My OCD, SPD, and Anxiety. I'' 16.

by Celeste

I only discovered my SPD recently, but I've had it for years. I'm 16 years old. Most of my life, I have been struggling to figure out what's wrong.

I'm over sensitive to mostly tactile/texture. It affects my daily life, and I've worn loose/male clothing from a young age to cope with tight clothing causing panic attacks. It's more comforting. I have an obsession with soft blankets or anything I can find because it calms my senses on bad days, and it is the only texture that I can deal with. It's hard to explain how it feels...

I can't wear jewelry or sweaters for too long. I sleep with one blanket and a very soft one to dig my fingertips into. Cutting my nails or washing my hands/showering/doing the dishes makes it 10x worse. I can't find a treatment anywhere.

I also happen to have OCD, which can cause panic attacks at times. I have anxiety as well because of that.

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