Picky Eater, Please Help!!!

by Jessica

My son is 9 years old turning 10 in August. I have felt like there is nothing else to do but give in. He eats chicken nuggets, chicken patty and hot dog with no bun, cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds, ramin noodles not to much soup, cheese pizza, pasta with light sauce and pb and j. Drinks Lots of water and that's mostly it. He doesn't drink Mllk or Juice. I've tried many different kinds of veggie drinks, or flavor drinks. Nothing else works.

I make the same food every night just change it up and still got husband and my daughter to make for ourselves. It becomes a BIG Battle to get him to try new foods, But a melt down and hours later still NOTHING GOES INTO HIS MOUTH.... If anyone else who can help me with trying to get new foods not him please help me out!!!

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Aug 11, 2015
Thank God for this site
by: Anonymous

I don't have much to add. Just to agree with BDrew's comments below and say how glad I am to have found others who are going through the same struggles I am. It makes me so sad and helpless on a daily basis. I'd give anything if my boy would eat "normally" or even semi-normally.

I guarantee you there are kids who would rather starve than eat something they don't want in their mouth. Mine is one of them. He's 3 years old with SPD and severe oral defensiveness, as well as speech issues. He has made lots of progress with speech (he has had speech therapy since age 2) as well as some of his sensory issues (we've been in OT for just over six months now). But eating remains our biggest and worst problem with no clear solution in sight. I come from a family of big eaters, so I had and still have a hard time with all of this. My husband was the picky one as a child, though he eats fine now. Anyway, I'm just glad to see I am not alone in this. It is so tough. Hang in there, parents!

May 26, 2015
Picky 10 years old and others comments
by: Lisa

I've learned to ignore others comments because mine is not being stubborn, he really has an issue. High sense of smell and cant get it past his nose. People give to much of their opinions without knowing all of the facts. Mine would sit there and starve if I made him sit until he ate it.

Mine is High functioning Autistic and it doesn't get diagnosed until they are in 6th or 7th grade.

Your child has a bigger list of things he will eat than mine. :)

Oct 12, 2014
Picky eater
by: Kristin Abello

Totally understand you and feel your pain as a parent going thi this. So hard. We have 2 sons first one was picky like yours until age 12. Right at that age he started trying new foods on his own and now is one healthy eater. Our second child is 10 and we have been dealing with his picky eating since a very young age. We make sure to give vitamins...milk..even chocolate milk with carnation packets. Tonight he had buttered noodles. We r hoping and praying his picky eating will go away soon. You are not alone!!!

Aug 05, 2014
10 yr boy picky eater!
by: Bdrew

Completely understand what you are going through!! The worst for me, at least now, is when family members, friends, or even people who barely know us like school faculty, all have their opinions and aren't afraid to give them. My favorite is, "If itwere my son, I wouldn't let him get up from that table until he ate everything on his plate!" Or, "You are too easy on him." But the one I love the most, is, "If my kids don't eat what I make for them then they don't eat! They can't hold out forever or they will starve!" Well, I am hear to tell them, HE WILL STARVE before he allows something he doesn't like to even come close to his lips! They assume that we are just bad parents who don't care and let our kids run over us. Little do they know how much stress we endure from when they are babies to when they are full-grown kids (mine is 10). I have tried everything, and I am now to the point that I can't do anything about it, and I am causing him more emotional damage than good when I try to force the issue. It is hard on everybody during these times, and I want to enjoy my family time not cause tears and scars. The rest of them can just say whatever they want because until they know what it feels like they have no right to judge. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. For us, it hasn't gotten better over time, but we have just learned to live with the fact that he only eats about 10 items. I just worry about his health and weight. He is ok on both of those, but I fear it will not always be the case. At least he will take the vitamins I give him. Hope it gets better for you!!

Feb 24, 2013
foods problems
by: Anonymous

Hello Jessica, I have the same problem with a girl, eat only four or five foods, and loves drinks, refuses to try new foods. The girl in question is on the autism spectrum. I do not know how to help you, but I understand you. We ask for a medical explanation for these atypical eating behaviors.

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