Sensitive to particular noises

by dmw

I am 44 and have often wondered what is wrong with me! Noises... especially smacking, gum popping absolutely drive me crazy. It is impossible go anywhere without hearing someone with gum. Even if they aren't really smacking it... gum drives me crazy.

I feel like I am going to come out of my skin if made to sit in an area where this is going on. I often times have to move seats in the middle of church or a movie. I don't know what to do... I can't stand it and don't want to become a hermit just so I don't have to hear it. Makes me feel like I'm really crazy!

Help... any suggestions?

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May 30, 2024
May 3, 2015 random or repetitive noises
by: Kourtni Zielke Freeman

To the person who wrote about borderline personality disorder on May 3 2015 I have been suffering from this disorder ever since I could remember. It's so difficult to do anything most days I'm angry so I find myself drinking more and more.

I need some real help doctors in Las Vegas dint listen or want to even try to help me none even will diagnose me with it but I know what I am and what u have I've done my research.

I've seen borderline personality disorder with my own eyes my 12 yr old daughter she suffers from thus as well I would appreciate if someone who is in Las Vegas could help me figure out how to deal with myself with out drinking and drugs.

I'm sick of my life style choices and I need a person who will help me with out hesitation and won't abandoned me in times of need look me up on Facebook Kourtni Zielke my hair color is greenish, teal& blue message me on there if you can help me thanks

Aug 08, 2019
I have issues!
by: goingoutofmymind

I found this page when I googled, "why does a jingling bracelet unnerve me". The girl beside me, at work, wears the key fob to our office on a spiral key holder on her wrist like a bracelet. The key fob is hard plastic and it hits up against the silver ring on the key holder. IT DRIVES ME INSANE! I hear it hit her desk when she types. She likes the noise, I guess.

I detest loud, jingling bracelets. I think they are in appropriate in the work place. It's like wearing gobs of perfume or cologne. I even have allergies to that. Not to speak of the other co worker that clears her throat every 5 minutes, literally, very loudly on top of speaking very loudly on the phone.

Our office can get quiet and we have high walls so I do not see them while sitting. I sometimes get tired of wearing my Airpods. I wish there was a way to get over this. At one job, I brought it to my managers attention and all she did was start wearing 'loud' bracelets to annoy me. She thought it was funny. So I hesitate to say anything anymore. }/

Apr 10, 2019
10 decibels past Rage
by: Crystal

I use to be pretty tolerant of the world around me, it would take something major to even get me a little upset.

I remember getting my mouth popped/smacked frequently as a child if I slipped and accidentally make a smacking noise while eating, if I got caught blowing a bubble or open mouth chewing gum I would lose that privilege for a month.

Whenever I got spanked and it made me cry, I had this weird uncontrollable almost hyperventilating sound that would immediately follow my crying episode (like three quick short inhales before a long exhale), I couldn't make myself stop & would get my butt beat again, so I learned to bury my face in my pillow. I grew up had kids & none of those noises or any really bugged me.

Then in my early 30s I tragically lost my family & found myself in an empty house (besides my elderly dog). I couldn't watch tv or listen to radio because all the in you face reminders, and devoting all my time to my family before they passed, I never took the time to make any friends, so nobody came to visit and I rarely left. Just sat inside my house alone and without any sound other than wash machine/heater/ occasional car driving by.

Over the last year In an attempt to live life again I have forced myself to leave home at least 4 days a week for at least 45 min.. I have found that people for the most part are freakin annoying! Smacking, humming, loud repeated sighing, talking just to talk, and the phrases or words "In my H... opinion" "I know,right?", and "literally" make me want to rip a voicebox out & stomp on it!

Then there is trickling/dripping water, vehicle back up beeps, barking, buzzing ballast lights, ticking clocks should become extinct, loud breathing, tapping, static, and that overhead jet that seems to never get completely out of hearing range before it starts getting louder all over again.

It definitely makes me feel like a complete lunatic.

Feb 26, 2019
My sensitive to noise
by: Payton

Click clack,smacking, and other peoples chewing drives me insane!I hate it so much and it keeps me from working or listening to music and my T.V.I really hate it is when my family eats gum or fast food and start to smack and chew!Then I get angry and flip out,but still I don't know want to do....

Feb 14, 2019
people talking
by: Anonymous

Some days I absolutely can't stand to listen to continuous talking. It's not just that it annoys me, it literally makes me want to scream and run away. Surprisingly, if I put noise cancelling headphones on with music (even with words), I'm fine. This is starting to create problems in my marital and social life.

Nov 03, 2018
Words and sounds
by: Mike

I have a Very High Sensitivity to words and certain sounds. It drives me Crazy to hear that word "Basicially" Over and Over several times a day, and those "Bleeps" on TV. They Enrage me!I can't Stand to hear Water splashing,so I cannot take a bath or due dishes without wearing Earplugs Actually almost All sounds bother me! It is a Living Hell!

Nov 03, 2018
I'm not mad after all
by: Anonymous

Holy moly. I thought i was insane. I live right on a main road, i feel as if i'm living on the street. There is constant traffic right outside my window. Makes me want to kill someone. I cna't stand it. But its not my fault, or the fault of anyone here. Humans aren't built for this. When i was young, in my 20s, i thrived on stimuli. Now i'm older, almost 40 and would kill for just silence. Although I'm 40 i feel like i'm 80.

People don't realise how bad living in a city surrounded by thousands of people all driving and shouting actually is for us. There's no space between us anymore. I feel like living in a ity is like being thrown into a jar of those hundred's and thousand's sweets and having to fight them all off.

Aug 23, 2018
Jet noise
by: Anonymous

We live near a navy training facility. In the last couple of years the jets are flying overhead sometimes 16 hours per day, around and around and around. We love our home and our neighborhood but we have to move due to the stress and anxiety that I have from the Jets.

Now, almost any noises make me nervous and furious. Loud music, tv, dogs barking, you name it. I seem to have no tolerance for any noise.

Moving will cause other stresses, mainly financial ones. I’m not sure which is worse at this point. As a last resort I thought of trying hypnosis to perhaps learn to shut off the incredible anger etc when these planes fly.

Has anyone tried this for a similar situation?

Did it help?
Thank you.

Feb 20, 2018
46 and not the only one...AWESOME! (I guess..)
by: Anonymous

I have been dealing with this all my life in one way or another and for most of my life i didn't think it was an issue till about 5 years ago when i realized its actually affecting me more then i thought.

It triggers me to get MAD instantly and that's not a common response for me in general terms. I have what i used to say a sensitivity to sounds and scents and most people don't hear or smell what i do but that in turn makes me sound like a psycho.

At work the clicking of Keyboard or Humming of my colleagues drives me through the roof. I have resorted to wearing headphones but hate that I cant hear my surroundings or if my phone rings - i try and use just one but even hearing the clicking of the keys from one side sends me into a rage.

After reading some of these posts i realize some have it worse so for that I am Thankful. I truly wish there was remedy for this... Why oh why cant this be truly diagnosed and corrected?

My family thinks its hilarious and that I'm over reacting but i have no control and they don't get it. Even if at church someone ruffling plastic or papers in a quiet room and nobody reacts but me. I don't want to be rude or mean to those noise makers but i fear one day i will get out of line with someone for it and then seem like a nut job.

Other then plugging my ears I need resolution. I tried forcing myself to tolerate it for one whole week without getting mad and i think i just made it worse.


Jan 22, 2018
Facebook Sites
by: Anonymous

I am on a Facebook site, misophonia support group, and Christians with misophonia. Hope some of you check it out. Helps us not feel so alone and a lot of good suggestions on there to cope.

Jan 22, 2018
Sounds Suck
by: Mike

I have had the HATRED of most sounds now for 32 years and it is So bad that I actually hit myself if I hear them.

Water sounds are the Worst, then even certain Words put me into a complete RAGE! I think suicide when I hear these AWFUL sounds! I cannot take a bath or shower without wearing Earplugs pushed tightly into my ears.

I was diagnosed with leukemia a few years ago, but that does not bother me at all compared to Misophonia. Cancer is no concern. In fact, nothing in the world is as bad as misophonia!! I'd rather die then hear any Irritating sounds!


Jan 16, 2018
4 Years Later
by: Ruby

Hi guys,

I posted here a little over 4 years ago when I had just found out that this thing that had me so outcast, abnormal feeling and alone had a name and groups of people coming forward sharing their experiences.
I was both relieved and saddened to find out there were others experiencing this torment.

So, 4 years on and although my misaphonia has evolved I read back over my post and not a lot has seemed to change.
I still hate all the eating related sounds; plates clanking, cutlery scrapping and squealing, and most of all the chewing.

I still hate the voice related triggers; ‘s’ sounds, deep male voices and distant noise that is audible but not enough to ease my angst.

I most definitely still have the visual triggers; swinging legs, taping feet and handstand general restless body movement.

Some triggers have eased off, in terms of how I’d rank there annoyance to me and others have intensified and vice versa intermitantly throughout the years.

I have, however, learnt to manage and cope with the triggers much better over time and can manage that fight or flight instinct with much less discomfort.

I do feel that it plays a very significant part in my life and I still feel alone but I have learnt not to obsess over it and have learnt enough coping mechanisms that it’s becoming almost seemless and my strategies have become so second nature they now appear natural and can be easily hidden as not to alert my friends or family to what I’m doing in terms of coping. If that makes sense.

I’ll check back in another 4 and hopefully I’ve made even more headway with it all.


Jan 13, 2018
thank christ im not alone with this!
by: Anonymous

I believe i only have but one "trigger", that is loud repetitive bass music, my neighbor listens to a radio station where they play 70's and 80's rock, which is actually my favorite music, however she has the bass turned up so damn loud, that is all you can hear unless you stand right next to her fence and listen carefully.

She plays it every day for hours,as she doesn't work much, this doesn't bother me much as i work full time, but in the weekends,when im home, she literally starts playing it at 10.30 am and often doesn't finish till 6 pm....all i hear is doof doof,da doofity doof doof.

I can hear it 30 meters away from her,inside my house with the windows closed up. Funnily enough, the bass is not REALLY loud, but it just seems to penetrate my house really easily. Ive tried asking her to turn it down a dozen times, but she always apologises, turns it down for a week or so, then slowly cranks it back up.

In desperation I rang noise control,they said it was within their limits, however they measure noise from the road, and not from the house, and her house is probably 30 meters from the road, but directly opposite mine!

I am in no way anti-music, but when all i can hear is bass, it drives me insane!

Dec 13, 2017
Partly responsible for my split?
by: Anonymous

Sounds crazy, but my husband grosses me out with his eating so bad that I just can't look at him/kiss him. And then every time we try to be intimate, I just think of the gross eating. Things got real cold between us until one day he said he felt like we were more roommates than husband/wife.

The first thing in my mind was having my own place again and not having to hear him eat. I know this is crazy, but his eating grossed me out so bad that I can't be intimate with him anymore. There are a few other things as well, can't say it's all that, but if intimacy is a large part of keeping a relationship together, well...

And just to keep trying and make sure I wasn't crazy to let it go like that, I had him over several times to hang out. We would do things, but ultimately, end up eating together. It was just damn... does it really take all that noise to eat that little thing? To eat that piece of pizza?

Yes, I talked to him about it many times. Yes, there were other things to contribute, like his addiction to teen porn which most people say is normal and guys need to do this.

I'm dating now and I've found someone who I'm more compatible with, likes women (not girls) and whom I can sit next to him and he can eat and it isn't loud.

I know how bad this sounds, but his snoring was also terrible. Slept in another room for the ten years we were together. Even with both doors closed, still had to go and get him to lie on his side. Lol. Anyway, it's just nice to have peace and quiet. My new guy isn't quite as much of a snorer.

It was just a bad match, but it's funny how the little things can pile up.

Dec 13, 2017
Throat Clearing
by: Anonymous

A woman at work who sits 2 rows over from me clears her throat VERY LOUDLY all day long. It is every 3 seconds for the entire day. It is silent in the working area except for her constant throat clearing.

I don't know how it is not heard by other people or does not bother them. I literally want to jump out of my skin every time she does it. I even wear headphones, but can still hear it. It is horrible and I don't know what to do.

Dec 11, 2017
People who honk and blast bass in cars
by: Anonymous

I go into a furious rage when people honk their horn, and blast base that is not music just noise.

Sometimes I fantasize I have an rpg
(Rocket Launcher)to make them go away! just joking but I really get mad....

Dec 07, 2017
Sniffling and vaping!!arghhhh!!
by: Anonymous

Very relieved to have found this website!

I am easily annoyed at repetitive noises, loud or not, like my coworker constantly sniffling and/or coughing up phlegm ALL DAY LONG! Makes me enraged!!

Also, my wife quit smoking a few years ago and began vaping (I am proud of her for quitting). I thought the vaping was only gonna last for a few months, but she has been vaping ever since she quit smoking. At first it did not bother me, but now the very instant I hear the gurgling, sucking sound on that mod, I want to take it away from her and throw it out the window. The thing is, I told her it bothers me and asked her not to do it around me, and she says, "it doesn't bother anyone else, get over it!" I end up putting in earbuds and cranking up my music.

If we are driving I have to open a window (for wind noise)m, turn up the radio, or both.

I am glad there are many of us out there, I just wish there was a way to block out these sounds without having to use earphones.

Nov 25, 2017
That damn Cheerios commercial
by: Anonymous

I cannot even explain the RAGE that comes over me when that stupid new Cheerios commercial is on TV. The CRAP rap chanting that follows "love goes around and around and around" is so freaking annoying I want to kill my TV set.

By the time I grab the remote to mute it, my blood pressure is already way up. Someone needs to get a clue. Many of us cannot stand this

Please, make it stop!

Nov 22, 2017
Glad I foud this forum
by: Tracey

Goodness, I'm glad that I'm not the only person that feels about noise this way. I'm only 47 and I feel that I'm turning into my Grandmother who famously used to say, "Lord, Children stop all that noise!"

I cannot stand hosted You Tube sites that talk and scream about video games. I really cannot stand it when the kids have that noise going along with multiple TV's. My father uses a sound bar with his TV because he is nearly deaf and then turns the sound on the TV on with it. The result is an echo effect because the sound from the TV is off by about 1/2 second from the sound bar and it's stadium quality loud.

Slamming doors, dropped toilet lids, people who smack their lips while eating, slurping, spoon clinking, water dripping, neighbor's loud base car stereo blasting music in a foreign language.

TOO MUCH NOISE IS SO OVERWHELMING! I feel like I'm losing my mind. Thanks for the great forum.

Jul 08, 2017
Gum popping technician
by: Anonymous

I recently visited my opthalmologist who ordered a scan of my eyes. The woman administering the scan was chewing gum throughout the procedure. Very unprofessional, IMHO.

Jul 08, 2017
Obnoxious coworkers
by: Anonymous

Here is my experience. A coworker who is always 85% of every day, 5 days a week humming. Another coworker who is a loud talker and is always talking about no ones cleans up after themself. Oh, I don't contribute to this mess she talks about. But she is within earshot as well. Very frustrating!

Jun 18, 2017
People are Gross
by: Jamie

That is just amazing. 2008 was the first post and it's still going.

Thing is this: People are disgusting. People don't have consideration for those around them. Manners are a thing of the past. Being obnoxious and loud is popular. No, I'm not super old. I'm nearing 30.

When people make these obnoxious noises, smacking or scraping their plates, they are invading my peace of mind. Everyone needs some peace and quiet. When someone does these annoying things, it really is annoying. I like music and television, but I think I need to just be alone. After being alone a awhile, it's easier to deal, but it's still so disgusting to hear my boss talking with food in her mouth. The way she changes her voice, like she got a horn in the back of her throat. It's almost like she enjoys talking with her mouth full.

People are disgusting and have no regard for anyone.

Jun 17, 2017
so many of us out there...
by: Anonymous

I came to this site because I was happily planning a reunion with a good friend, until I remembered how her gum popping drives me insane. Good to know that I'm not alone.

Besides gum snapping, intolerable noises include nail clipping, plastic bottle squeezing/crinkling, loud chewing, loud public conversations. Funny that I moved to the noisiest corner of the world - China, where I'm sure NOBODY suffers from misophonia. So much unnecessary noise here that I think everybody must have significant hearing loss. Maybe living here will be a desensitizing force. I have to suck it up and can't speak out lest I be seen as the "ugly outsider".

Jun 12, 2017
It's getting worse
by: Anonymous

Been dealing with this since I was 12, I'm now 21. I commented on here back in early 2014, fast forward to 2017 and it's actually gotten worse.

Still sleeping with earphones in, still get angry
, the same noises still trigger me (loud eating/chewing, heavy breathing, snoring, gulping, repeatedly throat clearing/coughing/sniffing) and my family are my biggest triggers. Great.

May 21, 2017
Noisey Neighbors
by: Anonymous

Kids thumping basketballs, dirt bikes running behind our home, loud rap music

It does no good to ask them to turn down the loud music, or run dirt bikes/ATVs when we are not at home.

We have been told to move if we don't like it. We can not afford to move.

Mar 22, 2017
by: Shannon M

I'm not sure its the same thing & I have never been diagnosed with SPD, however, I was curious if how I feel about a certain sound made any sense or if anyone felt that way. I'm not sure what it is, but the sound of several people clapping is fine... but when I hear the sound of a single person clapping I panic. It makes me feel strange & I can't shake the feeling. I can't figure it out.

Mar 21, 2017
Cheap Water Bottles...
by: Mr. Jiggyfly

I want to sock anyone who deliberately squeezes those ultra-cheap water bottles just for the hell of it. When I hear it, my blood curdles after reaching the boiling point and I just want to sock the person, man, woman, or child, who is doing this. My last outburst occurred in an elevator when a millennial took a bite out of his apple right in my ear and I hauled off and boxed his ear in. Luckily no one knew me in this building so I wasn't given any grief. I think I suffer from misophonia.

Mar 16, 2017
loud neighbours
by: Hare Krishna

If its loud neighbors there is a easy solution.
Choose the opposite music from what they're playing. Then wait till they have gone to sleep.
Then play that music at the same volume then they do, till they start complaining and then say...This will continue till you turn yours down. Then continue till they do. It mostly works.

Mar 13, 2017
Cellophane wrappers and loud women
by: Anonymous

I was waiting in line to board a flight yesterday on Southwest Airlines when a middle aged couple queued up behind me. They proceeded to loudly chatter between them which was annoying enough. The man was munching on something that required him to handle the crinkly bag in such a way that I wanted to turn around and punch him! Later on, when I was settled in my aisle seat, 3 women were yakking away in a row nearby. One of them was especially obnoxious, with a thick Boston accent and penetrating voice. The flight was over 3 hours of her nonstop noise. I hate flying and inconsiderate people!

Mar 13, 2017
by: Anonymous

I'm relieved to know this is a real condition and I'm not just losing my mind! I do have anxiety and depression, but not sure if there's any relation.

I started being sensitive to certain noises about 8 yrs ago.The first time it was extremely intolerable was when I lived on a busy street and couldn't tolerate the traffic noise, which I heard in every room of the house! I had to turn the stove and bathroom fans on to drown it out.

Then I bought a pair of radio headphones which helped tremendously! I work nights so I'm a day sleeper. I sleep with a fan on. A really loud fan right next to my head was the only escape I had from noise while sleeping in that house! We had to sell it and move to a quieter street 2 yrs after buying it.

Other noises I find intolerable are loud cars & motorcycles, dogs barking, gum cracking, clocks ticking, water dripping, finger tapping, and various noises at work such as loud intercoms and beeping noises.

I work at the post office so I really am postal! Is there a cure for this disorder?!

Mar 05, 2017
Super stressed!
by: Ham

I cant stand my neighbours loud music. That bass is bloody annoying! Even when you tell him he just laughs in your face. Last time he did that i hit him four times. I hate people who love to annoy others.

I cant stand barking dogs,cars driving past with that doof doof or people clanging cutlery on plates.

I seriously feel like im going mad!

Ive been diganosed with severe anxiety and depression and zoloft doesnt do anything!

Feb 28, 2017
Clattering Plates and glass/ silverware
by: Anonymous

The sound of plates and silverware when my mom puts them in the counter, bothers me like hell. Yet other sounds are fine for me? It's just those that make me want to plug my ears and listen to music or something. I can even hear it from my room when I am not listening to something else and it still bothers me.

Feb 28, 2017
Music can be hell...
by: Anonymous

Music used to be one of my favorite things. My musical interests were always somewhat narrow, mostly "classic rock" a little classical and some unusual songs that move me. What I didn't like didn't really bother me.

I really disliked having a ball game played over the speakers at a former employer, the crowd noise bothered me and I also disliked live music recordings for that reason. But all was basically good and I didn't feel like I had a problem.

Over the years my hearing has deteriorated and I don't enjoy listening to "my" music as much but some days it really is nice to play some of my favorites. I have tinnitus in both ears and some trouble hearing normal speech.

Somewhere along the way the Rap and Hip-hop came "on the scene". The saying "Rap is to music as Etch-a-Sketch is to art" immediately stuck in my head. I mean, every football team has at least one rapper so either there is a lot od musical talent or Rap is really easy, brainless rhythm-chanting.

At first I really had an aversion to it, never wanted to hear it. Then it got worse, it was in commercials and everywhere and I had a stronger negative reaction to it. I couldn't stand to be in a store where they played it, would get angry when stuck next to some SOB in traffic booming the crap music where I couldn't get away from it. The rhythm-talking, the terrible thump-thump that isn't music.

Then the worst of all came into my life, the most evil despicable form of trigger music, Death Metal. I can't tell you who the artists are, I can't listen to 5 seconds of it without wanting to run away or do whatever it takes to make it stop. That throaty-gargly horrible sound is beyond maddening.

One of my co-workers played that crap and it was like others have said, it seemed so much louder and more invasive than it really was. I tried talking to him about it, about how it was driving me crazy but he was a young punk and didn't care. I talked to the boss and he told him to keep it down but you know how that long that lasts with those that don't care. It brings on true fight or flight responses in me.

One day I tried to walk away, but I knew I had to do my work so I paced a while trying to think of what to do. Then I did the one thing I didn't want to do, I just walked up, got in his face, like 3 inches away and screamed at him that it was going to stop. If he had flinched I would have beat the hell out of him. While I was screaming at him the big boss came to his rescue. It was like someone else was in by body, I was so angry, so desperately needed it to stop, irrational. That isn't me!

I thought they would fire me but they felt a little responsible since I had talked to them about it and they knew it hadn't done any good. I was written up and on probation for 3 months, the Death-head was told to get some buds as were the others. It ruined my working relationship with all the young people, but at least I don't have to listen to their horrible music.

All should be good now but it's not. It isn't a good job match and the job pays 2/3 what I should make. So today I had a second interview for a job that will pay over $20,000 more. I'd be ecstatic except guess what? The people there play their music, they pride themselves on the wide variety of music they play. It would be inescapable. I am screwed. I'm, afraid I might lose it again, or my work will suffer because I can't tune it all out! It is almost frightening. Earplugs don't work well, the music still comes through and the level isn't the problem. Plus if I block out the background sounds my tinnitus becomes a bigger issue. I can tune it out, but only if there is normal random background sound.

Why does that music cause such a severe and negative reaction in me? My friends laugh when I talk about it, they have no idea. They don't play the trigger music, except a gal I really adore, we'd be a couple but I couldn't be around her when she works out to her Rap tunes. I have no right to ask her to play something else, she loves all sorts of music, some of it I can't listen to.

Misophonia is a real curse. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Feb 23, 2017
Motorcycle morons
by: Anonymous

Why do people have to have the LOUDEST bikes? Idling at a stop light and then taking off like a giant fart down road.

Feb 23, 2017
Not alone
by: Anonymous

Occasional sniffing where you hear the snot, guttural snoring, and what I call "smoker's throat" clearing irritates the everloving being out of me.

Feb 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

Mostly it is the incessant BEEP BEEP BEEP of the OSHA 'required' backup alert on the earth moving machines. It has been going on here for nearly two years and it has driven me to over-drinking and insanity. that BEEP is inescapable and i want to be recompensed. Do i have a case or will i have to take matters into my own hands??? thank you

Jan 20, 2017
Update: Muffled bass music from neighbours
by: Atilla

I got some Bose QuietComfort Headphones for Christmas, and omg, they just remove all hint of muffled bass music. I can relax in my own home again. I feel free.

Jan 01, 2017
There is a cure
by: dave

Sensitivity to certain noises is something I’ve been dealing with for many years. I believe that the brain can be reprogrammed so that a particular noise no longer causes any annoyance. I think there is a neural network in the brain that keeps listening for a particular sound and when it hears it, it seems to amplify and focus on it, and then the brain starts to react negatively to the sound. But, this neural network can be broken or reprogrammed. I will describe how I broke one of my noise sensitivity neural networks.

For a long time, I could not stand the sound of a particular bird, the sparrow. When I heard them chirping anywhere near me, I wanted to shout and throw stones at them, and sometimes that’s what I did. There were certain parts of the town where sparrows seemed to congregate and I always dreaded walking past those places because I knew that sound of sparrows would make me so angry. One day a pair of sparrows where sitting on my neighbour’s roof. I quickly got my airgun and fired it at one of the sparrows. They both flew away.

I thought I had missed, but a few days later my neighbour said he found a dead sparrow in his garden. At that moment, I felt a tremendously deep feeling of shame and sorrow for killing the sparrow. But since that day, I have never been bothered again by the sound of sparrows. I even plant hedges and shrubs in my garden for them and sometimes there can be as many at 20 sparrows all chirping outside my house and it doesn’t bother me at all.

So the way we think about noises can be changed. In my case a feeling of sorry for my actions was all that was needed. Hope this helps someone.

Dec 27, 2016
by: Anonymous

Slurping any liquid like a pig at a trough makes me want to toss my lunch, even if I haven't eaten.

My co-worker sits three feet away and I cringe when I even see a drink in his hand (non-alcoholoc of course since it's work).

I turn my chair around and plug my ears.
The smacking of the food like a hungry pig, again that reference is the same person.

Chicken-pecking on a loud@$$ keyboard to chatrooms and not work is noise intolerable until I charge my phone and plug in my earbuds and listen to calming music if I'm going postal, motivating loud music of I'm studying, anything to block the sounds.

One more of many things for now, the CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK of my teenage son playing his XBox. Sounds like he's killing the dang thing! Lol but still sometimes I have to ask him to do something else until my ears calm down.

Oh yeah, and the Jumanji neighbors upstairs that I swear have no clue that each of the stomps they've been making the past two years is getting them to people my teenage daughter's theory that they'll fall through our living room. I hope not, I'm to poor to move, lol

I'm glad I've found this site.

Dec 15, 2016
I have the same problem
by: Anonymous

I can be sitting in my college classes just minding my own business when I hear a pencil squeak or make some tapping noise and it feels as if my skin just jumped off. It takes me everything to not take their pencil and break it in half. It's not just this noise either bu the noise of cardboard also drives me insane. When someone runs their hand across it or rubs it together with other cardboard it makes me wanna scream. I feel like the only person who deals with this and it's just crazy!

Dec 10, 2016
The whistling sound of S's
by: Anonymous

I'm 45 yrs old and took a class with a good friend this week who processes out loud. Eight hours per day for five days she hasssss processed out loud and fills the silence with sssssss while she is thinking. After thisssss last week with her I'm not ssshhhhure I can be around her any longer.

When I listen to myself on recording or video I cringe at my own S's. Nothing like my friendsss though.

Now that this has been highlighted, I realize I am overly sensitive to a particular extended hissing or whistling sound of anyone that doesn't have perfect delivery with s's and shhh sounds.

Dec 01, 2016
by: Anonymouslance

What many of u have is Misophonia. It's was first given a name back on 2001. Most phsyciatrists don't yet know much about it. Jump on Facebook and do a search. There's a group u can join. I also have this condition. Cars, dogs, music, crickets etc.

Nov 23, 2016
To: Gum Should Be Illegal
by: Anonymous

It is -- in Singapore!

Nov 22, 2016
Gum should be illegal!!!#$#
by: Anonymous

I HATE with every fiber of my being the sound of people chewing, popping, cracking, smacking gum!!! it makes me insane! It's disgusting and makes me want to crawl out of my skin...or stab them in the face. Also......any repetitive nose drives me nuts. someone bouncing a ball off their cubical, or tapping a pencil.....HATE repetitive noises

Nov 17, 2016
Office Noise
by: Anonymous

At work, I (and others) have to sit right near a glass door that bangs shut (because of the locking mechanism) all day long. Even when people are just walking past the door, it triggers the door to unlock and then of course it has to lock again. To make matters worse (at least for employees here) some of the doors on other floors make no noise at all, but no one is doing anything about the doors that are very loud. It makes coming to working miserable these days.

Nov 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

I thought I was going crazy, My coworker has this LOUD annoying keyboard, it's fine if you use it for work because we only look up names, but when she types to make a letter or is chatting, ughhhhh I get so cringed that my blood starts to boil. I can feel it inside my body, it feels hot blood gushing from toe to head. It is so LOUD and when she hits the "ENTER" key, that's the loudest I can hear, every time I hear her hit the "ENTER" key, I can feel it all over my body that it hurts,IT BURNS. Any suggestions?????

Nov 04, 2016
Spoon clanging
by: Anonymous

I, too, am driven to homicidal madness by bowl stabbers and mug stirrers. My mother in law (God rest her soul) was the poster child for these habits. She would occasionally stay with us for weeks on end in the winter. I'd go in the bedroom and shut the door to get away from the noise!

Nov 04, 2016
Spoon clanging against bowls or mugs
by: Anonymous

My brother has to stir sugar into his coffee every morning and every morning I imagine slitting his threat....

It's even worse when he eats anything out of a bowl, because he has to eat everything out of a damn bowl...he has to get every last drop of food and to do that he has to use that spoon aggressively Against the damn bowl...

Pretty sure there is something wrong with me.

Oct 20, 2016
Neighbour's car puts me into murderous rage
by: Anonymous

Oh my gosh, thank you for this outlet. I really need it. The car across the street makes me want to kill someone. IT IS A BROKEN CAR and is so f*******king noisy............................. I work nightshifts and sleep during the day, and this lazy, fat couple come and go ALL DAY. WHY CAN'T THEY FIX THEIR $*(%*($^*(#$ING CAR!?@!?!??!?!?!?!? And besides it being NOISY AS H3LL, the guy IDLES IT CONSTANTLY, which happens to be right below my window................................................... I am going to purchase soundproofing curtains but I don't know if it will help. The sound reverberates so much that I think it goes right thru the f***king walls. Even the garbage truck doesn't wake me up.... Sirens? Nope. Snowplows? Nope. People outside? Nope. Every other car in the city!?!?!? NOPE!!! JUST THIS MOTHERF*****KING CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 10, 2016
Upstairs neighbor trouble
by: Anonymous

Oh yes! If I hear one more stomp or loud conversation from my upstairs neighbor, I'm going to EXPLODE! I've had this issue with the neighbor for over two months now, and I'm at the point where I'm looking for a new place to live. It's like living underneath a warzone, and she has woken me up in the middle of the night too many times. The landlords are useless and I'm at my boiling point. It's nearly impossible to recharge after long days of classes and work when the stomping interrupts my solitude.

Oct 01, 2016
going nuts
by: Anonymous

I am so glad I am not the only one also...i can't stand to hear someone stirring in their coffee cup and clinking on bowls eating ice cream or drives me nuts and also snoring and opera singers...

Sep 25, 2016
It's so hard to explain! But you do it well~
by: vikki

Yes yes! The "I'm going to jump out of my skin" if I hear that one more time kinda issue.Know it well.It's funny, my son loses it if I even file my fingernail once.More when he "sees" it after finally hearing it a little.

For me the suffering begins every day as my husband,son & myself all leave for work same time each day in my husbands car.We live a mere 6 minutes walking distance to work.Yet now that we live closer then ever, every single frigging day he picks up and screws with the car keys at 4:15. we are due at work at 4:45.And he jingles them around as in Lets Go! I'm gonna kill him!

I get to work,and the old woman next to me rocks in her squeaky chair to and fro for 5 hours straight. I'm gonna kill her. ugh!

Sep 20, 2016
All Noises
by: Maria C

I have noticed that most people that describe their issues with sounds have to do with bodily noises and those do get to me too and sometimes I think all noises annoy me depending on my mood. There are a few things that totally throw me into actual feelings of rage where I want to hit someone or something then I feel like I am a nut job because people don't understand why I get so annoyed.

Like all the other posts I read where people tell us to just ignore it... I wish I could - I truly do wish it didn't bother me. I even went as far as praying about it and asking others to pray about it for me.

The things that drive me batty most are keyboard typing or calculator typing. Soft tapping or loud tapping annoys the crap out of me like nothing else. The sound of people riffling papers or pinching papers between their fingers to go make sure there is one page attached annoys me too. The list can go on and on...

Bottom line is I am glad there are others with the same issues but sadly there is no cure of help on how to overcome this. I am 45 years and feel like this is only getting worse. I love music and sounds of nature so I hope that it never gets to the point where those start to annoy me too. My issues are mostly revolved around sounds humans make but not as severe as bodily sounds but environmental sounds.

Chewing Gum can bother me - Slurping or eating food loudly can annoy too but not like keyboards and calculator clicking.... Just talking about it makes me annoyed I swear... Funniest thing is that my own clicking doesn't bother me at all. GO FIGURE!!!

Sep 19, 2016
Glad it's not just me!!!
by: Anonymous

I thought I was going crazy! I can't stand the sound of televised sports...the commentators...the background fan drives me insane! I also can't stand the sound of my boyfriends birds, in fact I dislike it so much it makes me angry sometimes! And most recently the sound of traffic! I live on a fairly busy road at the corner of an first I found the noise annoying, but now, especially if I'm Pms'ING I just get so mad!

Sep 13, 2016
I never knew this was a disorder and I'm not a freak.
by: Mari K

OMG its so great to see that this is a real disorder and that I am not just a nut. The office I work in is more of a cube farm and I can hear things like people snapping their gum, or humming from several rows away and it drives me nuts. We have one person with a chronic cough and another that is dealing with severe allergies now and I am ready to lose my mind. Everyone tells me just ignore it. I don't know how. I can't just tune out these sounds and zone in on my work. I either plug into my headphones and listen to books or wear ear plugs. Not great if you want to be included in conversations but keeps me from going postal on my co-workers. Thank you for having this site, its nice to finally know that I am not the only one dealing with this

Sep 13, 2016
F'ing Rooster
by: Lisa

My BF has a rooster that makes his presence known ALL day morning til dusk. I can't stand the noise and I just want to drop kick it sometimes but I know I couldn't do that. I've explained this to my BF and he said it doesn't bother him or anyone else and won't get rid of it. There are other sounds that I don't like either but this is #1 right now. I almost hate being home because of it.

Sep 08, 2016
Stop The Noise!!!
by: Anonymous

I am sooo glad there are others with this issue. While mine is not diagnosed, I am happy to know that it is actually a REAL problem!! I absolutely ABHOR the sound of the clicking of a computer mouse, someone rubbing their feet and hands together ( especially if they are dry), the sound of dripping water, and the click on a keyboard ( with the exception of the one I am using). I work in a place where I have to answer the phone, so now phone ringing aggravates me too!! But NOTHING beats that freaking clicking!!! AHHHH

Aug 26, 2016
Chris Messina in film 'Julie and Julia'
by: Hugo

Fellow Misophonics -- I couldn't bear watching Chris Messina's character in the film "Julie & Julia" whenever he was at the dining table eating one of Julie's creation. The slurping, the talking with his mouth full...I wanted to jump out of my skin.

Glad to know (unfortunately) that I'm not alone with the noise intolerance.

Aug 12, 2016
My air cleaner noise makes me nutty
by: Anonymous

Ok, at least I have found you all to confess to. The steady sort-of white noise sound it makes causes me to hear things. It's kind of a radio going from station to station trying to find anything to listen to. My husband smokes. It's bad but when he wants to quit he will. And please, don't judge that he won't quit for me. I'm 55 he's 58 and when we met 12 years ago it was clear who we were and we accept each other as is.

But we live in Phoenix Arizona and the windows are closed and the AC is on much of the time. So we need to use this air cleaner most nights. When the TV is on or I'm reading, it's not too bad. But when the air cleaner is the only sound, I start to hear little snippets of a song or someone talking. Just so you know, I see a psychiatrist and take meds for depression and anxiety but I swear that these are not voices telling me to do something horrible or claiming anything. It's just these random sounds but it's like a radio being tuned from one station to another very quickly.

I feel it's like my mind is trying to make sense of this constant droning sound. So there. I said it. Thank you.

Aug 04, 2016
So things have improved a bit
by: kaykay

I've moved (again)and am very much happier in my new home. Even though I am on a busier street, with more traffic going by, I am no longer constantly assaulted by noise from neighbours. There is a young boy who lives behind me who likes to bounce his basket ball, which I can hear from the back of the house, but not from the front, so it isn't a huge problem. There is a person who goes past with the music in their car so loud, I can hear the music going "doof doof" well before I hear the car, but once he's passed by, well, he's passed by and the noise is gone.

I've found that if I bring ear buds with me to school, I can listen to rain forest sounds with the white noise app I have on my phone, and it blocks out most of the annoying noises other people make. I've also spoken to my lecturer, and she is happy for me to do my work at home, so long as I get it done.

I think finding out that it's not just me being an over-sensitive nutcase, but actually a recognised condition, has helped a lot. It doesn't stop sounds from bothering me, but understanding that there is a legitimate reason they bother me does actually make a difference. Because I can now recognise what is triggering a reaction in me, I can move away from that trigger and calm myself down. I don't need to let the negative feelings linger once the trigger is out of earshot anymore. Before I started recognising triggers, I often didn't know what was causing my mood, and I would sit in that mood for much longer than I do now, sometimes for the rest of the day. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but that's what I'm finding, anyway.

Life is much better and easier now. I am a calmer person and much nicer to be around (mainly because I disappear once I recognise a trigger), and my stress levels are lower than they have been in years. So thank you so much to everyone for sharing their stories. It all really has made such a difference to me :)

Aug 03, 2016
A little different
by: Anonymous


I find this topic interesting. When I was little, I was driven to near rage sharing the kitchen table with father as he smacked down his cereal. I began waking up at 4 a.m. just to avoid it.

Since then, my issues have evolved. Now, I can barely tolerate any music that goes into the upper treble clef unless there is a deep, positive sense memory -- like Madonna or The Human League.

In counterpoint, I find quiet sitcom conversation to be like Valium to me, totally pushing away the noise of the world. I also like white noise -- the sound of rain on a tin roof, full of random bursts of low frequency longitudinal waves and auditory slaps. I just nearly explode at sharp loud noises, car alarms, the laughter of children, sopranos, gun shots or backfires..

And while I do find casual conversation to be calming, when I am in a room, like a cafeteria, that insouciance becomes counterproductive. I have a great deal of difficulty listening to others or even staying awake.

In addition, an even worse anxiety takes over with lack of sound. The quiet of a forest or trees, the sound of waves crashing is equally terrifying as a child crying on an airplane.The only sound I want to hear is a guy like Joey on Friends talking in that low 40-50 decibel range about recent dating problems or how he doesn't have a job. I swear it puts me out like a light. The TV shows House, Bones and

Elementary are similar -- they give me that 'nighty night' energy, and I'm gone. It's only the music at the opening and/or closing credits that rips me from my slumber. I think it might me the structured sound designed to affect the human brain that causes me so much pain and discomfort.

Aug 02, 2016
I'm not alone!!!
by: John C.

Just found out today that after all these years I not only have identified my issue with crunching slurping, smacking, gulping noises, but that I'm not alone! There's no telling how many people I've driven away because of this issue. I pretty much see red when someone eats chips, gulps their drink, cleans their teeth, taps a pen, clips their fingernails etc. I've gone so far as to put ear plugs in when chips are being devoured by guests, even at the expense of not being able to hear what they're saying. I'm still trying to apply some principles taught by Eckhart Tolle about letting annoying sounds "pass through" but it's still not easy, especially after over 50 years on this earth being hypersensitive to these irritations.

Aug 01, 2016
by: tom healey

i hate 'yamming' -- people aimlessly chewing on gum or crunching sweets with no real point - just to crunch. i knew someone that lived in the states and loved hollywood movies to the point where he visibly copied 'iceman' from top gun with the gum chewing.

people letting dogs bark, with the attitude 'well.. dogs bark' - these types are eveywhere./ the types that love noises and bangs.

hearing kids or anyone saying 'oh my god' ... it happens too much and they are simply saying it because others do.

Jul 22, 2016
misery loves company!
by: Anonymous

It is an unfortunate issue that is bringing us all together..but here we are!
For me, I work in a quiet office and the only thing keeping me coming back is my headphones. I sit in close proximity to this weird kettle thing that everyone comes to for tea. The sound of the water coming out makes me want the floor to open and swallow me whole. NOBODY else seems to be bothered me this ?!?!? There is this lady who is CONSTANTLY crunching on something or other, whether it is carrots, cheesies, dry cereal..ALL.DAY.LONG. I just live at my desk with my headphones for most of day..not a great quality of life! She is a super nice person so it's bard to be annoyed at her but I can't help feeling that way! The hot water though.. I may have to 'accidentally' have the kettle go missing..

Thank you for letting me rant :) nobody else seems to understand what on earth my issue is! Good luck to everyone!

Jul 12, 2016
Seriously, tears of relief
by: Anonymous

I am so happy!

For as long as can remember I have been driven to distraction by the sounds people make when they are eating, the sounds they make when they are drinking, snoring, coughing, sneezing, even just breathing. Also, by the exaggerated sound effects in some (particularly British) films and TV programmes: the rustling of paper, the cocking of guns and, especially, the deafening sound of footsteps.

I am 56 years old and for more than fifty of those years I have suffered from hearing those noises and never known why. Knowing that I am not alone, that other people have similar reactions and that there is a name to go with the condition does nothing to ease it but is still an incredible relief. It seems I may not be crazy after all!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jul 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

This is called Misophonia, it's a condition. I have been diagnosed with it. Triggers for me are:

People rustling paper (so I can't go to the movies)

Eating apples or food that crunches - such as crisps or cereal.

Water being poured.

Being interrupted by a voice when I am trying to concentrate.

The drone of a motorbike or loud car engine outside my house.

The crunching of a plastic water bottle.

Jun 30, 2016
I dislike certain recognized noisy processes
by: j7n

I sometimes get annoyed by sounds the origin of which I can recognize rather than the actual sound itself. Since I moved from a house to an apartment, I hear a constant presence of people, most often the voices of Children or laughter of youth at night. Often I get depressed when I realize that any of my reactions are also likely to be heard; i would prefer to forget my present situation. If one doesn't feel charitable, I guess he could say I have a mis-anthropy disorder. I suspect that people having problems concentrating in a library or close to other people eating might be averse to people and not so much the sounds. I see eating as a rather private activity that needs space.

Constant tone of a highway or electrical installations is undesirable, but not a major problem. I find difficult to concentrate in the prsesence of unexpected sporadic noises such as a door rattling in wind, especially if under pressure do deliver some work. That I think is quite natural response.

I do take issue with reaction to noise being treated as yet another "disorder". At this rate the whole life is nothing but disorders.

Perhaps a typical small Television can be made less anoying if larger full range speakers with good top end response are added to it. Then the other person doesn't have to bring the overall level as high to get good intelligibility of speech.

I find flies hitting a glass window irritating because they sound like a mechanism such as a fan or a loudspeaker that's scraping against something and – needs attention. Getting rid of the problem is often not practical, such as if the flies are behind curtains, or the rattling door is the responsibility of whoever else is in charge of the working or study room. But a mental decision is required – for each event – to make the call whether it can be rectified or not.

I don't like knifes being run against dining plates, because I think that the plate gets damaged this way unnecessarily. And often I can't directly affect what the other person is doing. The level and character of the sound is not that different from let's say a door hinge sqeaking, which is I do not find as objectionable.

Jun 20, 2016
I UNDERSTAND, and this is what Ive found....
by: Robin

After spending most of my life feeling, and sometimes wanting to come out of my skin with some of these noises like.... crinkling and crunching up paper bags, smacking gum, chewing food with their mouth opened, or closed, even clicking of shoes while people walk on tile floors, sucking teeth with that darn toothpick hanging out could make me want to squeeze their cheeks closed so they couldn't do it.

I could go on and on bcz these things can drive you into a frenzy. So one day I decided that I had to research it, and please let there be someone else who shares this annoying, no, debilitating, staticky raw nerves feeling, that possesses me at any given time.

Research - MISOPHONIA (hatred of sound) ...I hope it will bring some peace about this " driving us crazy" thing we seem to share.

Jun 09, 2016
Repetitive noises
by: Beth

I think my issues started with my last job. I was a CNA and had to carry a pager which beeped to let me know if a call light was on. It beeped a total of 16 times (4 sets of 4 beeps), and would do the same when I answered the light. Imagine this, over and over, for 8 hours!!

So, now I am very sensitive to music, especially if there's singing in the song. Quiet music, like yoga type music is fine, if it's at a low volume. I can't concentrate with any background noise. Potato chip bags crinkling drive me crazy. My husband slurping while eating cereal, and his chewing make me angry. In addition to the music, I think high pitched sounds bother me the most. I rarely turn on the tv when home, but if my husband does, it seems as if he turns it up so the whole neighborhood can hear it too. I think both of us should get our hearing tested. Sometimes I wish I would go deaf. Glad I'm not alone or crazy. :)

Jun 04, 2016
by: Anonymous

The sound of water dripping stresses me out. Even sounds of water being poured into something just gets on my nerves. It's really bad and I don't know how to deal with it because these are everyday sounds.

Jun 01, 2016
Please. Stop. Clapping.
by: Anonymous

My husband watches "Wheel of Fortune" every night. That show makes me want to throw something at the TV. Tonight, a contestant was clapping loudly during every turn. I had to leave the room as it was driving me up the wall. Also, I hate it when a contestant yells and whoops when solving the puzzle correctly. SHUT UP ALREADY!

Jun 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

I cant stand the sound of a coffee cup being placed down loudly on a table, my mum does it over and over again like she doesn't realize how far the table is hahaha

May 25, 2016
Im so glad I googled this
by: Anonymous

I have been sensitive my life. I can remember being a little girl in a restaurant and asking my dad "daddy why does everyone have to talk at once"? People can cause me to leave a store by crinkling a bag..aaaaahhhh!. Recently I was in a store and woman came up right next to me with no one else in the store literally yelling "barry" there was NO ONE in the store.

I am sensitive to engergies light sound other people.

Has anyone found out what to do or info about this?

Thanks a bunch my sensitive friends.

May 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

Since I can remember, I get irritated, annoyed at people that shake their leg, wiggle their toes, chew loudly, tap their toes, slurp their drinks, whistle, snore, name it, it will get me agitated, sometimes to point of tears. Family would laugh at me, tell me to smarten up, they would do it more then just to see me wind up and spin out of control. But through the years I have learned that this is my problem, not theirs, so I remove myself from the situation...Because I don't want to go to jail for murder...:)

May 18, 2016
An agony
by: Heartbeat

My life has been a living hell because of my extremely loud and noisy neighbors. Apart from me suffering from misphoia, the noise my upstairs neighbors make is unbearable. They would move furniture and run or play soccer late at night. All day, I don't get to hear anything they do. The loud noise starts after midnight probably at 11, or 12 and it goes on until dawn. It is so irritating.

It is strange how my brain reacts differently to certain noises though. For example, I have an air conditioner that as soon as I turn it on, it makes such a loud noise but I can easily tune it out and sleep peacefully. Sometimes it gets a lot louder when it is on for longer hours but I still don't have any difficulty falling asleep!. But, if I hear the slightest noise of my upstairs neighbors moving some furniture or running around, I get frantically aggravated.

It's such a mystery how some sounds are tolerable and others incredibly agonizing.

May 05, 2016
Just. Stop. Talking.
by: Anonymous

It seems I can never enter a store or a restaurant without having to be beset by yakking customers, and/or music and announcements coming out of loudspeakers. I was attempting to browse in a clothing store recently, doing fine until a woman strolled along the aisle alongside where I was, carrying on a lengthy phone conversation while rifling through the racks. I immediately lost my train of thought and had to remove myself from her annoying presence. Nevertheless, I could still hear her from across the store. No one else seemed bothered except me. I wonder if it IS me, or has the world become less civil?

May 05, 2016
You are not alone...
by: Anonymous

I’ve been driven mad by repetitive (unessasary) noises all of my life. When I lived at home with my parents it was my dad’s snoring and my mom’s chewing & breathing. I’m 47 and it persists to this day with snoring, chewing sounds, dog’s repetitive barking, people breathing, gum chewing… Now at work a couple of people in my office fancy themselves as drummers. So they are always tapping on their desks or tapping there feet to music they are listening to. I’m going crazy & I look around at everyone else, but nobody seems to be bothered by it except me. It just puzzles me how people can be so ignorant to the sounds they make. I deal with it by either removing myself from the area of noise or I block the noise with earbuds and music or earplugs. I wish I wasn’t wired this way, but apparently I am.

Apr 26, 2016
Me too
by: Liz

Every morning, my boss sits at his desk and eats. I can hear him smacking and it drives me completely mad. I have to plug in my headphones to keep my composure.

It has always been this way for me. Growing up, I would lash out at my sister for smacking. It drove me crazy then and still does to this very day. I think it is a condition called misophonia.

Apr 20, 2016
maybe we've died and gone to hell
by: Anonymous

I can't stand chewing noises and gum snapping and whistling and yappy rat dogs and pretty much any repetitive noises. At my workplace one of the doors to the hallway is near my cube. The door has one of those pneumatic things that closes it but it SLAMS real loudly. I can tell when a meeting has let out (we have LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of meetings) or when it's lunchtime or getting close to 4:00 because the door SLAMS AND SLAMS AND SLAMS AND SLAMS.

Apr 16, 2016
I'm not crazy?!
by: Kathy

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'm 62 years old and have thought all my life that I had some psychological hangup because things that don't seem to bother anyone else just drive me out of my mind. I am SO happy and relieved to stumble upon this information, to know it is a real condition with a real name and I'm not the only one! Just having this acknowledgement encourages me to find new ways to cope and deal with it as sensibly as possible. Whew ! I feel so much better!

Apr 13, 2016
Slamming doors
by: Anonymous

I don't know when it started exactly but recently I have become extremely sensitive to the sound of a slamming door... perhaps because my roommates do it ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Every time the door sounds my pulse quickens and my heart starts pounding against my chest.

Slamming doors are always jarring me out of my sleep..ruining my concentration when I'm trying to study. One of them is so bad..its like she can't do anything quietly..she even pees would be funny if it weren't so annoying. She leaves puddles on the bathroom floor, leaves her toothbrush on the dirty bath tub, leaves the toilet seat dirty... okay this is turning into a rant of my roommate. Basically I can't wait for the end of the semester so I can finally move out of this craphole.

Apr 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

This is an eye-opener.

The sound of crinkling snack bags give me a mental tic, but not if I am the Crinkler. It seems that there's a particular frequency range which I'm most sensitive to. I can't tell if this is a physical or psychological condition, or some combination thereof. There are other triggers as well, similar to many listed in earlier comments.

I also have persistent and significant tinnitus.

My two oldest children have similar sensitivities (not tinnitus), but with different triggers. Son can't listen to me cleaning the lint screen in the dryer. Pronounced chewing noises causes daughter's skin to crawl. My third oldest (11 y.o.) might have some sensitivities, but doesn't mention them. My youngest (9 y.o.) doesn't seem to have any sensitivities.

Mar 27, 2016
It hasn't gotten any easier.
by: Erykah

I'm going to keep it short and simple. I HATE the sound of heavy breathing, snoring, people smacking their lips when eating and eating like they've never eaten before, gulping/slurping when drinking a drink, sniffing every 2 minutes and clearing of the throat every 2 minutes. And has anyone noticed how it's always the people you're closest too (family members) that make the trigger noises, friends too, but it's my family that make me feel the most anger, my mum, sister, brother and dad, but now one of my cousins is on the list because he's started staying at my house quite a lot now and OMG, he breathes so heavily it's unbelievable, I'm constantly asking him to stop breathing so heavily, can he breathe, why are you breathing so loudly, then I just find myself rushing to plug my headphones in so I can listen to music or I'll just leave the room. I literally fear it being silent for a split second because I KNOW I'll hear him breathing, he makes all the trigger sounds and It makes me so angry. I came here like 2 years ago after typing in on Google "why do I get angry hearing people chew, breathe and snore" and I'm 20 in April, I've been dealing with this since I was 12, and let's just say it hasn't gotten any easier.

Mar 22, 2016
sensitivity towards annoying sounds
by: kadie

I'm 26 and found out a year now I have a sensitivity towards squeaking sounds,like the stir of a pot or picking up a paper off the floor.

Mar 22, 2016
Some people ... !
by: Anonymous

I really can't stand some people.

In libraries, in the reading section, where talking is not permitted, they will nonetheless:

- Come to a seat and drop their books and things noisily on the table.
- Be unnecessarily noisy as they arrange their stuff.

Then they will …

- Sigh loudly at regular intervals.
- Double-click their ball-point pen, again and again, at random and infuriating intervals.
- Tap with their feet because they are listening to something on their headphones and can't hear the noise they are making.
- Hold a pen and then drop it loudly on the table when they move to their computer keyboard. Time after time after time.
-Type really hard on their computer keyboard.
-Continually sniffle instead of going and blowing their nose.

The worst of these people do everything in a disruptive way. They’ll get up from their seat with a sudden jerk, scraping the chair against the floor when they go to the bathroom. They dive for their bag to get a pen as if their life depended upon it. They fling their hand to their head to brush their hair away from their eyes. Every movement is like an emergency and you can’t help but react instinctively to the movement as you see it from the corner of your eye.

Lord, give me strength!

Mar 16, 2016
My Daughter
by: Anonymous

My daughter is sensitive to a lot of sounds like Gum, chewing, electricity, and more things that even I don't hear! I don't know what is wrong with her because sometimes she covers her ears when everyone is doing nothing and she claims to hear something. What is wrong with her??

Feb 21, 2016
Revolting triggers
by: Poster Child for AnnoyanceAnonymous

Here's one for the books. We were grabbing a snack at a local Sam's Club when I happened to notice a twenty-something young man having his lunch while scrolling on his IPad. He began picking, no, DIGGING in his nose. I had to look away. It was infuriating! Then he proceeded to get up, take his filthy thermos to fill at the ice machine. Finally, he pushed it up against the Coke dispenser. SO. GROSS. I wanted to give him a good slap along with a piece of my mind. Idiot.

Feb 15, 2016
Can't stand it anymore!
by: Anonymous

I've been working for the same company for 20 years now. We moved back in August and our office is only partially carpeted now. I don't know why but I can not stand to hear someone's shoes going clack clack clack back and forth on the hard floor surface all day long. It makes me want to pack my stuff and find a new job. It's, to say the least, very irritating!!

Feb 11, 2016
Stop Chewing! And while you're at it, Don't Whisper!
by: Tricia

I cannot stand the sound of chewing, drinking,or swallowing. My son eats potato chips and there is an actual rhythm to it. CRUNCH!crunch, crunch,crunch. Over and over. My partner drinking her coffee. Slurp!Then the swallowing sound. It's so annoying that I want to scream at them to stop. I would never do that - it's not their problem.Someone cracking their gum makes me want to smack them in the face. And seemingly unrelated, but I think it isn't,is that I cannot stand the sound of whispering. I don't mean someone whispering in my ear. There is a commercial with only audio of a woman whispering. It's stupid, but it actually makes me feel a little enraged. I have to leave the room. Other than these little quirks, I like to think I am perfectly normal. :-)

Feb 02, 2016
very sensitive to scratching sound of stainless utensils
by: Anonymous

HELP! My 11 year old boy is getting so sensitive to this sound. When we eat, he would squirm and cover his ears. ONLY with this sound though. I remember when he was little he also hated loud bangs, concerts and the lot. what should I do?

Jan 20, 2016
You are not alone
by: Anonymous

Kay Kay - your post resonated with me! I did a double take as you described how other people's noises affect you. I too forced a move with my husband due to a neighbor's lack of consideration. I too have walked out of stores with ridiculous volumes blaring on background music. Motorcycle pipes farting down the road, barking dogs, and screaming kids make me homicidal. Loud parties in restaurants. Popcorn crunching moviegoers. Unsolicited music (RAP!) reaching my ears in my own back yard - torture. Droning TVs coming from another room - it all makes me crazy.

Jan 19, 2016
Every sound is too much sound
by: kaykay

For as long as I can remember, people breathing noisily has driven me crazy. My older sister is a really loud mouth breather, and as a child, I would be in a constant state of high agitation, specially if we were in the car and I had to sit right next to her. To this day, being able to hear someone else breath is one of the worst things I have to endure.

I think as I've gotten older, I've gotten more and more sensitive to noises of all sorts. I sleep with ear plugs and a white noise generator to stop noises keeping me awake at night. Things like crickets chirping will stop me from sleeping. Being able to just hear a hint of someone else's music doof-doofing is enough to almost drive me to homicide. I've walked out of many a store because the "background" music is way too loud and makes it impossible for me to think. Dogs barking, children playing and cars revving are all things that annoy me to the point of utter distraction. And a dripping tap? If I can't fix it, I'm ready to load the place with dynamite and blow it sky high!

I have moved home again and again to get away from noisy neighbours, but of course, unless I move to the middle of nowhere, I will always have neighbours, and more often than not, they will have dogs or children or stereos. Even when it's quiet, I live in a state of heightened anxiety, just waiting for the next onslaught of sound.

It's a nightmare and I am getting to the point where I just don't know what to do anymore. I know there's no magic pill I can take and that most people don't even notice the things that drive me nuts, which makes it even worse.

I guess I'm just venting/having a rant and it's good to find a thread like this to know I'm not alone. One day, maybe I will win the lotto and be able to build a totally sound proof home.

Jan 13, 2016
Its all a real thing
by: Anonymous

There are several different disorders being presented here. Two of them are hyperacussis, a physiological reaction to loud, sudden noises. Misophonia is a rage (anger, disgust) reaction to trigger sounds, the most prevalent being chewing/breathing/repetitive sounds.

Whatever causes you suffering or anxiety is a real thing. It does not mean you are "crazy" or "mentally ill." It simply means your brain processes sounds or situations in an a-typical way.

If your disorder disrupts daily living, causes you anxiety or suffering, or leads to shifting life decisions to avoid suffering, it might be worth considering some sort of therapy. Book on misophonia is 'Sound-Rage'. See sites on sensory processing disorders. You are not alone. You desire joy in living.

Jan 11, 2016
Melt downs
by: Anonymous

Whenever I hear someone whistling, I have to clap my hands to my ears, (which especially hard in social place, or when someone is talking to me) and I feel like crawling in a ball and crying. My family thinks it's an overreaction, it's not and it puts me in a bad mood for a long time after. Sometimes, if it's unacceptable to shut my ears, I whistle and ask the person to stop, but it makes me look like a hypocrite. I want to know if it's a real thing.

Jan 08, 2016
I need help
by: Anonymous

My husband is making Tut Tut noises all the time! It's embarrassing and it is making me crazy listening to it! He says he owes the know why he does it, but doesn't seem so care! Help?

Dec 29, 2015
by: Anonymous

For all you people who cant stand the sound if chewing, you have mesophonia. it is not very rare, as with me and my brother have it, so dont worry.

Dec 29, 2015
im such a freak
by: Anonymous

for some reason i cant STAND the sound of jeans or scratchy coats. i have never met anybody who is like this and i wonder, what is wrong with me? I'm only 11, so often when I hear these noises I run to my room and cry. its so hard, since my brother recently started to wear jeans. please comment if you are like me.

Dec 19, 2015
Clashing sounds
by: Anonymous

I get really stressed out and agitated when I hear anything bang/clash together. Like I cannot stand the sound of doors slamming or glasses and kitchen ware clashing together. And the sound of glass breaking will especially make me flip out! Can someone tell me is this normal?

Dec 14, 2015
.... this sounds about right...
by: Anonymous

I think this is me. I've read some theories on it, and my guess is that it's conditioned. Everything that triggers me can be traced back to my childhood. My mother was pretty OCD about table manners, now... it's not just normal bad table manners that make me nuts. I can't stand the sound of people chewing, even when their mouths are closed. Or the sound of stirring pasta. I refuse to buy spaghetti noodles so I don't risk slurping.

My parents were pretty militant about how dishes should be washed. Listening to the water run continuously, from start to finish, fills me with such horrible anxiety that I have to leave the room.

A drippy faucet.

People not turning doorknobs to shut doors.
Sometimes, when I'm tired, normal speaking voices seem so loud and irritating. (I'm also not a morning person tho and it takes a long time for my brain to wake up enough to deal with people talking to me.)

In general, I thought I was just a cranky, uptight bitch... but, I'm starting to think my mom broke me.

Nov 24, 2015
Just noises...
by: Anonymous

Oh I know how that feels... Chewing gum, foot tapping and sometimes even breathing drives me nuts! What`s worst is that my sister does not closes her lips when she eats... Grrrr...

Nov 21, 2015
Im just strange
by: Anonymous

I can't really describe it but every time I hear a ukulele being played, I flip out. I just can't stand the sound for some reason and a few of my friends like to play it so I'll find myself having a meltdown and not being able to control it. I wish I knew how to stop it but I just can't. It's just this annoyance I could never get over

Nov 11, 2015
by: Sue

I doubt that you're still looking at this page 6 years later, but if you are, about the pigeons / doves, YES! A million times yes!! I would give anything not to be waken up by that horrendousness EVERY freaking morning. If you do see this comment, would love to hear from you.

Nov 09, 2015
The slightest noise
by: SuperK

I can relate to a ton of comments on here. I am thankfully immune to some of the noise pollution.

My husband is skinny but he breathes as loud as a Brahmin Bull hauling a cart up a mountain.

He also has ADHD and if he has anything in his hand (phone, pen, tick tack container, bottle ect) he will manipulate that item repetitively CLICK CLACK CLICKETY CLACK it until I take it from him.

Many years ago, when I was in high school my step father bought a giant TY set and had it installed directly in the room above my bedroom. At night, I would try to go to sleep and the roar of that TV was like a jet engine above me. I used to dream of stabbing him to death. I moved out when I was 17.

I have also always been a light sleeper when it comes to sounds. If someone 'tippy toes' it down a hallway or on stairs or they try to ever so gingerly open a door or cabinet...I will for SURE wake up every time.

My son has complained of noise disturbances for a long time as well. Chewing sounds, my husbands Darth Vadar breathing, and nail clicking are his burden.

Nov 07, 2015
Im strange...
by: Anonymous

When I hear certain noises, I HAVE to scratch something that (in my mind) deletes the sound so I don't think about it anymore.. I often wear jeans so I can scratch the jeans and erase what awful noise I just heard by soothing myself with the feeling of the jeans... omg Im weird.

Nov 03, 2015
same here...
by: Anonymous

i have the same thing.i cant stand the noise of people breathing out there mouths,the sound of swallowing(i dont go crazy when i hear myself do it tho,weird),and more things that you'd probably hear every day,it makes me go CRAZY!

Oct 18, 2015
by: going crazy

I regret yesterday's rant. I know the problem is me, not them. They're not the only person who sets it off and I probably have my own habits that everyone else in the office finds weird, annoying, gross... maybe even a noise or repetitive movement of my own, as I know my own don't bother me so much (I try not to scritch my mousewheel so frantically but I do use it sometimes!).

In fact, that's one more reason I don't want to use noise cancelling headphones. I know people's breathing, clicking etc often gets louder when they put headphones on, and I fear if I wear noise cancellers I will be clattering and clunking and Darth-Vadering away blissfully oblivious while everyone else gets enraged and further thinks that I'm a massive jerk for trying to escape other people's noises while making so many of my own.

Oct 17, 2015
going crazy
by: going crazy

I wish there was a cure for this. I love music (sometimes it feels like the only thing worth living for) but I've still often wished to be deaf to stop this feeling. If I could turn my ears off at will it would make me so happy.

I've always hated snoring, or at least since I was a teenager; I can't quite remember if my rage at my dad's snoring goes back further than a stressful youth club hostel trip when I was 13 and I was bullied all weekend and I lay awake for hours on an uncomfortable bed in the shared dorm listening to snoring.

Now my partner snores (and I think I do too, I admit) and I've flipped out at him on so many trips away. At home we don't even share a room because of this horrible selfish brain-quirk and I know it hurts his feelings and makes me feel like a freak.

But right now my #1 problem is work. I can mostly deal with people further away or in front of me but every time they put someone in the seat right behind me, back to back, I go crazy all day, on edge waiting for all the little noises which make me tense and so angry at them, at myself, at the world. It seriously dents my productivity as I can't concentrate and that adds to the anxiety because I feel guilty and stupid and useless. I've tried normal headphones but they don't stop the particular sounds that bother me. I've considered buying noise-cancelling headphones but they're expensive and we discuss work in the office a lot so I know people will think I'm rude and weird if I shut myself off from that.

And for the sake of venting, a list of things that drive me crazy when my coworker does them: humming. Going skrrt-skrrt-skrrt on the mousewheel for 3 seconds at a time, several times a minute. Saying "hmm" and "oops" and tutting or making a little mouth-farty noise in response to whatever's on his screen every few minutes. Mumbling half-words as he types emails. Drumming feet. Drumming fingers on desk. Eating carrots. Chewing gum incessantly. Clonking his desk drawer open and shut to get to the next gum packet and rustling the wrapping. When his oh-so-expensive wristwatch hits the desk as he moves the mouse. When he smacks the mouse into the wooden desk. His water bottle has a really noisy lid which he opens and shuts each time and then he chugs noisily and slams the bottle back onto the desk. Even just when he types now. I now basically hate everything he does (too bad everyone else loves him, he's the office boy wonder) and can't even bear to sit where I can see him in meetings as he grinds his jaw on the gum and spins his pen and bounces his legs.

