My Son is now 12. He has Cp and Spd.
by BD
From BD in MI
My son is now 12. He was diagnosed at the age of 2 with mild left hemiplega cerebral palsy and sensory processing disorder - mostly tactile defensive, but he fits under other spd categories as well. He didnt walk until 14 months of age because he didn't like the way the ground/floor felt under his feet. He wore leg casts and shoe inserts, but he couldnt stand these and would take them off. When he started walking, he would tiptoe. As he got older he didnt like to fingerpaint or manipulate playdoh. To him a slight touch felt like a punch to him.
So many times i have had to explain to teachers that he is tactile defensive and that it is important to prevent things from happening - especially during transitions and unstructured times such as lunch and recess. Too many times i would get calls from school that my son was suspended for hitting someone because he was touched by another student. Too many times i had been told that he wont tell us what happened. When he is upset he cant explain what happened because he doesnt even know. Too many times i have tried to explain this!
Sometimes i feel that i am alone in this. I hate that he is being labeled as a behavior problem rather than a child with a disability! This year he starts middle school and i am very worried!