Auditory Hypersensitivity and Preschool
by Rachel
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and has just begun the transition process from Early Intervention to Preschool. She has been diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech and Sensory Processing Disorder. She has also been misdiagnosed with PDD-NOS. She has made great progress with her speech at home with EI. She has not made progress with her sensory disorder. We have not found any truly successful coping mechanisms for her auditory hypersensitivity and because of this, we avoid birthday parties, church, playgrounds, playgroups, etc., where even one child/adult/environmental sound is too loud/or abrasive to my daughter and may cause her to shut down.
When she shuts down (eyes close, body shakes, cries, or body goes limp or coma like), she becomes unresponsive or uncooperative for up to two days. I'm worried that placing her in a preschool classroom will throw her over the edge to the point where she will not benefit from one on one ST or OT at school. Yet, we don't have the finances to give her the therapy privately. She won't wear ear muffs and because she constantly mouths inedible objects, ear plugs are not an option for her.
What, if anything, can we do now in the next five months to prepare her for preschool? Are there any other alternatives to preschool that I'm not thinking of? I know that certain sounds are painful for her and are in a sense like torture. I don't want to send her someplace where she will be in pain or learn behaviors that may present even bigger problems come kindergarten. Please help.