Help with my 18 month old

by Patronya

I just want answers for 18 month old to be normal. Well start off he was born at a healthy 39 weeks 8lb 1oz. About 6 months is when I noticed a difference him. He was sitting up fine ,but only when we would place him. He would never sit himself up to a sitting position. He never held his bottle he does now but only lying down. He never crawled did even show interest in it. He's not walking yet ,but not that I'm not worried about that he is standing some what. He doesn't play with toys and I have bought him all kind of toys. Kind that light up, move, and make noise. He doesn't hold things like toys stuffed animals, keys, or rattles. He doesn't like swings or walkers and He rocks all the time and hmmms and squills. He does keeps his hands pull back and he keeps them tight and his fists balled up.

His pediatrician referred him to our local UCP center and Early Intervention and he attends the daycare twice a week. So he receives OT once a week and PT once every month. But I feel like that not enough. He also has had a MRI, genetics test and 2 EEGS done (a 30min one and a 48hr one)they all came back normal. He doesn't eat solids they have to puree them our feed him mac and cheese, grits or oatmeal. I know this seems like a lot but I'm very worried because he not functioning like a normal 18 month old. Everybody tells me not to worry that he will just wake up one day and be able to do these things but I worry that he won't. My husband doesn't wont to accept the fact that something is wrong he thinks that everybody does things for him (spoiled). That's why he won't do things for himself. He had an appt. today with neuro and he gave me this disorder. I'm just trying to fine some answers.

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