and getting the shivers. I feel like it's how most people feel about nails on a chalkboard x 100. Lotion helps sometimes, but other than that I haven't found a solution. It's really nice to know i'm not alone though!

Apr 04, 2017
Totally dry hands
by: Anonymous

While typing this also my hands are feeling like suicide but I will try using some lotion or moisturizer .

I do not like the feel of papers to the rear of the palm while writing but I go to school So I can't resist it out do anything about it . I also don't like it when my fingers are dry and they have so much friction that I feel like not writing It is so unbearable.

You can contact me if you have a solution email

I didn't know that I was alone suffering this thanks now I feel a little light.

Apr 01, 2017
Papers on hands.
by: Anonymous

Me too in this time, I hate it when I have to touch paper so when I'm writing or drawing in a papers,I always place a handkerchief or a piece of plastic underneath my hand so I can't feel the paper. And I absolutely hate it when someone was rubbing or scratching on papers, I can't look at them because it gives me the shivers.

Mar 31, 2017
Other products.....
by: Anonymous

I am unable to pick up a bag of icing sugar or custard powder, for me they squeak and quite honestly freak me out. Cotton wool in any form makes me break out in a cold sweat.

Mar 27, 2017
I'm not the only one!
by: Anonymous

My daughter and I are the same way, I am worse. Only lotions or creams that make my hands normal again. If I go swimming I have to put lotion on right away. Wierd but salt water doesn't bother me. I truly believe I was the only one until today when my 9 year old told me she couldn't touch paper after washing her hands. With there was a cure, I'd even thought maybe to be hypnotize might work?

Mar 27, 2017
The fealing of paper and rope
by: Anonymous

I can't stand the fealing of rope or paper on my skin and watching sombody touche or rub it gives me the shivers. My uncle is a psychiatrist and he says it might have to do with past experiences in child hood. I suggest whear gloves when you can.

Mar 08, 2017
I can't believe there are so many of us!
by: Anonymous

For as far back as I can remember I have had issues with certain textures and materials. Chalk, sand, chalkboards, paper, staticky hair, silk and many other materials. Sometimes I can't even look at a person who is touching a certain material.

One time I even put vasoline in my hair because it was so staticky that I was starting to feel panicky. I always wear socks, I try to stick to cotton and I find that wet or oily textures help to calm me down (for example I can handle mud but something about sand makes me cringe). I seem to have an aversion to gritty, soft, dry textures. Weird! I wondered for a long time if maybe I have undiagnosed OCD?!

Does anybody have a name for this?

Mar 02, 2017
Give it a name
by: Anonymous

Same thing as you all, I can't stand it after having a shower. And the worst thing seems to be that it doesn't have a name, a cure or anything. I'm just waiting for a name, I'll stay updated and tell you if I find out something.

Feb 20, 2017
Maybe Soluton.
by: Anonymous

People, I had the same problem since I can remember myself.I couldn't stand the paper or wood en surfaces, especially after I washed my hands.Now I don't mind anymore and I think I know why.Maybe because I started to work with my father and my hands became bigger and harder.It's like they don't touch my hand anymore.

After that I also started to train iron palms.And the problem seem to fade away.I am not sure that was the solution, but this is something you could try and see if it works instead of using lotions and such.Good luck to everyone I hope this helps you too!

Feb 10, 2017
they thought I was making it up, happy am not the only one
by: Slim

Right now I feel like rubbing the whole bed with oil because I can't stand the feeling of my skin against the bedsheets. The thought of it alone gives me shivers. I spit on my head while making my bed if not I could just faint. Please I need help because I think it is getting worse everyday. My email is Any one who knows the name and cure should kindly assist before I go crazy. Thanks a lot.

Feb 02, 2017
Struggling all my life
by: Molly

like so many of you in the comments I have had this since being a child, I can't STAND the feel of paper particularly newspaper even thinking about it makes all my hairs stand up and I get shooting pains through my teeth. I also can't walk around barefoot in case a crumb or something gets stuck to my foot it just feels repulsive and I hate certain floor textures!

I hate cotton wool dry towels etc and... I'm struggling to even type this as it causes me so much pain in my teeth, but my daughter has books that are made from that strange 'squeaky' slightly glossy paper and that's the worst I can't even talk when I see that paper my mouth goes paralyzed into a tight knot!

I desperately want help and sometimes wonder if this is OCD in some way? Or anxiety? There's no answers here that I've seen and that makes me sad because it's a horrible feeling that we could all do without:(

Jan 28, 2017
I have the same problem
by: Anonymous

Has anyone resolved this issue please?

Jan 18, 2017
Paper makes me shiver
by: Anonymous

I can not I repeat CAN NOT touch paper because whenever I do it makes me shiver or I just throw it away. When I'm writing I try to avoid touching the paper but I can't! And whenever I scratch it I just can't stand the sound and feeling. Please think of a soloution

Jan 06, 2017
The need to scratch
by: Laura

This is the closest thing I have found but is kind of opposite!! My son gets the urge to scratch the page of whatever he is reading. Like he can't control himself and HAS to do it. If I am sitting next to him reading he will HAVE to scratch my page!! There are a few other things he scratches like, tables, rocks, anything ripply. Where would I find info on this??? Feel free to contact me

Jan 03, 2017
Been there. Still am
by: Jezebel

Me neither, I always wrap the foil of the popsickle around the stick. And then people look at me funny. Why cant they just make plastic sticks? I also cant stand the feel of paper. And that sound it makes when someone rubbes it between their fingers ugh I get goose bumps all over just by thinking about it. And lately the sound of doors closing really pisses me off

Dec 29, 2016
Raw wood and worms
by: Leslie

I cannot touch raw wood at all. Popsicle sticks, wooden spoons, knives with wooden handles. I start getting tense even by looking at them because I get the thought of the feeling of touching them in my head. Worms, that's another story. When I see one I start shaking and get that shock feeling throughout my body and almost feel panicked. I can't plant flowers, or garden, and walking anywhere in the rain is so stressful because they are everywhere. I think because they have no eyes and they are just wiggley. I don't mind snakes or things like that, just worms.

Dec 20, 2016
paper and fingers
by: Anonymous

I do not know if anyone has this, but i literally can not stand the feeling of paper on my finger or anyone else. Like making a paper airplane, you have to slide your finger across the paper to flatten it, but i get light headed and to the point of almost passing out when i see or even think of stuff like that. not sure what you would call it.

Dec 20, 2016
Me too
by: Anonymous

I am sensitive to when someone scratches paper I just don't like the sound it makes me shiver I so not know why this happens

Dec 19, 2016
by: Cat

I have suffered from this for a long time. Growing up I was excused from all art projects requiring chalk. I have never been able to use powder. I can't do laundry without a pump of lotion in between each folded item. I can't bake because I can't use flour or powdered sugar. Just typing about these things gives me chills and makes me nauseated. I hate washing my hands because my hands are so dry afterward. Wiping dry things with other dry things is horrifying. I have very strong reactions that I can't control. I start to spit and twitch my head side to side...and I have to rub my index finger together with my thumb extremely hard to try to make moisture. I know that sounds wild... but it is just instinct. Very bizarre. I researched it a while back because it was so weird to me and the closest thing I could figure out was xerophobia. I am going to talk to my psychiatrist about it. In the meantime, I guess I will just keep using lotion and avoiding dry things.

Dec 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

Yea I have these same exact problems. Feel free to email me at to talk more. I would really like to talk to someone that knows more about these problems.

Dec 16, 2016
cant touch anything dry but lotion helps!
by: crystal

omg this is crazy i need to know wat this is called i cant even touch a towel when i get put the shower to dry myself off i have to put tons of lotion on before i touch anything dry or immediately after and it gives me HORIBLE anxiety its worse than nails on a chalk board i cant focus.. my heart feels like its beating out my chest ..i cant even eat dinner with ppl that use napkins because seeing it even drives me crazy

Dec 15, 2016
I didn't know other experienced this
by: Anonymous

I have also had issues touching paper - especially in the winter. The best way I describe the sensation is like needles on my skin. Really uncomfortable. Lotion doesn't seem to help - it actually makes is worse. When I have to work with paper at work, I wear vinyl exam gloves. It's the only way I can focus. I look like a crazy person, but I'm beyond caring.

Dec 15, 2016
I have the same issue
by: Ted

I'm 32 years old I have the same issue would like to address have had this problem as long as I could remember. Even during school was made to think I was wrong for thinking so or just being ridiculous. I always tried to wear long sleeves whenever possible and rest my palm on it. Same with napkins books as well especially paper back copies. Which is I was trying to read just now and got fed up and found this article

Nov 30, 2016
Me Too
by: Anonymous

I just thought I had dryer skin then everyone else as I couldn't touch paper with putting lotion on first and always have to lotion after washing for sure. Avon Intensive Therapy lotion is the only lotion that has worked for me. I've used it for at least 20 years. I've tried many kinds but they don't help so I stick with my tried and true Avon. But Gold Bond has a lotion that is pretty good too...that I just discovered recently.

It's really weird to see that this is maybe a sensory disorder. I never for once thought this wasn't normal. Glad to see I'm in good company though.

Nov 24, 2016
Omg yes finally
by: Gabbee

I literally thought this was just me but I literally cringe when I walk barefoot on carpet I have to put lotion on my feet or wear flip flops all the time. I can't write on paper without something on top of the paper paper it just makes me feel horrible. I always feel like my skin is dry. I can't even use certain fabrics it's so irritating and sucks but I'm glad I'm not the only one that makes me feel a lot better about it

Nov 19, 2016
Paper horror
by: Anonymous

My 8 year old son can't stand touching paper or markers, what would be causing it,.

Nov 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hy! I just googled this to see if maybe it is related to a medical condition or deficiency and found this. I see that you all have this problem i also have since forever and you just remembered me that i was spitting in my palms as a child and my mother started to buy me hand cream(she's the best mom).

Since then i used tons of creams. I can't even speak to a person if i don't use cream after washing my hands and sometime between washings, so i never leave the house without cream(people think is because i don't want wrinkles:)))))))))

I tried many types of cream and 98% of them don't do the trick. I wanted to tell you that for me Dove rich nourishment cream does the trick. It is in a flat round white box(not tube).

I think that you can find it in any supermarket. Hope so, because i never looked for it in other countries, but hope that wherever you are you can find it and if you don't try all the creams and hopefully you will find that cream that does the trick for you! Good luck!

Nov 12, 2016
I have the same problem
by: Cathy

Ever since I was in primary school I was aware that touching paper whilst writing gave me the shivers. I seemed to be the only person like this and found it hard to cope. I finally discovered that if I placed a plastic ruler underneath the side of my writing hand it helped me to concentrate on writing.

Now, as an adult of almost 50 years old, I still have this problem but only when I have washed my hands. They have this horrible overdry feeling and I definitely cannot touch anything until I have used a lot of hand lotion. Not all lotions work, I found one which did and have been using it for years.

Now it has been discontinued and I am having a nightmare time trying to find one which will allow me to touch objects after handwashing. I have found that Vaseline body lotion with micro droplets of vaseline jelly is the next best thing so am sticking with this. I sympathise with all of you who have posted, it's so good to know I'm not the only one suffering from this strange condition.

Oct 30, 2016
Email me Melanie
by: Anonymous

Hey Melanie if you are reading this, I live in Springfield OH so Im pretty close to the location you posted on here. Could you email me at . I would like to talk, I am having the same problems.

Oct 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem - Lots of lotion like some other people have suggested is my way around it although when I was little I would put something on top of the paper so I did not feel it.

Oct 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing but I use a sweatshirt and cover part of my hand when I wrote so I don't feel the paper. I also use lots of lotion.

Sep 20, 2016
by: stacey

could it be to do with biting my nails. I bite quite bad sometimes on the tip of the finger. maybe I have messed with the nerve endings.

Sep 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

"When ever you sit down sit on your hands and they will get hot and sweaty then when u touch the wood paper or wall it won't bother you (this is what I do to get through class)"

I do the sane thing! xD

Aug 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem and I hate it because certain lotions do not work. However, it is most noticeable when I am sleeping over at someone else's house right after a shower or bath.I most definitely can not stand touching fabrics and blankets the most.but I started washing my hands with bars of soap instead of liquid soap and it actually dose help.

Jul 13, 2016
by: Saiya

When ever you sit down sit on your hands and they will get hot and sweaty then when u touch the wood paper or wall it won't bother you (this is what I do to get through class)

Jul 13, 2016
by: Kaai

I hate touching all of the things that people are listing and when my nail hits one and scrapes across it I cringe the rest of the day. When I was little I used to spit into my hands,that was gross so I started carrying lotion with me everywhere but after it dryed it made it worse. Two tips I have for people like me is to wash your hands thoroughly and then put on the creamy type lotion.If you aren't able to do that at the time then just hold it as tight as you can and you won't feel it's cringiness

Jul 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have this nail on a chalkboard kinda thing that happens whenever my nails scrape against paper or dry paint, i am not affect by anything else like Styrofoam but this just really gets to me. It makees e want to scream out in pain and the feeling stays with me all day. How do i get rid of that feeling.