In hayfever season he sniffed every 17 seconds, and if one of us isn't out of here before he next has hayfever or a cold, someone might not survive. I'd say "please help" but I see 700 other comments asking for help and no cure yet, so I guess there is no point, but at least we are not as alone and freakish as I know we all must feel every day...

Sep 23, 2015
The never ending madness
by: Anonymous

I go ted bundy everytime I hear the mouse clicking
sound that seems to be on every freaking commercial!

Thank god for the mute button.Also I noticed that i cant stand certain peoples accents (ny, nj, boston, wisc,) whether in person, tv, radio.I go ape shi#$ t! Can someone please explain why this drives me nuts.I have bipolar/personality dis and intermittent explosive disorder.Also I cringe when i hear people above me pissing into toilet at all hours of the day and night.Feel like reaching through the ceiling and
exterminating them!

My ear doctor recently disgnosed me with misophonia.What a relief to know that im not the only person that feels like they are losing their mind.
My friend told me I should start a "miso" counseling
Group or dating club.

Sep 23, 2015
Need to vent
by: Anonymous

Yay I'm not totally crazy!. The sound of a creaking bed makes me want to kick and punch the wall, shake my head, scream, cry and curl up in a ball all at the same time. What I really notice about the problem is how instantaneous my feelings of intense frustration/anger are, and not just to creaking but other specific sounds like certain music, machinery, and some thumping noises. It's like I can't even handle a millisecond of the noise.

Sep 15, 2015
response to BG
by: Anonymous

BG - sounds like you need to cut him loose. If he is that immature or can not respect your feelings, do yourself a favor and live in peace (without a boyfriend until you find one that understands and respects you). I've been through the same thing for years....finally dating someone that absolutely will not chew gum with me around because he knows how it sends me over the edge to see, hear or even smell it! Its a big deal because he has always been a gum chewer............ now he carries mints in his pocket all the time! Love him for it!!

Sep 14, 2015
So glad I found this page
by: BG

I have known about this condition now for about a year and unfortunately in my situation my boyfriend thinks it is a funny thing to "tease" me with. So he will snort, and hock loogies and fart and clear his throat as loud as possible - all night long mind you - before finally passing out and then snoring all night long. Of course me trying to explain to him that this is something that people actually SUFFER with will only fuel his fire to make more noise so I sit in my house truly feeling terrorized by noise.

Sep 10, 2015
It all of a sudden makes sense
by: Erin

I couldn't believe when I came across this condition, I guess somewhat of a shock and somewhat a relief. I can totally relate to almost every post and glad I am not alone. I know now that I have the issues and its not always the individual making the sounds. The way I came to learn about this condition is a have a friend that makes noises with her mouth excessively. It's hard to find someone that will help you move but this particular friend volunteered what a great friend. Well after several hours of of trying to block her out I finally exploded on the only help I had I screamed at the top of my lungs with my fists balled up. "I really do appreciate all your help but I can't take it another second could you please stop making that sound with your mouth. Please. After I blew up I wanted to see if I could get her some help with her nervous condition that was causing her to make these unbearable sounds and after some research I began to realize that it could possibly be me, that was an eye opener that I didn't see coming. See several years ago I lost total vision in one eye that required me to have my eye removed. I am curious if that made my hearing become more focused in. Besides sound other things that would place someone in immediate danger of my rage are rocking my bed, standing in my peripheral vision or swaying or rocking back in fourth. Some sounds are keyboard typing, touch tone on phone, kids, tv, or any noise coming from room other than room I am in. Tap, patter, pop, wisping, clunking, cracking, the beat in a lot of songs are the things that will make me not care about getting another simple battery arrest.

Aug 15, 2015
re: it ruined my marriage
by: Anonymous

I dont know if his misophonia ruined your marriage. It sounds like he has many issues and was (is) incapable of dealing with them. It is very difficult to live with someone with misophonia, and when you add their inability to experience intimacy, it can leave you feeling isolated, alone, and unprotected. I do not think for a minute that you lack empathy. It sounds to me as if you are in pain, and you deserve your happiness. So does your partner. With or without misophonia, each one of us must learn compassion, empathy, and trust. When those things are no longer in a marriage, it is time to consider leaving the marriage. There is no right or wrong. It simply is what it is. Each one of us-- with or without misophonia-- has a journey-- and having the right partner is a part of that journey.

Jul 30, 2015
re: it ruined my marriage
by: Anonymous

You are cruel, heartless and by no means tolerant. Im disgusted by your attitude towards someone you apparently love (or say you used to love?)
Im lucky enough to have a partner who understands i have this condition and we communicate well enough so we can both have a normal life.
I feel empathy for your (ex) husband.

Jun 26, 2015
new video on misophonia
by: Anonymous

worth watching the trailer!

Jun 25, 2015
It's ruined my marriage
by: Anonymous

When I met my husband in 2000 he had a short fuse and would often go off unprovoked on others around us. His brother, his friends, etc. I even saw his dad go off on someone unprovoked and I thought it was a nature/nurture thing.

I tolerated my husband's short fuse for three reasons, first and foremost I love him, so I over looked it. 2. He was never short with me just other people around us and 3. I grew up in a house where my sisters and I, along with our mom, outnumbered the only guy in the family (my dad) who made really annoying noises (to get attention?) and us Girls talked, a lot... So if you wanted to say something, you just had to jump into the convo.

So growing up amoungest a gaggle of talkers and one loud noise making father I learned to be a tolerate person.

After 15 years together, 12 of which we have been married. My "delightful" husband doesn't share my tolerant point of view. It seems as if he HAS to lock himself away in a room 18+ hours on his days off and from the time he gets home from work to the moment he falls asleep on the couch, he shuts me out and plays clash of clan, or boom beach, or whatever other stupid video game on his cell phone which is ALWAYS glued into his hand.

If I am in the same room with him and I make a tiny noise consecutively in a row he glares at me and huffs. or flies off the handle and flips out on me.
Honestly his inability to be tolerant of the simple fact that I exist and live under the same roof is hurtful, neglectful, and cruel.

I don't know who he is anymore... But he is not the man I married, at least he wasn't that way towards me in the beginning.

I honestly hate him I now, and I regret getting pregnant and sticking it out as long as I have with him...

FYI the things he gets irritated with is eating "smacking" slurping or any other kind of small repetitive noise.

Jun 10, 2015
Not that radio again
by: Anonymous

My co-worker has an annoying repetitive classic rock radio station on his FM radio. The moment the doofus comes into the work area he turns on the radio. To add insult to injury the fool can’t even tune the radio in right so it sounds distorted. Hour after hour and day after day it’s the same songs over and over again. How many times do you have to hear sweet home Alabama, Stairway to heaven, hotel California or brown-eyed girl before you say enough is enough? I used to like that music when I was young, but this fool has played it to death and made me hate it and I don’t want to hear it anymore. If the fool could at lease find another station, I’d even listen to rap just for a change.

May 03, 2015
Random or repetitive noises
by: Anonymous

God is your best hope.

Pray and ask for Jesus' help. That is better than any drug.

I am a borderline personality. It doesn't mean I'm "crazy" and we shouldn't be calling anybody that anyway. Making people feel bad because they are different is the reason people don't seek him an, I believe, the cause of a lot of problems to say the least. The reason this is relevant is because I too have become overly sensitive to certain noises.

First of all let me say it took God's Grace and years of bad choices, bad experiences, failed jobs, and failed relationships to figure out and finally admit I was borderline. There was a time I didn't know I felt things differently from other people. I didn't understand how they couldn't understand when something hurt my feelings, made me sad, mad, or happy. I didn't understand why people said I was "pushing" them away or why I WAS pushing them away. If I am not careful, I am prone to self-destruct. However, through prayer and Grace I now know my triggers and I do what I can to control it, but extra stress, anything that makes me feel insecure, extreme happinss or depression can cause me to make mistakes and errors in judgement. So I pray and try to avoid triggers.

So about noise...I just realized today that distracting or excessive noises bother me because I can't focus and it adds extra stress to my already borderline can cause me to snap or become extremely upset. The extra noise unbalances my barely balanced emotions because it disrupts my train of thought and my ability to deal with thoughts, emotions, and life. It makes me stress and become unbalanced chemically.

Im also beginning to think my eardrums are physically amplifying the sounds. I have allergies and my ears swell inside and drain fluid sometimes when I don't take allergy medicine. I'm going to take some of my alkergy medicine today and see if that brings me into better balance.

Anyway, the kinds of noises that bother me are:

loud thumps, bumps,
excessive bird chirping
my cats growling
loud arguing
Sometimes too much talking or too many people talking

Again, I think it adds to my stress and unravels my delicate chemical makeup and psyche.

So you understand what it is like to be borderline..
You feel every emotion 10 times harder than someone who isnt borderline. For example, if you are happy or in love, you can feel euphoric...completely elated...I have learned that is manic. Now, if you break up while Euphoric, it can be physically and emotionally cango from Euphoria to a state of manic depression and it can use to act irrationally and use bad judgement. Little setbacks or inconveniences can seem like life or death. If you are insulted, rejected, or feel insecure you can take things very personally causing either defensivenes or rage...however borderlines when they are not manic happy or manic depressed or manic raged.,,can be very loving, smart, and creative, loyal giving people.

In other words when our thoughts and emotions flatline we can be very thoughtful, loving, and insightful...completely logical and normal, functioning, respected...thats borderline.

At least for me.

So Borderline people can be wonderful, but are prone to snap .,sometimes with hortible, self destructive actions..,ironically ...any other day they may be fine.

So stress and my.borderline personality cause my sensitivity to sound...that coupled with physical swelling in my ears and sinuses from.allergies.,,

I hope this helps you.

PS...if you think you may be borderline or see some of these traits in others...pray for help, pray for them...if we educate people, learn our triggers...and try to understand, show compaasion and help.borderlines...if we address the difference instesd of labeling, hiding, or making people be ashamed to admit it...if we quit calling.people crazy and treating them like outcasts....maybe we can save a soul from destruction.

PS...borderline personality is not the same as bipolar...bipolars can go weeks in depression or other emotions...borderlines change with their reactions to specific emotional stimulus.

my personal condition is from my chemical makeup, the way my brain functions, past emotional and physical abuse from my mother and others as a child and the insecurity thst stems from an imbalance of chemical reactions thst occur with each emotion.

So...sone sound stresses me...and I react

Funny thing is all you would see if you met me was a beautiful and seemingly confident woman...because most of the time I am.

If you need meds..take them...nothing wrong with that. I dont take any...but with this sound business Im wondering if I need them

Also, Im NOT taking up for anyone who has done horrible violent acts and is in prison, but maybe some of those people are borderline...maybe if they hadnt been ashamed, embarrassed, or afraid to admit they were different...all could have been avoided. Will you make a difference? I pray you will.

Apr 18, 2015
hope comes from a daily practice
by: Anonymous

Even though the assault of daily triggers feels overwhelming, please do not feel helpless or hopeless. There are a number of things you can do. Blocking triggers is very helpful to avoid any impacts (noise machines, headsets, earplugs, fans etc.) Ther is no "cure", yet anger management techniques, pain management techniques, deep breathing and meditation, if practiced daily (and in very importantly, when you are NOT being triggered) will greatly diminish the impact of a trigger. Empathy is also critical in that it quiets the part of the brain that is the hub for anger. Read the book "Sound-Rage." It can get better.

Apr 17, 2015
About to Explode
by: Anonymous

Oh my stars. I can't take it another day! The custodian wears keys attached to his belt. I can hear him two floors away. The air blows non-stop and is so dang loud. I hear people in the hallway - heels clicking on the floor. That man in the classroom across the hall who won't shut up. I can't hear what he's saying, but I hear the low rumblings of his voice. I want to claw my eyes out. I want to scream and cry and shut the doors, turn out the lights and cry. I feel like such a selfish monster. They're not doing it on purpose. My watch ticking makes me want to die. My boss breathes so loudly. I can't even sit in my seat. I want to run screaming from the room. I know this makes no sense. I am SO in a rage right now. I wish I could just unplug the entire world so I can't hear every tiny little sound. Just half an hour of silence would be heaven. No fingernails clicking on keyboards. No keys. No slamming doors. No constant talking. I feel like I've lost my mind.

Apr 17, 2015
Aarrghh its getting worse!
by: Anonymous

I am going out of my mind with my colleague! Every day she pours water into her glass for like the nth time! Man the sound of water trickling into that bloody glass, its like listening to a bleeding Mc Donalds commercial. I'm going nuts and feel like I wanna crush her so bad.

Other sounds like clicking their tongue over their teeth essentially cleaning it (get a bloody toothpick!) And rubbing their fry toes together arrrrggh I'm going nuts. Think I seriously need help.

Apr 06, 2015
by: Anonymous

Misophonia- literally the hatred of sound. I have that to. I listen to a lot of music with ear buds- white noise etc. There is a facebook group called "misophonia support group"

Apr 05, 2015
To: It is so bad (5th April)
by: Anonymous

I know how you're feeling and how much distress you must be in as I too suffer the misery of noise aversion to certain sounds. Try to listen sounds you DO like, music or birds singing or whatever, to counteract the sounds you hate. Wear wax earplugs that mould to your ear shape and listen to white noise with earphones on an iPod or MP3 player. See a doctor and explain your problem and try to get treated with Anti-depressants as they really help. There is help out there, just try to access it and find ways to minimise your misophonia. There is a book called Sound Rage which is very good & helpful. Don't despair you can and will get better!

Apr 05, 2015
It is so bad.
by: Anony

I have several time balled up into a fetal position and cried because of it. I actually just came out of punching myself, pulling my hair, curling into a fetal position and crying. Hitting myself up top the head, imagining going and beating he person snoring, killing them. Screeming. It makes me feel like I need to go to a mental facility. I really Ned some strong drugs, like oh my frisking god. Mumbling under my breath shut the frick up.
I need help.

Apr 03, 2015
You are not alone
by: Anonymous

I simply cannot deal with any many of the noises you have all mentioned. I am have sat for the bar exam in two states and each time prayed the person next to me did not make any kind of mouth noise, or chew gum, or tap a pencil..... You can't avoid the noises, but consider solutions. Noise machines for night time are great. So are ear plugs. Go to movies when they are not crowded and put things on seats next to you. Also, anti-anxiety medicines can help. They don't stop you from being noise sensitive, but they do help you feel less like exploding from the inside out.

Apr 02, 2015
thanx to all whom are posting
by: Anonymous

There is a lot of comfort in reading the shared comments on this page. My noise intolerance began a couple of years ago a and just seems to get worsen more and more.

In fact, today I had to go to a job related training class where there was food served. I, of course, chose to sit down next to the loudest eater I have ever encountered. Listening to the grunting, chomping, swallowing, mouth breathing, and slurping made me so agitated, I almost had to leave. I got through it, though just thinking about the event agitates me.

I know it is my problem and completely irrational but that fact doesn't take away the insanity and I feel a lot of guilt in the nasty comments and dirty looks I give to my family when they are just trying to enjoy their meals or simply make any other necessary sounds in their daily lives. I can't control this rage I feel and don't know what to do about it.

Apr 01, 2015
Peace and Quiet --- I LOVE it!!!
by: Anonymous

Before realising this curse was a gift, I suffered quietly. It was only when I discovered the term or what I was -- a highly sensitive person, that I’ve learned to embrace my gift and intuitively protect my sensitive soft side.
If I could afford it, I would live in a home or better yet, buy land and build the home on the property. To create my own space of peace and quiet to live--quietly.

As I live in an apartment, I take those necessary steps to cope with the noises that come with living so closely with my neighbors.
I discovered how wonderful ear plugs are. I keep a pair on my keyring so I’m never without them. I get a good night’s sleep, thanks to my noise machine, I’ve taken the liberty of adding a plug-in remote to it so I can turn it just as I turn in. And as the saying goes --- there is an app for that too!

I was thinking about getting a second one, as there is a neighbor whose dog barks constantly when they’re not there. The noise comes through the vent in the bathroom. I turn on the exhaust fan to drown out the suffering animal that is alone and unfortunately drives me up the wall.
I use my gift to help me, I listen to music--it takes me away and it’s wonderful. I have to watch myself as I can get carried away easily. But I say this--find what makes you feel good, use your gift. To hear music that brings one to tears, such JOY! -- something the other 80% will NEVER understand.

Make use of your devices to change your thoughts to laughter--no matter what it is-- if it makes you laugh--if it changes your mindset, listen and laugh!

I’m an introvert, no doubt, but I love the time alone. My home is my sanctuary.
After a stressful day, take a relaxing bath with sea salt. The salt will draw out the negative energy I've absorbed. Even smudging yourself, will help remove the negative energy.
I hope that this has helped you in some way, that you are able to use some of what I use.

Watch the old classics; make use of the dry humour we tend to have or just create and enjoy absolute quiet.

Ahhhh quiet --- my kingdom for it
My Two Cents

Mar 25, 2015
Thumping and loud typing
by: Annoyed all day, all night

At work I suffer all day by a colleague who STRIKES the keyboard. It is absolutely infuriating and exhausting! When I come home I hear my neighbors stomping around the rest of the day, and the night too! The thumping sounds drive me mad! I keep my radio on all the time even if usually hate the music, just to try to drown other sounds. I get so tired and angry I am about to cry. I cannot tell my neighbors to walk more softly, I would come out as crazy (which I maybe also am, haha). At night I use earplugs, but I have been too embarrassed to use them at work too often. I'm planning to buy proper earmuffs for home use. Any suggestions on earmuffs and headphones are warmly welcome! I have been sensitive to sounds all my life. My parents didn't want to give me earplugs because they thought I should get accustomed to noise, but it didn't apparently help. I am still as intolerant to noise to the point I'm about to break down mentally. By the way, I loved to read the previous comments! :D

Mar 19, 2015
The sound of fabric being caught in your fingernail bothers me so much!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

ugh I cant take it it makes me have extreme anxiety and frustration!

Mar 03, 2015
Breathing Noises
by: Anonymous

I don't know if I have this, but I do know that I have unprecedented reactions to most sleeping noises and repeated sniffing of the nose and clearing of the throat. I will point out the select few that push me to rage though.

First of all, snoring. The louder it is, the more irritated I get. I was in a hotel room with my dad once and could not fall asleep and had to sleep in the bathroom, because I was tht angry from the snoring. I would throw things at him like pillows and not be able to control how angry I was about it. The others are sniffling and clearing the throat. If you do this repeatedly in class I have probably imagined slapping you. It's terrible but just though I'd share. I have been diagnosed with OCD and ADHD. Thought I'd mention for correlation purposes.

Mar 01, 2015
Can't handle it.
by: Anonymous

Oh my goodness! I am just coming out of a "Noise crisis" right now. I was watching tv with my mom and the commercials were so loud and the show was so quiet, then loud, then quiet made me highly agitated. I want to scream, throw things and bawl my eyes out. Now I am back at my own place and I have to listen to groups of people yelling/chattering outside and car doors shutting like every 2 minutes. I need help with this. I feel like some day I will end up on the news after being pushed to violence because of my noise sensitivity. I'm not in danger right now of hurting myself or anyone else but how much longer can this go on? Summer is coming up and I'll have to have my windows open.

Mar 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

I too have suffered from this distressing & debilitating condition since my noisy & tumultuous childhood, where my parents and inevitably us kids fought & argued incessantly! Eating noises, sniffing, loud belching, all irritate me irrationally, but more especially loud banging noises such as slamming car doors & gun fire (I live in the countryside and shooting regularly occurs). I think it is hereditary as my dad seemed to suffer too and now my son does! Taking SSRIs helps a lot with this problem, but it's hard for other people you live with to understand - they think you're a little 'bonkers' - perhaps we sufferers are!

Feb 27, 2015
Enough already
by: Anonymous

I hope you have come to realize the truly miserable person here is your mother. How ugly must she feel to follow you around and bully you and run you down all day. It is not you who are a mistake. It is she who must feel that way to act so ugly. It will be a cycle. The worse you feel, the harder it will be for you to find a job and get out. So, brush off, look people in the eye at your interviews, give a good hand shake & get a job & work like your life depends on it. Good luck.

Feb 23, 2015
This is real and I can totally relate!
by: Anonymous719

I can totally and completely relate to this 100%. I have comfort knowing I'm not alone and that others have this too. Some people who don't "understand" misophonia actually make the sufferer more upset by doing these noises on purpose to get a rise out of them. It's no joke! I often have to leave early on holidays when it becomes "too much" or when balloons pop or when someone is picking dead skin off their body or biting at their nails. It makes it extremely difficult to work in cubicles and is one of the reasons I walk around so much at work to avoid these interactions. The craziest thing is I live and work at a dog kennel. It's unbearable at times and I feel like I'm going to explode and no one understands and just thinks I'm a (B) or too controlling. I wear earplugs when I sleep at night as my husband snores and to block out the constant barking dogs.

I bought a Rainbow water air cleaner that makes white noise at night and now I sleep much better. and why loud excessive barking makes me come unglued and enraged. My husband and I have been looking for a new place to live and we had to turn down a home today due to the constant loud barking of the dogs right below the property. I was in tears today explaining this to the seller. Now seeing that it is real and other people have this gives me some comfort. I have been dealing with this now for about 9 years. I thought I was the only one suffering from this...I do need help, however, there is none. I continue to wear earplugs often and do my best to stay away from annoying people. I have started to educate my family so they understand what is going on and perhaps have some empathy. Xanex also helps to relieve some of the anxiety associated with this condition.

Feb 22, 2015
Misophonia is most likely your diagnosis
by: Anonymous

Chewing sounds, repetitive clinking (high heels on the floor, pens clicking on and off etc), dogs barking are all triggers in the disorder misophonia. Visit wikipedia, misophonia for more information. See the website for information of mindfulness and other resources to help control the rage. There are facebook groups that have support and share information on the best earplugs, legal rights at work and at school. There is no cure-- there is hope.

Feb 20, 2015
Noises Affecting Me at Work
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad I found this site because just yesterday my boss said to me that there can be no medical reason that noises should bother me because I play my music loud in my car. I love music and no it doesn't hurt my ear UNLESS the singer keeps saying the same thing over and over then I have to turn it off because repetitive sounds bother me...but some noises, loud clicking sounds such as the cheap staplers at work, heels stomping (no one has to walk that hard) across the floor, people making sounds right next to my right ear (paper rustling) people thumping their finders on the table, people closing cabinets by letting them bang shut), you get the point. Sometimes some days are worse than others because occasionally a sound will make my inner ear literally hurt or sometimes a sound will just anger me. I've tried so hard to try and find an explanation far the only two things that have come close are Tinnitus or Hyperacusis but my next step is to get a doctors appointment. Hopefully there is a diagnosis as well as a cure because it's bad when you can't sit in your own home without the being upset because the neighbor is scraping their chair on the tile floor upstairs or some ahole is rocking a hundred decibels of base as they drive down the street. By the way I wear earplugs all day, every day at work and I hate it.

Feb 20, 2015
where is the relief
by: Anonymous

It was so bad today that i had to put the earplugs on in the grocery line. I child cried whined and screamed for the whole 20 minutes i was in the line next to him. The lady on the phone behind me talked the whole time loudly and i mumbled shut the ______ up so many times and i imagined throwing her phone and grabbin that kids neck. I cannot stand my husbands stupid fish tank as the bubbling sound from it and his snoring and heavy breathing makes me want a divorce. When he eats his teeth bang together and i feel like stabbing him with a fork. The neighbors dogs bark so much i actually imagined throwing dog treats filled with tranquilizers over the gate. I have this issue that makes me feel rage and i dont know how to fix it.

Feb 19, 2015
What's wrong with me?!?!
by: Anonymous

So I have these sound that drive me crazy. For example, when people scratch their leggings, bus seats, jeans, when someone's hand slides down the steering wheel, and when dead skin on your feet rubs against absolutely anything. When I hear these sounds I clench my teeth together, and think of digging in the dirt and my nails rubbing against rocks, chewing rocks, and biting wool. I don't know why and it has gotten worse spence only a few days ago! Please help!

Feb 13, 2015
Sharp noises give me pain in the back of my head
by: Anonymous

I missed out on good jobs because of intolerance to certain noises. In fact those noises give me pain in the back of my head. Those noises include: marking points on metal sheets by hammering from draft papers; using noisy manual punch clocks in parking lots; cash registers' bills retainers hitting the base metals; fire alarms, etc.
I look forward to reading the diagnosis.

Feb 12, 2015
@enough already
by: Anonymous

You need to move out and start living your own life as soon as possible, for your own sake.

Feb 04, 2015
enough already
by: Anonymous

I have become obsessively self-concious because my mother suffers, as you all insist you do, at my constant BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm at my wit's end trying to accommodate my mother's sensibilities. I had to come live with her for economic reasons. I want to leave her home as quickly as possible. She enjoys controlling every movement of everyone around her at all times. She gets "enraged" at me sitting in the living room, sitting on the porch, standing in the hallway doing laundry... The list goes on. I am ready to end myself. I WANT TO DIE!!! I SERIOUSLY WANT TO END MY LIFE BECAUSE I CAN'T BE A BLESSING TO MY INTOLLERANT MOTHER WHILE I AM A GUEST IN HER HOUSE!!!! IM NOT WRITING THIS TO BE AN ATTENTION WHORE!!!! I AM BEGINNING TO HATE MYSELF BECAUSE I can't not cough or sneeze silently. Im over 40, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to not be flatulent. But she sees it as a personal affront. I'm feeling like a huge mistake and I just want to stop being.

Jan 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

More and More people are being diagnosed with this.

Jan 28, 2015
the louder the dumber
by: Anonymous

i live three houses down from a high school and am surrounded by day laborers with diesel trucks...

I have counted more than 25 trucks and a couple of cars ( no mufflers) that tear down my street, showing off how tiny they are down below. some people are just selfish trash that could care less about anyone or anything besides getting attention. these people have the mindset of the angry 3 yr old, dumb and desperate for attention. unfortunately since we coddle the childishly impaired they have more rights than us normal, halfway intelligent people.

There are no noise codes in my town and the huckleberry police won't do a thing about it until it affects somebody w/ money. some people are genetically incapable of empathy and aren't creative enough to think of other ways to get attention...i'm not that smart, and this is not an elitist aryan rant..after confronting some of them, i know they are louder and dumber than i will ever be...i have bad Misophonia but noises that rattle windows at 2 in the morning would make anybody angry..i live among the dumber and dumbest.

Jan 25, 2015
HELP! !!
by: amy faye

It's mad how I can relate to every single person on here.
my list of things that irritate me are:
clicking fingers
People's voices (sometimez)
knives and folks scrapping on plates
dog liking and chewing
Skin rubbing skin
people who talk and sound like they have a wet mouth....:@
people eating candy
people eating popcorn
people who can't sit still
clipping of nails
people biting there nails
people chewing there skin around the nails
I have loads more but there what i could think of off the top of my head I can't cope any longer with it I shout at my kids for some of these which isn't fair on them my partner irritates me which isn't his fault I cannot cope I need help

Jan 24, 2015
by: here we go

buy ear plugs. It helped me to deal with my own day and I can still hear people speak to me

Jan 24, 2015
Openng of envelopes!! Aarghhh
by: Aimee

I cant stand the sound of people opening envelopes i feel like when ever anyone does it they seem to make a song and dance of it literally if someone is opening a letter on tv it makes my blood boil!! This also applys to wrappers scrunching of paper but mainly the opening of eenvelopes! X

Jan 18, 2015
Rattling paper and cellophane
by: Anonymous

Barbara, I totally agree. Going to the movies is torture. It never fails that someone behind me is taking FOREVER to open a candy bar, or jiggling their box of popcorn, or talking during the movie. It's far more relaxing to stay home with a rented movie!

Jan 18, 2015
paper rattling
by: Barb

It started when I took my elderly, and hard of hearing mom on vacation with me. She had folded tissue paper into all her packed clothing so it wouldnt wrinkle. Then, while i was trying to sleep she reorganized her suitcase. The noise drove me crazy. Im sure she could not hear it herself. Well, since then I can not stand the sound of any paper or plastic being crumpled. When Im at the movies, I can hear every wrapper being opened. On a plane im miserable as I hear all the wrappers being opened. I know its an association thing as it never happened prior to that trip,

Jan 18, 2015
rattling paper and plastic
by: barb

for the it the terrible noise of people scrunching plastic bags, tissue paper and paper bags.. It drives me crazy...It began when i took my elderly mother on vacation. she had put tissue paper between her clothing, then proceeded to move everthing around while i was trying to sleep. Since then, the sounds of paper or plastic, bags, wrappers, tissue drive me nuts. I hear every package of candy being opened in the movies.

Jan 16, 2015
by: Anonymous

My daughter is overwhelmed by the constant flush of toilets in public restrooms. It started when she started to have a fear that the toilet would flush before she was finished and now is has turned into her jumping at every sound in the bathroom.

Jan 15, 2015
by: Anonymous

I can't stand the sound of soft drink pouring! All those bubbles ahhh

Jan 14, 2015
Shrill Noises
by: Anonymouses234

Anyone else have a sort of fear/horrible reaction to shrill/loud high pitched noises?
These could include emergency vehicle sirens when they drive past, or the noise of a drill, especially road work drills! The noise makes my insides want to jump out of my throat!

Jan 07, 2015
water pouring
by: Anonymous

I detest the sound of water pouring! I hate it when I hear the noise of water being poured into glasses. It annoys me so much.Anyone else out there with the same issue?

Jan 06, 2015
To Nice to See I am not Alone
by: Anonymous

Offhand, it might be that your fiance has tourette. grunting, throat clearing, sniffing are all tics. If indeed he has a Tourette, he can no more stop those things than you can have the triggers not create a physiological response. Just a thought

Jan 05, 2015
computer noises
by: Anonymous

I'm driven insane by the intermittent whirring, clicking noises my computer makes while I am trying to do work. First world problems I am well aware. maybe if a madman chased me with a hammer I would regain perspective? At the moment, I cannot escape this irritation

Jan 02, 2015
nice to see im not alone
by: Anonymous

I am constantly arguing with my fiance, he sniffs, grunts, bites his nails and constantly has to be making some noise. I tried explaining over and over and over that i cant help it but it makes me so angry and frustrated to please try and stop. But to no avail he says that he just doesnt understand and shouldnt have to worry about that so I am trying my hardest to find ways to avoid that even ear plugs if i have to. If anyone has any other advice or similar issues id love to hear them. I am currently looking for a new counselor or hearing sensitive psychiatrist because I have been hiding in my room most days or when I can to avoid fighting.

Jan 01, 2015
crunching, smacking, repetitive noises
by: Anonymous

I discovered my father had the same sensitivities when he was on his deathbed. I always thought he hated movie theaters but he confessed to me it was people eating popcorn, the crunching noise, that made him unable to go to a public movie. I noticed my hypersensitivity to crunching noises, smacking and clinking-forks-on-teeth at an early age of 8 years old. The crunch of someone eating chips or popcorn or popping gum affects my spinal nerves and I must exit the environment or be driven insane. I am an INTJ, very introverted with a keen ear for music in composing and playing instruments. I strongly suspect I have some form of Aspergers/Autism that correlates with a genius I.Q. but poor relational skills. Those with whom I have confided regarding my idiosyncratic sensitivity to crunching, smacking and repetitive noises mock me and cannot understand how utterly annoying and irritating those noises affect me. I am a 57 year-old male and I have suffered for far too long.This is the first time I have encountered anyone else with a similar disorder. I would value your wisdom and insight!

Dec 26, 2014
I feel your pain!
by: Anonymous

I don't know how to manage it, but it makes me feel like running out of the room, like there are pins and needles inside my head having to listen to my in-laws gobble their food.

At least reading on here that other people feel the same, helps me not to feel so weird for feeling like this.

But seriously, I am a quiet and shy person, having to listen to my father in law eat makes me want to yell at him to stop being so rude! It sounds like someone having noisy sex, followed by long burps and hard would it be to close your mouth and burp quietly man???!!!

Dec 22, 2014
With you guys...
by: Mike

I feel all of your pain. Whistling, Gum popping, Keyboards tapping away at work and folk eating food like slurping savages; each one driving me beyond bonkers.

Even now as I sit at work, the typing pool that surrounds me is driving f'ing insane! Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap...getting louder and louder. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

As a collective, in one way or other, I feel your pain.

Dec 18, 2014
my solution and comments
by: Anonymous

2 things. I have similar issues to many of you. I use a fan as my ' white noise' at night because it drowns out everything else including people watching TV too loud in another room. That used to literally make me want to shoot myself! I have tinnitus now or ringing in the ear and discovered that when you have it , and loud clanging noises or lots of mixed chatter and noise are introduced it can cause the fight or flight response similar to those experiencing panic attacks. Now I understand why I have felt this way and no longer feel crazy. My ears hurt that makes my head hurt! White noise for tinnitus is the best remedy and I actually sleep at night now instead of laying awake listening to the buzzing in my ears or being startled at every little outside noise. These annoyances with sounds are legit...and come from an ear issue of one kind or another not mentally created.

2nd I want to add in our defense...sniffing while it can be annoying is MOST often caused by nose issue such as chronic allergies which come with congestion and inflammation. Theres often nothing to blow out that's why we don't use a tissue! ! We are SUFFERING from inflammation in our entire nasal cavity and this makes breathing difficult. ..we often sniff as habit without even knowing it and are merely trying to BREATHE.... SO lighten up on the sniffers...MOST of them are just lazy nose blowers....

Dec 18, 2014
Some Help Perhaps
by: Anonymous

I know how you all feel! Sniffing and eating noises instantly infuriate me and destroy my mood. Riding the T in morning (as I have to to get to work) can ruin my whole day. My landlady makes me my dinner every night and wants me to eat with her. By the time dinner is over all I want to do is run screaming out of the room and go to my bedroom where I can be at peace. I swear she does it on purpose because she knows it bothers me but still persists in smacking her food, licking her fingers, slurping her soup, etc. I have scoured the internet to find help but I can't. The only thing that helps for me are earplugs that I keep at hand and put in whenever I need them. I have found the moldable kind (they are an epoxy) are the best thing because they are discreet and also help to take a little of the edge off of the noises.

Dec 16, 2014
It's about time!!!! I was considering surgery found sound reduction.
by: Anonymous

I had a lot of earaches as a child. Orthodontist sent me to ENT for adnoid surgery. While I was there they did hearing test and diagnosed ear tube surgery, because I apparently learned to read lips when I couldn't hear people. Mind you I got in trouble a lot for not paying attention because I didn't have the right answer to questions I only heard/saw, asked. Now I can hear a bird fart. My first spouse woke to find me straddling him with my hands around his throat, because of his snoring. I have swung on people for loud whistles without warning like a reflex. Bartending, with bands that don't know how to control the feedback, usually doesn't go well. I use cigarette butts for ear plugs. Smoke alarms I take a hammer to, and the ones wired in, well I'd rather burn, and death by fire isn't my idea of fun. So, I'm gathering from this site, there isn't a quick fix to this, and I'm not sure "white noise" therapy is it. I've turned up my stereo to try and injure my hearing, to no avail. Any suggestions, because you get the "lunatic glance" from people, when you tell them you're drowning out the voices in your head, or they are quieter then the idiots in the bar. I no longer get the, "I didn't say that" lie, when settling patron disputes and one is lying, because I'm notorious for my acute hearing. Please someone stop the enraging painful sounds!!!!

Dec 15, 2014
Need a mute button.
by: Anonymous

Noises that annoy me; sniffing (get a dang tissue!) coughing (if it's a chronic cough) loud breathing, chewing, loud swallowing- I know a few people that swallow water excessively loud, and I just stare at them like why!? clanking of silverware, chewing with mouth open, smacking, stomping, slamming doors, the clicking of texting- Idk how people stand that- my phone is on silent almost always. Loud talking such as when someone is on the phone and they think they have to talk really loud for the person to hear them. If I am inside and can hear you on the other side of the house..outside. Your TOO LOUD!! also dogs that don't stop barking. Kids screaming, running around the house, stomping etc... *every day of my life* I tell the 6 year old "that is why your back and feet hurt- because you always stomp when you walk, and it's bad for your feet to stomp- walk like a normal human being" .. :-/ hate to be rude to a kid, but sometimes... also, when I can hear conversations through walls but it's muffled. dripping faucets, repetitive noises. If a song repeats a line over and over I change it. People that just talk..all the time. Loud music, unless it's my music. Rap music-*it's just noise* arguing, yelling. Squeaky floors, stairs.doors. idk if anyone has taken the myers briggs personality test. i'm an istj, also diagnosed with aspergers-though some traits don't match. I rarely talk to people-unless it's important. I don't do small talk. -people annoy me- I'm an introvert in an extroverts world. About to soundproof my bedroom.

Dec 08, 2014
dog :(
by: Anonymous Girl

im a 20 year old girl and ive always had isues with certain noises but recently i moved in with my boyfriend who has 2 dogs, one is a husky mix and he is where my issues lie. he is a constant inside dog, and he has an extremely high pitched whine....that he does drives me insane. everytime he whines i wanna rip my ears out. its gotten extremely bad, i hate this dog because of it. i love animals but this dog drives me insane. his whining just kills me! it literally feels like needles are stabbing my ear drums when he whines....idk if this is normal but i dont know what to do :( the only solution i can think of is getting rid of the dog and finding him a different home, but i cant make my boyfriend do that...hed never forgive me if i did. im so lost...anyone have suggestions what to do about this? because i dont know and no one i know understands how serious this is to me. :(

Nov 19, 2014
accents on tv
by: Anonymous

Holy christmas!whoever posted about the hopper, Jimmy johns commercials, joe pesci, the sopranos and how the accents drive you nuts.

I feel like going postal myself, even when I hear it on radio.I cringe when I hear people add r's to words like saw, wash, or say park, car, in an nasal tone.i also feel like Florida is being invaded by the Italian mafia.I am a Florida native but
feel like a minority.its Florida not Flada!

Nov 19, 2014
Anything Repetitive!!!
by: Anonymous

It's 3:20am and I absolutely CAN NOT go to sleep because of this stupid clock in my friends room. The repetitive ticking is driving me up the wall and I have thought multiple times of getting up and slamming it aggressively against the wall just to make it stop! That coupled with the snoring and I might just go there's this tapping noise somewhere else in the room and I can't figure out quite what it's coming from. Not even to mention the train tracks that are near by!!! My head literally feels like it's going to explode. And I'm actually starting to feel my growing migraine thump with every tick of this clock!

This isn't really new for me, I've always been super sensitive to sound. For example, I can hear other people's conversations from farther away than most can (especially phone conversations). But just recently have I found that repetitive sounds in particular make me extremely aggravated. I noticed it when I was at a particular restraunt that my family likes, there's this squeaky fan right above their regular table and I was so bothered by this noise that I was getting pissed off more and more every time it squeaked.

Basically ticking clocks, dripping water, people clicking pens, anything squeaky, cat's meowing persistently, dog's parking nonstop, loud snoring, heavy breathing, sirens of any type...I'm sure I could go on but you get the point. If it clicks, ticks, drips, squeaks or just keeps on going in a repetitive rhythm then I become agitated beyond belief and begin to have both a physical (shivers down my spin, headaches, etc.) and emotional (genuinely agitated and sometimes angered) reaction. I just want peace and quiet and a little bit of sleep, especially because my sensitivity always seems to be heightened at night.

Nov 18, 2014
People shouting/ talking loudly

Well I think the most irritating and really uncomfortable noise I have is when people shout or talk loudly, like in speeches and stuff. I get irritated and nerves and sometimes scared of losing my temper. In my classes I experience loudness and high-pitched voices and I don't feel there's anyone else who's bothered with it. I really would love if people would speak clearly and with a normal pitch.. My heart goes out to all of you 💜 guys!!

Nov 09, 2014
Sniffity Sniff Sniff
by: IBM 5150

It started 1 school morning a few months ago when I heard sniffing. It was really pissing me off. I went back to class, and, suprise, suprise! Everybody in my freaking class was doing it! It drives me freaking insane and now almost everyone I know does it! I can only tolerate it when my friend does it, but I can't believe he does it now! Any time soon everybody I pass will be doing it. I mean, nobody makes even the slightest mention of it, and I haven't mentioned it either because I'm afraid I'll make myself look like I have a serious mental problem! IT'S DRIVING ME FREAKING CRAZY!!!!!1! I mean, it's okay in shows and movies when someones smelling something or a dogs sniffing down evidence. I've actually wished death on people because of it! My classmates are lucky I don't have a Death Note. Sure, I'm fine with chewing and typing on a keyboard, which I do a lot, and I have the same reaction with other noises that come from noses which, I still count as sniffing. It makes me wanna kill a newborn baby. It makes me wanna strangle someone. And I thought I was alone. I'm glad I'm not.

Nov 08, 2014
by: English Girl

I'm 17 and there are many sounds which make me want to punch someone! Many noises sound genuinely painful to me. Right now I am in my bedroom and the sound of my parents watching tv and talking is driving me nuts. I'm alright mostly with that sort of noise during the day, but at night I have to have complete silence. I cannot have a clock in my room and sharing a room with other people is a nightmare. When I went on holiday I shared a room with my mum and my sister, my sister will only sleep with a fan on and I thought I was going to go crazy! Ear plugs help but I find them uncomfortable and therefore don't like to wear them too much. The sounds that distress me the most are whistling (nobody ever needs to whistle! ;)) and sudden singing. It's alright if I have chosen to listen to music (always with headphones) but I hate it when it's unpredictable, such as my sister randomly singing.

Being sensitive to noise is a nightmare because it makes you sound like such a miserable fun wrecker but those noises are genuinely horrible. Does anybody know of any easy to do activities or things that can be done to improve hearing sensitivity?

Nov 06, 2014
Electronic chirps
by: Jason

Someone had a new workout gadget in the yoga studio today. It chirped every 8 or so seconds, I had to leave after about 3 minutes. I was so perplexed about how it only drove me John McEnroe! I can't decide whether the other people are better at blocking those annoyances out or whether Minnesota nice was in effect.

Btw...loud audio speaker buzzing, high heel sounds, tapping- especially tapping makes me go Bobby Knight...Anyone else out there struggle with this- any remedies?

Nov 04, 2014
misophonia and mindfulness
by: Judith T Krauthamernonymous

A new video on the application of mindfulness to misophonia. I hope it helps to reduce pain and suffering.

Nov 03, 2014
I've confronted these people
by: Subliminal Vortex

To all of those who get annoyed at chronic sniffling, my heart goes out to you. I've felt trapped in situations where I find it impossible to confront these people and their absolute rudeness of refusing to blow their nose. However, several times in the recent past I have actually said something to some of these people who sniffle chronically; and let me tell you, considering how defensive these people get, I think they have a major screw loose. Never mind people who talk to themselves, because they just have a bad habit. However, people who sniffle loud and refuse to blow their nose seem to have this fixation about irritating others around them. There is this woman I used to work with in an office who fitted that description, and I may be seeing her soon again. I'm planning on really throwing it in her face. This one man I confronted at a library got testy with me about it when I politely asked him to blow his nose, and he told me to stay away from him. I told him that I would stay away from him so long as he got a tissue and blew his nose. I then complained about him to the librarian when he refused to listen to me, and she got on his case about it. Finally, he got a tissue to blow his nose, and he was all apologetic with me. Usually when airline employees remove passengers from airplanes because they are making a lot of noise or talking loud, most passengers will not argue with him. However, these chronic snifflers would have the audacity to do so. Therefore, all of those of you who have not mustered up the courage to confront these chronic snifflers, you are not cowards. You're just able to sense a hothead in your presence.

Nov 03, 2014
So annoying!
by: Anonymousmoustache

My brother constantly makes noise, such as tapping, clapping, scratching and chewing and it drives me crazy! Also, sudden noises dont make me jump but my legs sometimes go all warm and then feel really weird and because I get anxiety attacks my breathing goes all weird and it takes me like half an hour to calm down! Whats up with that?

Oct 29, 2014
I concur with all of these very real revelations!!
by: Anonymous

i found this site by way of seeking an answer !! I loathe the sound of television, my husband is watching the World Series on the television that is near the kitchen. He could watch it on the lower level of the house knowing that I despise the noise, but no, which is why I retreat to a spare bedroom with my iPad I can't tolerate the sound of television, the cheers, snd jeers, and crowd rants, I cannot tolerate !! I hate the sound of a bathroom ventilating fan, the random music played in a store, or mall, whistling, I feel like my husband thinks that I am being a bitch, but these annoyances are very real.. Anyone interested in starting a Facebook Page ?

Oct 27, 2014
Me too
by: Anonymousohjoyohjoy

I have sensory problems too usually perfumes, gum cracking, some peoples s sounds are too shrill and a gravelly voice drive me nuts. With in the last 2 years I have been getting nauseated hearing certain people on the radio and tv talk. I want them to swallow the spit in their mouths. if I don't turn the station I feel I will vomit. This is awful. I'm looking for help too

Oct 26, 2014
Tapping, lip smacking while eating, breathing, and slurping
by: 12 year-old

I'm 12 years old and right now im sitting next to my brother. Things like (the things in the title) practically make me go CRAZY!!! Earlier we were eating tacobell and I almost screamed my face off. My brother is the worst person to sit next to in a car if you have this. I think this is actually called Misophonia.

My family always gets pissed at me because I ask them to stop tapping or something. My friend tells me I should just get over it and stop being a baby. When I get home I,m going to tell him the biggest "I told you so."I've ever said (not that I say that alot)."I tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolld yoouu

Oct 26, 2014
Tv and cell phones
by: Anonymous

My sister never leaves her damn cell phone out iof her hand and the constant click of sms messages drives me insane. So much so that I can no longer sit beside for any length of time. In the past when I have had to share a room with her I ended up having to leave and retire to the sofa for night! My downstairs neighbour who screams down her phone constantly. Tv being played too loud especially the lousy commercials which are always at a much higher volume! Why people need to be surrounded by constant noise I do not know. Peoples constant babbling and discussing every mundane aspect of theirs life's also really irritates me. I guess I am fortunate that I am only slightly bothered by chewing, gulping etc. For those of you working in open plan offices my advise would be to get out and find something else. Having to tolerate these annoyances day in day out is too much.

Oct 25, 2014
Sharp sounds
by: Jim Belesky

My version of this is just how annoyed I am with what I call sharp sounds. A guy popping the bottom of his soft drink on the table, hammering (unless I'm doing it, go figure) and worst of all the horse-like clopping of womens' heels. I have had this impulse to follow them banging coconuts together like Monty Python/Holy Grail! I cope with humour, not seriosly intending to be their 'foley artist' if they insist. Otherwise I interpret the sound as some kind of passive-agressive outlet. I feel it as tension in my spine.

Oct 25, 2014
Is it me or them
by: Anonymous

I thought it was just me!!! Im glad to see I'm not the only one!!! The noise from washing dishes, the fan from the oven, birds chirping, loud chewing gum, (although I chew gum too lol) any constant ticking noise or consistence noise sound like vacuum cleaner...even someone singing if it's coming from a music player, back ground noise while tailkng on the phone

Oct 21, 2014
Music & running water
by: Anonymous

The sound of a water running on a fountain and faucet water running + music artists with high pitched voices bother me. I cannot concentrate at work with music playing. Melody music is okay. Whistling bothers me. Constant noise from football games on T.V, dogs barking, birds chirping.

Is there a name for this condition?

Oct 20, 2014
Office Mate
by: tsmds

I sit in an office with someone that is constantly making some kind of mouth noise or scratching his nose. It is none stop. He brings a gallon tea to work every day and opens it to drink just one sip all day. Eats at least 4 bananas and smacks the entire time. In fact he never stops eating all day. So this is how my day goes. Sip of tea. Open energy drink sip of that. Smack down banana. Sip on tea. Smack down honey bun. Sip of energy drink. Sip of tea. Rub nose. Scratch head. Rub nose. Smack down a candy bar. Sip of energy drink. I think you get the idea. It is like an Edgar Allan Poe rhyme. Smacking and Smacking of the mouth all day long.

Oct 14, 2014
Just read about this today in the newspaper
by: Anonymous

It's called misophonia.

Oct 13, 2014
well..we are all norotic for a good reason
by: Anonymous

This is refreshing.. My husband thinks I'm crazy... the reason I'm on here is because I am watching the walking dead, and there's this freaking guy chewing gum! Where did he get this gum might I ask and Why should that be anything but turn off the channel TVs.. it is only one of many issues I have but gum is.. the.. well one of the worst..Brittany spears should go to jail for it.
I'd leave a list bit I'd be writing for a while..
Mouth noises..fingers in mouth
..picking at teeth. Oh smooshing plastic water bottles..
I could punch someone..
Dog or baby toys that squeal... NO
I can go on...and on.

Oct 11, 2014
noise blockers, cbt, mindfulness
by: Judith Krauthamer

There are a number of blocking mechanisms: white noise machines (Dohm, from Amazon); earplugs; headphones (Boze work well). Th enew sleep headphones, which are ty=iny hadphones in a headbank (Amazone) which are very comfortable. There are white noise generators you can get from an audiologist (roughly 3K; not covered by insurance) that are very effective.

The rage and hatred can be quieted by cogntive behavior, using thoughts to change neural pathways. Mindfulness works if you practice daily. The key is to change the neural pathways via natural brain plasticity. Empathy also works. The thoughts you must say over and over are: that person is not trying to hurt me. This will pass. I can handle this. I am grateful for all that I have. This must be practiced every day, and with every trigger. Eventually, the triggers quiet down. It is a long term commitment. It does work-- and it takes time.

Oct 09, 2014
wits end
by: Anonymous

I am 50 years old and Iam at my wits end, as well. People that have to make any kind of noise when they eat drives me crazy.Crunching food, slurping, banging silverware(or at least that's what it sounds like) while stirring something in a mug, glass or bowl. My family seems to be the greatest offenders. everyday I'd I want to run out of the house screaming.

Oct 07, 2014
by: Anonymous

earplugs work wonders!

Oct 07, 2014
I am glad I am not the only one. I need help
by: Anonymous

OK, so as I am sitting at work right now the mouse clicking and people typing is DRIVING me insane. I cannot take it any longer. It makes me so frustrated and irritated. I just want to scream. Also, the way people anything like that also just gets on my nerves. I really try to block the stuff out but I can't. It is eating away at me and stresses me out beyond belief. I don't know what to do? Any thoughts/suggestions would greatly help! I tried headphones.

Oct 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

Im 45 and the sound that makes me so full of rage is snoring!! My daughter is the same as me.. There are more noises also but the biggest problem is snoring. My heart speeds up my blood pressure goes up and I just want to literally rip the persons face and throat out!! It is very upsetting that I get this way.. I think I need to see a dr lol... I have always had to eat in a different room than with my family due to other noise problems with eating. As I get older the worse it becomes!!

Sep 30, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm in my early 30's and mine is getting worse it seems. I've also been on Adderall for about 10 years and it seems to help for an hour or so, but worsens as its effects wear off. I avoid family dinners and any activity with them that involves food. I HATE THAT I HAVE THIS because it seems that it's worse with the people I'm closest to and brings out an ugly side to me.

Sep 26, 2014
by: who me

I am really at my wits end with this problem I cannot go anywhere without getting up tight.

The noise of flip flops, people eating and stirring a drink what seems to be forever, and more recently the somebody using the word SHE repeatedly , what is this all about can anyone advise and help

Sep 24, 2014
Air con noise at work
by: Mr P,d off

Please,this is an appeal for help. To cut a long story short we have an air con unit at work that CONSTANTLY vibrates the walls at such a frequency that it feels like a jack hammer on my head. It does not bother other people in the room and my employer will not spend the money to replace the unit. It is like constant torture and I go home every day with a banging headache.

I have seen my GP and had hearing tests which are normal. They removed me from the room for a few weeks whilst I waited for the results. As soon as I told them all was normal they put me back into the same room again subjecting me to this noise again. They have now wiped their hands of all responsibility and put the ball back in my court saying I should see a specialist for therapy. WTF all I want is for them to repair it and save my sanity but they refuse. What can I do I am really fed up of the pain now. Is there any authority I can contact? And yes it is the air con as it stops when turned off. They say they have done all they can.

Sep 24, 2014

I know I have a disorder...I've had it all of my life since around 8 or 9 years old. But even if I didn't have a disorder, I would be incensed by the ridiculously inconsiderate behavior of people. Sitting in a cubicle farm is pure hell on earth for us people with misophonia. From the lady who sits beside me and all day long slurps cup-o-soup through a tiny cocktail straw and stirs it incessantly with a metal spoon (really...are we in Mel's Diner here or in a professional office building) to the other chick that sits next to me with her hand in a chip bag all day.

Then there's the guy two cubicles over that sounds like he is QUITE LITERALLY going to conjure up a lung every 30 seconds with the loudest most obnoxious throat clearing, snot sucking, hacking you've ever heard in your life. And every single person around me seems to think that slamming their coffee cups down on the desk is no big deal, even though they do it so abruptly that I quite literally twitch with a jolt each...and…every…time. Why is it that I seem to be the only person in the world that can sit quietly still at my desk and do my work for more than 5 minutes without having to shove something into my mouth?

And then there are the desk drawers. Yes, drawers. But see, in a cubicle farm every desk, every drawer, and every overhead bin are attached to each other. So when the neighbor slams her drawers every 5 minutes (what in the hell do you have in there? Perhaps if you are going to use whatever it is that often you should pull it out of the drawer and just keep it ON TOP of your desk? But I digress) that slamming is just another jolt to my nerves, besides the fact that it's makes everything on top of my desk shake and rattle. REALLY???

And then the soup lady talks to herself, yes, mumbles, bumbles, hums, and haws to herself all f***ing day long. On occasion, there is enough quiet in the office that I don't have to wearing my $300 BOSE noise cancelling in-ear headphones (by the way people…BUY THESE HEADPHONES. They are ridiculously expensive, but they are the best investment you will EVER make. Again, I digress) so I can occasionally remove my headphones to give my brain a break from the blaringly loud music I have to pump into my ears all day long just to survive. And that's when I realize that my cubicle neighbor is insane. She carries on these conversations with herself…I'm telling you…I've heard the conversation include the questions and the answers…all to herself. Seriously…you think that it's ok to sit and mumble and hum ALL DAY LONG? WE ARE TRYING TO LIVE IN A SOCIETY HERE PEOPLE…YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Please folks…when you are at work, try WORKING for a change. Just sit still in your chair, put your hands on your freaking keyboard, and work. Enough with all of the fidgeting and food mongering!

Sep 24, 2014
END-CAP TVs & Gas station TVs
by: Anonymous

@Countryboy: I FEEL THE SAME WAY about wanting to take a hatchet to those blasted TVs at self-serve gas pumps. Have tried to mute them (no button to do so), complain to the clerk (met with a blank stare) and write to corporate (got no answer).

Sep 24, 2014
Whistling S's, smacking mouth noises, popping d's, p's, t's, feet sliding on dry concrete, and scraping utinsels on teeth
by: Countryboy

I had to laugh out loud at the raging reactions to such seemingly inane triggers. Perhaps out of relief that I'm not alone in my private "insanity".

Ever since I can remember, utensils (forks mainly) on teeth gives me the spine tingling willies complete with gooseflesh and tight throat. Dry feet sliding on concrete does the same... I remember the moment the latter started bothering me.... halfway through a slide down a slab of broken concrete when I was 7.

The worst is the whistley S's and popping D's, T's, and P's that the digital age has now made it possible for EVERYONE who speaks into an electronic device of any sort to be able to make these @#$&ing noises, therefore causing me to want to punch them elbow deep in the mouth.
The walmart woman makes me want to take a bat to every end-of-aisle TV in the store.

I made the mistake of telling my wife of this issue that she laughed off as a little idiosyncrasy and publicly made light of once...
It seems the more a person is being fakey and/or nervous, the more they do it.

It actually hardly bothered me for a time when I was all calf-eyed over a girl who talked like this... Positive association lessening the affect, however short-term?

I can "diffuse" the effect by emulating it, with a sneer of course (Oftentimes, I can't do this due to the risk of appearing to be positively "touched").

Thanks for letting me share with those who know.

Sep 23, 2014
Roommates think I'm insane
by: Anonymous

I thought I was certifiably insane until I read this page. I have always hated the sound of clanking utensils against bowls, mugs, etc. and I have cried on many dinner occasions sitting next to my father who without even trying makes the world's grossest noises while chewing. I am now in my 20s and my condition is worsening. In class I cringe at the sound of water bottles even opening knowing the next few seconds I will endure the sound of loud swallowing. The strangest thing is noises I make do not bother me. I could literally throw my roommates out a window for slamming their hands on their keyboard but my own smacking doesn't bother me a bit. now that seems a little crazy. I have decided I need to seek professional help or I will eventually have no friends.

Sep 23, 2014
High Pitch Noises
by: Michelle

I am so glad to know I am not going insane. High pitch noises is what does it for me. Bells, Chimes, whistles and alarms are big ones for me. I literally contemplated killing people in that moment. Another one is when I listen to music, I need the treble turned almost all the way off or I can't enjoy it. The most horrible one(I feel the most horrible about) is my youngest son's voice when he gets excited or upset, his voice literally makes my ears feel like they are bleeding. I wish there was something to help.

Sep 22, 2014
Glad I'm not alone
by: Ella

Thank goodness I've found this site, and realise that other people suffer like me, and that I am not going mad.

For years my husband and son have though I was being paranoid about certain sounds making me feel really angry. Our neighbours daughter screams all the time and It irritates me so badly that I feel like shouting at her to stop. I now spend most of the summer months indoors with my earphones in so that I can't hear her. Two other neighbours have dogs that bark, one a deep loud bark, the other yappy. I have to sleep with earplugs as they sound as if they are actually in our house. The noise gets to me so much that I actually opened the window and shouted angrily for them to stop. Our neighbours must think I'm a lunatic!! But I just cannot tolerate the barking.

When we go on holiday, if I can hear people in the next room, or above, that makes me feel so annoyed that it ruins my holiday. It never bothers my husband, and I've asked other guests if the noise bothers them and they say they haven't heard anything. So I know it is my problem. All this has started to make me a nervous wreck. I really do need to seek help.

Sep 16, 2014
by: RockinR

I'm glad to know it has a name. I thought I was losing my mind. clanking noises -- clanking one's fork on the bowl or plate makes me want to strangle someone. the person behind me typing on their keyboard. It feels like they are doing it all on purpose just to drive me crazy. I know they're not. Maybe I can get help from your page!

Sep 09, 2014
sometimes i feel my brain will explode
by: Anonymous

I've always been very sensitive to noises but lately in my now late 20's its become so severe i wish i could be deaf for a few hrs a day. I try to not let it bother me, block out horrible sounds with music or a loud fan but it doesn't always work for me. There is a construction site literally right next to my home so everyday from 9am to 6:30 pm all i hear are bulldozers, hammers and nail guns and people yelling in's enough to drive me insane. On top of that I live with other people and they are not considerate about the amount of noise they make. Clanging and banging cabinets and drawers shut the clanking of dishes and glasses makes me want to scream but i keep all this bottled inside of me. It really agitates me and I don't know how to deal with this i belong in a padded cell? because this world is so full of noise its impossible to escape from it. I've told people about this before and they just make it seem like I am bitchy or over-sensitive and should just get over it. Well I wish I could but it's not my fault my brain processes these sounds as torture and then develop migraines everyday from it.

Sep 09, 2014
barking dogs, pens clicking
by: jennifer

I am so glad to have finally found a real reason why I get homicidal when a dog barks. I thought I had a serious mental problem and was going to see a shrink(which I will still do).

I feel so much better now that I am not alone in this.

Sep 07, 2014
Muffled bass, barking, & motorcycle noise
by: Poster Child for Annoyance

I completely understand anyone's fury over having to endure bass music, barking dogs, and motorcycles! They all set my heart pounding and teeth on edge. Anywhere I can't get away from it is a hellish ordeal: e.g., trapped at a stop light, checked in at a motel, or simply minding my own business at home.

People who inflict their senseless noise on others are inconsiderate jerks. Misophonia or not, we are all entitled to peace and quiet.

Sep 07, 2014
Muffled bass music from neighbours
by: Atilla

I should have moved before I let it go this far, I see that now. I have developed a form of allergy against muffled bass music from neighbors. Just one note, and I'm in full fledged fight or flight mode, with either a massive rage, or sobbing on the floor in a panic attack. My only solution for now has been to get out as fast as I can and go for a walk.

It is good to see that I am not alone, but I am sad to find there is no easy fix.

Luckily for me the reaction is only this strong in my home. Out and about I can always retreat, or go somewhere else.

Sep 06, 2014
We have our own unique frequency
by: Sheoshi

I also noticed that noise bothered me differently from the people around me & when I tried explaining that some noises caused me physical discomfort they didnt understand, so I realised this wasn't so common. I researched medical books & apart from autism & aspergers I couldn't really find anything that struck any chords with me. I began to research more metaphysical concepts & found alot on frequencies... People each have our own unique frequency which can be affected by the frequency(noise) of other things like engines, alarms, shouting, etc. Its probably the closest Ive came to understanding what's happening when a noise grates on my nerves, its a clash of frequencies.

Aug 26, 2014
Clicking, dogs barking, and snoring.
by: Anonymous

Clicking/clacking/rattling: a door rattling in the wind absolutely drives me nuts. Every few seconds, it happens and I can not stand it and have to leave the room. Really any noise that Is repetitive sets me off.

Barking: I have two small dogs, and I'm infuriated by their high pitched bark. Sometimes I even yell at them I'm so angry. I think one of them hates me because of this.

Snoring: snoring gets everybody pretty much, but for me it's a different type of snoring that gets me as well as normal snoring. It really isn't even snoring, but when somebody takes huge breathes while they sleep, it sets me off. I just can't sleep like that.

Aug 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

By yenny

I'm 29 years old, and I'm very patient personal but there is one problem I'm facing lately. I'm very intolerant to any noise like water running, tapping, screaming etc... I live in a basement so I hear all the sounds from upstairs and it drive me insane and makes me very angry and like feeling soooo,mad to the point that sometimes I get bad headache sometimes I lose control and sometimes I turn the lights off and watch something on my phone or tablet, but I also think that I'm falling into a dark depression... please anybody can tell me what to do or where to go???

Aug 25, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am glad to know that i am not the only on with this problem, i have moved three separate times in the pat year (not because of this problem mind you) hoping might find someone with my same... Well problem anyways getting of track glad to know i'm not alone

Aug 24, 2014
Literally nauseated
by: Where do I look?

Can't seem to find ANY information on literally getting nauseated by voices. Sometimes I have to tell my husband to stop talking or turn a video off because the sound of talking suddenly makes me nauseated. This is new in the last year (57 year old white female). I'm also in the process of losing my sense of smell and taste (nerve damage, nothing can be done), but I can't see that having any connection.

I have a lot of pet peeves on noise, but the only thing that really drives me up a wall is open mouth chewing. I was raised to keep my mouth shut while eating, but both hubby and friend who lives with us, weren't. I can't stand sitting there and suddenly hearing that, "smack, smack, smack". I've actually made our friend go eat elsewhere because he can't seem to remember to keep his mouth shut.

Aug 24, 2014
Where are the answers?
by: Anonymous

I read about fifteen of these posts. Everyone has questions. When will I come to the answers? A lot of the people seem to be annoyed by noises that people are making that are just plain rude. Why wouldn't you be annoyed by slurping noises, gum cracking and dogs howling all night?

Aug 23, 2014
Turn Down the Bass and Stop Slamming Doors
by: Anonymous

It helps to read that other people are sensitive to certain noises. I get annoyed by distracting bass coming out of cars especially at stop lights. I also get annoyed when people noise pollute natural sounds of state parks and campsites. I seriously hate motorcycles. The noise they make seem to say, "drop whatever you are doing and notice me right now" and not just for safety sake. I get very annoyed by condo neighbors who slam doors going in and out. It is not necessary. Just rude. I want to start or join a nationwide movement to stop all noise pollution: it is not necessary. I would like to re-train my responses though because I can't control most of these circumstances. It seems like maybe ADD or just a bunch of useless learned conditioned responses.

Aug 22, 2014
#1 Whistling
by: Michelle L.

Whistling drives me absolutely crazy! So does someone clipping their nails, over stirring their coffee with the spoon clinking in the cup, high heels clip clopping, people who sniff their nose every 2 minutes, continual scraping the bottom of a bowl to get every last drop of food, people near me who talk non stop to someone, clicking of a pen, tapping on a table, sharpening a knife, people who slop their mouth when they eat. I know there is more, all I can think of now.

Aug 22, 2014
About Sounds
by: Judith Krauthamer

This is in response to a number of comments below. If extremely loud or soft sounds are disturbing, it is time for a hearing test. There may be hyperacusis, or sensitivity to certain frequency and volume ranges of sound levels. If you have an emotional reaction to sounds such as chewing, sniffing, repetitive clicking etc. you might have misophonia. Misophonia is characterized by a rage reaction to auditory (sound) triggers, although there could be visual and olfactory triggers as well. People with misophonia have hypervigilance to these sounds (as do people who have post traumatic stress disorder). It is the brain's way of seeking out what it considers threatening stimuli. Although the jury is out on if this disorder is genetic (inherited), I believe that it is a neurological condition (disclaimer: I am the author of Sound-Rage: A Primer of the Neurobiology and Psychology of a Little Known Anger Disorder.) People with misophonia are not crazy-- it is simply a very challenging neurological condition. Several things are helpful: white noise machines, earplugs or headphones, cognitive behavior therapy. More recently, some people are trying neurofeedback. People with the disorder can and do have successful lives and happy relationships. For statistics on the disorder, go to and look up "Descriptive statistics of misophonia" article.

