What clothing is best for a 4 yr old that has Tactile Defensiveness?

by Stephanie Marushia
(Virginia Beach, VA)

Birthday Boy!

Birthday Boy!

My 4 yr old son was just diagnosed with APD and refuses to wear clothing once he gets home from school. We normally indulge this when we don't have company but he has reached an age where it's not really appropriate to run around without underwear or shorts.

I have found the seamless socks online (though I would love suggestions for favorite brands - and those that aren't worth buying) but I'm not sure what else to look for.

Are there pajamas your children are willing to wear? Has anyone found size 3T or 4T boxer shorts? Are boxers better than briefs for kids with APD? What shirts do they tend to feel more comfortable in?

We just got the diagnosis so I am very new to all of this and would appreciate any suggestions you can think of!

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