My four and a half year old boy has an out of control habit of putting everything in his mouth, and chewing. Can I give him dog toys and or bones? He has a chewing tool always pinned to his shirt, but it seems it is not enough. Thanks
Chewing is a sign of unintegrated reflexes. Check out
Chew toys are often given by OTs but should be thought of as a last resort or short-term compensation (while hopefully addressing the root issue). Originally for Downe's Syndrome children, chew toys can have a negative effect for children on the autism spectrum (because of the effects on brain chemicals relating to aggression - can lead to self-injurious or aggressive behavior over time). Just something to be aware of because they are so commonly given in OT, and are not always benign or helpful.
Nov 17, 2009 Rating
chewy by: Anonymous
My daughter likes to have something in her mouth also. Especially when she's concentrating on something.
We made her a necklace out of colored string threaded through sections of aquarium tubing. It is non-toxic and she loves to chew on it. She has chewed through a couple of pieces but we just untie the string and thread on another piece (or make a whole new one).
If he's against wearing a necklace maybe you could just make a string of them that he could carry in a pocket?
Oct 27, 2009 Rating
no dog toys by: Anonymous
i would not give your child bones or dog toys..they have chemicals in them.
try crunchy foods
Oct 20, 2009 Rating
More effective chew tube by: Anonymous
What about having chewing "breaks" with his chew tube and dip it in lemonade powder and/or cranberry juice to "wake up" his mouth? We've even rubbed my daughter's chewy on Warheads sour candy. You might also consider alternating chews on the tube with Nuk brushing on the inside of cheeks and tongue (also after having been dipped in powder).
Oct 05, 2009 Rating
Gum by: Amy
Have you tried gum? That is what helped my son. I am not sure if dog toys would be ok... Maybe if you washed them in the dishwasher... My cousin used to buy dog toys for her son to play with when he was teething. He is 14 now and it never caused any problems.
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