Jul 06, 2016
Can it only be one type of paper?And can it be sounds?
by: Anonymous

All my life I've reacted to this paper that feels kinda' chalky.When I touch it I cringe and have this irritating feeling going through my teeth and my stomach and I feel the need to scratch something else to ease the "pain".When I think about the feeling of touch this paper I have the same reaction as I do when touching the paper in real life only lighter.Sometimes I have the same but an even lighter reaction when the pads of my fingers are a little sweaty and I slide my fingers down different paper.I also have a terrible feeling when I hear someone whispering or eating with their mouth open.It's like I need to get out of there right then because it feels so bad. I even feel the need to bang on something.Do I have some type of disorder or?....

Jun 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

same its so cringy and horrible

Jun 13, 2016
by: Unknown

I have started to get this cringe feeling whenever I think of paper, wood or walking bare feet on carpet. So I first diagnosed myself when I got my first ever perfume (LOL!). I was so excited to open it (Davidoff Coo Water perfume btw) but my god the box gave me a cringe attack because of the cardboard and just hearing the sound gave me unpleasant goosebumps. I have realised that this sensation is increasing i.e when I am sleeping in my bed and my bare feet touches the bed sheets I just cringe so badly and even when I touch my hair I cringe (WTF!). However, it's not bad to the point it's making me want to kill myself. No. It's just really irritating and the cringe sensation hurts.

I do think having a lotion with me may help so I might just get one as the comments below are recommending.

Jun 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have this and it drives me nuts I'm in middle school

May 31, 2016
by: Anonymous

People always make fun of me because of this. It's really annoying. They don't know what it feels like.

I'm SO glad I'm not the only one.

I love you guys.
We're family, we're home ♥.

May 31, 2016
I'm so happy!
by: Catherine

I have literally struggled with this my entire life! I'm so happy that I'm not the only one! The thought of touching paper, cardboard, dry wood or anything with that dry sensation is making me cringe. When I do touch anything like that or simply see it/think about it, I just a violent and instant wave of goosebumps all over my body and I shiver and just cringe.

However, despite the teasing over the years, I am able to just ignore the shivering and goosebumps and touch the paper etc when I need to. Sometimes I don't even get a reaction. I personally think it is about training yourself to embrace and get used to the feeling. As a psychology student I can honestly say that with this sort of thing, it really is about mind over matter. But as always, everyone is different so it may not work for others.

I've just managed to train myself (only sometimes) to accept the feeling and not let it affect me! Good luck guys!

May 17, 2016
Terrible feeling when touching certain dry things
by: Nuke

I have licked my fingers often all my life even as a child in school. Unfinished wooden spoons, paper, cardboard, dry towels, etc. gives me that chilling feeling you get when someone scratches a chalkboard with that annoying screech sound. Licking my fingers helps. As an adult, I wet the handle of the wooden spoons, and use lotions before touching papers. But licking my fingers is my quick fix, and a day does not go by where I don't lick my fingers at least once a day. Wish I knew what this condition was called, but it seems like a common issue.

May 08, 2016
I'm not crazy! I'm so happy I'm not alone in this! (Going through childhood with this)
by: Annon L

I'm actually crying from pure joy that there are other people out there who are going through the same thing!

I've had this since birth, I can't stand the feel or sound of sand or dirt, or any rough/gritty/dry surfaces, like rough scratchy fabric/materials, paper, wood, powder, powdery concrete, chalk, cardboard, etc. It feels like my skin is burning and I feel sick to my stomach.
The SOUND of scrapping/rubbing can be beyond cringe-worthy - my throat chokes up and it feels like I want to cut off my ears! Really sparks irritation and violent urges!
Scratching nails accidentally against paper/cardboard is the WORST! I feel like I want to pull off the affected nail (I try to put pressure on it and wait for the sensation to go away).

I'm curious, is anyone else affected by rough skin abrasions? Do you ever feel the need to 'tear them off' to 'smooth' out your skin??


For parents with children who have this, it's great that you're looking into this! Please support your kid/s! This 'disorder' is very isolating. School was a nightmare for me. I felt very alone because if I told people that what they were doing was making me uncomfortable, they would deliberately use it against me to hurt me. If I didn't tell people, I would be forced into uncomfortable situations. Add that to parents and siblings who thought you were crazy/attention-seeking makes for a pretty sad kid.
Being exposed for long periods to things they are overly-sensitive to WILL MAKE THEM TIRED AND IRRITABLE! Kids are likely to be more open about it but adults are just better at accepting/or hiding it (poker face).


WRITING: I used a wide plastic ruler under my hand/arm for writing, and I would use a ballpoint pen whenever available. I would lick my hands if I didn't have anything else available but it didn't last for very long.
(Going into high school, I tried to desensitise myself by practicing with paper a few times a day. No more ruler, but it is still very irritating!)

READING: I lick my fingers/use hand lotion or use gloves/long sleeves and a plastic ruler to hold the pages down while reading books.

DRAWING: I love drawing and I hate it. As a kid, I would wear long sleeves to shield my hands/arms from the paper and use my shoulders and free arm to block out the noise of the pencil on paper. Thankfully we have ipods and earbuds now to help with that ;) Switch it over to pens or high-quality graphite pencils (smoother on paper). AND WELCOME THE DIGITAL AGE WHERE WE CAN DRAW WITH TABLETS :'D

WORK: No help here really. Grit your teeth, there isn't much you can do about it. When you have break, give yourself a space where you can zone out and disconnect for bit.

DEALING: The way I have dealt with this is by learning to disassociate/disconnect myself (though this can lead to other problems).
My advice, give yourself time everyday to meditate/chill to distress your senses. Lots and lots of water to help keep your skin hydrated and keep hand lotion handy.

21 y/o, female, (only person in family with this).

May 06, 2016
Confirmation after 42 years
by: Anonymous

All my life I couldn't touch wooden spoons handles or knives dishwasher glasses..taracatta man took me out to eat last week...I could not touch the napkin ...he's seen my episodes before..he's so good he just takes the knives away. I asked the waitress if they got new napkins she said no which made me think I was crazy. We went back a couple weeks later sat at the bar..again couldn't touch the napkin.I wanted to spit on my hands..I asked the bartender if they got new napkins..yes a couple of weeks ago. I was so happy to prove to my man I really have something. I called my mom and five siblings to tell them its REAL and I finally have proof and witnesses!!

Apr 29, 2016
Support groups?
by: Jennifer Parrish

Unfinished wood and metal pans, paper, cardboard, and chalk. I'm nauseas just reading the comments. Is there a support group for this? I hate this! I'm a mom and I don't need this in my life!

Apr 28, 2016
100% feel the same way
by: Allie

So glad I'm not the only one who suffers from this! People think I'm crazy! I can't stand touching cotton balls or towels either! Drives me crazy.

Apr 21, 2016
Folding paper
by: Anonymous

I can't stand the feeling of running my hands along paper in order to crease it and sometimes after I wash my hands they feel weird to touch on paper and it makes a cringey feeling.

Apr 09, 2016
Weird and a struggle
by: Anonymous

I have a felling when I use a pencil to write I get a dry mouth and like some wired chill but when I put something in my ways so I can't here it s fine it's really a struggle mostly in school

Apr 05, 2016
by: CheesyGarlicBread

I can normally stand the feeling of paper, but after I wash my hands everything feels chalky and rough. I hate it. This process takes about 10-15 minutes to clear up, but sometimes I have to write a lot so I lick my hands to make them 'not chalky', but it never works. This even happens to my feet when I shower; blankets and carpets just feel scratchy and rough and blankets feel like microfiber. (uugh i can't stand microfiber) I don't know if this is a real thing but I'm wondering if I have a skin sensitivity or disorder. Help?

Mar 29, 2016
Lotion helps me.
by: Anonymous

After I take showers, I can't stand the feeling of my skin touching powders and most fabrics. Lotion helps, but it is still annoying. I will stand on smooth floors and avoid carpets at all cost when this happens. As someone who bakes a lot, it is annoying when I get goosebumps from touching flour.

Mar 23, 2016
Same problem (cant take showers)
by: Anonymous

I am 16 now and for about 5-6 years now I have the same problem when getting into contact with water. It's similar to what other people were explaining as "scraping a chalkboard". I cant stand it.. I go months without taking showers. It's getting really bad and I want answers.

Mar 15, 2016
by: Anonymous

You guys gotta try Lanolin for hands/feet!!!! It's a nipple cream for nursing mothers. I know a little weird but it works! I could have this on my hands and then wash them and not need to reapply! Such a huge relief to have something that works so well!

Mar 13, 2016
Paper problems
by: Anonymous

So interesting seeing people having exactly the same problem as me. I'm really struggling with homework..

Mar 11, 2016
I have had this all my life
by: dd

I hate touching paper or dry unvarnished wood (like wooden spoons). Smoother paper is worse than rough paper. It is also worse if my fingers have been recently made wet (after a shower, swimming or some other activity that causes pruning of the skin, especially). It is so weird to finally read cases where other people are similarly affected.

Mar 10, 2016
My Child
by: amy

I have a 9 year old little girl and she has to wear gloves to touch any papers. It is very hard doing homework and reading. Has anyone ever used medication to tackle this problem?

Mar 09, 2016
Heavy metals and OCD
by: Anonymous

All of you that think it has something to do with heavy metals in your system, you are correct. Have a look at this book, called Medical Medium by Anthony Williams (he's on facebook too). He discusses heavy metal toxicity and how to overcome it. His book is fantastic. Good luck!

Mar 02, 2016
I'm glad I'm not the only one
by: Anonymous

I have had this annoyance for at least 10-15 yrs. Lotion does help a little.

Feb 22, 2016
Any idea what's happening?
by: Eden Calavari

I'm a high school student in a butt load of AP courses, so, naturally I have a lot of work. But whenever I touch paper that is really refined, like completely smooth, I just freak out. I can work with sketchbook paper and grainy notebooks but it's so obnoxious...please help!

Feb 16, 2016
by: Anonymous

Just a quick update, Sortkwick is AMAZING for helping this. You can get it at a office supply store. Just tried it today and I don't have keep reapplying it, nor do I get that residue I get from using lotions.

Feb 14, 2016
So I'm not alone!
by: Anonymous

It's really interesting to read there is such a wide spectrum of different textures and levels of aversion to touching them. I never had an issue with this until my mid to late 30s when I noticed it one day while picking up a wooden spoon. It almost felt repulsive to hold it for very long. It was and still is an odd feeling.

For me personally, it's:

dry, rough, or unfinished wood
cardboard boxes

I have tried overcoming this by forcing myself to get used to the feeling and power through it; sometimes it's not too bad but usually I just get the task done as quickly as possible and move on.

I have no idea what would have brought this on so late in life. I've never had sensory issues as a child but my son does have issues with loud sounds and has trouble concentrating on tasks. But he is excellent at puzzles, sorting and organizing.

For me I think it could be some sort of heavy metal poisoning or toxicity. I have developed an allergy to raw aluminum over the years. Possibly from working on automobiles and handling from from polishing trim parts and wheels. Now I have to make sure to wear gloves of some sort to avoid breaking out in with an itching rash. Aluminum is very bad for the body and I believe it could have adverse effects on the nervous system as well.

Feb 12, 2016
Why is this happeningggg
by: Julz

I am 21 and this has been happening to me for awhile! Does this mean it is a type of a sensory processing disorder? I can not stand the sound of cardboard opening and I can't even touch it without putting on massive amounts of lotion ( gold bond only but that only last a minute maybe) a few more things do that like clothes unless they are silky, linens, and most things that are fabric related or paper related even after washing my hands or showering!!!!. Sometimes it makes my hands hurt so bad I have to lick them ( gross I know) all during the day my hands will get dry and immediately start hurting and needing lotion . Is there anything that can help? Anyone know what is causing it? It is so terrible and I'm so happy someone else has it besides me

Jan 23, 2016
by: Cate

I can't believe I'm not alone! I'm 22 and I've had this "quirk" for a long time. Usually I can just cope by putting on lotion after I touch anything of a particular dry texture.

Things that really bother me:
-Fabric car upholstery, felt, etc.
-Untreated cardboard and wood
-Anything rubbing on carpet
-The feeling of powders on my skin (baby powder, chalk, etc.)
-Dry towels

Touching or hearing any of the above makes my teeth hurt and my hands/feet feel dry and paralyzed. Anytime I do laundry or have to touch anything I dislike I just put on lotion before, during, and after and it's bearable. I'm hoping that as I get older the amount of lotion I put on will slow the aging process of my skin--so this could be a good thing!

I do really like the feeling of very glossy and smooth things. I love the feeling of silky sheets, sleeping bags, tent material, and smooth marble/granite. Sometimes I can counteract the feeling of dry things by touching something smooth.

Jan 17, 2016
I wish I had sweaty palms lol
by: Anonymous

Hi guys, so I have had the same issue with the "dryness" coming mainly from after water use shower, washing hands etc. and it gets a lot worse in the winter time or when its rainy for me. I think I have traced this to its source, and would like to hear feed back. I've talked to my parents about when this all started and they believe it was about the time I turned 6-7 right before going into 1st grade school. The only thing I can really come up with with all the many hours of research and doctor visits (my doctor had heard of this kinda thing from one other person before me).

I think it could be some sort of heavy metal poisoning to the brain. Probably from all the vaccinations we get at birth or before starting school. Things like mercury tooth filling and all sorts of other toxins we come in contact with, maybe the cause of this reaction in our brains. So I have started to change my diet to a more plant based diet with high focus on super foods that help with the detox of metals like cilantro, parsley, honey, and high fiber foods like chi seeds and flax seeds. Ive also started juicing vegetables. Im going to give this a try and see if it helps and I will repost if I get any results. Please any feed back is welcome.

