Does this sound like SPD?

Hi everyone. I have been wondering if my 4 year old has SPD. We went through the issues with tags although she will allow them now. She likes to wear her pj's most of the time, takes her shoes off as soon as possible, and does not like having her face washed, hair brushed, or teeth brushed. It has gotten better but she still says, "Ouch" alot! She does not like loud noises...toilet flushing, vacuum, blowdryers, etc. She has to wear earphones at the movie theater, parades, etc.

She still sits sometimes to go down stairs or has to hold on to a rail or me. In a pool, when other kids are playing even if she has a raft or floaties she clings to an adult. I guess the main thing lately has been issues when she is playing and other children touch her. She constantly says Ow or Ouch. Other people might think she is just whining, but she has even been known to say that if she falls asleep and I have to carry her to bed. She can't stand splashes (shower water, playing outside in water, stuff like that)...especially on her face. She went through a phase where she didn't want to give hugs or kisses, but she will now.

Just thought I would get some feedback from some people here. One doctor thought she was "acting out" cause she was "p'd at him." Wondering if this sounds like what anybody else is dealing with. Thanks!

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Aug 22, 2011
RE-skin sensitivities
by: Anonymous

your post sounds a lot like my little guy. and YES, sensitivity to temperature for sure! the bath water is usually barely luke warm but he thinks it's 'perfect' when he gets in. he hates water in his face and has refused until just recently to trey taking showers. he is verbal enough to tell me that the shower water is hard on his skin and hurts, like 'getting a shot'. so very sensitive that way. and also his body temperature i feel sometimes isn't regulated well. everyone else can be freezing and he's 'just right'. or vice versa as well. just really has tactile allodynia about a lot of things. but he has come a long way and improved so much with the help of an ot.

another example is that he won't play in the rain (or even a light sprinkle) without an umbrella because the rain 'hurts' his head and it's freezing cold (even when it's quite warm to me). and he really has an aversion to various types on physical contact with others as well as with tags, certain textures of foods etc.

children with spd are wired just a little bit different neurologically. and so these types of issues can be present. one book that helped us navigate some of these issues is titled, too loud, too bright, too fast, too tight, by sharon heller. good luck.

stick to your guns about learning how and then teaching her how to best deal with the issues that challenge her no matter what others are saying. they aren't walking in your shoes. Go mom! :)

Aug 19, 2011
Checking into it
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the response. I was also wondering if anyone notices sensitivity to this case heat. If I start running water for her bath, to me the water if barely warm and she will jump out and say it's too hot. I've also noticed that when we go somewhere, if she feels heat on her (like heat coming up from asphalt or pavement) she will want to wrap something around herself to cover her arms and upper body.

Aug 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would definitely say this sounds like SPD but an OT eval would tell you for sure. My 2 kids have had many of the same symptoms and we know my older son has it. My younger son was never evaluated but we know enough to say he also has a mild case. Good luck!

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