Hi, my son is 4 and has ADHD, we had him diagnosed when he was 3, which is early than normal, but my son is VERY active and always has been, plus my husband is ADHD, so we saw it coming. anyways, he was a TOTAL handful, not bad, but like he just didnt listen, ever...it was like talking to a wall...i was at my wits end..but long story short, when we had him Diagnosed with ADHD, they also found that his speech was severly delayed, so we took him a speech therapist and they also recommended something called PCIT...Parent Child Interaction Therapy...its only once a week for 12 weeks, but it works wonders...no joke...they just teach you what your kid is doing and what to do, and why he's doing it...they deal with alot of kids who are adhd, or have behavioral problems...amazing tools, great for mom and dad, no drugs or crazyness like that...my son has done a total 180..we learned ALOT! GOOD luck! im not normally one for therapy, but honestly, i can personally tell you i saw major results and learned alot about my son and myself=)
Jan 03, 2011 Rating
GET HELP NOW by: sheila carter
If your child is on meds and they are not working, switch them. Don't let the doctors up the dose just switch medication, it takes a while to work, but if it doesn't work within 4 to 6 weeks, switch again. It will be hard but you have to find the right meds or your child will get worse. The doctors work for you, don't get intimidated. My mother ignored my ADHD problem when i was growing up and now I'm suffering because of it. I'm 43 and i am bi-polar, chronic depression, anxiety, memory loss, fatigue and some others. Children with small mental issues grow up to have BIGGER mental issues, don't wait, get help now, so you and your child can live a happy, healthy life YOU DESERVE IT! Good luck!
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation