I work with a little first-grade mosaic downs boy. He is very bright, funny, and can do most work at grade level. The problem...behavior. He has a 1:1 adult support. He works 10 minutes, gets a spongebob card, works ten minutes and spongebob card and then a break of for 10 minutes of his choice. This is done all day long. He has a picture schedule and visuals are used to support his day. He is not potty trained. If he knows you don;t like something or he gets a negative or NO, he escalates, often with aggression to adults (bites, kicks, throws objects, yells, mouth/nose picking). Distracting him or time away has no effect on him. He just continues to do what he knows you dont like. He has been sent home alot, but we are trying to keep him at school. Family is split and a major issue in consistency with school. I have tried all kinds of deep pressure acttivity and sensory motor activities, but nothing seems to last long term. SO, ANY ideas on how to help this little one would be most appreciated. banderson@eatonisd.org. Thanks Bonnie O.T.

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Mar 14, 2011
by: Steve Faherty

It sounds like you need the help of an Applied Behavioral Analyst to assist with this problem. faherty2@cox.net

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