I'm assuming you are a teacher. Many kids with SPD react more at school than they do at home because something is pushing them to their limit or they aren't getting the movement they need throughout the long school day. I don't know about your particular situation, but I do think it is too easy to blame the parent for a SPD child's behavior problems and many of them have tried everything that parents of children without these problems have.
A different approach is needed for most of these kids. Positive reinforcement for good behavior works best and natural consequences without excessive shaming. They need to have some successes, especially if they are constantly getting in trouble. Try looking at this kid as someone who is behind their peers in social and behavior control just like some kids are behind in math or reading and need extra help.
It is not the child's fault and most of the time it is not the parent's either. As long as the child is getting therapy, things should improve but there also need to be accommodations in the school to help prevent some of the incidents that may occur. Think about what is leading up to a particular incident. Is it a particular time of day or during particular kinds of activities?
Again, I don't know your particular situation but I say all this because I don't know how you would know about the parent's discipline or lack thereof since it sounds like you are not in their home. I think it is a better idea to look at what you could do different at school. If the behavior is happening at school there is probably a good reason and this child needs your help.
This site is full of good information and resources. I suggest you take a very good and thorough look at it.
I really feel for this child and for their sake, I hope it gets better.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation