Occupational Therapist

by Brenda
(Portland, Maine)

I am an occupational therapist trying desperately to find the most current training on the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT). Does anyone know of a course that is being offered---ANYWHERE?!

I am very concerned with the inconsistencies being used in our clinic and question the validity of the technique that is being used by the therapists. I am also concerned that the techniques that are being used could be counter productive.

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Dec 21, 2016
searching for provider
by: Anonymous

looking for Portland area provider with familiarity with Wilbarger techniques--to work with adults.

Aug 29, 2011
Wilbarger training
by: Little Rock OT

Go to the Avanti website. There will be a list of current trainings going on here as well as Denmark, London and Australia. When I was trained several years ago by the Wilbargers, the protocol was not to be done sporatically or intermittently. I am looking for answers as well because there is such a wide range of opinion on this matter. I will probably go to one of the courses coming up so I can update my training. All I want to do is what is right and appropriate for the students at my school according to the Wilbargers.

May 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately, I still have not found a course on the brushing protocol. what i have done is taken the rest of the OTs at the clinic I work at (there are 3 of us) and gone to the local sensory "guru" at the local university and taken a training all together. it may not be the most current information, and it is a little bit different from what I have read recently, but at least we are all consistent with our approach and the children we see are getting the same techinque. We do not use it much after the initial first two weeks. It is more a part of the child's sensory diet after that for our clinic.

May 15, 2010
by: OTR in Texas

Did you ever find a course? I am in the same boat as you were. I am hoping to cut to the chase and get the information needed so that I am following all the necessary protocols. What do you know?

Mar 01, 2010
There is always hope!
by: Anonymous

Never give up on finding help for your sons. The great thing about sensory issues is that you are NEVER too old to change. You need to find a good therapist who will first develop a rapport with your child so that he can trust the therapist. After a good relationship is developed, then the real work can begin. DON'T GIVE UP!!!

Sep 30, 2009
Brushing did work for my 4 yr old son
by: Jackie

My son is 4 years old and he has recently been diagnosed with Tactile Defensiveness, which makes so much sense to us now. We were told by his OT at school to brush him and it worked but now we have another issue. He is potty training, doing really well except he refuses to look at and/or touch his penis in any way. If anyone has any suggestions we could really use them.

Sep 22, 2009
OT Training
by: Anonymous

YOu might check out the SPD Foundation's new eLearning program. They also offer ongoing professional ed credits. http://spdfoundation.net/edevents.html

Sep 19, 2009
Occupational Therapist
by: Rosemary

I too am a pediatric OT. It seems that since the article came out in AJOT about the efficacy of the Wilbarger Protocol, we don't hear much about it anymore. I no longer really use the protocol as they outlined it. I will incorporate brushing in a sensory diet if it makes sense for the family and the child - and only if I can work it into a routine as well. I also have issues with people doing brushing and not really "reading" the child. In my opinion, it used to be "the thing" to do with a child and was over-used by under trained people.

Sep 18, 2009
Me too!
by: Nicole OT

I have the same concerns, not so much within our clinic, but across other team members (teachers, etc). I have had very little luck in finding any info on DPPT courses, as the Wilbargers don't seem to have a website anymore. I'll keep searching and will post if I can find anything. Please do the same! :o)

Sep 17, 2009
wish I could help..but
by: Luna

I can't answer your question. I didn't find out about my two boys proprioception, sensory problems until they were too old to help. I do, however think it might not be too late for the 16 year old. Do you have any advice for me? He likes me to pull on his joints, press them, likes deep hugs. Sweet young man, very dyslexic and not sensitive to touch. The other who is 18 is very hypersensative and I don't think he will let me help him. My 16 year old sons knees hurt, alot and at the end of the day, he has a funny gait, looks like he is in pain. Can you direct me to any websites that might help me? Do I have to take him to an OT...it seems to me that not too many people know about this very real condition.

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