Jan 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

i was drawing a diagram of a stem cell but after working with my pencil for a few seconds (not even a min) a felt to werid to even hold my pencil
and i had to take a few breaths. and when the side of my hand touches the paper it fells werid but bareable. now i use a pen and that makes it better but WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH THIS PROBLEM.

Jan 07, 2016
Same problem!
by: Anonymous

I thought I was the only one in the world that felt like this! I absolutely hate it when people flip pages of their books and newspapers and I hate writing while touching the paper!! Why does this happen?!!!

Jan 05, 2016
You are not alone
by: Anonymous

Writing this makes me cringe as I am pouting my lips that seems to help.... I'm 14 and now it is worse than ever I have had this problem for a few years anytime I go toilet (call on me gross) I can't wash my hands for the fear of the feeling afterwards SAME WITH SHOWERS a huge no no I can't stand it and I carry lotion every where and it is really annoying. I hate the feeling of towels on my hands rubbing on my nails and hands in fact I wake up in the middle of the night with berry dry hands and apply a ton of lotion in fact when I have no lotion I have no choice but to spit on my hands. Same with paper, I hate writing or touching paper washing dishes having showers and so on. My twin sister and older brother have the same problem I seem to have it worse. Please can someone tell me what this means

Jan 01, 2016
lotion is key
by: Anonymous

Yes i have struggled as well with this same problem for 24 years now. Can not stand after showers or anytime washing my hands. Cold chills unless i am realived with lotion. I have been so curious as the what caused this to be. My brother also struggles with this problem. Which makes me so curious why? He's. A year older then me (25) im 24. And this. Has been our whole life battle. Its nothing horrible. To live with more like annoying. Especially if no lotion is around. But time also helps. Then i feel normal like it doesn't Bother me until i have to wash my hands again!. And winter makes it sooo much active. I wish i knew why this happened. Id say something with my mothers pregnancy. Or my father. My sister is fine-Diff dad. But my only brother who has this makes me wonder about father . Mystery but i thought. We was the. Only two with this problem. I i use to think it was normal. My mom thought. I was. Weird with a lotion fobiea. Lol

Id ask people who carry lotion n they wouldn't.have the problem then they look at me crazy lol iv never actually met someone besides my brother who's with our problem. I have searched and asked though

Dec 25, 2015
I hate dry skin
by: Anonymous

I am an adult and have hated anything dry, especially the feeling of brown paper bags on my skin, my whole life. I have no sensory processing disorder. I am fully neurotypical in every way and it has not had any negative impact on my life. I have met many people who dislike dryness. I don't see why this is something you have to "fix" or "diagnose", unless this is one of many other problems. I just don't use brown paper bags, and I keep my skin moisturized so it's not dry when my skin rubs on paper when I'm writing.

Dec 19, 2015
Same prob
by: Anonymous

Im a 13 year old and since I was 5 years old, I hated rubbing paper together or the sound with writing a pencil on a paper. I hate this sound.

Dec 12, 2015
Me too, thought I was only one
by: Anonymous

Just like others, I decided to look up why this happens to me also and was suprised to find this. it's happened my whole life but bugged me more now in my 30s, although I can handle it better. Just the thought of touching paper gives me goosebumps and as a kid I used to lick my hand to deal with it touching the paper. I still do that in emergency situations but mostly I learned to keep lotion around. I noticed it happens worse after showers. And I can't touch towels hardly, I have to have moisture in my hands or I cringe and want to lick my fingers. I'm also bothered by the thought of cotton or cloth in my mouth. If I imagine putting tablecloth material in my mouth and biting down I get horrible goosebumps. Makes me want to cringe up and push my lips out ... Weird to say that out loud. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone on some stuff!

Nov 17, 2015
nose blowing
by: stacey

I hate when people blow their nose it makes me cringe so much. Also I hate when people say `S` I don't know what's wrong with me. Also dry materials make me cringe I'm nearly 17 and have had it for a few years now but this year is the worst. I don't even like the feel of my clothes if their really dry or cotton. I thought I was the only one who had this aha. It kinda hurts when I cringe people can tell when I'm cringing because my lips stick out aha. I'm actually sick of this now I can do anything without cringing.

Nov 11, 2015
by: Anonymous

This is what i have. I cant stand the feel of paper,cardboard,stairophone, my bed sheets, anything dry, my couch, about probably 3/4 of materials and i CANNOT have dry of dirty feet i cant stand it. Im 13 and ive had it for a couple years but this year has been the worst the clothes im wearing now i cant touch i just hate the feeling ughhhh im sick of it and want it to go by i dont know how.

Nov 03, 2015
by: Anonymous

I've had this too for a long time, sometimes it's worse like in the winter and the air is so dry. I get chills touching fabrics that are too soft as well. My mother has only said she hates the feeling of wooden spoons. Lotion helps me. I always have nail polish on too since the bare nail is very dry. Filing my clean dry nails is terrible, I have to bite my lips the entire time because it feels like filing my teeth.


Oct 27, 2015
by: ATomonumous Vee

I would like to add moist dirt has active probiotics in it, also certain clays moisturize on a deep level. You can do "grounding" with dirt but not clay. that might help the ocd part of it.

Oct 26, 2015
i even get night mares,
by: ATomonymous Vee

use goat skin soap bc it has an equal ph as human skin. for nails, strength you can squeeze vitamin E out of capsules, biotin every third day for nail strength, and sodium and low levels of creitine to keep hydrated. also pews at church, cotton balls, and in the morning holding a pencil and paper in the morning only sometimes when i am writing in my dream journal. i have even had night mares about hanging on dry church rafters holding on for dear life, dads a minister and i hope no one else has one. Also essential oil like stinky neem will do skin wonders. not autism in my opinion (i think i have lli if anything) , just dry skin and a small ocd to be comfortable. my parents don't have it, my german mom is a librarian and the dry papers made her hand permanently dry, but my brother dose. lets call it the dry chills, its deff universally called the "chills"! LLi (low latency inhibition) and oversensitive i feel would go hand in hand.

Oct 24, 2015
Me too
by: Andrew

I knew someone else could have this.

I have mild discomfort with the dry feel of toilet paper and paper towel.

I definitely get the goose bumps with stairofoam and several cardboard items.. especially egg boxes.

It is as if I allergic to this dry feel.

I do not think this is related, but my dad is irish my mom Honduran.

Oct 08, 2015
I also have this problem
by: Diane

Well tonight I decided to look up why I can't stand the feel of certain things. I can't touch Styrofoam, newspaper, chalk, chalkboard, pencils, sand, baby powder, cardboard, white egg shells and some books with dry pages. I remember as a child and as far back as I can remember. I have a photo my mother took of me washing my feet because I couldn't stand the feel of the dirt on my feet. Pencils in school were horrid to use, I prefer pen's, on shiny paper. I am white, American, mother's side is Irish, father's has some Cherokee native American and Irish. Not sure why this may be important genetically. I can only have shiny everything, paper, sheets, guess it's that horrid dry feeling. As a child I had sucked my thumb until about 10years of age, I had anxiety and reoccurring night terrors. I have no clue the name of this sensory problem, but it's always been with me. I also sleep with my arm straight up in the air and if someone pushes it down it goes back up again. Also found stroking my arm with my other hand. While I was asleep. Any idea's.

Oct 03, 2015
Can't touch powered things
by: Anonymous

Why do I shiver and get goosebumps when I touch flour or any powdered things? Could anyone help me on why that is

Sep 20, 2015
I feel weird
by: Anonymous


I CANNOT touch anything made of unpolished wood.

I also HATE touching receipts, paper.

I can't bear touching newspapers.

What does it do to me if I do ? I get uncontrollable shivers and goosebumps all over my body. Just thinking about it makes me react like that. Same when I type about it...

I've been like that for as long as I can remember, I'm almost 28 now. It's really annoying.

Sep 04, 2015
wooden icecream spoons - my nemesis
by: ml

Eating from/holding popsicle sticks and those aweful EVIL wooden spoons in school icecream snacks. Arrgh! Chills, jaw clenched. And, dear doctor, I can completely flatten my tongue out WITHOUT your wooden tongue depressor, thank you very much. Cheap wooden pencils, especially when they get that rough spot in the lead, or worse, get dull and the wood skritches on the paper. The chills are so bad if I try to speak, since my jaw locks, i merely utter an eloquent "Unngg-unnngg-mmmnnnggg".

Aug 30, 2015
I'm not alone!!
by: Primcess D

Omg finally I've found other people who feel the same terror of dryness as I do. This has existed as long as I can remember. My dad used to make lefse during holidays because he's Norwegian and it takes a LOT of flour to make it. He would press out the potatoes and roll them out onto flour and I remember being 4 years old and getting this horrible feeling like nails on a chalkboard around the flour. It got even worse as I got older. I went on a ride up a mountain once and my feet got all dirty and dry and I started crying and made my mom find me a bottle of water to alleviate the dryness. I thought it was a phobia but it makes sense that it's a sensory disorder because it's such a horrible and unavoidable feeling.

I couldn't even participate in cooking class back in high school because the flour and icing sugar was too dry and made me shake and cry. I can't stand paper either most of the time or dry hands or dry feet. Even going to the beach is terrifying because the sand is so dry and powdery it freaks me out. I wonder why nobody knows about this.

Aug 27, 2015
Me too but I have a solution
by: Anonymous

I cant stand the feeling of anything dry, especially paper. I swear by :sortkwik" you can get it at most office supply stores and it last forever. It creates a film on your hands similar to lotion. Its non-toxic, hygienic and long long lasting. I use it all day everyday as Im a paper/pencil pusher for a living. It doesnt leave your hands oily. So hard to explain but the person having this problem will love it. It is also excellent for anyone flipping papers that cant stand licking their fingers to flip.

Aug 25, 2015
It has nothing to do with autism not even closely related.
by: Laen

I didn't have this problem when I was younger, it randomly started happening in my late teens. If I wash my hands and I am forced to do so at least 25 times a day, for long periods of time because of my job.(<-- It could be related to overwashing and letting my hands dry out to much.) I can not touch paper products,egg shells,egg cartons,some glass,pottery and dry gritty materials anymore, unless I have my gold bond hand cream. Touching any of these things gives me the same sensation of dragging my nails across a chalkboard.

Aug 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

Someone below commented about how she can't take showers because of the feeling after wards, I totally get that, it's even worse when I have to do the dishes, my parents don't understand this and it kills me to do the chore

Aug 10, 2015
You're not crazy
by: TthePT

I too have had this condition my entire life. It mostly affects my hands, occasionally the soles of my feet and when it strikes I can't touch ANYTHING until I put on a "good" lotion that works.

I was lucky because my Mother also has it, knew it was real and not just me being weird. Now one of my daughter's has it as well, which makes me question a genetic component. The way it was explained to me what that we don't have enough sebum and/or other proteins that serve to keep moisture in the skin. If your hands get wet it washes what little oils or moisture off of the skin. If you touch something with significantly less moisture in it that your hands it leaches away the oils and moisture on your skin. Anything that takes away the oils and/or moisture in your skin leaves you with that horrible dry hands, I can't touch anything, nails on the chalkboard feeling. In our family we call it a "Lotion Emergency"

Through trial and error we've discovered what lotions are "good lotions" and work and other that either don't work or make things worse. I love Johnson and Johnsons Baby Lotion, and Gold Bond Ultimate to name a couple. I have lotion on me at all times and must put it on immediately after every time I wash my hands. I am a physical therapist so that can be a lot of times.

At my daughter's school I had to write a note and call it "and unusual form of eczema", to make sure my daughter can keep lotion at her desk and/or on her person and not have it confiscated by an over zealous teacher or day care provider.
In short - figure out what lotions work for you and always have it nearby so you can put it on immediately after any irritating encounter. I hope this helps someone. I too hope they find a name for this condition and legitimize it so we can work on even better solutions.

Jul 25, 2015
Same here
by: Anonymous

Thank god I searched this up. I always thought it was only me. Can't stand the sound of fingers on fabric, it makes me cringe, it gives me goosebumps.

Jun 30, 2015
Finally I'm not alone
by: Elina

Wallpaper is by far the WORST for me! Only the thought of it makes me want to scream. And when people rub their hands together..oh god.. And it just never goes away. Always had it.

Jun 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend, who is now 19, does the same thing. He can't touch money or anything really dry or else he'll panic and start gasping for air. He says it's like an asthma attack to him, where he can barely breathe. It scares me most when we're on a date and he can't handle the money because he'll start gasping again. It's the same with dust or certain paper or even certain tables. He'll say they feel too dry and we'll have to move to a different spot or choose something different. I love him dearly, this just scares me.

Jun 24, 2015
How I cope with it
by: Anonymous

I feel so much better knowing that this is a real thing. Usually I layer on a ton of lotion to help myself cope with the dry feelings. When lotion is not available I constantly lick my fingers to keep them moist.

Jun 22, 2015
by: anonymous

I am 16 now and this all started around 11-12 years of age... Now that I think about it.. when I was younger I would always hate the feel of dry things such as paper and dry hands of the other students. But now it's much worse.. I can not take showers! Afterwards I get a really weird feeling that I cant really explain... I don't like to touch ANYTHING.. I keep my hands to my sides.. usually my skin is the only thing that feels right.. I tend to go to bed to sleep it off as fast as I can... I don't take showers but maybe once a month now.. and this is a huge problem...

