Mom of a 4 year old boy
by Tracey
Gosh, my story is fairly simply, but at the same time heartbreaking. I always thought, my 4 year old, was intentionally ignoring me, crashing into walls and peeps, and making noise (singing, talking), to make noise. In other words being a complete and utter brat!! Now w/ the help of his preschool and testing he has been diagnosed with sensory disorder/ under-responsive. Meaning he requires a lot of outside stimulus. Not to mention a host of other issues, i.e. riding bike, catching, throwing. also, he doesn't hear his name being called, even after several (loud) times (no hearing issues). Will walk outside in the snow w/o shoes, will try and touch the hot gas fireplace, and seems to be immune to most pain. All I have done in the past is become seriously frustrated and mad. Not a good situation for either of us. Now, we have high energy activities interspersed w/ small quiet activities and we're working w/ an occupational therapist. Also, I've taken out sugar and boxed foods from his diet and that has helped.
So needless to say, my young son has received the wrong end of the stick, so to speak, from a lot of people. The old saying
"Never judge a book by it's cover". A long road to haul, but worth it's weight in gold.
PS, he's the second of 3 boys
Sincerely, Mom of the 4 almost 5 year old