My Grandson...a very Special boy

by Gina
(Saint Paul, Minnesota USA)

My grandson was finally diagnosed when he turned 3 to 3 and a half. Immediately he was placed in ECFE. He was given NOS as a diagnosis. So sad. Not because he didn't Change just the dreams have to be adjusted. You know the ones what will he be, will I be around for all the important things, the big milestones. Autism just means you will be there because he or she needs you more. No one can tell for sure but I can. He is sweet and wonderful he does a lot at school and helps at home. Yes he has meltdowns but as I look around so do a lot of people.

I am so blessed to have this young man who is now turning 13 in June. He is amazing. His laughter is contagious and I'm very impressed with how he sees life.

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