I was recommended by a mother to try a zinc supplement.
After about 6 weeks we noticed a vast improvement in the foods he was willing to try. He was also more willing to try some rougher textures. If we miss his zinc for more than a week though he goes back to being fussy.
Hi i am wondering since zinc concentrate is actually use for diare is it actually okay to be consumed for a certain period of time?
Jan 23, 2010 Rating
Can't really help by: Anonymous
I don't really recommend the one we are using, but it is the best we can find. The supplement we have also has vitamin A in it, and it obviously gives to much as my son comes off all food with vitamin A in, mainly oranges, carrots (peeled slices) etc. Look around or have a formal test done by your doctor. We also give my son Omega 3 which I also believes helps.
Dec 15, 2009 Rating
supplement by: Anonymous
Please post the name of the zinc supplement and the pharmaceutical home that produces it. many thanks.
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation
I am a 29 year old single mother. I was born with sensory processing disorder. I am amazed their are other adults out there like me that are aware of this
Hi, i just want to share if anyone is experiencing the same. Since i was a kid i cannot sleep if i dont rub my feet on a rough texture fabric which i have