Aug 21, 2014
blasting headphones
by: Poster Child for Annoyance

Riding on the subway recently, I was driven to distraction by a young man near me, wearing headphones BLASTING "music" for the rest of us to hear - (no one else showed any reaction.) At the far end of the car, a group of teenage girls were yelling and shrieking across the aisle to one another throughout many stops It was such a great relief when they ALL GOT OFF at their destinations!

Aug 21, 2014
avoid avoid avoid
by: Anonymous

that is how I cope. It started when I was about 10 or 11 when I found I couldn't stand the sound of my family eating. I used to scream at them all the time to chew with their mouths closed. Gum snapping, slurping, breathing noises, pets chewing or licking, crinkle crunch crinkle crunch... of the person trying to quietly eat a snack of chips or crackers. The rage I feel is intense I want to smash in some faces into a bloody pulp. How I have learned to cope? My husband has this too but to a lesser degree so he is somewhat understanding. We eat in separate rooms, sleep in separate rooms if someone is making a sound I can't stand I leave. I'm a teacher so I can make kids spit out their gum and I don't allow eating in my class. I find that if I drown out the noise with my own noise that helps too. If I can't get away from a noisy eater, I have to eat noisily too. I have always felt I was crazy because of this.

Aug 17, 2014
Those Noises!!!
by: curious mom

Hello, my daughter has a noise list with silverware on china being #1. Rage. Absolute rage. I realize we can switch to plastic or paper but I'd like to ask any/all of do you cope? Have any of you conquered the rage and found a way to deal with these noises? She won't make it in the real world if I can't find a way to help. Thanks so much!

Aug 15, 2014
Barking Dogs, fans, etc.
by: Lupum

I am highly sensitive to noises at night. We have a hound dog that bays off and on all night (not in the day, only during the middle of the freaking night). It drives me absolutely nuts, it is so repetitive and horrible sounding (if you've ever heard a hound dog, you know what I mean). We've had her for 3 years and in that time I've become extremely sensitive to a myriad of sounds at night, like fans, the ac unit, people breathing. I can hardly sleep, even with ear plugs in, and I can't put her in the house because my entire family is highly allergic to dogs.

Aug 12, 2014
i am a horrible person!
by: Anonymous

I am so tired of having this horrible rage when i hear certain sounds. But lately its one person that really drives me crazy, all the noises he makes sends me into a rage that is affecting our relationship. We are usually okay texting and stuff but the minute he walks home he goes straight to the kitchen and drinks a full glass of water with loudest gulps i have ever heard. I am constantly telling him to try to stop but he says he cant help it. Then its the forks or spoon hitting his teeth, when he eats yogurt he puts some on the spoon and sucks on it making very annoying sounds in every spoon. And at night the snoring is so disturbing to my ears. I cant use earplugs bc we have a son and i need to listen to the baby monitor. He also sleeps on his back and folds his legs as he is falling asleep his legs slowly slip down making a horrible sound and movement to me! HELP PLEASE.

Aug 12, 2014
So Disgusting
by: Anonymous

My dad got dentures about 2 years ago .. he was okay the first year but this past year his eating habits are beyond disgusting .. I refuse to eat dinner with my family at the table anymore. He slurps and slops and seems oblivious to it .. he'll slurp while eating a hamburger for christ sake. After he eats he'll sit in the living room.. remove his upper plate and proceed to suck the food out of it.. I can't stand it .. it's so disgusting .. I get so pissed off. When I try to talk to my mom about it she just says .. when ppl get old we need to be more tolerant... but she's on;y got 65% hearing .. maybe she isnt hearing it like I am? But if we have company over or go out to eat .. he doesn't behave that way. So to me that indicates he IS aware of it. Any advice or suggestions would be great .. ty

Aug 04, 2014
Vehicle Engines
by: Anonymous

There is a man who lives 2 doors away from me and one man who lives across the street about 3 doors down from me. Whenever the man 2 doors down leaves his house on his motorcycle, he lets it idle for approx. 5 minutes. The man across the street lets his truck run for longer periods when he is working on it. Both of these sounds make me nuts. I don't know what it about these 2 sounds. I have no problem with other engines idling in automotive shops nor other peoples cars/trucks. I think it is the note that these 2 items idle at that makes me crazy. Anybody else have problems with these kinds of sounds?

Jul 25, 2014
Cell phone idiot
by: Anonymous

I was at the ophalmologist's today, sitting in a small waiting room while my eyes were dilating. There were about 5 of us, quietly leafing through magazines or listening to a TV, set to a moderate volume. A twenty-something trots in -- wedge sandals, tight pants, floopy hairdo. She sits down. Her phone rings. Here we freaking go!!! She proceeds to yak loudly on and on in her native tongue, completely oblivious to the rest of us. This went on for the next 20 minutes or so I was there, until I was called. I wanted to rip that stupid phone right out of her hand!!!

Jul 22, 2014
Fart noises done specifically with the tongue
by: Anonymous

You know the fake farting noises people make with their tongue (SPECIFICALLY with the tongue)? It's extremely irritating and not in the sense of annoyance. I can't explain the sensation, it's not the same irritation that people get when a chalk screeches on a chalkboard, it's almost like my spine is effected by simply this noise.

Even thinking about this noise or doing it myself brings the irritation and sometimes makes me cringe...

This started at a young age and might just be the result of kids in my elementary school constantly doing these noises thinking it's funny. Let me be clear, it's only the fart noise done with the tongue, not cupped hands or hand over the mouth, it's like a bee buzzing type of fake fart done with the tongue.

Jul 21, 2014
SSSS sounds in Restasis commercial
by: Poster Child for Annoyance

Anyone irritated by the Restasis (medicine that makes tears) commercial? The female physician who speaks makes very pronounced, whistley S sounds that go right through me.

Jul 21, 2014
This is so nerve racking!
by: Sting

I'm 17 and this bothers me too. My family is so noisy:
- my sister snorts and sniffles for around 30 minutes after she wakes up everyday
- my parents clang their bowls/plates whenever they eat and the smacking or loud chewing makes me rage inside
- my mom constantly makes loud kitchen noises like slamming the cabinets or clanging dishes together whenever putting them away
- she constantly yawns out loud and snorts too a lot too
It just drives me crazy. It's gotten worse in the past year and it makes me want to get away, go somewhere quiet away from everybody.

Jul 20, 2014
My Daughter
by: Joey

Just found this page because my daughter age 9 is so sensitive to certain noises. Attacked the diet I'm now thinking even chemicals she likes to eat bubbles may be causing something.

She can make loud noises and it doesn't effect her but if I put certain music on a level "very low" she cannot take it. Her ears when making very tiny sounds that I can't even hear behind either ear she senses immediately. Ultra sensitive.

I don't know how some noises and singing and yelling she does doesn't effect her. But lower tv sounds she cannot take or how my sisters talk loud she cannot take. Any help much appreciated , Thank you.

Jul 19, 2014
How a noise can turn into rage...
by: Anonymous

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

It's starts off with the slurping, foot dragging, heavy heel-toe walking, sniffling, door banging, plastic bag rustling, teeth nashing, kid shrieking (not crying, babies cry, I mean that shrill, high pitched, ear piercing shriek), gulping, teeth scraping forks, licking foil lids off the yoghurt, snoring, (the list goes on and on)...

Then you identify the source, once you know where it comes from it almost becomes a fixation...

You start thinking: Why can't you eat with your mouth closed, pick your feet up when you walk, empty the bag to find what you're looking for?

Nothing changes, so then you think it's me I'm overreacting, but then you think I'm sitting here quietly, not causing you any irritation, why can't you respect my peace too?

Then the daemon kicks in and you start wishing it is perfectly reasonable to sew someone's mouth up, ban plastic carrier bags and trip people up if they can't be bothered to walk properly anyway.

Am I the problem or is the world just so full that most people have become desensitised?

Is it a social thing, does the "noise intrusion" vary from country to country? I've done a lot of travelling and I think it does vary.

It's almost like I want to shake people and say "please be mindful". Then I think I need to grow some and stop reacting as if it's a personal assault on me.

Apart from headphones is there any other way to curb this negative reaction (assuming sewing people's mouths up isn't going to be legal anytime soon)?

Glad I'm not alone if nothing else!
Thanks. X

Jul 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

I won't make spaghetti for dinner because I don't want to hear my husband eat it. Although, in his case, he really is a gross eater. I have to be careful when grocery shopping because the more mass like the food is, the disgusting his eating will be.

Aside from that, I have a lot of the same issues you guys have. Recently, that eharmony show where the makes out on a couch. So stupid. And having to listen to them make out just grosses me out.

Jul 15, 2014
ugh! so annoying!
by: Anonymous

I get annoyed by many things like the ticking of clocks, people chewing there food or gum loudly, the sounds the vaccum makes, the bass from other cars, some noises in music, or commercials, people with annoying voices, heavily breathing, humming, whistling, high heels, and much much more. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy! And when I tell people they just tell me that I'm fine or I want something wrong with me! But no. They don't understand how annoying this can be! And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this! There's many others. And I seriously can't take much more of this! It drives me crazy!

Jul 15, 2014
Chewing, breathing, continuous sounds
by: Anonymous

I am 12 years old and I face the same problem. The sound of people chewing and breathing makes all of my inside cringe. Also continuous sounds such as someone tapping on a desk, clicking a pen on and off, etc.

I have some friends that will make loud chewing sounds purposely just to annoy me and believe me it works to an extent that they don't even know. What really bothers me though is when people make these sounds unintentionally. When this does happens it bothers me so much that I start crying. I've tried to ignore the sounds but I just end up having to cover my ears with my hands because when I hear the breathing or chewing it's all my brain can focus on.

I know some people that say that the sound of people smacking gum annoys them also, thinking that they feel the same way as me but they don't because they can actually handle it. I can't.
I honestly don't know how I'm going to deal with this for the rest of my life but just knowing that I'm not alone helps and it hope that this comment with my experiences helped you.

Jul 14, 2014
To: Visual Triggers/Anonymous
by: CrazyPain

Yes, I do have visual triggers. as well... When people ( I sometimes wonder if they even are human ) move there stupid arms and head move all over the freaking place when they drive - well, that annoys the hell out of me. It's even worse when they hang their arms outside of the car and have that stupid, vacant expression on their face as they do it. Heck, cars driving in front of my house ( even if they aren't loud ) irritates me. Hand gestures ( gosh, some people ( demons :-) ) do this crap like their flipping out or something - their freaking hands moving all over the freaking place... I just want to smack these idiots. Even the look on certain peoples faces drives me nuts. Oh, and that's not to mention the endless amounts of noises that drives me crazy, too... Add the two together - and that equals: HELL for me!!! Go away irritating idiots. Go back to the shadow!!! I'll probably sound like an asshole here - but it's the truth - redneck simpletons are the worst of all. Is it possible for a stupid redneck to drive a vehicle that's not loud enough to wake the freaking dead!!? everything, and I mean everything that they do is completely annoying and stupid... I'm trying to stay gold, but they're ( annoying sub-humans ) making it nearly impossible... Well, that's it for now...

Jul 14, 2014
Sounds of Sports Broadcasters, Bass Sounds, Mumblers
by: Anonymous

Voices of Sports Broadcasters covering a game on the radio add to my list of repetitive noise irritants. It's not what they are saying but the way in which it is said that drive me up the proverbial wall.

Most of them seem to adopt a repetitive sing song speech pattern that gets much faster then slower and much louder then softer in a very repetitive way even when noteworthy action is not taking place.

When my husband listens to a sports game on the radio in the car it makes me extremely anxious.
Am I the only one that becomes anxious with this sound? Please let me know.

Hearing the bass sound of music and not the treble is also a trigger for me. Another sound that pushes my buttons is people mumbling (my hearing is fine). But, the mumbling issue may just be a reaction to the plain rudeness of people who mumble and not to my being hypersensitive to the actual sound or maybe both.

Jul 14, 2014
Wow, you all have it worse than I do
by: Anonymous

I am working in Starbucks (with my laptop) and feel rage when I hear pets licking their fur, people chewing with their mouths open, smacking gum, babies screaming, people shaking sugar packets, whistling, even rustling of newspapers.

I resolve this problem by bringing a set of ear phones with me and listening to white helps....

I've tried politely encouraging people to please not snap gum in front of me, whistle, or allow their babies to scream in public unpacified, but everyone looks at me like I'm nuts. "We can do whatever we want, and if you don't like it, tough!" seems to be the response.

Lack of courtesy...but most people don't understand sound sensitivity.

Jul 13, 2014
Reply to: SPD or autism-spectrum?
by: Poster Child for Annoyance

YESSS!!! I have the same outraged reaction as you in stores, specifically CVS and Walgreens. I've often sought out the manager to complain about trying to choose a Hallmark card (often sympathy) while something I didn't ask for is blaring over my head. Recently, I wrote corporate about music being played on a local radio station in a Bealls Outlet (FL). I literally could not think straight I was so distracted and agitated. (The next time I ventured into the store, the music was considerably lowered.) Also, those damn ubiquitous gas station TVs that accost you at the pumps make me homicidal. I've wanted to take a sledge hammer to the screen! My heart pounds just thinking about the insanity of it.

Jul 13, 2014
18, angry and dreading the next 50 years.
by: Anonymous

I typed in "people who breathe heavily, snore and eat loud make me angry" and came across this page. I knew I wasn't the only one with this problem because these noises are not normal! There's no need. I hate the sound of people sniffing EVERY..2..SECONDS, especially if they have a cold, just go and get a tissue? I can't stand it when people breathe heavily and then when you ask them if they can breathe they say "yeah" so why do you sound like you're struggling?. Snoring has to be the most annoying thing ever, I will never understand why people snore, EVERYBODY in my house snores, and I share a room with my sister and it's torture when I'm listening to my music at night (I have no choice) I still think I can hear my sister snoring so I take my headphones off to see if she is but sometimes she might not be, that just shows you how bad it is, the noises are just in my head now, it makes me angry to point where I'm throwing things at her like shoes, batteries, clothes, just anything I can get my hands on or I have to get up and shake her! this is EVERY night. I cant deal with it any longer. I hate when people swallow their drink loud and make that gulping noise, my mum does it ALL THE TIME..gulp after gulp after gulp. ok you have a drink I don't care, I don't want to hear it going down your throat. Loud eaters. I just don't understand. I can't be in the same room as people who eat loud, I either leave or put my headphones on, I don't need to know you're eating, everybody in my house makes noises when they eat, it's the most irritating thing anyone could do. I also hate when people chew gum, I don't even need to go into that.  I now seem to have a sensitivity to all kinds of chewing sounds, sniffing, throat clearing, coughing, sneezing, and slurping. As I am typing this I have my headphones on because of course people are snoring. Thank God for music that's all in can say.

Jul 12, 2014
SPD or autism-spectrum?
by: Anonymous

Wow, I feel so sorry for you all. I think I have Aspergers which may have similar symptoms but not to the same extent?

I can't stand the sound of kids screaming when they are playing outside, or kids screaming/crying in stores. I can't stand the sound of a leaf-blower, vacuum cleaner, or blender, but don't mind the sound of the vacuum or blender when I am the one using them. Does anybody else have no problem with the sounds YOU make?

I become enraged by large trucks passing by me when I'm walking, and I often have to leave stores like CVS because of their obnoxious music. Or more recently I was in a shopping mall and a Sephora store was INSIDE a JC Penney but didn't have its own walls, and the Sephora was playing their own music which clashed with the music JCP was playing and I had to leave, I was so agitated.

Jul 12, 2014
snoring, heavy breathing, loud eating, swallowing
by: Anonymous

I don't even know where to start. I'm 18 and have a twin sister, we share a ROOM, she snores EVERY night, everybody in my house snores. There hasn't been a night where I haven't had to put my headphones on and put my music on 100 and I'm sick of having to put my music on, but I don't have a choice. She would wake up with nearly all of my shoes, clothes, phone chargers (the list goes on) on her bed because I've thrown them at her, I always have to warn her before we go to sleep "DON'T SNORE" . Never works.

You have no idea how angry it gets me when people breathe heavily, I don't get it. There was one boy in my science class who I thought was SNORING that's how loud he was breathing and me being so lucky I had to sit next to him in all the lesson we were in together, it was torture. My sister does it as well I have to ask her if she can breathe and she says "yeah, why?". I just end up leaving the room

LOUD EATING, OMG. EVERYBODY in my house does it, my mum, brother and sister. I don't know who's worse to be honest. My brother eats fast and sounds like he wants to eat the fork as well, my mum just makes NOISE,even when she's finished she still makes noise!! And my sister just eats fast and loud I've lost count of how many times I've told her to "calm down" it's the most irritating sound ever. Sometimes I have to look to see what they're eating to get an understanding as to why they're making SO MUCH noise, but there's just no excuse. There's NEVER a day where I don't listen to my music, not because I'm obsessed, but because I have NO CHOICE.

Last but not least, swallowing/gulping whatever you want to call it. When my mum is drinking her drink I can literally hear it going down, WHY? I don't know who's worse my mum or sister, my sister sounds like she wants to eat the cup. Imagine being in a car and somebody just unexpectedly slammed the breaks on , well imagine that happening every 2 seconds when drinking your drink..exactly. I don't know who needs help, me or them!

And as I was typing this I had my headphones on, music on 100 and people snoring :)

Jul 09, 2014
Eating and breathing noises
by: Anonymous

I hate when people chew and swallow loud, I just don't understand. I know some people that will gulp water then swallow loud! I cringe. Chewing with mouth open, popping gum. Breathing loud and eating loudly. (I know a couple kids that do this, and sometimes ask if they can breath) they say yeah..then why are you breathing so dang loud! And chewing louder with your mouth open! Or dry hands rubbing together. People that talk and walk loud! I could go on... I self diagnosed myself w misophonia about a month ago, before that never heard of it, but sounds have always annoyed me. Crowded places with everyone talking.

Jul 07, 2014
i could strangle someone !!!
by: Anonymous

in the mornings when you wipe sleet and gunk from your eyes or just need to rub them, they sometimes make that clicking sound? you know what I mean? it is the fluid in the eye and the eye rolling when you rub them, I can HEAR it and it makes me cringe to boiling point.

I get physical sensations it boils my blood pressure and tight knot in stomach totally puts me in a bad mood and I tense right up, over chomping slurping noises, the gulps people do when swallowing, thing is, I know I do the same everyone cant help swallowing but I make sure I do everything as quiet as I possibly can and am aware of it so I will eat slowly and with my mouth closed at all times. I have had to leave the room a few times with people who munch their foods and I mean that mmm sound and opening of the mouth and the breathing that goes with it when eating, whyyy!??

The people who walk past when im in bed especially with window open and hear clink clonk of high heels makes me slam the window shut with force to make a point! Kids playing, especially bouncing a ball !! I have a child myself and I guess im a hypochondriac and blinded by love to see it in my own child, its all the others lol. Sorry I sound really mean but this is what this sensitive disorder makes us all feel and I feel understood on this forum! Thank goodness I am not alone in this as I thought I was the only one going through this, and it helps just knowing I am not alone.

When pets lick themselves, I love my cat but I went to go to the toilet in peace and he jumped up on the side by me and it was all quiet and he started licking, I pushed him off I felt my blood boil, couldn't stand it. People rustling through plastic bags, something about the rustling sounds, I feel they do it on purpose to annoy me! Sounds of people talking when their lips smack together as if, too much lipstick on and that sticky lip sound when they talk, with sp sounds on each time they re open their mouth to talk ergh! I could go on I really could but I will stop there for today....

Jul 04, 2014
No peace.
by: Anonymous

Noise can be incredibly irritating. I cannot stand the sound of other people eating, especially when they embellish it with sounds like "mmmmmmmmm" etc. Its like ok you are enjoying your food but do I have to freaking hear about it as well.

And the piece de resistance, people clearing their throat chronically. My father does it every few minutes, ok he does have lung problems so I can understand it maybe unavoidable. that doesn't make it any easier to listen to. It makes me furious I could strangle the old git sometimes.

I also have tinnitus, which manifests itself as a constant ever ending high pitched whine which im sure has unhinged me to some extent. Even if I wear ear plugs or listen to white noise for example, I can never completely tune it out. never again will I enjoy simple peace and quiet.

Jun 27, 2014
My Very Worst
by: Anonymous

The lady five rows behind me in a theater who spent one entire hour hunting through a stiff plastic shopping bag.

The man on the elevator (OLD elevator) with whom i had to ride to the 14th floor -- while he jingled his coins in his pocket. I was in England, back when they had all those big, heavy, Loud coins.

The woman in church who gets out a package of mints, opens it, pops in the mint, closes the package -- and then repeats the process every four minutes.

Singers who scream: Barbra Streisand, Whitney Houston, Bette Midler, etc. Once they hit that stratospheric noise, I don't care How good they are, I just want to strangle them.

That constant beep, beep, beep of vehicles backing up. A solid year of infrastructure repair on the road near me almost drove me to jump in the river!

Whistling. There always a man (and it is Always a man) in the supermarket who whistles two cart lengths behind. Or one aisle over. Or while he's waiting for the ringing up. No tune, just whistle.

I was so happy to learn that I actually have a condition. With a name. And that there are others who get just as weirded out and frantically furious!

Jun 27, 2014
visual triggers.....
by: Anonymous

Yes - not only does smacking an popping of gum make me want to scream. Seeing that someone has gum makes me angry/anxious too - even if they are not smacking.

Jun 26, 2014
by: Jason

Hello everyone I'm new here and just wanted to say I'm so glad I found this site. I suffer with anxiety and OCD as well. I've noticed as I've gotten older I've started to develop a real issue with sounds. Its nuts such a everyday thing can damage our lives so much.

I can't bear other peoples voices, especially on the radio, the sound the throat makes when you swallow food sends me into a rage. my sensitivities have gotten so bad that my wife and I have to rehome our dog, the licking sounds, especially when he licks his paws make me want to harm him. And I can't stand when he snaps at insects or invisible flies for that matter. The sound of his teeth clamping together just make me want to kill something. I've begun loathing his existence. Its all very unfortunate because I love animals.

I HATE HATE HATE... motorcycles, the sound flip flops make when they SMACK against peoples feet (makes me want to chop their feet off) excessive laughter, barking dogs, groups of people talking, people eating or drinking, gum chewing.

anyways thanks for reading everyone it feels good to vent

Jun 26, 2014
Repetitive Noise, NO
by: Anonymous

I cannot tolerate any repetitive noises! This highly includes Wall clocks, repetitive words in songs, pen clickers, people talking very loud, kids that say MOM MOM MOM (An example), car alarms, the dinging noise your car makes when you are exiting the vehicle, snoring, certain toys, phones ringing, swirling of ice and drink, the noise the straw makes when a person gets to the bottom of the cup, a car motor running constantly etc! I could go on all day but I won't.

I'm currently in Therapy trying to deal with the issue but, I'm not having much luck as the therapist has recommended that I "Think about something else or think positive", yeah ok, with this condition, all I can think about is the stupid noises people make which send me into a rage!

Jun 26, 2014
Chewing noises
by: Brandon

I feel everyone's pain!! Chewing noises make my blood boil with rage. I absolutely can not stand the clicking, sucking, chomping and crunching sounds people make when they eat. Gum/caramel, hard candy/cough drops and bananas are the worst foods you can give these people to eat. I also hate when people suck on their teeth after eating gummy foods, corn or really, anything chewy. I can never concentrate on a tv show or a book if there is a loud chewer in the room. I alway seem to focus only on the noises he/she is making. Can obnoxious eaters even hear themselves? I always wanted to record one of them eating and blast it through headphones. How do people deal with loud chewing without going completely insane?

Jun 25, 2014
Visual triggers?
by: Anonymous

One thing I am very curious to know about from you guys is do you guys that suffer from misophonia with sound triggers also suffer with visual triggers? I do and I would like to know if anyone else does and what are they? Thanks guys!

Jun 25, 2014
Response to Tracy's bass sound
by: Julie

Yes, bass sound drives me nuts, especially from cars. I used to live about 150 feet from a busy street, kind of a main drag, and the bass sound was fairly constant. It drove me nuts! I lived there for 10 years and it wasn't pleasant. I now live in a house away from a busy street, and it's wonderful, I only hear a bass car once in awhile. However, we have an annoying barking dog next door. It's not all the time, but I don't want to hear it in my house at all. Then there a neighbor across the street who sometimes plays their radio in the garage loudly. I just find it disrespectful when others inflict their noise upon me. Instead of reacting with rage, it really upsets me and sometimes I cry, b/c I feel helpless.

Jun 25, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am just so thankful I found this page. I thought I was so crazy! My husband eating grapes or strawberries sends me into a rage. I can here every seed crunch! He has this grating cough at the moment which makes me cringe and sends my nerves crazy. His sneezing is the same. He snores every night and sleeps so deeply I can't roll him onto his side to stop him, so I want to suffocate him. My daughter drinking sends me crazy because I can hear every swallow. I have the TV on so low no one but me can hear it & music in stores drives me right out the door :( . I just want to hide away with quiet & no one around. I never realised there were other people like me, I just want to leave them all and find quiet.

Jun 24, 2014
most noise
by: Tracy

Wow! I don't talk about it to anyone but my mom because I know people will think I'm crazy but I know they don't miss the look they get: chewing or smacking gum, repetition with words, dogs barking, kids playing (that one makes me feel bad) but the one that controls my life is the sound of bass. I honestly worry about snapping. I'm frozen with anger and anxiety. Does bass do this to anyone else? I literally pray for death at those moments and fear for the ones responsible.. I just want to be normal.

Jun 24, 2014
Thought I was alone
by: Jill

Thank heaven for you all!

This guy just walked by me at work and I was like okay this has to be an issue

I can't stand people wearing heels, clicking (has anyone seen frozen you know when Anna makes the sound of the clock...grates me) loud crunchy eating and whistling

And here I thought I was alone!

Jun 24, 2014
repetative noise...grrrrrr
by: Anonymous

My mom and dad smack their lips after they eat anything. My 2 brothers, mom, dad and niece chew with their mouths open. My mom takes her bridge out of her mouth after eating and sucks on it. Gum smacking, coin jingling and ANY repetative noise makes me want to claw something. Glad I found you guys! !!

Jun 23, 2014
HELP!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

Thank God I found this page. I thought that I am the only one who had this problem. I am 20, female and single. Please suggest some remedy to this. I hope you people may have found out some way to get over this. Any suggestion is appreciated.

Jun 23, 2014
open spaces
by: Anonymous

While open environments are bad for productivity for all people, those of us with misophonia have especially unproductive and hostile experiences.

For more information, see

Jun 23, 2014
Throat cleaning, sniffling, and coughing
by: Anonymous

Dealing with Misophonia/4S in an open office environment is absolutely excruciating for me. Every single person that sits around me is constantly clearing their throats, coughing, or sniffling. I spend the entire day in a constant state of rage and it's seriously affecting my work performance. I've tried to adjust by shifting my schedule as much as possible. I can't drown out the sounds because I generally need it quiet to concentrate on my work and the volume levels necessary to do so would be harmful to my hearing anyway. I've created a spreadsheet to track the worst offender's. It's negative, but it helps me cope somewhat with this issue. Let's just say that no more than 45 - 75 seconds every passes without somebody coughing, sniffling, or clearing their throat. Try spending an 8 hour shift exposed to that. The self control it takes to not lash out at these people is taking a lot out of me. Unemployment is looking like the only escape at this point until I can find a new career in a non-open office environment.

Jun 21, 2014
Repetitive sounds drive me nuts!!
by: Anonymous

For the last 30 yrs, repetitive sounds, kids screaming or crying, dogs barking or whining, people arguing or sounds in music that sounds like a phone ringing, car horns on tv or radio, etc. drive me CRAZY! If a person is singing and they 'repeat' the same sound or word over and over, it gets on my nerves. I can hear the ambulance or sirens before anyone else can. All this makes my daily life hard on me. It must be genetics, because my whole family has problems with noises.

I've asked drs about it and they just shrug it off and don't know what I'm talking about.
I was actually born hearing impaired, but other people that have this problem are not.

Wish I could find help for it without drugs.

Jun 18, 2014
Just plain rude...
by: Anonymous

I actually get really irritated by people sniffing - at work, on the train, it never ends. Not to mention the smacking of gum and chewing with their mouths open. Whether there is a name for this or not, I find it just plain rude - these people just have no manners. If you need to blow your nose, use a Kleenex. If you have to chew, do it with your mouth closed. If you have to chew gum, don't blow bubbles or smack it - chew it with your mouth closed blah blah blah blah.

Get my drift???

Jun 18, 2014
Cubicle Nightmare!!
by: Anonymous

I found this site by accident because I need to find a way--some way to get past the fact that I am going CRAZY!!! Our office is comprised of windowless cubicles so there is a certain amount of noise that you just have to put up with. However, there is a woman on the other side of my cubicle who utters EVERY WAKING THOUGHT ALOUD!!! From the minute she comes in, the verbal torrent begins...ex: "Well, I think I'll go make some coffee now. Yes. That's what I'm gonna do. Make some coffee. Yessiree. Oh my goodness, I'm cold. Now what's this email here. Who is this from?" Oh my GOD! When she's not talking out loud, she's humming. When she's not humming, she's hollering to a colleague who's office is 4 feet from hers. Quit hollering!!! And to top it off, she plays her "praise music" loud. You can't win this situation.

If you say "could you please turn it down a little," you get a look like you are Satan's spawn. I mean, how awful a person are you for telling someone not to get their "praise" on??!! I can't win. I took a Xanax yesterday and all it did was make me feel sluggish--I could still hear all the talking, humming and the "praise the lord-ing!" "Well, I can't believe she asked me to turn down my music. I didn't know it was that loud. Yes sir. Nope. I didn't know. Okay, now back to my emails, who's this one from? UGH!!!!!!!!

Jun 17, 2014
hickups/heavy breathing
by: passiveguy

If some one near me is having lots of hiccups or breathing heavily it makes me really tense and I can't think of anything other than the noise.

Jun 16, 2014
My husband makes noises...
by: Anonymous

If my husband starts eating something crunchy without background noise... Such as the TV on, I feel intense rage and want to smack him! He knows how sensitive I am... But he forgets! He sneezes make me jump and adrenaline hits me hard! I hate getting so stressed out by the man I love so much! I know it's my problem... As I'm so irrational when it happens. If we're watching TV together and I can hear him crunch food while I'm skipping channels... I flip out. I tell him he can't crunch when there isn't noise to drown out unpleasant sounds to me. I heard someone say that ppl who are hypersensitive to noise should live alone and never marry or have Kids!! I think he never understood his wife! I don't want to act like this!! I guess I need some help! Glad to find I'm not alone! =)

Jun 13, 2014
by: Anonymous

You should watch the Gerson Miracle it may change your life

Jun 13, 2014
by: Anonymous

I was DX with Migraine Vertigo about 4 yrs ago. I have the sensitivity to light, sound (slurping coffee drives me nuts!), loud noises AND humidity appears to make the condition worse. I have had 3 Brain MRIs(with contrast)and none of the "conclusions have changed over the years. What causes it? My first neurologist said that the cupping of my ex-husband's hands and smacking them over my ears blew out my inner ear drums. I cannot take a hot shower; it makes the dizziness worse. I sometimes get a warning; my ears stop up, and I "pass out". Most of the time, I do NOT go out cold, but I never remember the event. I am becoming frustrated with the issue;I eat healthy, am under a lot of stress and DO NOT sleep well. I have read about M.V. and that it may be a more serious condition. I am middle age, have a "PITA" of a mother, a very understanding father, and am getting "depressed" about this, as everyone (who does not understand)states, "You used to be so healthy!" When it was my ex that caused it. What now?I have high HP (Controlled), cholesterol (almost down to the number) I have asked if it is MS, epilepsy, seizures, and no one will give me an answer. I am at my wits end!!

Jun 13, 2014
I posted a week or so ago
by: Stephen

I posted about my mother sniffing and how I get a rage when she does it, She sniffs every two seconds and it drives me mad,It actually makes me sick to my stomach. I am going to move because of the noises she makes, My Father also does this thing with his mouth where he sucks air through is right cheek and does a clicking noise, I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown.I am 51 years old so I should not even live hear anyways, and seniors have an old people smell that drives me mad as well.

Jun 13, 2014
Teeth Suckerssss
by: engineer

I typed in "why won't my co worker stop sucking their teeth" and this page showed up! OMG it gets on my nerves, every 2 seconds, in a quiet office with cubicle walls. Glad I'm not the only one with this pet peeve.

Jun 12, 2014
Thank God for an office door.
by: Anonymous

I am glad to know that I am not crazy. It is safe to say, if I didn't have an office door to shut (to drown out some of the noises) my days would be much longer. I have one co-worker, who's desk is not far outside my door, who crunches ice all day long. Of course, he uses one of those big, plastic, gas-station there is the sound of him shaking the ice to his mouth...followed by the open-mouthed chomping of the ice. Another co-worker has a jug of tea that she has to shake for 2-3 minutes everytime she fills her cup. And then there is the guy who sucks air through his teeth and makes little "clicking" noises with his tongue while he reads his e-mail.
Then there is home...I live with two cats. They are generally quiet and perfect. However, the sound of them digging around in the litter box drives me nuts. I mean, I am glad they use the box, but wish they could do it silently. LOL And, I put up their food dish at night...otherwise there is no way I could sleep, for fear that they would have to crunch during the night.

Jun 12, 2014
Some suggestions
by: Judith t Krauthamer

There are a number of ways to block the triggers. Bose headphones, while expensive, are excellent. For less expensive options, read the blog

Although the disorder can, and often does seem to get worse with age, it is becuase the triggers expand. New, secondary triggers are more easily dealt with through cognitive behavior therapy.

Mindfulness is very effective; it requires daily discipline. Telling yourself "this will pass; no one is trying to hurt me. The pain is not real. I can handle this" as a mantra while having the physiological response to the trigger will help diminish the triggers'potency through time.

Please feel free to visit Upon request at the site, I have the analysis of a survey of people with misophonia in pdf format.

Jun 11, 2014
This made me cry
by: Anonymous

Their is actually a name for it wow. I have actually become violent before from something as simple as gum smacking. It literally make me go primal. I am 40 but remember this bothering me all the way back to when i was five years old

Jun 11, 2014
by: Sandy

I too have just found relief in knowing that I am not losing my mind. The problem that I have is that the older I get, the more sound sensitive I become. Loud talkers drive me nuts, whisperers drive me nuts, too many "s" sounds psst, psst, psst...and don't get me started with the gum cracker, the obsessive pen clicker or the artificial fingernail keyboard typer.

My next purchase is a pair of high-quality noise-cancelling ear phones. In order to maintain my sanity, I think I need to simply check out. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Jun 09, 2014
by: Anonymous

I had to search to make sure I wasnt the only one and sad to many people with same issue. The place it botgers me most is the theatre or movies. I just spent a lot of money on a broadway musical and of course I get a kid behind me constantly clearing his throat. Snf of course hes like 7 years old and probably has no control of it snd its a tick or something. It just ruined the whole experience for me unless the musical numbers were really loud. I even heard the parent asking the kid to try to stop but clearly he couldnt. Ugh. Then at movie today I hear sniffing next to me and some sort of slurpping across the aisle and behind mem totally takes me out of the show and I just pray that a loud moment will happen to drown out the noise. I will not sit with my husband if he buys popcorn. I dread going to movies with a new perdon not sure how "noisey" they will be. Rather go to an empty matinee with no one around.ugh. what to do.

Jun 09, 2014
As the person that started this whole conversation...
by: dmw - the person who started this post almost 6 years ago

I have been reading everyone's comments for the past 6 years. Sorry to say that nothing has gotten any better, but I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I am afraid that I will never be able to have a relationship, etc. because I would just rather be alone than have someone on my nerves all the time. Kinda sad when you think about it....
Maybe we should create a dating site for people with this disorder.....LOL

Jun 09, 2014
And I thought it was just me
by: Anonymous

Seriously, I thought I was the only person being driven crazy by noises - chewing/smacking noises when people eat, clicking keys on pc keyboards, women's high heels on hard floors, flip flops, utensils scraping on plates, probably many more than I can't even think of right now. It makes me feel a little better that there are others who experience the same things. Now I just have to figure out what to do about it! :)

Jun 09, 2014
Laugh or Cry
by: Anonymous

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, to feel relief or apprehension. I'm 60 years old and have lived with these feelings all my life. Finally putting a name to what I've been dealing with and listening to people say out loud what I've been holding inside for fear of sounding nuts gives me great relief. I've wanted to scream at the top of my lungs all these things that are being said. It felt so good to read these blogs. It has been a long, freaking life and this has been such a controlling factor. I've gone down so many roads trying to understand what's wrong with me and I'm almost scared to hope that things could actually get better.

Jun 08, 2014
Hearing people chew food
by: Marcia

Lol I found this page by accident and I have laughed out loud at some of the stories because I thought it was only me going through this..... Since I got pregnant with my first daughter who is now 20 I can't stand listening to people chew their food or drink any liquids. I seriously want to physically smack them it makes me that angry. My youngest daughter 17 chews very quickly so she reminds me of like maybe a hamster or rabbit. My oldest daughter 20 chews her food like a cow chewing grass and like everything she eats is the best thin she has ever tasted, and my husband drinks his coffe and slurps it like every single sip is extremely hot then makes a "ahhhh" sound after every drink. When he eats cereal it's like he chews slowly because he doesn't want to upset me but all I want him to do is eat and get it over with. OMG listening to people eat drives me NUTTY. I wonder if this is some kind of disorder?

Jun 06, 2014
My Mother sniffs every 2 seconds
by: Stephen

My mother sniffs constantly and it drives me absolutely mad,my brain wants to explode,also when a person drags a chair on a rug I can hear it as well as a person rubbing a cotton ball. Most of all the sniffing am I crazy or what! anybody else hate People with a sniffing problem?

Jun 06, 2014
I don't think I've ever related to this many people in my entire life.
by: Anonymous

Along with many of you I get annoyed very easily by different everyday sounds.. Actually annoyed is an understatement. I get this twisting pain in my chest that goes down to my stomach and up into my throat. Certain noises like my brother eating his cereal, my sister grossly chomping her salad, or my dogs barking can send me straight over the edge.

On many occasions I have actually gotten up and hid in my room until I think it is safe to go back downstairs. I choose not go mention to people that they're chewing too loud because they don't quite seem to understand and then start to chew even louder!! Ugh the worst is when my dad or brother is eating something hot like soup and they're still trying to inhale it even though it's clearly too hot. It's this weird slurping vacuum noise along with sniffles and loud breathing. The ultimate irritating noise. Lately I feel like it's gotten even worse because if I stay in the room too long with the noises I start to shake and want to cry! Then I get angry and irritated all because of a noise! It seems so strange but makes so much sense at the same time and no one really seems to understand. Other noises that bother me are foot tapping, loud booming/pounding like someone's banging on a wall, the sound of my mom throwing my shoes into my room, or even when a room is completely silent but I hear miscellaneous noises of someone shuffling through items in their backpack. It completely distracts me from what I'm doing at the moment an I wish all of these sounds just didn't exist. I'm so glad other people get me it makes me feel less alone. I also know I'm not crazy :) right before I was about to post this I just heard another noise! The sound of doors slamming and the sound of things falling off a shelf!!!!

Jun 05, 2014
Slurps his coffee EVERY... 15.... SECONDS.
by: Anonymous

I have a feeling my misophonia is getting worse. I'm at work having to listen to a coworker slurp, nay INHALE his coffee EVERY 15 seconds! WHY??? WHY must he slurp his coffee? I read an article online about the "proper" way to drink coffee, and they said it was SLURPING because it aerates the coffee and they can taste it better. I emailed the editor and expressed my outrage that they SUGGEST people slurp their coffee.

Another person eats Wheat Thins with their mouth open CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH.

Another person sniffles every 15 seconds.

Another person eat Cheerios with their mouth open every 10 seconds, one by one.

Another person when he finishes his canned beverage has to slurp out EVERY LAST DROP.

Another person has to scrape every last bit of salad and salad dressing out of their plastic container...

There are a million other sounds that irritate and annoy me to no end!

Jun 01, 2014
by: Anonymous


YES! I actually FEEL the noise, I akin it to a Tuning Fork, some of the noises send vibrations through my body and even makes my hair stand on ends.

Jun 01, 2014
Shoot me now!
by: WickedWitchGramma

I have recently (6 months ago) been given custody of my 2 grand daughters ages 4 and 5.
I am 51 and most of my life noises have bothered me but I have been able to handle it.
But now it has escalated.
The sound of their high pitched voices makes me want to hurl myself off a cliff, the constant repetitive noises they make like tapping, scratching, drumming and when they are not doing any of these, they are just making high pitched strange noises for no other reason than to make noise!!
They TALK, HUM or SING from the time they get up to the time they go to bed....
No one ever taught them what an inside voice is (I am working on it).
My husband has the ability to block it out.
Speaking of said husband..
So I listen to noise all day long and then again all night long.
I know I sound like the meanest Grandma in the world, cause I am ALWAYS telling them to be quiet and stop banging, yelling, talking singing smacking!
Glad to know I am not crazy.

Jun 01, 2014
Burping and clearing throat
by: Anonymous

When's husband burps and clears his throat I can't stand it. I love him so I don't say anything but I could honestly stab him when he does it . It annoys me so much.

May 31, 2014
quick, please help
by: Anonymous

I have just taken a 3 hour flight and sat in front of a teenager who did that big throaty sniff thing all the way, I just wanted to pass him some tissues to get it over with but also so he knew that I could hear him. Then the kids mother did the same thing. OMG I was stuck for hours, and even my mean stares did not deter them, as mentioned above, totally clueless. I am sitting in a lounge at the airport and am dreading my next 14 hours on another flight. I have always been extremely sensitive to any bodily noise, like breathing, eating, snoring, sniffing or just making any kind of mouth noise. Please advise me on how best to calm down and not let me want to jump over the seats at hit them.

May 23, 2014
by: lyn/d

I'm on meltdown with my prob. I have an acute intolerance to lip, nasal, throat sounds, etc, including needless shoe shufflin by healthy people. YES!! I've raged at God. Sadly! My situation had gotten steadily worse over the years. I've had psychiatrists just look at me. In 2010, i had a male social worker; after me admitting i had this problem, & giving him an example, tortured me with it in subsequent appointments, it was lip popping. The last thing i needed. Well, my family doc will know all about next fri. Wen SO MANY r suffering, it should b recognized, even without a cure. The recognition and support would b of tremendous help. GOD HELP US ONE AND ALL. Lyn/d x

May 22, 2014
Finally!! People that get it!!!
by: Anonymous

OMG-Everybody looks at me like I'm nuts because, granted, I am loosing my mind when it occurs-but how clueless are these people that that are insistently clicking there pens-Or snapping their gum-I love the person who mentioned the "throat punch"-TOTALLY!!! It's so nice to see I'm not the only one going 0-60 on the anger scale with these clueless noisy people-I'm jealous of those that can block it-or don't even need to-They really don't notice it??? Thanks everyone for sharing!! :)

May 22, 2014
crazy feelings
by: loopy loo

Omg i no how u all feel every noise is driving me crazy ,people eating , pickin there nails , drilling aaaaaaaa just everything makes me want to throat punch everyone :)

May 21, 2014
@ Take your pick
by: Anonymous

You must be my soul mate. I, too, am enraged by barking dogs. Our neighbors across the street have an ankle-biter that barks at anything and everyone!
Blaring TVs in public places (airports, restaurants, motels, DOCTORS' WAITING ROOMS...!!!) Those damn gas station TVs that assault you while you're pumping gas!
Wheel. Of. Fortune (aka Torture). Family Feud. The Price is Right!!! Aargh. Shut up.
People who have to yak, shuffle, sniffle, sneeze, cough, cackle through movies. No thanks. I'll stay home and rent a movie.
Restaurants with bad acoustics that force everyone to shout at one another till throats are raw. Who needs it? Take out, please.
A couple of days ago, we were passing through Myrtle Beach. It was freaking BIKE WEEK! Hundreds of idiots on motorcycles, their loud pipes farting up and down the road. It was enough to break the sound barrier.

May 21, 2014
Take your pick
by: Anonymous

Like the previous poster~ commercials that are louder than the show, be it on radio or on tv drives me crazy. Sometimes I choose to not watch t.v. just to avoid the upset. Another irritation~ a man who uses a tall garbage like plastic container with two wheels to deliver flyers. The two wheels make a bang bang bang bang bang sound at every sidewalk line all the way up and down the street. OMG!!!!! There he is now...How about D O G S?! One yapper next door~ anything he sees moving he barks ~ even if it's his own shadow. WHY would two retired people by a Jack Russel Terrier?!!! Who can own a dog for SIX years and not teach to not bark and to stop barking?! His pen is ten feet from my bedroom window. I hear him throughout the entire house~ I sleep and wake on his is making me insane....honestly. Two doors down another barker...deeper and incessant when he sees someone in the park..I guess that is ok, but his owner actually writes his own next door neighbour a letter complaining about his leaves blowing onto his lawns...but Easter morning his dog barked and barked and barked ..What about crying babies/children on planes? in dining rooms? I'll take a doggy bag rather than sit there and have my ears killed. Now, on the web, every time you want to watch a video on a news have to see a commercial or two first. Forced onto your eyes and your ears against your wishes. A big one for me...WHO is responsible for causing vehicles horns to blow when people use their remotes to lock their vehicle doors?!!!! I have a vehicle with remote door lock and it does not sound a horn. It isn't about just making the lights flash? To be five feet from a vehicle and unsuspectingly the victim of a blaring freakin horn makes me want to scream...Something that has driven me crazy all my life is a bunch of people in a room, talking at the loudest they can to be heard, everyone at once, just like some radio talk shows do, nobody can determine what is being said, it's just a blaring cacophony of vomit.....OMG...Silence truly is golden...if you can find it.

May 21, 2014
Utensils hitting dishware...
by: Anonymous

OMG some of these comments make me die...I'm laughing but I'm going through the same thing...the gum chewing makes me want to punch them badly. Another major on is people eating at loudly; with their fork or spoon loudly hitting the dish...WTH!!!!! Some people do it quietly but I sit next to a girl who is unaware of how loud she slams her spoon in the bowl...I want to have a heart attack and slap her. I even have my headphones on and still...are these people clueless??!?! Another is the typing on the keyboard....not even getting into that one.

May 21, 2014
It started with gum cracking
by: Kathie

I have suffered all my life from the sound of people cracking gum. I remember crying in the back seat of our car begging my mother to throw her gum away. Her dismissal of my pleas drove me to tears. I have noticed if I chew gum myself I don't quite notice others as much, but just knowing the gum may cause anyone else anxiety makes me rarely do this. I now seem to have a sensitivity to all kinds of chewing sounds, sniffing, throat clearing, coughing, sneezing, and slurping. I go from zero to sixty in seconds feeling angry and when placed in these situations where I feel I can't flee i become consumed with the sound and can't attend to anything else.I will move as many times as I have to in a movie theatre to get away from wrapper sounds or loud crunching or sniffing, etc. Would hypnosis help??

May 20, 2014
Not Alone with this pain
by: CrazyPain

I'm happy, yet sad to see that there are many who suffer from the same affliction that I do. All the sounds/noises and even gestures mentioned on this site drives me mad, as well. What I'm wondering is: do any of you feel like the noises and gestures are intrusive to your physical body - to the point to where you feel physical ( in a very bad way ) sensations from it?? The noises/gestures often feel like a violation to myself. This makes it incredibly hard to deal with... :-(

May 19, 2014
tone of voice
by: Anonymous

peoples tone of voice get to me. piss me off right away. theres no getting past it, especially if it is point at me like i did it. i do know that people dont know there doing it. i either lash out to defend myself self ( not physically )or i completely shut down and have no idea what to do.

May 18, 2014
Going crazy
by: Anonymous

I am 17 years old and any noise or annoying gesture someone could make with their mouth has driven me crazy since before I could remember. My mom pops her gum really loudly in the car and I don't want to sound like a baby and ask her to stop so I figit and plug my ears and even sometimes start crying because it drives me so insane. I just replay the noise in my head over and over and I believe that the noise in my head will never stop which makes me freak out even more. Or my dad sometimes licks his beard when I'm talking to him and I do the same thing and replay the picture of him doing that in my head. I even just pictured it and shuttered and had to throw my phone down just typing this comment. I'm seriously embarrassed and I think something's actually wrong but I don't tell any body.

May 16, 2014
Co-Workers are the worst
by: Anonymous

WOW... I'm not alone!!! If I can find a big island or my own darn planet YOU ARE ALL INVITED... at least I know you won't irritate me with repetitive noises. No yippy dogs allowed!!

May 16, 2014
High School Student
by: Anonymous

I am a high school student in my 12th grade year. It's so difficult to do my work without people chewing gum out loud every day. I can't use my hands when they're occupied covering my ears. My grades fall because of this. I hate I could just grab the gum out of their mouth and throw it away. It's mostly the female students who just walk in smacking their mouths like a cow and I hate it.

May 15, 2014
leaf blowers, chips, and movie theaters
by: Anonymous

Thank you sweet Jesus for letting me stumble upon this web site. Now I know I'm not alone!

After spending the day with my 82 year old Mom, who is probably 82% deaf, I was dropping her off at her assisted living home and there were several gardeners working. One had the loudest leaf blower I'd ever heard. By this point my nerves were shot, I screamed SHUT UP so loudly he actually heard me and stopped. Everyone around me looked as though they had just witnessed a murder. I should have been embarrassed, but I just cracked up laughing!

I used to work with a woman that had dentures and ate tortilla chips, almost daily. She found it necessary to eat at her desk, right next to mine. Naturally she chewed with her trap open and really fast, chomp, crunch, over and over. I've heard farm animals that ate more quietly that her. One day she accidentally left her denture adhesive in the bathroom and begged me not to tell anyone she had dentures, REALLY?

Please someone tell me why no one has sued movie theaters for loss of hearing! I have to wear ear plugs and ask them to turn it down. (they will)
Please someone invent chips and wrappers that don't make noise.

May 14, 2014
My mom too :/
by: Anonymous

I too feel like my mother gets the brunt of my irratation with sounds! I can hardly stand to be in the same room as her, while she is eating! The loud way she crunches, slurps, chews AND swallows kills me. Seemingly enough I get more and more angry as she eats, and then speaks with her mouth open. I sometime want to smack her. But I know how upset she gets when I yell at her..I need help controling this! I just can't seem to help it!

May 10, 2014
Wow! Me too!
by: Anonymous

Amazing! I didn't know until I found this page that this condition actually had a name, but I know I've had it for years. Teeth sounds on cutlery make me SO irritated! It seems like such a small thing but I just can't help it. I've tried to desensitize myself and move on but nothing seems to work. Ive also tried hinting gently to the person in my life who does this the most that it would be polite to stop, but they pretend they don't know what i mean. Because we are in close proximity in our current living situation, my symptoms have gotten much worse.

May 07, 2014
So glad I found this page
by: Anonymous

I typed in "loud office workers driving me nuts" and stumbled across this page. I've not read through all of the comments yet - but the first few made me realize I'm not alone. Gum chewing, gum cracking, clicking keyboards/mice, sniffling all drive me to the point of near rage and it's really made life difficult. A few others I can add to my list - I can't stand to see people fidget, you know - the foot wiggler; repetitive throat clearing; the guy that has to scrape the yogurt container incessantly until he's gotten every last molecule; loud children - particularly high pitched younger kids (I realize this one is going to make me a villain), we moved into a neighborhood with large wooded lots thinking that people moving into such an area would want privacy, peace and quiet. Instead it sounds like we live near an amusement park. Most sunny afternoons I've been driven inside because I can't take the constant yelling. A few more: bouncing basketballs, bass from someone's stereo, someone who taps their pencil or clicks a pen. I could probably go. The thing is, I've even mentioned the gum and keyboard annoyances to a co-worker and she still smacks that gum and pounds the heck out of her keyboard with her oh so long nails. She mentioned that she likes the noise the keyboard makes and claims she chews gum with her mouth closed - so I guess I can tell the color of the gum through my esp? Hardly.

Meanwhile, over the last several years I know I've lost hearing from blaring white noise and music through headphones. People probably wonder why I give them the stink-eye and move to another check out lane - because you're chewing your gum like a cow and I either have to move or be arrested for knocking you down, ripping it out of your mouth and smashing it into your hair. Right now a group of people in an otherwise relatively quiet office that feel the need to yell at each other instead of using their indoor voices, so at 40 feet away I can hear every single word of their conversation without headphones and bursts of crazy laughter with noise cancelling headphones on. Ugh...this problem has really hindered my life. I wish there was a cure.

May 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

One noise that has recently started to bother me is loud commercials on the tv and radio. As soon as I hear them, I have to either find the remote or knob and turn the volume down.. If I don't, I feel anxious. When the volume is at a tolerable level, I feel calm. This seems to not make sense as I love my music loud. Anyone else feel this way??

May 03, 2014
Non-Stop Sniffles...
by: CeeCee

My husband sniffles non-stop. He has always had nasal issues and always sounds stuffy... but when he gets a cold or his allergies are particularly bad -instead of taking allergy medicine Or blowing his nose, he decides to sniffle incessantly. When I ask him to blow his nose or take medicine he ignores me or sometimes gets very argumentative... It's so irritating!!! I wonder if he likes the sensation of sniffling... what is his problem...?

May 02, 2014
Hate these sounds!!
by: Anonymous

I am so glad I found this page!!! My office is next to our secretary and she drives me nuts with the clicking and clacking as she types on the computer!!! It drives me insane! I also hate to hear people in the movie theater crunch on popcorn and despise people who pop their gum!!! I also hate to hear people clank on their bowls or scrape their teeth on forks and plates.. Maybe I should be a hermit lol

Apr 29, 2014
Plastic Bags / Clanking spoons
by: Jason K.

My wife drops her spoon onto the bowl after every single bite and then types a sentence on the keyboard...repeat....repeat. I want to scream, don't know how to handle this issue other than get as far away as possible. Has anyone found any relief by prescription meds?

Apr 24, 2014
Misophonia Survey Results
by: Judith Krauthamer

On July 8th, 2013, a group of people who suffer from misophonia, self-identified as a “group of amateur researchers,” compiled a survey of just over 120 questions with the hope of generating a data base of information. The survey, administered on the Lime Survey platform, was online for one month and addressed demographic information, information questions about the disorder, and a host of assorted medical and lifestyle questions.

A twenty page descriptive statistics analysis of the dataset is available in pdf.format and presents an Introduction, Sample Demographics, Misophonia Characteristics, Treatment, and Summary. Some findings to consider:

• Internet research, including social media, accounts for nearly three-fourths (72%) of how people discovered misophonia.
• The average age of onset of misophonia across all ages was 12. Both the median and mode were 12.
• The two most prevalent triggers are chewing and eating.
• Ninety nine percent of the subjects reported that hearing presented triggers. Roughly two-thirds or 68% of the subjects reported that sight presented triggers, underscoring the prevalence of visual triggers.
• While smell presented triggers, and is often noted by people with misophonia (here, 16%), it is interesting to note that subjects reported touch as presenting triggers.
• Ninety nine percent indicated anger or rage as one of their top three responses to triggers. Disgust is listed by 63% of respondents as one of their top three responses.
• Females have a higher incidence of reporting significantly worse symptoms than men. In contrast, males indicate a slightly higher incidence of symptoms being substantially better, slightly better, and about the same.

For the complete report (free of charge), please visit the ‘contact us’ page at and request the survey.

Apr 23, 2014
Clicking Noises
by: Anonymous

So I'm in a classroom full of computers, that's cool, but I now realize I can barely stand the sounds of multiple people typing at the same time. I can't focus on my professor or the lecture and the clicking is slowly driving me nuts. One person typing is fine, multiple people all at once? Oh hell no.

Apr 23, 2014
Annoying roommate
by: Anonymous

Ugh! My roommate makes this whistling sound all of the time and he also likes to slap his legs or stomach.. not sure why. It drives me insane! I swear he doesn't hear it, but I sure do. I know if I bring it up we will fight so I don't say anything... but I don't know how much more I can take!!

Apr 21, 2014
cant take it anymore
by: BOSS

one of my employees sniffles his nose all day long. I'm going to punch him right in the face!!!!!

Apr 18, 2014
My poor mom
by: Jordan

I've grown very angry and bitter towards my mom because she seems to be the only one who produces my triggers. The way she coughs, chews her gum and when she talks in general. When she talks I can hear the spit in her voice and any p or b words she says make me literally inraged. I feel so bad for her because it's not her fault, but it's not really mine either. I can't have a conversation with her without having an anxiety attack almost! It's depressing because I love her so much, but I can't even talk to her or hug her. We went to go get family pictures and I couldn't even finish the session, because when she smiled next to my face I could hear the spit in her mouth. I have prayed for my misophonia to go away, but it still won't..

Apr 17, 2014
Smacking, clicking, tapping, slurping...
by: Ahh!Covermyears!

I am kind of thrilled to know that there are other people like me! My husband is a musician. When he randomly plays around the house, it makes me feel insane! I hate it when he slurps his coffee! Why slurp? Ahh! He snores and it makes me feel violent rage.

When people smack while speaking, I want to punch them. If a faucet drips, I absolutely feel like I could rip the walls down. It is pure torture to be around "chatty" people. I am fairly friendly and polite, but on the inside, I am freaking out. I could go on forever about sounds that drive me crazy! Just thinking about it, quickens my pulse!

Apr 12, 2014
Man with the Whistling Teeth
by: Poster Child for Annoyance

There's a commercial on the radio that sets my teeth on edge!!! The voice is that of an older man who owns a business in the area. He obviously wears dentures, because you can detect the speech impediment that affects his ESSES throughout the commercial. He also goes on and on with repeating his blasted phone number 3 times. Then he has to mention the names of his 3 sons who also "thank (me)" for my business. I have one word for him: FIXODENT. Aaaargh.

Apr 12, 2014
Rattling the newspaper and false teeth
by: Anonymous

What I have never been able to stand since I was 13/14 is people's fitting false teeth clicking as they eat. My grandmother used to do it and I had too take my meal and sit on the stairs to eat it. Now my husband has started that. I can't get away from it. He also rattles the newspaper all day nearly. I have to say go upstairs and read the paper. Any unnecessary eating noise annoys me. Also any unnecessary noise without regard for other people, loud music, loud voices, wind chimes in gardens, a dog left to bark too long, even children shouting and screaming which you can hear inside your house. Traffic, a plane, or a train passing would not worry me as it is necessary, as is a certain amount of DIY in garden as long as not too long or late. In fact we had an extremely loud banging for days at work(a public library. I did almost become unaware of it, knew it would end eventually when the job was done, yet people came in and asked how could I stand the noise all day. As I said it did not really worry me too much.

Apr 11, 2014
your not a drummer
by: Anonymous

I am laughing so hard!!! I know exactly what you mean. I cant stand ANY clicking noice! Someone clipping their finger nails in the office, a spoon against the oatmeal bowl, a plastic wrapper being opened !!!

Apr 04, 2014
Miserable in the Mac store
by: Poster Child for Annoyance

Yesterday, I spent an uncomfortable hour or so waiting for service in my local Mac store. Never mind the cacophony of voices being heard against the backdrop of indistinguishable "music" playing on the loudspeakers. In walks a gum-chewing woman. Although it doesn't enrage me as it does some of you, the sight of her chewing nonstop with her MOUTH OPEN was incredibly annoying.

Apr 03, 2014
If I had any choice
by: AmyG

I wish I wasn't so annoyed but the noises I wish I could banish from the earth include: sound of keys jingling; crunching into apples, high-pitched noises (which apparently no-one else can even hear! mainly from electronic equipment, office equipment, sound systems, etc); chewing/masticating (close your mouth when you eat please); scrapping/banging cutlery on ceramic as well as plastic plates,cup & bowls, etc; whispering (I don't want to hear what someone is saying, I just can't stand that tone/ssssing sound); strangely high-pitched voices (I know people can't really help this); whistling; ripping of paper; chewing gum being chewed (I also hate the smell of it, and the sight of someone chewing it).

argh, I've even had people tell me these things annoy me because I "choose to let it annoy me". If only it was that easy.

Mar 31, 2014
You're not a drummer, so stop clanging those damn bowls!

"I'm reading all the comments about all of you who think you have misphonia and/or are labeling yourselves as someone with a problem. Did it ever dawn on you that the problem may reside with the other person?

My husband drives me crazy. Well, it's his behaviors that drive me crazy. He clanks his spoon in every bowl he can get his hands on. He wakes up in the morning yelping out big loud sighs as if it's absolutely a necessity and a requirement of life. I think it's his way of letting me know he's still here. Then he get's up to take his vitamins. In doing so, you would think that boulders are falling from the tallest mountain in the world...he makes tremendous amounts of noise. Oh yeah, you should hear him sneeze. Now, that's a real attention getter! Necessary... I don't think so.

He used to tap his tooth brush on the side of the sink every morning. I used to ask, repeatedly, that he put a stop to the noise. it is especially annoying if I had just fallen asleep. The interruption would send slivers down my spine. One day, I had just fallen asleep, he clanked that tooth brush on the side of the sink... well, as they say, pay backs are hell... I jumped up and slapped the crap out of him. We went to counseling after that and he finally quit doing it. My take on the whole thing is that all the annoyances, delivered by other people, results from their lack of self awareness and their lack of consideration for other people.

My husband just got home from work and is eating right now... clank, clank, clank... there goes that stupid spoon. We've been married for 24 years... One day, he will drive me to divorce."

Mar 29, 2014
Can't stand it
by: Anonymous

I can't stand the sound of pouring liquid and animals eating... It makes me go all weird...

Mar 26, 2014
Stop with the excessive throat clearing
by: Anonymous

There are a lot of sounds that I can't stand, but throat clearing is right at the top of my list. About two years ago a new guy started at our office where we have an open seating environment. This guy would clear his throat every few minutes. I endured his cacophony for over a year before I changed departments just to get away from the noise. About six months later in my new job assignment, everybody's desks got moved around. Now I have four people within 10 feet of my desk that cough and clear their throats continuously. The one that sits closets to me tops out at about 250 times in an 8 hour day; the next biggest offender hits about 60, and the other two range from 10 - 50 times per day. I have done everything I can including starting work at 6:00 am and working remotely as much as possible. Yes, I have misophonia, but these people's throat clearing problems are way beyond excessive.

Mar 25, 2014
Work Distractions
by: Anonymous

Most of mine, or at least the ones that make me want to slap somebody, are at work. Heavy footed women who wear high heels and make 50 trips a day by my desk. This also makes the floor shake which makes my monitor shake. The ones who talk and laugh so loud you can hear them on the next floor. Telephones ringing constanantly because the person is not at their desk and the person calling don't want to leave a voice mail so they just keep dialing over and over again. People who have a very monotone voice and talk just loud enough to make it seem like fingernails on a chalk board. I wear earphones now with rain or soft music but that only helps a little. I leave work wanting to scream out loud and beat something. And syrophome opening and closing 50 times a day.

Mar 24, 2014
plastic wrappers
by: Sue

Instant deranged serial killer tendency when I hear the woman who's office is accross from me digging into the obviously empty nut packet for the tiny bits that reamin. I want to punch her in the face. Now she has wrapped it up tight and it is unravelling causing this crunchy wrapping sound..ugh!!!

Mar 23, 2014
response to blaring radio
by: Anonymous

I don't get people who think others want to listen THEIR music. Loud music belongs inside the house unless you live on a farm! The parents knew better too but instead waited for someone to complain about it before they turned it down. NO ONE should be put in that position! I'm sure there were a few annoyed neighbors waiting for someone to have the courage to say something and were relived when the radio was finally turned down. I asked an adult neighbor if she could please turn her radio down and she started screaming at me. I walked away and heard her cell phone ring and she continued her rant to the person on the phone, saying how inconsiderate I was and who did I think I was asking her to turn down her music in her own yard. Her music was so loud, she couldn't hear the person on the phone and kept saying "what?? what??" She finally turned the radio off so she could hear but she was still hollering and said "what do you mean there's a noise ordinance?" She has never, ever played her radio outside again.

Mar 18, 2014
Response to Need for personal space
by: Anonymous

I think you are right, that is a large part of it. I am the one who wrote the post about the blaring radio. I do have misophonia, and have the same triggers as a lot of people, and only discovered I wasn’t alone a couple of years ago. I have moved a few times, triggered for a big part by noise issues. I live in a nice area now, but noise still seems to follow me wherever I go. For the most part, it’s okay, but I’ve had to deal with the barking dog next door, and the girl across the street a few times. I’ve also politely asked the next door neighbor to take down their wind chime because every time it was really windy, it would clang and I could hear it inside my house with the windows and doors shut. The artificial noise or noise that can be controlled, bothers me most. For instance, the owners can train their dog not to bark so much, or bring the dog inside. The girl can be wear ear buds and blast her music as loud as she wants. I really like the outdoors, but I don’t go outside much, b/c I know someone will interfere with some sort of noise. I do like to mow, because the mower drowns out a lot of other noise. I’ve told my husband I’ll give up the outside, but if I can hear noise INSIDE my house from a neighbor that is a nuisance, then that is when I have an issue. I shouldn’t have to wear ear plugs inside my own house!! It’s just a matter of respecting your neighbors. Neighbor’s noise with a purpose does not bother me. For instance, if inside my house I hear someone mowing their lawn, the sound from the lawn mower does not bother me, in fact it’s kind of a white noise. Hearing a car going by does not bother me. However, if there’s a boom boom stereo from a car, that’s annoying. Recently my neighbor next door had a roof put on, but the hammering didn’t bother me, because I knew it was only for a couple of days, and that it was the only way to put shingles on. The crew did not listen to a loud radio….now that would bother me. So, sometimes it’s situational. By the way, I do have the Sound-Rage book, and plan on reading it, but sometimes I find when reading about misophonia, it just makes me more sensitive to noise, if that makes sense, I’m thinking about it more. However, maybe I’ll learn something to help me! Thanks!

