Hiya, As someone who was 1 mark of having dyspraxia and was told to have dyspraxic tendencies I can tell you the following:
In the future if he or she gets a job that plays to their strengths you won't notice it much anymore. Schools are small minded and academics aren't for all minds dosent mean you're hopeless.
The therapists can teach ways of thinking and managing it once implemented you'll find it happens automatically without thinking
You never really grow out of dyspraxia but you can learn to manage it so well you no longer see it, it does grow with you and will lessen as you get older
Make sure to get treatment ASAP I went at 11 but was told most of it was too late to fix... Remember this is a development condition which needs to be treated whilst you can still develop.
Not growing out of dyspraxia isn't a bad thing it is part of who your child is, how they think and if you ask them some part of them won't want rid of it (once they're old enough to understand it fully which can take a while took me four years) there are many positives to dyspraxia and I often think it is a different ability not a disability. One of the biggest positives is the sheer determination and strength you get through having to perceiver with it, also because the dyspraxic mind skips some information (to do with how the brains wires work) you get to the answers faster when you're lucky.
Sometimes you have to push for a diagnosis dyspraxia is hard to see; don't give up.
As someone with autistic friends I know how helpless and useless you can feel in the outside looking in dw and from the inside know that we feel your frustration and want it too.
I spent hours crying and my mum spend hours wondering over wether I would have a future with dyspraxia: it's pointless you will. It's just doesn't seem like it all the time then there wouldn't be a fight to toughen you up and where's the fun in that?
Remember: your child has thus beautiful annoying way if seeing life for a reason,you've just got to help then flourish it.
Did this help? Good luck and stay strong
Oct 19, 2011 Rating
possible by: Anonymous
my understanding is that some outgrow it but some do not. i've been told by occupational therapists & have read as well, that the key to success later in life is getting early intervention. good luck.
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