Jun 18, 2015
any solution please
by: Anonymous

I get that weird feeling too when someone rubs against any type of fabric.Its crazy and i feel like screaming really loud! It sounds too funny to others. Is there any quick solution to this like controlling that feeling at least at that moment. Please anyody??

May 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

My 13 year old son does not read story books because of the dry hand feeling. He constantly kicks his hands. But I'm more concerned when he is in his science class, if he licks his hands there he could ingest harmful chemicals etc. so his teacher suggested he wears gloves during the science lesson!!

Also, he does not shower often because his hands and feet become extremely dry and he hates that feeling. When I tell him do his homework after the shower he refuses and says he will do the homework before having a shower because he cannot touch his books or papers due to his hands becoming dry. He also hates the fork rubbing on the plate!!!

May 17, 2015
i hate this cringing feeling.. i feel crazy
by: Anonymous

Okay reading all the comments on here is a HUGE trigger for me as even thinking about these things. Fresh washed towels, paper, toilet paper ESPECIALLY. Dust, dusty concrete, paper towels, books, chalk, chalk boards. . Those fences made out of that awful material that really old cars are made of and always have the urge to scratch and i scratch it and it makes me feel repulsed and bends my brittle nails back... i am really struggling with this in my job as im a cleaner. And my partner is a tiler so hes always COVERED in dust and i cant let him touch me til he showers ... i feel crazy.....

May 13, 2015
Not a phobia
by: Anonymous

This issue that we all seem to have in common is in my opinion not a phobia. As others have already said, its not really a fear of dry things, its some sort of misinterpretation by the brain. For someone who does not have it, I would try to imagine receiving the common uncomfortable feeling of chalk screeching on a chalkboard when touching paper or other dry things as well as hearing dry things rubbed together. I've been conducting some thorough research, but it seems that across the internet the condition is not widely known. I think the best thing for us all to do is spread this comment list around and get people to recognize its existence. People, when your doctor or shrink or anybody else raises their eyebrow at you I would show them this long list of people who all identify with the condition. Personally I think it is some form of S.P.D. (Thus the location of the post on this site).

Apr 27, 2015
by: Emma

This is what gives it to me:

-anything with a fine chalk or dust (rock-climbing chalk, sidewalk chalk, playground sand in your shoe, talcum powder). this is the worst
-foam sandals
-certain fabrics such as fleece or the upholstery in my mom's car, although once I start thinking about it really any rough fabric can give it to me.
-creasing paper
-getting graphite on the side of your hand after drawing or writing for a long time
-touching newspaper
-people rubbing their dry hands on my skin, especially my legs. if i start thinking about it though it can be their hands moving across any part of my body that gives it to me

When I touch any of these things or even think about touching any of them my hands and feet get really sweaty and I feel really uncomfortable.

If I start feeling this way the only thing for me to do is take a shower and moisturize myself.

Exposure therapy does not work. I had a friend who thought it was a joke and that I was being dramatic and he forced me to wear a fleece jacket. It was horrible and I still am affected by it.

I know my dad gets this sensation with styrofoam and unfinished wood.

I'm glad there is a forum for people to talk about this. I had no idea that other people experienced this too. I definitely don't have it as bad as some other people do.

Apr 24, 2015
Not autism!!
by: Anonymous

It is NOT autism or Aspergers! Please don't provide your "guesses" to people who are genuinely concerned with finding a solution for this problem. I have never enjoyed the feel of touching dry paper, chalk boards, cardboard, whole life and not once did I suspect "maybe I'm autistic" lol I wish I had an answer for what or why I have such a sensativity to it but I don't, nor do I pretend to. I try to use lotion on my hands often and have developed a quick way of folding paper at work that doesn't include sliding my fingers on the paper to crease it. (Which drives me crazy when people do it) also I try not to tell even my closest friend of my uncomfortableness with paper and pencils because most people think it is a joke and will think it's funny to annoy me by doing it. So rule #1 for me..don't tell people! Lol

Apr 06, 2015
by: Anonymous

I'm 19 and just started getting these fears and sensations a couple months ago. I've gone my whole life being fine with touching towels, paper, using pencils etc until now, it's kind of freaking me out. Does anyone know why this came out of the blue? Will it subside? Please help

Apr 02, 2015
by: Anonymous

When I touch dry material or think of it my hands sweat like crazy and I cringe really bad u get really upset as well. I struggle with this problem very often. Can someone tell me what this is called?

Mar 14, 2015
I Feel the Same Way
by: Anonymous

I'm in school, and I have this problem myself. If I ever wear sleeves, I pull them down so that it rests between my hand and the paper.

Does anyone else also get this feeling when using crayons?

Mar 02, 2015
mat be related to mild form of autism
by: Anonymous

My daughter has same experience can't stand to touch paper eat off paper plates. When sge was younger she would lick her hands. I can't stand it when I touch certain metal my hand itches and skin is sensitive to dirty surfaces it burns and tingkes. We need to find out what this is because these experiences as strange as they sound are real and need to be validated and researched to see if there is a cure. When we have looked up things in the past symptoms matched a form of autism called Aspergers. Think about how people with autism don't like to be touched. What If we are suffering from a very mild form of Aspergers. Look it up and let me know what you all think.

Mar 01, 2015
I thought I was the only one.
by: Anonymous

I can't touch dry paper towels when my hands are dry. I get a strong urge to scratch the paper towel when I do, and it gives me chills. Whenever I need a paper towel, I have to get someone to wet it for me. Sometimes, I also get the strong urge to scratch any paper I may be using. Just like with paper towels, I get chills when I do this. I then have to wash my hands as soon as possible.

I can't stand the sound of paper rubbing together, which is especially difficult for me because I use blending stumps frequently in my artwork. I have to have music blaring in my ears so the sound doesn't bother me. I also can't stand the sound and feel of styrofoam or cardboard.

Feb 25, 2015
Where do we go from here?
by: Maalik Muhammad

Ok, I've had this problem my whole life and I'm turning 25, after reading all these comments my whole body is trembling and full of goosebumps from just thinking about all this paper, cardboard, styrofoam, and chalk. So, now that I know I'm not crazy and there are all these people with this MAJOR problem and no one has any real answers...what is this diagnosis?! It's not a phobia...I'm not having nightmares or lock myself away to escape it..I've just dealt with it for 25 it's not a's just an uncomfortable feeling like nails against a chalkboard, especially after wetting my hands.

We all know the symptoms now..what we don't know is what caused this? Why are we silently suffering? Is this hereditary and genetically inherited? Is there a cure? He'll, is there even a real name other than sensory processing disorder? We need to let this be known...what is everyone's race and gender? Are certain people more prone to have this than others? Are there any studies whatsoever to figure out what this is and if there is a cure. Maybe we can help each other out if no one else will...I find that certain lotions help, like Curel fragrance free, and certain Vaseline brands work best for me...that's how I've dealt with this...I also use a blow dryer to dry off with instead of a towel and lotion down from head to toe, also latex gloves. If we can show that this is a disease or a disorder we can save our children and ourselves a lot of discomfort...for example: in the classroom setting or even the work setting, people with this disorder that have to ha e constant contact with paper should be able to wear powder-free latex(or plastic, etc.) gloves and it may help. My email is, send me an email if you have any information or just want to correspond and rant to each other about how bad this sucks until we can do something about it, but we first need to know exactly what this is...I don't know if SPD is the actual medical diagnosis of this or just words being used so we have SOMETHING to call this problem we're all experiencing...thanks

Feb 23, 2015
me tto
by: Anonymous

im 11 and had that feeling my whole life its really annoying

Feb 17, 2015
I'm amazed to find this page
by: Anonymous

I cannot stand even the thought of cardboard, or two pieces of paper rubbing against each other. Even as I'm typing this, i get those "chills" go up my back, similar to that feeling you get when you run nails across a chalkboard. This makes it INSANELY difficult to take notes in class. Using a pencil causes the same discomfort, there's just something about the dryness and the texture.. aslkdfj.

I need to stop typing about this because my body's going crazy with the "chills", or whatever it may be called.

If there's anything that can help this, I'd love to know.

Feb 06, 2015
Me too
by: Brian

I am 11 and I feel horrible when I tou ch chalk, paper, , scrape fork on a plate and some type of fabric and wood etc. I hope there is a cure because I really hate it and it makes me go crazy. I want to be a psychiatrist when I'm older but I can't do it with this problem!

Feb 06, 2015
It gets better
by: Anonymous

I am 51 years old and have always had a problem with the feel of paper and also dry hands after them getting wet. When I was young this was a major issue and I can relate to most of what others have said on here. One way or another I have managed to cope with this and accommodate my sensitivity so much so that I do not find it a big deal anymore. I always carry good quality hand lotion with me in case my hands get wet. As soon as they are dry I pop it on. I ask people not to please not rub their hands over paper or I move away if this occurs. I am just open about it. People think I'm weird but that's ok. Everyone has their quirks. I am a successful teacher. It helps me to understand my students and their needs better.

Jan 28, 2015
Can't stand my clothes rubbing on me
by: Melissa

I'm 34 years old and my whole life I struggled at night while I try to sleep! I cannot stand the feeling of my clothing rubbing against my skin. Which makes it so difficult to get comfortable. While I breath of course, my stomach goes up and down and it drives me crazy to feel my cloths moving against my skin. I also cannot stand the sounds people make while they are eating, kissing or any other sound that has to do with mouth. I can't even stand the sound of my cat cleaning himself! I also can't stand and fabric running on wood or any material that is not smooth. These are just to name a few. They consume my thoughts and fill me with anxiety. It's nice to know that I'm not crazy! Best of luck to all of you...thank you for sharing.

Jan 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

Everyone always thinks I'm so crazy!!! Omg I can't use regular napkins. Or touch paper. And oh my gosh the sound of paper rubbing together. Aaahhhhhhhh I'm getting weird sensations in my hands thinking about it. Drives me nuts. I mean obviously I have to work with paper a lot. Sometimes I can handle it and then sometimes I get really weird about it!

Jan 20, 2015
I cant stand it
by: Imy

I always thought i was the only one that i was weird but no other people live with this horrible thing too when ever my hands get wet and i let them dry swimming shower washing hands ect i cant touch paper clothes towels ect i hate it because when im at school we have swimming in the middle of the day and after we have a class where we have to use paper and we have to write i have to lick my hands or just attempt to not touch it with my fingers if anyone has a cure for this please tell me i hate it

Jan 19, 2015
The funny feeling
by: Anonymous

I have this problem too. Every time my hands get wet I cant touch paper cardboard on any smooth material. I have to lick my fingers to keep them moist which makes it last longer! I call it the funny feeling.. is there no cure for this it's horrible!

Jan 08, 2015
by: Anonymous

I turn 18 soon and whenever i wash my hands i cant stand the feeling of paper, after a while i can kind of tolerate it but it sucks because i love to draw, but i absolutely cannot stand the feeling of chalk. If i touch it it gives me chills and my neck twitches as if i were cold.

Dec 31, 2014

by: Anonymous

i have this i cant touch paper, carboard, and stuff like corn starch

Dec 28, 2014
I have the same problem
by: Anonymous

Same here!
I have 34 Years old and after I wash my hands, I have an awful chill effect over my all body when i touch in clothes, paper, plastic very polished, cloth, etc.
When I have cold, this feeling is even more present.

I do not use any kind of lotion to my hands, never did, because I don't like to use anything on it.

I am a designer and I always use mouse pads mats and in the winter, I struggle to keep it comfortable.

Other thing that happens to me it's when I cut my finger nails, I suffer with "oversensibility" too, but even more evident...

I hate this feeling and this definitely mess with my day life!

Dec 26, 2014
ASMR connection?
by: Anonymous

I'm 30 years old and i've always been uncomfortable touching paper with bare fingertips - especially if my hands are slightly sweaty at the time. The worst thing to do is to stroke all four of my fingertips down a piece of paper. For me it's nowhere near as bad as some of the other commenters describe, and I can actually do it, but it's inexplicably uncomfortable.

I'm curious to know if anyone else here is an ASMR experiencer also? I have a hunch this may be somewhat connected.

Dec 19, 2014
by: Anonymous

Me. Its really magnesium for me. It started in the first trimester of my pregnancy. I am now nursing a 6 month old and cancontrol it by eating foods high in magnesium (spinach, hemp, pumpkin) and taking a supplement of 200 mg. Im hoping it will go away when my daughter is weaned as my body should need less.

Dec 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

fuzzy or soft materials, static, hair, pet fur, dusty substances, newspaper, bible pages, even my wife's skin at certain times doesn't make me cringe, these things cause me to seize up and not breathe right when I touch or am touched by them. Keeping a moist feeling on my lips and finger tips can help. Sometimes i can tough it out and some times its uncontrollable. I didn't bother to tell anyone about this until i was in my early-mid 20s. Its a family joke at this point, but still frustrating that it hasn't changed since 1st grade(earliest i remember it). I can be perfectly fine while public speaking and as soon as i feel the static between my arm and sleeve, i can't talk right because i have trouble breathing. Its almost like a stutter, but still different. I've been able to live with this issue just fine for over 25 years, but its really annoying and embarrassing at times.

