Zinc Supplement

My son 7 was a very picky eater.

I was recommended by a mother to try a zinc supplement.

After about 6 weeks we noticed a vast improvement in the foods he was willing to try. He was also more willing to try some rougher textures. If we miss his zinc for more than a week though he goes back to being fussy.

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May 04, 2017
Zinc concentrate
by: Anonymous

Hi i am wondering since zinc concentrate is actually use for diare is it actually okay to be consumed for a certain period of time?

Jan 23, 2010
Can't really help
by: Anonymous

I don't really recommend the one we are using, but it is the best we can find.
The supplement we have also has vitamin A in it, and it obviously gives to much as my son comes off all food with vitamin A in, mainly oranges, carrots (peeled slices) etc. Look around or have a formal test done by your doctor. We also give my son Omega 3 which I also believes helps.

Dec 15, 2009
by: Anonymous

Please post the name of the zinc supplement and the pharmaceutical home that produces it. many thanks.

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