Mar 18, 2014
Part of misophonia: need for personal space
by: Anonymous

Phone conversations behind you while you shop at the grocery store; music blaring outside while you are in your house; dogs barking down the street. These sounds [radio, dogs, talking on the phone] may not be trigger sounds in and of themselves, but in the context of invading personal space, can cause agitation and anger for those who suffer from misophonia. The need for personal space has not been well studied, but it does indicate a heightened sense of self-protection. Disclosure: I am the author of the book "Sound-Rage. A Primer of the Neurobiology and Psychology of a Little Known Anger Disorder"

Mar 17, 2014
Clinking Jewelry
by: JoJo

I can relate to most of the eating and drinking comments on here but also metal bracelets and bangles hitting together makes me angry, and at holiday time if anyone wears jingle bell accessories I lose my mind.

Mar 17, 2014
Blaring Radio
by: Anonymous

This weekend we had a nice day outside. As a result, the teenage girl across the street decided to clean out this garage and blare the radio!! It was loud! I wasn't outside, but we could hear it inside our house. After an hour, after I was getting so raged, I called over to their house and asked the adult if they could turn it down. Thankfully she had the girl turn it down. I guess what bothers me is that the parents allowed it. I would NEVER play a radio outside, even if it was real low. I mean it shows no respect for the neighbors at all. What if I wanted to sit in my backyard and read a book? I couldn't have done that with the blaring radio. I guess I can't even believe anyone would think about doing that. The next time it is nice and I see their garage door open, I'm going to be edgy, because I'll wonder if it's going to happen again. I don't like that feeling. I should be able to enjoy my own house in peace.

Mar 16, 2014
at the airport
by: Poster child for annoyance

Presently at the San Diego airport waiting for a flight that doesn't leave for a couple more hours. Chomping doesn't annoy me as much as the guy on his Bluetooth phone having a loud conversation. Plus the woman next to me on her phone, talking to her mother. I now know all about her weekend.

Mar 15, 2014
So happy
by: Anonymous

I'm so happy I've found this I'm near tears. Don't know what's wrong with me, but things like my husband eating chips or eating with his mouth open, popping/loudly chewing gum, foot bouncing/jittering, walking very loudly (new one)... the list goes on and on and I've honestly been driven to nervous or mental breakdowns because of it. I've been struggling to control it for about ten years now. It never once occurred to me that other people might be dealing with all-encompassing, illogical, blind rage at sounds.

Mar 14, 2014
by: Anonymous

It is great to hear that I am not crazy or alone!! I related so much to all of these posts that (although not funny in everyday life AT ALL) I found myself almost crazily laughing because I go through this EVERYDAY and can picture myself there. I cannot believe thought that I had not seen anyone being up PEOPLE EATING APPLES!!! Oh my f*#$@!? Gosh this should be BANNED!! Everytime at wrk whn I see someone with an apple in their lunch I feel like I want to punch them in the face!! Another weird thing ever since my sister and I were young we would talk about things that made us gag just at the thougt( ex: rubbing teeth on bricks nails on chalkboard chewing cotton balls or sweater) just the thought makes my hair stand on end n makes me physically gag! There has to be some kind of cure to all this..I can't take it anymore!! HELP!! Lol

Mar 13, 2014
Coughing and whistliing
by: Anonymous

There is a saying that goes "I think therefore I am". For some people in offices, the saying should be "I cough therefore I am". Other office people should have the phrase "I whistle therefore I am".

A lot of it is insecure people. They express their insecurity with coughing and whistling. If only they could hear themselves, they might stop it. It is like they have to constantly cough and whistle to prove to themselves that they exist.

Mar 07, 2014
doomed to be alone
by: Anonymous

so - I don't ever think I will be able to get married. They need a dating website for people with this disorder so we wouldn't drive each other crazy!

Feb 28, 2014
Help Me!!!
by: Anonymous

I don't know if you'll know what I'm talking about but I feel like I'm going to throw up whenever I here a lid on a cup scratching the wall things or plastic on the sides of a car. I also HATE when someone has one of those puffy jackets and when they move it makes that sound, I feel like I'm going to throw up. Also, when a person is wearing a backpack and their nails scratch the straps that go around your shoulders, or when someone scratches a seat belt. My mom also cannot stand the sound of crunching or chewing in general, she also hates words like crispy or crisp, so basically anything that ends with "isp". Does anyone know what this is?? Is it a disease or a phobia, someone please tell me!?!

Feb 27, 2014
Snap, Crackle, Pop!
by: Anonymous

I don't think I ever realized how common my issue seems to be. Of all things, I teach, and have to deal with the same noises all day, and they continue to drive me nuts. I hate the sound of tapping paint brushes. Tapping is banned from my art room. For the same reason, when they are honestly PLAYING in their in colored pencils, markers and crayons it grates my nerves so bad. They love to rub their arms across the table back and forth, over and over. Some relish sliding their papers across the table which makes this noise that I can't even define. With my luck, I also am across from the bathrooms so I have to listen to the slamming of the paper towel dispenser for what seems like a million times a day. I'm also having to deal with an older adult who has moved in with me who belches, creeks her chair and constantly cackles at anything that might be remotely funny. The constant repetition of the same story, over and over literalIy make me shutter. I just get annoyed at clinking spoons, excessive rattling of bags, ice crunching, sniffing, the whistling sound some people make when they breath and the last, but certainly not least, the sound of my husband's obnoxious snoring. I hate that these things drive me to distraction. I internalize most of it but at some point I have to put a stop to the intentional noises. I try to be kind and sensitive, but I think that these noises have actually driven me to have panic attacks. I have no time alone, except in my car. I have no escape anymore. I don't want to talk in the early morning. I don't want to talk when I first get home. I don't know what to do to get a grip on my feelings which distract me so badly. I'm not a mean person so I don't want this problem to turn me into one.

Feb 19, 2014
by: dorite215

It is somewhat soothing to know I am not alone...the conductor on the train seems to love to clip the tickets with his hole puncher...he seems a bit more zealous when he is near me.... nail clipping in public places is my ultimate cheat tightening event other that that stupid kit Kat commercial

Feb 19, 2014
Misphonia at it's best
by: Sam

Hello! I have always had a problem with noises. Nuisance repeated noises. The worst for me is anyone eating chips. The sound goes straight to my soul and I want to rip that persons face off. I have this issue with people who chew gum or anything else like pigs, tapping, leg shaking, nail clipping (which my cube mate does weekly at work and it's disgusting. I work in an office), pen clicking, slurping, whistling, people who whistle their s's, throat clearing, un-necessarily loud and gross sneezes, sniffling, grunting, moaning (people who will groan to bend over, open a drawer, anything as if it's a huge task), people who suck spit through their teeth - hssssh, All OF IT. My mother & aunt also have this issue so I was raised to be conscious of the sounds, smells and feelings (by feelings I am referring to the guy who sit next to me and shakes his leg and it shakes all 6 cubes surrounding his!) I am forcing others around me to be subjected to whether they want to or not. Wake up people!!!!! start having some respect for other people. You want to eat lunch, that's fine but I shouldn't be able to figure out from the next cube over what exactly you're eating because you're a pig. Get your ADD in order and do that all at once and get it out of your system when you're home alone or in a padded room. This includes loud phone calls... no one needs to hear your conversations or wants too... or even just conversations with others on public transportation or in public, in general. Tone it down.

Feb 14, 2014
Throat popping
by: Subliminal Potal

My mother has this extremely loud pop in her throat that drives me crazy. She insists that she's only clearing her throat and she gets on the defensive about it. However, I tell her that it sounds like a firecracker is going off in her throat every time she does it. She gets angry at me whenever I tell her that she needs to cough out whatever is causing her make that noise with her throat. I know that this occurrence may indicate that I have the above described disorder. However, sometimes I think these people who make these noise nuisances are the ones with the screw loose. I absolutely hate listening to people sniffle whenever I'm trying to concentrate. I've even confronted them to blow their nose and they get touchy with me about it as though I'm the one with the problem. Then again, I did read this article online about this man who was fired from his job because his sniffling was driving his co-workers crazy and he refused to do anything about it other than lash back at everyone who complained to him. Therefore, I don't think that us individuals who get annoyed at these noise nuisances are completely the problem.

Feb 13, 2014
I thought I was the only one
by: Anonymous

I absolutely hate the sound of nail clipping, the sound of ruffling through grocery plastic bags, the sound of click pens, unnecessary noises while hitting the keyboard (slamming on the keys) and the crinkling/crackling sound of potato chips bags especially in a quiet setting (class). I try to be calm about it but I am dying inside. I get so heated because I want to say something but can't because I risk of looking crazy. -Sigh I sometimes wish I could live in a bubble.

Feb 12, 2014
by: Stacia

I have major issues with gum chewing with mouth open & popping gum. I cringe when I see someone chewing because all my focus is on the person popping the gum. I anticipate the noise so I cannot focus on anything else. I have to either move or physically stick my finger in my ear to try to block the sound. Also whistling drives me crazy. this is a terrible problem because I feel out of control.

Feb 07, 2014
Husband's cough and bass sounds
by: BB

I never knew there was a name for this issue of sensitivity to certain sounds. I have long been extremely bothered by my husband's very harsh cough which seems very high pitched and shrill to me when he clears his throat. Also, the seemingly opposite sound of bass sounds in music on the radio. I keep my radio in my car dialed to the negative bass setting at all times. If someone drives my car and alters the setting, I can tell immediately and reset it. It does not have the effect of making me angry but I always cringe when he coughs and avoid bass sounds when I can.

Feb 06, 2014
REL misophonia and I can hear his breating
by: Anonymous

You child may have misophonia.

In any case, "talk therapy" for root cause is absolutely the inappropriate therapy. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) would be much more effective, and typically can be as brief as six months.

Disclaimer: I am the author of "Sound-Rage. A Primer of the Neurobiology and Psychology of a Little Known Anger Disorder"

Feb 06, 2014
I can hear his breathing
by: Anonymous

My 16 year old son has developed a sensory issue with his younger brother's "breathing". We noticed it when he was around age 10. I thought this was typical sibling annoyance or irritation issue or even a phase. But this issue has grown way out of control. He has to play the radio in his bedroom at a blasting sound level to drown out the noise from his brother's breathing. He has difficulty sitting at the dinner table with us because of this issue. He has an absolute fear and anxiety if his brother makes face to face eye contact with him. He could only be in the same room with his brother if his brother covers his nose or looks away from him. He does not have this issue with anyone else but his brother, which is a bit strange. For the record my wife and I do not hear anything unusual with our youngest son's breathing. if he thinks his brother made face to face eye contact with him he has an absolute meltdown. This issue has turned our family dysfunctional as it creates a lot of tension, arguing, and stress to the whole family. We've been to therapist, psychologist,and psychiatrist and none of them have been able to help. They just want to throw medication at him or see him "indefinitely" and say it could take years to figure the root cause (meaning they get to collect money from us indefinitely). We feel helpless, hopeless and demoralized that my two sons will never have a healthy relationship and we do not see light at the end of the tunnel.

Jan 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

Ok so the sound of sniffling has always drove me crazy but I must admit it has gotten worse since I had children. My children are small and one knows how to blow her nose she is 5 but my son who is 4 does not. So he sniffs and sniffs and sniffs his snot away and it drives me nuts. No matter how often I show up how to blow his nose he doesn't get it yet. My daughter sniffs as well but not as often. I cringe when my kids get sick. I cringe winter and flu season when everyone is sick. Because everyone sniffs their life away. It drives me insane my children father is sick of me cringing at the sound of my own kids sniffling and thinks I am crazy and they are only children. Outside from that smacking drives me crazy as well and slurping of soups and drinks. I try to plug my ears or I just leave the room or if I am lucky enough I put on headphones but my children think I am being mean to them when I yell please go blow your nose!

Jan 27, 2014
by: Barry Obama

My brother used to drive me nuts too. He would eat a bowl of noodles and put his mouth up to the bowl and shovel the noodles into his mouth
and of course go.. clank clank shlllurp.. clank slurrp.

Tossed in some eating with his mouth open for good measure.. but that didnt bother me nearly as much as clank clank slllllluurp.

He is a pig anyway.
I mean, who brings the bowl up to your mouth if you aren't 7 years old..etc.

Jan 27, 2014
by: Barry Obama

This bothers me to no end. But I do not mind it when everyone is eating. It is only when
some Jackhole at work decides he does not want to eat in the lunchroom.

He either likes to eat by himself or wants to save 30 minutes of work for the day by taking his lunch hour and pretending to do work at the same time.

No matter.. these guys drive me nuts and I cant work. All i hear is clink clink clank scrape clink clank scrape.

It gets worse with dufuses that play with their food. I had one guy that would do this with his
food and I have to listen to his dumb as stir his food around. (think spaghetti in a bowl) then he will top it off with a yogurt that SHOULD take 1 minute to eat.. but nope. 5 minutes. scrape scrape scrape on the plastic. 5 minutes. I shit you not.

My mother would also eat a banana in the kitchen and if it was deathly quiet, I can hear her chew it and swallow it all the way down. Now, here, there is nothing gross going on. It is just eating a banana.

It only bothers me if the AC in the office goes silent..etc. and there is no background noise.

Jan 21, 2014
by: fork off please

Really glad I have found this. Not sure why I haven't researched my feeling of upset of aggrivation on the internet before now but heyho here I am now. The sound of metal on metal, cutlery on cutlery, cutlery on teeth, cutlery on plates, any kind of cutlery noise really makes me shiver an intense amount, body hair standing on its ends (even just thinking about it). Makes me feel genuinely upset that I can't sit with people for a meal without feeling annoyed and unrelaxed by the noise and how it makes me feel. Have told people and they'll either not realise how bad it makes me feel and maybe even make a joke by tapping their cutlery more or like my parents get annoyed that I'm being irritated by such a normal everyday thing. I can now see that its not just me being odd or over dramatic. Thanks everyone that has posted on here makes me feel glad that I could just write this.

Jan 21, 2014
Pissing off!
by: Amraog

Funny how this problem stated with me when i was about 15, my dad coughs was driving me crazy, now i'm 18, and now when anyone cough or even clear his/her throat it does make me wanna shut him up once and forever, silly how this feeling fades away minutes after that, i feel totally ok, and can live normally till someone clear his or her F* throat all the negative feelings come at once, and ruin the moment, make me look for revenge and silly crazy ideas, sometimes i say to my self bad words about them, i really don't like that and don't want it, wanna live normally and enjoy my life like others, it's really getting of control, as people will never stop making those sounds.

Jan 15, 2014
Miso phobia is no fun at all
by: Anonymous

I'm 24 and have had misophonia now since I was about 6. I remember the moment I developed it in fact, I was sitting in class chewing some gum quite softy as to not alert my teacher to my chewing gum, when the girl next to me told me to stop chewing my gum it was too loud. Looking back now she probably had it too, or maybe she just disliked that particular sound, whatever it was for her it developed into misophonia for me that very day. It hasn't been until the last few years that I have discovered it had a name and many other sufferers. And boy was I glad to find I wasn't alone! For years I kept it a secret, trying ever so hard not to let it affect my life and others around me, but that can be a hard task, and I found myself distancing myself from people that I considered particularly bad 'offenders'. My triggers aren't limited to sounds and I'd like to list them, but before I do consider that reading others triggers can add more triggers to your list. Read with caution.
Sounds; chewing, breathing, talking near and at a distance (particularly 's' sounds for women and very deep male voices), cutlery clanking and scraping and soft tapping on objects (like women's nails and people listening to music)
Visual; swaying legs, tapping feet, anything regarding movement that is in the peripherals basically.

I have felt that for years I was looked at by my family as a bratty cow, my mother even admitting she thinks I'm just a cow and there is no such thing as misophonia! Despite all the literature I've show her over the years. People don't understand, I find, even when you can show them a wiki page and numerous forums to prove it is real. It rules my life and I find myself sitting out in my yard escaping the triggers I ran from in there, a person who breaths loud, is eating, and uncontrollably always sways her legs! I feel alone. And even though over the years I've found my own techniques to try and combat certain triggers, the fact remains I cannot escape them all and it grows ever worse.

Jan 11, 2014
Voice Intonation
by: Anonymous

I've found that people who repeat the same thing over and over bug the heck out of me. After a while, the tone would start to bug me. For me, it's normally women's voices that annoy me, especially when they cry. I'm a woman so please don't get mad, lol. But when women start crying on television, I almost always have to turn the volume down or mute it. If they start to scream, I will be crawling the damned walls, pulling my hair out.

Women's voices can be shrill and annoying, so no, you're not alone. I like women who have a nice alto maybe even lightly tenor sounding voice. It is unusual that you have an aversion to a man's voice, though. There are way more men and women who, like me, cannot stand women's voices. To me, it makes sense why some of us wouldn't like them. He must really irritate the heck out of you.

Jan 04, 2014
Voice Tone Irritation
by: Anonymous

I have read through most of these comments and laughed out loud because I could feel or think the same way someone else did, describing their noises. I am irritated by noise and right now it's how my boss says a certain sentence. Thank goodness a couple others mentioned being irritated by the same thing, like Voice Tone Irritation in Sept 2012. My boss says "are you doing anything(insert my name)?" The first two words are said on the same note, the word doing a note higher "anything" and the first syllable of my name on a higher note and the end of my name is finished off as a question. I know it's nuts or I'm nuts to get upset over this one sentence but he says it every day a couple times a day, the same exact way! Whenever I hear the "are you" I tense up and want to scream "NO!" so he doesn't finish it. Or I physically cringe and wait for the rest of it then have to calm myself down before I can answer. Sometimes I pretend I don't hear it because acknowledging it makes it worse. And now putting it into words makes me feel like I need to see a therapist. Are there any others that share the same angst over the tone of someone's voice or how things are said?

Dec 26, 2013
Click Clack AAAAAARGH!
by: Anonymous

Great posts, sorry but they made me smile thru the angst I feel at.. wait for it....Computer keyboard click clacking. If I ever find the ad agency that did that OBNOXIOUS commercial, I would probabaly blow up the building...I don't know when or where it started but I'm going insane in my new cubicle setting. For 15 years I was out in a freezing warehouse (MN), and people would say "how do you stand it out here"? I never realized why I was content until I got around other people who MUST type 70000 words a minute. Thanks I (almost) feel better now...maybe the people around me will lose their fingers to frostbite...that would be a start! :)

Dec 22, 2013
Sensitivity to Wings Flapping/Frequency
by: Anonymous

My problem doesn't sound like most on here so I'm not sure its the same thing - been trying to figure it out for a while. I always would joke that I sort of had a fear of birds, but usually only if I was indoors with them or confined, because when I'm outside its fine - I'll feed them, they can fly near me and they don't really bother me. But I realized it is the noise their wings make, and this doesn't apply to the larger birds. I'm not afraid at all of snakes or spiders or typical things other people are, nor do the wings of mosquitos or flies or bees bother me, but I discovered recently that with the invasion of the large shield-bodied stink bugs, their wing sound drives me absolutely nuts. They don't bite, are harmless, but I jump and my heart races and I run in a panic to get something to kill them when I hear their wings. Even after its dead for a little while I hear the wing sound and then it fades. Its like a certain frequency of certain wing sounds triggers something in my brain that is sensitive. But none of the other stuff bothers me like chalkboard scratching, or biting a fork, gum chewing, coughing, etc. So would love to know what causes this odd very precise sound / frequency sensitivity.

Dec 20, 2013
Forks plates and teeth oh my!
by: Anna

So I was eating ramen when all of the sudden a fork scraped across my tooth and then my bowl... I just about screamed. it wasn't painful in the slightest it just... FELT SO WEIRD. I just.. i'm SHIVERING at how absolutely WEIRD it felt! I felt a little crazy but now I don't feel so alone about it. but it still drives me WILD.

Dec 20, 2013
certain music/sounds
by: Anonymous

i am 18 years old and just got into college. i have been dealing with this noise irritation since i can remember. and i finally just looked it up to see if i was really crazy and apparently im not since alot of other people go through this! I have a thing with certain musics specifically guitar. like if i try to listen to my headphones then my ear picks up an annoying strum it makes me uncomfortable to the point where i almost itch and feel an uncomfortable tingle in my side. i hateee it. it will irritate me sometimes but then other times if im not fully focused on it or aware of it i realize i got through a song with guitar and also certain images give me that same feeling tingly too. idk whats wrong with me :(

Dec 15, 2013
by: jess

Hi ive probably been stupid but,
for quite years ive been irritated by the noise when people,it really goes through me and makes me feel uncomfortable.
my problem no is my partner does it with every food,gets me so angry,
he tends to do it every night in his sleep.
drives me insane,
i am heavily pregnant at the minute and need my rest,
what can i do to stop feeling so irritated?

Dec 12, 2013
There is help, and hope
by: Judith T Krauthamer

Misophonia can definitely be characterized as an anger disorder. There is help-- in the form of cognitive behavior therapy, meditation, and mindfulness. Some people have had success with neurofeedback, while others have had (limited) help with anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications.

An important thing to note that one of the fundamental characteristics of the disorder is that there is anger without aggression. In other words, a person might fantasize about hitting someone, but very rarely (practically never) has anyone acted out on those anger or rage episodes.

You are not crazy, and you are not out of control. You have a neurological disorder, and the challenge is to find ways to minimize its impact.

discloser: I am the author of "Sound-Rage. A Primer of the Neurobiology and Psychology of a Little Known Anger disorder".

Dec 11, 2013
Rattle paper=foot up a**!
by: Victoria

Im only 14, girl of course and im so glad to have discovered im not alone. I have one particular noise that aggervates the shit out of me. The rattling of paper. Honestly, is there so much drama needed when taking a test and flipping the pages with so much noise?! People look at me wierd when i shift in my seat and grit my teeth, i clench my fists and my eyes water because sometimes i get so mad i want to cry. Tommorow, i have an important test and its on paper and i know for a fact by the end of that class, my anger levels will be sooo high im going to want to kill. Class after that, i gotta go play my trumpet. Im not saying im good at that but people who cant do things right should stop. Its annoying. Or when people eat noisly. That makes me wanna....idk...just kick them in the ass i suppose. Or people with raspy, cracky about annoying! I could go on and on about everything that makes me mad but its similar to your complaints. The main point is that i have major anger issues, i can somewhat control myself at school, good grades, i was a goodie two shoes. It is slowly dissapearing and im afraid of becoming a troublemaker. I need help!

Dec 09, 2013
sensitive to particular noises
by: Connie

I have this same issue, and this weekend I found a name for it. It is now recognized as MISOPHONIA. I was so relieved to find out I am not a lunatic! Google it...there are support groups, etc. Hope this helps!!!

Dec 05, 2013
Medical Recognition
by: Ryan

I too suffer with these problems. The fact that this is not a recognized disorder sucks. It is sad that if you try to explain this people always tell you to "suck it up" or "deal with it". If they said that to someone with Autism or any other number of problems people would think they are monsters. Yet we are treated like we are the monsters. Treated like we just hate people and noises for the fun of it. I hope that Doctors/Therapists start to recognize this as a legitimate problem and people start to look at ways to treat this. Masking the issue with ear plugs and avoiding situations is not proper treatment and impacts the quality of life for us. Best of luck to all and I hope things get better for everyone

Dec 04, 2013
Music in stores
by: Poster child for annoyance

Yesterday, I visited a new discount store in my town. My entry was immediately triggered by the atmosphere of "music" provided by a local radio station that was being played at a ridiculously high volume. It was so distracting and unnecessary! I was extremely rattled and only wanted to get out of there so I left after buying only one item. On my way out, I did approach the manager who was working a register at the front. Looking at me like I was insane, she claimed she'd tried a couple of times to lower the volume but was unsuccessful. REALLY??? REALLY??? I found that very hard to believe.

People!! We are not deaf! Please, all we need to hear is moderate background music (and not rap or hip hop), or preferably, none at all!!!

Dec 04, 2013
noisey neighbours
by: Anonymous

both neighbours either side of my house slam drawers and cupboards and it makes me want to commit murder it has caused me so much stress i thought i was going mad until i read about misophonia what a relief to hear about other people suffering from simular irritating noises maybe my family wont think im such a drama queen any more

Nov 27, 2013
by: Anonymous

For me, sniffing is the worst thing. All day while sitting taking a test or doing assignments it is just sniff...sniff...sniff. In 5th grade I had started to mimic this one girl who always sniffed. She thought I was making fun of her (it just calmed me) and she got all crazy mad maniac on me. I think we both had anger problems...
Well, my family thinks I'm bonkers. They make fun of me, but it's no biggie, because what could they do if they believed me?

Also, right now in one of my college art classes, a former friend (long story and one that you and me both shouldn't care about) sits next to me. He is always moving. He mashes his teeth together and jerkily moves his wrists, all in a way that is very nice and fluid BUT IS CONSTANTLY BOTHERING ME. In the corner of my vision, he is always leaning forwards and sitting back, leaning his head in close to the paper and bumping into me. I can not even describe to you. ok, Rant over.

Nov 24, 2013
Sounds & Movement
by: Devonique

I've read through this whole list and I feel like I can relate to every word. I thought that maybe it was just me! My mother tell me all the time that I'm going to have to learn how to deal with my aversion to sounds and movements because in the real world, I can't tell a complete stranger to 'stop'. uuugh, how I wish I could! I read on one of the posts that others also get offended by the sounds and movement of one particular person. For instance, my brother talks on the phone all night, and no matter how low his voice is, I just can't seem to tune it out. people tapping their feet, pens, or fingers, people who chew loudly,people who touch me while talking, people who repeat the same things over and over again, etc. The list goes on and on... Well, at least now I know why I get so uncomfortable and upset when people do these things. Maybe It'll help me control the feelings of wanting to crawl out of my skin, or strangle someone.

Nov 22, 2013
irritating sounds
by: Expressions

It irritates me to the core when i hear someone making noise while eating. The scratch of nails on ceramic tiles, the squeaky noise made by teeth biting,banging of doors, the itchy noise when the hinges of doors are not properly greased. the bombarding noise of silencer of the vehicles. the scream of dog shouting in pain.the snores, the tick tok to pen and clips, the unnecessary sound made while walking with slippers and shoes. the smacking of lips. also the burps and the farts. it makes me outrageous. i am happy to know that i am not alone who dislikes such noises. All these make me lose my patience.

Oct 24, 2013
dont agree
by: Anonymous

I dont want to start a fight but I read the book and I thought it was very helpful and supportive. I gave it to my therapist to read.

Oct 23, 2013
earplugs and ipods
by: Anonymous

Two saving graces, especially if you have a task you need to focus on. I work with a few people who are very sensitive to noise and they use earbuds to help them focus. White noise can also help, another girl I know turns her desk fan on pretty much all the time, it helps drown out the little teeny noises that can get so irritating.

If you're young and you are being distracted during exams or homework or reading sessions in class, explain to your teacher and ask to either listen to your ipod or use earplugs. If you explain you want to focus on your work, the teacher will likely appreciate the intent. Foam earplugs are easy to find and pretty cheap. Quick fix!

Irritating or stressful situations or people can definitely make this situation worse. My coworker was on vacation for two weeks and it was BLISS! NO one annoys me as much as she does, not even when someone else was sitting at her spot while she was away. Sometimes it's really a strong dislike for a person's habits and rude behavior that you can respond to with this "rage".

Oct 23, 2013
You are not alone
by: Anonymous

You are not alone! Check out this page:

I'm so sorry that you suffer from this. Hope that they can find a cure someday.

Oct 21, 2013
japanese office place
by: Anonymous(2)

To anonymous on Oct 13, in the Japanese company:
I work in an office in Japan too - its exactly as you describe! and it is driving me up the wall.

The woman in the cubicle next to me does neck excersize whenever she feels like it (which is pretty often) and I can't ignore the movement which I am just catching out of the corner of my eye. She also bangs the keyboard when typing and worst of all, she keeps clips, pens and post-it notes in a draw, which she must open and loudly bang close at least 50 times a day, once each time she takes out a single paper clip, or uses a red pen or post-it note - sometimes several times in a couple of minutes. I don't think I have sensory processing disorder - just wanted to vent.

Oct 20, 2013
Obnoxious Bass makes me want to SCREAM
by: Anonymous

It's not just bass, but bass coming from somewhere else, and you can't hear the music itself, just feel the damned BASS rattling your core!!!!! When I can feel bass but not hear the music, I feel like I'm being physically assaulted and get SO ANGRY. And then that anger immediately melts away as soon as it's turned off!
I always knew I was sensitive to sound. Obnoxious bum chewing and loud eating/lip smacking honest to God drives me to homicidal thoughts! I KNOW it's not normal to want to fly into a rage and start screaming when I hear noises like this and I mentally chide myself, telling myself it's nothing to get angry over, but, of course that never helps. My mom is an obsessive, obnoxious nicotine gum chewer and OH BOY, has this caused problems! When I was learning to drive, she had to be BANNED from chewing/wallowing/smacking/popping that gum, otherwise I would be at risk of driving off the road!

Little repetitive noises, like pen-clicking, coughing, and people who would rather sniff and sniff and SNIFF instead of blowing their nose drive me up the wall too.

I wish I could just get rid of all this!

Oct 19, 2013
Sound Rage
by: Sydney Song

I hate when people suck their teeth it drives me crazy. I feel alone even though I know I'm not, you all deal with the pain I feel but I'm 13,14 on February15, 2013. Most of you are in mid adult hood. I'm in 8th grade so gum chewing, mouths open when chewing, talking with you mouth open all drive me bonkers. the list could go on but one thing I hate more than life its self is smacking of the mouth, will anyone help me im going insane. :(

Oct 17, 2013
by: Trisha

I am so glad to read that I'm not the only one here! I cannot stand clicking pens, snorting snot, blowing their nose, SUCKING TEETH, POPPING GUM, peeling old fingernail polish off their nails, men that jingle their change in their pockets, biting fingernails, smacking their food....the list goes on and on and on. I feel pure RAGE, think very mean things. When people are popping their gum, I find myself wishing their gum would get stuck in their throat and they would choke to death! I cannot stand people that kick the back of my seat in Church........people drinking their bottle water also drives me crazy, especially when they wrap their hands around the plastic bottles thus making the plastic pop........I refuse to go to the see movies anymore because I KNOW SOMEONE is going to buy Popcorn and not only are they going to eat like a freaking PIG, then they're going to SUCK their teeth getting the Popcorn hulls out of their teeth. I also despise watching someone pick their teeth with a toothpick, drives me pisses me off! I've always felt there must be something wrong with me. I am not normal..........

Oct 14, 2013
Noise dislike
by: Karen

You may have a little known condition called misophonia. Intense dislike of lip smacking, slurping, chewing, sniffing, breathing etc. My sister and I realise we have this. I feel intense rage when people sniff continually instead of blowing their nose. Likewise noisy chewing. Look into it. Very interesting

Oct 13, 2013
"Music" I didn't ask for
by: Poster child for annoyance

I sympathize with the poster who quit a job because of music. No one should be forced to endure music at work. It's distracting, and isn't necessary.
I find that just about everywhere I go, someone is blasting bad music in my ear. Restaurants, CVS, Walgreens, airports, airplanes, department stores, waiting rooms, the beach, cruise ships, etc.

Oct 13, 2013
quit my job over 'music'
by: Anonymous

I had to quit my job because of the radio which was always on - and the station only had about 10 tunes on their play list the only area of quiet was the washroom so I found myself spending a lot of time in there so I wouldn't feel like doing horrible things to my now ex-co-workers. The sound of certain singers ie Robert Plant and Heart are the worst offenders - those voices make me so angry because of their high pitch - that I can't esccape and it was a sales job so it was difficult to concentrate with my customers when I wanted to smash the radio. I walked in one day to Heart screaming that song 'crazy' and walked right back out without saying a word. Door slamming, slurping and burping also put me on edge - I can't be around my spouse eating slurp..I mean soup. And the chirp chirp chirp of the intersection all day every day. I have been told to 'tune it out" I could more easily fly around the room on a broom than tune out these noises. If one more person tells me to just "tune it out" I'm gonna scream like Christina Aguilera on a christmas album. Also, if you tell people these noises bother you they often make it worse to get a perverted power trip out of it. I wear construction workers ear protection at home and have to find a job where there is no 'music' because that is pure hell to be forced to listen to the same repetetive high pitched whiny repetetive tunes all day.

Oct 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

Recent technological advances in fMRI have shown that sounds actually overlap in processing in the visual cortex...

The disorder has triggers in auditory, visual and olfactory senses (this is from the book Sound-Rage)

Oct 11, 2013
not just noise but visuals as well!
by: Anonymous

I completely relate to all the postings on this matter of sound sensitivity! They made me crack up! Sitting at work right now with earbuds in to cancel out the nail clipping, snot snorting, pen clicking, foot shuffling(work in a Japanese company-they shuffle feet!) and heavy sighing every time one particular woman approaches the printer! I want to see if anyone else has experienced the visual annoyances as well. Such as people stretching, or excercising next to me. I literaly have to put my hand up to my eyes to block it out as if it were a blaze of sunlight hurting my eyes! hahhah...I can't even bare it out of the corner of my eye. I really think people in general, over the years, have become less thoughtful to those around them. Why do you have to stretch at this moment in public while standing two feet from me, why do you have to clip your nails in a public environment...really don't think people did these things in the past...they were more private, thoughtful, respectful people. Now people have a "get over it" mentality, "I'll do what I want, when I want".

Oct 05, 2013
Cruise ship, anyone?
by: Poster child for annoyance

Just got off a 6-day Carnival Cruise ship. I've enjoyed cruising for the most part in the past, but this last trip was so irritating. Unsolicited bad music at every corner of the ship. Many loud, obnoxious passengers, even in the "Serenity Pool" area. Trivia contests, towel folding lessons, bingo. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh. There's no place like home.

Sep 29, 2013
Shredder fettish
by: Anonymous

My boss is in love with a shredder. He uses it He will print something then shred it, make a copy then shred it, bring stuff from home, shred it, get a phone message, shred it!!! He also has the audacity to ask me if I have anything to shred! Oh, just one moment sir while I find a bunch of paper for you to shred so I can listen to it drag when you put it too much in and whiz loudly when you put in a small scrap of paper. Why, why, why do people have to be like this? I realize noises may irritate me more than the average person but really? Shredding the cardboard from the back of a notebook????

Sep 19, 2013
My aggravation
by: Anonymous

I can't stand any kind of irritating, repetitious sound. I am at work right now & the sniffling, coughing, clicking of pens, nails on keyboards, whistling(I could go on & on) just drives me crazy!!!!!! I know that I have misophonia, and I've never been diagnosed. It's just absolutely awful. Constant sounds over & over again. And it's not just work. At home, it's the same thing. My kids make a high pitched sound when they talk & I swear I just want to scream! My husband gulp, gulp, gulps his water. His throat is constantly dry, so he's always clearing. It just makes me so mad!!!!!! Before, I couldn't understand why I felt like that. But, reading about misophonia & the symptoms is exactly how I feel, all the time. Good to know I'm not alone, though.

Sep 12, 2013
since 2008
by: jolievoila

lmao. This post was started by Georgia in 2008.

It's now 2013, and it's going strong! Holy smokes.

But I still wonder if it's really us, or if people don't have manners anymore? Are others so oblivious to their own behaviors, and don't consider how they might effect others?

Sep 12, 2013
TO DMW - Georgia
by: Sandy Green

Your condition is known as Misophonia 4S (Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome). There is a Yahoo Group dedicated to this condition. Read my article about my journey with Misophonia 4S.

You will find many other people in the Misophonia Yahoo Group that also deal with this issue. It's a very frustrating condition but sometimes it helps to learn how others deal with it.

Sandy Green

Sep 12, 2013
radio podcast on misophonia
by: Anonymous

if you hate chewing sounds and other sounds like sniffing, tapping etc. Radion Health Journal just released a radio podcast on 450 radio stations. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the following link:

Sep 12, 2013
Can't stand the noise!!!!!!!
by: MsChico

I have been struggling with an aversion to certain noises for quite sometime and it seems to be getting worse. I googled what could cause such an aversion and I was brought to this page. I am so glad that I am not alone! Sometimes I think I am going crazy because my reactions to certain everyday noises can be over the top! Gum smacking/popping, noisy eaters ie; lip smacking or crunching,especially chips and cereal, ice clinking in a glass, utensils scraping plates, all of these things make me cringe and sometimes I have to cover my ears or get up and leave the area but the worst one is if I am driving and someone puts down a rear window in the car the sound that the wind makes is almost painful. Not necessarily in a 'physical' way but I absolutely CANNOT stand it! It makes me flinch and I have actually yelled at whoever the 'offender' was because I can't take it. It is impossible for me to drive with the rear windows down. I don't know what to do. Am I nuts? Is there anything I can do about this? HELP!!!

Sep 09, 2013
not alone
by: Rachellemj

I'm sorry to turn your misery into my delight, but the relief of knowing that I'm not alone and there is a name for this condition is amazing! I have a condition cashed CRPS meaning I am in a lot also I assumed it was part of CRPS .

My big trigger is children screaming, ..which is one the most distressing noises a women can hear...the rage and upset caused is very real, but very few people understand. People just think young are being a diva

Sep 03, 2013
sounds make you suffer
by: Anonymous

HI Pickles, check out the new book called Sound-Rage. It explains how your brain processes the sounds, and it indeed is like a violation. The brain processes the sounds as danger! and also fires neural circuits that neuroscientists refer to as "suffering." So, in fact, your crying is in response to your suffering from the sounds.

Sep 03, 2013
by: Pickle Surprise

I cannot stand the sound of whistling! I live here at home with my mother, and my brother. The sound also drives my mom crazy. My mom has asked him a couple of times to stop, explaining to him that some people find it a disruptive noise, and not at all pleasant. However, it seems that no sooner than she addressed him about this, he began to whistle even MORE and at a higher pitch! I am writing this, and I found this page by googling my problem. He is at it again as I am typing, by the way. I really wish I knew how to not allow this to affect me harshly, but really, I am so sensitive to the sound that it makes me want to hurt him, and the sound bothers me so much that i actually feel like crying. Basically, I feel violated.

fyi, I am an adult female, my brother is also an adult, and, no, I'm not going to act out and harm him. But I swear, I feel like crying. He stopped whistling a few minutes ago, but I still physically and emotionally feel affected by it.

Aug 31, 2013
Water features/ running water
by: Anonymous

What about running water constantly like a water feature / fountain ?
Also would it be unreasonable to ask a neighbor to switch it off when their not about ?

It's driving me insane !?!

Aug 30, 2013
accommodations in the workplace
by: Anonymous

People with disabilities are entitled to accommodation in the workplace under the auspices of the American Disabilities Act. People with miso have rights under this act.

See the resources page on the website [not .com, its a .co] or look up the 'job accommodation network' for help. If your workplace is halfway decent, there are now basic and workable solutions.

Aug 30, 2013
eat at the desk
by: jolievoila

Ask your boss if there's a policy on eating at the desk. It sucks to be a tattle tell, and while the occasional snack is okay, the desk should be a place for work. There's nothing wrong with working and eating over lunch, but she shouldn't be eating all day long.

Either that or just say it straight: "Listening to you eat all day isn't great."

Although, either way, it could start problems. But if she's being this rude, and you are having this much trouble over looking it, then you might as well get it out on the proverbial table.

I sympathize, though. Nearly ten years ago, I shared an office with a smoker who had a thing for peanut butter. She'd come in reeking, and eat peanut butter laden rice cakes. It was so loud and crunchy - the sounds of her smacking, comingled with peanut butter and smoke. I remember it to this day, as if I'm still in that office.

The woman was my boss. But if she weren't, I would've told her. Later, she quit and at the office party, I told her what a nuisance she was. Lol... She took it better than I thought. She, like me, was kind of a ball buster, so I thought for sure she'd deck me. Instead, she was real submissive.

Aug 30, 2013
by: Anonymous

Forgive me for not wanting to hear the sound of your disgusting mouth bite into a crunchy sandwich at least 20 times. Seriously, I hate working in an office/cubicle setting. I am blessed enough to sit across from a girl who eats breakfast, lunch and snacks everyday! Today she is torturing me with some loud and crunchy breakfast sandwich contraption. If I look at her as she takes each paiful bite I feel like I want to break her jaw! She opens her mouth so wide I am sure her jaw is going to snap and break and then the sound of her chewing the crunchy bread is enough to make me crawl out of my skin! She is also a gulper. I am amazed and devastated at how loud her swallowing is. It seriously isnt human! I like so many others have often wondered if being deaf would be a blessing for me.

Aug 28, 2013
by: Ashley

I've been sensitive to crinkling as long as I can remember. It makes me very angry, and a lot of the time I hope and pray that I one day go deaf. It's something I've ridiculed for by my mom for my entire life. I HATE leaving my room because I do not want to hear the noise so badly. Anything that remotely sounds like crinkling bothers me. I have never received help as a child, and when I was offered help by a therapist a few years ago I declined because the thought of having to deal with crinkling sounded like pure torture.

- Bags of all sorts
- Paper
- Etc.

Aug 22, 2013
by: Shura

I'm in a alternative highschool program I've been recently enrolled in because I missed my senior year due to 8 months of hospitalization. I come from a family of 7 and I don't even live with them anymore. I live in the mid west with my father, and the rest of our family lives in California. It's a complicated situation. I've never been very social, and prefer to be alone, and I get really anxious just being in this highschool because there are a lot of younger teens, (I'm 18), and they all appear so very immature, and I feel like a pariah among them.

What's killing me right now is that the girl to the right of me and the other girl behind me are NOT helping my anxiousness and nausea. Girl on the right has a phlemmy cough that's so harsh and loud, my ears ache when she does it. I try not to flinch but I can't help it. And now she's eating some crunchy chips, and I now what you all mean by heart racing irritation. Person behind me has their earphones in, but it doesn't stop her low-grade, crappy rap music from blaring out of them. I don't have my mp3 any more, or any type of noise cancellation option.

I'm supposed to be completing work so I can finally graduate but I can't focus for the life of me. I want to rip out these people's throats or smash their phones for blaring crappy music. TURN DOWN THE VOLUME YOU DEAF S**T, THE REASON YOU HAVE TO TURN IT UP SO LOUD IS BECAUSE YOU KILL YOUR EAR DRUMS BY BLARING THAT CRAP.

Aug 07, 2013
Clueless wonders
by: Poster child for annoyance

Rick, you and I must have been switched at birth! We moved to another town in Florida because the renters next door had an obnoxious barking dog, and 2 girls who were unable to be in their pool without screaming and squealing for hours on end. With homes being only a few feet apart, the situation had me in a state of constant rage and feeling of being trapped. The very sight as I'd arrive home from work of the cars in the their driveway (or LAWN!!) would be enough to set my heart racing. Motorcyclists and drivers with booming basses of offensive lyrics who have to rattle windows and nerves for miles around should be held accountable for noise pollution.

Aug 07, 2013
book on misophonia
by: Anonymous

The disorder is uniquely characterized by an emotional anger response to auditory stimuli; a flight without fight physiological response; and anger without overt acts of aggression.Sound-Rage: A Primer of the Neurobiology and Psychology of a Little Known Anger Disorder
provides compelling evidence that “misophonia” is a developmental, neurological disorder, and presents detailed information on the brain regions implicated in the disorder.

Aug 06, 2013
Barking dogs, screaming kids
by: Rick

What about the dog that barks non-stop for hours on end? I love animals but I'd like to punch the owner in the face.
Then there's the kids that scream at the top of their lungs constantly while playing...why? Just to irritate everyone around them?

I do consider myself very lucky for the fact that I don't have to work in an office environment like many of the others who post here. I couldn't do it, and I really wonder how you manage to deal with all those inconsiderate asses out there.

Aug 06, 2013
Creaky voice, spit bubbles
by: Rick

I have very little patience for unnecessary noise. Loud motorcycles with no muffler.
Loud bass coming from cars.
People chewing with their mouths open.
Creaky voice, which seems to be very trendy amongst young women, it's that crackly voice sound they make when they sound like they're trying to push the last little bit of air from their throat instead of using the lungs.
Cutlery scraping or banging against bowls or plates.
People talking with a mouthful of food.
Slamming doors, loud walking or stomping across floors.
Crackling bags of chips.
People with spit bubbles at the corners of their mouths.
Constant sniffing or throat clearing.
People who talk with a blob ob phlegm at the back of their throat.

And many more...

Aug 06, 2013
Follow up re: door slammer
by: Donna

Thank you Jolie for suggesting the maintenance man do something about the slamming door. I mentioned it to him without mentioning whose door and even though he said, if the door doesn't have enough force behind it, it won't shut, he went ahead and adjusted the tension on all the doors in my area. It isn't perfect, but it is so much better! At least it doesn't send a shock wave every time the door slams shut.

Aug 06, 2013
new scientific book on misophonia
by: Anonymous

A new book has been published summer 2013. Sound-Rage: A Primer of the Neurobiology and Psychology of a Little Known Anger Disorder

The book provides compelling evidence that “misophonia” is a developmental, neurological disorder, and presents detailed information about trigger expansion, emotions, cognitions and therapies.

In Section I, Symptoms, Stories, Diagnoses, it describes the lives of sufferers as they confront triggers throughout the day. Section II, Neurobiology, presents an overview of how the brain processes information, specifically the triggers. There is an in-depth look at brain circuitry and multi-sensory processing. This section seeks to explain from a neurological, sensory perspective how triggers expand, from one or two auditory triggers to many auditory, visual, and olfactory triggers. The thoughts and associations that accompany the anger and pain are addressed in Section III, Emotions, Cognitions, and Therapies.

The book explains how the brain’s “hard-wired” circuitry interprets stimuli as pain and affects behavior and emotions; how processing of visual and auditory stimuli overlap in the brain and result in creating new triggers; and how the brain uses mimicry to induce empathy and reduce the distress caused by triggers. The book also discusses why the disorder is routinely misdiagnosed and how it is unique among all disorders. It also addresses why exposure therapy that is used with OCD worsens the symptoms while cognitive behavior therapy (sometimes in conjunction with exposure) is highly effective in reducing them.

I hope this helps.

Jul 26, 2013
posting glitch
by: Jean

I've noticed that there's a bit of a glitch when posting on here, sometimes it appears that it hasn't gone through, so you hit submit again..result, repeated posts. Tip: If it looks like your post hasn't gone through, maybe wait a couple of minutes to see if the email notification comes through before hitting submit again.

Jul 26, 2013
am i mad ?
by: Anonymous

My train ride home is a trip through hell some days.. flemmy coughs on a silent train.. some tool trying to get the last bit of crumbs from a loud bag yesterday some one next to be ate a bag of fresh carrots while watch a movie on his ipad.... my chest felt like i had an elephant sitting on me.. now when the conductor clips the passengers ticks that noice sets me off

Jul 25, 2013
Door Slammers
by: Jolie

Try talking to your maintenance or janitor, or whomever handles that sort of thing. It may be a two second job of adjusting the door so that it closes slowly. Does it have one of those air pressure things at the top? That might need adjusting. Just tell them it's driving you crazy, and that your coworker lets the door slam a dozen times in an hour. Let them hear how annoying and distracting it is.

Jul 24, 2013
Rude people
by: Weewa

Door slammers are so irritating and invasive. I, too, am pushed to the limit by people who have no idea how much noise they make.
If your unsolicited music or TV volume reaches my ears, it's too much for me.
In addition, I have no desire to go to the movies because of just about anyone around me who might be unwrapping cellophane from their candy, jiggling popcorn boxes, slurping drinks, talking during the movie, leaving cell phones on, pushing the back of my seat, etc.

It's called CONSIDERATION, something on the wane in today's noise-riddled society.

Jul 24, 2013
Me again
by: Donna

Okay, now that I wrote about the slamming door it has gotten way out of hand. The gal left her office 9 times (wanted to keep track, so it's not two sometimes three times a day it's more like eight to nine! No wonder it was driving me crazy!At one time she shut her door three times in about 10 seconds. WTF? Did she keep forgetting something so she had to keep going back into her office or didn't she think she SLAMMED it hard enough the first two times? Should I say something to her? I have talked to her on occasion but once you say something and it's taken the wrong way, you can't take it back. Why is it that someone who feels it's okay to slam doors comes and goes so often and those of us who don't, barely get up to go pee twice a day?

Jul 24, 2013
things that bother me...
by: Anonymous

scraping plates - to get absolutely every molecule of food. why can't they simply get more?

licking fingers - pisses me off, even at great distance.

the sound of liquid pouring from a bottle into a glass irritates. mostly effervescent types, the "glurb glurb glurb" sound makes me nuts--even hearing it on TV.

Jul 21, 2013
Slamming doors
by: Donna

The girl who works in the office next to me lets her door S L A M shut every time she leaves. She comes and goes two sometimes three times through out the day and it's Bang! Bang! Bang! and so jarring it stops all my concentration until I calm myself and get past it. Why can't she hang on to the door for a couple seconds to allow it to closes slowly instead of letting it freely S L A M shut with all the force behind it. I don't get how people can't hear what they are doing!

Jul 18, 2013
Guys hanging wallpaper right now
by: Anonymous

Glad I am not the only one, I get so mad/irritated to certain noises WHY??? Guys are hanging wallpaper in my office right now. The rustling of paper is driving me nuts. Keys jingling,gum popping, other people chewing crunchy food and people constantly reaching in and out of the bag of chips, candy, or whatever. Why do I get angry at that LOL. One particular maintenance guys wears a ton of keys on his hip, when I hear the jingling coming down the hall I start getting mad. I don't let anyone know or take my frustration out on people but I do want to jump out the window!

Jul 17, 2013
by: Jolie

It's shocking how far some of these issues can go for some. In consideration of my own feelings when hearing certain sounds, I can't imagine not being able to enjoy the sound of running water or pouring coffee. I'm guess none of you own water fountains? Lol.

Honey Bunches of Oats. Wtf? Why do I have to listen to people eating and crunching? Cheerios. Wtf? Muller? Why do I want to watch that annoying chick sticking out her tongue and the close ups of mounds of yogurt going into someone's nasty red mouth? Just gross.

I hate these commercials. Life is just going to suck. As we get on, people are going to eat, talk and act like this because they're going to think it's okay.

Jul 17, 2013
Sensitive Hearing
by: Jean

Last week there was a very high pitched noise right above my workstation, it was four days that became pretty unbearable. It was like being drilled by the dentist for hours at a time. But I did make some interesting observances.

At first, no one else noticed the sound at all. I had a couple of people stand in my cubicle, all of them could hear it. BUT my annoying loud coworker couldn't hear it at all until it got really loud.

Most people could hear it if they listened, but wouldn't be bothered by it. One or two people could hear it, and noted that it would drive them crazy (it definitely was driving me nuts). One lady in our office couldn't even hear it when it was very loud, and she is a very loud typer/talker normally.

So maybe it is something as simple as having excellent hearing. Those who do not have such sensitive hearing also don't realize how much noise they are making and can't figure out how annoying it is. My annoying coworker can often ignore people knocking and standing right behind her, she is just oblivious!

I guess what I learned is that I really do have acutely better hearing than most people. I also learned that people who don't have great hearing are often the biggest noise offenders. Interesting?

p.s. The noise finally stopped after a couple of calls to maintenance. The only way I could stay at work was to have my earbuds in and listen to the radio, I literally would have had to leave work otherwise.

Jul 17, 2013
Muffling tv noise
by: Anonymous

I am sooo glad tha I found this page. I have a similiar problem but it has extreme reactions on me. My worst one is a tv mufflin noise. Not like a regular tv nose but the noise of a tv that is a couple of rooms away, that muffling weird noise. It drives my absolutely crazy , its the worst possible torture for me. When I can hear that noise clearly within the next 10 seconds I will either start getting extremely angry, if I hear it for a prolonged period of time I will go into a full mental breakdown, crying and thinking I'n going insane, its literalt torture.

The worst thing is my family and friends dont understand this, especilly family. They just throw abusive language and purposefuly set the tv onto the volume when the muffle is at its wost. They think it will just annoy me but for me its literaly full on torture, I would rather get beaten up than hear that noise. I also get countless other noises and sounds that drive me crazy such as snoring or the noise of showers from other rooms but this one is definetely worst. Add other mental problems to this such as depression, psychosis, ocd, bipolar, seasonal affective disorder and family issues & nobody believes you, not even your therapist. Life is actually really difficult

Jul 17, 2013
Typing irritant!!!
by: Anonymous

I am so freaking annoyed at my co-workers constant typing - she bangs on the keyboard so hard - it is ridiculous. No-one else seems to notice but for me I want to scratch her eyes out some days. I have to get my earplugs in some days and listen to music. Doesn't she realize? I can hear her eating, talking on the phone, pounding on her keyboard rustling papers, AAAARGGGG! I feel better just typing this out.

Jul 15, 2013
Flip Flop
by: Anonymous

I cannot stand the sound of pouring tea, soup or coffee. I also hate the sound of flip flops. You know? Flip flop, flip flop.

Jul 14, 2013
I thought it was just me
by: Anonymous

I am so glad I found this site. I have always have a sensitivity to people chewing loud, gum chewing and cracking also hearing a neighbors TV through the walls, especially when I am trying to go to sleep. I remember a time when I took the express bus to and from work and was watching carefully the people entering the bus if they were chewing gum and might sit near me. It would also happen if I were in a movie theater and hear someone cracking or popping gum or chewing like a cow, it might not have bothered others but I felt like the walls were closing in on me and wanted to flee the theater. I've had experiences where a neighbor would have their TV on while I was trying to sleep and actually felt the wall vibrating so much I had to say something to them. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has this problem.

Jun 07, 2013
Lunch Break
by: Anonymous

Okay, maybe I am crazy but I feel like your one hour lunch break is to go and eat your lunch! Not sit at your desk EVERY day and eat your lunch so you can go run errands or who knows what else on your break. I get it...there are times you have errands or a Doctor's appointment. BUT SERIOUSLY...EVERY DAY!! I am so sick of smelling and hearing my co-workers lunch experiences. I think it is SO rude!Every time one of her stupid containers is snapped close I think I can breathe again. NOPE, that just means she has to get another random container and eat from that one as well! What is wrong with people!!

Jun 06, 2013
Noise Sensitivity aka Misophonia 4S
by: Sgreen

Please come check out this group. You'll find many others who have the same sensitivities as you. There are many helpful discussions going on in this group. I've had Misophonia 4S since childhood and being able to discuss and read about other people's journeys is very helpful.
S Green

Jun 05, 2013
Finger lickers
by: Poster child for annoyances

Another gagger is the person who needs to lick a couple of fingers before turning a book or newspaper page. This is disgusting on a few levels!! The sound and sight of licking dirty fingers, then leaving saliva for someone else to touch -- ICK!!

Jun 05, 2013
how to get people to stop?
by: Zinger

Reading through the comments, apparently many people hate loud gum snapping as much as I do. I just don't understand how people can chew that way, without caring how ignorant and awful it makes them look. Don't they give a s- t about their appearance? I'm not talking about normal, quiet chewing. I mean LOUD obnoxious, robotic chewing, like they're a teenager or have an issue they are working out with their gum. Lol. The death glare occasionally works on public transit. I often get up and move seats, or to another subway car entirely if there's no other escape. I fantasize about handing them a card that informs them how disgusting that noise is. I'm about to buy a pair of noise-canceling headphones for subway travel. In a store, I think it is acceptable to ask an employee or cashier politely to stop. What do you think? Are there any success stories for coping with this sound, or getting people to cut it out?

Jun 05, 2013
noise in public
by: Zinger

Oh how I wish it were illegal to pop & smack gum on public transit. (It makes the offender look so vacant and stupid.) Generally I am a very mellow person but if I can hear someone chewing or cracking gum, it makes me want to KILL. As an adult, there are not many things that set me off anymore. Seeing someone jawing at a piece of gum, twirling their hair or other nervous habits give me a bodily feeling of anxiety. As a child it was an endless repetitive sound of someone humming that would set me off. Now, I can be assured this is not just a quirk but an actual condition! There must be evolutionary roots to this; apparently it's a very primal fight-or-flight reaction. Much like the sound of snorting or sniffling causing disgust -- maybe it warns healthy people to stay away from the sick. My grandfather *hated* if I ever licked my fingers as a child. Now I hate when I see it too. I wonder if misophonia developed as an extreme form of sensitivity to the spread of germs or to sick people in your "clan".

May 28, 2013
Eating Noises
by: Anonymous

-People that continuously hit the bowl with their spoon over and over I mean seriously are you trying to chip it??

-When people gasp after every sip of there drink what the hell are they trying to prove that they are enjoying it , feel free to verbally express that it's enjoyable grunting like a farm animal seems a little unreasonable

- Rustling crisp packets...why not just be careful , you don;t need to forage, the food is in the bag and now I can't suffer being in the cinema

-biting the fork are you really that hungry you need to try and eat the metal too??

- slurping hot drinks, you don't need to burn your mouth just wait till it cools a bit surely not that impatient??

- Tapping which my boss is guilty of, so many times I have been tempted to break his fingers how I restrain myself is anyones guess

I feel better getting it off my chest here hoping that one day I won't go into a rage because of people producing sound effects that should not be there

May 28, 2013
by: dolce

LMAO at that last post.

May 27, 2013
A fight about my husband's burps
by: Anonymous

My husband thinks it's natural to burp. To some degree I suppose it is but not to me. He has burped a lot in the 30 years we've been married but lately I can't stand to hear it. Last night he did it again and I thought I was going to explode. Well, I did explode. He was walking down the steps with a bowl of ice cream. I came out from reading in the bedroom and started throwing clothes at him that happened to be hanging on the railing. I heard a bowl crash but I was so enraged I didn't stop to think about it. After throwing the last piece of my daughter's clothing at him I looked down and saw him trying to dig the broken bowl and ice cream from under the clothes. Boy was he mad. I told him now he knows how I feel when he burps. I then went to the computer to find out if I was losing my mind when I found this forum. Now I don't feel quite so bad. He apologized this morning and bought me a box of chocolates this afternoon. Which is fine, I just hope he never, ever burps around me again.

May 24, 2013
Re: Drives me crazy (Shainie J)
by: Anonymous

i have noise sensitivity for years and visual, and touch that irritate me. as i was searching info about it, i came across symptoms of fibromyalgia. they can have these symptoms along with a slew of others.

May 20, 2013
by: Sgreen

Check out the Yahoo Group for Misophonia. 4S - Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome.

Also, read this article. It's my story of Misophonia on Yahoo Voices.


May 16, 2013
for Shainie
by: Jean

Being 13 is rough enough without extra annoyances. If I could go back in time, I would tell my 13 yr old self to buy some good earplugs (they aren't that expensive) to wear during exams. I remember the noises around me were extremely distracting and I am sure affected my academic performance, often rushing through a test just to get out of there. Do whatever you have to do in order help yourself.

May 16, 2013
by: Anonymous

i took a test for my industry and the lady behind me was speed typing and i could breath i was so rageful

May 16, 2013
so glad I'm not alone!
by: Amy

OMG! I am so glad to hear other people have problems with noises. I noticed the sensitivity started at the same time I became perimenopausal. Crunching, snorting, loud talking all drive me crazy! The worst is the guy in the cube next to me. He types really fast and the sound of his keyboard actually makes me nauseous. I don't know why. Does this happen to anyone else? There's a guy a few aisles away from me who constantly clears his throat, about every 30 seconds. I can't wear noise cancelling head phones. Help me!

May 14, 2013
by: Dorite215

I thought I was nuts ,but sounds making my chest tight and I become rageful... the kit kat commercial makes me want to break pouring on the radio or people chewing potato chips on tv or radio.. the sound of whispering makes me boil...i am glad i am not alone

May 11, 2013
Effing Mac Donalds
by: Jolie

Every time this commercial comes on, I run for the remote to mute this chick talking with her mouth filled to the max with food. The way she stretches her mouth so wide to take a bite, and you see her gums and teeth!! Oh, yuck!

I wrote macdonalds on their main business page and on facebook, telling them that it's terribly bad manners.

What is going on in the world of advertising? Jimmy Dean with that chick eating a sandwich? Talking around a hunk of food that she can barely close her mouth, and yet is speaking?

Effing KFC with that huge bulge on the side of her face? Disgusting.

Oh and I feel for the poster with the dentures. Yeah, I've wished my mother dead time and time again. Once, she made such a disgusting display of eating a tuna fish sandwich. Whenever she eats, she makes loud sucking noises at her gums and teeth. It's so disgusting. People are so disgusting and inconsiderate.

May 08, 2013
Drives me crazy
by: Shainie.J.

I know you feel. Being a 13 year old who of course still attends school is really bad. The noise of other peoples breathing, chewing, eating, tapping, on going sounds eg. Someone saying one word over and over or the same sound like biting your nails, coughing, hiccuping. When a teacher has an annoying voice or the whiteboard pen is squecky. How smeone enunciates words or scratching, a cat puring, a dog barking over and over, e sound of a running out felt tip pen or biro.

I even do this with sight, someone tapping the same foot for a while and stuff. I get annoyed when someone lightly touches me, like a gentle poke, it really buggs me.
People like us may have Misiphonia, check out Misifonia uk for more information etc.

May 06, 2013
Yes! Would love to have lunch with Annoyed as Hell.
by: Poster child for annoyances

My husband thought it would be fun to take a 6-week road trip across the country. I had my reservations about the uncertainty of it all:
The free breakfast area that comes with many chain motels offers the ambiance of a louder than necessary TV blaring over everyone's head. Why am I the only one visibly shaken???
Just attempted to have a nice breakfast at a restaurant here in Palm Springs, CA. Of course! Murphy's Freaking Law! Four German tourists seated at the next booth with loud, guttural voices, sucking up the aural space around them. My heart started pounding out of my chest.
Attended an Australian Tribute to the Bee Gees in Vegas last week to the tune of $80+ for each ticket. Could only hear shouting over the music among the rude Middle Easterners behind us who chose not to pay attention. My heart was beating out of my chest.
Subjected to foul language from c-rap "music" at any given stop light in Anytown, USA. My heart is generally beating out of my chest.
And on and on and on....

May 06, 2013
I Love Annoyed As Hell
by: Anonymous

Your post is hillarious. You might even be a mind reader! I am sure I have had every single one of those thoughts at some point and probably on mulitiple occasions in my life! I have always wondered how people can be so unaware of themselves and the horrible noises they emit.

May 05, 2013
Me too!
by: Annoyed as hell

Wow this forum is great. I feel less alone now. Among those I've wanted to clock over the head with a rubber chicken:

* Woman in airport waiting area who was softly humming to herself. She'd stop when speaking to her husband, and then go right back to it. STFU you insane bitch!

* People in public places who constantly have their fingers in snack wrappers. This is a double-whammy: The rummaging noise is extremely irritating, and so is their inability to control their oral fixations. And more often than not, they're fat and ugly!

* A friend who constantly sniffles during conversations. Please blow your fucking nose, or get a doctor's diagnosis and treatment. This habit can't be good for business as people assume you're on coke (he's an architect).

* The sound of nail clippers on the NYC subway. Who raised you? Wolves?

* A friend who can't get through a meal without licking the tips of his fingers. I've seen better manners on gorillas in captivity. Lip-smackers, you're not far behind.

* A relative who actually utters the word "Achoo!" when sneezing. What's up with that?

* Loud cell phone talkers. Best solutions: become part of their conversation, or just firmly say "Louder, please!"

Thanks, I feel better now.

May 03, 2013
Random thought... Maybe completely insane
by: Erin

I was thinking about this one night as I couldn't sleep. How some senses get stronger as others get weaker? How many of us, have to wear glasses? Or corrective lenses? I noticed my irritation level for sounds got worse after sixth grade when I discovered I needed glasses. Lol this may sound really stupid, (like most of my ideas when I cannot sleep). I wondered if there was any connection to it. Since we correct or vision with lenses.. Suddenly the hearing or sensitivity to some noises is less subtle, and subconscious. So we are on sensory over load...

May 02, 2013
ok, so what is the name for this?
by: Anonymous

Oh God, I totally understand all of you. I'm very sensitive to whistling (really, I wanna smack them) and sometimes laughing. Makes me feel guilty and asocial.

Apr 30, 2013
Can't stand it !!
by: Anonymous

I have been sensitive to noises for serveral years. Chip bags or wrappers making that crinkling noise. My husband eating anything crunchy makes me want to hit him in the head. I can not help it. It bothers me mostly at home I guess because it is quieter. It's good to know that I'm not alone. I am embarrassed to talk to my doctor about it. I will research this..central sensitization syndrome.

Thank you all !!

Apr 29, 2013
primal instincts..
by: Jean

That's a very interesting theory and I wouldn't rule it out, especially because it seems to trigger a completely primal "fight or flight" response in those of us who are afflicted with this condition, one that is completely beyond all reason.

What separates misophonia from some other conditions is that we tend to dislike quiet, nearly unaudible sounds, especially in a quiet environment or when we are trying to focus, a whisper, a soft chewing, a heavy breath. Even if the radio in the car is turned down very low that you can't really hear it, but you hear the ssss's and the ttt's. I remember yelling at my mother "turn it up or turn it off!!" I believe/suspect, that most of us with misophonia have excellent hearing and the ability to remember what we hear, what people say, etc.

If we were hunters...perhaps being able to be acutely aware of the slightest noise would have helped us pin point the location of that wild game we were after, or alert us to oncoming predators. so perhaps this does connect somehow to primal survivor instincts.

I'm no expert at all, but I believe those affected by bass or other specific frequencies may be suffering from Hyperacusis rather than misophonia...but like I said, I'm no expert.

