Potty training

by Leanne

Our son is 4.5 years old and has SPD. He was in daycare for Occ. therapy. He is still not potty-trained. He starts kindergarten in September.

The teacher is aware he's not potty-trained. She said to see what happens over the summer and we'll talk in August. Should we take him to his doctor and see what she thinks? We have been working on potty-training for awhile now and I really don't think it's going to happen over the summer.

We just don't know what else to do to help our little man!

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We had terrible trouble with this
by: Anonymous

My son was fine with his urinating and started to potty train at 2 and a half. He was terrible with poo's. He would not do it in the toilet or potty and it became a huge phobia for him. He would only do it in his pants, and he would only poo if he was comfortable with the place.

If we were on holiday say - he could hold it in for days and days. The smell of his own poo would make him retch. In fact one time he was actually physically sick at the smell of his own poo.

It was a hard time for us as he was starting school at aged 4. He was still pooing in his pants and school said if he did it at school they were not allowed to touch him to clean him up. He pooed a couple of times at school and they had to call me.

My sister had a baby in December and I asked him to help me change her nappy. I laboured the point of her being a baby and that babies poo and wee in their nappy. He did this with me a couple of times and by Christmas he started pooing in the Loo. I'm sure it was the new baby in the family that prompted him to be a big boy.

Looking back it was the indicator to the start of his Sensory Issues.

Potty training challenges
by: Laura

I have a 5 year old daughter who is potty trained 90% of the time during the day. However, we are having HUGE challenges with the BM's. She gets constipated and so we give her MyraLax daily, but she still will have up to 5 BM accidents daily.

I don't believe she afraid of the toilet.

Any thoughts or feedback?

potty training
by: Anonymous

I have a son with autism and he was potty trained for peepee at 4 and then BM at 5 yrs.

What are his issues? scared of sitting on the toilet? noise of flushing? Perhaps you need to break it down in small steps. What areas are hard for him?


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