Dec 13, 2014
This is a real thing?
by: Anonymous

I've had this problem for many, many years. When I was younger I used to have an obsession with licking my fingers to keep them moist, and I still can't stand touching paper. It instantly gives me goosebumps and a very uncomfortable feeling to hear any kinds of screeching noises, like papers rubbing eachother or chalk in general (I hate touching chalk). Touching or getting dirt or sand on my self makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Books are a nightmare! I have to use a mechanical pencil, and if I have to use a regular one it has to be very sharp or I go nuts! Sometimes in school kids would notice my discomfort with paper rubbing and do it obnoxiously in my ears. It was very cruel and I could not find anybody else with the same problem, so nobody believed me! I have been to doctors and psychologists who could not help me! I am so glad to find out that this is a real thing and I am going to seek help.

Nov 20, 2014
Me too! That dry feeling drives me crazy
by: K

Besides the feeling and goosebumps, it also makes my palms and soles sweat! I feel so bad when winter arrives as everything feels so dry then. And I don't like the feeling of lotion on hands as well. So far, I could only make myself feel better by grabbing something rough in hands and putting some rough sheets/papers inside my socks. Please let me know what else I can do to help.

Nov 19, 2014
by: Anonymous

I usually cringe and feel sick when I touch something rough like paper or cardboard, EXPECIALLY when it's with my nail whenever it happens I freak. I've made it a habit to clip my fingernails everyday and be careful with projects involving cardboard 😋

Nov 19, 2014
by: Anonymous

I really need to find a cure. I can't use a pencil, fold paper, use chalk, or touch dry things without having this awful chills feelin and cringing. Someone please help. I can't stand it. I also can't stand the sound of dry snow being crushed

Oct 14, 2014
hands after water
by: LoWo

I am so happy I looked this up. I've felt a little nuts my whole life, suffering from this dry hand feeling. Glad I'm not alone. I'm 34 now. I remember it started in grade school. I used to put Elmer's glue on my hands everyday as a type of barrier after getting my hands wet. All the school construction paper... It makes me cringe thinking about it. I got smarter as time went on and I remember I 'stole' some lotion from my mom and kept it in my desk. Now I cannot live without lotion. I really panic when I don't have any. I used to avoid getting my hands wet at all costs! But luckily lotion seems to do the trick. When I've finished showering or washing dishes, the first thing I do is put on lotion. And I may reapply it several times until my hands feel right. Another thing besides paper or cardboard that bothers me is dirt. Ugg I can't stand having that dry dirt on my hands. It makes my teeth hurt thinking about it.

Oct 05, 2014
same thing here
by: Anonymous

i have extreme sensitivity to paper and like many have said on here use lotion,the problem is it seems like i soften my hands up to where i need it all of the time,I have found that working mans hands is by far the best stuff for not having such a bad time with paper touch or dry hands and it does not make your hands feel like they need more and more lotion

Sep 24, 2014
by: Anonymous

Can any of you help me? How do I help my first grader succeed in school when he has this condition. He doesn't like touching paper. He hates coloring with traditional crayons because they are wrapped in paper...thankful for twistables! His handwriting is horrible because he doesn't want to hold the paper down with his "free" hand...attempting to avoid touching the paper.

How did all of you survive school where EVERYTHING is all about PAPER?

Sep 21, 2014
Sensitive Nerves
by: Noah

Now I know I'm just the hundredth person to add the comment simplified to "me too" but I have never been regarded seriously when I try to explain this condition. And yes like one of the other commentators said when you tell your friends in school to kindly not rub paper together in front of you they would rather try it out multiply times to see your reaction, it's awfully cruel. Usually when I experience any of the triggers I get very very cold, a kind of cold I could never will away no matter the temperature outside. When I was younger I tried to test out some of my boundaries and would wrap myself up in my thickest blanket, turn the heat up, and write on a piece of paper with a manual pencil (it's mechanical I can somewhat stand) and every time I would get a set of chills that could never be helped. Lotion does help but only to some extent. Also, my father (a doctor) always told me this was sensitive nerves.

Sep 19, 2014
Same here!
by: Kevin

I'm 25, and I absolutely HATE the feel of paper on the side of my hand... in fact, any part of my body!

I can handle Toilet paper, as that's got a different feel to me.

I can't handle Paper, Cardboard (unless it's the smooth glossy type) and Ceramic.

It's also bad when cloth touches these things, the sound it makes leaves my teeth tingling and my mouth clenches slightly!

I've had this for as long as i can remember (Before school) but everyone at school thought i was joking or lying, and would continually try putting paper on me, or shoving sheets of paper down my clothes, which would make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

If I know i'm going to write something, i normally carry a small plastic sleeve with me, which i rest on the paper and then put my hand/arm on that, so i don't have to feel the paper... I've never been to the doctors to diagnose the problem, as (because of my schoolmates reactions) i always figured i was the odd-one-out :\

Sep 14, 2014
sympathetic nervous system...
by: Anonymous

I am 50 and this just started a few weeks ago. Fingernails, toenails and teeth all feel like scratching a chalkboard. I thought just stress, but reading other comments I realized how bad I hated paper in school. My hands sweated to the point my test papers were all smudged and torn.

Dŕ. Said it was over sympathetic nervous system I would outgrow it. I am sweating profusely as I type this. I really do not want to touch newspaper or my notebook. The dentist visit was fun, too:(

Aug 28, 2014
by: Anonymous

My bed spread is really dry feeling and when my finger nails or toe nails touch them, I get an irritating tingly feeling. Same as when my fingernails run across a sheet of paper. It's so annoying but really anything dry. I have to have lotion on whenever I'm reading, writing, before i go to bed and after i wash dishes or shower

Aug 27, 2014
by: Anonymous

I cannot touch anything with out lotion for hours after getting my hands wet. I have to put on lotion and only a certain brand. I'm miseslrable after a shower. I hate touching clothes, carpet, and paper. You actually couldn't pay me to touch paper after a shower. I avoid washing my hands and avoid touching anything wet. Water is my enemy and it only gets worse as I age. I carry lotion everywhere and put it on every couple minutes until the sensation is gone. I wear gloves when cleaning , doing laundry and dishes. I plan my day around my shower because I know I'll be not able to do anything but apply lotion for hours after. I also do not touch any type of oil or grease. Oil or grease will ruin my day. I will have to use lotion all day if I get oil or grease on me. I'm to embarrassed to try and explain this problem to a doctor.

Aug 21, 2014
cardboard and paper&writing on paper
by: JAY

I really never told anybody until just recently my mom. I've had this as far back as i remember.with cardboard i have to have rubber gloves or i have to lotion or wet my my hands to handle. Same with paper. I really freak out inside-i get goose bumps uncontrollably. good diagnosis "SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER".WOW. I THOUGHT I WAS TRULY THE ONLY ONE WITH THIS.J.

Aug 11, 2014
18, can't use mechanical pencils
by: Anonymous

I can not use mechanical pencils. the feeling and sound of them on paper makes me so uneasy. I love wooden pencils but they have to be sharp to not make me uncomfortable

Jul 29, 2014
by: Anonymous

when my son was born, I noticed that his hands and feet were visibly more lined than any of my other children's (from the prints they took at the hospital). He is 10 now, and the problem with him touching anything dry is becoming worse. I always got sickened by chalk but nothing more severe than that. do you believe that it is magnesium deficiency? He will sometimes lick or bite his hands. His feet are the same. He wrinkles up like an old man in water.

Jul 27, 2014
I can't touch glass anymore at all!
by: Anonymous

I have always had an issue with glass. When I was young and living at home, my Mom just told me that I would just grow out of it and get over it and that she used to hate glass, too. She had no compassion over the utter disgust I would feel just reaching for a glass from the cupboard. As a grown Mother (now 37) with two young children, a husband and a kitchen of my own, I cannot even bear to empty the dishwasher anymore it has gotten so bad. I was actually just trying to empty it and I got so sick and gaggy and frustrated I just decided to research this feeling. It's getting worse and worse and I have really noticed it's been so bad just since summer has started. My dishes are sitting in the kitchen and I'm sitting here typing and trying not to puke. I have been reading about other peoples' experiences and the way they feel on here. While I don't have the problems with paper and cardboard and paper like most others here, I would explain the way I feel when I touch glass to be identical to some of the posts I have read. It's just an uncontrollable all-over cringe and I feel like my legs are going to give out. Sometimes, (like today) it's so bad touching glass that I almost gag. Why do I suffer from this? It's a terrible way to live. I just want to throw everything glass that I own into the garbage. I have googled this problem in about as many ways as I can think of and this website is the closest I have come to finding anyone else on the planet with the same problem as me. Should I just call my doctor or a shrink or something? So frustrated and sick over this.

Jul 24, 2014
Thank you, I though I was the only one.
by: Anonymous

Paper, Cardboard, Chalk , and felt, are my worst enemies. I just think about the feeling and i feel sick, my skin crawls and I tighten up. I haven't had this all my life. It started after puberty. I'm now 34 and all I want is to be able to use paper again without cringing. yes I also can only writh with a pen.

Jul 23, 2014
by: Fredrik Nævisdal

When i hear the sound of paper or anything touching the blackboard in schoool, my mouth goes dry and I want to puke.

Jun 30, 2014
I have it since i was born too
by: Anonymous

I'm a 21 years old boy, i have had this problem since i waz born, and i already had enough since it is getting worse by time.

Normally my skin would just be normal but when it's cold or i make any effort or even air touching my skin, it starts to get crazy and unbelievably sensitive.

When so, i can't touch my skin, i can't stand my clothes on me, my nipples be like super sensitive, the air that touches my body hair is killing me, and much worse.

Wish i could find some answers since doctors are no useful.

Jun 27, 2014
Can't stand It
by: Anonymous

It makes my mouth sooooo dry :( even just thinking about it

Jun 27, 2014
It's Getting Worse...
by: Anonymous

Other than paper and other "dry things" that I don't even want to type...I am wondering if any of you are experiencing any of these "issues" as well. I can't stay in a bath too long because I can't stand the feeling of the wrinkled skin Also I can't relax in the evenings because of the feeling where my skin rubs on other skin ie...crease in my neck, arms, legs...Im going crazy...Nothing I have tried between my skin helps Im begging for suggestions...I've tried all lotions, deodorants, neosporin

Jun 21, 2014
And I thought I was just weird
by: Russell

Oh I think I have this too, just not as extreme as some of the other posters. I can't stand dryness on my fingers! For me it isn't just solids either like newspaper etc although they are a problem too. I also can't stand any kind of dry powders or particles like sawdust and chalk dust being on my fingers. I wouldn't call it a phobia as there is no fear involved it's more that I just find it unbearable.

Jun 14, 2014
Glad to read this...
by: Anonymous

I'm 26 and have been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. I've always avoided washing my hands as much as possible at school when I was younger and at work now because if I do touching paper is horrible, even after lotion. I can't believe it took me this long to google "I get chills when I touch paper"! Like previous comments, cardboard and newspaper, anything with a rougher texture, are so much worse. And cardboard rubbed on my legs is like torture! I was hoping to find a solution to make this go away but haven't been able to find anything yet.

Jun 10, 2014
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing. I can't handle cardboard and paper bags. I sometimes cry because it's too much for me. I constantly put on lotion and don't even like to hold hands. Even typing right now is bothering me a little. I hate hate hate construction paper and would cry a little everytime I had to use it in school. I thought everyone was like this. I thought everyone had to deal with the pain. I had dry feet on dry wood. Sometimes, I'd put water on the wood on purpose so I could walk. When I use chalk based pastels or chalk, I feel horrible and sometimes start gagging. I hate chalk on my hands too, or even using chalk. I would put water on the chalk when I was little to make it feel better. I just hate dry things and feel like there isn't enough lotion in the world for me. If you know of any cures, please email me :

Jun 04, 2014
Magnesium deficiency
by: Anonymous

There are some articles online that link this to magnesium deficiency. Look it up guys!

Jun 03, 2014
That Awful Feeling
by: Anonymous

I'm only 12 and I've had this disorder my whole life. I never knew what it was until now. I always thought everyone got that feeling to something. I hope this disorder isn't very common because it is one of the worst disorders to have. You just get this awful feeling touching really anything that's dry. Paper, pencil touching paper, dry wood and barefoot on dry well anything is awful to me. The dry wood doesn't affect me as much as paper. My school this year got ipads so i could do my work on those which is SO much better! Next year though there are no more ipads D:

Jun 02, 2014
Out of the blue
by: Anonymous

I searched this in hopes for help. Im 17 years old and have the same problem as all of you. While writing on paper I get goosebumps because the feeling bothers me so much. Using a pencil on paper is even worse. I can only use a ballpoint pen while writing so I can actually some what focus on my work rather than the irritating sound and feeling. Its only getting worse. This began about 3 months ago and I have no idea how or why. Im still in search for answers.

May 27, 2014
26 and just started having symptoms
by: Anonymous

This just started happening to me out of the blue. I'm 26 and have never had any sensory issues in the past but last week my nails started to have a dry, gritty feeling like nails on a chalkboard. Clothes and paper feels dry to my fingertips. I also think certain sounds seem louder and more irritating to me lately but I didn't connect the 2 until I read this thread. Everyone I tell has never heard of it and says to see a doctor but what can they do for it? Has anyone received an effective treatment?

May 23, 2014
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thanks all for posting this. I don't feel as crazy know. I really want to find a cure though.

May 16, 2014
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Hmm, I'm glad that I found this page. I only have a problem touching paper after I just washed my hands. Since I am a nurse I wash my hands all the time. I have to put lotion on immediately after washing my hands just to touch paper. I get comments about pulling my lotion out all the time. Thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone.