Apr 29, 2013
mouth sounds and instant rage
by: Anonymous

I clearly remember sitting at the breakfast table at age 11, while my Grandpa was eating his breakfast, and making what I can only describe as horrific chewing sounds with his dentures. I wished him dead! He died a few months later, and I felt horrible guilt that it was because of me! I thought about telling someone, but I never did.

33 years later, eating sounds still can send me from 1 to 10 in a split second. I have different coping mechanisms now, including humor, usually the self-effacing type. My husband has it, so does my daughter. We always eat dinner with background noise, and we'll even "sync" our loudest foods, so to drown each others' noises out. I do leave the table when I feel like I'm about to explode. I'll simply excuse myself and say I need to use the restroom. From crunching (and, YES!, that Kit Kat commercial drives me nuts,too) to mushy sounds, all make me feel enraged. It is at it's worst when it is someone who also does a lot of heavy breathing while eating away.

I have a theory as to why (?) this happens. Could it be that the ancient part of our brain, where emotions and survival instincts are still processed, coupled with an over sensitivity to sounds combine to make a perfect storm, so-to-speak? As if the sounds of someone else's eating, triggers a "survival of the fittest" response, in that another has food that is being consumed and therefore no longer available for us? Kind of a fight or flight response? Just a thought.

Apr 27, 2013
TV food commercials
by: Anonymous

I absolutely cannot stand the crunching noises of people eating on the TV commercials. One that bothers me a lot is the Kit Kat commercial. Why can't they make commercials that don't have people crunching food?

Apr 27, 2013
Crazy effect
by: Anonymous

I'm not too bothered by most noises, but loud bass tones drive me insane and I feel like ripping my skin and screaming. I was at a restaurant/bar last night and must have been sitting by an amplifier. I began to feel my heart race and became very agitated. I requested the music be lowered (which was obliged-thankfully!) Does anyone out there have the same reaction?

Apr 23, 2013
So many of "us"
by: Anonymous many of us! I googled "can't stand slurping, lip-smacking, crunching, gobbling eaters" into my iPad as I was trying to silently suffer through a half hour of it in a teacher's lounge. This site popped up--filled to the gills with sufferers! I've tried to develop a thicker skin to intrusive, useless, thoughtlessly proffered noise because I am a middle school teacher and I exist DAILY in the midst of such. But I just can't tolerate it from grown adults. But then---what am I thinking? The kids who come to school and drum the table, bounce coins, tap pencils, chew gum like a ruminating cow, slurp and guzzle and gulp and sigh from their water bottles, then sit and idly crunch and twist that plastic water bottle so it's crackle drowns out my voice as I try to instruct....try to get away with eating in class---but I can hear their hollow-boned jaws echo "crunch, gnash, pop, crush...." 30 feet away......hum, make popping sounds with their mouths, fart sounds with their cupped hands, and hundreds of other unsavory, intolerable sounds.....THEY HAVE PARENTS WHO DO THE SAME THINGS!!!!

Apr 22, 2013
by: Anonymous

Does anyone else hate the new progressive commercial where that guy yells out what ever word and holds the last vowel way to long? It made my blood boil! Lol

Apr 22, 2013
So, it's not just me
by: Anonymous

OMG, reading some of your comments has me laughing and crying at the same time. I could have written any one of those. It all probably started when I was 15-16, gum cracking especially, then loud eating of anything, some 30 years later, it's only gotten worse, with my DH's knuckle cracking at the top of my list. Then there a co-worker who eats a bag of chips every day at 4:00. Yikes, what are we to do?

Apr 22, 2013
by: Anonymous

I have moved to a new cubicle twice in the last 3 years to escape noise, to no avail, although where I am now is not quite as bad as the previous spot. Over the wall from me now is a woman who conducts/participates in phone meetings all day long and talks at the top of her lungs, also she is one of those chronic coughers. There was one day where she hacked every 30 seconds, I kid you not. She's over there laughing real loud on the phone at the moment. I know these people are capable of talking more quietly, because when they are having personal conversations they lower their voices, but when it is work related I guess they just can't be bothered. Chewing noises make me insane, if my husband is anywhere near me and chewing, I have to wear headphones (which I wear at work constantly, blasting white noise into my ears. I could not live without my headphones.

Apr 14, 2013
I've always known there was something more going on....
by: Anonymous

The first time I noticed my sensitivity to noise was in the car, trapped near my dad who was sucking and popping on candy. There are sounds that bother me me aren't repetitive so I just ignore then, and there are those sounds that are super annoying and make we want to scream at them and lunch them! Mouth noises, eating noises, sinus noises, snoring and very loud breathing, throaty "slimy" speech where you can hear the saliva sloshing around in the mouth, sniffing that is a tic but otherwise unnecessary, things like that.
I'm writing this because my husband and I were trying to watch Dr. Who just now, and I made enchiladas for dinner. Good god! He chews and swallows do loudly! Ugh. It's gross. It annoys me even more that, when we first got married, he chewed more quietly but I guess he doesn't feel the need anymore.
The thing is, there are certain sounds that really ARE JUST RUDE. It's hard to tell the difference and know when to confront someone. For example, my dads candy slurping and popping...rude. My mom smacks, cracks, and pops her stupid gum so loudly that strangers have asked her to stop (or just glared at her). I've asked her about a hundred times to stop-after all, she told me to chew with my mouth closed- but she thinks (of course) that its me and everyone else bring rude to HER, expecting her to chew in a manner we can't hear every nuance of the inside of her mouth! She also chews her food loudly and talk with her mouth full...weird because she use to insist I chew with mine closed.
Anyway, I think it's partially a sensitivity on my part, but I Aldo think people should try to be freaking polite and not act as though the whole space they're in is only theirs.

Apr 09, 2013
Going to kill my cubicle buddy
by: Anonymous

oh my gosh, these comments are awesome! I thought it was just me! Just reading these made me laugh out loud (probably annoyed some poor soul) but honestly, this is all so true! The lady accross from me is always angry. slams her drawers, talks nice to someone on the phone but as soon as she hangs up complains about them, loudly! Heavy signs and complaints all day about our job, our boss, our co-workers...and her CHIP bag is enough to want to get up and smack her!Cleans out her drawers as if she's just been fired! Crumbling paper, slamming drawers..She smokes so she has that nasty cough that makes me want to gag... she rolls over to my desk to whisper complain...there is a person that types so fast and loud I want to hit her over the head with her keyboard.
Well... thank you for letting me vent...I feel better for now... my co-worker has left so it is quiet, for now... cough, cough...

Apr 09, 2013
re: I'm another one
by: Jean

Thanks Amy, I'm glad you enjoyed it. (I've posted a couple of times, I'll leave my name from now on.)

Apr 09, 2013
by: Anonymous

Some of us have known about term for a while, but doesn't make it less irritating to deal with. Venting helps some of us, as well as knowing that you're not the only one out there trying to cope with this.

I've read various theories on causes and treatments but so far nothing actually useful. In the meantime we cope the best we can.

Apr 09, 2013
Making me crazy
by: Anonymous

I work in a small office and they are all making me crazy. The woman behind me drums her fingernails and sighs loudly constantly all day. When in a conversation about anything she constantly giggles. The woman beside me is worse. She talks incessantly, insists on reading everything outloud as if you can read, mumble sings to the radio, has really bad breath and back snorts snot. When she snorts snot she says "excuse me" so she knows it is disgusting. Also she LOVES crunch stuff. The crunchier the better and she crunches all day long. I am ready for the looney bin.

Apr 09, 2013
Google Misophonia, You have it!
by: omgCarol

I hope everyone will get the word out and if someone has a cure, let's get that word out!

Mar 29, 2013
Not Cuckoo After all...
by: Anonymous

I am convinced this is the devil's work for workers to be confined in small cubicle spaces and be subjected to repetitive noises from cubicle mates. I had to take a mental health day off from work the other day or get into a LARGE 'beef' with the coworker.

The insistent shoe tapping (off beat to the music playing in the background), finger drumming, whole hand desk thumping, sunflower seed cracking, self-talk/singing of a totally different song from the radio... Oh, yeah and the 'beat' goes on and on.

At first, I just sucked it up and meditated on bible verses. Then when this did not work foam ear plugs was my next line of defense. Huh, I could hear the shoe tapping even wearing earplugs. I've stepped away from my cubicle gone for a walk around the building and now I am seriously considering hypnosis.

I've made mention of these irritants to management and get laughed at all the time. The solution offered is they will purchase me my own headphones... SIGH!!! This is not fun and I will not give up looking for solutions.

Mar 25, 2013
When he eats...
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hates certain sounds, although mine is a little weird. I can't stand it when my brother eats something the sound he makes with his mouth just makes me cringe and want to punch his teeth out, and when he has an ice-cream I swear I feel like ripping out his tongue. He always seems to make a horrible, horrible noise and it's starting to drive me insane. It's gotten to a point where I have to leave the room whenever he decides to eat.

Mar 24, 2013
Random sounds drive me insane
by: Anonymous

It drives me completely insane when my brothers sniff or make this annoying sound with their nose when they breath. For some reason, the quieter it is, the more it bothers me. Also, their room is right above mine, and hearing them walking around and opening and closing drawers and talking makes me want to punch them. I don't know what to do about it!!!!

Mar 21, 2013
There is a name for what I feel
by: Anonymous

When I was in my teens, I noticed that the sound of cutting nails with nail clippers and gum cracking bothered me. For some reason, I just disliked those sounds but it didn't make me feel angry or do anything out of the ordinary. Those sounds simply just irritated me. I am 43 years old now and for the past 10 months, I have found myself feeling extremely agitated by some noises that a co-worker makes. I sit in pretty large office with 6 people and it wasn't until this woman started that I noticed that my sensitivity to her sounds are affecting me to the point that I feel agitated and anxious. My co-worker, who I might add sits about 4 feet from me and faces me, eats an apple just about every single day and each time that she takes a bite, it makes me crazy. Sometimes, I just stare at her as she takes a bite, but she doesn't notice. Now she has told me that she has a bit of a hearing problem, so everything that she does seems loud to me, which includes the sound of the bite of the apple, the volume of her voice and the winey sound of her voice makes me want to yell at her, but of course I don't do that. I just put my head down and tell myself that this is my issue. I try to focus on something else when the sounds get to me but I can't seem to concentrate on anything else so I either walk out of the room or I tap my mouse on my desk, eac time she takes a bite of the apple which does seem to alevaite the anxiety a bit. Additionally, this woman also chews gum and cracks it just about every day and it drives me crazy. I know that this woman has every right to eat an apple, chew gum and talk even if she is very loud and since I am always trying to improve myself I went to the internet to see if there was any information on sensitivity to sounds and I was glad to see that I am not alone.

Mar 21, 2013
wow im not alone
by: Anonymous

I abhor anyone coughing, clearing their throats, eating, drinking, laughing on the phone. I seriously hate going to work because of all the ignorant noises i have to endure all day long. My partner made me get my hearing checked and low and behold like all of you it was normal or above in every category. I can hear a mouse sneeze two blocks away. At night I use foam earplugs so i cant hear anything. Unfortunately they make my own breathing so loud i need respite from that. The only thing that saves my sanity at work is my kobo cranked to full volume and really expensive headphones. I sat beside a cubicle where the inhabitant clipped his nails every day. I snuck into every cubicle on my floor one night and removed every pair of clippers I could find and threw them in the garbage on the way out the door. I have seriously had to leave the office before I went over the cubicle wall. If your sick don't come to work your not that important. I have one near me who is sick 365 days a year, coughing, sniffling and clearing her throat. I leave for home thoroughly exhausted every day.

Mar 19, 2013
Crinkling paper!!!!
by: Anonymous

I am presently in the "quiet zone"of my public library. A woman behind me is going through her purse, cleaning out old receipts, etc., then crinkling them up to throw away. She is driving me crazy.

Mar 18, 2013
Sound Sensitivity

Ever since I was a little girl, I've been bothered by certain noises. My dad used to jokingly accuse me of having hyperacusis, but maybe he was on to something. I'm now 39 and still plagued by certain sounds. Yesterday in Church I was ready to crawl out of skin because the children behind me were wearing ski jackets and every time they moved, the swish of the fabric bothered me to the point where I couldn't even pay attention to the Mass.

I am very distracted by keys jangling, bangle bracelts clanking together, gum snapping, pens clicking, coins jangling in someone's pocket, dogs barking, heavy breathing or any breathing sounds (I call it "nose whistling,") ... even when my husband rubs his feet together, I cringe. I know it's nuts! I just can't help it.

Mar 18, 2013
Grapes Suck!
by: Anonymous your freaking grapes already! Seriously how many do you have in there. I am sick and tired of listnening to you pop them in your mouth and chew them. Come on now..You have been snacking on your damn grapes since 8:30 this is now 11am...Dear God, someone help me! Next it will be the most crunchy and noisy crackers in existence! Will you just get your snack and eat them quickly?? NO! You will labor over them until you go to lunch! Then after lunch who knows what torture you will come up with!!! ARGGGGG! I seriously need my own office!

Mar 12, 2013
Pen Clickers
by: Anonymous

They Suck! Period! How do they not know how absolutley annoying they are. They just sit there and dumbly click their pens over and over with their mouths agape and their eyes dead...Must be nice to not have a care in the world!I want to go to my cube mate and secretly replace all her clicky pens with non clicky ones! Think she would notice!?! If I had my own office life would be good! I find that because I realize how annoying MOST people are I go out of my way to be polite and corteous. Sometimes I even feel uncomfortable doing certain things because I am afraid I might be annoying someone.

Mar 07, 2013
How Can We Survive?
by: Wolf

I am sitting at my desk at work listening to the man a few feet away clinking his fork on a ceramic plate every few seconds. I am not allowed to have a radio, nor wear earbuds of any kind. I am shaking right now. He does this EVERY day! Every ounce of my being wants to kick the cube wall down, grab the fork out of his hand, and stab him with it repeatedly.

I get the same thing when I am at a movie theater and someone directly behind me is rustling their popcorn bag, or candy wrapper. I want to spin around, knock the bag out of their hand, and scream "STOP BEING SO RUDE!"

I don't want to feel these things anymore. When I am in silent agony, I can look around and realize that nobody else is bothered by it at all?

What did I do to deserve this pain? I do not want to eventually snap and hurt someone, but it sure feels like that sometimes.

As I understand it, there is no cure for this. We can only "learn to live with it". I cannot do that. It has gotten to the point that I cannot eat with my family without extreme irritation constantly surging through me.

Someone please help me! Help me find a way to stop this! i cannot take it any more!

Mar 06, 2013
is this normal
by: Anonymous

I have suffered in silence for a few years now, I find certain noises really cheese me off, flip flops and high heals are the most walking annoyance, people eating, cutlery on plate noises, stiring drinks, any sort of tapping really drives me mad, does anybody have a solution this is now affecting my social life to the point I dont want to eat out, and dread the summer months with those bloody flip flops. help....

Mar 04, 2013
by: Anonymous

It is so good to know that I'm not alone! for the life of me as I'm typing here I wan't to brake the keyboard on a co-workers head who types as if he is fighting with the board, the noise it makes makes me snap! I literally have to plug in my headphones and listen to music, of course the problem is that what do I do when my boss needs to speak to me? I decided to bring my earplugs (foam) but everytime I had fitted them perfectly someone asked a question and of course I couldn't hear so I had to take them off, the noises that make me snap are the keyboard, gum,chips and Ice chewing! can anyone tell me what have you done to ease these sounds especailly the keyboard one while at work? thank god I'm not insane!

Mar 01, 2013
Holy Cr@p
by: Anonymous

Holy Cr@p I thought it was just me. I am stuck sitting behind a girl who at work who mumbles all day, drums her finger nails on her desk, taps her feet, taps stuff on her desk, etc and it's DRIVING ME INSANE. I seriously cannot sit here any more. I where head phones but they don't always help. The only small consolation is she is no long DOUSING herself in strong smelling perfume that used to STINK UP THE ENTIRE OFFICE!

Feb 23, 2013
I was diagnosed
by: Anonymous

My diagnosis was central sensitization syndrome.

A couple of possibilities (since I had these happen also).
1- you could be taking a medication that is making you more irritable (opiates etc)

2. I had sensitization, flight/fight response, came out of nowhere after surgery. I had sensitivity to light and some body sensitivity also.

3. Teeth- irritated nerves from a tooth can impact your ears

I was but on fibro meds for 6 months and now I don't have that issue at all

Feb 19, 2013
Learning to live with irritating sounds.
by: LSCH

Hi all,
I have now found out that I will be "learning to live" with some of the sounds that really irritate the heck out me.

My significant other has found out he has emphysema, and with that, his breathing is going to become progressively worse, with rasping, and loud inhales/exhales. As much as his loud moans, loud breathing and yawning irritated me before his diagnosis, I will be biting my tongue and keeping my thoughts to myself from this day forward.

I am telling all of you this because no matter how much something irritates us, or causes us to feel like we are going to go into a rage, there may come a time when we have to refrain from expressing on our feelings.

When I think I can take no more, I quickly realize that the day will come I will no longer hear his breathing. So for now, I will take the irritation and rage and make it into something positive--just for him.

Feb 19, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am the SAME WAY and everyone thinks I'm crazy!!!
I just get so mad when I hear certain noises like a spoon hitting a bowl when someone eats cereal or something, for example. I thought I was the only one!

Feb 19, 2013
Loud Cougher
by: Anonymous

I'm losing my mind! For the past year a paerson in my office has developed a cough. She coughs really loud several, several times a day. I have said little in the window things to her like ... you may need to see a doctor about that cough ... your cough sounds really bad today, is everything okay? I will even take a deep breath sometimes when she has been coughing all day to let her know ... HEY' CAN YOU PLEASE STOP COUGHING SO LOUD! I've even turned my radio up in my office, closed my office door to drive home the message.
Nothing is working for me and I don't want to be rude to her, but enough is enough. She knows it's annoying because she has even said to me that she told someone that her co-worker was going to strangle her if she keeps coughing. She been to the doctor several times in the past year and she continues to cough and when I say cough I mean to the point where it's for minutes and she so loud!!!!

I cough, we all cough but not daily and all day long. How can someone be so blind that they do not realize there is obviously a problem that is causing this cough? It's not normal for any human to cough so much!

And, Oh' Lord when she puts a cough drop in her mouth which she eats through out the day like Candy. She rattles them against her teeth which I can hear also.

I need help in how to control myself or I'm going to end up being very rude to her one day.

Feb 18, 2013
Noises that drive me crazy
by: Not misphonia

I'm reading all the comments about all of you who think you have misphonia and/or are labeling yourselves as someone with a problem. Did it ever dawn on you that the problem may reside with the other person?

My husband drives me crazy. Well, it's his behaviors that drive me crazy. He clanks his spoon in every bowl he can get his hands on. He wakes up in the morning yelping out big loud sighs as if it's absolutely a necessity and a requirement of life. I think it's his way of letting me know he's still here. Then he get's up to take his vitamins. In doing so, you would think that boulders are falling from the tallest mountain in the world...he makes tremendous amounts of noise. Oh yeah, you should hear him sneeze. Now, that's a real attention getter! Necessary... I don't think so.

He used to tap his tooth brush on the side of the sink every morning. I used to ask, repeatedly, that he put a stop to the noise. it is especially annoying if I had just fallen asleep. The interruption would send slivers down my spine. One day, I had just fallen asleep, he clanked that tooth brush on the side of the sink... well, as they say, pay backs are hell... I jumped up and slapped the crap out of him. We went to counseling after that and he finally quit doing it. My take on the whole thing is that all the annoyances, delivered by other people, results from their lack of self awareness and their lack of consideration for other people.

My husband just got home from work and is eating right now... clank, clank, clank... there goes that stupid spoon. We've been married for 24 years... One day, he will drive me to divorce.

Feb 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

OMG!! The lady sitting next to me at our cubicle pod is driving me crazy! She is sorting papers and every couple of papers she has to lick her fingers to better turn the pages. Doesn't she know they make office supplies for that. You can use the little container of wax or they make the little finger covers!! She has big fat lips and a big fat tounge that makes this horrible smacking noise everytime she licks her finger! After every lick she has to smack her lips together!!! God, you should hear her eat cottage cheese. Every day at the same time she gets her tub out, it is horrible!

Feb 17, 2013
I thought i needed to go to the looney bin....
by: Anonymous

Repetitive sounds drive me crazy!!!
My anger level hits high when i hear repetitive sounds. A woman clicking her nails,chewing gum,popping gum,sound of a sanding grinder. What is the deal? I can not put up with it.

Feb 15, 2013
what is wrong with me
by: Anonymous

Even as a kid I could not stand the sound of kids voices, the high pitched sound is like a knife cutting my head open. I try to avoid kid until there voices change. What is wrong with me?

Feb 14, 2013
by: Anonymous

So, here is a question. Obviously all of us on this site can relate to horrible eating and breathing noises. I am curious…do any of you have noises that soothe you or almost hypnotize you? I experience this with rustling paper sounds. Its weird, I actually get goose bumps and start to feel really sleepy. I know this sounds crazy but it’s true. Going to the library is heaven for me. The sounds of the books and pages turning calm and relax me. Can anyone else relate or am I crazy and alone in this??

Feb 12, 2013
Response to Time to Party
by: Anonymous

I'm so excited for you! I completely understand where you are coming from. I have a cougher on the other side of my cube, and when he is gone I am elated, I feel free!! When I know he is going to be gone, I actually don't dread going to work. My attitude and stress level changes on whether or not he is there. Only we with this condition understand this.

I like eating crunchy food like Chex mix, but I won't do it at work. I won't eat any crunchy food at work at all, b/c I'm considerate. I stick to soft foods, like Snickers, that I can eat silently. Even when I walk with a glass of ice water, I make sure my hand is steady so the ice doesn't make sound. I'll even put paper towels on my desk, so when I sit my cups down, they don't make a sound when hitting the surface. Even though others aren't considerate, I just make sure I am not a hypocrite.

Feb 12, 2013
Time to Party
by: Anonymous

How sad is it that I am completely elated that for the next 3 days my cube mate is gone! The reason I am so excited you wonder.....I dont have to listen to her eat ALL day EVERY day. I get it, you like to have a snack every now and then, but seriously she eats all day long. It starts with the grapes, this could be part of the problem, that is a snack that you can DRAGGG out. Then its usually something crunchy and loud. Sometimes the residue sticks to her fingers and rather than use a napkin or wash her hands she SUCKS the stuff from her fingers. Everytime I hear her open a drawer and I cringe and brace myself for whats next. She pulls one of her various boxes or cannisters of treats out and I immediatley get the head phones ready. Who would have thought these every day devices were really just torture devices. At least I get 3 glorious days filled with snack free hours.
(by the way my word to type before you can submit is Celery! HAHA another horrible loud and crunchy food)

Feb 10, 2013
I need help

This is controlling my life. I've noticed it has progressed worse as I have gotten older. I work in a profession that requires high levels of concentration, and certain noises irritate me.

1- Apples - when someone is taking a bite out of an apple.
2- Chewing loud
3- When someone is scraping the bottom of a bowl or a yogurt cup
4- gulping
5- chip bag krinkle or foil

Sometimes I want to take the apple out of his mouth and throw it against the wall.
There are many more noises but I put some of the ones that really bother me. I'm not sure what is wrong with me. I've tried ear phones and sound proof ear protectors, but after I feel irriated I can't let go. Its affecting me at work, and in my life.

The weird thing is I go to Starbucks to go hangout on my laptop, and I don't have these same feelings. Maybe since the atmosphere is noisy already then I don't focus on a particular noise.

If anyone can help me or give me some advice it will be appreciated.

email me

Feb 08, 2013
To Hope!
by: Anonymous

"Someone who knows what you mean when you describe that particular atrocious folding noise that a chip makes when your mom places it in her mouth, whole. Someone who will not feel the need to lock you up when you say "My brother...he...he BREATHES! ALL DAY LONG! And he won't QUIT!" Someone who totally gets it when you cry over the banana-chompers, the yogurt-munchers, the soup-slurpers, the Darth Vader-breathers, and the dry-sniffers". It's funny to think that there are others who can read this and know exactly what you are talking about! Especially the banana-chompers, I can actually hear it as I think of it!! How is that even possible! I can t stand people who overchew their food, sometimes I swear I can actually hear the saliva juices being mixed with the fodd as people chew, with my mom it is the wrost. I literally want to kill her if thats what it takes to make the sound stop!! Also, how is that some people can swallow so loudly, that makes my stomache churn. I make my husband wear a nose strip at night to help. But, I still have to fall asleep before him or else it's the couch for me! AND I call him Darth Vader ALL the time!! Back to the banana does eating it liek that NOT hurt their stupid teeth?!?

Feb 07, 2013
What a relief!
by: Ally

Wow! You cannot believe what an amazing relief it is to find this site and all of you fellow sufferers. Even better to know that I am not mad or slowly going insane. Honestly, as I started to read your posts I shed tears and breathed a great sigh of relief (which would annoy many of us LOL).
I just explained this situation to a friend who promptly got on the net and began to research and passed on this info.

I can't remember exactly when this started for me either. My earliest remembrance is year 7, age 11 or 12. I eventually told my mum who told me I was ridiculous and even took me to the doctor to have my hearing checked - which was, of course, perfect like all of yours.

I have just lived with the rage, anxiety, and fear of the next encounter, always 'on edge' and feeling like I'm under a huge stressful load, for nearly 20 years. So many of the feelings and experiences expressed here match mine, it's amazing.
I relished the NY Times article link posted here and will share it with whoever I can.
I am going to start trying some techniques now including:
praying to God for strength, control & ultimately HEALING
not focusing on the sound
focusing on something else
deep breathing.
I will keep you posted. Peace to you all.

Feb 06, 2013
by: Anonymous

Like many others, I've struggled with this for years and not known what to do about it. I honestly thought I was the most evil, selfish, horrible person alive. Then one day, in desperation after a crunching-induced meltdown, I googled something along the lines of "why does chewing make me insane". And lo and behold...I found link after link about Misophonia, with the symptoms exactly matching my feelings. I have other sensitivity/sensory issues, and cry very easily, but that day, I cried tears of joy, just to know that I wasn't ALONE. That I wasn't completely despicable. I wouldn't wish this condition on my worst enemy, and I'm sorry that so many other people struggle with it, but it is such a comfort reading these comments.

Know this: If you are trying to find one thing, just ONE good thing about having Misophonia, this is it -- By having Misophonia, you will help all other people who also have it. Just by being someone who KNOWS. Someone who knows what you mean when you describe that particular atrocious folding noise that a chip makes when your mom places it in her mouth, whole. Someone who will not feel the need to lock you up when you say "My brother...he...he BREATHES! ALL DAY LONG! And he won't QUIT!" Someone who totally gets it when you cry over the banana-chompers, the yogurt-munchers, the soup-slurpers, the Darth Vader-breathers, and the dry-sniffers.

I am 17. I have had Misophonia since I was 12 (it started with my dad itching his stubbly chin). I've only gotten worse, with more and more trigger sounds. But there is hope. Somewhere, for all of us, there is HOPE. And it starts here, when we realize that we are not alone.

Feb 05, 2013
by: Anonymous

I have this issue too! And, my co-worker in the next cubicle makes me want to strangle her! Constantly clearing her throat, making clicking and sucking sounds while she eats, being on the phone for hours at a time, smacking her gum, complaining about her work load but not pulling her weight.... On second thought, it's probably her and not me! :P But, I get extremely annoyed with repetitive, disruptive noises. I can feel the anger well up in me. Headphones help, but I don't want to have to listen to music all day, and I have to answer questions a lot. So, the headphones can't be worn all of the time. I've been here at work for only an hour, and I'm already irritated!!!!!

Feb 01, 2013
I'm another one....
by: Amy

To the person who wrote "I'm another one" on Dec 18th, well written. Exactly how I feel, made me laugh too:)

Jan 31, 2013
Response to gum venting
by: Tina

To the latest post, I totally understand how you must have felt at the gym. I just don't understand how people continually feel the need to chew gum with their mouth open, let alone click and pop it! If someone was chewing food with their mouth open and clicking and popping it, we would find that to be disgusting. It is no different!! I don't mind whan someone chews gum with their mouth closed and I don't hear it, that is someone showing manners. I have this gum issue with my sister. When I see her, that's the first thing I look at, to see if she has gum in her mouth. She chews gum with her mouth open, I find it repulsive. I have shared this site with her, to help explain I am not the only one who feels that way. She kind of makes fun of me, but she does oblige and spit it out. Then, I'm happy to be around her. If she doesn't spit it out, I am very irritated and I don't enjoy my experience.

One more quick story. I had a friend in college whom I was roommates with, and she would chew gum and click it. It drove me nuts, and back then, I had no idea others were like me. When we graduated from college I let our friendship die, b/c I didn't want to listen to the gum clicking. I suppose I should have shared my concern with her, but I thought she would think I was crazy. How can we teach people to keep their mouth shut when chewing gum???!!!

P.S. I don't buy gum and I don't chew it myself!! Personally, I don't get why people do, who wants to gnaw on something continually like that???

Jan 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

So, just a quick moment to let off some steam…I go to the gym last night to do my spin class. I pick a bike that has no one on either side; I like my space if possible. So far so good, THEN…this girl comes in and although there are numerous bikes not being used she has to sit next to me. Okay, not that big of a deal…UNTIL, I am getting in to my workout, things are going great, and then I hear it…a clicking sound. I keep looking around trying to figure out what it is. Then I realize, it’s the disgusting girl next to me. Apparently she can’t chew gum with her mouth closed and her chewing must be accompanied by annoying pops and cracks. I can feel my blood start to boil. How is it I can hear her robotic chewing and popping over the music, how can she not hear herself!! So, I just pedaled faster and harder my body fueled and energized with rage. I will never forget her face and I will make sure I never sit near her again if it can be helped

Jan 30, 2013
Alone but not alone.
by: SieSie

I just turned 15 but this has been going on for awhile. i hate it all, the noises i feel like they are in my brain all the time now and im always mad that my face is starting to hurt. I told my brother about this and he thinks im being stupid. i haven't spoken to my parents yet but then again i don't want to go around them a lot because of the noise.
I'm glad i can express what i feel on here.

Jan 23, 2013
NY Times article
by: Anonymous

Some of you have probably seen this already, I think it's useful to show someone close to you who doesn't understand. I particularly like the part about it not being our choice to be like this.

Jan 23, 2013
re: Solutions?
by: Anonymous

Dear annoying husband;
Marriage is a two-way street so the solution needs to be a team solution, not just her "fixing" herself. Perhaps you are just being really annoying, have you considered that? Or, perhaps there's a big elephant in the room, a larger issue, and all of these little things are just a symptom? Either way, the first step is to realize this is not just her being "uptight", this is real, and you are just as responsible for "fixing" it as she is. I know that with my co-worker's pen clicking habit I felt MUCH better when I could talk to her about it and clear the air, we even had some jokes about it. I also pointed out some of my weird behaviour so that we could laugh at that too. (We ALL have annoying habits after all.) She even said, "Was I doing that? At Toastmasters they told me to stop that." (See, I wasn't the only one that found this totally annoying.) Sometimes just facing the fact that we annoy the hell out of each other, and laughing about it, takes a lot of the tension out of the situation. We are only human after all. Admit that you did something annoying, make fun of yourself, allow her to talk openly about it. Whether you agree with me or not, believe this, the more she tries to bottle it up and keep it to herself the worse she will get and the more "evil-eye" you will get!

Jan 23, 2013
My fellow Comrades!
by: Anonymous

Imagine my surprise when I found this site and realized that; not only am I NOT alone, but it seems that the words you all are typing came directly from my mind! It probably wasn’t a good idea to read the comments from work as I am laughing uncontrollably and actually have tears in my eyes. Not only is this stuff hilarious because I know EXACTLY how you feel but I am overwhelmed with a sense of relief. I was seriously considering going to therapy and divulging all my dirty little secrets. Like most of you I feel ashamed and that I am just a crazy intolerable person. I thought I just had super sensitive hearing and that somewhere OCD must play a part in what I felt was a very personal disorder. I felt that if I saw a therapist they would just think I was a narcissistic crazy woman! Some of you mention noticing sounds as early as 8 or 9. I can’t remember exactly when this all began but I can say that it does get worse the older I get. There are two distinct things that stand out to me from my childhood. One is my younger sister used to eat chips out of the bag and then suck the remnants from her finger and then stick those same damp and licked fingers BACK into the bag!! The second is I can remember my Dad slurping his coffee and eating his breakfast while noisily breathing through his nose. When I was a kid those things annoyed me but didn’t evoke those feelings of rage and anger that they do today. I can also remember having issues in college mostly if the room was quiet for a test. Forget about it! Between the loud breathers, the damn sniffers, the pencil tappers, the pen clickers, and the foot tappers it was all I could do to keep my sanity. I am amazed that I got through college and graduated with almost a 4.0.

Now that I am a bona-fide grown up of 28 the work place presents a unique torture opportunity. CUBICLES!!!! They are tiny prison cells where we are all mercilessly tortured by our co workers! And sometimes headphones don’t do the trick! I sit next to my boss who pretty much snacks and eats at her desk ALL. DAY. LONG! I could go on for days so I will wrap it up. Now that I found others like me  I can vent when I need to!

Jan 22, 2013
Co-worker's coughing back!!
by: Sarah

I just had a nice 3 day weekend off, and I come to work and my co-worker's cough is back!! He just had a 4 week cough stint, got over it, not it's back. I find myself getting angrier by the minute. I even keep track and make little slash marks, just to know how many times I'm getting assaulted during the day, and that's what it feels like, it's right in my ear! I'll even clear my throat and mimic him, hoping he gets the hint. It may tick him off, but what about me?? The thing that ticks me off is he doesn't drink anything or suck on cough drops. I've complained to my supervisor, but he claims there is nothing they can do, they say that can't say anything to him b/c it's again HIPPA rules, which is BS. Also, who knows what he has...if he is sick he should STAY AT HOME!! No one wants to listen to that all day!! People are so inconsiderate!! I guess I need to prepare myself for another long stint. Very frustrating...just had to vent to you all b/c I know you understand. Thanks!!

Jan 21, 2013
Not just me?!!!!!
by: Anonymous

I have dealt with this for as long as I can remember. Sighing, constant coughing, silverware clinking on a bowl or plate and snoring. First I think oh God it's starting. Then I try to ignore it. That never works. Then I get annoyed. Then comes the anger that turns to rage. Finally when it stops I feel shame and bad about myself for getting so upset sometimes even at someone I love deeply. But I cannot help it. It is out of my control. I have tried everything and the only thing that works is physically leaving the area. Well I still don't know what to do about it but a huge weight has been lifted just knowing I'm not the only one dealing with it.

Jan 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

To Solutions????? What I do, and it seems to help most of the time--I ask God to help get me through the noise(s) I can not stand. It's amazing how you can be 'less' infuriated when you put your mind to something else. Start thinking about something else, pray(doesn't have to be a long one) before the annoying noise gets the best of you. If you see it coming(the noise)you can also leave the room or get on your computer, put on headphones and turn on the music or play a game. Now, if I am out in public--I still pray for control, and I will engage in concentrating on what I am doing--shopping, having a conversation with someone or telling MYSELF(silently)it is only temporary. If you work and can walk out of the office or area your in, it is probably better to do so. I have also told my partner about the noises he makes and how they really annoy me--at first he didn't pay attention to me, but when I told him about this site, and explained to him that his noises nearly bring to tears, he has actually begun to try and be quieter. Still scrapes the dish, but quietly. I have to remind him occassionally. I realize we can't always ask the person who is making the noise to stop, so that's when we have to tell ourselves "I can't control anyone else, but I can control how I react to their behavior." Hope this helps.

Jan 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am on the other side of this coin. I, unfortunately for my wife, am the one who "breathes loudly" or "cleans my teeth". So far, all I see is people who agree that they deal with this affliction too, but I haven't seen anyone offer suggestions on how to overcome it. Please, what do you do to help deal with it, and get on with your life (besides giving your husband the evil-eye).

Jan 17, 2013
by: Anonymous

OMGGGGGG I am 14 and I have a problem when someone is making a repetative noise. Example: Tapping their pencil on the desk, moving their feet, chewing loudly. I CAN'T DEAL WITH IT!!! The other day a kid was moving his feet against a plastic bag and he wouldnt stop so I asked him to or else I would of gone crazy. My dad stomps on the ground because he doesn't know how to just walk normally(haha) and it makes me insane!!!! I honestly can't take it

Jan 17, 2013
Eating loudly..ALL DAY
by: Anonymous

I share an office with someone who eats ALL DAY...and only crunchy things in ceramic or glass dishes with metal cutlery as far as I can tell. Honestly it is affecting me badly at this point. I'm fine when I arrive but within an hour I'm a livid, nervous wreck. It starts in the morning with something that is idea what it is..some kind of bar thing. Lunch starts at about 11am and ends at like 2pm. First we have the crunchy carrots and apples. Then we heat our bowl of food. Then the fun really begins. Slurp, clang clang, slurp clang, rattle bang bang slurp slurp...clink clink clink slurrrrrrrp. After that we start on the yogurt. It is in a plastic container and I honestly don't know how you can eat it noisily..believe me, I tried at home and couldn't even manange to be remotely loud. She stirs it furiously for AGES, takes a slurp, stirs again for AGES, slurp. Rattles the spoon against the side continuously. The slurping, clinking, and banging drive me insane. I try to not react but sometimes I do have to leave. It's not just me. Visitors to my office and made comments later on when I haven't even mentioned it.

Jan 17, 2013
Humming, singing, LOUD laughter
by: Anonymous

i've also been sensitive to certain noises, however as i'm getting older i feel its getting worse.

I work in a small office with 5 people, this is where my problems start for the day. Certain colleagues take turn about in singing and humming, this makes me feel angry, upset and anxious, i start to feel hot and i just feel i want to shout at them, i've raised it with them and said i can't concentrate as i zone in on it, however the response i got was "it means we are just happy when we are singing", what can i do, great, they are happy, but they are making my life a misery at work. I came across your page, so tried my ipod, this helped for the first 4 days, now i can hear them over my ipod, i'm sure they are doing this on purpose. i feel tormnented.

Other noises that affect me are exceptionally loud laugther, it goes right through me and i get angry, people speaking loudy, people chewing gum, my husband has to spit it out if he forgets. If i'm in a small confined space and people are having different conversations it becomes muffled and i can't concentrate so feel i have to escape.

At home i'm not too bad, however a constant barking dog would annoy me and i will start to feel anxious.

i've made an appointment with a DR and they have referred to get some help as i feel so grumpy at times and feel happy most of the time, but this noise problem is taking over.

glad i'm not the only one, this is why i thought i would share my story.

Jan 15, 2013
Here's another one
by: Anonymous

Just like everyone else on here I am very agitated by eating, breathing, bass music...can not stand the yogurt cup scrapping either, but no one has mentioned this one...sometimes my husbands gets a frog in his throat and continues to just talk like it's not there...I WISH he would take the time to clear his throat!

Jan 07, 2013
Omg, I found someone like me.
by: Anonymous

I am so glad that I found this page. I always thought that I was insane for feeling like that.
I get the feeling of rage too, like I just want to smack the heck out of that person. It is a good thing that I can control myself.
My upstairs neighbors are driving me insane. It's like they are running a marathon there, all day, all the time. The walls are not that thin but it always feels like someone is in the other room not upstairs.

Eating, chewing or anything related to that. I just can't stand it. I can't go to a restaurant , I can hear other people chewing and the sound that the plates and forks and stuff make, I can't stand it.
I can't eat in a room that is quiet, if I can hear myself eat, it even irritates me.
Loud tv or music, oh my goosh, my ears are bleeding if I have to hear it.
I'm always with my headphones on, if I know I can't control the situation I put my earphones on and listen to music. 'cause sometimes you can't say to a person that, you know what, I wanna kill you.
And actually there are a lot of sounds that irritate me but the list would be too long but these are the main things that I have to deal with everyday.
Sometimes I feel like that I need to go live in an isolated island or something. This is awful, I can't say that I hate people but I hate the sounds that people make, they should have a mute button on them, ohh, that would be cool. :D

Jan 04, 2013
I knew it wasn't just me! :)
by: Mike

Spoiler: TL;DR

The biggest one for me has got to be gratuitous slurpers. Good bleeping god man! If it's that hot put some tap water in it!

The newest geico gecko commercial with that little green !$#@ slurping twice. And the 2nd one is actually louder and (purposely it seems) more obnoxious than the first! GAAA!!! I now have to instantly change the channel before I ape out and break my TV.

Oh yeah, same for the kit kat crunch-mmm-crunch insanity. The channel must be changed! (Sure I could mute it, but then how would the satanic commercial producers ever figure out that their commercials suck. 8D )

Definitely misophonia and (if the theory is correct) sourced in the fact that while growing up my father was the most disgusting human being alive. Slurping (every-single-thing), smacking, endless pointless sighing, tooth-sucking, sneezing so loud that every damn thing in the room gets startled, and to top it off constant farting from the second he walked in the door. I used to just about quake with rage at this madness (yeah yeah, pot and kettle and all that ;) ).

Wow. This was the first time that I've ever vented about any of this. I feel like it's easier to breathe now! My most sincere gratitude to everyone involved in this. Feeling like a weirdo can be isolating.

Incidentally, to the person who wondered about an ADHD connection early in the thread: I don't have that to deal with but I was diagnosed (by 3 different docs cause the folks just couldn't believe it) with tourette's syndrome at age 6. It's neurological in nature as well.

Dec 20, 2012
The worst chewing gum
by: Anonymous

I just can take it anymore!! is a coworker that chew gum all day, make noises 11all the time. Eat like a pig making noises every time that she take a bite!!

Dec 18, 2012
I'm another one
by: Anonymous

I've dealt with this all my life, I have excellent hearing and when taking piano I could often play by ear etc. I think anxiety does play a role however because if I am really relaxed and happy almost nothing will bother me. This "issue" has distracted me and prevented me from doing everything from taking an exam (class mate is sniffing through the whole exam oh god make him stop!) to enjoying a good performance (wtf is with that guy's nose whistle can he not HEAR himself??). Lately though the big issue is with my co-worker, nearly two years of being constantly annoyed, and like many have expressed these noises are so unbearable that it makes me feel not just annoyance but RAGE, and sometimes I have to walk away just to escape her never-ending cornucopia of irritating noises. My other co workers that are close to me don't annoy me like she does, not even close, it really is just HER. I'm going to be self-indulgent and list her offenses.

-yawning every 30 seconds, loudly (yes I timed them) a loud "eeeyowwww" noise EVERY time
-sighing, almost as often, like the world is annoying HER
-talking way too fast using made up words then SLURPING as she inhales so she can spew out some more nonsense
-loudly eating a banana, bananas don't make noise! how does she do it!?
-scraping the yogurt container with her plastic spoon furiously, gotta get every last bit you know!
- LICKING envelopes, yes every day, many times a day, this is not only unhealthy but it sounds just gross
- clicking her pen furiously when she is on the phone, I have fantasized about switching all of her pens to ones with caps instead.
-saying the word "awesome" to just about everything, but it's not awesome, it's AWW SUM when she says it. caught myself saying it a few times and wanted to punch myself.
-when she does use the envelope sticky thing instead of licking, she must rub each envelope a few times just to make sure it stuck, seriously? once really is enough
-crinkling a bag of something, I don't even know wtf it is because when I go around the corner I can't see how anything on her desk could make that much noise, what TALENT she has!
- crunching apples or whatever, it's great that she's losing weight, really it is, but of course it means she is eating nice fresh crunchy foods ALL DAY LONG, but I'm happy for her, really I am, now if I could just manage to not smash her face in she will look great in no time.

It has disturbed me for a long time when I think about how simple tiny noises make me feel instant, homicidal, RAGE. Not annoyed, not creeped out, just pure "I want to hurt you" RAGE. Meanwhile, I'll keep going for walks each time I want to smash her face through her monitor, and I really don't think I can go to the movie theatre any more either, someone's gonna get hurt if I do (just kidding...but come on...)

Dec 10, 2012
So I'm not alone...
by: Anonymous

OMG. I'm home. And I'm not alone. So there really are others who suffer from noises like I do. I was beginning to think I've got OCD or some sort of dementia. Here are a few on my list...tapping on keyboards especially with long fingernails (big one), gum cracking, whispering on golf/hunting shows (have to leave the room), sniffing (will ya blow your nose already??), stabbing food with a fork so hard the bowl/plate is ready to break,and loud eating. My husband chomps on a banana or ice cream so hard I can hear his teeth hitting. I can't stand to watch/listen to him chew his fingernails or scratch. And a supervisor at work has asthma and snorts/swallows ALL day long. He doesn't do it when we're in his office, but when he's alone, he snorts constantly. As if we can't hear him! I have to turn on a radio station on my computer or leave the room. I've actually hollered to him from my office about his snorting...would a glass of water help?? No luck! It goes on and on and on. I'll be back to read more from others who are going bonkers from morons who don't care that there are others around them.

Nov 27, 2012
Thank God--I'm not crazy after all!
by: Anonymous

I am sooo happy to see others have the same problems I do with certain sounds--snapping gum,scuffing shoes while walking, ice crunching, carrot/celery crunching, dish/bowl scraping, KIT KAT commercials, Harley bikes and any loud pipes on vehicles, screeching children, loud TVs and car stereos. These noises and others can literally make me become murderous, or at least ready to punch someone. A lot of this comes from being raised NOT to do many of these things--manners!!! Of course loud pipes and screeching children were not part of my manners training. I also feel that the older I get the more sensitive I am to certain sounds and it's really a good thing I can control myself in certain situations. I'm real good at giving the "evil eye" to people who make these sounds. Especially gum snappers!!!

Nov 22, 2012
I'm not the only one!
by: Anonymous

Wow I have had the same problem for as long as I can remember. Yes, the sound of chewing and sniffing annoys me more than most people but the sound I hate the most is, the scratching of those PICTURES THAT CHANGE PICTURE WHEN YOU MOVE THEM, they are on the front of kids books on cards, basically everywhere. I can't describe what I feel when i hear that, when it is continuous I can't help but cry. It makes me feel so terrible and so uneasy. My family finds it funny to do it on purpose because they don't understand. I have been called many things, the most common; drama queen. I'm just so glad I am not the only one.

Nov 16, 2012
and i thought i lived in bazarro land
by: anonymous

I'm glad this forum exists, i can't take it when shoes are worn in the house after be schlepped around in the streets, can't stand the sound of any car alarms,i just want to take a baseball bat and knock the crap out of the car and the owner, any type of mechanical noises like trash trucks,yard blowers,loud obnoxious talking and laughter aaargh! i live in an apartment 2nd floor can hear the person below me stomp so loud and its constant, neighbors that slam the hell out of their apartment doors to the point my windows rattle, the words baby bump, diva,dude, bro.,and the word "like" whitch seems to be used and abused and this is just to name a few things that make me want to go postal.

Oct 30, 2012
Plastic Bags/Food Wrappers
by: Anonymous

I just read a bunch of these and I must vent as well.

First of all, I think what many of us are describing is misophonia, the disorder characterized by irrational irritation to certain sounds.

Anywho, I sit next to this guy at work as we're all in cubicles. As I'm typing this I want to scream, knock him out, or cry because of his god damn chip bag that he's reaching into at all hours of the day, nonstop. Every day. And my earphones don't even drown out all the sounds. When I get a snack, I pour the contents into a cup or pour them on a napkin so I don't have to reach into a plastic bag. I wish he would do the same. The other thing he does is he's always eating fast food, so he gets out all his freaking tacos or McDonald's breakfast items and crumples that light food wrapper paper, every day. I wish he could just bring something in a Tupperware container like I do. But that brings up another person who sits behind me who brings breakfast in a glass dish every day and scrapes the freaking spoon all around the dish, really fast and loudly. That's enough to make me want to cry also.

Another thing that has started to become unbearable lately is the sound of people's spit, and swallowing on radio programs. Dan Savage on his podcast is particularly disgustingly irritating at times (though I adore him and his show). I have to flip off what I'm listening to or I'll punch something. Ugh. I hate being so annoyed at these things. It's not really annoyance. It's complete rage, like I need to take a violent action or things will not be okay. Hopefully this gets better, though I've had it all my life (with family members eating) so I doubt it will.

Oct 26, 2012
Ice eaters
by: Janet

Eating ice all the time means that someone is anemic. That person needs to see their doctor and find out how anemic they are. Different medications (Slow Fe, etc.) are good medications that can help as well as adding certain foods to the diet.
Sorry, no cure for whining. Being anemic and tired all the time MIGHT be part of the whining problem though.

Oct 26, 2012
How about those that make noises on purpose, just to annoy you?
by: Anonymous

Let us not forget those who make those ridiculous LOUD noises-PURPOSELY.
Then they swear they were just grunting or clearing their throat, whatever.
Real nice huh?
Yeah I totally understand.I don't know whats worse: The noises or the deception of the fact that they try to put it back on you.

Oct 26, 2012
tone of voice or accent that makes me cringe
by: Anonymous

I crawl in my skin when i hear that hopper tv recorder commercial the accent drives me nuts. i want to waste grampr and his sons! joe pesci's accent in goodfellas and the guy in sopranos drive me insane. Or the delivery guy for jimmy johns subs. Enough of the MAFIA LINGO! Florida is becomming Florence.

Oct 22, 2012
Response to Weewa
by: Sarah

Hi Weewa, thanks for responding. Yes, there are a couple of co-workers that are distracted as well. Fortunately they have duties that they get to leave the office quite often, I'm stuck here all day. Also, I'm one that will say something, instead of letting things build up. It doesn't matter that me and others are distracted, I was told we can't say anything to him. My supervisor is just trying to avoid the subject and deal with it. I understand that people cough, but all I'm asking is for he do something to help control it!! I can't stand when I have a cough, I'm drinking water all day, sucking on cough drops all day, most wouldn't even know I had a cough! I'm just being respectful of others! Hopefully it goes away soon. I feel for you and others who have to listen to this as well. It's okay to tell me to where ear plugs, yet it's not okay to suggest he do something to control it. Where is the logic in that???

Oct 22, 2012
The coughing, chronically asthmatic smoker
by: Weewa

Sarah, I work in a small college library and have the pleasure of listening to a student hack her guts out on a regular basis. She is a smoker, has asthma, and just doesn't get it. The sound is extremely penetrating and people around her are constantly being distracted.

\Does anyone else in your department feel the way you do about it? Maybe it would be easier if you have an ally.

Oct 22, 2012
Coughing at work
by: Sarah

I have this co-worker who sits in a cube next to me, who gets a cough every year. I can see someone having a cough, it usually goes away. However, when this guy gets one, it goes on for 6 weeks, ALL DAY LONG, like every 1-2 minutes. It is so distracting! It started last week AGAIN. He doesn't drink anything or suck on cough drops to help relieve. This last week I said something to my supervisor about it, and I even emailed the guy (in a nice way) about doing something about it, like drink water, suck on cough drops. To make a long story short, I was told today by the supervisor that they and I can't say anything to him about it, b/c it's a medical issue. I say that's BS!! What is wrong with suggesting he do something?? It's like they don't care if I get distracted all day. What about my emotional well being? They tell me I need to cope with it. Any suggestions?

Oct 22, 2012
Sensitive to particular noises
by: Yasmin H.

•For the people who pop there gum, it’s like didn’t your mother told you how to chew gum!!!
•When someone is starting a new sentence and they have to make a noise with their teeth and saliva. That drives me crazy. Why can someone just talk without making a noise!!!!
•I also when people talk and you can hear there flem in the throat. It’s like do something!!!

Oct 20, 2012
I thought it was just me!
by: emmi

For me, it's bass / drum beat. I live in a city and can tolerate a lot of noise, but for some reason, my entire adult life, I have been ultra-sensitive to bass and/or drum beat. Thump, thump, thump - it's enough to drive me mad! I just moved into a new place and my neighbor's stereo bass - which started at 7:30 a.m. - has upset me tremendously. I'm sure it's at a level where others wouldn't think twice about it, but for me, it's awful. I was tempted to go downstairs and ask my neighbors to shut it off, but I stopped myself because I'm not sure if it's just me - perhaps being intolerant of something perfectly reasonable.

Oct 19, 2012
soft sounds that cause rage
by: paul from ormond bach

nice to know im not the only one that cant stand the kit kat commercial! I also cant stand the sound of people tapping on keyboards,ice dropping in a cup,have to sit a mile away from machine at restaurants. people shaking sugar packets,the sound of a mouse clicking,ice water,soda beer being poured into a glass. Even the coke/budweiser commercials drive me nuts.People in class flipping through their textbooks/rustling papers.How do you tell your mother that when she crunches on a piece of celery or pepper or eats granola cereal that you want to literaly kill her to stop the sound.What is so amazing is outside loud noises dont bother me.let me know if anybody else gets iiritated by these sounds. God help us all!

Oct 11, 2012
Co-Worker clearing his throat
by: Anonymous

I am going crazy! My co-worker clears his throat every 10-15 SECONDS. Our cubicles don't have dividers, and everything anyone says or does in the department can be heard by everyone. Another thing that drives me nuts is when the co-worker across from me eats lunch. Every day he has a pickle or potato chips that make a disgusting crunching sound when he eats them. I work with the most backstabbing, ass sniffing bunch ever; so if I complain, it won't do any good. When our department moved, I was seated right in front of the manager's office so she can keep an eye on me. It's a living hell, and these noises are about to push me over the edge. Thanks for allowing me to vent!

Oct 10, 2012
The Combo from hell
by: Anonymous

The co-worker in the cubicle next to me begins each morning with a giant cup of ice, and then begins to chomp on throughtout the morning. I swear it sounds like rocks in a blender! Top if off with her constant whining about EVERYTHING and you have my day in a nutshell.....which can't be far from the nut house where I'll be soon. Thanks for a space to vent.

Oct 08, 2012
Im not crazy after all....
by: Chris K

Im so glad I found this site. For the past year or so I have not been able to tolerate certain sounds. I thought I was nuts because everytime one of my kids coughs it irritates the crap out of me. It always seems so loud & scares me. I cant stand to hear my daughter eat chips or crunch ice & I hate to hear my oldest son eat cereal because he constantly slurps the milk off the spoon. Im always telling my kids to be quiet when they chew & to use their manners. Geez I can't stand the noises its drives me bonkers lol. Glad to hear there are so many other people out there with the same problem.

Oct 03, 2012
I'm not the only one!!
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad i found this website and I know I'm not the only one who can't STAND it when someone chronically sniffs. It started when I was mom has a tic and I do everything in my power to NOT tell her to stop. I notice her sniffing tic increases if she's nervous or anxious. Other kids in school seem oblivious to their runny noses and the worst was when i would take a test. Dead quiet with about 40 kids sniffing a damn choir. What I found that helped is industrial strength ear plugs.

Another sound I can't stand is someone breathing through every orifice in their face. Case in point, my boyfriend's older brother. It feels like I'm the only who who wants to tell him, "Dammit, can't you just breathe quietly like a normal human being?!"

I don't know how to describe his breathing it sounds like he's making an effort in his exhalations. Good god I just want to tell him to quit it.

Sep 30, 2012
Voice tone irritation
by: Anonymous

Has anyone found the tone of someone's voice makes them cringe. I have a family member who's voice almost makes me physically ill. Her mother and daughter have the same tone and have the same affects on me. I find by the end of our visit, I have developed a headache and feel the need to keep excusing myself to get away from the sound. Am I nuts or does anyone else have these feelings. I feel so bad, because we are a close family. My husband agrees she does have a montone, irritating voice but it doesn't affect him like it does me. He says, just ignore her. Wish it were that easy!!

Sep 25, 2012
No you are definitely not alone
by: Anonymous

I am often chastized for my intolerance, impatience and rude comments made to those around me. While I do admit that I could escape most of those situations, I am compelled to ask "why?" why should I move or leave? why can't they just stop! 'NOT LOGICAL!' I will say that once you get that rage out of you and the situation passes, I have found that by confronting the situation (not being confrontational, mean, dimunitive or hurtful) most loved ones truly understand and will do what they can to mitigate the trigger. I am not a doc just sharing what has worked for me. When all else fails I pretty much do what folks do, and that is to go to my private place and let it out! I can cry and yell with the best of them. I pray a lot and I do my share of apologizing to those that don't understand. Hang in there! keep on posting and you would be surprised how therapeutic it really is. Blessings!!!

Sep 25, 2012
I finally feel normal
by: Anonymous

Since I was a little kid I have been told by everyone that I was intolerant. I tried to suppress every disgust and annoyance I felt, which obviously did not work. I normally just go into the bathroom and scream into a towel or grind my teeth to get the frustration out. I also feel like crying at times when I can't make the noises stop.

Like so many people here, I can't stand noises like slurping, sneezing, coughing, eating noises, ice chewing etc -however they only bother me if they are made by humans.) But biggest one, that no one has mentioned here for me is Burping!!! My Mother in Law has a condition that makes her burp ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!! I hate it!!!! But I have to live with it, and can't even avoid like other sounds because I don't know when it's coming!
All this time I just thought I was being intolerant, and all these years I never thought there would be others like me. Since my in laws are living with us for a while, I was starting to feel suffocated with all the anger I was holding in every time they slurped, burped, sneezed etc. so decided to google it--so glad I did!!!

Sep 24, 2012
Noise Sensitivity
by: AnonymousDebbie

I've ordered a hypnosis cd to help me cope with
my husband's throat clearing. It's been going on
now for about 8 years, and I don't have hardly
any joy in my life. The tape is for noise sensitivity. It was put together by 4 of the best
hypnotists around. I was told by my Dr. to try it, and I intend to. It's suggested that you listen to it for 30 days at first. If it doesn't
work, they will give you your money back. They claim that after some time, you don't notice the
noises that bother you. I sure hope it works! I will get back to you and let you know.

Sep 23, 2012
OMG, this is me!
by: Anonymous

I never knew there was a word for this condition. I have often wondered why my child's cough irritates me so much that I feel I am going mad with the stress. Or anyone's cough for that matter. Also nail biting, fingerpicking, sniffing etc. I am sort of relieved to realise it is a recognised condition and I am not alone. Just wish I could do something about it. I do have anxiety disorder as well so it kind of fits the picture. Thank you for this helpful website.

Sep 21, 2012
Boar's Head and the Talking Head
by: Weeza

There's a commercial on the radio for Boar's Head deli meats. The man who hawks it has a gravelly, throat-cancerous deep voice and certain pronunciations of his drive me insane. He talks about Chipotle chicken: "Chi-ppppppp-ote-lllllleee" with heavy emphasis on the P's and L's. OMG!!! I have to mute the radio whenever he comes on. Also, I have a LOUD coworker who refers to a social security number as "your SOASH" She says it repeatedly throughout the day while helping people access their accounts. Urg! And then there's her need to say "it's all good!", "precisely", and "no doubt" ad nauseam. Just. Shoot. Me.

Sep 21, 2012
by: Anita

I too have been a victim of this noise intolerance. Hearing people breathing, people eating loudly besides us, crying children, barking animals, metal being scraped on metal? Cutlery touching teeth... We need to speak up and tell those that are causing the distress to be compasdionate to our condition as it is very uncomfortable. We need to educate the masses. It is up to us now to make a difference! We can speak up, for we all began here!

Sep 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

I hate is when people scratch their back or their hands. That noice irratates me so much. I also hate it when people type on the keyboard alot. That irratates me. Also, when someone coughs or sneezes its soooooo irratating.

Sep 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

The lady in front of my cubicle has been tearing paper, crushing boxes, counting change, opening and closing the damn cabinets, dorking around with the potato chip bags, clicking HER DAMN PEN!,Clicking her mouse, the pounding of the keys on her keyboard get louder and louder by the minute! OH MY GOODNESS I WANT TO PHYSICALLY HURT HER!!!!!, please someone say something to ease this inner rage and anxiety. Please God help me work through this. I want to yell at the top of my lungs, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 20, 2012
Another thing...
by: Anonymous

I love my dog!! But when she's drinking out of the water dish, slurp, licking sound, and when she is crunching on her dog food drives me totally insane too! I feel like a terrible pet parent!

Sep 16, 2012
by: Caytie

There are 4 Types of sound sensitivity and they are Hyperacusis, Recruitment, Hypersensitive Hearing, and Phonophobia / Misophonia. What you most likely have is Misophonia which is when you dislike a sound, no matter the volume, like the sound of people eating, smacking their lips, sniffing, the sound of certain consonants like p, s, or t, and repetitive sounds.

Treatments like Tinnitus Retraining Therapy may help, but the treatment is usually not covered by insurance, so it will cost around $3000 to $4000 depending on the clinician.

Sep 13, 2012
i'm the exact same way!!
by: Anonymous

OMG, I thought I was the only person that was like this! I have two people on either side of me at work that snap their gum. It makes my skin crawl and I have to put on my headphones. One of them also is constantly eating at her desk, so I'm always hearing lids popping off containers, spoons scraping against them and the worst is when she bites into carrots, it sounds like gum snapping! Then there's one girl who sounds like Minnie Mouse on helium and also has the most annoying laugh you could ever imagine - makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up! Someone also mentioned that Kit Kat commercial - how annoying is that? I have to mute the TV when it comes on. Someone else mentioned neighbors with kids screaming in the pool and such - I hear ya there too. I hate when the kid across the street plays basketball - that sound of the ball bouncing drives me insane!

Sep 11, 2012
by: Michael

My condition is the same as all of you, except i also have a TERRIBLE RAGE when i hear the word "basically"! So I am affected by 90% of sounds and a few words.I also have OCD. I actually HIT my head everytime i hear an unpleasant sound or word. IT HAS MY LIFE A LIVING HELL!I've had this condition since 1992.

Good Luck to everyone who has this Dilemma.I wish you all the best!

Sep 11, 2012
by: Weeza

I am reading the comments from Sarah, thinking "That's me!" My husband says I can hear grass grow. I hate hearing TVs through the wall. (As I am typing this at my library job, there is some JERK with the stereo on so LOUD in his car that the bass is shaking the floor inside my building.)

We moved from our last house to another TOWN because I couldn't take the noise from the renters in the house next door: 3 little girls screaming in the pool all day, dog barking, parents yelling, etc. I would literally pray for rain so they wouldn't be outside.

Sep 11, 2012
Response to Hearing Post
by: Sarah

Someone recently posted that maybe our hearing is bionic. Probably so, I've been told by people close to me that I have supersonic hearing. I've always been able to hear really well. When my husband has the TV on at a normal level to him, it seems loud to me. I can't pick up the high pitched sounds, but I can pick up low pitched sounds, like bass, even when my husband can't hear it from somewhere. Sometimes the bass annoys me from our TV. It also annoys me when I can hear a TV from another room through the wall. My husband likes to play video games downstairs, but I make him wear headphones. Otherwise it would drive me nuts. Luckily he knows my sensitivity, and does it. It freaked me out when he wanted to move in with me when we were dating, b/c I wasn't going to be able to control my sound environment. I clearly let him know about my sensitivity, and he's willing to put up with it b/c he married me. I'm lucky b/c he's easy going, and he's willing to work with me.

Sep 11, 2012
by: ME

Oh I loathe that kit Kat commercial also!! I posted earlier about hating mowers, chainsaws vaccines!! It's amazing how it makes me so annoyed! It's like it makes my muscles itch!! Does anybody else cringe at forks scraping on plates!? U friend sharpened his butcher knife by rubbing it on a textured steel blade... I thought I was going to shrivel up while I tried not to cringe! I love music, oddly, I am a pianist. But the sound of a saxophone makes me want to punch people! I know that is weird!

Sep 10, 2012
Maddening gum snappers
by: Rhino Al

Noises don't really bother me....gum snapping/ poppping almost takes me over the top though. It's like another person takes over me. Ihate that sound with a passion. Unfortunately my wife chews and It can turn a great time to a crappy time. I end up finding excuses to get out of the room and out of ear shot of that maddening din!

Sep 10, 2012
One last thing, Our hearing????
by: Anonymous

After posting my comment I began to wonder how many of us have bionic ears? i have always heard noises others can't line high pitched sound old dryers made, and things that bother my dogs bother me as well and I can hear people whisper across the house and it amazes family members that I can hear things so well and I wonder if this be a connection?? I listen to my music and TV on low where most everyone else blasts theirs! Just a thought!

Sep 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

I too thought I was crazy because I can not remember a time when the sounds of someone crunching ice or something similar did not drive me up the wall and I speed to mute button when Kit kat bar commercial comes on...makes me feel like my skin is crawling and also makes me cringe in disgust and I never knew why and never told anyone and the other thing that simply enrages me is hearing material rubbing together, makes me want to murder someone, but just knowing there are others like me is a huge relief!

Finding and reading comments on this sight has helped more then most would know, so thanks to whomever started it!

Sep 05, 2012
by: AimeeJo

Ok...So it isn't just me. Horray. Sometimes I could go completly insane from high pitched noises. Kids whining, teapot screaming, forks scraping a plate, train whistle blowing. It is particularly worse when there is a combination of noises occuring at once. If we are at a train station or public pool a daycare center..whereever there may be mutliple noises from a lot of poeple or objects I become very agitated and sometimes I lash out at my family or become a total B*^ch when in public. I feel bad to embarress my family but it is uncontrolable and I don't intentionaly do it. I never realized this effected so many people. it's actually very comforting and perhaps it isn't something wrong with us per say as much as the enviroment society has created in order to be "civilized". When I am outside and I hear the wind rattling trees, birds chirping, water running I am completly and utterly at ease. Go figure! Peace, love, harmony and some quiet time to all my brothers and sisters! xoxo AimeeJo

Sep 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

I thought I was going insane! I am sensitive to pretty much any noise listed in the other comments but for some reason I am sensitive to movements also. I can't look at someone biting their nails or tapping their feet, I get severely distracted and aggravated, sometimes I get intense rage because of it. I really do think there is something wrong! I can't stand the echo after a dog barks, and this one is the worst because I love dogs!

