School says not SPD but Behavioral Problems

My son was diagnosed last March with SPD more specifically sensory seeking, postural disorder and mild auditory over-responsivity. I was so glad to finally have a name for all of his symptoms. The OT said his behaviors were because of the SPD. We struggled through 2 years of preschool and now in kindergarten we are met with even more issues. He now attends a full day, which I opposed, and has been screaming and refusing to do his work.

The principal says that she has seen many sensory kids and he is not one of them. She says he has behavior issues and is trying to get his own way. Has anyone else dealt with this? I thought that a SPD child portrays these behaviors because they are trying to cope with their environment.

Any comments is greatly appreciated.

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Apr 30, 2010
How frustrating!
by: Anonymous

I agree that the school is to blame. And yes you are right that kids with SPD are often seen as misbehaving when they are really just trying to cope. I have explained this to family and friends so many times and they JUST DON'T GET IT! If only they could experience what my daughter has to go through every day. I'd like to see how well they'd "behave"! Keep fighting for your child and I hope things get better for you and your family soon.

Apr 29, 2010
the problem is the school
by: Anonymous

I'm having the same problems with the school here in MO. It seems that all year my son has chewed on anything he can stick in his mouth. The more the school criticized him for chewing his shirt the more he branched out to various items. And even new behaviors. When they allowed him certain items to chew on his behavior improved. Due to sanitary reasons they are no longer allowing that and the chewing worsened. Instead of looking and finding this cause they pointed fingers at me. I requested IEP testing which they denied. They said if I could get a medical diagnosis they could test him.

I got the diagnosis of aspergers, OCD and ADHD. They are still not guaranteeing services. They are still not willing to change their strategies. He is still being disciplined for behaviors that his disorder causes. Example... being sent to the buddy room for licking his desk. The problem is the school system. If your child doesn't fit into the mold they must either be disabled ( and in a separate room) or a behavior child. They aren't willing to treat the whole child. Contact MPACT for info and help advocating for your childs needs if you are in MO. 1-816-531-7070.

Mar 20, 2010
parental denial
by: Anonymous

I can understand what your going through , what concerns me the most is that parents tend to think that nothing is wrong with their kids are refuse to seek help,
teachers and community workers are there to do so much but will need the parent to meet half way...How can we help your child if you don't seek and understand what needs to be done...

so parents that are in the dark will only get some support at school ( when they deny their child is perfect with no issues)

Oct 02, 2009
I would...
by: Anonymous

I would talk to the diagnostician at the school and the school counselor to see if there is something that you guys can work on together to help your child. I know that the counselor can act as a mediator between you and the principal and if you can't get anything accomplished that way you can make a formal complaint to school board and here in TX you can make a formal complaint to the TEA (TX education Agency). Our OT has been a great help this year in mediating between the teacher and I.

I hope things get better for you guys.

Sep 25, 2009
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately it sounds like he needs a new school! I've never heard of such a rigid approach to children. If your son has been diagnosed that should be enough for any teacher/principal. How can he be successful unless he has a team willing to help him? My daughter required a team and much compassion. If he's not yet ready for kinder maybe keep him back until he has more maturity. My best friend did just that and nobody has ever asked or questioned if her son was held back. It just so happened that he's right where he needs to be and very successful now. I'm feeling so sorry that your experience has been so negative your son deserves better.

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