Teenage Son Jumping In Place
by Monica
(Norwalk, CT)
First, your website has been very helpful to us.
I have a 5'8" 13 yr. old son who was diagnosed with sensory integration issues at age 8. We worked on issues surrounding his social skills and I'm proud to say he's come a long way. Now he's more interested in athletics, but we're worried because he's not as coordinated as others. He has 20/20 vision but has vision coordination issues. He loves to jump in place for a half hour and will usually flap his hands or focus on twirling a string while jumping. He definitely loves to rock back and forth whenever he can. This was fine when he was much smaller, but the jumping and rocking is getting on my nerves. It sounds like our house will fall down any minute. I would love to see him more coordinated so that he can participate in sports, but not sure where to start. I would love your input.
Thanks very much,
Monica from CT
The SPD Help Line Answers...Hi Monica,
It appears you son has several different issues goin gon. I will try to address each one based on the information you have shared so far. I can give you additional feedback if you respond with answers to the following questions...
1. How long was your son in OT for his SPD? When and why was he discharged?
2. What treatments/programs did they do with him?
3. What specific aspects of his SPD did they address besides his social issues?
4. Was his OT through the school, a clinic, a hospital, etc.? How often was he seen?
5. Was his OT SIPT certified? Did she have specialized training in SI theories and treatment?
Find out more about SIPT certified OT's here.
6. Did his OT address his coordination issues? How? Did he show any improvements?
7. Did he/does he have a
sensory diet that
he follows every day?
8. Has he ever seen a developmental optometrist? Has he ever had any type of vision therapy?
Find out more about this here.
9. Has he ever been assessed for spectrum disorders (i.e., Aspergers, Autism, PDD, etc.)?
10. Has he been evaluated by a Neurologist, Developmental Pediatrician, or Neuropsychologist?
11. Has he ever used any weighted products to help with regulation issues; i.e.,
weighted vest,
weighted blanket,
weighted lap pad
, etc.?
12. Have you done any companion programs such as Interactive Metronome,
Brain Gym
The Alert Program
, The Wilbarger Brushing Protocol,
Therapeutic Listening, etc.?
It may seem like I asked an awful lot of questions. The reason? Because within my questions is the answer to your question... "where do I start?", IF they have not happened already.
I am very concerned that he was in OT and still has such significant signs of unresolved/untreated SPD. I am concerned that he did not get the proper treatment, or that there was not enough follow through at home.
My advice? Since you asked :0) ...
He needs to get back to OT. He needs a sensory diet that is consistently and diligently followed every day. He needs more proprioceptive and vestibular input to keep him regulated. He needs the companion programs listed in my questions to you. He needs a trampoline
! He needs to be evaluated for other possible co-existing diagnoses. He may need sensory based Physical Therapy as well. You need some more information about SPD... check out my recommended resources here. You need some support and regular contact with other parents of SPD kids... check out AllAboutKids, our online support group. You need to make sure you find the BEST OT for his particular needs.I hope this helps answer your question... "where do I start?"
I look forward to additional information from you! (Submit in comment box below)
Take good care.
Michele Mitchell