Home support/resources for coping? Programs that make a difference in everyday life.
I have a 8yr old boy born premature 3 weeks. He has been assessed using Masgutova Method of Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration. We have been doing a group of exersices and are planning to add a group of Handle exercises. It does not seem to be enough. He does register in some areas of this checklist as well and we are encouraged by the other comments of hope. He is a very high functioning child who at first seems normal until you spend more time with him, then the behavioral issues begin to show up. He interrupts constantly into conversations and has social interaction problems with children at school, being too rough and outbursts emotionally or physically. He is very headstrong and rough with our family and our animals. Also can be very sweet and friendly, but nothing is normal anymore or simple. Always changing.
We had to move him to a new school this year in Sept that has a full time special needs aid. He is going to 2nd grade only 1/2 time. The school feels he is doing well, less fights etc. However, we are overwhelmed at home with him and not sure how to get the help we need without labels and drugs. We feel completely isolated socially and can not get anyone to stay with him, so we get a rest. The progress he is making with the exercises feels too slow for how fast he is growing and how little he listens.
Do you have suggestions were to look next for pieces to the puzzle? Should we have a classic medical assessment done? How does this help? Are there centers that a family can visit and all learn a set of coping skills? Are there people that can come into your home and teach on site? We live on a beautiful small Island, but would travel for help.
Thank you, Mom and Dad