Sep 04, 2012
Sneezing, coughing, throat clearing . . UGH!!
by: Anonymous

I am so grateful to have found this website!! So many others just like me. Mainly, the sounds I hate with a passion are sneezing, coughing and snuffling. I have a co worker who (clearly) has allergies and she clears her throat and makes little cough-cough noises ALL DAY LONG. Drives me batty. I also have another co worker who sneezes, literally like 80-100 times per day. It is almost as if she tries to make it so EVERYONE can hear her, she doesn't try to stifle it AT ALL . . it's practically like she is screaming in the office. Then she gets all aggravated after say, the 10th sneeze in a row, and she will go "GRRRRRRRR" very loudly. Like seriously? Just unbelievable. The other noise that drives me batty is snoring. Thankfully, I do not nor did my ex-husband and my children do not snore . . but I once went on a trip with a relative who did snore ALL NIGHT LONG. Honestly from the time her head hit the pillow til when she woke up the next a.m. We stayed in a hotel room together for about 4 days and I didn't sleep the entire time. I was a wreck! It really does drive me to tears. Thanks for all the great comments here. It really makes me feel less alone.

Aug 30, 2012
Other noises that annoy....
by: Sarah

Windchimes.... OMG, who invented them?? I don't find the clanging soothing at all! I've actually told a couple of neighbors in a nice way that their windchimes were bothering me, because I could hear them inside MY house on a windy day. They actually took them down. If I can hear them inside my own house, something is wrong. I was finding myself looking at the weather forecast, just to see the wind speeds. I would NEVER hang windchimes, because I don't want to disrupt others.

Barking dogs are annoying, especially when the owners don't do anything about it. I can see barking sometimes when people walk by, but my neighbors have a dog who will sit at the door barking and begging when they are eating. I'll yell at their stupid dog, and I've tried a dog barking silencer. It just annoys me that the owners can clearly hear me yell at their dog, yet they do nothing about it. If I had a dog who did that, I would do train it not to!!

Coughing and sniffling is irritating. I can see a little bit, but when it goes on and on, suck on a cough drop! Use a kleenex!! And some of my co-workers do this and have kids, what do you teach your kids?

Just a few more: scuffing of feet - pick your feet up when you walk! Bass from car stereos - should NOT be allowed! Eating crunchy food at work - eat your carrot already! LOL

Like some have said, I think people have just lost their manners. And, I make sure I'm not a hypocrite. For instance, I like chewing on Sonic ice, but I will only do it when I am alone. Hang in there!

Aug 27, 2012
@ Lol Anonymous
by: manis

No one here is saying they expect the world to change. I'm not sure why you're jumping to that conclusion.

However, it is just considerate to eat with your mouth closed, for example. Some of these things are extreme, but there are basics that's just common courtesy. Manners really are becoming a thing of the past.

Also, you're telling everyone they can just wait for a pill or get therapy? No one here is asking for medication. Most, here, know what their options are, and know they need to do. Really, it's just terrible to assume that everyone is demanding a riot, or that doctors pay special attention to them.

People here are just talking about similarities and issues with this sensitivity. Not looking to be criticized or told what to do.

Aug 27, 2012
This is me!
by: Anonymous

I work in an office in a cubicle and so many noises annoy me. The sound of others typing and chatting and chewing and rustling plastic. I hate it too when I'm walking and I hear the sound of shoes clicking especially if someone is walking too close to me. A co-worker has fits where he gets mad at his computer and pounds on his keyboard and curses and I want to strangle him! I tune things out most of the day with music in my ear buds but my god the sound of human noise is overwhelming. It's mostly at work as the sounds made by mty boyfriend and daughter at home don't bother me nearly as much. I think it bugs me at work beause it's so amplified and it's everywhere.

Aug 24, 2012
TV commercials that include eating
by: Anonymous

I too am sensitive to the smacking noies of potato chips, etc, especially on TV commercials. There's one commercial on TV that drives me up a wall, so to speak, & that is the commercial for Kit Kat. I know I could put my TV on mute, but instead I scream at the TV to shut up.

Glad to know I am not the only person that gets irritated at these type of noises.

Aug 20, 2012
It is like a curse...
by: Anonymous

Ok so I can 100% relate to how most of you feel the sound of somebody hitting their plate/bowl when they eat, eating crisps, slurping, any eating noises really, I have a gf etc but choose to eat separate so I do not inflict my noise on her even though it would not bother her. I cannot even go to the cinema because the sound of everybody rustling crisp and sweet packets gives me palpatations. I feel so so guilty for getting annoyed with people I care about for simply eating etc its just I feel a massive rage when I hear those sounds it makes me more angry that if I dont have to bite the spoon when I eat why does everyone else seem to knock their teeth out with each bite and cause that annoying sound, I have thought about going to the doctor but wondered if I am just weird

Aug 20, 2012
I thought I was alone...
by: Utuadena

I am glad to know that I am not going crazy, but I wish I could find a way to work through this.

I get so angry when I hear noises like the eating, tapping nails, heels on the shoes and kids wining, or crying voices, coughing or throat scratching, just to mention a few.
Sometimes, I hate to hear my husband talk to me or even my kids when they just don't take a break from all the laughing, crying or just bickering. I can handle so much through the day, but just right about the end of the day, I just try to stay away from them just for a little while to refresh my senses. I feel horrible to feel like this about them, as I love them very much and they are my joy, but they also can become my pain.

I even think my 5 year old daughter knows how upset I get that she purposely will sing a note and repeat and repeat. My head spins and I get so outraged that I have to go to my "Just for mommy" spot and hide.

Even sharing this I feel that I am such a horrible person, wife and mom. What to do? Who do I go to for treatment? Is there any treatment for it?

Aug 19, 2012
Re Sean 10/6/12
by: Margaret

I also can't express how glad I am, I thought I was mad and a one-off, no one else I have spoken to can relate to how bad noise makes me feel. When I read Sean's comment, I really surprised myself when I found I was crying. No Sean, and eveyone else, you're not alone. I have had a growing noise anxiety since I was a teenager - I used to think my childhhod in Northern Ireland during the Troubles in the 1970s had something to do with it, together with a very difficult childhood, but now I'm not so sure.

It's people noise -pure and simple. Cars, traffic, that's fine, it's necessary. Even a crowded place - I can cope.

Its the intrusive, UNNECESSARY people noise that makes me feel anxious, disgusted, and ENRAGED so I too have have been reduced to tears, and some ugly confrontations with friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and even strangers.

I 100% underatnd the murderous rage. I have made my husband and son move homw twice specdifically because of intrusive noise from neighbours - unnecessary loud talking, or kids screaming like they are being murdered. Toddlers crying and screaming and parents doing nothing!

And yes, food noises, breathing, smacking, gum, open mouth eating, are visually and aurally loathsome to me. Cats and dogs licking themselves!!! Planes airports and stations are hell. Work in an open office can be really hard. I get anxious, my chest tightens, my breathing speeds up (I have asthma). I feel wretched. I have tried to deal with this with yoga, meditation, earplugs, changing desks at work, moving house. I thought I was insane in my reactiosn to noise and the anxiety I feel with it.

Sean I too am troubled with water sounds, I feel very uneasy with the "piddling" sound from our pond, so much I turned the fountain off.

I hope one day to be able to ease these anxieties, for myself and my loved ones. But at least now I don't feel quite so "odd" and alone.


Aug 17, 2012
OMG My coworker has a paper bag!
by: Anonymous

She is freak'n crumbling a paper bag in the cubicle next to me and I want to shove it down her throat!. How much crap can you fit in a small paper bag? I just gotta laugh at it, I know its illogical and yet no applied thought process or logic makes me feel any better. My heart goes out to all of you. Moreover, my prayers go out to our loved ones who have to put up with us and tolerate our strange behaviors and mood swings. My poor wife is such an amazing woman. I love this site it helps me cope. blessings to everyone, hang in there

Aug 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

I have a girlfriend who sounds exactly like this, if much less extreme. She stares me down when I try to eat potato chips, which I will never stop doing. My lips remain locked closed when I chew to help make her life easier, but at the same time she will use her dinner-plate like a cutting-board no problem, or say "ya" instead of "You" and just tease me for it XD Which is okay because I just use selective hearing.

But the fact of the matter is people with this disorder probably make up 1-2% of the american population, and you cant expect the world to change for you. 33% of men in the world are color-blind but you don't see the world stopping production of red and green colors, or labelling everything for them. I mean sure you can sit and wait for some magic, terrible pill to come out and mess with your brain chemistry, or you can just attend a few anger management workshops and learn to count to ten or meditate like the rest of us. And maybe if it's bad enough to drive you to murder you should see a psychiatrist.

Aug 14, 2012
by: M

The guy who sits near me at work just won't stop eating or drinking. He's constantly swilling down something and he sounds like a toothless hippo eating oatmeal. Seriously, I'm starting to fantasize about his part of the building collapsing and silencing those horrible noises forever.

Aug 13, 2012
WoW so I'm not a butthead
by: Anonymous

Where to begin, I can't stand the sound of people chewing, I ABSOLUTELY ABHORE THE SOUND OF PAPER BAGS, OR ANYTHING WRAPPED IN PAPER. I want to shove that paper down the persons throat, If I wasn't so freaked out at the thought of my nails scratching the paper. put it this way, just writing this is creeping me out! I HATE HATE HATE!!!!, BEING AROUND LARGE GROUPS OF PEOPLE, YET I'm fine at Church. My poor wife is a social butterfly but I am soooo much happier being by myself. "no I'm not a recluse" Oh did I mention that I can not stand to talk on the phone, and if you call me it better be to say what needs to be said and then hang up. "no chit chat" "whats the matter with me?"

Aug 13, 2012
by: Anonymous

Condition is known as Misophonia

Aug 13, 2012
Deaf in one year - helps my condition
by: Anonymous

First, reading some of the comments make me chuckle, because I have the commentary in my head as well when I hear certain noises. I've been this way all my life, and it is helpful to know I'm not alone. A co-worker is sitting next to my right now chomping on chips - lovely! I don't understand it, I eat snacks at work, but I always make sure it is soft food that doesn't make a crunching sound. I think gum is the worse, watching it and listening to the chewing & popping. Oprah said one time how she didn't allow gum chewing at her office/studio, because she couldn't stand it. She felt it was like someone chewing on fat. I don't mind if people chew gum as long as they do it with their mouth shut and I don't hear it.

When I first started dating my now husband, it used to drive my crazy that I could hear him breathing. I felt bad, but it was so annoying, and I even politely shared this with him. Back in 2004, I was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma tumor, and had surgery to remove it. As a result, I lost hearing in my left ear. It's not something I was excited about, but in my case, it comes in handy sometimes. For instance, I try to sit on the right side of my husband, so I don't have to listen to him breathe. I know that sounds terrible, but it works. Then when I need to wear ear plugs, I only need to wear one! I have tinnitus in my deaf ear, but it's like I have a little fan to drown out some noises. I'm also a big fan for sound machines that make white noise. I have one going constantly at home and work, and when I sleep.

Like everyone says, at least we are not alone!

Aug 10, 2012
So I'm not crazy....???
by: JC

I have always wondered what my deal was! Some say I have OCD....but I said there has to be another name for it....a diagnosis....a cause, something.....there's no avoiding it when you have to commute on the train and metro everyday.....I hate when people smack food, chew gum, slurp, and worst of the constant clearing of the throat!!!!!!! I want to turn around and punch them in the face!!!! (Harsh I know)....but maybe I can help dislodge whatever is causing the issue......sigh.

Glad to know I'M NOT CRAZY!!! Or the only one.... =(

Aug 07, 2012
Thank you for all the Comments
by: Norma

OMG! I sit here with tears running down my face I am laughing so hard. My husband just can't understand the humor. I have been suffering for the last 4 or 5 years with this sensory problem. I, too, work in a cubicle. It's amazing the noises you hear. I guess most people are able to block them out but I can't. I hear every container of food being opened and chewed, can't stand to hear people eating oatmeal out of a cup. Why don't they just lick the bottom. Then when finished, they drop the spoon in it so it clink, clink, clinks. The absolute worst for me is listening to everyone typing on their computers and using their adding machines. The girl next to me is the fastest person I have ever seen on an adding machine. She steady punches numbers in over and over. It drives me crazy. I so want to rip it off her desk and throw it away.

It is sooo good to know there are others that have the same issues I have. I have difficulty going out to dinner too. Sometimes it seems like one noise will be so much louder than all the rest. Friends and family think I'm crazy. How about the sound of a dog steady licking himself. Is there any help for this? I have not lived my whole life this way. I just can't stand it.

Aug 06, 2012
I hate airports and planes, but...
by: Weeza

...I'm not afraid to fly. I'm afraid I will be BESIEGED by people who can't be considerate of my personal space: (first and definitely foremost)the cell phone yackers who have to grand stand with their incessant need to be connected, / the screaming kids, /the seat kickers and grabbers, /the (particularly loathsome)reclining seat backers into-your face crowd, /the getting up every hour on the hour and blocking the aisle jerks, /the sniffling sneezing, coughing crowd, /the I'll take my shoes off and stink up the plane cretins /the pilot's unsolicited announcements about where we are and how high we're up in the air, and the sales pitches on becoming a Preferred Customer, etc. etc. etc.

Aug 06, 2012
annoying human noises
by: Anonymous

I'm happy to find out that I'm not the only person who goes nuts when I hear gum cracking. People tell me to "tune it out" - but I can't. It seems that people today are insensitive and rude to other people and I want to smack them up the side of the head! Not only can I NOT tolerate gum chewing noise, I absolutely cannot stand hearing a coworker (only a few feet from my desk) who makes horrible guttural noises (sounds like a lion trying to expel a huge hairball) ALL DAY LONG and he also blows his nose all day long - EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS. When I offered him an Altoid, he jumped my bones and yelled, "well what do I need one of those for?" I feel trapped at my desk - 8 hours a day and there is nowhere to be moved. Therefore, I have given notice of my resignation.

Add to the above, and people who are glued to their cellphones - who cannot hang up for even 12 minutes while at the chiropractor's office and getting therapy - next to the table where I'm getting therapy - or people on the commuter bus who can't seem to turn off their damned cells - and I'm ready to become a hermit! Oh well, I could lose my hearing altogether, so I guess I need to be grateful. Ugh!

Aug 05, 2012
by: Susan

I too have this issue/problem, and I also have had ADHD since childhood.
Do other people here also have ADHD....? I'm curious, and I am guessing there is a link, since both are neurological in nature.
But, yes, everything everyone else is saying is very familiar.

I also have similar angst when sound is joined with a repetitive physical motion--like when my Mom or brother play the invisible piano (it's just a physical tic they have/they do, when bored or...whatever), or when my Dad repeatedly moves his hand against his leg or the paper he's reading or whatever (usually in the same geometric shape), (and I am nearby and hear/see it). It drives me NUTS, and I FEEL NUTS when/if I ever ask them to PLEASE STOP.
So instead I suck up my feelings, or try and be zen about it and breathe deeply, or try and remove myself from the area (which isn't always possible). It's tough.

Thanks for having this forum! Susan

Aug 05, 2012
Relieved and Disapppointed
by: Anonymous

I have often wondered if I was the only one who is so bothered by the sounds of others (eating in particular). Finding sites like these has been a very illuminating experience. First, I would like to express my relief that I am not crazy.

Second, whether it is "sensory processing disorder" or "misophonia," I am somewhat disappointed to find that the problem may really be me. I guess a big part of me was hoping that some day everybody would wake up and realize they eat like farm animals. Alas, it seems "chewing with your mouth closed" is great advice that will just never catch on.

Aug 04, 2012
I have the same promblem
by: kesha

i thought i was the only one too,sounds like slurping ,sniffing , smacking lips and eating with you mouth open.even the sound of you lips when you talk irritates me like crazy,and makes want to hit the person doing it or leave.When i was really young eating at the dinner table with my big family i couldn't stand it and used to cry,one day it was so bad i stuck tissue so far back in my ear in an effort to block the sound that i had to get them water gunned out by the doctor. i feel that i cant tell other people because they would not only think im weird but not want to eat around me.sometimes i dont want to eat around other people incase im making the same noise's! its hell.i've had it for a long time now so i can cope in public and try and tune it out with music or concentrating on other things.But at home i'm always snapping at my family especially my brother who has alleges and is sniffing all the time

Aug 01, 2012
Oh MY!!!
by: Sashi

im sooo glad im not the only one having this rage!! only thing is- i can sortof handle it around strangers, but when its close family or friends i totally go crazy and even start crying!!! i dont want to eat or drink alone when theres people around because im scared it sounds like other people sound to me!!

as im sitting here, ive got goosebumps - heard a certain sound, and now i know im going to have goosebumps all day!!!

just want to know, besides the gum popping, slurping, eating lig a pig, and all the terrible noises we experience, is there anyone else who cannot handle the sound of styrofoam, cardboard on wood, certain materials on cuttlery, the feeling of hair, people biring their clothes, and all funny noises, does anyone also litterally feel sick from these things?? if i hear or feel this things, i have goosebumps all day adn cannot sleep at night?

on monday, i by accident dragged a cardbord type file on wood and i freaked out!!! so while we were lying in bed, i told my BF what happend and that im feeling sick - so jokingly, he said "can i make it worse" so i said no............ little did i know, it can get worse. he said "imagine yourself in a swimmingpool filled with styrofoam and hair all over and people trying to full you out... using material and their teeth..." i was feeling sooooooo sick!!! is it only me?? by the way, i dont seem to get angry by noises my BF makes... i cant even touch my own hair that has fallen out!!!! HELP ME PLZZ!!!!

Jul 26, 2012
dont you find it mind-blowing how we all have this???
by: Anonymous

I grew up being hushed for eating.couldn't eat chips around my mom.once she felt bad and bought me a bag of chips for our long drive home. I was happy as can be&couldn't wait to ear them.I was prob 12 yrs old. I was instructed to not chew them so they wouldn't make a crunch sound. I did exactly that and they were still yummy.think they are almost more enjoyable if you eat slower than a lil kid handed his own chip bowl.

My mom asked me to ear the rest at home. She just couldn't take it. She spoke of her grandmother having a sensitivity to sound as well. Mine was already there. Breathing,throat clearing,SLURPING COFFEE...Pop. ex bf used to say he slurped coffee cuz it was hot.every night he drank 2-3beer mugs of milk slurping. And making that gulp gulp sound and some weird throat noise too.
I am extremely to a fault sensitive of my own eating and drinking around others. It is almost painful how worried iam imagining how I must sound.

What I find so interesting is how I found this site after telling my son that I think it must be an illness.I was telling him how going to movies drives me too crazy. I'm ok if I'm eating but the second I stop that insidious sound of ppl munching way on their popcorn.then the candy bags they open during a quiet scene in the movie! I feel such a boiling rate within.I want to scream.get far away to sounds that bring me peace and calm.

Why do ppl have this condition? What are the causes and what is it called? Can you get better and how? Lot of ppl with other conditions such as PTSD or eating disorders,depression etc.

My heart goes out to all of you. I hate having daily sensory overload.I feel blessed to have found this read your posts made me feel there are others who know what I'm experiencing. Peace to all sensory sensitive ppl here & everywhere

Jul 25, 2012
I thought I was the only one!
by: Ange

Nobody I know understands, I have had this problem all my life, I feel cursed as you can not enjoy yourself. My biggest problem is people eating too loudly & chewing with an open mouth adds insult to injury. Whistling, squeaking, high pitched sounds, chewing gum popping, repeated sounds, knives & forks banging against plates or teeth, slurping, snoring, breathing too loudly, the list goes on. I also can't stand hearing a repeating noise & not knowing what it is or where it is coming from, this drives me mad. Please someone help us!

Jul 24, 2012
I guess I'm the opposite
by: Anonymous

I tend not find any noises, other than anything loud enough to actually hurt the ears, can bother me regardless of the rhythm, popping, cracking, slurping, etc of it. I think I might have heard a couple voices in my day that I couldn't stand, but nobody I had to deal with daily.

Unfortunately, I do get a similar uncontrollable feeling when my joints feel like they're almost about to crack but have not yet done so. I feel so compelled to crack them that I either have to completely stop what I'm doing, get up, and go focus on something else (not really a consistent option while driving or working in the cube farm) or actually go ahead and pop those joints. If I can't do either of those, I get a small nagging pain that keeps me from being able to focus on anything else.

When I'm around sensitive people, I try to make appropriate adjustments, but as someone who can't tell when it's annoying or not, it can be hard to make sure you've gotten far enough away.

Jul 17, 2012
I cannot cope much longer
by: Anonymous

I am going crazy with a woman at work constantly clearing her throat, I am on the verge of murder. In addition to this, she eats like she is having her last meal!! every single sound goes through me, her hand enter the pack of crisps and I watch it enter her mouth, knowing the noises I am about to hear!!!!!!!!

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 17, 2012
I truly am NOT ALONE

I have grown to HATE my boyfriend. I literally can not stand anything he does. It's almost like he does it intentionally to erk me!!! Let me give examples as he has just done about 6!! I made him mac&cheese and put it in a bowl. Next thing I hear is spoon clanking the bowl, then the spoon clanking his teeth, then slurping his tea, gulping it to where I can hear the splash in his stomach, followed by that stupid AHHHH!! Like I need to know ur refreshed. And let's top it off with a well earned disgusting fart!! These are all sounds that seem like nails on a chalk board to me. I am seriously go bonkers!!!

Jul 12, 2012
Response to Debbie
by: Anonymous

I found this page while searching for some kind of sensory issue I have when my husband crunches food.

Anyway, I haven't read through all the comments, but I know from personal experience, you should look up "simple vocal tics". It can be a form of Tourette's or not, but I think it will answer your question. My son has Asperger's and has developed a vocal tic so I know all about them. The person doing it really can't help it. Meds can help (it's more of an anxiety thing).

I'll probably never be back to this page so hope that helped!

Jul 12, 2012
I see I'm not alone
by: Anonymous

My new coworker can't go 2 seconds without moving his legs - shaking them back & forth and causing his chair to creak, tapping them on the plastic mat under his chair, etc.

I want to throw something at him.

Jul 12, 2012
I need relief!
by: Anonymous

OMG, I'm not alone! I absolutely hate that I'm so sensitive to some sounds; it just drives me crazy...sniffling, throat clearing, gum chewing/cracking.

I work in cube-land and just am going CRAZY!! Any way to cure this????

Jul 10, 2012
Nice to know there are others like me :)
by: Anonymous

So glad I found this site! Wow! I am so easily annoyed by most any noise. The way my mom eats with her front teeth (wtf is that??), the way my husband chews food or gum, the way he snores sooo freakin loud that we don't even sleep in the same room. I HATE gum chewers... seriously. I can't stand watching people, even if I can't hear it. I heard it was illegal in Singapore... thinking of vacationing there lol.

Also.. this had nothing to do with noise, but my mom keeps at least one finger, if not her whole hand on or around her mouth almost constantly and I can't even look at her when she does it. Not sure why this bothers me so much. Could this be related to sensory processing disorder or no?

Jul 01, 2012
my wife blames me
by: Anonymous

She just smacks her lips and chews gum with her mouth open. When we are home, I can leave the room. The worst is when we are on car trips. No place to go. I do turn the music louder. I ask her to chew woth her mouth closed. She blames me for being too sensitive. I have hidden gum on car rides so she can't chew it.

Jun 28, 2012
Debbie, you're not the only one
by: Weewa

Debbie, my mother-in-law would spend a month or two with us each winter. She'd constantly LOUDLY clear her throat upon speaking, then say "Excuuuuuuse me!' every time. It was like an electric shock going through me.

Jun 27, 2012
Annoying noise
by: Debbie

My husband clears his throat a lot. It's usually right after he eats. He's been doing it for about
9 years. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy!
I buy these soft rubber earplugs, and wear them
most of the time he's home. It really bothers me
that we can't plan trips or go out of town because I get upset whenever going to resturants
is mentioned. He's been to 5 specialists, and they can't find anything wrong with him. I was just wondering if any body else was going through
this kind of thing.

Jun 27, 2012
Me too!
by: Chris Smith

The only difference of me and you, is I LIKE the sound of FAST typing on an OLD computer keyboard.

Jun 26, 2012
Blow your effing nose
by: Anonymous

I have a coworker that spend 4 hours making a kleenex holder only to sit and sniffle every 30 seconds for hours on end!! This drives me nuts. Your kleenex box is within arms reach because of your handy little kleenex holder. Use one for christ sakes.

Jun 26, 2012
To add on
by: tati

This could mean divorce
by: Rob
OMG I feel you completely. My boyfriend literally falls asleep & begins his various snores withing 1 minute of his head hitting the pillow. I can sigh in frustration quietly & he will wake up & yell on me for "making noise". It doesn't help he loves "energy drinks" & his neck is the triple the size of most men his height. What makes things worse is he works 10 days of 13-14 hrs gets 5 off then switches to nights repeat.
There is NO escape. He snores for over 80% of the time he is sleeping & in every position you can think of even sitting up. He nicely tried sprays, mouth pieces, going to a sleep center (inconclusive), but I know some has to do with the fact he is so top heavy.
I suffer from PTSD from iraq tour, & find his non stop snoring puts me in such states of aggravation
I could kill someone. We always end up fighting because "Im not compassionate about something he has no control over." I can't sleep around him, yet even if I turn up the TV in the bedroom & go into another room & turn on some musique or turn up the volume on the pc I can't get far enough to not hear him. He wakes up refreshed & can't figure out why after a few days of very little sleep or trying to revolve my day around his snoring, I am such a prat. I hate the guilt i feel after i lose my cool. I hate that we resent each other over it.
While I know its not his intention to snore in order to aggravate me, his weight & lack of interest of getting it under control reminds me of when someone driving with excessive speed hits a bystander & then says "it was an accident".
In all fairness I've always been easily annoyed by various sounds. Maybe because my father was special forces & sounds were "location give aways" so he literally reached out & "touched" us if we made an "annoying sound". Teeth scraping silverware, sucking noises, gum chewing, leg shaking, feet tapping, ticking of clocks, etc etc all drive me BONKERS.
I know I will have a heart attack trying to contain the aggravation I feel over the inescapable snoring though. After 4 years & many "stupid" fights that stemmed from the resentments around snoring I am really tempted to do us both a favour & leave. To some it may sound superficial or ridiculous all that stuff about "love", but really how well will I love him when I spend 7 hours a day trying not to smother him & another 9 trying to calm down so i can sleep myself?

Jun 23, 2012
by: Lisa

What about throat clearers and snot sniffers??? LOL! I have gotten up and left movies theaters, restuarants, any number of social gatherings where I can not escape these infuriating sounds!

Jun 21, 2012
Slurping and swallowing rocks
by: AngryIndianMan

I cannot stand it when someone slurps hot coffee. Add on one million points if they make a sound like they are swallowing rocks. Add on one billion points if they say "ahhh" after swallowing.

slurp + rocks + ahh = Ability to wipe out all humanity in a single swipe just for some blessed silence.

Jun 21, 2012
I'm almost crying with relief!
by: Crazy In a Cube Farm

To read so many posts from people who not only know my secret rage, but live it themselves!
As I type this, I'm sitting in a cube farm, blasting both ears with bluegrass, trying to block the infuriating cacophony of co-workers on both sides of me open-mouth crunching down an endless bag of chips.
The only thing that bothers me more, though, is being another person on this planet with a "disorder". If I/we have Sensory Processing Disorder, all the people who must loudly announce every function of their bodies and minds must have Sensory Oblivian Disorder.
The crunching, yawning, sighing, moaning, huffing, smacking, scratching, nail clipping, finger snapping, gum popping, flip-flop flipping, snot sucking, lip licking, cup clinking, bag crinkling, teeth sucking, and one guy does this loud, air sucking rattling yawn all day. Why do they feel the need to impose themselves onto everyone around them?
And I could do another paragraph on the odors of others.
One of my 3 children is the same way, so maybe it's a genitic trait?

Jun 19, 2012
Sluuuurp! Part III
by: M

Fantastic - now he's taken to talking with his mouth full in-between slurps and smacks. Nothing like working to the sound of a wet lunch being pulverized while he's mangling the English language.

Jun 19, 2012
Whistling teeth
by: Anonymous

OMG - There is an older woman in this office who cannot speak without whistling coming out of her teeth. She may have wooden teeth for all know. And then there's her friend from the floor below that comes up to see her and SHE does the same thing! I am going deaf from blasting my music into headphones. But, I tell you, I want to kill her. Can't take it. I'm looking for a new job - hope I get one. Is this normal? Of course it's not, but I've had this problem since I was a little kid. Maybe the whistling hag can get her dentures fixed!

Jun 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

Does anybody find it funny that there is an advertisement for crunchy cereal above??

Jun 18, 2012
by: ladybug/Jamie

That's one I can't stand too. I'd rather hear a person just blow their nose and get it over with, rather than sit slurping, snoring all day long. It's disgusting. Whenever I get like that, I blow my nose. If it's bad, I get up and go to an area and blow in private, then I wash my hands.

And especially not at the dinner table. Thankfully, my husband doesn't do these things. He really tries, and even with the eating thing.

You should tell her to blow her nose. Tell her it's disgusting.

Jun 18, 2012
by: Murdoch

My wife is currently sat, sniffing and snorking every 30 seconds. Sometimes it gets to about 45 seconds in between snorts and I think she's stopped, but then she sucks another one up. She is sat right next to a box of tissues, but hasn't used a single one. I swear, any second now I am going to throttle her and then beat her to death with the tissue box.

Jun 17, 2012
Husband's gooey sounding lips!
by: Anonymous

I love my husband more than anything in the world, but for about the last 6 months his lips or mouth are extremely dry....he's constantly parting his lips and it's such a horrible noise, I am constantly telling him to put on chapstick and to drink water, but honestly neither help.
My father made the same exact noise with his lips and I remember hating it when I was a kid.
My husbands lips sound like they are thick with goop and when he parts them or opens his mouth...ahhhhh!!!!

I feel the anxiety rise up in me, I tell myself not to look at him, but I can't resist, I stare at him just waiting in agony for the next 'lip parting' which is almost constant. (he can't breathe out of his nose due to a deviated septum).
I am spending more and more time upstairs away from him to get away from the sound.
I've told him about it, asked him why he does it, he does not even realize he is doing it.
Weird is sometimes I'll hear the noise and go to glare at him and realize it's one of my cats cleaning themselves....then though, it is ok, and my anxiety goes away....but if it is him, then the rage weird is that?
I constantly want to go up and wipe his lips, which I've actually done a couple of times and they are NOT all gooey or anything like they 'sound'.

I just can't believe it's the same thing my dad did, it's almost like my dad is inside my husband now!

i don't know what to do, I want to spend time with him, but I can't stand that noise! I am trying not to yell at him, that makes him upset and then me automatically guilty, so I leave and usually end up crying because I so can't stand the sound and think 'what? now I can't spend time alone with my husband' I feel sick over this.

Jun 17, 2012
Intolerable workplace
by: Anonymous

I am a contract employee in a government agency. If it weren't for the contract employees, the place wouldn't function. I sit near someone who must have Tourette's. She periodically makes these loud throat-clearing sounds that you can hear all over the large room that contains about 40 cubicles. It sounds like a wild beast is making this sound, and it is revolting. I literally jump in my chair whenever she does this. I wear ear plugs and listen to music on my MP3 player, but I can still hear her. I mean, this is LOUD. I moved to this location from another office where people literally shouted to one another from one office to another and over speakerphone. My office mate slapped her hands loudly and repeatedly on her desk and slammed metal file cabinets close inches from me. This place is a nightmare and I have to get out. Someone asked me if I am especially sensitive to sound, and I have to ask, what do people consider normal? I feel as if I'm one of the few people in the world who don't have severe hearing loss.

Jun 16, 2012
everything bothers me
by: Susan

I detest and cannot tolerate, cracking gum, LOUD talking, chewing w/ mouth open, STUPID comments, slurping, young people who make every statement sound like a question, repetion, FAST bipolar type talking.

Jun 16, 2012
almost everyone annoys me
by: Susan

i cannot tolerate tew TONE of some of my sisers; comments. I actaully HATE this and I feel I am beginning to HATE her because of it. I feel so guilty. Almost everyone annoys me in some way. There is not one person I can tolerate 100%. I wish I could change this because I make myself miserable but..

Jun 15, 2012
Is this normal??
by: Why me???

Whenever I hear people whispering it drives me insane. But that's only if they're whispering to someone else, if they're whispering to me I'm fine. But whenever my parents whisper to each other either because we're in the library or it's late and people are sleeping and I hear it I have to clamp down on my ears or tell them to "shhhhh!" which I wish I didn't have to do. Also the sound of kissing bothers me too like so many of you have said. I also hate hate hate hate HATE unnecessary rhythm making. This has bothered me ever since I was very little and around other kids who did this. Like when I'm in my room and my brothers in his room I can hear him snapping or clapping rhythmically to a beat and it drives me so insane to the point where I keep earmuffs under my pillow. And that's still not enough help. Also it bothers me when he (or anyone) beatboxes or sings. Goods singers that actually ARE singers are fine. But when people who think that they can sing and they can't (like classmates in class, siblings, random people I hear when out and about) annoy me so much. Just the annoying sound of their voice (especially when they are really trying and putting a lot of emphasis into it) makes me want to scream!!! Is all that normal? Is there a name for this? So glad at least that im not the only one...

Jun 12, 2012
Rob's comment
by: Tiana Haley

Rob, I would sleep in another room, and get you a fan or air machine to muffle her snoring. Maybe she'll get the message then. Please don't kill her over it. Why do you keep torturing yourself. When she notices that you're having to sleep in another room, then maybe she'll realize she needs to do something about it. You can have a good, honest-to-goodness talk with her then, hopefully!!

Jun 12, 2012
This could mean divorce
by: Rob

Having my feelings of sound-triggered RAGE validated by all of this is a bit of a relief ( and yes it was sooooo gratifying to see the look on my wife's face as she had to admit that this is beyond my control) but it doesn't help in the big picture. I have actually gotten to the point where I have to mentally 'steel' myself if someone is about to start eating and there is no other sound in the room to drown out that horrid mind-bending torture. I do this because the rage that comes over me is so overwhelming there was a time that I thought I would kill the person eating, or snoring, or sucking their teeth. As I write this my wife is lying next to me snoring and I want to kill her. Literally. I love her but if she doesn't lose weight and tone down this incredible noise I will have to leave her. There is no respite from this. We live in a very large, two storey home with a finished basement and even hiding in the basement is no good, the sound travels through the entire house. I am so embarrassed when I am in the backyard and hear her snoring. But seriously, although this must make me sound like a horrid person I am not a bad person. I just cannot take this much longer and I seriously worry that one day I will not be able to control myself.

Jun 10, 2012
I am not alone!!!!
by: Sean

I can't tell you how relieved I am to have found this page and finally realize that I am not alone. Noise anxiety has ruled my life ever since I was a child. My main problems are with Gum- the open mouthed chewing, lip smacking and gum popping which can in a nano-second drive me into a murderous rage (I seriously worry that I could KILL someone).

Just the sight of a chewer drives my blood pressure through the roof! I will get off the bus if anyone is chewing and am beyond agitation just to see gum being put into someones mouth because of the anticipation of the noise and the anxiety I feel with it.

I feel the same way about sloppy eating sounds and NEVER ever stay around ANYONE who is a noisy eater even my family or my beloved dogs and I avoid people as much as possible.

I also have a problem with the 'piddling' sound of water being poured and the 'glugging' sound of liquids poured from a bottle.

I have been known to hammer on the doors of neighbors literally with a hammer in my hand in a murderous rage at the slightest sound of music.
All this is just the tip of the iceberg really and I have lost good friendships and relationships over it. I cannot expect non-sufferers to understand the immense stress these seemingly 'silly' annoyances have on me or the complete lack of control I have over my rage at them (they are the 'normal' ones)
I have just been examined for possible hyperthyroid and I hope and pray that this is the root cause of my problems as it can at least be treated. I wish there was more awareness of these noise 'disorders'- Maybe I am not going insane after all- it appears that I am certainly not alone and my sincere best wishes and understanding goes out to all of you!

Jun 08, 2012
annoying co-workers
by: drea

I have a co-worker who sits right in front of me who does baby talk all the time! She is completely unprofessional! She also eats her lunch at her desk everyday so I have the pleasure of hearing her crunch on her carrots, celery, pretzels & crackers M-F. She also has a yougurt for her break everyday so I get to hear the scraping of her spoon because god forbid she doesn't get every last ounce of it! & don't forget the lip smacking! I feel so stressed at work & it is driving me nuts!

Jun 07, 2012
Holy Moly
by: ladybug

I just wrote the comment about eating and kissing noises on tv.

Then I went back and read some of your other commentors, and I have the same problems as many of you. I have to sleep in another room with a fan on because of my husband, just like the woman above.

Crying, yes, I have to leave the room. It's one of the reasons I don't want children.

Just about anything that's annoyingly repetitive and ceaseless can drive me crazy. Listening to my husband eat is horrible; although he really is a horrible eater though. He's gotten better, but every so often, I do have to turn up the tv.

I never considered that this could some sort of disorder. I just, now, stumbled onto this site because I was looking for a complaint board for a television program.

I think my hearing things that drive me crazy started with my mother. She was/is a loud speaker and eater. What's funny was she would call me out and make me sit away when eating. But when she talks, you can hear her all over the house - she screaming shouting. Her snoring is like godzilla or like a chain saw going all night. I'd be walking home from school and hear her from all the way down the street.

Lastly, when eating or drinking, she always has to suck her gums and teeth. That and the smacking and not eating with her mouth closed.

Ahh... I don't know maybe it is me, but it just seems like some people don't have any manners. They don't see that just because they can't see/hear their own behavior, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Jun 07, 2012
Kissing is Gross
by: Jamie

on TV and Eating with food in the mouth is, too.

Lately, it seems that many commercials, movies, television shows, are not editing these disgusting sounds out.

I already wrote a complaint to FTC and to the companies, like for Jimmy Dean and Activia, but I think that there are only a few of us who find the noises to be disgustingly unbearable.

But, yes, when people start making out on tv, I have to turn the mute on many times. It's one of the reasons I hate Lifetime television. Loud nasty sound effect. Then there are a few commercials where the eating is disgusting. Literally, gobs of food, you can hear them eating around it.

I hear people say that society is getting dumber, and that no one teaches manners anymore. I really think it's true, and I'm young.

Jun 05, 2012
F****** noise!
by: MP

For the longest time I thought I was crazy, but certain sounds make me so angry I want to punch a wall. Every night before my sister went to bed, she used to drink 20oz water bottle. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! The sound of he gulping made me want to take off my shoe and through it at her! Another one is my niece. The sound of her laughing or crying irritates me so much and I feel terrible. I love my niece, but when I hear her laughing or crying I have to walk away from her. At least now I have an idea why.

May 29, 2012
Do i have a disease or something
by: Anonymous

oh my god i have the same problem as one of you!
i hate it when someone in my family chews aloud whenever they're eating i mean i tell them to shut up but it does'nt seem to work erruughhh it does my head in ;@ also when people around me breath heavily!!!! i can hear it when im at home but it does'nt seem to bother me at school or when im out with my friend can someone tell me whether i have a disease or something because i researche dand i might have MISOPHONIA....... im scared :( and 13 years old xxxxxxxxxxxxx

May 26, 2012
Me too!
by: READY to give up

I remember my Mom telling me I hated fireworks as long as I can remember because I would cover my ears and cry. Makes me sad. I used to HATE going to the beach with my family because I would have to listen to my Dad click his partial denture the whole way to Wildwood from PA. This was before headphones. When I got married, the daytime heating of the vinyl siding of the house used to expand and make this crackling sound all over the whole one side of the house. Then there was the gum cracking of co-workers at one job. Then there was another co-worker whom I adored but who had this big plastic cup filled with ice and a plastic spoon. Dig, Crunch, Dig, Crunch all day long. seriously. And I was the crazy one. HA. And the boyfriend who snores like a frieght train. I have to sleep in another room. with a fan on, to drown him out. I give up. Sometimes I look forward to death so I will finally have some peace and quiet.

May 24, 2012
I always wondered why these sounds bug me!
by: Anonymous

I don't know why or when this started for me but to hear my 11 year old son drink a bottle of water bugs me and hearing the gulping sound he makes drives me nuts to the point of me leaving the room he's in. My 5, 6, and 2 year old sons are starting to wrestle around, run after each other and along with all of this comes screaming which bugs me to the core. When they scream or even laugh loudly it makes me angry and I have no idea why but I cant let it go. I have to tell them to calm down or send them outside because it frustrates me so badly. I hate the feeling because I love my kids to pieces and my husband and I wanted a big family but the noises are driving me crazy. We too saw the 20/20 episode and I was shocked to find out other people have noises that bother them. I just hope mine doesn't increase with other noises.

May 24, 2012
by: Anonymous

Christ, he's eating ANOTHER apple!!

May 22, 2012
Sluuuurp! Part II - Return of The Slurper.
by: M

Just quickly - I work in a call centre and while I'm not on the phone myself the slurper I described below definitely is. Today I noticed that he slurps his way through his lunch while on the effing phone to the customers! Can anyone say unprofessional? I bet you he can but his mouth would be full and he'd be decorating his screen with his lunch!


Calm blue ocean M, calm blue ocean...

May 21, 2012
Im glad Im not alone!
by: erin

wow, It is great to see I am not alone! My husband is mowing as we speak, I thought I would look up why motor's bother me so much! im glad to find this! I also dislike blenders, vacuum's (they sound high pitched to me) my husband also watches a lot of CNBC, and to listen to Mad money, I feel like I could punch someone or shoot the tv! One of the worst sounds is my mother (who wears dentures) eating potato chips!! I love her to pieces and wanted to take the chips away from her!

Ive never liked saw's or sanders. my parents were always remodeling. The sound of a hammer, also drives me crazy.
I just felt like I would add my annoying 2 cents!

May 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

For a while now I have been finding myself getting really angry over the littlest noises and things... Most of the time food chewing, and the likes do not bother me. It is finger tapping, bottle crinkling and "music" made by house hold items. Most of the time it is my little sister doing that stuff, and I just want to scream at her and hit and punch her... After I calm down I feel SO bad about, and I feel like a complete jerk. I have always been the person that wants to help people, not hurt them, so I am struggling on why I am now getting angered so easily... Then I saw the 20/20 special on the 18th and things started to click for me. As I have been doing research it has been saying that it is food that triggers it, but for me that is not the case... Do you think I still might have Misophonia? Thank you so much(:

May 21, 2012
I wish I was normal
by: Anonymous

My husband constantly snorts because of his allergies and it drives me nuts. My mother is always hacking and coughing due to a post nasal drip and it literally makes my head hurt. They look at me like I'm crazy when I get irked, but I really have to leave the room until they get themselves together. I hate this and wish I wasn't so affected but I can't help it. Then my husband sucks food that's in his teeth and it drives me insane. I ask him to use floss and when he does that drives me nuts too. The constant smacking and licking during flossing is the worst. Any ideas?

May 20, 2012
by: D

How could I forget snoring and loud tv through walls - I'm not trying to be picky but I am sensitive to tv volume and radio volume. I would much rather just have them off but when guest are over I feel bad- they tend fall asleep with the tv on and it's on the other side of my room- :/

May 20, 2012
Sensitive to certain sounds
by: D

This is great! I thought I was alone per everyone alwAys thinking they are. I thought I was just Bitchy. But I can't not stand hearing people chew food or ice. It makes me so angery. I feel bad and have gotten better about it cause a couple of my close friends chew ice and I'm very tolerant of it with them. Also the sound of someone hacking or coughing up makes me sick and destroys whatever Im enjoying at that time. I'm very sensitive to people talking when I'm in a class or something I can hear even the smallest whisper. I'm with birds chripping in the morning but not like mowers or loud cars. Totally changes my mindset and distracts me from everything. I get even more sensitive to these Once a month. I'm glad I'm not alone. I feel like I'm complaining so I'll stop now but thank you for sharing all these stories.

May 19, 2012
Need to see a Specialist!!!
by: haleyinlr

The last so many posts I've read since my last really makes me feel normal. I just can't believe how some of the people on here feel when they hear certain noises, and what they want to do about it. This is truly a disease, I can see now. I'm not a professional or by any means have the right to say something is a disease, but it sure sounds like it. I think some people need to get help, if these sounds do what they do to them. I know if I've ever made any kind of noise that pushed a person to the point to scream at me, it's very offensive, and it's hard to deal with. I'm not the type of person that tries to get on anyone's nerves or anything, but I can truly see where some of the people on here could become belligerent over certain sounds or pushed to the point of insanity momentarily. It's very scary. There needs to be treatment or a cure for this!!!

May 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

It's great to know that there are other people who "hear" the same things I do. As long as I can remember certain noises bothered me. Shuffling, gum chewing, a popping jaw while chewing, chewing in general, repetitive sounds, snoring, breathing heavily, or someone scratching themselves, especially their head. As I got older and had my own children new sensitivities surfaced. I absolutely hate when my children hum, and I would do everything to stop myself from feeling so enraged over them humming a song. I cannot stand when my son uses the word "dude" or when he is chewing gum or eating next to me. It drives me absolutely crazy!

Trying to block sounds with white noise does not work for me as I cannot stand the sound of a fan, a trickling aquarium filter, or the TV at night. I would never sleep if any of these were running. Earplugs seem to make me "search" for the sound. Ugh! This is so frustrating, and at times I have been made out as being crazy, depressed, or whatever else they could label me with. I am sorry, but I cannot help the reactions I have to certain sounds. I wish I didn't have them!!! It's as if the sound is being routed directly into your very core and makes you cringe and insanely mad.

May 19, 2012
It's getting worse as I get older!
by: kft

I have a lot of sound sensitive issues but I also dread the thought of stirring a pot of water, eww! I have chills just typing the words, it literally makes my stomach turn! So yeah i eat out alot which is equally miserable with all the super loud chewers! I also have a problem touching paper towels, I can only use sparkle brand. Bounty and brawny turn my stomach and give me chills, I also get a terrible burning sensation on my hands, it's so gross! Someone mentioned music in stores, can't take that either, I only shop at certain places and I'm becoming very limited on places! Can't take children's choirs or like kids bop CDs, totally puts me in a frenzy! Last but not least I totally hate commercials, mute every one of them, they can't sell anything to me cause it's sooooo annoying, I refuse to buy items on a commercial and I HATE the man that talks during breaks on Disney channel and all the voices on Disney channel, I've actually cut my cable because of that channel! (Yes my kids are miserable!) I kinda hate the tv in general cause everyone is so loud! Criminal Minds is usually the only show I can deal with, it's pretty toned down! Thought I was just being picky or weird til I saw the 20/20 show, can't believe other people feel this too!:)

May 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

I forgot one last noise that I just can't handle and I suspect I'm not alone with this one. The freaking Kit-Kat commercials that use the chomping noise of eating the candy to make "music". I have to cover my ears if I can't make it to the mute button quick enough. Everytime that commercial comes on I hate Kit-Kats a bit more. I will never be able to eat one again.

May 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

I'm so happy to find this page...finally people who also feel the way I do. The worst sound for me is whistling. I remember one day a couple years back around Halloween I was in a fabric/craft store and this man was there with his three kids. I was initially a bit bothered by the kids squealing with one another, but then the presumed father started whistling a Christmas carol. That had me so bothered I couldn't even think straight, but then the oldest boy started trying to whistle the song too. I felt like I was going to have to kill the whole darn family just to make the noise stop. I went as far away from them in the store as possible and just waited for them to leave. I went home feeling like a completely irrational nut case. Nose blowing, especially the nose blowing people do that is loud and unproductive, drives me bonkers. Crunching, especially chips, is awful too which is only made worse by the fact that a co-worker that I really like eats chips everyday (she says they're her favorite food) and she often has Kettle chips or Doritos which are the most offensively loud chips I've heard. I find myself instinctively covering my ears for many of these sounds.

Another odd sound related reaction I have is when I drop something or know its going to fall I instinctively cover my ears, full on like a child a palm firmly pressed against each ear. That is particularly embarrassing in public since I seem to have no control over that reaction. All that said, this page makes me feel a bit better in knowing that I'm not alone.

May 18, 2012
I'm not alone
by: DMars

OMG I feel normal - or maybe just better it's not just me. When I'm at work I could rip a pen out of someone's hand when then click it over and over again. When I hear it I have to stop and figure out who is doing it. I feel like screaming: who's clicking that f'n pen???? Of course I don't. Then our chairs have this lever on the side to make the chair go up or down. Two people I work with rattle it & it makes a horrible aggravating noise. I ask them to stop and they think I'm joking so they do it more to the point I want to slap them. It really drives me nuts when I'm trying to concentrate and there are repetitive noises. I work at a car dealership & the sound of some tool they use drives me nuts - loud noise over and over again.

May 18, 2012
20/20 Tonight
by: Anonymous

In case any of you don't know by now, 20/20 is doing a segment tonight May 18) on Misophonia and Sensory Processing Disorder. "Check your local listings"!

May 18, 2012
by: Traca

I have to have the TV on or radio, when my husband and I eat, the sound of eating, or getting into a bag of chips, or typing on the computer drives me CRAZY. I found that if I have the TV or radio on I can tolerate it much better. When my husband and I go to the show and there is that quiet usually right before the movie starts and people are digging in there popcorn bags and candy bars are being opened, and straws being pulled up... my husband just looks at me and grins and says, Oh my, are you going to be okay??? Is your wierd phobia happening??? I am torn between putting my hands over my ears and running away. Alas, the movie starts and I am okay. Gum chewing and ice eating make me cringe, I can't take it. I don't want to be like that, but I am!! It's nice to know that other people have the same problem, it somehow makes me feel better. I heard Kelly Rippa talk about it on her show about a year ago and I was like I'm not as Wierd as I thought I was. YEAH!

May 17, 2012
Why does everything have to be so LOUD?
by: Anonymous

One thing that sets me into orbit is the need for stores to blast unnecessary music (including c-r-a-p) while I'm shopping or eating out. Walgreens, CVS, Starbucks, and Dunkin' Donuts are generally guilty of this. I can't even choose a greeting card without some nonsense thumping on my head from the speaker above. REALLY? I can feel my heart pumping out of my chest as the rage takes over.

Ask someone to turn it down? Complain? No, I just end up leaving in frustration.
When being seated in a restaurant, my husband has been marginally patient with having to move from table to table in order to find a "quiet" spot, only to have a noisy party get seated right next to us including someone with a loud voice or incessant laugh. Ugh! All I can focus on is the music and the chatter around me.
Forget the movies. More irritation around me than I can bear. Chomping, crinkling, chatter, ringing -- it's all inevitable.

May 16, 2012
Chewing advice
by: N/A (male)

I absolutely HATE it when people eat food near me, I have definitely skipped some things in life because I knew there would be people eating near me at some point during the event. It's pretty much just chewing and slurping, I mean really I give off the most obvious body-language and they DON'T GET IT! Agh! What I recommend for people who also have problems with chewing sounds; Listen to music that sounds the opposite of chewing, I can have a song at full volume wearing headphones and still hear it when I'm listening to most songs, but when I listen to songs that are they opposite of chewing, I won't hear it even at sometimes half volume.

Keep your mouth closed when you eat!

May 12, 2012
Movement and noises
by: Anonymous

I get annoyed and angry when people chew gum, type on their phones, doesn't anyOne get annoyed when people move their darn feet or twiddled their hair or just talk when I'm trying to consentrate? When I see or hear people do any of those things it makes me want to punch them

May 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

M - thank you so much. I'm having this exact problem with a co-worker. It helps a lot to know someone else is feeling the exact same thing, since no one else in my area seems to be bothered by it!

May 08, 2012
Noise pollution is still pollution
by: Anonymous

First, I have to say that while I agree with the majority of the posters here, the sounds that irritate me the most and make me the most angry to the point of wanting to call the cops are as follows: 1. Barking dogs. Take your damn dog inside or get rid of it because if it's sole purpose is to be tied out and bark, you don't deserve it. 2. Kids screaming and babies crying with that ear piercing screech. Have parents become so immune to this insanely rude behavior or are they just lazy? Shut the eff up already! Kids should be seen and not heard and quite honestly, they shouldn't be seen either. 3. Bass. Car systems that rattle windows and give me migraines. No one is impressed that you spent mommy and daddy's money on a system to put in the car they bought you. 4. Leaf blowers and lawn mowers. Really people, save the yard maintenance for the afternoon. There is simply no reason to start at 7
in the morning. 5. Chainsaws. They frighten me because they are so incredibly dangerous. I can't listen to one and avoid it at all costs. That is a phobia, whereas the rest are pet peeves. 6. Snoring. Oh yes, I know they can't help it. But guess what? I need sleep too and occasionally it would be nice if I could sleep in bed and not on the couch because you feel it's my problem I can't sleep. 7. Vomit. It's disgusting. I can't see it, hear it, smell it, nothing. If someone even pretends I want to cut their throat just to stop them from ever doing it again. And some people are just so ridiculously dramatic about it, making sure everyone knows what's going on. 8. ANYTHING high pitched. Yes, I honestly CAN hear dog whistles. And I have the same reaction they do. As far as people chewing with their mouth open, it's not the sound that bothers me, it's the fact they are chewing with their mouths open. Have they forgotten manners or never had any? I don't want to see that egg salad sandwich you're enjoying because trust me, I can smell it and that's bad enough. I try on occasion to give people the benefit of the doubt, like maybe they have bad teeth or something, but usually I chalk it up to rudeness. Old people and kids annoy me the most because old people don't care anymore and kids are just dumb with terrible parents that haven't bothered to teach them correctly. So, they grow up to be adults that are dumb.

May 07, 2012
by: Anonymous

My colleagues drive me nuts!!! One smacks, pops and chops her gum every freakin' day. I asked her to stop and she got really upset. She was shocked and asked, "THAT bothers you? Then I can't chew gum at all". Like chomping, popping and smacking her gum like Britney Spears in a Matt Lauer interview is the only way to chew gum. WHA?? That was the only time she was ever considerate.

My other issue.. another colleague comes into my office to hand out jobs and he constantly has to knock his nuckles on the desks and/or taps so loudly while he's waiting for instructions or in a conversation. I have mentioned it to him and he stops. I have to mention it every single night. Is he just totally compulsive or incredibly rude?

WHY are people so inconsiderate? It's horrible!! The gum smacker doesn't seem to give a crap. I love this woman because she's so kind, funny, ethical and can keep a secret. She's got amazind advice and would do anything for everyone.. EXCEPT STOP CHOMPING HER GUM!!!

Oh, let me add... The guy behind me constantly swears.. I think he WANTS Touretts. He prides himself on how strange he is. Whatever!!!!!

These people, however nice they are..... still make me want to hide in dark allies with piano wire.. NOW, I totally understand why some people climb tall building with a sharp shooter and scope... I wear headphones to ease the pain of their BULLSH*T....

May 07, 2012
by: M

I have this guy who sits opposite me and I swear he is the worst slurper I have ever encountered. How can you manage to slurp, clank your teeth on the spoon and smack your lips all at the same time? Even better is that he then takes a drink while his mouth is full of food, slurps the drink, smacks the lips and then continues to slurp his food and chew with his mouth open. To end the symphony of masticating sounds he clangs his spoon against the bowl repeatedly like he trying to dig his way through. After that he repeatedly slurps from his sipper bottle throughout the day and somehow manages to make EXACTLY the same noise each time. Who the hell gave a slurper a sipper bottle??

The days he brings noodles for lunch are the days I consider manning the clock tower.

Thanks guys, I feel a lot better after that rant - I've been holding onto it for about a year.

May 05, 2012
Love It!!!
by: haleyinlr

I just love reading about what bothers everyone. It's almost something different for everyone, but a lot of the same sounds bother a lot of people. I don't feel like I have much of a problem, compared to others.

May 05, 2012
Me too
by: Anonymous

I'm driven crazy by the sound of those felt tip pens you get for colouring. I remember when I was younger the entire class was colouring with them so I ran out the class room. When I listen to it I get goosebumps all over and I physically find it hard to do whatever I am doing at the time.

May 03, 2012
by: Kris

I thought I was retarded! Certain noises drive me nuts! Across my desk sits a lady, who with her job title I thought would be absolutely different in her eating habits, BUT she is ALWAYS eating something and I mean crunchy stuff - baby carrots, crackers, chips, nuts. She chomps down on stuff and chews with her mouth open, bangs her fork or spoon on her bowl and I can't take it! Another lady 3 cubicles away from me eats the same thing every morning - dry cereal with almonds in a GLASS bowl. No milk. She uses a spoon and bangs the crap out of it on her bowl. Sometimes I dread coming to work because of these 2 women! Plus my husband chews 150 miles per hour like he's trying to kill whatever is in his mouth - drives me nuts! I can see him chewing 5 miles away. I hate to hear people clanging their spoons and forks on their plates, scraping their plates and constantly turning up a cup that has JUST ice in it! I don't go to movies anymore because people are so rude with their eating habits and their talking that I'm afraid if I go, I might strangle someone. I thought I was just a nervous wreck, but thanks to all of you, I'm not alone! God help us.

May 02, 2012
I started this page three years ago....
by: dmw

It's is amazing how many posts it has now! It seems to me that there is a part of the brain that causes this hypersensitivity. I wish someone could figure it out and prescribe a treatment. If anyone would be Dr. Daniel Amen. Has anyone read his books. He does these awesome brain scans while people are responding to different stimuli. As far as I know, he hasn't done any for our issue, but he has had amazing results with many kinds of patients (anger, personality changes due to head injuries, adhd, bipolar, etc).

Dr. us!!!!!

May 02, 2012
not alone
by: Anonymous

I am so glad to know that I am not crazy after all. Gum chewing and popping, nail biting, crewing on ice, talking with a full mouth, chewing with mouth open, tapping on a keyboard... these things make me completely insane. My grandfather was the same way. I wish it would stop.

May 01, 2012
Good to Know!!
by: haleyinlr

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that gets annoyed by certain sounds. I know I may get on some people's nerves with the clearing of my throat. I try my best to keep it to a minimal around others, because I know it bothers them. My own nephew has said something to me about it before, but I know I do it, and I can't help it. I have allergies. It even annoys me to have to do it all the time. I take shots and a antihistimine to try to control it. I wish I knew of a way to stop doing it so much. I actually practice not trying to do it so much, and that's the only thing that seems to help. I have a long-time friend that makes a little squealing noise inside when I'm sitting by her. I asked her one time about, and she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. I couldn't believe that she didn't realize that she did this. I've never said anything to her about anymore, but it's very noticable if you sit right by her.

I guess everyone has their pet-peeves. I don't get to the point where I'm going to explode, go off on someone or hit them. I think that people who anger or can't control their temper over something they don't like that someone else is doing, has a real problem and needs to get checked out by a specialist.

May 01, 2012
driven to insanity for good reason
by: Weewa in FL

Let me precede this by saying Thank You for the chance to sound off!!!
I am particularly annoyed by the recent addition of an advertising gimmick called "Gas Station TV". Someone has decided it would be advantageous to bombard customers pumping their own gas with blaring TVs installed next to the pumps: unsolicited updates on news, sports and weather and suggestions on extra services (STP, anyone?)are enough to make me scream. Yesterday I found myself yelling "shut up!" at the TV. I stopped pumping short of half a tank just so I could get away from it.

Another annoyance that has my teeth clenched is the morning ritualistic sound of my mother-in-law's cereal spoon repeatedly being stabbed against the side of the bowl as she is eating, punctuated by unnecessarily loud Clearings of the Throat. I have to literally go in my bedroom and shut the door (but I can still hear it all, being that my house is a completely tiled and echoey one-level).

I don't go to the movies anymore because of the idiots around me who have to stock up on cellophane-wrapped snacks, and chomp on popcorn in huge paper tubs. Then there is the need (halfway down) apparently to SHAKE the popcorn around so the salt and butter are redistributed. There are no guarantees that their cell phone won't ring during the movie, or that they'll need to have a dialogue with their seatmates about the movie as it is being shown. Aaargh.

Apr 30, 2012
Certain Noises
by: Anonymous

A guy that sits next to me in another office annoys the hell out of me. He has a bald head, and on a daily-basis he rubs the back of his head real hard, and then grunts. Next, every so often his chair starts squeaking with every move he makes, and it drives me up the wall. If he's ever off one day, I have to go in his office and put WD-40 on it. He won't do it for me if I ask him to. My boss just laughs at me when he sees me in his office doing this, because he knows why. I'm not to the point that I will get violent, because I'm not a violent person. I just close my door to my office most of the time. People talking real loud around me, and playing music for everyone to hear in their office bothers me too. I've never been married or had kids and I'm over 50 now, so that may have something to do with it. I'm not an Introvert either. I've never been diagnosed with any kind of mental disorder nor am I on any medication for it. I just don't like things real loud in certain situations I guess. I don't like it when people don't blow their nose either, and slurp the snot back up. I want to blow my nose if I ever have that problem. When my elderly mom lived with me, she was real loud, and it bothered me so much. I usually just go into my bedroom and turn the TV and a fan on, and I'm hunky-dory. So I guess this would just be considered pet-peeves or is it that I actually have a sensitivity to noise???? I would rather get away from anything like this that annoys me, than to tell someone that it's bothering me. Lots of people get mad when you do this. I know I clear my throat or sneeze a lot because of allergies, but I try to keep it to a minimal when I'm around others. I try to be considerate.

Apr 29, 2012
I'm no longer alone! Yes!
by: Fabienne

Hello all,

Oh my word, I discovered there are others like me! This makes me SO happy!

I have an audio sensitivity that nobody seems to understand. I hate with a passion sounds of people eating, newspapers, crinkly stuff (like popcorn bags, chips bags, plastic bags,...) and many more sounds. I also hate what I call S-ers people who put a large emphasis on the letter S when they talk. Drives me mental. It also makes me very very angry. When I go on the train in the morning and it's not quiet, now I use my iPod but in the past I've broken down in tears because people make too much noise and went to sit outside the compartment on the floor because of it.

I'm afraid my anger will one day cause me to actually punch someone or hurt someone badly. (I also can't stand people sitting next to me on a train and I will usually get up and walk away.)

My mother refuses to believe me and keeps on annoying me on a daily basis mainly by wearing slippers and dragging her feet on the tiles all day long, or by banging her feet very loudly when she walks barefooted. I cannot stand it when she makes noises (like cutting her nails or something) and when I ask her to stop she will get angry.

I've been unemployed since august last year. At my last job I sat across from someone who instead of sliding their computer mouse would constantly bang it on the desk. I told him to stop, I told the boss it aggravates me and I got fired.

Right now it's so bad I can't even stand hearing myself eat! I have to watch tv or listen to music or something.

BUT I also have sounds that comfort me enormously, vaccuum cleaners and hairdryers, a sort of repetitive noise. Also visually I love watching people clean windows the movements almost put me in a trance.

When I go to the cinema, I have earplugs that I use that will sort of cut out the noise of people eating but I still hear the film. (those are airplane earplugs that regulate pressure) and at night I sleep with swimming earplugs in my ears otherwise I simply cannot sleep.

I wish I could get rid of this but in trying to becoming more tolerant it just doesn't work.

Silence is GOLDEN! And I'm sure many more agree!

Apr 25, 2012
Cure it.
by: FreeAtLast

You can desensitize yourself to sounds/behavior/people that bother you. Results are wonderful: imagine all this noise is going on around you and you aren't affected at all! There are various ways (mindfulness training, neuro-feedback, meditation, many others) but they all involve CHANGING YOUR BRAIN WAVES. Not only will the sounds not bother or stress you but the brain waves you'll be training yourself to use are super healthy for your brain - causing you to use and develop more of it. The only caveat is that you have to be willing to let go of blame - either blaming others, blaming yourself or your body/ physiology/ chemistry, or blaming external causes of any kind. But the results are wonderful reach far beyond curing your noise sensitivity.

Apr 25, 2012
When the RAGE HITS
by: Justin

I am so glad im not going crazy.. to find that im by far not the only one with this problem is a big relief. It has become more apparent to me that its the noises that trigger my anger.. and i have serious anger issues when they happen.. I snap at people even my loved ones so easily.. When people do high pitched yells, when my kids sing and they aren't that good, even if i sing the radio has to be loud enough where i can't hear me, vaccums, baby screaming, carpet cleaners, whistling, constant tapping, and many more.. and i am not sure if its just my sensitivity to sound such as i can hear most whispered conversations across the room if i focus on them relatively easy. Im not sure if this would be considered misophonia or not? does anyone else have an opinion?

Apr 25, 2012
Hard candy sucking
by: Anonymous

I'm ready to lose it. The hard of hearing older guy that keeps yawning, farting, clipping his nails has a new hobby. He's now sucking on hard candy, clicking it against his teeth. Nice, since he's in the cube next to me. Help!!! If those sensitive to smells have the right to demand that nobody wear smelly stuff, then I have the right to ask that people should shut up, since I'm sensitive to the noise they make.

Ok, I feel better now...putting the headphones back on. ;)

Apr 21, 2012
Neurological basis
by: Matt

Hey everyone,

I've read the overactivity in the parietal region in the brain can cause the symptoms you mention, such as extreme sensitivity to chewing noises, lip smacking, etc. From my understanding, these subtle noises are amplified in the brain to the point that it causes difficulty concentraing on other tasks - which leads to annoyance and rage.

Meditation, marijuana, and headphones are all remedies I have read about.

Hope this helps.


