Grandson, Jayden age 5 will only eat certain foods

by Doris Parker
(Haysville, Ks)

It is hard for Jayden to eat, be it if were at home, school, or out somewhere. He will eat the same food (s) for days until he's had enough and then it's time to discover what we can eat next. We have tried the "your 5 now and you need to take 5 bites". It is hard for him to eat new foods. We try, but he just flat out refuses, gags or makes himself "bring" it back up. Even though this doesn't happen frequently.

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Dec 29, 2009
starstarstarstarstar kid does that too!
by: Anonymous

My son is skinny and its hard to get him to eat what's on his plate....I had to mash his food up for 3 years! I noticed that he doesn't like to chew things up, he just likes to slosh it around in his mouth (joyfully mmming) and swallows it almost whole!

Its been sort of a balance of trying to "make him eat what we eat" but honestly that hasn't worked at all... He only likes what he likes and he needs to keep up his weight to stay healthy.
So, in short I recognize the foods he likes ex: been burritos... So I try to mash up meat and vegetables very finely and sneak them into the burritos. There's also some healthy juice box drinks(without sugar) that have vegetables hidden inside the juice (un-tastable ones).

With us, our 4 year old son's problem isn't really taste though. He's a total texture dude!
Good luck! Thanks for sharing, it always helps me out too reading the bloggs on here...Thanks.

Dec 29, 2009
Don't nag!
by: Ericka Morgan

I don't mean to sound rude in the title but it is true, with feeding issues it is very important to downplay the whole food issue. Eating can become a power struggle and that is totally unhealthy.

My son's developmental ped said that since he is healthy and growing, i just shouldn't worry about what he eats. My son has a severely self-limiting diet--he eats potatoes and apples-NO Other fruits or vegetables. He will drink juice of certain kinds. He will not swallow vitamins or any medication except for Tylenol. (cherry flavored). He eats only whole wheat bread (for which I am thankful!) And he loves chicken, hot dogs, and spaghetti. That's pretty much it-but he is average height and weight, so the doctor said don't worry about it.

If your grandson is having health issues related to vitamin deficiencies or malnutrition, then you should go to a feeding clinic or have his Occupational therapist do some work on feeding. Otherwise, just don't worry about it. It honestly is not a big deal.

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