What life is like.
by Madison
I am twelve, almost thirteen. I have sensory processing disorder, asthma, arthritis, hypermobility syndrome, sjogrens syndrome, hip dysplasia, and possible lupus. My SPD was discovered when I was about seven because I wouldn't eat and was dangerously skinny. I didn't tell my parents about my other symptoms (I have almost all of them) for SPD so they thought I only have the taste part. My parents now just figure I have grown out of it but my other symptoms have gotten severely worse.
People look at me like I'm a freak when I'm in a loud room. I cover my ears and curl up. Vacuum cleaners, dogs barking, yelling, and other noises freak me out. Once I told my dad to stop vacuuming when I was close to tears from it and he started yelling at me to respect him more which made it all worse. I can't pay attention in class so all of my teachers naturally think I'm ADHD. I'm in all AP classes but I can't pay attention at all. I run into things a lot and constantly trip and fall. I say things without thinking and my handwriting is horrible. This year was the first time I have ever told my friends about it. I talk way too loudly and touch everything nearby. I don't like shorts or skirts. I can't eat corn or green beans with a fork or spoon. I tip over things a lot in stores and my mom is embarrassed by me. The other day my friend had mashed potatoes and he knew I didn't like them so he put them near my face and I freaked out and slapped them out of his hand. I can't be in a small space or I get uncomfortable. That's only a few of my symptoms. I have lots more,
I cry almost everyday because I can't handle what's going on around me. I get called freak and weirdo in school. I was mistaken for a special Ed kid once in a GIFTED CLASS. I haven't told my parents because they haven't mentioned my SPD in years and I don't want to bring it up. I'm working on it everyday and doing my own OT in home. My friends try to help. The other day a juggler came to our school and when everyone clapped I covered my ears and started whimpering. Syd leaned down and said are you okay. I let go of my ears and bared the sound and now it's not as bad. I don't know what to do and I had four or fives on almost every thing on the checklist.