SPD times three

by Rose

Where to begin, when I got our first dx of SPD my children were right at a year old. One of them had a difficult time self calming, he seemed to get upset and stay that way forever, thank goodness for Early Intervention. I dived into the books, read everything I could and learned all I could. Before I knew it we were a year down the road, and the other two were being diagnosed with it as well.

So here I sit with four year old triplets each of them experiencing different aspects of SPD.

One of my boys still has issues with self calming, he is also a sensory avoider, while my other boy is a sensory seeker, always on the go, has to have that impact. And then there is my daughter she is a mix of all of it. Way to go, a little of everything and not a dull moment in our house.

We have been fortunate to have been with the same therapist for the past 2.5 years, but it looks like that is changing in the NEAR future, as in this week. I am terrified of starting over.

My sensory seeker has smell issues as well and an aversion to light, he can not stand strong smells and will not eat anything that is red or tomato based product. He will finally sit at the table with us if we are eating taco's, Pizza, or pasta, but he will not sit by the horrid smell. Imagine that Pizza is horrid.

So what is my story, it changes every day, there is never a dull moment. My seeker also hides when he gets upset, we went through a period about three months ago of him sucking his thumb, he never did this before it was just new. I let him do it. I knew he was dealing with something and he is very oral and has major oral issues.

None of them talked till they were three years old, this made life very interesting during the toddler years, hard is more like it. Now they are talking up a storm and hitting, imagine this the avoider and my girl beat up on my seeker.

So right now the issue at hand is fighting insurance, changing therapist and just not knowing where to go next.

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Jan 07, 2011
Mom to triplet boys turning 5 with undiagnosed spd
by: Kim

Thank you for sharing your story. I am still waiting to get a diagnosis for the delays or disorders that my kids have, but from all the research I have been doing, this is what it appears to be in varying degrees. It is so frustrating not having a diagnosis to help explain some of the behaviours, etc.. That is my goal, so that I can help them and me with this whole thing.

Mar 02, 2009
so proud of you
by: Esther

Hello. You inspire me. Truly. You found humor in a difficult situation. I have a sensory seeker who is a fabulous child. We didn't figure this out until 7 trips to the ER. He likes to jump and fall and slide down ropes and get out ladders and knock them over and jump and jump and jump.

He is 5 now and we took him for an OT eval for poor handwriting and the therapist said within 5 minutes, "Oh, we have a sensory seeker." I said "what?" I am a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner but do not work in this field. I have learned a lot already. I just stumbled on your page and thought it to be very helpful.

I was getting all upset this weekend that something could be wrong with my precious 5 year old. But I will just learn to take him to therapy and do what I can to help him. I bet you are a great and fun mom.


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