Can this be cured?

by Vee

I seem to be getting mixed information. My son has SPD and was diagnosed at 3, he has OT twice a week and I daily body brush, give him vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile stimuli 6 times a day. Because he is sensory seeking he can't go to a normal nursery and I'm home schooling him, as well as working on his fine motor skills. I'm working this hard because the centre told me that we can cure this and he can go to a regular school. But there is nothing that suggests this on your website or any other. Please help me make sense of this.

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May 03, 2011
by: AJ

i have a son with spd and he is highly sensory seeking. we have being seeing an ot for a little over 2 years now. and we have greatly benefited from her ideas/resources about various things.

my understanding is that these children who have spd, are neurologically wired just a bit differently than others. we can't change their neurology but we can give them tools to deal with and cope in their environment and to help them be successful in life as life comes at them.

two resources we have benefited from are: (also called the 'take 5' program

talking with these kiddos about everything from social boundaries to emotions and how to deal with in an appropriate way is crucial.

also, one other thought, many children on the spd scale benefit from outlets such as gymnastics, swimming and karate. for various reasons, but they greatly help with body and spatial awareness, discipline and focusing and self control. just a thought.

good luck. it's a long, hard road some times to help these kids, but they are worth it. and most of them are so bright and gifted that the negative behaviors and the acting out that can very much be related to sensory issues, can over shadow that good in them. we work very hard with our son to be optimistic and encouraging and in making sure he has an appropriate sense of self esteem. these kids are ours because we know how to help them best, and if we don't we will be their advocate to get them the help they need and sacrifice and do whatever that takes. keep plugging away mom! hope something here helps.

Apr 10, 2011
by: Amy

There are so many conflicting theories. This discussion has been very helpful. Thanks to you both!

Apr 09, 2011
My understanding
by: Anonymous

My 4 1/2 year old son also has sensory seeking issues and I truly feel your frustration. We had several notes sent home about his hitting or being argumentative when he was in early preschool (3year old) for 2 days per week. We addressed this primarily behaviorally at the time even though I knew he had some sensory seeking behaviors. Now he is in a different preschool 3 days per week and several situations have arisen with him hitting and being overly argumentative with teacher and classmates. We recently began occupational therapy and have had several meetings with his teacher.

From what I've read the kiddos with SPD aren't cured but they can be helped. Our approach is to give him as much appropriate input as we can at home (vestibular, proprioceptive and behavioral) and we've found that it carries over some at school. Supposedly, children's brains are more capable of reasoning by the age of 7 years so children with SPD can over ride some of their need for inappropriate input or seek more appropriate ways to get the input they need.

Hope this helps! We also pray a lot:-).

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