Talking to my six year old about SPD

by Cathy

Hi. Am wondering if it is a good idea to start talking to my 6 year old about her condition. She has had 3 years of OT and, although she has improved, still battles with new situations and sensations.

Is she ready to understand her condition? Or is it not a good idea for her to feel "labeled"?

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Res: Talking
by: Kris

I agree, I think it would be great for you to talk about it with her. I lived with it until I was an adult without knowing anything about it, and I always felt really bad about myself. As soon as I started realizing what was actually going on, my self-esteem started to improve and I've been doing much better.

I don't think she's too young to understand, and I think having the opportunity to learn about what's going on with her now will really help her in the long run.

by: Kim Sullivan

If she had food allergies, seizures, diabetes, or asthma you would tell her. It is really no different, it's a neurological disorder that some people don't know about, that's all. It's nothing to be ashamed about either.

My son and I have talked about his condition since he was a baby, even when we didn't know the diagnosis. We worked on how he is different and hard things are easy for him like reading and easy things like walking without falling over are hard.

We talk about how he is alike and how he is different. When we turn off the TV because it overloads him I explain why. It's a great thing for her to know so she knows she can eventually be in charge of finding solutions to meet her needs.

I think talking about it is wonderful thing and you can let her know that you are on her side and understand.

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