Home support/resources for coping? Programs that make a difference in everyday life.

I have a 8yr old boy born premature 3 weeks. He has been assessed using Masgutova Method of Neuro-Sensory-Motor and Reflex Integration. We have been doing a group of exersices and are planning to add a group of Handle exercises. It does not seem to be enough. He does register in some areas of this checklist as well and we are encouraged by the other comments of hope. He is a very high functioning child who at first seems normal until you spend more time with him, then the behavioral issues begin to show up. He interrupts constantly into conversations and has social interaction problems with children at school, being too rough and outbursts emotionally or physically. He is very headstrong and rough with our family and our animals. Also can be very sweet and friendly, but nothing is normal anymore or simple. Always changing.

We had to move him to a new school this year in Sept that has a full time special needs aid. He is going to 2nd grade only 1/2 time. The school feels he is doing well, less fights etc. However, we are overwhelmed at home with him and not sure how to get the help we need without labels and drugs. We feel completely isolated socially and can not get anyone to stay with him, so we get a rest. The progress he is making with the exercises feels too slow for how fast he is growing and how little he listens.

Do you have suggestions were to look next for pieces to the puzzle? Should we have a classic medical assessment done? How does this help? Are there centers that a family can visit and all learn a set of coping skills? Are there people that can come into your home and teach on site? We live on a beautiful small Island, but would travel for help.

Thank you, Mom and Dad

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Nov 01, 2011
don't forget importance of social environment
by: April Choulat

Hi there, I know this post is old but maybe you still check in. MNRI and HANDLE are 2 very effective therapies and it sounds like you are doing the best you can find for your son. In my experience working with children with multiple types of challenges (including autism and Asperger's), the neurosensorimotor component is only one component (though an important one). You also want to be aware of the social environment (especially for children who do not process nonverbal cues or who have processing disorders - we often as adults move too fast and have high expectations, esp. in school, etc.). Cumulative stress of school demands can also play a role in children's behavior. As can unidentified food sensitivities, etc. (where a professional should guide nutrition, etc.). I think of it like a 3-pronged approach: Relationship based therapies (like RDI or DIR/Floortime), Neurosensorimotor therapies (like HANDLE and MNRI), and medical/nutritional support when needed. The brain needs all of those.

All while trying to remember that children are children first and do need down time. Not easy to manage, but it can be done if a child's program is balanced holistically. Good luck and I hope you have found the help your son needs!


Sep 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

We have been using the Masgutova method for almost a year. Our son has improved significantly in many areas. We believe he is Aspbergers but opted to spend the money on attending the Masgutova class rather than on a diagnosis. It was the best solution for us. We now have the tools to use for all of our children. If you can...take one of her classes. If you use her method it can really change your child's life.

Feb 16, 2010
story sounds familiar
by: Darlene

Hello, I'm sorry you both sound so tired. Your story sounds a lot like my friends son. He is Autistic. He was lucky to get a lot of therapy when young and is now a high functioning 21 year old. Still autistic of course but able to have a good life.

I have a 9 year old son who has a different diagnosis with every new doctor that meets him..IE: Tourettes, ADHD, SPD (sensory processing disorder) and or Aspergers... I'm going with the SPD. I dont like medication, but my friend said it saved her son. Every one is different. As are their disabilities. I agree with the other comment about OT. I think it helps a lot. and a good OT can teach you to work at home. ( brushing, joint compressions etc, for more info email me. darlene2@tampabay.rr.com good luck

Feb 16, 2010
yes to medical diagnosis
by: Ericka Morgan

I would say you should definitely pursue a medical diagnosis, this is so important because a developmental pediatrician and/or a neurologist or neuro-psychologist will be able to give you a much clearer picture of what is going on with your child. I know, labels don't matter---but having a deep understanding of what is going on with your child does matter, and the medical reports are a helpful part of this.

Also, do you have a good occupational therapist? This is also so very important!!!! My son is 8 years old, diagnosed with ADHD, SPD, and Aspergers Syndrome. He has been getting regular occupational therapy for a little over a year now. He has made huge gains! Most importantly, his therapist has taught him how to recognize and express his sensory needs....he can tell me if something is to loud, or smells funny, or whatever issue is bothering him. And he accepts his issues! These are huge for me, because I want him to be happy with who he is!!!!

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