Brushing protocol

I am doing brushing protocol on my 2 1/2 year old daughter. She is speech delayed and has a vey mild sensory problem. Our OT recommended I do brushing and joint compression 3 times a day. She tolerates it well but I am still waiting to see improvements on her attention span and focus. I think occupying her with a cartoon while brushing her does help a lot. Also our OT tried it on me first to let me know how it feels before trying it on my daughter. It feels like a massage and it’s quite relaxing.

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Jul 12, 2013
Over sensory
by: Anonymous

Hello, Just an offering, but TV is so over stimulating for any child but especially young children, doing the brushing after a bath or before bed and only doing what she allows at that time is best. Over time she will allow you to do more. The TV is working against what you are doing with the brushing, the TV then over stimulates, even if she is still it is like a build up of emotions etc as the child is still like in a trance due to the TV. Not sure this is clear but you can always try it out and see. Sing her a song or tell her a tory while you brush her, hearing her mother will be very relaxing vs. TV.

Less TV is always better especially for little ones or any child.
Good Luck!

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