Construction noise

by Amanda Sanders
(Hannibal,MO USA)

I need help with construction noise

because i have sensory processing disorder
My apartment building in the middle of remolding
It causing me have overload. they
do the construction morning and evening and my
brain cannot recover from overload during the day.
What am I suppose to do?

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Jan 27, 2013
white noise and something you can control
by: Anonymous

I have found that a loud noise I have chosen myself, which I can change and control as I like, is preferable to a noise which I cannot make stop.

To drown out everyday noises, there is a website called Simply Noise that has different white noise (like listening to fuzz) options. There are a lot of other background noise sites too if you Google it, like Rainy Mood is the sound of a storm, and other sites have things where you can choose from a list of noises and overlap them, like you can select cat purring and fire crackling and bees buzzing at your chosen volumes.

For noises that are intermittently too loud to be drowned out by that, or noises that come with physical bangs like bass music and construction, I like to play Simply Noise and then ALSO listen to loud music of my own choosing with it. For some reason, if I can control it, the loud sounds are more acceptable. For when there is a lot of music with bass thumping outside, I like to listen to the band Dethklok at top volume because of the deep/rumbly/gravelly death growl of the singer, to drown out the low, loud noises outside. If children are screaming and playing, then Cradle of Filth is very good for overpowering that noise because that singer has a quite high-pitched screaming voice. If there are a lot of clangs and crashes going on, then dubstep is better because of the electronic tones, so musicians like Varien tend to work better for that. Basically, find a music or radio show or television channel that you can stand so long as you are in control, that sort of matches the noise tones you are trying to drown out, and then play your own sounds louder. Being able to turn your own music down or off might make all the difference in what noises you can take. Metal and dubstep work best for me because of their sharp, rapid changes in tone that sort of overpower and then mask when the unwanted noise sounds through, and they also tend not to lull or become quieter at the ends of the songs.

For finding music that you can search by genre, choose the particular album/song you want, and listen to on a playlist for free, Bandcamp and Soundcloud are good. If you have a particular music in mind that would work for what you want to drown out, you can create your own playlists at YouTube for free.

I find that playing the white noise and music works best when you have speakers, but if you need to keep quiet, then earbuds will block out more sound than regular headphones. You can also buy noise-cancelling headphones though, but they're expensive usually.

If you do not have a computer handy, you can also get white noise by setting a radio to a blank station to listen to static, or by getting some desk fans, and placing them between you and the noise you don't like.

May 25, 2012
Hearing protection
by: Anonymous

My son is Autistic/ADHD/SPD, and the main thing that seems to help with these kinds of situations is some Winchester passive ear muff hearing protectors I picked up for him at Walmart for less that $10. I highly recommend them.

Oct 21, 2009
hope this helps
by: Anonymous

Try using headphones w/ you favorite music in playing, use something for calming. I do this for my daughter sometimes to help clam her from noises.

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