Apr 21, 2012
i get irritated when someone sings songs besides me
by: guy with ear phones

just searched on google and found this forum and feeling a bit good that i am not alone. currently while typing this i am hearing guys around me in office singing and this noise irritates me a lot. it often happens in the public transport where i cant help myself but can use my ear phones to get rid of that hell. sometimes i request people to stop singing but it doesnt helps always. this disorder is with me since my childhood, i am 22 now and i remember i broke a window of my house in anger when i requested my dad not to sing and he refused to do so and i was only 10 at that time. dont know what will help me to get rid of this thing. waiting for some suggestions. and now going to smack head of that guy who is singing there in my office :P

Apr 21, 2012
Welcome to the club
by: Anonymous

What a quiet and well mannered party we could have if everyone on this forum got together. Today this lady was in front of me at the grocery store, sniffing away, i had to move to the longer line. Blow your nose already! Anyway soldier on friends :)

Apr 20, 2012
I feel insane sometimes !
by: Anonymous

So, for the LONGEST time, it has bothered me so much when people rub their feet on the carpet.. It makes me extremely angry, & when I ask them to stop, they treat it as a joke & continue. I remember when I brother would do it, I would scream, cry & hit him.. I would even yell at my mom.. I could tell that it annoyed them, but they really don't understand. It literally makes me want to scream, & hit somebody. I know it isn't normal, but I can't help it. If I accidentally rub my feet on the carpet, I have to take the rubbing off with my hands; it may not make sense. but, then I think about it for hours. I just can't get rid of it. Also chewing with your mouth open, I just want to leave the room, I feel like I need to punch them as hard as I can, or throw their food on the floor. I'm honestly such a nice, caring person.. But these sounds just trigger my anger like nothing else can.
Other things that irritate me; dry hands rubbing together, cloth rubbing on my teeth, wood pencils writing on paper, rubbing fingers on paper, the thought of my teeth rubbing on paper.
I just wish this would go away.

Apr 14, 2012
Stressful / Irritating Noises
by: Helen Anonymous

Hello everyone ,

I have noises which annoy me and cause stress in my body and mind as most people do ...ticking clocks , dripping taps , chewing , sniffing , constant fiddling ,,loud action banging noises , thumping music ...etc .

I find personally and have read that if you are stressed / tired / impatient /uptight about something / these things you will hone in on and it will trigger irritating responses in ur mind and heart races and stress buildup . You end up focussing and the noise the repetitive nature of it and it totally ends up bringing out rage and anger which does need to be controlled and stopped for peace of mind .

It's not just that people have rude manners either although that may seem the case and that they are uneducated in this ( ( most times people don't realize they are making annoying noise and have these habits ) ...sometimes just a polite comment or suggestion to close mouth or heres a tissue to blow nose helps, or if people are talking at movies or church etc ( I do this often )

It's important to learn coping mechanisms , learn to focus on other things , fix the problem , move ,Wear ear plugs , de stress , tell the person and make the change needed , and learn to lower your own stress levels and triggers and anger .
If you have problems with anxiety,relaxing etc you have get help / counseling talk to someone professional , and learn to cope with living with others and habits and not blaming others or the time also becoming more tolerant if need be .

God Bless all the best everyone xox

Apr 13, 2012
Check out this website
by: Anonymous

it may help.

Apr 12, 2012
Glad I'm not Alone
by: Liz in NJ

Oh My annoying coworker snacks all day and it's driving me crazy. I've asked him politely to please chew with his mouth closed. His reply?..."I'm too old to change". Eating noises (lip smacking, chewing with mouth open, loud crunching) and coughing seem to bother me the most. When I become enraged I also mimick the sound! (What a strange common reaction.) I realize that this started when I was a made me absolutely sickened and annoyed listening to my father eat (lots of lip smacking and teeth sucking. disgusting.) Why don't people have manners?! Any suggestions for relief? (other than the earphones with whit noise I use while at work)

Apr 11, 2012
I understand you, almost too well.
by: Kai

I completely understand where you're getting at - I'm only 14, but my tolerance to annoying sounds is really not too great. What amazes me is that I used to threaten my brother a few years ago for 'gulping' his water or juice down, but now it doesn't bother me.

Although, I must admit - worse noises can trigger this sudden rage inside of me. When someone sits down next to me and they chew gum or eat food or even breath heavily, I have to use my iPod so I don't bash the other person's head in. Now of course, I might not have any offence against this person but these noises could really make me chew my arm off.

Apr 04, 2012
by: JC

I thought I was alone and part crazy. There is some comfort in knowing I am not alone. Sounds that others make like loud smacking when eating or kissing, loud sniffing and snorting, sucking and really grating voices hit me like a hammer. Mimic'ing the sound helps some but only results in others being offended or doing it even more. If, rather than making rude loud noises, others would show the same consideration and courtesy and manners that I show them, life would be great. People that offend always blame the victim for being offended. They certainly would be offended if I walked up to them and belched or "flatulated" loudly or screamed in their ear. Meanwhile, they make my life hell at times. I live with earplugs and headphones most waking hours. Since there is no cure for bad manners, I pray that someone will recognize this problem and develop a cure for hypersensitivity / hyperacusis.

Apr 01, 2012
by: Steve

I am a male and I think most people who see would be surprised (with the exception of my former classmates) to learn of a disorder I have lived with my entire life. Today I am a few days short of turning 65 and have never known of anyone else who suffers from paper related items sounds. One day in the later part of the first grade I noticed that pencil sounds scratching the paper gave me horrible goose bumps like the reaction of many people when someone makes that blackboard scratching sound. Pretty soon I could no longer write with a pencil and to make matters worse I couldn’t touch paper without the same thing occurring. Soon after that, I could not tolerate anyone turning pages by rubbing them together. It was unbearable! No one could figure out what had happened to me nor could any doctor offer a solution. With special permission in each and every class I was allowed to use a ballpoint pen (For some reason that did not bother me) and I could write by bringing wax paper to school to put under my hand as I wrote.

As the years have passed, I was able to overcome touching the paper, but still to this day cannot use a pencil. Things that I still cannot tolerate are Crayons, Styrofoam, pencils, Pages rubbing together, cardboard, fountain pen, and any non waxed paper plate. Any one have any idea what may have caused this my entire life?

Mar 27, 2012
Re: 90% Women
by: Anonymous

It sounds like this has been an awful experience for you. I know how frustrating it can be and am sorry for your circumstances. Actually, there are plenty of men who have it, too. They're just less apt to talk about it.

Mar 27, 2012
90% women
by: Anonymous

Well it looks like to me this is mostly women on this post. my girlfriend has this and i wonder what the heck is wrong with her... so what i got out of this blog was very helpful. she is overreacting as a woman usually does, maybe is hormones?. and people can be very selfish, the whole world is supposed to not make noises just because you find them annoying.... come on!!
Truly Disgusted with the human race...

Mar 15, 2012
by: Sunlovinmomma

Found this site a while back, as all, glad to know im not alone. Am prying forn ALL who post. Any specific prayer requests, email ROBINANDSHELBY@AOL.COM. Am 42 suffered since about 6. Have an amazing hubby who understands even better after this site, but never thought i was crazy...but i did! Have a friend at church who suffers too. Thanks GMA for haveing the lady on who suffered, i think we finally have a voivce people! One come we dont recognize each other in public? I never thought anyone else suffered. Never saw anyone else reat to noise.

Mar 14, 2012
Dealing with it... sort of
by: Anonymous

Noises have been driving me insane since I was 10 years old- I'm 15 now, and right off the bat I seemed to lower the pain of it by actually mimicking the sound. I don't know where the logic is, but it helped me. However, it's mortifying if anyone ever notices what your doing, so I try not to mock anything. (*Check out the NY Times article on Misophonia*- it explained what I feel perfectly, maybe you too) Now my strategies include earplugs, headphones, leaving the situation even before something gets the chance to occur, spending more and more time alone, and running upstairs to my room to: breathe a bit or read even just a page of a book It's real pain, and it's managing to separate me from my mom- I never want to be around her and it's not her fault! It depresses me to think that when I find someone I hope to live with, I'm not going to want to be around them, and they'll worry that they did something wrong. Help

Mar 08, 2012
My son and I ...
by: Becki

It's strange. My whole life I was consumed with rage when my mother ate - I could hear her jaw move. It was repulsive. The scratch of pencils in class enraged me and kept me from doing well on tests. I remember being tortured in a relative's car by a Styrofoam cooler scraping against the back of the backseat in their hatchback (two hour drive there, two hour drive back .... I was so tormented, they threw it away before the drive home). I don't know if the noises were the worst or the contempt people had for my being "overly sensitive" or "picky." I felt like an audio version of the princess and the pea. My son has some of the same and I feel his pain. Strangely, I have chronic lyme disease. My symptoms (and my ADD symptoms) have gotten SO much better and my specialist thinks it was from the meningitis/brain swelling. It's not much of a trade-off. But there has to be a hint at a cure there.

Mar 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

Why is it us that has the problem because we can't stand rude disgusting sounds or smells? It is the people we don't want to offend that has a problem. They were never taught manners or grooming. It's unbelievable that so many people are dealing with these rude people but don't say anything, so these slobs continue to drive us up the wall.

Mar 07, 2012
Nice to know I am not alone and not crazy
by: Anonymous

OMG – To plagiarize "Silence or Violence"–I TOO have a colleague who feels compelled to sing to himself, loudly, whenever the mood strikes. We sit in an open plan office and I even though I sit quite far away from him, I can hear his terrible singing, humming, whistling & finger snapping over the usual office sounds of phones, voices, computers, traffic etc. and I cannot, for the life of me understand why nobody else seems to be complaining. For one thing, he cannot sing worth a damn, and he apparently cannot remember an entire song because ends up repeating the same verse or chorus over, and over, and over and OVER again. I feel like I might one day snap and lose my job because I will go off on this guy!

It has been suggested that I need therapy. It is nice to know I am not alone. I realize I have been afflicted with SPD my entire life, just never had a name for it or knew others suffered as I do. It IS real suffering. I try very hard to let it go and often just have to walk to another room to get relief.

Mar 05, 2012
by: Anonymous

The guy next to me is so annoying..he smacks ans slurps and burps and then passes gas.. sucks his teeth and smacks more.. he is so annoying I want to scream!!!

Mar 02, 2012
Silence or Violence
by: Anonymous

I have a colleague who feels compelled to sing to herself, loudly, whenever the mood strikes. We sit in an open plan office and I even though I sit quite far away from her, I can hear her terrible singing over the usual office sounds of phones, voices, computers, traffic etc. and I cannot, for the life of me understand why nobody else seems to be complaining. For one thing, she cannot sing worth a damn, and she apparently cannot remember an entire song because ends up repeating the same verse or chorus over, and over, and over again. I feel like I might one day snap and brutally murder this woman right there and then, in front of everyone.

Feb 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

Please tell me more about the EFT treatments. If they really help, I would love to try it. Who do you call to set up this type of an appointment? Accupuncturists?? Thanks ..... anything that might help - I am willing to try!

I am starting to notice that my 15 year old daughter is experiencing some of the same irritation with these annoying sounds. I would love to find something to help her out before it gets as bad as mine!


Feb 29, 2012
It's the rage that scares me the most
by: Anonymous

My husband knows some sounds bother me, but I don't think he realizes the rage that comes with it. I always say "and this is why I can never own a gun."

I just failed my biology test. It was timed in 1 minute increments broken up by a bell ringing, all I remember is the bell, I couldn't think of any of the answers. Right after I left the test and was walking to my car, all the answers came to me. It's like these sounds get directly inserted into my brain as opposed to hearing them from the outside in. I can't think through them.
On the upside, I once got up in the middle of the night to "kill" someone down the hall in my apartment building. They were making this constant banging noise and it was making me crazy. It was a woman trapped in the elevator.
We recently had to get a new alarm clock because ours started a low buzzing noise. Before the alarm goes off, there is a click. The click wakes me up so I can turn the clock off before the alarm makes any noise.

I am getting EFT treatment tomorrow for this issue as my stress load lately is making it really bad. It takes it down a notch, I lose a lot of the rage. It's similar to acupuncture but without the needles. It has gotten worse as I get older. I am 42 and for the last two years have been getting treatments for it to keep it in check.

Feb 27, 2012
join the club
by: Anonymous


These folks have bad manners.

deep throat clearing,smacking and sniffing up their snot instead of using a tissue and gently blowing their nose.

soooooo disgusting

Feb 24, 2012
by: Anonymous

Wow...I thought I was the only one with this problem...I can easily get annoyed with any noise...I try to block them, but it's so hard. I actually had to move cubicles because of my coworker constantly making noises. I have anxiety with other noises...just wish it was simple to block annoying noises!

Feb 23, 2012
In the Same Boat
by: Anonymous

My low tolerance for certain noises began before I was 10 years old. I can remember my dad eating cereal at night two or three rooms away and it would wake me up. The clanking of the spoon against the bowl would go on and on. And then the sensitivity to chewing gum began to surface. I would literally shiver at the sound of popping or even worst, smacking the gum with your mouth open. I thought I would grow out of it, but the irritation is still here. The worst part is when someone know you are sensitive to the sound and then they do it on purpose, very cruel (these people are no longer in my life). I even have to turn up the volume on my car radio just to drown out the echo of my son’s headphones (I ask him to turn it down and then play it off like I’m looking out for his hearing).
I work in the “cube” world and the noises from my cube neighbors are sometimes unbearable:
• Low whispering (just go to a closed office for privacy)
• Slurping the bottom of a drink or constantly shaking the ice
• Constant rubbing of hands
• Loud chewing
• Low moans and deep exhales
• Smacking gum (I had to address this on day two because I knew it would have driven me crazy) thankfully the person knew she could be loud with her gum and agreeable stopped.
My family just laughs when I try to explain my feelings, but it’s so hard if you are not sensitive to the noises. I try to equate it to the scratching of nails on the chalkboard and they seem to get the idea.
Thanks for the blog. I needed to share.

Feb 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

Speaking for myself I don't associate hypersensitivity or hyper irritability with being gifted in any way. Sounds like a shrink tactic to lessen the freak aspect of it.I view it as a total liability and damaging..slowly "painting myself into the corner".

Feb 22, 2012
by: Anonymous

I've never been able to sleep with the sound of a ticking clock, I remember trying to sleep with one in the room as a small child and it just being impossible.

Fast forward to 13/14 and my dad! Oh my god he made me so, so angry. He chews with his mouth wide open, eats really fast and breathes through his mouth and nose non stop throughout the meal. He also talks with his mouth full whilst gnashing away on some forkful. Then comes the inevitable (and endless) belching....

It wasn't long until my mum's quieter, much less hatefully obnoxious chewing began to haunt me, the way I could hear the food slipping its way around her teeth and tongue, the occasional (and completely unnecessary) lip smack would just fall out of there....

It was the look of them too, that came to bug me. My mum looks so meek and just... vacant while she eats. She holds the plate up to her chin like she's afraid. My dad stares around and initiates boring conversation like he's king, enjoying his triumph of wife and daughters, as though he can do whatever he likes cause he created us, his family.

I can link it together, my dad started to piss me off with his awful eating, and she just stuck up for him, and he completely ignored, and made light of, my complaints.

So, it was his obnoxiousness, and her passivity which was really annoying me. It's a shame, because I basically didn't live there as of when I was old enough to get a Saturday job, but heigh ho.

What's getting to me now is that other noise is starting to irritate me, my dad used to say that when he was 14 the noise of his dad's chewing used to drive him crackers. So I tried, and mostly managed, not to let it get in the way.
But now ( and back then) my ears really hurt. Not in an earache way, or a way that actually causes physical pain. I can only akin the sensation to my ears being waterlogged with warm, viscous water, and the best I can do is get away from noise until all the 'water' has subsided.
Annoyingly, my boyfriend of 2 years' noises have started to get to me. I love him to much to go on in impassioned detail about it, but he seems to me to hit his teeth together unnecessarily whilst chewing. Like he's chopping on a wooden block. He also likes to eat jelly strawberrys all the time, and he's started well doing it with his mouth wide open, as well as with other things too.
I think I have a lot of petty anger, and that I could do without all this, but I wonder, does anyone link this 'hypersensitivity' with being generally gifted? Just sort of clever, kooky, or off the wall think-outside-the-boxy type people. By which I mean, does this sensitivity implicate sensitivity in general?

I consider myself sensitive to the world around me, and notice many things. What do you think?
If you made it to the end of this long rant, I thank you.

Sorry about the swearing moderator, just fill it with stars or omit it if you like.

Feb 17, 2012
Constant whispering
by: Anonymous

My cubicle neighbor constantly whispers to herself. She is such a nice lady and I guess she needs to hear what she is reading to process it, but she does it ALL day. It really bothers me to the point I cover my ears for a break from it. I feel rude for being bothered by it.

Feb 16, 2012
by: Anonymous

....the tap tap tap of my co-worker's long acrylic nails on the keyboard. co-worker blowing her nose every few minutes because she has a cold. geez. go into the bathroom!!!
rattling papers, phones ringing, i could go on and on. ugh.....

Feb 16, 2012
With you...
by: Annoyed

My co-workers drive me absolutely insane to the point I want to ring their necks.... the 3 most annoying noises being;

- Slurping hot drinks - just wait for it to cool down FFS!
- Finger biting, followed by a loud (to me anyway) sucking
- Eating sweets with their mouth open

All 3 drive me absolutely nuts to the point where I have to sit there all day with headphones in listening to music.

I appreciate that they probably don't realise they're doing it, and that i'm intolerant but it's still irritating as hell. Just sit there and do you work without making annoying noises and i'd be happy!!

Rant over :D

Feb 04, 2012
I want to kill people who crinkle paper!
by: Anonymous

I'm glad not to bela lone with this noise stuff. Mouth noises like people biting their nails or eating with their mouth open drives me nuts. Worse than that though is crinkling certain kinds of paper like potato chip bags and receipts. I'm sitting at the doctors office right now and the lady next to me is looking at every receipt (and unraveling them very slowly) she had stuffed into her wallet to see if she should throw it away. I just want her to f'ing leave already!

Does anyone have any techniques for dealing with this? I wind up trying to breath deep and distract myself but it doesn't always work and sometimes just gets worse. It makes me so irritable and anxious. It makes my skin crawl and I just want to scream. What do we do???????????

Jan 30, 2012
kissing sounds on tv

Why do shows up the volume when people kiss? It sounds like slurping sounds and I hate it. Is it me or does producer or directors think slurping sounds when people are kissing sounds good?

Jan 30, 2012
I feel ya
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem. if someone is eating chips, i have to eat also or leave the room or knock them out :) I stopped going to movies because of those brief seconds when its quiet drives me crazy. commercials that have people crunching chips or cereal make me rush to change the station.I can't stand people eating soup or slurping coffee. Gum heavy breathing all drive me insane. I've always wondered what could be done about it. Thought i was alone with this issue.

Jan 29, 2012
So I'm NOT crazy!!!
by: Anonymous

This is absolutely CRAZY!! I've always just thought I was insane! The softer the noise, the "louder" it is to me. My family eating at the dinner table, smacking, crunching, tapping their plate with their fork, people breathing, gum chewing, breathing into their makes my insides boil! I feel like they are doing it loud on purpose just to irritate me. I guess they aren't and now I know I'm not crazy! At least now I may can tolerate it.

Jan 28, 2012
by: Anonymous

I used to have nightmares of repetitive sounds so when I was young I was more scared of them. Now I CAN NOT STAND!!!!! THE FOLLOWING:

Clocks/watches ticking. {I can hear them when no one else can}
People laughing {Depends on pitch, girls high giggle really, REALLY fucking irritates me}
The sounds my boyfriends Mum makes {Including a high pitched giggle thing}
Car front door alarms.
People mumbling.
People eating. Some people hum when they eat. Gahh.
Two things on at once that emit different sounds.
Clicking of a mouse.
Kids crying.
That's all I can think of for now. . .

Jan 22, 2012
tired of it
by: SA

I've been this way since a teenager that I can remember. Mostly gum popping, smacking drives me crazy. I did see there's a specific name for the disorder on Good Morning America but I don't remember what it is. I was so relieved to find out that other people have this too. I have annoyed my family and friends by asking them to get rid of their gum. I'm 51 now and it's never gotten better. It can ruin church, a movie, class, or any event where I'm sitting by someone who's smacking. It literally nearly drives me crazy and makes me very angry. I wish I knew where I could get some help......

Jan 22, 2012
bad manners
by: Anonymous

I too cannot tolerate disgusting sounds.

My Mum has the worst manners of
*sniffing up"
*very loud throat clearing
*hacking up phlegm

This happens every day, all day and she even does this in public.

The other disgusting thing is she will Sneeze into her hands and then touch things like the steering wheel or phone.

She will cough and sneeze onto things like the phone or computer.

She refuses to do this in private or change.

I have learned just to use a sanitizing wipe before I use anything after her use.

Jan 20, 2012
by: meghan

Okay, so I'm a normal 14 year old girl. I've been struggling with this "problem" ever since I was little. I've always felt as if I wasn't normal, like I was weird, and stupid, because all of these little thing bothered me to the point where I'm ready to scream! Things such as:
- People eating
- Computer mouse clicking, computer keyboards
- My sister texting on her phone, just the sound of the buttons make me cringe!
- snoring, with a passion!
- breathing
- yawning
- swallowing/gulping
- clearing of the throat, coughing
- The sound of when people set down their coffee cups on a table or counter.
- When people are talking on the phone from another room, and I can hear them.
Some actions and movements bother me too,
- When my mom eats, she'll put her hand underneath her hair by her neck, I dont know why it bothers me, but it does.
- When people stare, oh my gosh.
- When I can see someone tapping their foot, or moving in the corner of my eye.

I've always had this problem, and it really irritates me, I've felt like such a selfish, stupid freak for the longest time. Noone understands when I tell them about it, I feel so alone. I am so relieved to know that there other people going through the same situation as me

My family gets so mad when I tell them to stop doing something because it bothers me. It's gotten to the point where I just say "You know what, The tiniest sounds bother me, it's just how I am, there's nothing I can do about it, send me to therapy if it's that bad!!!!" It's a hard thing to go through. I don't want to live the rest of my life like this!

Eating at the dinner table is SO hard for me. I have to have my earbuds in listening to music because I cannot stand the sound of people chewing,their silverware hitting their plates. When I go to sleep at night, I have to have a fan on so I dont have to hear all the noises that will bother me. Half the time I have to plu my ears just to fall asleep.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one going though this, it really is.

Jan 18, 2012
Really ?
by: Anonymous

I love these posters who"blame" it on others ? "I've come to associate it with stupidity? "immature,rude people with bad manners" wow ?
hypersensitivity/ hyper irritability is the bottom line, has ZERO to do with others...

Jan 18, 2012
Bang that thing one more time and I'll.......

Anna said she was sensitive to these and so am I:
- food smacking, chewing sounds
- twiddling of keys
- twiddling change in a pocket UGH!!!
- snorting or sniffing mucus in the nose
- conflicting sounds (radio and TV on at the same time)
- bass from other idiots vehicles turned too high
- repeated clearing of throat
- off-key whistling -- OMG yes!
- some pitches in yelling or speaking voices

Some of these noises literally HURT my ears. It may be interesting to note I am a musician -- singer and pianist and extremely sensitive to tone and pitch."

SNAP CRACKLE POP made a good point -- Do I need help, or does SOCIETY?! -

I am not sure that this is a dysfunction of ours as much as it is also brought on by immature, rude people with bad manners and oblivious to other people.

Currently, I have the following annoyances at work that are driving me to anger.

Slamming of doors and cabinets
jingling change in pockets
loud talkers who yell to their friend while walking to the office
packing tape dispensers and slamming them down
dragging feet
and a salesman who is constantly picking up his stack of forms and bangs them onto his desk several times to 'align' them. Every. 30. seconds. I am beside myself with frustration.

But he used to do other things like:
coughing obsessively. that stopped.
drumming his fingers on his desk. That stopped thank God.
Now it's his stack of papers that he taps loudly onto his desk.
I wasn't sure if it was OCD or just being an oblivious man or something he needed as a salesman to 'psych' himself up before a cold call. I could tolerate the latter.... but now it's become a constant habit. I have had enough.

I do not know how to cope.
If he has OCD, the advice is that I can't tell him to please stop it bcse he can't. SHEESH!!!

I would appreciate help dealing with him.

Jan 18, 2012
Crunching is affecting my job
by: JPT

I need to be in a room with co-workers for a project I am on. They are all crunchers and smackers! They bring in carrots, nuts, gum etc and have them going all day long. It is actually giving me headaches and affecting my ability to concentrate and do my job. Why am I the only one bothered by the noises in the room?!??

Jan 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

I want to talk to some one else that has this.For so long I thort it was only me.this disorder controls so much of my life.Feeling the same? email me at

Jan 18, 2012
I have this
by: Anonymous

I'm 22 and have what ever this is all my life.But mine is worse its not just gum but all chewing noises and breathing, sniffing , clicking and tapping. pretty much and repetitive noise.I have trouble being around people. the only thing that helps is acupuncture. I just went to make my mother happy but the guy made me almost deaf so I could only hear things that i was paying attention to or looking at.Try it, it changed my life.

Jan 17, 2012
I'm not the only one
by: Anonymous

i think we're all normal and everybody else has bad habits...

Jan 17, 2012
I'm shocked at how many others there are
by: Anonymous

As I sit here in my living room with my family that i love so much, i cringe when one of them walks in the room with food. i literally can't stand to be around anyone for that matter when i hear chewing, fork scraping, etc.. i wish there was a way to make these feelings stop. the rage that i get from these noises are explainable and i can't comprehend why on earth it bothers me so much but it does. i can't function around these noises especially when trying to write something and collect my thoughts. ALL I HEAR ARE THE NOISES AND THE CHEWING. it makes me feel terrible when i get so mad at people to the point where i have to make a comment and make them feel bad. HELP ME!!

Thank you fellow people with the same problems for letting me feel less crazy.

Jan 17, 2012
lip smacking makes me see red
by: Anonymous

It's so easy to blame ourself for being intolerant, and maybe we are.

I've also been highly intolerant of this people chewing food with their mouths open, smacking their lips like little babies. And that's the thing - it's something most people learn to control when they're kids - but they stop eating with their mouths open, they stop smacking when they grow up. So when adult people do it - it annoys the hell out of me. It's rude, it's disrespectful to others - they're oblivious to manners. I've come to associate it with stupidity - I've never met a smart person who smack when they eat. It's this more than the sound that bothers me.

Jan 08, 2012
by: Michelle

I found this page while looking for info on loud chewers. My partner's chewing brings me to a level of tense that I can't believe. I know he isn't trying to drive me crazy, but I even started choosing quiet foods for dinner and no croutons, chips, or nuts. At the rate I am going he will only be getting oatmeal for dinner and even that will require background music playing. I have always been sensitive to many sounds that don't bother others and now I know why. It helps to know I am not alone.

Jan 07, 2012
I have just Googled this sentence...
by: ZM

I have just Googled this sentence...'the sound of my cat licking herself drives me insane' and found this thread.

At this second I am going through a personal hell. I have gotten into bed, my cat has entered the room, and started to lick herself. It is going through me to the point i want to throw her out of the window! It is like what I imagine the phrase 'nails to a chalkboard' is, and it make me angry, upset, full of rage and irritability.
I love my cat, but I cannot handle the noises anymore!
I have just thrown a slipper at her and she has stopped, but i am still irritated.

Thing is, its not just cat licking bum noises that rile me up! People eating is another, and unfortunately my partner is a lip smacker and a noisy eater. I have screamed at him before for his noisy eating.

Once he starts snoring at night, thats it, I cannot fall asleep. Its like a race to fall asleep first, otherwise the noise just irritates me and I'm awake most of the night.

How do we go about getting this fixed, before I actually punch someone? (lol)

Infairness, I did come very close to screaming at a complete stranger on the train once-he was sat behind me sucking and chomping on sweets the entirety of my journey, and I was almost vomiting.


Jan 05, 2012
its destroying my relationship and my life
by: Anonymous

in school the tapping of rulers has made me shout and almost launch at people because I try so hard no to say anything that I eventually break and explode at them.

Now more then 7 years later I find myself going mad at nearly everything around me from the washing machine, to the backing noises on tv programs but the thing that has made the problem most apparent is my 3 year old son, I hate myself for it but I find my self stopping him from even being a little boy and running round the house shouting because at times I feel that im going to explode an do something stupid, I don’t know what I am supposed to do anymore because even leaving the room dosn’t help I put music on to try and block it out but some how I can still only hear that noise, I guess it has never been as much as a problem because asking a 20 year old man to stop whistling is far more acceptable then forcing your 3 year old child to stop making noises that make him a child, but what am I supposed to do.

This problem is going to destroy my family I have been to the doctors but am now on a waiting list, I just hope the help comes before it is to late.

Jan 03, 2012
Going Bonkers right now
by: Anonymous

As I type this my supersweet 13 year old is eating Chex Mix..the crunching and all is driving me bonkers. I seriously cannot take the noises of crunching, gum smacking, forks on a plate...sigh. I want to run and hide forever, that is how bad it is. But, I sit here and deal with it. Hard, so hard to do, especially at the movies..I want to cry.

Hopefully, one day it will no longer bother me...

Dec 28, 2011
i have found my people
by: tingler00

yep. you all would be the quietest party i would ever attend. a self help group for sensory issues. ha ha.
this problem has strained relations with my family.
had me almost getting my butt kicked as i shout at cars with subwoofers.
tell others to stop talking loud on cellphones.
yelling at peoples dogs to be quiet.
even telling myself i eat to loud!
this disorder sux but most of us are geniuses at what we do for careers. i often wear earplugs just to keep sanity at a good level.all i can say is, there seems to be no cure. alcohol, marijuana, all those "cures" that are supposed to mellow you out, dont.

Dec 23, 2011
starstarstarstarstar gosh.
by: Anonymous

I am floored. I never in a millions years thought I would come across so many people with issues similar to mine.I actually had to stop reading all the comments because I found myself getting worked up just reading about certain scenarios that make me crazy as well. I am glad I am not alone, but would like to know how to combat this. Many nights my dinner table is excruciating for me to sit through, among many other occasions in my life! I owe it to my kids, my husband and myself to try to make things better. After reading through the recommended website ( seems like the only current treatment are either impossible (earplugs are out though I sure WANT to use them!- I have four kids!)or things I already do which is kind of a let down.

I do love my White Noise app I came across for my iphone though. It has some good sounds that do calm me and allow me to fall asleep. I used to run a fan every night to block out any odd sounds.

Dec 21, 2011
Just want help
by: Anonymous

I have suffered with this for so long and never knew there was actually a name for it.As I got older,it became worse.Its to the point where it controls my life.I just want help and don't know where to turn.Knowing others have the same problem helps.

Dec 17, 2011
things are changin !
by: Brian

My reason for searching this,recently I acquired a sub woofer,hooked it up & the sensation from it was just disturbing & caused immediate high anxiety & queezy stomach,New to me! never had this prob b4.Now just low bass with loud speakers is highly unnerving. A couple years ago,summer,in the morning, windows open Jets were flying over like they always have being in a flight path,10 mi from O'hare,the sound of the engines went right through me & was highly disturbing to my core.Irritability & anger are through the stratosphere these days,in the check out line people behind me always "HAVE" to get that dividing bar up there reaching & bumping me in the process or just stand 6 " away while swiping the debit card..I'm gonna hit someone soon,my dog has a soft flubby mouth - Cheeks ? after he eats there is a 10 minute suction slurping clearing the debris from his mouth,now it drives me mad, I snap & tell him to get lost! poor guy..Vertigo is more & more prevalent,underlying at all times,when I take a step at times feels like my feet aren't there? or stepping into something deep and soft ? Visually door frames look crooked,floors appear at an angle,like in batman shows.I hate driving now, people just frikkin suck & don't give a crap about anyones life..too many rages which I simply can not afford on any level...theres more,Im not a Hypochond. stuffs just goin wrong...just shoot me.I cant believe all from ? GAD ?

Dec 14, 2011
to noises and movement
by: tara t.

we understand where you're coming from, we feel the same way. yes, it's worse with my family and those who are closest to me as an article i read said that is usually the case. the way i 'cope' with it is to just get up and leave a room. when the husband starts chewing on something while watching tv or moving his feet around and around ugh. that's the worst) i'll just simply get up and tell him im going downstairs for the night. we have tv downstairs also and i'll finish whatever im watching. it 'breaks up' my annoyance and i think its best to pick your battles. as for the aunt, she wont understand if you tell or ask her to stop doing something. unfortunately she'll prob think your either a brat or nutty and more than likely not respect your wishes. (if she does, she wont be happy about it) so i think its best to just remove yourself from the situation. just politely excuse yourself from uncomfortable situations. it's all we can do. if i asked everyone to please stop what they were doing i'd have no friends left at all. lol so, just hang in there.

does anyone else have trouble with personal space? just curious. the older i get the more 'crowded' i feel as well. i can hardly stand to sit in bleachers or stay in lines where ppl are TOO close to me. i get the same anger feeling and i want to yell 'back off'. haven't seen much mentioned about that, maybe they're not related at all. even when ppl are standing in front of me talking to me i want them to back up a little (i just move myself backwards and hope the dont 'follow')

Dec 12, 2011
Glad it's just not me!
by: Anonymous

I am SO happy this has a name!
I thought it was just me being a grump.
I cant stand to hear people eating, smacking their utensils on their dish,snore,dogs drinking or cleaning themselves, a loud t.v or radio.
I just showed my husband this site and his reply was it's all in my head:/
Is there something that can take the edge off of what i feel when I hear these noises?
Thank you.

Dec 10, 2011
noises and movement
by: Anonymous

im only 15 years old, and ive had this since i was 10 but its felt like forever. i can control it sometimes but other days i could go off with out any warning to me or anyone else. It manly happens with my family and people close to me. i hate always having to tell them to stop the annoying sounds and movements they make, seeing as its not their fault, its mine. but now-a-days its getting worst and i yell instead of asking them to stop, but now i just cant control myself. To them it seems im a selfish brat but even when i tell them how i feel they still think im a little sh*t. and its drawing me away from my family :(

Whats worst is most of my close friends and some of my family know about it by hearing from my other family members like my siblings or my mum, but they think its just the way i am and look down on me. i try my best and hardest not to get angry with them when they irritate me but i feel like i need to seriously hurt someone or cause some major damage to something if i keep it in. it feels like i need to have a major fit to become relaxed again.

i only tell my very close family members to not to do what annoys me (which makes me feel so guilty) but with other people i feel i cant for respect reasons (for example. if it were my aunty that annoyed me i definately have no right to tell her what to do. but because i dont spend much time with her i dont get as annoyed.)

i came to this page seeing if anyone else felt what i did and that im not alone and i relised im not. so i wanted to write this for anyone else that has this problem and doesnt know about it yet.

also ive been putting my faith in god to take care of this situation, and i trust him that i wont go insane or do anything i would regret. and i feel soo much better when i ask god to comfort me in this times.

another thing... heres some of the things that irritate me:

*people clearing their throut
*when my mum or the very close people to me are faintly talking in another room or outside and i cant hear them out my window. or when ther eat.
*the sound of people picking their nails.
*repetitive little sounds.

MOVEMENT: .... (i find this extremely obsured. but it annoys me anyways)
*moving or playing with their fingers
*people moving their feet and legs for no reason?
*repetitive movments
*tapping feet on ground

ONE MORE IMPORTANTS THING: FOR ME I FEEL THAT IF I DONT THINK OF THIS AS SUCH A BIG ISSUE AND ITS NOT SOMETHING THAT I WILL ALLOW TO CONTROL MY LIFE I FEEL ALMOST LIKE A NORMAL PERSON :) also thanks to god :) and for me because im a christian, whenever i get seriouly irritated when i get into fits, afterwards somehow its draws me to reading the bible and during i pray more and always brings me to remember god is first and hes always watching out for me and caring for me and that he should be my number one and not be selfish and just go back to my normal life after i pray :)

Dec 08, 2011
Make room for one more
by: Tara T.

I was watching 'The Doctors" the other day and heard them talk briefly about Misophonia. I knew it was me. i had never heard anything like it before and wouldnt have even guessed it was a disorder. I assumed i was just a cranky old irritable lady (i just turned 42 last week). It DOES seem to be worse with people i am close to as a site "misophonia-UK" something stated. (sorry, i should have looked it up before commenting and had an accurate link. someone posted it previously)

I remember repetitive actions bugging the crap out of me as a child. My grandpa repeatedly lifting his leg and thumping his heel to the floor (i dont know why he did this, assume his leg ached/bothered him) My dad sharpening his knives at night, ugh! what a horrible sound to have to listen too. did it for hours it seemed. My sister chewing her nails as she drove (as soon as she got behind the wheel, she'd start gnawing. wth sis?!) and NOW it's my husband. STOP CHEWING ICE CUBES ALREADY! the clink of the ice in the glass as he picks it up and puts it down makes me want to PUNCH him! hard! and the i have to listen to him CHEW. he knows this bugs me and tries to do it very quietly now, but as most of you would probably agree, its still very frustrating. him sucking on hard candies, BAM! lucky he doesnt go to work the next day with a black eye ;) im also normally a happy person, but this can alter my mood in a split second. from calm to pissed off.

i rarely let my daughter chew bubble gum as a child (because of the bubble blowing mainly, she did have to chew it with her mouth closed if at all) my husband tries to blow bubbles (well, he used to. now i wont let him) I LOVED the comment earlier about not liking seeing people's mouths move when they ate. you could not watch/look at them, but you still KNEW they were doing it. sigh... One of my biggest peeves is my hubby chewing on straws and toothpicks. One of us is going to get hurt some day. I may just jump from a moving truck if he doesn't throw the darn things away. The longer he does it, the way way worse it gets. The anticipation of ppl continually doing these things is just as bad as the doing. There are so many more things too. I have to sleep with a fan, have to. It travels with me if possible.

If we're on vacation, we will go to walmart for a fan before bedtime. The breathing is unbearable and my fists clench and i grit my teeth and fantasize about one good smack to his head. LOL i can laugh about it now (now i know its a real thing) but also know it can be very serious for some of you. and for that, i am really sorry. i hope it doesnt get too much worse for me, i can at least find ways to cope and my dear hubby is trying to be less 'annoying'. family is worse for me, i dont know why. mom had this 'sound' she made when trying to clear her throat, and she chews carrots ten times louder than anyone i know.

Dec 07, 2011
Im so glad im not the only one!
by: Anonymous

For years now this has been the bane of mine and my family's lives! I have had this since 12/13 and am now 25. I literally cannot stand the sound of eating especially crunching!, breathing, nail biting etc, it makes my blood boil and I have to leave the room before I hurt someone or myself. It seems ridiculous that we all have to suffer while everyone else thinks we are simply being silly and over reacting. This has caused many fights between myself and my husband I have tried many things to "cope" with the sounds that affect me so much if anyone has found an effective method I could try I would greatly appreciate any help my fellow suffers could offer.

Dec 03, 2011
Feel like I'm going over the edge
by: Anonymous

Hi Ya to all my fellow sufferers:

Yeah - there are more people just like me. I am not alone!

I am 52 years old & have been suffering from noise sensitivity for years - problem is it's getting progressively worse. My tolerance level is getting less & less.

Just to name a few of my annoyances:
Our fridge, furnace, fans, car doors, music, coughing, rustling of plastic bags and papers, cracking gum, car engines running for an extended period of time , people picking their nails, running water, dripping taps oh I could go on but I think you get the picture.

It's not only the noises but vibrations from the above that really send me into a rage as we have next door neighbors who are bloody twits and love to play loud music day/night and loud parties to all hours of the night.

There is never any peace and quiet just constant noise and vibrations. I think I'm going to lose my mind as I can't take this anymore!

I also have Tinnitus constantly in my left ear - drives me crazy at times.

Nov 28, 2011
by: Bun

My husband found out about misophonia on Reddit. He read the article and he said I think I finally know what is wrong with you and it is not your fault. I must have read the article and every article online 100x. I showed my kids and they agreed i have this disorder. I am 47. I have had this since i was about 10. My parents would always tell me what a sweet little girl i was then..I changed. (dramatic gopher music).

I have been to alot of doctors thinking I had horrible diseases,like lupus because my reactions cause my skin to become flushed, my blood pressure to go up, horrible itchy skin and my mood to change on a dime! So knowledge is power. Looked at one article that suggested magnesium and to investigate Bach's Flower Homeopathic products. (saw them in Vitamin Shoppe). I just can't seem to turn off my brain regarding the thousands of episodes i have had with this over my lifetime. I just keeping thinking of things and it's Oh yeah this is why I acted like a nutcase. So I apologized to my husband and kids for all my nutcase moments and there were plenty. They still love me and my now named quirk Misophonia. I do understand everyone's reactions, i have had all of them. It makes me very sad though that I felt for so long that I was this horrible angry person, when really I was a very nice person who can't stand sounds. I feel relief. Thanks for reading my post.

Nov 26, 2011
Sluping, gulping and gum chewing? Please, not around me.
by: Anonymous

I think the condition is call misophonia. Mealtime can send me right over the edge. The sounds of other people eating/chewing, chomping, slurping, gurgling will send me into an instantaneous, blood-boiling rage.

It is rage, panic, terror and anger, all mixed together.

I have to leave the room or I feel like (er, um...well...actually have) I will blow my stack. The "willies" puts it mildly. I am totally grossed out to the point of shear grossed-out anger.

My particular pets peeves are:

- throat gulping/swallowing;
- gum chewing/popping;
- computer keyboard clicking;
- sounds between the walls (i.e. hotels, apartment, etc.); and,
- those obnoxious damned commercials featuring chewing and crunching. No way...I will NEVER buy anything from those clowns.

I am sure that this is some kind of anxiety.

Nov 23, 2011
I feel your pain
by: Tiffany

I thought I was the only person with this problem!! Lately I have even been wondering what marketing idiot has suggested all these noises in commercials. Not only does it make me have to RUN to mute the tv or leave the room I will definitely NOT be buying any of these products due to the irritation! I have made many peoples lives miserable ( not on purpose ) but I have to leave the room all the time, cover my ears, or move all the time if I dont the irritation makes my nervous stand on edge. I seriously can't help it and If there was truly one thing I could change about myself or "fix" this would be it. My irritation is so bad even hearing people BREATH bothers me. I do see a phyc. for anxiety and all they say about this is its a " hypersensitivity to noise" ok well HELP!!!!

Nov 23, 2011
So what are we going to do about this?????
by: anonymous1

Unbelievable! I'm talking about the number of people who have taken time out of their busy lives to write a very meaningful and well stated comment on this huge list of otherwise good hearted and very normal people who are cursed with this horrendous reaction to certain everyday noises and body movements.

The amount of stress, emotional suffering, upset between friends and family members and the sheer negative effect on enjoying life caused by this 'disorder' is huge beyond belief!

So why don't we see more investigation and action to address the problem? It's causing at least as much suffering as other more recognized and accepted disorders, so why isn't anyone in the medical/psychiatric realm doing something to help us? Is it because none sufferers regard it as rather silly, 'just get a grip and deal with it'? I seem to remember the same thing being said about depressive illness and now it seems that many thousands of sufferers are being heard and helped with their suffering of depression. So why not us, our disorder is causing massive quality of life issues, difficulties in the workplace, meeting with members of our families.... the list of negative social factors goes on and on. But there seems to be nothing we can do about it!

I've suffered this condition since being about 8 years old and I'm now 54. I feel almost guilty to say that my condition is at least as bad as it ever was and the list of my trigger noises and body movements has increased over the years, not diminished!!!! I've tried relaxation exercises, full exposure to the noise for as long as I can take it in an attempt to de-sensitize myself to the trigger, avoidance strategies, different outlooks and philosophies about the noise triggers, and guess what? None of this stuff works! I'm generally very positive about life, but this disorder has been an increasingly negative part of my personality for too long and seems to be getting worse as I get older!

Things are so bad for me at the moment that I am struggling to stay in the same room as my partner when she drinks a hot drink, or eats and 'sucks her fingers' AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! I just want to get up and leave the room it makes me so angry!!!!!

I also notice a common trait in our comments that we feel the other person is almost doing this on purpose in order to annoy us? Sorry guys, they aren't doing it on purpose and our huge angry and frustrated reaction is completely without any real foundation in facts. The problem is mainly with us and the solution will probably be found in ways that we can alter our reaction to the stimulus rather than altering how other people eat, sniff, repeatedly cough, type loudly etc...

This doesn't make it any less real though and I pray the day will come when someone comes up with a solution to this madness! God bless us all and I hope that we all can have more 'good days' when we are not so badly affected by this awful blight on our quality of life.

Nov 20, 2011
Thank God I'm Not Alone
by: Anonymous

God bless you all! I'm 15 and for years I thought I was alone. I tried plugging my ears with my fingers early on, but more commonly now I just leave the room all together. I can't stand the sound of dragging feet, GUM CHEWING, lip puckering, obnoxious eating, the tapping of feet, aimless whistling...

However, there are visual things I can't stand either: incessant motions like foot tapping or continuous leg motion while someone is sitting. I could go on and on, but the list is too long. I have learned to tolerate certain noises over the years, and for some reason I'm very irritated by some people, and not at all by certain others. I'm so glad I'm not alone.

Nov 20, 2011
Severe Distaste for sounds
by: Sherrie

In Reading all the above contents, I too have this "condition" since a very early age, I am no a 50 year old woman.. I was watching our local news one day that described me to a "T",, I looked up this "condition" and there IS a medical explanation for it called MISOPHONIA.......and sure enough IT WAS ME!!!! I will share this link with you in hopes that it will let you all know YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!!!! I hope at least this will help ease your mind some.. I am not a doctor, medical practitioner or anyone else in the medical field, I am just a woman that has been told I was crazy when I knew I wasn't!!!!!!
I can be reached by email if anyone would like to discuss this further please feel free to contact me on Facebook.. Thank you,Sherrie Ard

Nov 15, 2011
Recticular Activating System
by: Anonymous

As a fellow sufferer, I have been told that the part of the brain that controls these types of inputs is called the Recticular Activating System. The main thing I would like to add is that reading through 55 pages of these comments, many of us started to notice the problem around age 9 or 10. I wonder if there is a connection to our brain development at that age? Yes, gum chewing is the worst for me. Next is indeed smacking of food. Snoring makes it impossible to fall asleep. Keyboard and mouse noises now are the worst at the office. There must be a way to make a "reverse" hearing aid that has sound-deadening capabilities. Wouldn't it be cool if you could set your hearing aid to deaden just selected noises? Gum chewers, you will become inaudible to us soon!

Nov 13, 2011
My little darlin'
by: PLW

I soooo appreciate everybody's commentaries. My little girl has been the brunt of my tyraids of temper tantrums and screaming fits because of the excruciating pain and what literally feels like cockleburrs going through my blood-veins do to the noises of repetitive thumps, bumps, dog-licking self,soda can crackling, mouth smacking,drummers & what seems like other people's rude consistent noise behavior.........etc. Bless her heart. I find that good rest, healthy food, vitamins that YOUR body needs,(not just generic) being able to laugh....alot, & some healthy exercise helps enough to cope with this monster. And the best over all, my little darlin' prays with me. So, many blessings to you all and good luck.

Nov 09, 2011
I hate it, too...think I'm going crazy
by: Nan

I'm 49 and have had a "problem" with people's noisy (or not) eating habits, gum, false teeth "clicking", etc...since childhood !!!
I did see on TV, it's a form of OCD. I thought it was from growing up in a family with DISGUSTING eating habits,and generally very dysfunctional.
But, I'm the only person with this "disorder" (and I'm adopted).
Worst part, I'm living with my elderly mother, and if she smacks her lips one more time, I swear, I'm going to lose it! I saw some clear silicone earplugs at a drug store, hopefully she won't notice I'm wearing them.
In public, I often say something to people about gum popping, especially if they are working and I can't get away from them, like a cashier! arghhh! I would fire them!
One more point, that I have NEVER seen addressed...what about ANIMALS ??? I HATE, HATE, HATE my mothers dog that insists on eating at the same time we is what puts me over-the-edge, every single day.
God help all of us, because this is a stressful way to live!

Nov 08, 2011
Good to hear
by: Matthew

Like Anne, I was also brought to this page after finally, in desperation and no small amount of guilt, deciding to see if other's share my affliction. And it seems they do! It is interesting that others share the same strong emotional reaction. I do have OCD, which I have heard a few people wondering about. I found this site:

It says it is probably not hyperacusis, and medication for OCD doesn't help. Incidentally, OCD medication doesn't help people with OCD either (I was on it for 11 years, and it caused much more harm than good). I don't know the solution, other than becoming a hermit. If I find one, I'll share it on here. Good luck.

Oct 29, 2011
I doubt it's a disorder.
by: Anonymous

You'd be surprised at how many people are appalled by those hideous sounds that some people are totally oblivious to (the ones doing it). What galls me are people who swallow hard, constantly clearing their throats and then swallowing hard after they loosen their phlegm, people eating too fast and audibly, people who hum all the time, thumping their wrists on counter tops, whistling stupid show tunes, burping loudly, using profane words in a "playful" manner and speaking at nearly 100db while on their dang cell phones. It's not a case of being hypersensitive to other peoples disgusting sounds, more so that those people making those absurd noises are the ones lacking manners.

Oct 28, 2011
Teeth-sucking noise
by: Anonymous

I have a co-worker who makes a teeth-sucking noise all day long. It must be something they cannot help because it happens in between each word as they talk --- it happens all day long which I think I mentioned. It seems to be a nervous tick kind of thing and I believe if I were to say something, it would make things in the office more difficult -- they have very sensitive feelings -- so I basically try hard to ignore it. Gum cracking makes me want to go into a rage; tuneless or even melodic whistling makes me want to scream until my throat bleeds. A feeling of desperation comes over me -- I need to get away from it as quickly as possible. But then other sounds like a running brook over stones makes me feel such peace.

Oct 28, 2011
Keyboard bashers, snoring, loud breathing and not eating with mouth closed!
by: Anonymous

So glad i am not alone. I am incredibly irritated and angry by people that insist on bashing a keyboard to death when they type, i find it so unnecessary and rude. After months and months i finally confronted my colleague who just continues to bash the keyboard and makes me even more infuriated!!! Since i was a child i also couldn't stand the sound of my family eating / chewing with their mouths open(my Dad, Mum and Brother). After a few outbursts, i was forced to leave the table before i really did end up throwing a punch at someone. One time i went camping with the family, everyone snores, i ended up in a rage throwing everything i had next to me to the people that were snoring, i had to sleep in the car as i just couldn't stand it, that goes for heavy breathing as well. I wish i could control it, as i have usually a very happy nature, but this winds me up no end. Will give the magnesium thing a go. I feel alot of relief in finding this website and in knowing that i am not alone.

Oct 26, 2011
Drives me nuts
by: Nik

I feel better now that I know others get irritated by this. I hate eating loud with a passion. My insides get sick and have this urge to punch something hard. I just heard my husband eating noodles... oh my god, his slurping, loud breathing and other noises made me punch the table I was sitting at. His eating noise was the only thing I can hear in my head despite videos playing in the background. I was always sensitive to his as long as I can remember. I left the dinner table when eating with my family because my dad would eat so dang loud. I have no clue why I feel this way. My husband shouldn't have to suffer due to my rage at loud eating habits.

Oct 26, 2011
not alone!!!
by: Anne

this is amazing. i have felt this way for most of my life. i'm 33 years old, and i remember freaking out about all this stuff even as a child.

what sent me to google today (my search: "ocd? hate the sounds of crunching and eating"), is that someone sent a snack basket to work for our 50th anniversary. so nice, right? it's sitting in the lobby right outside my office. TORTURE. all day long everyone who passes by stops to much loudly on the snacks. that's not bad enough? anyone who comes in to my office to talk to me is smacking and cruching the snacks. i want to jump out of the window! haha.
my sweet, amazing, wonderful husband is a very loud chewer. bless him, he always chews with his mouth closed (i've totally given him a complex), but still the sounds of his saliva production (which i swear is abnormally excessive) makes me want to die. the way he stabs his food as if it's scurrying across his plate, the way he scrapes all utencils on his teeth, i could go on and on. i know this is my issue- the poor guy is just trying to eat like a normal person. i don't want to terrorize him further, or my future child with my insanity!

i've thought of going to a counselor, but i wonder sometimes if that would help. the truth is, i know i can "rise above it" so to speak. i know i can calm down, and focus on other things. i can reign in my anxiety and agitation. these are all the suggestions a counselor would have. i'm starting to wonder if i need some kind of OCD medication. chewing and eating sounds are just the tip of the iceberg for me. like a lot of you, the sounds of typing on keyboards, people tapping their feet in waiting rooms, breathing loudly, sniffling, repetitive dog barking, etc, etc. as most of you know, i could go on and on!
anyway, it's nice to know that i'm not alone. not glad that so many others also feel they are slowly going insane, and affecting their loved ones with their craziness, but i am glad that i'm not the only person who struggles with this. somehow it makes me think it's a real thing that could possibly be fixed.

thanks for sharing, and letting me share.
:) good luck!

Oct 25, 2011
Glad I'm not Alone
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has the same feelings! I can't stand it when I hear other people chew. I get so mad, and I just want to scream at them! I really wish there was a way to fix it, maybe calm down the chemicals in the brain or something. Thanks for listening.

Oct 21, 2011
Dang, I thought I was the only one
by: Anonymous

Two things that have driven me batty since I was a kid (I'm 43 now): People that INSIST on slurping on their gum and loudly cracking gum bubbles, and hearing people eating crunchy food. I've actually threatened to rectally insert someone's gum because I was listening to him loudly crack gum bubbles for nearly an hour (I was on a bus, so I couldn't leave). As for crunchy food? I can't sit by someone eating salads or chips (or any crunchy food for that matter); it drives me insane and sets my blood to a near-boil. Cruuuuunch, runch runch, runch runch, runch, runch, runch. You can imagine the fun I have if I'm at a pub or restaurant and people near me order a nacho platter. Pringles commercials send me into a near-rage; I have to quickly hit the MUTE button or change the channel.

Oct 13, 2011
So happy I'm not alone.
by: Anonymous

It makes me so happy to know I'm not the only one who has these problems. I hate any kind of eating noise. This intense rage envelops me any time someone smacks their lips or makes any kind of unnecessary noise. For the most part I can keep silent, or just remove myself from the situation. But in other cases I just can't handle it. I feel as if I must say something to the person to make them stop. I always hate trying to explain why I hate the noises..but honestly..I don't know how to explain it. They have bothered me ever since I was little. They even bother my mother. I try as hard as I can to maintain this problem..but it's a very hard task. If only I could take some kind of medicine for it. I despise the urge to rude to anyone who makes these noises.

Oct 03, 2011
Kelly Ripka has it too!!!!
by: dmw44

Did you see Regis and Kelly a few weeks ago? Kelly has the same issues with eating noises!

Make sure to scroll to the bottom and watch the short video clip from The Today Show....perfectly describes the way I feel!

Oct 03, 2011
I hate that feeling..
by: Anonymous

Working in an office and having people typing on their keyboard soo LOUD is driving me crazy , i get so stressed that i am even starting to loose my hair , i dont know what to do to stop it .. I did some research and i am pretty sure that a lot of us got Noise Sensitivity (Misophonia).. Does anyone know how to stop it without using ear plugs or headphone ?

Sep 27, 2011
Shot into the stratosphere
by: Anonymous

Noises shoot me into the stratosphere. I get so mad that all I can do it walk away or else I'll go off. I feel my blood boiling. Rage takes over. I have always been convinced there are chemical changes happening in my brain when I hear these noises. It's not "just in my head" or me "focusing too hard on it"

Most of the noises I really hate relate to eating. I dread dinner time, from the first slam of the fridge doors, all the way to loading the dishwasher. KILL ME!!!!!

It's so bad that my family eats in another room or outside if I'm around. I appreciate them trying to understand and help, but at the same time I feel like an awful freak.

I HATEEEEEE the following:

1. Crunching, especially chips and popcorn and slurping("like an animal").
2. Slamming of anything. Especially the silverware drawer.
3. Breathing ("yoga breathing").
4. Nasty coughs.
5. Scraping of plates ("eating the bowl")
6. Hearing someone else's TV or radio through the walls.
7. Dog's licking their paws, etc.
8. People's mumbling/self talk.

Sep 19, 2011
Sensitive to Noises
by: Anonymous

I have had this problem since I was very young. My mother died when I was six and I don't know if it had to do anything with my loss. I lived with my Dad and two brothers and I started getting irritated increasing into almost rage when my father would continually clear his throat or a brother had a cold and would cough. Then a stepmother would make noise when she swallowed. It would drive me crazy but I kept my emotions within. I remember just wanting to yell as loud as I could STOP IT!!!! I have neighbors who about the same time every evening shut their car door every few minutes, not sure why, and with each shut, I get angrier and angrier. Then I am frustrated at my self for the anger. A boss at work chews ice at the lunch table after finishing eating and I feel hatred for him at the time and he is the nicest person in the world. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. I am glad I am not alone. I have never married and live alone. No matter how much I love someone, it still gets to me. I also have the same feelings when someone doesn't hear me the first time. Thanks for listening.

Sep 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

....who had such sensitivity to certain sounds. I absolutely can't stand when my husband chews gum! I can't even watch him when he's chewing-I start to flinch-it's like fingernails on a chalkboard! Until I read all these other posts I thought I was crazy!

I also can't tolerate elderly people clacking their dentures...that sound goes right up my spine! When I hear someone clacking their teeth in a doctor's office waiting room I will physically move to another chair. What's weird about me though with the gum chewing is I can tolerate it with certain people but with others it makes me jump out of my skin.

Sep 16, 2011
by: Anonymous


Sep 15, 2011
Awesome to see-sad to hear
by: Anonymous

I was hoping to find a great solution to the problem of my noise issues. I work in a very quiet accounting office and OMG I think there are days I could really hurt some of these people. One lady in particular does numerous things that really bother me, but I hope she doesn't do them to annoy me she is just living. She knows that there are certain things that send me over the edge (I have beat on my desk before) but they still do it.

Just a few examples: gulping, nose whistling, clicking a pen, chewing ice, tapping on a desk, whistling, grinding, sucking on your teeth and the list goes on and on.

My husband and I get in heated discussions because he thinks I make it all up. I swear day he will know I was serious.

Sep 14, 2011
food smacking and utensils!
by: Gina

Yay! I found somewhere to vent! I cannot stand to hear someone chewing their food OR hearing their spoons or forks clank against their plates or bowls! Especially when its quiet! I turn into Satan when I hear all that! It drives me insane! I wish their was a way to tune it all out without having to be mean to anyone or giving them the evil eye! I know its just me because no one else seems to be bothered by it. Sometimes friends laugh at me for getting mad, others are scared by me. Uuugghh.. any suggestions?

Sep 13, 2011
lawnmowers and leafblowers
by: Gerry

I am very sensitive to the sound of lawnmowers and leaf blowers. Whenever I hear one of these I get very angry and pray for the sound to stop. These sounds have ruined many a breakfast or lunch on my deck. Can't the manufacturers invent quieter machines??

Sep 10, 2011
great! im not alone
by: Anonymous

hi everyone, i just cant stand the sounds of heavy breathing.... im just a kid so when i tell adults they dont understand :( i thought i was crazy but hearing everyone else i know im not alone. i also have problems with clothing and coping to new situations, so it gets hard and i just dont know what to do anymore, i hope i dont have to deal with this my whole life.... and when i ask adults they just say buy earplugs but they dont fit either.

Sep 10, 2011
@ Trisha, the Mom
by: Anna

My hatred of sound started when I was about 9 or 10 yrs old, and it had everything to do with the "normal" sounds at home. Strangely, sounds at other people's home didn't affect me the same way because they weren't repetitive to me. It was only the repetitive sounds in my life that made me crazy.

Having dealt with this for more than 20 years without many people understanding, it gives me hope for your child since you care enough to learn more about it.

And no, it doesn't get better unless there's a paradigm shift -- a conscious series of choices to look at people and the world differently. My theory is that there is so much noise clutter in the world and aggravating things pulling our attention in so many directions, some of us become super-sensitive to particular things since it's our minds' way of focusing on one thing to make sense of the cacophony, even if it isn't all auditory "noise."

The aggravation only gets worse if you focus on it. You become increasingly aggravated at more items. My list now includes more than 30 specific sounds and visual repetitive movements that make me wish I were peeling paint off the walls with my fingernails instead of experience it.

However, some of them are diminishing as I've learned to be okay with who I am, where I am in life, and allowing the people around me to just be who they are -- abundant faults and all.

If I were a mom helping the little 9-yr-old me, I would show immense empathy and understanding. I would communicate to the 9-yr-old me that as a mom I was doing certain things to help alleviate the pain, and request the young one to do everything she could to extend patience to us as we learn to work together. It does NOT get better overnight, but I can promise that if both of you are committed, you can have a livable, workable life together.

I now have a daughter of my own. And though she is still a baby, I am looking at life differently and will do my best to remember what it was like to go through certain stages and unique difficulties of life as she faces them herself.

It makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE when you know someone you care about deeply is trying to understand this disorder and love you too.

Sep 09, 2011
repetitive noises
by: Anonymous

i am 50. had this problem since I was kid. I take
1mg haldol per day. it helps cope. i also have
other coping techniques. if it gets too bad I have
to get away.

Sep 09, 2011
Sensitive to particular noises
by: Anonymous

The name of the disease is MISOPHONIA. Kelly Ripka admitted to
having it this morning on the Regis and Kelly show.

Sep 09, 2011
Sensitive to particular noises
by: Anonymous

Kelly Ripka admitted on this morning's show that she has this
DISEASE and described the smacking/swallowing sounds that drive
her nuts. I did not have a pencil nearby so did not get the name
written down. My granddaughter has the same sensitivity to
those sounds and has been upset by them since a small child.

Sep 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

People who play a radio in an office makes my blood boil. But most office people are totally nuts anyway.

Sep 08, 2011
What happened to manners????
by: Anonymous

I don't really understand why it is we who have the problem when those around us are not using any kind of manners. Wasn't everyone taught to chew with their mouths closed? I didn't even realize this was some kind of disorder until today when I was watching the Today show on TV. I am very sensitive to people chewing with their mouths open and smacking their lips. I also hate slurping. I just thought it was because I am particular about using manners. I haven't seen anyone mention that aspect. I have a problem even being around a man who doesn't chew with his mouth closed. Maybe that is why I have been divorced for 18 years. One of the first things I look for in a man is the ability to chew with his mouth closed! I don't see anything wrong with wanting that out of a person you are going to be around a lot. I don't feel like it should be considered a sickness but rather a lack of manners on the other person's part.

Sep 04, 2011
People around someone with 4s
by: Anonymous

I've had this for a couple of years now and it really messes with my family. I think the hardest thing is that my mom doesn't understand just how physically uncomfortable it makes me feel. She tells me that Is not a syndrome and I just need to live with it. The hardest thing is that no one else around me understands what I feel or tries to make it better. They have never had the feeling and don't know what it's like. 4s is just so strange that I don't think they ever will.

When I hear someone chewing, or especially smacking on something unhealthy, I automatically picture the person as a caveman devouring meat and then I feel hatred and disgust towards that person. It's like part of me is saying dump their plate all over their face and another part is saying deal with it you are acting ridiculous. A constant battle in my head and it's exhausting. It is a terrible thing to think of people. Especially when it's friends and family and I hate that I do it. It also doesn't help that people get angry when they see how uncomfortable it makes me. I hope that it won't affect my life as I get older.

Aug 31, 2011
@ Previous Anonymous
by: Anonymous

Earplugs are the only thing I've found so far short of just getting up and leaving the room. Of course that doesn't work when I'm at my office, but I try to focus on other things if I'm not able to leave or use my headphones. Another problem I've run into recently is people eating and talking on the phone. I answer the phones for my division at work and EVERY time I pick it up it seems like, the person on the other end is crunching chips or ice or some other foul thing. Makes me CRAZY!!

Aug 31, 2011
Suffering for over 20 years!
by: Anonymous

I first started having those pangs and anxiety when I heard someone chewing gum, eating popcorn, or eating chips. I told someone about the extreme feelings of rage and was laughed at. It started when I was about 11 or 12. It affects my whole family and it makes me cry quite often. If I just give my husband the look he knows that his chewing is bothering me. It is difficult to tell your children to eat in the other room. But why. Well, mom is sensitive to sounds. My distant family makes puns like, "Oh, your chewing again, how dare you". Followed by a group laughter. Has anyone found a remedy besides ear plugs?

Aug 30, 2011
Sniffing and dogs nails on tile floor!
by: Anonymous

I am totally sensitive to repetitive noises! I think it started when I was about 26 - I dated a guy who sniffed all the time. I had to end it because it was driving me insane. I asked him to blow his nose and he said "that doesn't work for me". UGH! Now, my current boyfriend has a bird and I can't handle the constant chirping noise. I love animals but this bird makes me feel like I am loosing my mind. He also has a dog. I feel like I am dying when the dog licks himself - or, when he licks his "lips" when I am eating. It reminds me of an old man with no teeth making terrible mouth noises. I also can't stand the sound of the dogs nails on the hardwood/tile floor. I have a very calm nature but these things make me feel violent and I don't think any of my friends/family can even comprehend this. I hate the dog because of the licking, scratching, terrible sounds he makes. Oh, I also can't stand when he is finished with his food and he drags his metal dish across the floor. UGH! I think the absolute worst thing is the mouth noises the dog makes though. I really feel panic and violence when he makes mouth smacking noises.

Aug 24, 2011
I feel better having this little forum - tough clacking
by: Anonymous

I found this site just now because my co-worker, when he's finished working on something, does a series of "happy" tongueclick-clacks with a big echoey sound in his mouth. Just reading the other stuff here has kept me from freaking throttling him.

I hate the ding-ding of the elevator reaching each floor as well.

And loud breathing, OMG, don't get me started about my other colleague, Darth freaking Vadar.

