Sensory Seeker

by sss

my 4 ear boy is a sensory seeker but is extremely intelligent ,he is fond of mechanical and electronic things .he can recognize logos since 2 years.he is extremely jovial,extrovert child but often his actions misinterpreted and is being labelled as misbehaved.although he is fond of children he becomes overexcited ,his friends will tell him bad boy ,then he does more naughty things .he really craves for attention both negative and becomes difficult to control him when he is throwing tantrum or he is being naughty.if everybody shouts ,he will do that thing more,if however somebody explains him with love ,he will listen ,people rarely do that and he is being labelled as mis behaved.his physical strength can match a 10 year old.he is very sensitive ,extremely caring to smaller kids but hard to make people believe as people think him to be misbehaved. he is obsessed with keys locks and sees moment of husband will brush off his symptoms saying he will get better with age,but i cannot see things improving.

how can i help my son?

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