Isiah's story

by michelle
(baltimore MD)

Isiah was born full term and a very happy baby. We couldn't have asked for a better child. Everything was fine until he was 4 weeks old. He started shaking and I got scared and took him to the hospital. They later told me he had a seizure. I didn't know what to do at that time so I cried and prayed for him that everything would be okay. But it wasn't and it was the beginning of the story.

He started to have bad seizures so we had to go to a childrens hospital for children to try to get everything under control had plenty of tests done, such as an MRI, CT, and EKG. Everything came back fine till he was 9 months old and tests finally showed that the left brain had problems.

He was in and out of the hospital and the hospital became our second home. Everybody knows us and they know what we are going through. He is now 18 months old behind 6 months. As a mother I fight for him and I am all he has. I am the only care taker for him I had to quit my job and stop college. He couldn't no longer be in daycare. I just don't know what to do anymore.

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Sep 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hi Michelle,

I have a son with Autism (12 yr.) and although he doesn't have seizures now I am always fearful that they may come some day...
I have 2 friends who have sons who have seizures and bad ones. One friend has a son who is 6 yrs old and who has a syndrome called Doose syndrome. He has 3 different meds. He is doing fine at the local preschool where he lives.

I have another friend who's sone is severely autistic and who has seizures and has been rushed to the hospital several times. She is a very strong woman and so are you! Utilize a support group locally or your local church for support! Support groups are great. You don't feel so isolated. Get into contact with your local with your local intermediate Unit and access services for children 0 to 3. you could have him evaluated for OT, speech...if he isnt making his milestones. Go on yahoo groups and look up a support group for epilepsy (do the private groups with more than 200 members). Other parents that are in your shoes or been there done that are more able to help you (for the seizure aspect).

Good Luck! God Bless you and your little Isiah!


Mar 15, 2010
Isiah's story
by: heather capone

My daughter Olivia who is now almost 5 started having seizures at 13 months. I can understand how helpless you feel. We went through different medications, it took us a year and finally got the right combo for her. As I said she is almost 5 she is still having difficulty, not with seizures, with speech and spd. I stumbled across your story looking for ideas on how to potty train my daughter. It does get better. One thing I tryed to remember is knowledge is power. Good luck on your journey my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Mar 07, 2010
Keep Loving Isiah
by: Don Forde

Michelle: Who knows why difficult burdens come along in life, but that's usually when one begins to realize that they have a strength they didn't know existed within them.

Approach each day with a resolve to do the best you can, seek help from family, friends or organizations. Take care of yourself and your health, and most of all Isiah.

You are in my thoughts.

Don Forde

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