Apr 30, 2014
I can't touch dry things
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. I hate the feeling of dry wood especially and chalk. My house has a deck of dry wood around it and when I was little I could walk on it barefoot ( but not in socks because I hate the rubbing of fabric against dry wood) but as I get older it gets worse. I'm 12 now and can't bear to touch it or walk on the deck. We have a door mat and I always stand on it, put on my shoes, then walk. I remember once I was on a chair in the sun on the deck. I had taken off my shoes and sat curled up on the chair. Then my sister stole my shoes and she said I was being stupid and acting like I hate dry things for attention. Then she went, threw the shoes at the door and walked in side. I had to sprint across the deck to the door and it was the worst experience of my life. After my hands have been wet for a long period of time( and gone wrinkly like in the shower) I can't stand paper. I usually can touch paper though.

Apr 29, 2014
Thank God not Alone..
by: wildone

I cannot tell you how glad I am to know I am not alone. I know that statement has been repeated many times on this thread, but...My husband doesn't believe this is a "thing", believes I am crazy. I can barely hug people, have to wear gloves to break down boxes at work...The older I get the worse it gets. And explaining it to others? Yeeeah no. I feel like we should have a support group, haha! Or is there one, can someone give me a link if so?Reading your dislikes gave me chills at the thought of touching any of those. At the moment, when not using my hands to type, I have my fingers curled around my thumbs to prevent touching anything until I can find lotion..,.

Apr 13, 2014
Holy flip
by: Anonymous

I can't stand hearing the sound of pencil on paper,touching paper,cardboard,wood, and any other dry material.

Apr 03, 2014
I can't believe I'm not alone
by: Anonymous

I am so relieved and sorry to know that other people have this problem... It is truly the worst sensation. I can't stand rubbing my hand against paper when I write unless I have lotion on. Folding paper and removing eraser shavings are a real killer! I also can't stand paper table coverings at restaurants, or silverware rolled in napkins held together by that tiny strip of paper.
Also, walking on dry surfaces barefoot has become unbearable. Dry clothing has sometimes even bothered me.
I don't like some soft surfaces, such as towels, and certain tissue and toilet paper brands. Also, which I haven't seen mentioned here, I hate squeezing liquid out of like a wet towel or t-shirt. Sucking on a wet towel or sponge also gives me the creeps. Cardboard, paper cups, and even napkins bother me now.

I hope one day I'll be able to live fully peacefully again. I am so sorry for any of you that have these same sensations... It's indescribable. Sometimes I just ball up, hide my hands, lick them, lotion them, or (the strangest of all) purse my lips together when I'm experiencing paper or one of these other components.

I am only 16 and I'm in a world surrounded by paper. This hasn't gone on for all of my life, it has developed over the course at about five or so years.

You are not alone! I hope that I will discover a way to feel better.

Mar 29, 2014
things I cant touch
by: Anonymous

I can't stand:
The rubbing of paper turning a page
Whiteboard pens on paper
Pens scratching paper
Painted walls
Fingernails touching paint (cars/walls)
Ice lolly sticks
Pencil on paper

Any solutions?

Mar 24, 2014
paper rubbing
by: Anonymous

Does anyone hate the sound the paper makes when someone rubs it between there index finger and thumb, trying to separate it from the next piece of paper like when turning a page in a book? I absolutely hate that sound.

Mar 12, 2014
by: Freaked Out Kid

Im in 7th Grade now, and i suffer from almost all of these symptoms, the only things i don't get cringes from is cardboard or Styrofoam. I hate this and i feel like no one understands, i have had this basically since i was in 3rd Grade, and now it is getting the best of me. I have a teacher (Math) That hates me and every time i write with my black pen, she gets mad in front of the class and tells me if i don't stop shes throwing out all my work i turn in. I CANT HELP IT, i feel like crying because it just seems like there's no way out but suffering, i don't know what to do about it because pencils on paper is my worst symptom and it seems like there is no cure...

Mar 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

I AM 35yrs of age. I've had this for all my life yes lotion helps,or paper towels w/lotion witch is always expensive .please email me if you have this condition or if your a doctor an want to know out of Knoxville,TN

Feb 18, 2014
It is not just you...
by: Ant

I have the same problem.

Although I'm not sure if this specific condition is correctly defined as a "phobia" as I am not afraid of paper, but as earlier posts mentioned, I get chills & physically debilitating symptoms - similar but worse than fingernails down a chalkboard. The sensory overload can also cause vision loss if I persist in trying to tolerate/overcome the ailment.

I'm glad I found this thread & I hope to re-assure other people that you are not alone & you are not crazy (maybe you are, but for other reasons).

Feb 14, 2014
Just use lotion of cream
by: Jan abellana

Ive been having this problem for a long time now. So how i deal with it, is I simply use lotion. The reason is because after i wash my hands, all the natural oil coating my fingers to prevent the feeling are gone so i end up with hands as dry as paper. This feeling gives us the same feeling as rubbing you nails against a black board. Hope this helped

Feb 07, 2014
Lotion is my answer
by: Anonymous

I have the same thing....I hate the feeling of paper and other materials too. I have to have lotion on my hands at ALL times! Drives me crazy! But the strange thing is I have a brother and a nephew that is the same I think it must be hereditary. I almost panic if I don't have lotion close at hand. When I wash my hands I have to put lotion on my hands immediately! As I get older, it gets worse!

Jan 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

My 12 year old suffers from the same problem. He has a hard time working with paper, I noticed he grabbed books with his hands in a ball and knew something was bothering him.

He also walked in his toes since he was a toddler and I am thinking that it was probably the same tactile sensitivity that caused this. He was diagnosed as an idiopathic toe walker, or "I don't have the slightest idea why he walks like that".

There is a condition called Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in which any of your senses is over sensitive or under sensitive. After doing research on SPD I contacted a doctor who specialized in neurological therapies and right now we are doing a 40 min daily therapy at home which consists on rubbing textures that calm him and textures that are a little discomfortable in order to desensitize him. We never do textures that he can't tolerate like styrofoam.

We have been doing the therapy for a month and it seems to calm him at the moment but the sensation returns after a while. The doctor told us to be patient and constant and that we will surely see positive results.

I also want to do allergy and intolerance tests to foods because I know that sometimes gluten can cause autistic symptoms. I will update again to let you know if anything worked.

Dec 31, 2013
glad to know i'm not alone
by: Anonymous

this comment right here that one of you commented descrebes about 98% to a T : "I didn't realize this was uncommon
by: Anonymous

I've always had a sensitivity to that 'dry' feeling. I can remember my mom packing me paper bag lunches and the feel of the bag was awful. Cardboard is very unpleasant as well. I'm 28 now and frequently use lotion. If no lotion is available I also do the ball my hands to make them sweat trick, or if desperate, I will either press my hands over my mouth and use my warm moist breath to dampen them or if I can get away with it in the social setting, I'll lick my palms. Mine is not so severe that its ever kept me from functioning, I never even considered asking my mom not to use paper bags. I just thought this was something everyone had and you just dealt with it.

Tonight, my dog was scratching on the back door and the sound was giving me those dry chills and I mentioned to my husband that it was the same unpleasantness you get from touching cardboard, and he had no idea what I meant. That's when I thought, maybe this isn't normal,and ended up finding this page. As to one of the question asked, both the sound and the feel are equally unpleasant to me, but again its never been debilitating for me either, no matter how much I'd love to ball up to hide from the sensation or lash out at the source I've always just suffered thru. It's been very interesting to read all your comments so thank you for sharing."

That sums me up, I at first thought everyone hates dry things especially dry hands when in contact with paper or cardboard, it makes me crindge and gives me those chills too, i've used this guys same tricks to try to cope: the blowing breath on my hands, lotion, closing my hands tight in hopes that they sweat.

I just wonder what causes this? and what other things are linked to it? the paper n dry hands are the worst but i am sensitive with other things too, if i am barefoot or no shoes , i often walk around with my toes curled and my feet cringed up, or on the sides of my feet as if i am avoiding a lot of dirt or something, also i'm more sensitive to water temps than most IE: when swimming in summer i could take a half hour getting fully into the water if i wanted to/if i dont make myself just go quick, and also i dont like water as steaming hot as others do.

Is this just a part of some condition? or a seperate condition in itself??

Dec 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

Chalk on my hands is the worst for me! Even if I just think about it, I literally feel like I'm going to suffocate. It used to be just chalk that did this to me, but I've noticed in more recent years that dust, dirt, or anything dry like that has the same effect. Lotion seems to provide temporary relief. I use a lot of hand sanitizer when I'm at work, but that only makes my hands more dry in the long run. Seems to be getting worse as I get older. My daughter said if someone wanted to murder me, all they would have to do is cover my hands in chalkdust and I'd smother to death. Is this strictly a mental thing, or is there an actual physical reason?

Dec 13, 2013
I didn't realize this was uncommon
by: Anonymous

I've always had a sensitivity to that 'dry' feeling. I can remember my mom packing me paper bag lunches and the feel of the bag was awful. Cardboard is very unpleasant as well. I'm 28 now and frequently use lotion. If no lotion is available I also do the ball my hands to make them sweat trick, or if desperate, I will either press my hands over my mouth and use my warm moist breath to dampen them or if I can get away with it in the social setting, I'll lick my palms. Mine is not so severe that its ever kept me from functioning, I never even considered asking my mom not to use paper bags. I just thought this was something everyone had and you just dealt with it.

Tonight, my dog was scratching on the back door and the sound was giving me those dry chills and I mentioned to my husband that it was the same unpleasantness you get from touching cardboard, and he had no idea what I meant. That's when I thought, maybe this isn't normal,and ended up finding this page. As to one of the question asked, both the sound and the feel are equally unpleasant to me, but again its never been debilitating for me either, no matter how much I'd love to ball up to hide from the sensation or lash out at the source I've always just suffered thru. It's been very interesting to read all your comments so thank you for sharing.

Dec 05, 2013
I HATE the feel of paper!
by: Laina

I'm so glad to see that their are others with my same "phobia" or whatever people want to call it. But I absolutely HATE especially when people fold paper and slide their two stupid fingers OVER and OVER the crease!! Lol I just want to yell at them "ALRIGHT! It's folded already!" But since my job envolves lots of paper, I have to hold those thoughts in. However if my husband or other family member try doing it I FLIP out on them! Lol Also I don't tell people because like someone else said, the first thing people do is fold a paper and say:"so does this bother you? Hahaha" let me just say, it is Extremely hard not to slap these people. Haha!

Nov 20, 2013
UGH!!! PAPER!!!!
by: Anonymous


Nov 14, 2013
I've suffered from ignorance
by: Anonymous

You ever tell a friend to just stop it. and they redouble their efforts. It grinds in your ears and in you heart. (it messes me up in winter most of all when your hands dry out). To me it almost gets to the point of violent (aka grumpy) debate if not violence itself. It definitely create's nightmares. It's rather debilitating and I can remember feeling this way since preschool. urna

Nov 14, 2013
me too
by: Anonymous

I deal with plans. I used to draw and was able to overcome this phobia or whatever it is to make beautiful things (shading in drawings makes alot of paperwork)... I'm not an artist tho so I try to excel in the technical field... but now I deal with engineers. All I can think about when talking to them is the sound of them feeling the paper or their 11X17 drawings the rubber band against it it's driving me a little closer to who knows where...WTF is wrong with me. I tell them to stop and they do it more cuz it's a joke from me to them ITM. it hurts.

Nov 12, 2013
I not afraid
by: Anonymous

I am 11 and I have had this problem all my life except I'm not Afraid of paper it just somehow gives me goose-bumps my parents think I'm weird because I like my finger before touching paper but can't help it! It sucks because I live in Wyoming and it is 8000 Sum odd miles above sea level in other words its dry! Every time I read a book (if I don't stop myself) if I see the word tree I can't stop thinking of a birch tree with its papery bark. Please help solve this.

Nov 03, 2013
Why is this not a medical condition?
by: Owen

I will be 37 in a month. Since I was a teen, I always hated the texture of dusty cardboard. It made me shudder and have goosebumps to touch. A few years ago the textures of things like cardboard, paper,even the soles of my shoes while walking on dusty surfaces started to give me feelings of having to "be careful" not to cause any friction. I can't stand it. While it's mildly comforting to know others have this condition, it's really disheartening to find out there is no medical term for it yet. Please let me know if anyone has more info. My email:

Oct 31, 2013
Dry Surfaces
by: S

I always hated the sound of dry things touching (or if I touch them)like paper(I can still write on it, but if two sheets rub together I get goosebumps and my mouth opens itself like an involuntary yawn but without sound or releasing breath)

It gets worse as I get older (I'm only 15 as it is!)I also hate dry hands, so I constantly wash mine or roll my hand into a fist so it sweats.

My new hatred is cardboard! We're moving and EVERYTHING is packed in cardboard, and when cardboard rubs on something I cringe and my jaws stretch out. I reeeaallly hate this because it's such an awful sensation when I hear or even think about it.

