How to explain to family & friends

by Scorpiogrl_83

I have some family who understand that I am very sensitive and do not like to be touched but others - including my grandma - consistantly do things that just serve to irritate and stress me out. How do I explain myself to my relatives, particularly those who clearly are not respecting my wishes?

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Mar 03, 2012
talk to your grandmother
by: Anonymous

You can talk to your grandmother. Be very sweet and explain to her that you have SPD and what happen. She will understand you.
When you learn about this problem you can understand better.
Good luck!!!

Jun 18, 2010
ignorant bad
by: Anonymous

The previous post is perfect, instruct the ignorant and demand respect for your problems.

Jun 16, 2010
ignorance sucks
by: Anonymous

sometimes the nice quite road is the way to go, some people call it the high road... especially when it's grandma... but i believe there is a point when facts just need to be shoved in someones face... nicely. i suggest you print out every page from this website and put a copy in her bedroom, a copy in her bathroom, a copy in the living room, one in her car, and one in the kitchen... (ok maybe that's a little severe but you get the point) --- you can highlight the parts that pertain to you to drive the point home... and possibly even get your doctor to write a fake prescription for what you need... no touching ... light touch... etc.

unfortunately some people are just too ignorant to think there is something out there that is real that they don't know about and they need to see it in writing and have evidence.. all older people trust doctors waaaayyyy too much...

but whatever you do make sure your still respectful about it.. she still is your grandma even if she is blind to your needs

good luck...

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