Shaking and daydreaming
by Gwen
I am 55 years old, and I have been shaking my head and body around while daydreaming for as long as I can remember. My mother said I was even doing it in my high chair. No one ever knew why I do it. It feels good to do but sometimes I have felt that it controlled me instead of me controlling it.
Once I asked my daughters Neurologist about it and she said it sounded like obsessive compulsive disorder to her. Someone else that used to be a psychiatrist said she thought I had a mild form of autism. I want to stop it but cant. I only do it when Im alone but if I dont make time to do it each day, I begin to get really stressed out and get upset easily. I wish someone had helped me to try to stop doing it when I was a child, but people just yelled at me to stop shaking if they caught me doing it.
I really wish I could stop it. I hope you can help your children somehow so they wont have to spend their whole lives doing it.