Oct 24, 2013
So excited to find this info! Here are some ideas.
by: Anonymous

Our 13 year old son has had this issue with paper since birth. It can't be linked to anxiety like his PCP thinks...he was born with it. Our current coping method is a third of a thick transparency sheet between his hand and the paper and an erasable Fusion ink pen (pencils dragging on paper is as bad as the paper to him) The pens are expensive but they work so we gladly pay the price. Other methods we have tried that some of you have asked about are: Ruler under his hand, an artist glove used for charcoal drawing that has only the pinky covered but secures at the wrist, white cotton glove with the 3 middle fingers cut out for coolness. Our son didn't like the sensation of the cloth rubbing on the paper but it may work for some of you that need ideas. Thank you for sharing this information. We know our son is not crazy, he just has sensitive hands.

Sep 14, 2013
paper problems
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem I want to get rid of the problem to I'm in the 7th grade and get bulled for it i don't know

Sep 13, 2013
by: Darian kOOPMAN

hi i am 17,and have exactly the same problem....when i even think of chalk on my hands or touching paper i get goosebumps and my hands get draw..i can barely us my hands when its in that condition...but i have found a short term remedy...."PETROLEUM JELLY" I USE THIS EVERY MORNING AND WHEN I GET THAT REACTION....i also put petroleum jelly on my entire body so it lasts longer.....thankS
(if this works add me on FB^)

Sep 10, 2013
This is Evil!
by: Anonymous

Awesome! I have wondered for so long why I was the only person this bothered. I am 24 and this has been going on for years. I cannot stand to touch paper. The thought of taking a sheet of computer paper and balling it up just makes me cringe. I hate washing my hands when I do not have immediate access to lotion. Dry hands is the worst. I hate when people rub pages of a book together. My new thing is the sound of a McDonald's drinking straw going into the lid of a cup. OMG!All of these things just make me bite my tongue and I do not even realize I am doing it.

Sep 04, 2013
by: Matt Ferris

I can totally relate! I thought I was nuts (after being told so...)
I am going to be 50 this April.
My entire life I could not stand touching paper and certain dry things.
I could not touch a crayon without taking the paper off first (with wet fingers)
A restaurant with a paper table cover was a nightmare and cruel.
To this day I can only use a plastic mechanical penci. If I used a wood one and the lead broke and the wood hit the paper I would freak.
When people try to separate the pages of a news paper with thier fingers I want to die.
Wooden toothpicks are cruel.
I can only eat ice cream pops with wood sticks if I put lotion on my hands and wrap it in plastic.
Most of my friends smoked and I could never stand the feeling of the paper so I passed on smoking YEAH!!!

Aug 31, 2013
Same here
by: Anonymous

I have this. I'm 34 years old and avoid using pencils, Styrofoam, and anything made out of certain types of paper as much as I can. Actually, just thinking about it now is making me cringe. I can't imagine trying to desensitize myself, that seems like pointless suffering when I can simply use pens/ceramic mugs/different types of paper/etc.

The best I can describe it is like fingernails on a blackboard, only tactile instead of auditory. It also is a dry and scratchy but somehow also "sticky" feeling. Ugh.

Aug 30, 2013
My son has same thing
by: Anonymous

I have a 16 year old that can't touch anything that feels like newspaper or he digs into his skin to draw blood to get rid of the painful sensation. He also can't stand the sound of pencils writing on paper. He thought he was the only one. I am so glad you all shared your story.

Aug 13, 2013
just remembered
by: Anonymous

Also just remembered.. the other day I went to start a new book.. every time i have to touch the page and turn it i get the dry chalkboard feeling and chills UGHHH I hate it!!

Aug 13, 2013
How is this not named?
by: Anonymous

Unlike a lot of you, I never was like this all my life. Besides like the obvious nails on chalk board thing. But I recently turned 21 and I feel psycho. I cant touch chalk, paper, etc and teh only way i can describe that creepy crawly feeling i get is "dry". I always have to put lotion on my hands...and now even my feet!! When i am walking barefoot on a deck i get the dry feeling immediately and it bugs me super bad. All this stuff gives me the sensation of nails on a chalkboard... How is this the only site talking about this!!! At least i'm not alone...thought i was going nuts

Aug 05, 2013
Which is worse, the feel or the sound?
by: Anonymous

My son is 12, and for the last year or so goes ballistic over the sound of paper towels being used. At dinner time, he has to wet all of our towels or napkins, then wringe them out damp before we are "allowed" to use them! It does not seem to be the feel, but rather the sound of the dry towels being used. He himself will only use tissues- not napkins or towels. He gets extremely annoyed, shouting and covering his ears. In public he is more controlled, but cringes and covers his ears. We think he may have high functioning Aspergers, but he still has not been diagnosed. How about the rest of you; is it the feel or the sound that affects you most? Thanks!

Aug 03, 2013
my shrink didn't understand
by: Anonymous

I see that alot of people can relate to this phobia. I've had it as long as I can remember as well but when. I turned 19 it started getting worse. usually i would just bare with the feeling like when I need to pull on a shirt over my head, do the newly washed laundry, after washing dishes, touching paper ect. I too could not stand watching other people touch their clothes or a `dry` material. My reaction would be shortage of breath. i would keep breathing out and not breathing in at all. its almost as if I`m trying to get rid of the feeling by exhaling. it got really bad to the point that I could not breathe at all sometimes because I would.not be able to inhale only exhale. Sometimes I would start whaling in fast and short way followed by a sound. anyway it got really bad one night when I had to sleep over by my cousins. i was laying in bed and reading a story that she wrote. suddenly i could not stand the paper anymore. I threw it away and begged her to get me some.lotion. when I had applied lotion to my ha ds it somehow felt worse. My hands became warm and dry and I could not even lay in the bed anymore. that breathing thing started so I went to a different bed. when the light was off my body was not able to stop forcing exhaling and it sounded really funny so when everyone started laughing I started too which resulted in hyperventilation so that I had to get some asthma medicine. i tried talking to a shrink.but she did not get it... i struggled on my own n even though i still sometimes experience it i am happy that i managed to get rid of most of it. its all in the brain.. :)

Jul 27, 2013
Thank god.
by: Chriscori

For me it seemed to have really gotten worse ever since I started playing guitar and built up Callus's on my fingertips. And to this day I cannot touch cardboard, ANY paper, super dry clothing, and its realllllly starting to get old -_-

Apr 21, 2013
What is the name for this problem?
by: Anonymous

Oh thank you.I thought I was the only person on earth to have this problem just like all of the rest of you.....Now how do ya fix it?

Apr 19, 2013
by: Anonymous

I thought I was weird for not liking the way paper felt. I distinctly remember a nightmare I had as a child where a beaver chopped down trees and forced me to touch paper he made from them. I've touched enough over the years that I only get the weird feeling every now and then, but I'm glad computers exist.

Apr 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

wow i didn't know other people had this problem too. whenever i get that feeling i'll usually tense up my legs in frustration (which looks like i'm having a mini temper tantrum)... it's earned me a few stares :P for now i just pull down a jacket sleeve or a long sleeve shirt over my pinkie and write. not much of an improvement...

Apr 04, 2013
Ahh it feels good to know im not alone
by: Anonymous

I'm only 15 but for as long as I could remember I couldn't stand drinking straight out've the school milk cartons, using pencils, touching paper, touching cardboard, just anything that's dry and I have to use lotion cause if my hands feel dry I have to lick it because I cant stand it. I legit freak out and get chills. Even when I see other people touching dry stuff, I cant stand the thought of it. I was wondering if this had a special name for it because I see I'm not alone, so I just thought about looking it up tonight. But it feels good to know I'm not the only one.

Mar 01, 2013
it's not scary - it's dry!
by: Anonymous

My daughter is nine and she has had this issue as long as I remember. The paper doesn't bother her as much - her main thing is after she showers or swims she just about freaks out if she can't immediately get lotion on her hands. She'll hold her hands palms together like the only feeling she can stand against them is the feel of her own skin. She definitely will not touch anything papery at those times. Usually she's ok if she's just gotten her hands briefly wet like from washing them, but if she has been in the shower and is running for lotion she'll lick her fingertips quickly to relieve the dryness temporarily. I totally understand her issue because I am the same way just to a much lesser degree. But when my hands feel dry I can't stand to touch most things, and paper products are the worst. It may be called a phobia but it's not really about fear, unless you consider fear of sensory annoyance to just be a fear. I just call it practical! Lotion is the key... whenever in a hotel I always save the mini bottles of lotion to put in my daughter's school backpack and such so she never finds herself in a dire hand-licking public situation!

Feb 26, 2013
by: Hate paper

I seriously danced around my house after reading through this. I'm 20 and I thought this was just a quirk I had!

In senior year I was writing in class with one sleeve of a sweatshirt on and my teacher asked me why I was writing like that. I told him I can't touch paper and other people in class overheard. My friend added that I can't even stand the sound of paper rubbing either. That's when the whole class decided to all rub their papers together.

I still have nightmares about that day.

I also hate walking on unfinished wood or concrete. Ugh chills. Any rough surfaces (cardboard, wood, concrete, some forms of asphalt) is just hell.

Jan 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

i am also like that..I cant stand anything that is dry! the sound, the feeling of such things drive me crazy!

Jan 06, 2013
so uncomfortable
by: YES!

I CANNOT WAIT TO TELL EVERYONE THAT ITS NOT JUST ME! I cant even brush the pieces of eraser off paper I have to blow it. if I just think about being locked in a room made of construction paper I get chills.I can barely count the money on my register at work! I have to carry lotion on me all the time I always thought it was related to my eczema!

Dec 29, 2012
my son
by: jackie

we have a son off 11 years of age and has this feeling he cant touch paper and it really affects him when he goes to school to do his work, he really gets upset because he tries really hard to do his work but the paper stops his concentration because of feelings from it, is there any help he can get as he has only started senors september, thank you for your help!!!!!

Dec 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

OMG! I have had this problem my whole life. I cant put any paper on my legs if i'm wearing shorts. I cannot touch cardboard. I hate the way it sounds if someone scratches paper or cardboard or even if cardboard scratches itself. It sucks so bad because I need a job but I cannot find one that doesn't involve contact with cardboard.

Nov 27, 2012
Me too
by: Anonymous

I have to put things under my arm while I write like folders and books and whenever my hands get wet I flip out to I have to have hand cream a lot

Nov 24, 2012
by: Person

I was doing research, and we all have papryphobia! The fear of paper. I know some of us don't like cardborad either, or wood. That fits into Papryphobia. I hate the sounds of anything dry scraping against the ground too, fingernails can't touch any type of surface. I am not sure of what I said fits in with it though, just the paper, cardborad and wood.

Oct 09, 2012
i hate dry hands to
by: Lewis

omg i have the same problem im 21 years old n its my hands and feet n i to hate the feeling against paper carboard etc n i cnt explain wat it is but it makes me very uncomfortable and aggitated

Oct 08, 2012
People don't understand.
by: Anonymous

My friends at school all think it's a joke and they'll start trying to rub paper on me just to see me spas. I honestly can't stand the feeling of paper, cardboard, wood, potatoes, and some other things of that nature. Especially after my hands have been wet, that's when it's the worst. My mom and brother think I'm just being spoiled or a baby but it's nice to know other people out there have the same problem. This really bothers me and I don't get why people take it as a joke.

Sep 13, 2012
Daughter's paper allergy
by: Anonymous

My 6 year old daughter has been telling me for the last 3 years that she is allergic to paper, I am ashamed to say that I never believed her, her is pulling her hand over her hand when she write. She use to cry when she have to write. I gave her roll on vaseline intensive care and told her it is magic roll to seal her hand of. It seem to be working for 8 hours at a time. Just enough to get her through the school day. I would be a lot more patient with her after reading this.

Aug 27, 2012
Energy sensitivities
by: The Spiritual Experience

I am 37 and have had similar sensitivities to paper which started about 5 years ago. A spiritual explanation for my issue is that I have become increasingly sensitive to the energies in objects, people, etc. After I became certified as a Reiki Master (energy healer) the sensitivities have gone away for the most part. I notice that if I have not done a reiki healing on anyone in awhile my hands become increasingly sensitive. Only once that I start healing others, the sensitivity goes away. (My explanation is that many of you carry a buildup of energy in your hands and need to find a way to channel it out.) Why am I saying this? No, I am not recommending everyone here to go become a certified Reiki Healer, but what I am saying, from my experience in metaphysics, is that many of you and your children are especially sensitive to energy. To the parent that has the child who can't stand the sound of the book page being turned, I can tell he has an extreme energy sensitivity and many psychic gifts. Now please, dont you all bombard me with negative comments, you would be no better than the people that rub paper on you. Please consider researching the net on "energy sensitivities", "energy work", "intuitive abilities" etc. And please, stop sending your child to the psychologist. There is nothing more scarring than that. Be well!

Aug 14, 2012
by: Anonymous

OMG! I have been made fun of for the entire 24 years of my life for this... I cannot believe there are others out there! I dont even tell people about it anymore because they will intentionally rub paper or rub paper on me. I am so glad Im not crazy!

Jul 30, 2012
by: Joseph

I've been dealing with this for many many years. Lotion is pretty much the fix to it. When you get your hands wet or wash them, dry them with a towel and put lotion on after. Wait a couple minutes and you're ok to touch whatever again. If your hands still feel uncomfortable, put a little more on in case you didn't put enough on. Different lotions, different amounts. Avoid greasy oily lotions. I prefer Fragrance Free Vaseline for men myself or standard Vaseline lotion. There are usually store brand equivalents that work well.

Jun 22, 2012
paper rubbing problem
by: Anonymous

My son is 11 and has had this 'paper rubbing' problem most of his life. We have sent him to see a phycologist over a period of 3-4 months, but this did nothing to help. I am currently looking into hypnotherapy, has anyone attempted this to try to de-sensitise themselves? It doesn't seem like it is something that he will grow out of.

