"Something is not right... Something is different... Why does he do that... I'm at a loss... How do I understand and help my child... Why is everyone telling me it is my fault and to stop letting him control me... I'm exhausted!"
Check Out My Story to see what I went through as a parent; the questions, the frustration, the blame, the dismissal of professionals!"Why is this child so disruptive in class... Why is he so different than the rest of the children... Why is learning so difficult for him... Why can't he write legibly... Why is he so fearful... Why won't he play with the other kids... How do I even begin to understand and help him?"
Well, perhaps I can help! First, we must understand some basics about sensory integration/sensory processing.
Sensory integration is a normal, neurological, developmental process which begins in the womb and continues throughout one’s life. Although, it is important to note, the most influential developmental time is in the first seven years of life. Sensory processing is the process by which our brain takes in sensory input and interprets this information for use.
When talking about typical sensory processing, a productive, normal and
“adaptive response” happens as:
Since we are talking about input into the senses, it is those senses which must be looked at carefully and which will be affected. It is a careful observer (the one I wish for in every child's life!) who will pay close attention to which senses are affected and the frequency, duration, and intensity of these sensory integration dysfunction symptoms.
As I have said, we all have some types of sensory preferences and perhaps even a mild case of "dysfunction". However, it is the frequency, intensity, duration and functional impact of these symptoms which determines dysfunction.
If you personally know, have a child, or observe a child with a sensory integration/sensory processing disorder, I guarantee you will observe particular "behavioral indicators" which will make the "diagnosis" a plausible, possible, and real consideration or explanation.
As with any diagnosis, the key is finding the correct one so proper treatment can begin (by the way, this is about 80% of the reason I have chosen to dedicate my time and energy to this website!).
A Sensory Processing/Sensory Integration Disorder is certainly not the easiest diagnosis for an "untrained eye" to make!
Through no fault of their own, many pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists and other professionals have not been properly educated on the causes, signs and symptoms of this disorder. Therefore, they may mistakenly dismiss parental concerns, give them the wrong advice, or misdiagnose the child. This, in turn, may cause professionals to put a child on unnecessary medication or into treatment (or lack of treatment) that will not help them deal with the real underlying issue! My wish is that this will stop!
Since I can not magically and instantly educate everyone who needs to be, then it must begin here... just you and me! Together, we can spread the word, ok? Are you on board with me? (know that this would please me to no end!).
Alright, no pressure, truly. You don't have to decide now and there is no guilt if you don't want to climb on board, trust me! But, how about a deal... you keep reading through my site, as well as other sites, and talk to professionals educated on this subject, THEN decide.It's ok, I'll wait for you... because I am that passionate about
helping these children! I will give you the tools and education you need and you
can choose whatever you want to do with them, it is up to you and you
only. I
certainly respect that!
So, for now, let me get you started. There are three things that MUST
be clear to you and I want to make sure you understand them...
I promise it will truly be worth your time! If you are serious about
identifying and understanding children with this disorder, the checklist will be
an absolutely essential tool to get you started!
Click Here To Find Out About Gravitational Insecurity: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Ideas!
Craves any possible movement experience, especially fast or spinning, never
seems to sit still, is a thrill seeker, shakes leg while sitting, loves being
tossed in the air, never seems to get dizzy, full of excessive energy.
Signs Of Proprioceptive Dysfunction:
Constantly jumping, crashing, and stomping, loves to be squished and bear hugs,
prefers tight clothing, loves rough-housing, and may be aggressive with other
Difficulty understanding where body is in relation to other objects, appears
clumsy, bumps into things often, moves in a stiff and/or uncoordinated way.
Difficulty Regulating Input:
Doesn't know how hard to push on an object, misjudges the weight of an object,
breaks objects often and rips paper when erasing pencil marks.
Signs Of Auditory Dysfunction:
Covers ears and startled by loud sounds, distracted by sounds not noticed by
others, fearful of toilets flushing, hairdryers and/or vacuums, resists going to
loud public places (even cafeteria at school).
May not respond to verbal cues, loves loud music and making noise, may appear
confused about where a sound is coming from, may say "what?" frequently.
Signs Of Oral Dysfunction:
Picky eater with extreme food preferences and limited repertoire, may gag on
textured food, difficulty with sucking, chewing, and swallowing, extremely
fearful of the dentist, dislikes toothpaste and brushing teeth.
May lick, taste or chew on inedible objects, loves intensely flavored foods, may
drool excessively, frequently chews on pens, pencils, or shirt.
Signs Of Olfactory Dysfunction:
Bothered or nauseated by cooking, bathroom and/or perfume smells, may refuse to
go places because of the way it smells, chooses foods based on smell, notices
smells not normally noticed by others.
May not notice unpleasant or noxious odors, smells everything when first
introduced to it, may not be able to identify smells from scratch 'n sniff
Signs Of Visual Dysfunction:
Irritated by sunlight or bright lights, easily distracted by visual stimuli,
avoids eye contact, may become over aroused in brightly colored rooms.
Difficulty controlling eye movements and tracking objects, mixes up similar
letters, focuses on little details in a picture and misses the whole, looses his
place frequently when reading or copying from the blackboard.
Again, you may want to check out My Printable Sensory Processing Disorder Checklist! ... I truly believe you will find it incredibly useful and thorough.
In addition, you will find it useful to help understand these children and what they go through with my What Does It Feel Like article. It will give you an interesting perspective! Check it out.
Sensory Integration Dysfunction symptoms must not be ignored! If you observe many of these signs in a child you know, please talk to a professional, such as an Occupational Therapist who can further evaluate and decide whether your child has a sensory processing disorder.
Let's catch it early and set these children on the right path!
Gravitational Insecurity: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Ideas
Sensory Processing Disorders:Through The Eyes Of Dysfunction
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