5 year old refuses to eat it if it's healthy.

by Frustrated dad

My 5 year old refuses to eat healthy food. Her mother feeds her processed foods, fast food, and junk food regularly with complete disregard to family health history. I haven't fed my daughter processed foods or fast foods for quite some time but it is definitely a chore to get her to eat food that has more veggies in it than meat.

Type 2 diabetes runs in my family and I would like to teach my daughter the benefits of eating healthy but all she wants is unhealthy food. If I try to let her skip on the food and just wait till she is hungry enough, she will go days without eating if she has to eat something like bell peppers or quinoa. Then the next problem is as soon as she gets to her mothers house she will tell her how hungry she is and mom will take her straight out and get some fast food or toss some unhealthy processed junk in front of her that has more chemicals and corn syrup in it than actual food.

I'm at a loss here and have no clue on how to get my daughter to eat the healthy foods that I eat.

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