May 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

OMG i am not alone!! i hate the feeling of paper and cardboard, flat paint on walls, suede, chalk and writing with pencil on paper unless as someone else said its a mechanical pencil, also if a ballpoint pen has dried up and you go to write on the paper and ink doesnt come out and it kind of scratches it makes my skin crawl. Im getting goosebumps thinking about all these things.

Also i hate getting dirty feet, i cant walk barefoot because the dirt makes them feel dry and i cant stand it. If ive been at the beach i cant put shoes on after walking in the sand without washing them.

Funnily paper towel, toilet paper and tissues do not bother me. I moisturize my hands and feet all the time and find nail polish on my nails helps for some reason, if i dont have nail polish on it is ten times worse(i just use clear lacquer).

I do have ocd so maybe it is related to that, but im very sensitive to noises as well

May 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

I need help, i am 11 years old and, can't stand paper (any type), wood, and any thing that rubs together, my brother rubs his hands together on purpose just to annoy me! I dont know what's wrong with me and can't get the picture of, a thumb nail scratching a piece of paper out of my head, it annoys me so much. I have been searching the internet for months just to find out what's wrong with me, please help!!!

May 10, 2012
same here
by: Anonymous

I've been the same way since I was a kid. I used to have to use a dish towel during dinner and TP is still an issue. Lotion helps.

Dec 03, 2011
what does it feel like
by: Anonymous

Can I ask, how would you describe the way if feels like when you touch paper? What about the feeling do you not like?

Aug 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

I quite often feel an intense need to wet - usually by licking - the tips of my fingers and sometimes my palms because they feel so unbearably dry, must to the bemusement of others. When I feel like this I cannot bear the touch of paper or even the sound of it being screwed up. I've had this problem since an early age, I'm now 32.

Apr 26, 2011
Could a glove be the answer for now?
by: Chris

My son hates the feeling of paper while he is writing and the feel of writing with a pencil. I believe a simple glove to wear would help him but I can't find one that has the pinky finger covered and goes down the wrist a ways. Desensitizaion would be ideal but our insurance won't cover it. For now I just want to give him the tools to be able to function at his best in school. He is 12 and in middle school. It is really holding him back. He rushes through his work to just not have to feel the paper. Perhaps I should develop my own. Any suggestions?

Mar 11, 2011
pencils :(
by: Anonymous

I can't stand to write with pencils they send a chill all through my body...especially chalk on a chalkboard

Mar 10, 2011
got a match?
by: Anonymous

I'm so irritated by the feeling of paper...I didn't realize how much until I recently took a job that is swarming with paperwork (not computerized as of yet) I'm getting a Nook or a Kindle so I don't have to turn pages.

Jan 04, 2011
by: Amanda

I'm so bad off with this problem, It has got to the point that I can't touch dry wall paint, paper,toilet paper,terracotta pots,chalk,card board..and many other dry things. I have chills all over my body right now just writing this and thinking about it, I have no idea how to over come this, and it's getting to where the lotion isn't cutting it anymore. I'm 21 and have been suffering this for almost 10years. If anyone can help, please let me know!
Thanks! (Thinking about something soft!) hehe

Oct 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue, and it's becoming worse and worse. Except mine is more of just touching paper, paper plates, paper cups, or grabbing dry glass out of the dishwasher..... even thinking about it gives me shivers really bad. AHHHHH!!!! and THE WORST is running a marker across a piece of paper, like a highlighter. I feel like a weirdo...but it makes me cringe. and it came out of no where after working in an office for 5 years.

Sep 07, 2010
need your comments
by: Anonymous

My boy is 6 years old and since last year he developed something strange. He tends to avoid turning the pages normally but need to do it slowly to avoid it making noise.

Then for example when he reads he avoids following the words with a pen or finger because the noise disturbs him. The noise is so low but he told me he can perceive it and this instantly freezes his stomach and he said he has like a sudden nausea.

Anyone have similar problem?
What is it called?

Aug 09, 2010

by: Anonymous

I don't have the problem with the soles of my hands because they are usually moist enough, but my arms and legs cannot touch dry (not laminated) paper or cardboard. In addition I can't stand the sound of cardboard rubbing against itself.

I've just learned to deal with it. And I try not to mention it to people. They think it's funny and just try to rub me with paper. I can't stand it. They don't understand how awful it is for me.

Sep 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

The name for this is called "xerophobia." If you google it, there's a lot of info about it.

Mar 19, 2009
by: Anonymous

I am now in my late 20's but have had the same problem my entire life. Going through school, I used to wear long sleeves and pull my shirt over my hand so I could write. Eventually I started using lotion (actually, more like a cream) and now I have to put that on my hands before touching any paper. It works okay, but I have become so reliant on the lotion now that it hinders in many other ways.

I don't know if I would recommend trying it or not simply because it is such a crutch in my day to day life. I probably put in on 10-20 times an hour when I am using paper products. But, it really helps me with the feeling of the paper though.

Mar 15, 2009
paper.. eww!
by: Anonymous

Same here with the paper, I'm 11 and i cannot write a bit!!! so does toilet paper, it feels weird too so does Swede. And things rubbing together. This really helps.

Jan 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

I am 12 and I have the same thing. Its terrible. I DO NOT like the feeling of paper toilet paper paper towels chalk etc...

Sep 01, 2008
Try different materials?
by: Anonymous

I'm not a professional but i was that way too... there is a huge difference between normal pencils and mechanical pencils and the way they feel against paper... I always had to have a mechanical pencil to write and still do...

Dec 18, 2021
Gaggy when dry
by: Anonymous

Ever since I can remember, I've had an issue with touching paper, clothes, or even plastics sometimes, after my hands have been wet, then dried. I would lick my hands to try get rid of the feeling.

My feet are the same way. The feeling of touching dry stuff would cause my breath to catch, and gag me. My mom used to think it was an excuse to not have to do the dishes.

I'm 43 now, and it's never gone away. I don't find it debilitating, but it is VERY annoying. I guess I've just learned to live with it. My guy dubbed it 'hydrosensitivity', because it mostly happens after my hands have been wet, and then dried. Lotion seems to help sometimes. So, I wear gloves whenever I have to handle anything wet.

Jun 09, 2021
I relate to all of these examples but can anyone relate to this??
by: nick ballser

I agree with many of the commenters its related to our teeth. I remember being completely ready to die watching the art teacher crease a piece of cardboard paper but the one thing I ablsolutely cannot handle is the feeling of a popsicle stick and to watch someone lick it after just about kills me

Apr 03, 2021
Curiosity in this subject..
by: Anonymous

Hey I also experience this. I am very curious if there is anything that is linked with it or if it’s linked to any disorders? I like learning about those kind of things and was just curious if anyone knew??

Mar 01, 2020
Best solution for working with paper
by: Archer Franklin @_archerfranklin ig

I’ve had this crap my entire life and I’ve found the best thing to do when working with paper is to get a piece of Transparency Film (like projector paper). Take it and fold it in half then put crumple it so it slides and it’s way better

Mar 27, 2019
I love reading, but hate the feel of old paperback books
by: No Name

I can't stand the feeling of the paper pages in old paperback books. They feel like they are sucking the life out of me through my fingers and when I touch them I feel as if I've been somehow tainted by them. I've learned to somewhat ignore it, but my brother has the same feeling even stronger than I do and that greatly contributed to why he dropped out of high school, which is a real shame.

So I've been putting together a company that will republish old paperback books, but use a glossy slick plastic paper (kind of like a color magazine page) for the book's pages. It will still be a soft cover book and still be printed in black and white, but won't have that dry paper feel on the pages or cover. And it'll be easier to read being true black on true white, not greenish brownish printing on yellowish tan paper. Hopefully that will make reading more accessible to some people.

Mar 05, 2019
Feel of paper
by: Anonymous

My 9 year old boy recently has an aversion to the feel and sound of paper. We homeschool so I have to liberty to tweak the way we do things. I cut the pointer finger and thumb from a soft glove and that's what he uses when he writes. I'm hoping maybe he'll learn to cope and if all else fails I'll get him some professional help.

I'm so sorry all of you go through this. It's hard not knowing what to do to help. I'm just thankful we homeschool because I know he would struggle in public school.

Mar 09, 2018
Anything else on paper
by: Dalton Stokes

I’m sixteen and for as long as I can remember, the feeling or sound of any sort of material against paper makes me cringe. I’ve always had to pull up my jacket sleeve before writing on paper because the sound of it makes my spine tingle and it makes me involuntarily shake until it stops.

The sound of, like, the bottom of a sheet of paper rubbing against paper sets me off too. Same for the metal part holding your eraser to your pencil rubbing against it. Paper towels and toilet paper, plastic, cardboard, etc.

I’m fine touching paper and stuff, but it’s just the sound from materials against it that set me off. Anything that makes a sound like tires against pavement rubbing against it, but it’s only with paper and cardboard.

Aug 19, 2016
Good but kinda heoss
by: Anonymous

Hi guys I'm 11 and I have the same problem. I used to think I am the only parents just dont seem to get it and blame it on me for the cringe and idiotic feeling.what I do is just lick a bit of my hand

Apr 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

What is this phobia called? i think trying to use soft paper made wit fabric helps me however it is rather expensive

Apr 13, 2015
I also have this
by: Anonymous

I can touch cloth or paper just fine, but rubbing it causes the same effect as someone scraping their fingernails on a chalkboard. My sensitivity to it also varies, as sometimes it really doesn't bother me and other times it is very annoying. It also seems that the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet are the most susceptible to the sensation.

Nov 05, 2014
Abit different...
by: Anonymous

I have an opposite feeling towards paper and dry materials and i cant seem to find anything on google to help me see why, I love paper....whenever i hold it i have to constantly feel and turn the pages and even lick it , it effects me every day... if i walk past a book shop i just want to sit in there all day licking every single page. And also if i accidently lost the page i would have to start all over again..i go through massive catalogues and buy books just to feel not to read, once i turn every single page and have licked every single page i feel satisfied but if i see the book on the side will sometimes have to pick it up and do it over again anyway... :S had it for many years now and never understood it..

Oct 31, 2014
I can't believe I'm 18 and I'm just now googling this.
by: Anonymous

I've struggled with this as far back as I can't remember. Really the primary problem being paper, anything; the feeling the sound someone's fingers make when turning a page in a book. It has ALWAYS made me cringe. This goes along with, cardboard (unless wax-y like a shoebox) to hotel sheets that horrible feeing. I'm honestly baffled I'm not the only one. It's really interesting actually. Ughhh so bad it's been so hard writing in school. Always holding the paper with a sleeve covering my hand of those finger sticky things. My mom once cut a glove for me with the finger tips cut off so I could hold the pencil but leaving the under part to cover my exposed hand.

Nov 09, 2013
by: Anonymous

I'm 17 and ever since middle school I would hate touch paper and other dry surfaces I still have it and it gives me goosebumps whenever I touch it . And I hate it !

May 22, 2012
by: Laura

I'm fourteen and my entire life I hate to touch paper!
Everytime I hear someone rubbing paper I yell at them not to do that near me, It's very frustrating in an exam when I can't ask them not to. The sound and feeling is like someone scraping their nails on a chalkboard! I allways use a transparant folder thingy to put under my hand when I write. And then even worse, when I tell someone in class why I can't deal with paper, then they 'jokingly' start rubbing paper in front of me and I almost start screaming. Everyday I have to touch paper, eight hours and more a day. Sometimes I put off homework because I just can't handle it any more than an entire schoolday of touching it.

Oct 26, 2022
bad very bad
by: Anonymous

Like when if u touch paper it feels so STUPID I hate it. Paper and I still have to use it idk how to stop it and when my hands feel dry I go to wash my hands it helps me only for a little bit which I hate really badly I hope there's some fix for paper touching.

Jan 25, 2022
Name of disorder
by: Anonymous

Sensory processing disorder

Mar 08, 2018
I’m left handed
by: Madi

When I was between the age of 8 and 11 I would always ware my school cardigan to school and pull the sleeve over my pinky. Before I stated doing this I would almost cry from the pain of writing on paper and I hated touching the wooden lunch tables outside.

I told my parents about a few times but they just said there was nothing they could do about it. Now I do whatever I can to do my work on technology.

May 01, 2017
I got rid of it?
by: Anonymous

the way i got rid of it was by getting used to it

Mar 05, 2017
Same here
by: Allen

so happy to see I'm not the only one! Less happy to see there is no answer. I wish we could just come up with a phrase for this experience.

To the person asking about ASMR, I have had experience with it and it works amazingly on me. Going to try for the first time to listen to it while I attempt to use colored pencils.

I do think it's ASMR related, maybe people sensitive to the positive aspect of it are also sensitive to the negative aspects.

Jun 04, 2012
Me too!
by: Anonymous

I can't believe that I'm not the only one who experiences this, for the past 16 years, I've been writing with a plastic ruler under my hand and I've never got used to the feeling of paper. I do not think I will overcome it as I think it's a sensory thing, I don't have a phobia of paper, I just don't like the feel.

Dec 22, 2015
Me too
by: Anonymous

I use to struggle at school so much It makes me shiver and everyone rubbs it all the time half of the time I think they're doing it on purpose I have to bite my lip to help a tiny bit and everyone thinks I'm strange

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