
I really believe this site should have a forum for parents to really get to talk with each other. This question section is helpful, but the questions seem to just get one or two replies and then go unnoticed after that.

A forum with categories would be wonderful. It would open up ongoing conversations and be a place where parents could come for ideas from other parents. They could share what has worked for them also.

Any chance?

Leeanne M.

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May 26, 2024
How to fix sensory overload
by: Anonymous

Yeah not wearing sock and nightmares, all to do with abit of peace and quite, and knowing when the sun come up outside, which is like 5am here in ireland, however perhaps not really suited for a 11 year old

May 23, 2024
How to fix sensory overload
by: James sherriff

Hello well what you want to do is go somewhere quite place quite person, it's really that simple, there is nothing else about it. :)

Feb 27, 2021
by: Ursula

Yes I agree. It would be very helpful. I’m new to the site snd I definitely noticed a lack of responses. The last comment was from 2019. If I had the skills and knowledge behind it, I’d start my own site 😜 hmm maybe I should look into that.

I cannot find anything local either. Both online or a in person group. I know covid is still going on, but it’s slowly starting to get warmer outside. I would love a in person meet up. Get to know other parents, other children.

I’m still on the hunt. I am hopeful. If I find anything I will post it on here.

Feb 26, 2021
by: Ursula

Yes that would be great. Not sure of any except here. Do you know of any?

Feb 26, 2021
New to the group-looking for parents with same struggles
by: Ursula

Hi there
We live in Michigan. My daughter is 3 - almost 4. She has SPD. She’s been in OT for 6 months. It’s helped. However, I feel like I personally need more support. More like-minded individuals that also have children with special needs. I currently do not have any family around and my friends just don’t seem to understand. I either get told "oh it’s just a phase" or I get completely ignored by them.

I’d love to have more parent friends that also have children with special needs. My email is Thank you all :) I look forward to making new friends!

Feb 07, 2019
my 11 year old daughter
by: claire

hi everyone, Im just looking for some advice, since my daughter was around 7 years old, shes been a nightmare. she wont wear socks, she wont wear trousers or long sleeves. you cant sit next to her while your eating, as the slightest crunch noise and she goes mad.

see the thing is shes a lovely girl and very quiet in school, so all the teachers just think shes quiet so don't really take much notice of her. Im getting a bit more concerned with her now as she will do things like if we close the door for example she will then have to open the door and close it herself.

Ive took her the doctors, but I feel like im getting fobbed off, I don't know who else to turn to, does this sound like SPD?

Jan 26, 2011
There is hope!
by: Anonymous

Just a note of hope to those looking for SPD resources. My son is 7 1/2, was diagnosed at age 2, and he is doing so well. We've been doing OT for 5 years now and it has made a huge difference in our lives. This website provides a lot of valuable info and resources. Arm yourself with as much info as you can, seek help as soon as you can, and believe in your kids!

May 14, 2010
Killer klothes
by: Broseph

I'm 18. I have Aspergers syndrome and like so many others here have tactile integration.

The reason i'm writing is because I'm having an incredibly difficult time finding any clothes that I can tolerate!

I've only been able to find one Cotton shirt that I can wear, and very little in the way of pants.
I wear shorts all the time! At the moment its impossible to have a social life, and even life with some of my family is extremely awkward!

I can't wear most clothes. No man made fibers and so far no silk

I can't even wear most cotton, regardless of tags and seems. My covers are the softest cotton I have stocked at my house but even they make me uncomfortable and dehydrate me. I bought some soft Cotton casual leg ware and they didn't work either.

I do have one Cotton shirt that miraculously works though, which gives me hope! It's a black 100% Cotton puma sports shirt. .

This is my question/s, does anyone know of any type of shirt and pair of pants that have a high probability of working for me?! I've spent hours looking in a load of shops with no joy!

Could there be a certain quality of Cotton and a specific weave that makes the fabric even less tactically offensive? And does anyone know of it?! Perhaps clothes that don't produce static electricity would be much more tolerable..? Any helpful information would be greatly appreciated!

Feb 27, 2009
Sensory Street
by: Ericka Morgan

I'm in a good yahoo group on SPD-it's called Sensory Street. I am not sure but I think the people who run that group have some connection to this website. Either way, it's a good group and the parents in it are VERY helpful. You might try looking it up.

I am not saying it wouldn't be good to have a forum on here, just trying to share some info.

Feb 27, 2009
I agree
by: Anonymous

I do agree with you. You could also join the groups they have on They have 2: SPD Moms and their Sensational Kids and the other one is Making Sense of Sensory Processing Disorder. They both have message boards where moms can chat with each other and there are some wonderful and helpful topics.

Feb 27, 2009
by: Anonymous

I agree that there should be forum for parents who have children with SPD. I wrote my comment about my daughter who have sleeping problem. No one got back to me on that one. So, I really needs some advice my daughter sleeping problem as she is getting worst.

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