Touching knitted materials
by peter
i find great comfort in touching knitted materials... almost a high from it.
when i touch a tightly knit sweater or blanket i feel my fingertips run over the little holes where there is no material and i get this compelling feeling to get my fingertips through the holes (a knuckle at a time)... the tighter the hole, the more rewarding it feels to get through it... soon after i get all five or ten fingers/ toes through, im taking them right back out again (which can take more time). i could be at this for an hour or two (or more if im hungover) no matter who is in the room or where i am... i've had this habit for as long as i can remember and do it sometimes while eating or going to sleep or while im supposed to be productive... when im performing my habit i feel exceptionally calm... i've really never met anyone else who has agreed that they do the same thing but i've had friends try it and tell me that is does feel good but most just think im a little strange for it... my dad has tried to get me to stop... i tend not to do it in front of him... i guess i'd just like to know if there's a name for this or if it's a thing... because it's definitely a thing for me and who doesn't want to feel understood?