Loosing every day item-sensory seeking children

by Alisa
(South Australia)

I would love a morning where my kids did not have to look for something they lost. More often than not they loose a item that they had in there hands not 10 mins prior. My oldest 2 seem to do it because they have to have something in there hand's at all time(sensory). My 9 year does it on purpose in hopes of getting out of school. I have to always tell my kids to NOT carry important items like school bags because if I let them carry it they WILL loose it and we have to the BAG hunt AGAIN.

WE do the broom hunt EVERY day we loose common house hold items all the time cause my kids feel a need to touch something and grab it and walk off with it then put it down and pick something else up and the cycle continues. bathroom items end up in bedrooms and bedroom items end up bath rooms and the list goes on. lol. I love my kids, but I would love to put an end to the behaviour.

I would love to walk in to my kitchen and find my broom.

I would love my kids not too loose there school bags or shoes. I cant keep asking my kids every day all day about every important item that I don't want them loose. I certainly cant watch them 100% of the time to make sure they leave things where they belong. I have joked for years now that I need cameras all threw my house to figure out how my kids manage to do the strange things that seem to happen when my back it turned. We tidy there room and with hours it can be a complete mess. the older they get the more they seem to move recently I've had to put small furniture items back in the places they belong in there bed room's.

People accuse me of not paying enough attention to my kids but I have lovingly named my girls cyclone kira and whirlwind willow, as I could go have a 5 min shower and they can destroy several room while I'm in there. I'm not superwomen. I wish I was.

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Sep 22, 2009
Here's what we do:
by: Trevor's mom

I have a little box we call the boot box. You can sit down and put shoes on and open the lid and put all the shoes and boots in there when they come off. If I find them all over the house I make my son put them in there. Follow through and consistency. They are where we need them to be when we need them! What a concept.

Aug 28, 2009
Lock and Key
by: Alisa

I do have a place for important items but keeping the items where they belong is like expecting a plastic bag to mot fly away with the wind lol.

I have joked about some how padlocking the broom to the wall as my kids just walk off with it so often during the day. I have to make my kids stay with right next to me when they use the phone to talk to someone not because I want to hear what they talk about but because they put the phone down and loose it I had a phone that had 3 hand sets and I could never find all 3 at once then it broke so mum got me a new phone cause I refused to buy one cause I was sick of the kids misplacing it. The phone got lost and still has not been found the only thing that makes sense is the kids some how put it the rubbish probably because they put it too close to bin and then knocked it off the counter top in to the bin and did not notice what they had they don't take things out of the bin even if they know 100% it should not be in there. Its like things don't register with them properly. They see but they don't react properly.

I would have to lock things up to keep them from not moving. I have also joked about need cameras threw out the house to figure out how things happens in the house.

Aug 28, 2009
Been there, done that
by: Anonymous

Make a certain place for the important things. When my son gets home shoes always go next to the back door so we'll know where they are in the morning. When we finish homework his schoolbag always goes on the hook by the back door. I find that being consistent in the routine has worked and he has gotten into the habit of doing these things. His toys are a different story!

Aug 18, 2009
Losing items
by: Anonymous

Your children sound just like my son. Almost daily we have to hunt his shoes down. We have actually lost a single shoe and have hunted for everywhere not to find it until months later. We remind him all the time to put his shoes in his room on this little chair he has but if I am not right there to remind him he doesn't do it. That is the first thing that comes off when we walk in is shoes. Even in the winter he will take off his shoes. His feet will be ice cold and still no shoes or socks.

I usually take care of the backpack and school items so they don't get lost.

In the am when he gets dressed he is supposed to put his PJs under his pillow but half the time they are still on my bed. It is not unusual for him to set something down and then ask about it later. Do you know where .... is? Most of the time I have no clue where he may have left it.
I have always contributed this to his inability to pay attention or maybe even a selective memory.

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