Helpless and confused

My son just turned six yesterday he is a very loving out going boy , but when out comes to getting him dressed its another story..he is in first grade and because of his problem he had been late almost everyday..i always knew something was wrong butt never what then I saw this site and this might sound crazy but was glad to see other ppl dealing with what I was cause I thought it was just takes us about one hour to get his shoes on thats if we even do they have to be just right he tries to tie them so tight you would think that would make it worse but really thats how he likes them..he had the same problems with his socks shirt and pants

...i don't know what to do because he gets so frustrated which leads me to get frustrated I hate leaving him in the mornings because I feel so bad because of the way we both have acted..he doesn't really have any of the other symptoms so I am still not for sure of this is what is wrong..i really just don't know what to do..

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Dec 17, 2012
My son is the same
by: Anonymous

It used to take me 30 minutes to get my sons socks and shoes on. Eventually after being patient for so long, I would get frustrated and angry, he would cry and shake, and I would feel terrible. We went and saw an Occupational Therapist who was able to validate my son, and explain to me what he was feeling. We still have trouble almost everyday but its only a couple of minutes. My son is figuring out how to occupy his brain while I put on his socks etc. I am confident that as he gets older he will be able to self regulate these feelings - at least he knows hes just sensitive and not "broken".
Good luck to you and your family

Oct 28, 2011
Helpless and confused
by: Anonymous

Here is some back ground. I'am 48 years old and was adopted my birth mother recently found me and was telling me about her grandson who just so happens to have SPD. I started crying because I remember growing up with the same symptoms. I didn't know there was a name for it.Clothes(food, loud noises) were the worst and I would always tell my mom they were to "stiff". Coming from a very strict household I didn't have a choice so I came up with my own ways to deal with it. If I put my socks on inside out the seam would'nt bother me as much and if I slept with them on I it wouldn't be so bad in the morning. I liked my shoes tied very tight it was like firm pressure was better than light pressure. I also knew I had some clothes that were better than others and if I knew the night before what I was wearing and had some control over that it helped. The good news is I grew out of this in my teens

Oct 26, 2011
Clothing tantrums
by: Vicky u.k

Hi, I felt I must email regarding your post as my 7 yr old daughter is suffering in the same way . She is an excellent pupil and popular kid but when it comes to clothing , she has massive melt downs especially with putting on underwear and socks . I have spoken to my doctor but in the uk they are not familiar with SPD so am finding it difficult to get help.on a good day we have found that trying to distract our daughter by her reading or singing or playing with a toy helps us to get socks on. And also sometimes leaving her to get herself ready can help avoid any parent / child arguments.have you tried getting seamless clothing as they can help ?

I know it's so hard at times but this site is a wonderful life line and gives support when you are having a bad day !

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