Diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder


I have had problems with sounds - certain sounds cause me distress, tactile (unable to wear certain clothing, sensitive to touch etc and negative reaction to certain odors. I am currently 53 years old but my earliest recollection is around the age of 9 or 10. I've also struggled with anxiety and depression as well as some OCD traits. My psychiatrist and some occupational therapists diagnosed me with sensory processing disorder along with depression and anxiety, however, my employment sent me for further testing to get a second opinion and an independent psychiatrist says I do not have sensory processing disorder and I only have panic disorder. I'm discouraged as I thought that I finally had an answer to my lifelong struggle with these problems and may be able to get the help I require as well as some changes to help me work effectively.

Can anyone help me know if this the two are related; does panic/anxiety/depression cause sensory processing problems or can sensory processing disorder cause panic/anxiety/depression? If this is only a panic disorder then why do I have such strong reactions to sensory stimuli?

I want to get the help I need which the OT and my doctor were willing to do but with this new diagnosis I feel like a door has been slammed in my face and I am back to not being able to
treat this.

Thank you

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Apr 26, 2011
dont stop searching
by: lisa

My symptoms started after an exposure to mercury/heavy metals from 16 fillings and a vaccine required for work. I had not had any symptoms up to that point. since then I have been to many doctors and all seem to have had a bandaid but not the answer. Each doctor i visited led me to another train of thought and then another until I found the right doctor for me. Different doctors believe different things so you cant take the word of any doctor until what they say matches your own gut feelings. It is your body. Also, you could be denied a certain diagnosis because it is not recognized by your insurance carrier. I had to, in the end, go to a doctor and self- pay.

It may be different with everyone, but for me it was heavy lead poisoning (verified by a blood test). I have to say that i would not have even considered that if i hadn't tried almost everything else.

I am getting better with i.v. chelation of dmps and cal-edta. It is a slow process but it is working...dont give up

Apr 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

get a third opinion from a specialist in the field... remember, when a door closes another opens!

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