What weight to use for a weighted blanket

by nancy rogers
(blythewood, sc)

My granddaughter is eleven and she is not autistic, thank God, but she has great difficulty getting to sleep and always asks for heavier bedding. I didn't know anything about weighted blankets until a few minutes ago, but they sound like what I've been looking for. My question is what weight would you recommend for a petite child her age?

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Apr 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

I was just thinking how rude and insensitive the "thank god" comment was...no doubt from a very self absorbed and critical person.

Jul 14, 2015
words are important
by: Anonymous

Rather rude to say she's not autistic thank g-d. I'm autistic and I'm perfectly happy with who I am. Autism is different but not necessarily negative. We can have a harder time navigating the world, but it doesn't mean we can't live perfectly happy lives. Saying it's a bad thing can make autistic kids feel sucky and add to the stigma around disability. Disabled people are seen as someone to pity, and a burden on the parents. People are people. In the future maybe you could just say she doesn't have autism instead of implying it's awful for those who do. You can be thankful, but keep that to yourself.

Jan 03, 2015
Blanket weight
by: Anonymous

No more than 10-15% of the child's total body weight :)

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