I think I have ADHD
by Lily
Ever since I was about 6 or 7 years old, I was constantly moving. I would stand in front of the television and flap my hands, and do this little dance, even when the TV was showing something that had nothing to do with music or dancing. I was always a little odd, and said things that others just didn't say. ( I would blurt out honest remarks, that would sometimes hurt other's feelings, and I still do this in fact) I wouldn't realize it was mean until someone said something, and then I would always feel bad.
The worst thing, however, is now, I am currently 17 years old, and I cannot focus on ANYTHING in high school. I fidget, I daydream, and I get horrible grades. My parents always say I can't work, and that I'm lazy and that I should try harder. Nobody gets how hard it is for me to focus and do long strenuous work, and it's very frustrating. I spend all my time ( I know this sounds weird), bouncing on this exercise ball I have in my room and listening to music. When I do this, I zone out completely, and it's almost like the bouncing gets our my excess energy, and also lets me process my thoughts of the day. I can do this for literally hours, and I know it's not normal. I've also always been extremely sensitive and immature for my age, which I've heard is another symptom of ADD/ADHD. My mom even suspects that I have it, but I haven't been to a psychologist to get tested yet. I just need a second opinion on whether I have it or not.
Does anyone else think I have it?