Is slow physical reflexes a form of SPD?

When one person's physical reflexes are not fast or well co-ordinated (e.g. must take a second to prepare the body before stepping onto the escalator so that one can balance, or unable to play well in games like badminton or ping pong that requires fast physical response), are these a form of SPD or just plain slower in physical reflex?

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Jul 17, 2017
backward thoughts
by: Anonymous

i have spasms in fingers which sometimes i hit wrong lettrs when typing an understanding something is hard for me...its like im backward thinking

Jul 02, 2011
Re- slow relexes
by: Anonymous

my understanding is that both coordination and reflexes can be affected by sensory processing along with so many other things that can play a factor.

couple examples to think on, of many: vestibular processing which is related to balance, spatial orientation and movement - visual processing which can cause issues with what appears to be coordination or lack - proprioceptive processing which is related to muscles & joints etc. and can make eye-hand coordination very difficult - there can be other things that can contribute as well, other types of delays, dyspraxia, etc.

my son has some issues in each of the sensory processing categories. including struggles with eye and hand coordination and being slow to warm up to certain activities and even having to take a second or two to plan for body movements. we have benefited for regular visits with an occupational therapist. and there are so many things that can be done from home and activities that can help with these issues. that's a great thing!

bottom line is, if you have concerns, seek help. the earlier the better. read up on the things you are concerned about and make an appointment with an occupational therapist who can be a sounding board and also a wealth of knowledge and ideas for what things are concerning you. they can do a spd eval for you, although there is a great checklist on this website that you can go off of and perhaps do that before you go so they can something to go off of.

good luck. :)

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