Aug 24, 2011
Popcorn Should Be Illegal!
by: Jen

I have a co-worker who eats from the time we get to work in the morning until we leave in the afternoon. Her snack of choice is popcorn, bag after bag of FREAKING popcorn!! I have to wear headphones all day just to drown out the sound of her chewing. To make matters worse she's a smoker so she's got this constant phlegmy gagging cough that makes me want to hurl. Should people be forced to work under conditions like this????

Aug 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

When I pull fuzz off of fabric, I get this wave of unpleasantness go through my stomach, and my bottom front teeth tingle at the sound of it. It's such a quiet sound, but my body has such an intense reaction to it! Also, someone scratching certain kinds of fabric with their nails gives me the same sensation! Just thinking about it gives me this reaction!

Aug 18, 2011
Keyboard typing arrrggggg
by: Anonymous

Keyboard typing arrrggggg

I am 42 and have been working in an office for 20 years , I love my job and the people are ok , but for the last 3 years I have developed this intense sensitivity hearing and for me the typing is driving me nuts , I hate it and it is non stop type type type type type, my boss type so loud that I want to take his keyboard and break it over his head .. and it is getting worse even the people I like get on my nerve when they type , unfortunately unless I change my job and stop working in an office I don?t have a choice but listening those typing noise .. another thing who get on my nerve is crisp crunching , I have to commute to work every day and if it not someone on their lap top typing it?s someone eating crisp or apples .. it make me want to crab the packet of crisp and squeeze it till dust ..OMG I sound like a nutter .. has anyone here managed to control it ??

Aug 13, 2011
Noise issues
by: Trisha

My 8 yr old daughter has hyperacusis/ misophonia (which seems to be the same as soft sound sensitivity) and SPD. Not sure if SPD causes some of the above or if they are all separate. However the older she has become the more noises seem to set her off, and from what I understand that part is normal for misophonia. What I don't get is that they don't seem to be a problem at other peoples homes. At our home we don't run the dishwasher, washer or dryer unless she is sleeping or in a back bedroom with a radio or tv on so she can't hear them running. At others homes I am told she never complains about these things. On one trip we took to visit someone in another state, after about 3 days she finally started to become vocal about silverware clinking at the dinner table. She has no complaints about school either. I know that this condition worsens so I imagine eventually without therapy school may be a problem with new noise irritations but I just can't get why the same noises that bother her at home don't seem to be a problem in other places. Has anyone else experienced this?

Aug 09, 2011
we are not alone
by: Anonymous

Hey everyone, this page made my day. After the thousandth day of a coworker scraping his plate for 10 minutes at a time, 4 times a day..I had to google plate scraping noise to see what came up. This site came up. And I know now..I am not alone.

I also know, that this is my problem and I have to own it. Those of us that have know that its also not a matter of anxiety. Its almost as if when we were conceived that our hearing ability did not get set without a limit. Even with industrial ear plugs in I can hear almost perfectly.

But earplugs do help, they soften all noises we have issues with.

Admitting to myself a few years back that it was my problem helped as well. It then reduced my irritation from two fold of the noise, and the people making the noise, down to (most of the time) single fold, just a problem of the noise. Planning ahead and limiting or avoiding places that are high on the trigger list helps too.

Now, when I am near a person that has no ability to limit their noise and you have me with no ability to limit my hearing, it can get crazy.

My flag is that its a situation I need to make an adjustment in (throw in the plugs) is when I get extremely sick to my stomach. Glad others mentioned they get that too.

We have to stick together here. Thank you.

Aug 09, 2011


Aug 09, 2011


Jul 31, 2011
Thank God I am not alone!!!!
by: Anonymous

I have been told by a therapist (more than one) that there is no solution to this but now I am finding out that wanting to jump out of my skin or hurt someone when they crack gum, set off firecrackers, thump their car stereos, might just be sensory processing disorder. I am so tired of feeling like a freak and of the arguments in my marriage as my spouse cannot understand why gum chewing freaks me out. I know who smacks gum at my gym so I avoid getting on any equipment near them. And, don't get me started on chronic throat clearers. I feel like a prisoner because of all the effort it takes to control my emotions and avoiding situations (crowded movies, etc.) I do have adult ADD and no medication ever helped w/ this-since I am retired and do not seem to have any ADD traits that are interfering with my life I am off the meds but this noise issue has to be resolved!!!! In my working years ( I was a professional) I did so much better in a private office but w/ building changes, I ended up in cubicles-it was a nightmare for me with all the surrounding people and their annoying noises!!
I am definitely addressing this w/ a therapist and demanding that he look into helping me deal w/ this!

Jul 25, 2011
your not alone
by: Anonymous

I have suffered from noises all my life and it started when I was child and I used to hide my Mothers knitting needles,some noises that drive me NUTS are snapping of gum, certain sss sounds mainly from some women's voices, clock ticking, water dripping, bad eaters,sub woofers, licking of fingers yikes, clicking of ends of pens, complete silence,(need fan or wear i-pod) these are only a few of noises that drive me nuts and now I have to type really slow and soft because the sound of myself typing even drives me nuts, I COULD not work in environment with people typing or thought of someone chewing gum, I cringe when I hear someone opening a pack of gum or opening a bag of chips...Movie Theater yeah right...pure hell. once on a airplane I told a lady if she cracked her gum one more time I would hurt her. One time in grade 5 I stabbed the kid sitting behind me with my pencil because he wouldn't stop snapping his gum. I can hear noises from such as someone snapping their gum from far away and I CAN hear it above other sounds, Nobody understands this problem and I will just have to keep avoiding situations

Jun 30, 2011
No answers
by: Anonymous

I am 19 and this has been an issue for me for as long as I can remember. Noises such as loud chewing and deep breathing drive me crazy. I have noticed lately that I can hear these noises even when other can for example even when doors are closed I can hear people cutting their nails because the high pitched sound a nail clippers makes drives me mad. This issue has effected those around me as people get conscience of eating around me. I am usually a very happy person, this sensitivity to sound is the only thing that even puts me in a bad mood. Does anyone know is this a type of OCD?

Jun 27, 2011
I can't take it
by: Anonymous

I have a really hard time focusing when I am at work. I can't stand the sound of people with long nails are typing, using their phone to text, bracelets clanking on the table when moving a mouse, people talking on personal calls loudly, people who do not turn the cell phone ringer down on their cell phone at work, people tapping or cracking their knuckles and yes people picking their toes in a meeting. I feel like I should just work in a bubble. I get so mad and annoyed I just want to scream or smash someone. Once I hear it I can't not focus on it. Once a person annoys me with one of the sounds I hate I don't like them anymore. It is like a personal assault. I know it is irrational. I really think the only thing I can do is pray for patience. I hate being this way.

Jun 23, 2011
So happy to know it's not just me
by: Anonymous

I have been suffering from this exact thing for years now and it has been at the stage where it is affecting my life for a while now. I form negative opinions about people because they make a perfectly normal noise. It causes problems with partners because I get angry when they eat, or tap, or make numerous other sounds. It affects my work sometimes because I can't concentrate with the clicking and typing noises of other people in the office.

Has anyone found anything that helps?? I already sleep with earplugs in nearly every night but can't wear them all day. And even if I could, the sight of someone chewing, even if I can't hear it, now annoys me because I associate it with the noise.

Jun 17, 2011
No glad to know I'm not alone
by: Anna

My despising for particular sounds started when I was about 9 or 10 years old. My father has the worst table manners -- shoveling his food, clearing out the food in the back of his jaw with his mouth wide open, and the WORST smacking and food garbling ever. It makes me shudder just thinking about it. All through my teenage years I would yell, scream and plead with my dad to close his mouth, but he didn't do a damn thing. I am now 32 years old and still cannot stand to eat near him. At family dinners, I make sure I'm as far away from his as possible and engage in other conversation to cope. I love my father dearly, but I cannot stand to be in the same room when he's devouring his food.

I am comforted knowing the process and similar list of sounds bother other people too. I realized last year I had misophonia (hatred of sound), but have yet to go be treated.

Like you, the following sounds make me want to scrape paint off the walls with my fingernails:

- food smacking, chewing sounds
- snapping gum
- twiddling of keys
- twiddling change in a pocket
- snorting or sniffing mucus in the nose
- mumbling
- conflicting sounds (like the radio and TV on at the same time)
- the treble or bass from other peoples earphones too loud
- bass from other idiots vehicles turned too high
- repeated clearing of throat or hacking mucuous
- off-key whistling
- some pitches in yelling or speaking voices

Some of these noises literally HURT my ears. It may be interesting to note I am a musician -- singer and pianist and extremely sensitive to tone and pitch.

May 24, 2011
by: Sumlovinmomma

I have reduced the stress in my life, tried to look at the offenders(nut&chip crunching, gum smacking,fork scrapin,ill mannered slobs) with the eyes of God.It has helped, but im not cured yet! I do find if im less stressed and refuse to let this ruin my day, it helps. sorta a mind over matter thing. I hate saying that its mind over matter, cause i have struggled for years just like all of you, and have been at the point of wanting to physically harm someone!I have also noticed being active has helped. Maybe a stress reducer that has aided in more tolerance of situations? Not sure.Have also said a small prayer EVERYDAY OUT LOUD....thank you Lord that those noises that used to cause me stress and anger and anxiety,no longer bother me, but cause me to be happy and joyful! i truly believe this has brought faith to my spirit that God can do anything.I used to pray God would change those noises that offended me, but I realized, change starts with us. So pray on!!!Be encouraged , i have seen a major difference in my life.

May 14, 2011
Lots of Sufferers but No Solutions?
by: Jonathan

The anger-inducing sound of crunching nuts amplified and echoing through the bone structure of whatever insensitive slob is crushing them with their molars. It's one of many sounds of other people eating that literally drives me out of the room. I know there's no other way to eat hard foods; but I being present in any setting where this irrational this Gawd awful, crunching behavior is taking place. I cannot even watch TV commercials punctuated with any 'food-crunching' sound effects. How can these companies really believe they will sell more products by broadcasting sickening sounds of mannerless slobs consuming their goods? - I cringe the moment a Twix or Pringles ad comes on. I have to change the channel or leave the room. It requires a degree of self-control for me tolerate the sounds of gum chewing, gum smacking, chawing, slurping... UGH!... Even the sound of a cat licking its' fur; or a slobbering dog at its' water dish.

I am in my mid 50's; and have learned to hide my intolerance from others... I do this for the sake of social graces; but secretly, I struggle to not form negative opinions about every ill-mannered slob who chews and crunches and 'smacks' their food like a mind-numbed, ravenous child of satan feasting stupidly under the hypnotic influence of a blood sacrifice to Lucifer!

My frustration is compounded by the fact that I am a major foodie and classically trained chef!

Many in this forum suffer the same as I; but what can be done to cure us?

May 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

Wow, after reading some of these comments, I guess I'm just as crazy as everyone else. Gum cracking and bad whistling (no tune), knuckle cracking, snuffling, snorting, snoring, belching, humming (without a tune)chewing gum in general, pen clicking and far away boom boxes (low riders with the boom that shakes the windows of your car and ears) are just a few of the things that really annoy me. Do I need help-----or does society?

May 04, 2011
Noises - I hate them!
by: Anonymous

I feel your pain!
It seems like some days are worse than others but it's always a problem. There are times when I just don't go out because I know there will be lots of noise and I can't take it.
I work w/ someone who makes 'yummy' noises (for lack of a better term) on every bite at lunch - it's so gross and drives me nuts, I have to get up an leave.

It's unreal how many noises bother me - I won't eat chips anymore because I can't stand the crunching sound I make when eating them. If I'm eating in a quiet place I'll put my ear buds in and listen to music so I don't have to hear myself.

I refuse to ask people to change their life because have a problem with their noise level but it's hard. When my husband eats - if the tv isn't on - I'll have to leave the room. I have to really focus on the tv and force myself to not hear him eat just to stay in the same room and he's a normal eater - nothing strange.
It's ridicules all the noises that bother me: breathing, eating, loud noise, tapping, forks scraping on plates (I swear I'll hit someone over this - this will light me up like nothing else), ringing phones, beeping, thumping - the list just goes on and on.

Nothing seems to really help - I feel so bad that I can't stand to be around some really nice people because I'm so nervous they'll make noise or worse they've already made noise around me and I can't stand it.

May 03, 2011
RE: Now I get it
by: Anonymous

To answer your question about anger being directed at one person- yes, that is absolutely possible. I was in 3rd grade when I remember first starting to blow up at the dinner table. Every ounce of it was solely directed at my mom and the way she chewed. (my sister and father were fine). To this day (I am now in my mid-30s) my mom is nervous to eat around me. It's so sad.

Nip this in the bud right away. 2 weeks is not worth the lifetime of not being able to enjoy family dinners. Cater to how your son requests that you eat. I know it's not ideal- but had my mom done this, I think it really would have saved me so much turmoil.

I posted a comment on this thread back on 2/5/09 and left my email address at the bottom. Feel free to email me if you'd like to discuss this further. I at least try ti help you understand what it's like from a (now) grown perspective.

May 02, 2011
Now I get it
by: Anonymous

So my 8 year old son was diagnosed last year with SPD. We did some therapy and saw improvement. Lately however, he has been blowing up regularly about my chewing (with my mouth closed). He gets so uncontrollably mad that it has been causing big problems. He isn't usually bothered by anyone else in our family of 5. He has complained about it in the past but it has been become a regular problem the last week or 2. I saw one other posting about someone who hated the sound of his dad chewing. Is it normal in the spectrum of 4S to focus on one person over anyone else?

Apr 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

BTW... LOL, I also have a terrible sensitivity to phones which my daughter shared when she was younger... she used to hold it way away from her ear!! Perfect job for me, right? (answering phones)... ;) actually the perfect job for me would be working at home... I so much miss it... I can control my environment so much better and don't constantly feel the sense of panic, being exposed and afraid, dealing with so much loud noise, social anxiety etc. I have learned to fit in pretty well but it's tough. Does anyone else have sensitivity to telephones? I hate even listening to my voicemail. I hate the way phones make voices sound... it is exhausting to listen to.

Apr 27, 2011
Pile Driving Hell!!!!
by: Anonymous

Wow... my daughter and I both have Aspergers and unfortunately, she has the inability to modify her voice volume associated with AS... and I have the EXCRUCIATING noise sensitivity, especially to loud or shrill voices! She is 7 and is learning to be gentle with my ears but it's been a hard road. I don't want to have any more kids because the noises kill me. I love her so much but this isn't just something I can laugh off. It really, really bothers me. I absolutely cannot STAND having anyone whisper in my ear. It makes me want to smack them! With my daughter, I get SO scared sometimes she's going to yell in my ear accidentally that I will just involuntarily yank my head away from her if she gets too close. It's like I have a wound that I don't want touched.

One time she had to get a splinter taken out of her foot at the podiatrist. She SCREAMED and I had to hold her down. I ended the appointment shaking and almost in tears and had a splitting headache and ringing ears after. And honestly it was more for how much her screaming was hurting me than how badly I felt about her splinter, crappy as that sounds. It just hurts me THAT MUCH.

Now I have a question. I work in a clerical job at a construction shop where there are already annoying smells and noises (I have major touch and smell sensitivities too) and guess what... they are doing MAJOR CONSTRUCTION (ie pile driving) RIGHT OUTSIDE THE WINDOW OF WHERE I WORK. Can you imagine what I am going through. And I answer phones so I can't wear earplugs!!

The noise is so bad that the doors and walls shake. I go home and can't get the sound of the pile driver out of my mind. Sometimes I get a migraine from it or it even makes me nauseous. (It's like a loud ka-thump, ka-thump, over and over again). Sometimes it is so bad I can't focus on my work and I feel like I'm half there. And I try to hide how much it hurts me because I mean, these are construction workers... they are used to noises and they tune them out. And as it is I'm the only clerical worker there... I don't think it would go over too well if I put up a stink. (And what could they do anyway? I can't work from home and I need the money and the job. They can't stop the city's construction work.)

I'm wondering if I am doing permanent damage to my ears. They are already so sensitive and this repetitive noise is killing them just the same way that repetitive movement can cause harm. Taking time off work is just not an option for me right now if I want to feed my child and keep my job.

Mar 25, 2011
so i'm not crazy?
by: Anonymous

My mom thought i was a mean, disturbed child... My sister's breathing seemed so loud to me, through the nose, with a little whistly sound, and u could hear the air blown like a vacuum... It still drives me crazy... Now, whenever she's mad at me, she does it even more loudly... It gives me goosebumps, every muscle of my body contracts... I shut my ears and scream but i can still hear it, it's breathing, it never stops... I start then imagining myself hurting her to stop, suffocating her or something... And she's my best friend!!!

I'm 22 now, I still have that problem
It got worse... Now it's every breathing sound, through the nose, the sound of crunching when the mouth is shut and it comes from the nose...
And typing... loud typing... my coworker types really loud, i can't work unless my earphones are to the max, and i can still hear her!!! And after 8 hours, i have severe headaches...

I don't know what to do
I'm tired and miserable...
I bet u are too!

Mar 09, 2011
I have sensory issues too!
by: Anonymous

Glad it's not just me! Like many others have described on here, I too am very annoyed when people pop/crack their gum. I had to ask this one lady I worked with to stop. I'm not normally the type of person to cause conflict, so it took a lot of courage for me to say something to her. I used to sit next to a woman at work who had constant allergies so she was sniffing all day long. And it's the type of sniff where it sounds like nothing is in her nose. That annoys me even more than the sound of sniffling with a congested nose! I wanted to offer her an allergy pill. Also, loud coughing can really bother me. I'm sensitive to loud sounds anyway, and when I was taking a college course, I made sure never to sit in front of this one guy again because he was coughing so loudly and gave me a headache! High pitched noises also bother me a lot. Earlier tonight I was at dinner with a friend and a couple had their baby on their laps and the baby kept screaming. It was the happy screaming I'm talking about. Most people think it's cute but I was so close to complaining to our waiter about it! My friend couldn't understand why I was getting so agitated. Needless to say, I was quite relieved when I saw that family leaving! My neighbor in the apartment above me sounds like an elephant when she walks across her floor! The floor boards constantly creak and every time they do I lose my mind! I saw some websites posted on here that I will definitely check out. I'd like to not be so sensitive to things like this so I can enjoy myself more when I'm out and about.

Jan 30, 2011
Glad I'm Not Alone
by: Dee

I am definitely in perimenopause and the further I get into it the more irritated I am with people and their disgusting noises and habits.

All the things that have been listed here I can absolutely relate to.
It seems to me that everywhere I go lately I encounter someone who sounds like they have tuberculosis. UGH! Take a sip, get a cough drop, STAY HOME...just shut up!

The cell phone yapping, the loud chewing noises, etc. just set me on edge.

As much as I love my husband he is SO loud when he coughs or sneezes. I swear that he tries to be loud on purpose. There is no reason on earth to cough or sneeze so loudly that you could wake the dead.

And one last thing: nose whistling. It's called a tissue...USE IT!

Okay, thanks...I feel better for having vented! :)

Jan 12, 2011

Does anyone who deals with the sounds also have super sensitive smelling like I do?

Jan 12, 2011
I am going to jump out of my skin.
by: Anonymous

I am so desperate. My colleague doesn't stop coughing and I cringe. Even when she's not, I'm tense because I'm waiting for it to happen. A couple of weeks ago, I yelled over my cubicle, "Can't you take anything for that cough?" And she said, "I'm sorry, I know it's really disgusting..." Today I want to say, "can't you at least eat a cough drop?" I'm pretty miserable. Of course other things drive me nuts too - gum cracking, people smacking food, ice clunking around a cup, people sniffing, rubber shoes squeaking, people crunching anything, jaws that click, people slurping hot coffee, people swallowing food...I am so miserable right now....

Jan 03, 2011
There is a NAME!
by: Michelle B

My daughter suffers with the sounds of lips smacking and the like. Please, everyone, check out 4S (Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome) at You will find yourself all over those pages!!! What a relief to find the information. She fits in perfectly! Ear-Plug Wearers UNITE!

Dec 21, 2010
Does anyone have anything or taken anything that has helped
by: Anonymous

I thought I was crazy as well and so do the people close to me. If anyone has anything that has helped it would be much appreciated. I am 30 years old and when I hear the sounds of ANY chewing it makes me go mad and I really want to do physical damage although I never have fortunately I am a mild mannered person... please email me if you have any solutions or anything has helped.

Dec 21, 2010
So I'm not crazy? Or at least I have crazy online acquaintances now!
by: Anonymous

My mother-in-law and her gum...I would rather stick a fork in my eye! Traveling anywhere with her in the car is torture. When my family goes anywhere with the in-laws I sit up front with my father-in-law, who is driving. My mother-in-law sits in the back seat and chomps her gum, which drives me absolutely batty. When I have asked her to stop, she gets pissed and acts like she can't understand why something like that would bother a person. Even if she stops, she will soon forget and start chomping again.

We often go on vacation with my in-laws, usually to Myrtle Beach, which is a 12-hour drive, and I have always refused to travel with them, even if they rent a van. It is worth the extra gas money and driving to keep away from her gum chomping.

Dec 13, 2010
Yea...I'm not crazy after all
by: nan

So glad to know I'm not the only person completely and utterly ANNOYED by people. Now that I'm amongst like-minded folks, I will spend a minute to vent: Thank you!
*Loud, overbearing people (darn-near got the cops called on me today for asking someone to shut up while giving blood. After 2 hours, I'd had enough...and was then accused of being a racist for asking this extremely annoying person to shut-it...he just about hanked out the IV in his arm to get at me) One-of just many similar situations I've gotten into.
*The keyboard-thing.....yikes! when I asked one RUDE girl at the library next to me to stop POUNDING on the keys she said "A.D.D....can't help it!" I said O.C.D. and MENOPAUSE....can't help it!"
*Gum-popping, chewing with mouth open, the smell of beer on someone's breath....they all make me want to LOSE IT !!!
*STUPID, DUMB looks on people's faces, like they have absolutely NO brain....they walk around texting, gabbing on cell, as if there is NOTHING of value going on in their pea-brains. this O.C.D.? I never thought so, but I am beginning to wonder. I wear earplugs a lot, and get so mad at myself when I have forgotten them and end up stuck in a position where I can't escape whatever it is that's irking me at that moment. Also....why does it seem like my family members possess all of these irritants?
I've been single for more than 10 years, I'm still fairly attractive, 48 yrs old, but I feel this is why I don't date at all. I love my grandkids, but other people's children annoy the heck out of me, so we only do one-on-one activities.
I was so annoyed at our society a few years ago, I moved to a 3rd-world country for 18 months to "chill". It worked...I could go weeks without talking to another person because I didn't speak the language. In all that time only twice did I come unglued over someone's idiotic was American, one Canadian...go figure. If it weren't for my grandkids, I'd run away again.

Thanks again for letting me get that off my chest

Nov 29, 2010
Me too!
by: Anonymous

I also am amazed at how many of you feel the way I do! I just found this website while I was sitting in my cube at work listening to my coworker make these irritating clickety clickety sounds on his keyboard. Here is a list of what bothers me (for some reason, I think taking an inventory of this stuff might help):
- s hissing sounds when certain people speak
- high heels clicking on hard surfaces
- the clicking of flip flops on hard surfaces
- gum chewing, popping, smacking, cracking
- smacking from eating with mouth open
- smacking from eating ice and hard candy
- rattling ice in a cup
- smacking noises from kissing
- keyboard clicking
- some high pitched voices
- elevated voices in commercials
- popcorn crunching in movies
- dial tones when heard from someone's speakerphone
- distant booming bass
- background noise on radio news when they are recording on location
- bangles on a hard desk

Interestingly, I am not bothered when I hear my cats smack their food. For some reason I just think it's cute. But my husband (whom I love and also think is cute) smacks his food it makes me absolutely nutty. When he does it I close my eyes and I try to project the love and tolerance I have for my cats onto him. I also do that with strangers- think about how much I love the human race and how grateful I am for their good qualities. Sometimes it works, mostly I grit my teeth and try not to glare.

I used to wear ear plugs all the time but I started getting bad ear infections so now that is not an option.

Thanks to all who shared. When I find a solution I will definitely post it. It helps to know that I am not alone in this. I really thought it was because I am just a difficult, intolerant jerk.

Nov 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Chewing could not irritate me more.

It will not irritate me nearly as much if this person does not know it irritates me.

The same with heavy breathing.

Nov 19, 2010
Married 35 years and now I,m going crazy
by: Anonymous

Wow! All of the above for me and I have one more that my husband has started doing. You know those snickers with Velcro? When feet are crossed and slid one on the other the Velcro will catch and release over and over and over. Sends me to nut city.

Nov 18, 2010


Nov 14, 2010
Soooo annoying
by: Anonymous

I've read all the comments and some of them could have been written by me.

The whole death-stare thing is an impulse I can't control when someone (for example on a bus) is making the following noises: repetitive sounds such as foot tapping, saying hello hello hello hello hello into a mobile phone when obviously the connection has been lost; constantly coughing - I want to shout "get a bloody drink" - I am so annoyed that they didn't have the sense to have a drink with them; babies crying, in particular making the exact same shrieking noise over and over and the mother not even try to stop them. It drives my crazy literally.

My headphones broke the other day and it's made me realize that I cannot be in public without my ipod to drown out the noise because I just feel pissed off the whole time by peoples' noises. Oh and the car with the engine running outside the house, it's like for god sake just drive off!!!
I remember when I was little being in the car with dad and he always did this tapping drumming thing on the dashboard with his fingers as he was holding the steering wheel. No matter how many times I asked him to please stop he just kept doing it. I think he did it more to annoy me... well he certainly did not take me seriously but I felt like crying.

I don't know what this dysfunction is but it is clearly not that rare and this site has made me realize that I probably irritate the crap out of (some) other people at the cinema when I eat my popcorn all throughout the movie!

Nov 12, 2010
by: HELP ME!!

I am 10 years old and it's getting worse. My mom breath's so loud I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE! My dad eats his food so loud i feel like i'm getting stabbed thirty times. I have to go im my room to eat my dinner. My sister pick's her nails so much I GO CRAZY!! Does anyone have these problems like me? Does anyone have a solution?!

Here are the thing that bother me!

-Breathing LOUDLY
-Picking nails
-Chewing with mouth wide open!

Nov 01, 2010
thanks for the insights
by: Anonymous

As many of you have said, I finally feel like I am not alone. My wife makes me feel like a freak because listening to her pick and bite her fingernails drives me crazy. I am similarly affected by popping gum, eating (specifically crunching - ice, chips, whatever), snoring, the brushing of teeth, and some other repetitive noises (it's kind of situational). This has been a problem for me since I was young, but it has gotten worse as I have grown older (now 43).

I have to have music or the television on at virtually all times, to at least muffle annoying sounds. Not too practical at a meeting where one of your supervisors comes in with a big cup of ice to eat.

I always assumed that it was OCD-related, though I have never talked to a doctor about it and have never been diagnosed with OCD (though I kind of suspect it). However, I would really like to figure something out. I have been considering hypnosis, but I know that is a questionable approach. I don't want to have to be medicated to live a normal life with these sounds. But at the same time, living should not be just the art of avoiding things that annoy.

Oct 28, 2010
by: Muffin

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I've been going through this same hell since I was about 9 years old. I can't wait to retire and get out of the cube situation where manners are non-existent. Just know you are not alone.

Oct 01, 2010
What noises drive me crazy.
by: Anonymous

What noises drive me crazy.

basically if it is one or a combination of (loud, repetitive, relentless, nasty high pitch, unnecessary, or overlapping)

Stupid songs/music with a very simple beat and about 10 words in the entire lyrics, that go on and on and on saying the same thing over and over relentlessly.

A bird, cricket, cicada that makes the same stupid noise relentlessly.

Numerous noises (stresses) at the same time can be unbearable i.e. TV advertisement which is very fast paced and loud whilst trying to hear your self think and communicate with someone else all at the same time.

A person?s voice (yelling, screaming, at a horrible pitch.

Some times I feel completely exhausted by annoying noises, all I can do is concentrate on the stress creating noise. It becomes so intense I feel insane and paralyzed. When the annoyance stops it feels amazing, words cannot describe the relief.

What I helps me personally:

Deep breathing
Remove myself from the situation
Large glass of water
Find a way to make it stop

Sep 29, 2010
by: dmw

I went to the psychiatrist me meds for OCD since I can not take my focus off of eating noises!!! I'll let ya'll know how they work out! PLEASE........wish me luck!

Leaflet (misophonia)

Very helpful website...........scroll down to #4

Sep 20, 2010
Dear Anonymous......
by: Anonymous

You are 13 with this issue? Gum smacking started bothering me in high school! I am now 46! What types of meds have you tried? What does you counselor say????

Sep 20, 2010
by: Anonymous

Im 13 and sniffling,smacking,crunching(even when dogs are eating dog food)fingernail clipping or biting , computer clicks .... etc. bother me Big time and this is going on its 4th year idk why it started , it was random... but going to school is a struggle when im home im in my room w/ radio full blast .. my mom usually brings me my food and there is nothing i can do ... i have took many medicines i was in counciling and i just really want it gone cuz it is controlling and hurting the people closest to me .. i dont want to grow up and this stop me from having a family but it loox like thts where im headed ..

Sep 08, 2010
We are not crazy.
by: Warren

I too have hyper annoyance with whistling, gum snapping (or chewing), other people eating (yelling at my father at breakfast for his chewing and slurping when I was only 5 years old, ice crunching (AAAAAAAHHHHHH), etc.

I don't think mine is nearly as bad as many others here. But I certainly feel that fight/flight feeling when it occurs. I DID find a network for people with this problem, and a possible solution for severe cases.

is the home page of the hyperacusis network. It is also sometimes called Selective (or Soft) Sound Sensitivity Syndrome.

Is it related to OCD or ADHD? Maybe, but there have been successful treatments with white and pink noise therapy.

I hope everyone finds a solution for this annoying (and for some people) disruptive condition.

Aug 31, 2010
Fight or flight
by: Anonymous

The two basic human instincts and I can think of nothing more appropriate to describe my intense displeasure for idiots who feel it is their right and duty to loudly crack gum for all to hear. I have to get myself out of these situations for fear of a violent reaction. Here's what bothers me most of all: Those of us so "afflicted" and come in contact with these stupid people have to wonder why their employers are NOT raising the bar in terms of expecting better professionalism and common sense requirements as terms of employment. Recently at a bank I was caught up in a situation where they used FIVE newly hired employees to learn the process of how to open a simple CD account. ALL FIVE tried their best to crack their gum the most and loudest as if part of some twisted contest. If I were their employer, they would never had made it through their interview. It's a basic sign of their maximum level of intelligence and talent. When it came time for me to finalize the transaction with my signature, I informed those trainees that they lacked the maturity and commitment to put away their childish habits and suggested they were not cut out for their jobs and walked out -- with the deal undone.

Fact is in most cases -- or at least as it has been through my experience -- new employees are hired by people of the same mindset, and if their best talent is gum popping I take flight and firmly let them know why. It's disgusting the way bad personal habits enter the workplace and frankly I see little to no chance for this annoyance to ever improve in the future. Those of us with similar irritations, stop thinking something is wrong with YOU -- it's the way employers have allowed these obnoxious habits to become the new norm. WE should NOT be forced to deal with it. Let them crack gum all they want in PRIVATE. Cracking gum is nothing more than a method for people yearning to get attention any way they can. There is no pleasure in performing this despicable habit in public settings. Walk away enough times and WE can bring about all the change needed to put a stop to it. A gum cracking cashier who is uncooperative? Just leave your groceries on the conveyor belt and walk out of the store. Apply that theory enough times and gum chewing would be be eliminated in short order when they are forced to explain why the customer walked out.

Aug 28, 2010
by: Anonymous


Aug 27, 2010
Some mild relief
by: Marc

I have spent my whole life until today thinking that I had anger or sensitivity issues. Thank you for this. The main arena for annoyance is the office because you can't escape your co-worker putting things in his mouth all day and the manager behind clicking his pen everytime he moves and the lady just three desks down who insists on wearing 15 bangles whilst typing on a hard desk.

Aug 18, 2010
how does it feel?
by: Jamie

for me, sometimes I feel rage and I want to slap people upside the head. but mostly it feels to me kinda like a panic attack (I guess). I get very very very anxious and feel that I have to ESCAPE the situation immediately. If I cannot leave the area of the noise, I put on headphones or put in earplugs. Otherwise I feel as if I would surely go insane or start screaming or go on a rampage or something violent.

Aug 18, 2010
how does it feel?
by: Anonymous

I hate many of the same noises as many of you: gum chewing, chewing in general, sniffing. I have been bothered by these noises since I was at least five years old (I am now twenty).

The physical feeling that these noises cause for me is the worst feeling in the world to me. It makes me feel disgusting, and I have often physically hurt myself to distract from this feeling.

I am wondering if we all have the same physical reaction to the noises, or whether it is different... I don't know if I want to even describe the feeling, but I can say that it is not pain. Can anyone else describe the feeling they get when they hear these noises?

Send responses to:

Aug 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

My friends and family have made fun of my "perfect hearing" they call it! Oh buts its not so perfect when you cannot have a conversation with someone because the person 5 offices down the hall is "clicking" their pen or you cannot feed your little toddler dinner because the people at the table are smacking! I saw the Magnesium/diet drinks comment....I eat foods high in magnesium and I am allergic to Diet drinks so therefore I do not drink them. Does anyone else have a suggestion? I have been to my doctor about this but they say its anxiety...I don't think so! These noises are so loud my ear physically hurts! I like others here am very glad to see I am not the only one...Never met anyone with the same issue. Thank you for sharing everyone!

Jul 26, 2010


Jul 13, 2010
You all feel my pain!
by: Drama

Wow! Since childhood I've been suffering from sensitivity to certain noises. I couldn't stand the way my dad chewed with his mouth open, sometimes it was so bad, that I would leave the dining room, and eat alone in the kitchen. My mom blamed me for being to arrogant and selfish! I'd never know how to express it. Until now that I feel more comfortable talking about it. But my wife does not take it seriously and just jokes about it. I'm so glad that I see there are others who have the same issues with certain noises. It is worse at work, when someone is sniffling. Specially there are people who are chronic snifflers, and that really gets me. I lose focus, and wait to hear the next sniffle, which gets really under my skin, and then the next ... and I keep getting angrier that why the person does not simply blow their nose, or why are they constantly sniffling? I never end up telling the person anything, sometimes it is someone in another office, that I don't even see. Same thing if I'm in a movie theater, if someone sniffles, or coughs, the whole movie I'm focusing to hear their next sniffle or next cough. I can't get out and leave, even though I get so miserable. Seeing that other people have similar sensitivity, gives me more courage to talk about it and to try to find ways to cope with it. Please keep sharing your experiences.

One thing that I've found very helpful, with sleeping at nights, is a white noise machine. Loud enough to cover my wife's snoring. Even though she does not snore loudly, but I still would fixate on it at nights, and could not fall sleep. If others have tools, techniques, please share.

Jul 11, 2010
mouth sounds
by: Paul

It started out for me a year and a half ago as Hyperacusis. Everything was perceived as too loud! I did tinnitus retraining therapy which almost cured the Hyperacusis. Now I am stuck with misophonia. I hate all mouth sounds! I hear saliva as people speak,open and close their mouths,eat,chew gum etc. I hate repetitive sounds. I also hear the letters T c and k sharper than other consonants. Sounds are not smooth and soft but hard sounding. Television is bright and sharp sounding.Cooking channels are the worst(banging dishes etc).I feel like I am ready to crawl into a hole for good!

May 16, 2010
cant believe it
by: Anonymous

I cant believe how many people on here are posting about the same thing. I want to sit and cry over not being able to stand my husband chomping his food, people chewing gum, picking their nails, dog licking, etc. I do mock sometimes and I dont mean to it just happens. I was on Zoloft and have an appointment to get back on it and see if this will help. i also have fibromyalgia and my mom has read this also can be a symptom of it. it is reassuring to know I am not alone.

May 12, 2010
by: MissMisophonia

I personally cannot say that Aspartame is contributing to my dysfunction because I do not (nor will not) drink anything with Aspartame in it. About all I drink now is water. But I promise, I suffer on a daily basis from all the surrounding noises. If it is something that I can not escape from (i.e., leaving the room) it just compounds itself. Some days it gets to the point of tears and even anxiety attacks.

Apr 22, 2010
by: Judy

The type of things that bother me is my husband cracking his ankle 30 times in a row, playing with his ear, my cat waiting to go outside and when I open the door for her, she just sits there and hesitates. Keys jingling in someone's pocket, whistling, a person singing at a market place and doesn't care who is around. When I'm talking to a person and he or she has no comment as if talking to a wall. Also, when talking to someone who doesn't give you eye contact, hearing the base of someone's loud music, a sound of a motor, a car that just won't move that stays parked and I feel like saying, just go. My spoiled cat that just keeps meowing no matter how many kinds of cat food placed on the floor along with fresh filtered water.

We can control these things if we would just make up our minds that we are not in control but God alone. We must pray about all these things and not sweat the small stuff. Doing God's will is the big stuff, that is what should matter. My E-mail address

Apr 22, 2010
I can relate
by: Judy

Hi everyone out there. I can totally relate to all the noises that we have to put up with so often. I think that our biggest problem could be pride, always wanting to control people and things. Most of all, it is all in our heads because we don't think that the person making the noise has a good enough reason for it. Haven't you ever noticed that when it is someone you care about, it won't bother you as much, where as, if it is someone that you don't really know will bother you more?

I find when I read the word of God, it changes my attitude and motivates me to love my fellow neighbor as myself. We can always be nice about what bothers us and give the other person time to change before mentioning to them again or have a friendly reminder a couple times a week. Like my neighbor next door, I can hear his t.v. playing and I live in a house. I can hear his t.v. in my living room. He says that his window is open and that is why I can hear him but he says he will be getting his window replaced so he can keep it closed. Hopefully soon. I hope that this helps.

If you want to e-mail me to discuss this further, I can be reached at

Apr 20, 2010
Magnesium/Aspartame results
by: Julie

I posted a few weeks back about taking Magnesium tablets and removing Aspartame from my diet. I have noticed some improvement. There is a woman at work who pops her gum, all day every day. When I am sitting within 6-8 feet of her, I can still hear it just as loudly as I always have but when I sit approximately 20 feet from her, I rarely notice the noise...a few weeks ago, even at 20 feet, it sounded like she was standing right beside me. So, basically, the "close up" noise is about the same but I can now tune out most, if not all, of the "distant" noise. It's enough of a difference that I plan to stay on the Magnesium and continue to avoid Aspartame.

Apr 14, 2010
Wow! So nice to know it's not just me!
by: Anonymous

I have been struggling with this for years! Hearing someone eat or chew gum makes me want to crawl out of my skin and stab something. I have to get up and walk away. It's gotten so bad that I can't even eat dinner at the table with my boyfriend and his children anymore because of the smacking noises. Keyboard clicking drives me insane to the point where I have to listen to my mp3 player at work to cover the noise. My boss drinks water out of a plastic cup - she rattles the ice, drinks and then slams the cup on the desk every 20 seconds or so and it makes me want to flip my desk over. I can't stand kissing noises on tv or in real life, which makes for relationship problems. I can't sleep in the same room as my boyfriend because of his snoring - I have to close two doors at night just to make sure I don't hear it... and sometimes that doesn't work.

I don't know what to do or how to fix it. I there a name for it? Is there a way to get over this??? It's raising my stress level, blood pressure... everything.

Mar 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

This is amazing I thought I was the only one(well okay my sister shares my affliction)the sound of people eating drives me mad and if they chew with their mouths open it only adds to my distress.I know I drive my husband crazy,as soon as he starts to eat I start my rant "stop smacking" "oh my god do you have to eat like a pig?" PLEASE close your effing mouth when you chew" and so on. My sister and I have used ear plugs at the dinner table since we were children,little balls of wet toilet paper worked a treat.

Mar 29, 2010
Soooo glad others share this problem.
by: melanie

I was so glad to find this site! I have actually split up with boyfriends because of the smacking noises they made or the loud repetitive breathing at night. Also listening to my father smacking his food ruined drove me crazy and almost ruined my relationship with him.I mimic people when they sniff or smack and even my current relationship with a man I love is in danger for the same reasons...If anyone has any good solutions besides earplugs please let me know.

Mar 23, 2010
by: dmw

Thanks for the post regarding the magnesium and aspartame!!!! I will try it too!!!

Mar 22, 2010
Has anyone seen this?
by: Julie

Has anyone seen It is a very interesting site. It says that sensitivity to sound may be due to a magnesium deficiency and from drinking/eating too much aspartame. I am a bit skeptical but am willing to try just about anything that may help. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a bottle of 250mg Magnesium tablets for about $4. I have been taking one a day. I stopped drinking Diet Coke (which i drank all day every day) and eliminated all aspartame from my diet (It is in most diet soft drinks. There is a Diet Coke made with Splenda that is pretty good and does not contain aspartame)and also am eating foods high in magnesium such as pumpkin seeds, broccoli and cashews. . I have only been doing this for 4 days. I am going to keep it up for a few weeks and see if i can tell any difference. I will post again in a few weeks and let everyone know if I can feel any improvement. : )

Mar 19, 2010


Feb 26, 2010
Thank goodness
by: Anonymous

I happened upon this site because I was looking into my nephews likely new diagnosis of Tourrettes. I'm a physician and have realized that my father has a tic disorder - chronic sniffing - every breath he takes - DRIVES ME BATTY! - First noticed it on the way to college interviews traveling in the car with him. Found that Tic/Tourrettes/OCD/ADD/ADHD can all be linked in families.

My sister and father are OCD - they count numbers of things. My brother likely has untreated ADHD. I thought I was the most unaffected, but then was like, well what about my issues that affect my quality of life - I HATE SO MANY NOISES! Sniffing, popping gum, popping knuckles, suckers, chewing on crunchy stuff, mouse clicking, computer keyboard tapping. I've for years of education had to wear ear plugs during exams. I CAN"T go to movie theaters. My husband's crunching/computer click noises and sniffing from allergies drive me crazy! If I can take my attention off of the noise by distracting myself, I do okay. If I can't stop focusing on it, then I remove myself from the situation. But it can be quality of life limiting - I enjoy hanging out with my husband, but can't stand these noises!

In the near future, I will talk with a therapist about potential medication for management. I am glad to see that I'm not the only one out there with this issue. I wish nobody else had it though, because it can be limiting.....frustrating.

Jan 17, 2010
Not crazy after all
by: Becki

So... I'm not crazy after all... nor am I just a bitch for not handling sounds around me:
windchimes, scraping forks, "s" sounds, gum snapping, etc.

WOW! I did find a site that labeled it: Misophonia (dislike of sounds). Now... to find a treatment that will help. Right now, my own husband, whom I love with all my heart, is bugging me with the "s" thing, and that can't continue.

Jan 15, 2010
Can't stand noise!
by: Anonymous

I am 15 years old and so many noises irritate me
i hate the sound of:

bitting nails
repetitive sounds
tapping nails on a table
scrapping plates
loud chewing
people who chew or talk with mouth open
slamming plates in the sink
people eating corn on the cob!
people moving their leg repetively
the hiccups
playing with their hair constantly
sound of licking
sound of high heels
people eating apples
when people eat with a mental spoon or folk and their teeth scrap against it when they eat

i can't stand seeing peoples mouths move when they eat it makes me angry, i try look away but i know they are still doing it and it makes me clench my fists.

when im at the dinner table i have to block my ears becuase of the sound or 4 other people chewing! even though they arent chewing with mouths open, just the littles sound of chewing will set me right off.

i tend to give people an evil stare when they make a noise i don't like

they letter 's' annoys me and when people mumble drives me crazy!

i can't talk to someone if they have their hand over their mouth

i don't know what to do! my family gets angry with me if i say to stop chewing so loud and they say get over it, but im not sure how.

what can i do to make this stop, because im finding it at school heaps of people gross me out when it comes to lunch time

Jan 13, 2010
noise, noise, noise
by: Jamie

I carry earplugs with me wherever I go. I have to put them in before I go to the grocery store because there are SO many noises: music over the store's loudspeakers, people talking, babies crying, but especially the ultra-loud BEEPING of the scanners at the check-out stands drives me totally insane! If I don't have earplugs in, all the rush of noises hitting me as soon as I walk in the door will make me forget what I went into the store for in the first place. I got it bad.
I found a website with more varieties of earplugs than you can shake a stick at:


Jan 12, 2010
Gotta love those horrible sounds
by: Anonymous

So many sounds seem to bother me. any bodily sound drives me up a wall, same with certain other sounds such as one of my teacher's voices! When i hear these sounds I feel intense well as anxiety like when someone is holding a hammer above your hand.

How do all of you cope with these problems? I usually wear a hat/hood (which helps center my thoughts and calm down the anxiety) and do something such as read, nap, or in extreme cases I will physically block my ears with my hands. when i can i take pain meds like aspirin.

Stay happy and healthy everyone, none of us are alone.

Nov 28, 2009
Yahoo Group
by: Anonymous

There is a Yahoo group with over a thousand members who share all these same reactions to certain noises such as chewing and tapping. It is a helpful, supportive group.

Nov 06, 2009
by: Saya

I cant believe there are so many people who are the same as me!! I CANT STAND certain sounds like eating, chewing, kissing, tapping, repetitive bell jingling, sometimes ppl's voices make me freak out too! I feel horrible when i cant get away!

Sep 09, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the info.........i'll check it out!

Sep 09, 2009
I found out what it is!
by: Anonymous

I just recently was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. I have been an elementary teacher for 11 years and have seen many kiddos with this but never thought I fit the profile. It wasn't until I started meds for anxiety, stress etc and they weren't working. When I happened to mention that noises drive me crazy to my doc, he had me fill out a questionnaire, and bingo! I have been on 15mg of Adderall for about 5 weeks, and though noises still catch my attention, it doesn't endanger the person making them! :) My stress/anxiety are almost nonexistent because I am getting things done and I'm not irritated by repetitive noises. (Tapping is the worse!!!!!) Before, I couldn't even sit at the table with my family and eat cereal! Good luck to all of you!

Aug 17, 2009
Noise intolerance
by: Anonymous

I have just recently, within the past 2-3 years have noticed the intolerance to certain noises. Not all noises bother me, just a few. Like when I am driving and the person with me will click his fingernails on the seam of his pants or tap his fingers on the door. Sometimes the repetitive guitar in some songs will drive me crazy.

When I am at work, which is a very busy, noisy place, by the end of the day I feel exhausted and unable to concentrate. All I want is quiet. I have been on antidepressant medications in the past but I don't feel depressed. Sometimes I feel like I am having a panic attack and just want to be left alone. Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy but then there are days that I don't even notice the sounds. I just wish on the days that the noises bother me that I could feel normal, whatever that means.

Aug 12, 2009
Not Alone
by: Anonymous

I never knew there were so many people out there dealing with the same issues I have. I thought it was a learned trait since my dad always stopped us from "smacking our gum". Now I have three kids, two of which would probably physically hurt someone for smacking. I have been to the ear specialist that could not find anything wrong with my ears. They are very sensitive to sounds and I hear a constant high pitch ring and sleep with a air filter at night to keep from hearing my husband's breathing pattern. Repetitive noises are the worst and even certain tones of voices make me want to leave the room. Placing a tube in one ear seemed to off balance the ring enough that it was manageable.

The dr did not know why it worked and wouldn't recommend it. I can understand how someone would go insane because of this type sensitivity. I am also sensitive to fabric and find it extremely difficult to find clothes that I can handle. All of mine are cotton except for some socks that I like that are bamboo. The more breathable the better for all.

Jul 28, 2009
Not 100% but better.
by: Anonymous

I wrote on this thread earlier this year (32 yo female on Feb 5). I decided to go back on Prozac as the Zoloft didn't seem to do anything. The noises aren't totally gone- but I feel like I can function like a normal person again. The sounds just aren't quite as exaggerated as before- where I just needed to get away at all costs. Since being back on the medication again- I am so much better. I'm not angry and frustrated and.. just miserable. I don't know why or how it works... or if it just works for me. I also don't like being on medication, but it's better than NOT being on it. It's not a solution to my sound sensitivity- but it might be something to discuss with your therapist or general practitioner. It's *really* helped me. Hope this post helps some.

Jul 28, 2009
the noises are driving me insane too
by: Jamie

Reading all of your comments is freaky because I can agree with all of them. I too cannot stand the CONSTANT chirping of birds outside my window. I often go to my bedroom and bang on the glass to startle them away. And even though I LOVE dogs, I really want to strangle my neighbor's tiny pooch because he barks non-stop. High-pitched noises in particular drive me nutty. Like another commenter on this thread, I also, have often wished that I were completely deaf just to escape the maddening noises that seem SO loud to me. I would miss music, sure, but I think it would be worth it. I crave silence. I carry earplugs with me everywhere I go.

So many noises bother me:
eating, chewing, popping, swallowing, clicking, tapping, whistling, the sound of loose change or keys jingling in someone's pocket, humming, the sound of my own windshield wipers, the sound of my turn-signal, birds, frogs, cats, car alarms, cars idling, laughter, squeaky doors, the sound of someone tapping on a keyboard, mouse-clicks, you name it. if it makes any sound, it is unbearably annoying to me.

hopeless in Houston.

Jul 15, 2009
Noise intolerance
by: Jaime

Can't say I,m particularly bothered by eating/chewing noises. What really gets to me, and is ruining my life, is acute sensitivity to the sound of wood pigeons and collared doves. I hate other noises too - humming fans, screaming opera 'divas', shouting TV presenters, but I can generally control these by reaching for the'off' button. Problem with doves and pigeons is they are EVERYWHERE - there is no escape, and absolutely no shutting them up from dawn to dusk. Summers are pure torture - I can't sleep beyond 5am even with the windows closed. Have to turn a radio on most mornings to block out the horrendous, repetitive noise. I cannot understand why other people seem to be able to put up with this cacophony and this winds me up even more. Does ANYBODY out there share my despair with this particular problem?

Jun 17, 2009
Any repetitive noise will do it!
by: Anonymous

I find that any repeating sound can make me batty. However, I feel like I am a million times more sensitive to noises being made by strangers. When my husband clears his throat, it will annoy me, but I can deal with it. If a stranger were to make the same sound, it would be absolutely unbearable!

The worst part is the intensity of my reaction to repetitive sounds. I am NOT a violent person, but I guess my sensitivity makes me want to respond physically. Though I have never done it, I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to hit, kick, push, or just shake the crap out of an innocent noise maker.

This may sound funny, but while I have been able to keep myself from physically lashing out, I have not been very good at controlling what I call 'The Death Stare'. I'm sure I have ruined many a movie goers ability to enjoy their popcorn, when I suddenly, and frequently turn in my seat and give them the evil eye. I don't know what comes over me. I just lose it.

The weirdest part of all of this is that I tend to be a calm, easy-going kind of person. I am very friendly, talkative and outgoing. In fact, anger scares me, and I do not tolerate it well. So you can imagine my confusion when I find myself actively and angrily disliking a person who I know is unintentionally--albeit habitually--noisy.

Some other things I have noticed:

I am bothered by subtle, high pitched sounds that other people don't seem to hear.

Loud crashing/booming noises scare me, almost to heart attack levels.

I have NO ability to filter what I hear. For example; if I am trying to watch a TV show while the dishwasher is running, I cannot clearly hear what is coming from the TV. Does that make any sense?

Can anyone else relate to any of the above?

Jun 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

Hi, so good to hear other peoples stories. I agree with all of the hideous sounds we have to endure. How about the sound made when people actually swallow their food or drink? 'GULP'. I hate it so much then focus on it and hold my breath in anticipation of the next gulp. My family know not to eat or drink when on the telephone to me and they really know about it if they try and sneak in a quick sip of tea!!!! Arghhhh!! Just thought i'd share that with you,

Suzi (Eastbourne, UK)

Jun 07, 2009
Not gum, but smacking
by: Anonymous

My S.O. loudly schlurps and smacks his mouth/lips when he's eating fruit. I am convinced he exaggerates these noises to show his pleasure in eating it. I love the guy, but when he makes those sounds I want to run screaming from the room. Thankfully I'm able to just cringe and grind my teeth, instead. I'm happy to report that gum-smacking isn't popular with people of my age, culture, and general location. Luckily I also rarely meet people who chew with their mouth open.

Apr 29, 2009
Imagine my angst...
by: Anonymous

Imagine the scope of my angst after obtaining primo seating at a Broadway show with pricing in excess of $1000, and then being positioned directly in the middle of a group of the loudest gum poppers on the planet -- literally drowning out the audio to the point where I left the theater in tears. Each snap was like getting smacked in the head with a hammer. I politely asked the loudest offenders as kindly as possible to PLEASE curtail that habit. In the confines of good taste I cannot print their vulgar responses here. If being kind and polite has no impact, is there anyone here that has a better way to help convince such people to kindly stop? What drives people to be so selfish and rude?

Apr 15, 2009
I hate lunch meetings
by: Lunch meetings

Lunch meetings are the worst -- you have to listen while people are eating and then they talk w/food in their mouths. ARGHH!.

Apr 15, 2009
Hard candy!
by: Anonymous

I hate it when there is that dish of hard candy on the conference if the clicking of pens, breathing, sniffing, finger tapping, foot wiggling (yes, that makes noise) and throat clearning is not enough! ....Forgot to mention sighing, humming, tooth sucking, whistling nose, ice chewing, lip smacking, rubbing squeaky never ends...

Apr 15, 2009
Hard candy!
by: Anonymous

I hate it when there is that dish of hard candy on the conference if the clicking of pens, breathing, sniffing, finger tapping, foot wiggling (yes, that makes noise) and throat clearing is not enough!

Apr 13, 2009
I love you all
by: I_hate_chewing_sounds

I'm right there with you. I keep ear plugs close at hand. Sometimes I just need to sneak one into the ear closest to the offender to keep from losing my ever loving mind.

Apr 11, 2009
me too!!!!
by: Jessica'

Pretty amazing I thought i was crazy!!! Ever since I was a kid smacking gum/food, sucking teeth, nose whistling, snoring drive me absolutely insane!!! I envy people who can tune out those noises! My boyfriend dose all of those thing and sometimes I wanna deck him! Its an terrible thing I sympathize with everyone who suffers with me! Nice to know there are other people like myself!

Mar 01, 2009
Gum pop-madness
by: Christine J.

Amen to Allen's fight or flight comment. As someone who attended mass every Sunday since a kid, I finally stopped going because of this annoyance and it broke my heart. The pop, pop, pop reverberations throughout the chapel from two young women made me squirm in my seat on the verge of losing my mind. Who in their right mind thinks that during moments of solemn prayer that everyone else has to listen to that noise? They were approached and asked to stop and I was surprised because all along I thought I was the only one there suffering from their endless pop and cracking noises.

Should we have to fight or fight, or should people exercise common sense, maturity and courtesy?

Mar 01, 2009
continued because of character limitations..
by: Allen (continued)

In rare instances during certain settings I have politely asked people to please stop because of the annoyance. Instead, it caused them to increase the frequency and severity as if to demonstrate that they haven't a care in the world if anything they do bothers anyone else. Hence, I stopped asking because it turned into an open invitation for them to push my buttons even more.

I could go on and on, but with the multitude of comments already expressed more eloquently by others in this forum, there is no need for me to expound much further on the subject.

I add only one final and horrible thought I once pondered as a solution. So profound and debilitating the toll this has taken on my life, I once considered taking steps to completely deafen my hearing. I figured if I have to suffer in silence, permanent silence might be the only viable alternative. Now I have reason to move toward a less drastic solution.

Mar 01, 2009
Relief in knowing I am not alone nor insane.
by: Allen - Part 2 of 2

Recently and quite by accident I stumbled upon the latter half of an radio interview involving the subject of SPD, particularly among those with extreme sensitivity to certain annoying noises. Frankly, since this occurred during the late night hours, I was convinced the following morning there was a distinct possibility that it was merely part of a dream sequence. I ventured onto the Internet to research this topic which ultimately lead me to this site. While reading the comments of others, I was initially torn between an immense desire to cry versus the utter elation of the knowledge that I am not alone. For years, I was convinced that there was something wrong with me and have struggled in silence.

I believe everyone has sensitivity to noise ? whether it is someone speaking loudly in public places on their cellular telephone or the kinds of sensitivities that drive me to the brink of madness. People who insist upon popping gum or spend more time sucking food particles from between their teeth than it takes them to consume their meal tops my list. This has bothered me for the majority of my life and has left me completely debilitated in social settings. It has kept me from attending many events I once looked forward to with great anticipation.

It places me in a ?fight-or-flight? situation. Being non-violent by nature, flight has been my only option. I literally have to plan my schedule to avoid being in situations where I am exposed to these ignorant offenders. I gave up theater, movie going and public transportation years ago. Listening to people chewing gum quietly is barely tolerable for me. Going to the theater or a movie where offenders feel that that their ear piercing snapping and sucking noises are somehow integral to their enjoyment -- ruins mine. How many times I have found it necessary to pick-up and leave, I can no longer count. Coast-to coast air travel is out of the question because there is no escape once the door closes. I would willingly pay triple the airfare to be seating in a "no gum chewing / food sucking" section.

Feb 28, 2009
by: :)

I am 14 years old and I too hate certain noises,I also hate some types of materials.

The noise that drives me insane the most is when someone drums their nails.I also hate the feeling of my couch. My mum said I have something called dyspraxia but like a mild type.

Im glad I found this page, because to be honest I thought I was just weird.

Feb 24, 2009
Gum clicking!!
by: Anonymous

I just turned 23 and just today I left work crying because I had to sit in this small office with two other very nice people, one of which was absolutely making my blood boil over her gum smacking and popping! I want to almost go off on people sometimes because it gets under my skin to the point I become FURIOUS! Im especially sensitive to people popping gum in between their teeth or "gum clicking" is one way I have found that best describes the sound!

I thought I was absolutely insane and that I had some sort of mental disorder because Ive never met someone who suffers from this syndrome in such severity as I. Im sooooo very glad that I stumbled across this website... It gives me hope! I have been wearing earplugs at school and although they cancel out most noise, I feel as if Im under water!! I have been diagnosed with A.D.D. but Im not sure this type of problem is related. Any suggestions?

Feb 23, 2009
Tourette's Syndrome
by: Gum hater of London

Continuing from my last post - I wonder if any of this stuff is related to Tourette's Syndrome? My niece has been diagnosed with a mild case of Tourette's Syndrome and when I started reading up on it I realized that myself, my sister and my mum suffer from it too, and we also all have hypersensitivity to noises and lights. The rest of us haven't been diagnosed (my sister and I are in our 40s and these things just weren't taken seriously when we were kids, back in the 1970s) and I can't get my doctor to take it seriously enough to refer me to a specialist for diagnosis.

One thing I did find out is that Tourette's sufferers often have Touch Hypersensitivity (eg I have to cut the labels out of my clothes because they make me itch, and I recently found out my mum and sister do this too) so maybe it's all related?

I'm so relieved to have found this site, maybe now my doctor will take me seriously. I suffer from depression and haven't responded to any of the medication I've been given, so I've recently been referred for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. I hope I can discuss all this with my therapist as I have been too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it before.

Maybe we should all move to Singapore where chewing gum is illegal !

Feb 23, 2009
Thanks god i'm not alone!
by: Gum hater of London

I am at a friend's house today and he's been chewing gum and I ended up hiding the pack (I think I suffer from some kind of passive-aggressive disorder too!)

It's been driving me so crazy I started looking up my symptoms on google, and was amazed/relieved to find this page!

My aversion to chewing gum has got so bad recently that I also can't stand the smell of it or even the sight of someone's mouth moving as they chew! When I get on public transport (I live in London in the UK where everyone uses the bus and subway) I have to scan the bus or train carriage for people chewing before I decide where to sit. But sometimes you get what I call a "stealth chewer" (ie they creep up on you) who is just having a rest, then starts chewing just after I sit next to them!

In fact I have a whole vocabulary related to gum chewing, but I have only ever talked to one person about any of this. He is a friend who is bi-polar so he kind of understands what it's like to be a bit mental (I know that's a very un-PC thing to say, but joking about it is my way of coping) Ironically, that friend is one of the worst culprits I know for noisy eating, and I can't bear to be in the room with him when he's eating.

But getting back to the public transport thing, I can only cope by having my MP3 player with me at all times so I can block out the noise (I also carry earplugs as a back up), and to sit somewhere where nobody in my eyeline is chewing. If they are, or if I can smell gum, I have to move. This means that as people get on the bus or train I have to keep moving, and sometimes I just have to get off and walk. I totally relate to the person who glares at the culprits! I get so angry I want to physically harm them.

The time it really becomes a problem is when I am out in public with other people, because then I can't wear my headphones or earplugs, and I can't keep asking my friend to move every time I see, smell or hear someone chewing gum. Because of that I tend to avoid going anywhere with friends that involves getting on public transport.

I also have a problem with other noises, including:
Any kind of buzzing/humming sounds (from computers, refrigerators, air con etc)
Dogs panting and slobbering (ewwwwww)
Whistling and humming

I absolutely love that Tara's email address is!

This was going to be short entry but it's such a relief to get this off my chest I ended up going on and on...

I am going to have to continue in a separate post cos I've reached the max characters!

Feb 12, 2009
by: Anonymous

I cannot believe I stumbled upon this....
I thought for sure I was absolutely crazy!!! My MAJOR pet peeves-actually I cannot even call them pet peeves-these things actually sound worse to me than if someone were to stand right next to me and scream in my ear....I start to feel a rage building in my stomach and the ONLY thing I can focus on are the noises...but anyways, here's a list of things I HATE, in the order that I hate them, number one being the worst:

1. Gum cracking, popping, smacking, etc. (the WORST!!!!!!!)
2. Sniffling
3. Mouth breathers/loud breathers
4. Crunchy food being chewed
5. Sucking teeth, licking lips, mouth noises in general
6. Loud gulping and slurping
7. Drumming, rapping with feet or hands
8. Phrases being repeated several times as on commercials, etc.

I think that's about it....most of my peeves are related to people's mouths/noses....I do find that people I'm close to annoy me the most when it comes to breathing/eating issues....strangers do not generally annoy me by their breathing or eating. I've always been bothered by the way my mom eats. And most of my boyfriends as well.

With gum, however, it is one and the same. I despise it ALL. HATE IT. Cannot be near anyone chewing it. Definitely my biggest problem. I fear going back to school because of the gum chewing that will inevitably be going on.

I noticed someone above said that they 'mimic' noises...I do the SAME thing. How strange. If someone is sniffling and it bothers me, I mimic them! Definitely thought I was alone on that one.
If anyone has any helpful advice-please clue me in!

Feb 05, 2009
Extreme Sound Sensativity
by: Anonymous

I'm currently 32 years old and I am extremely sensitive to many noises and have been for just about as long as I can remember. It is the bane of my existence. Gum chewing/popping/smacking, sniffling, laptop mouse button clicks, the sound of a spoon on the side of a dish, dripping faucets, nose whistling, snoring, chewing or talking with mouth full, sucking things out of teeth with tongue, banana eating, slurping, leg bouncing, honestly.. I could go on and on.

This was so disruptive to my daily life, that my mom took me to a therapist when I was 14 to "figure it out". They didn't. And it only got worse as I got older. I would get furious, scream, yell and (if I couldn't do any of those) I'd just glare (like, really, really glare) at the person that was making the "noise". I smuggled ear plugs into my SATs, I'd bring kleenex with me where ever I went to so if someone was sniffling- I could offer them a tissue (hint, hint). Mid-highschool, I was loosely diagnosed with OCD and put on a very low dose (20 mg) of Prozac. Guys, it didn't make it go away totally- but it DID work. I didn't realize how well it 'did the trick' until I recently went off of the Prozac- it'd been so long, I just figured I'd grown up and everything would be ok. I forgot about my 10 page list of "things that bothered me" that my friends used to laugh at me for, I forgot about that horrible feeling in my chest & stomach when I was in line next to someone chewing gum, I forgot about most of it- until it all came flooding back a few months ago. The irritability, the frustration, the anger... it's just like it used to be. It's probably the worst feeling in the world.

I recently went back to a psychiatrist because I couldn't continue like this... not again. She put me on Zoloft- I'm not sure if it's going to work (I'm not crazy about the long 1/2 life and some side effects of Prozac). Although, if Zoloft doesn't work, I WILL go back on Prozac. I'm not advocating drugs as the "cure", but for those of you that are miserable and can't function and are just angry at the world because of this "noise thing" you might want to consider it and talk about it with your doctor.

Best of luck to all of us.

Feb 04, 2009
My dad chewing food
by: Anonymous

I feel like losing it, completely, and I did so often as a child, when I hear MY DAD CHEWING FOOD or TALKING WITH HIS MOUTH FULL. I hate it so much.

Many sounds relating to the mouth, textures (especially things that are really soft), feelings (like dry skin on carpet) drive me crazy, but nothing is as bad as my dad's eating. And it has caused us great trouble. Anyone else have problems with one person in particular?

Jan 27, 2009
annoying noises
by: gail

OMG I thought I was the only one out there like this!! My noise nightmares include gum, crunchy food (can't go to the theater because of the popcorn), ice crunching, slurping, swallowing liquid, and a host of others I can't remember right now.

Dogs barking, loud music, snoring. I have to wear ear plugs 24/7 and have a fan going just to try to stay sane. I have yet to find a solution to this. I am 49 years old and have been like this my whole life.......

It makes the workplace unbearable and home is only slightly better.

Just had to let you know you are not alone!!

Jan 25, 2009
I agree
by: Anonymous

Im so glad Im not the only one! Alot of noises bother me. Gum chewing, gum popping, sniffing, humming, dripping water, loud movies in other rooms of my house.

People always thought I was just being rude when I said those things bug me and they thought I just needed to get over it. I didn't know it was something people actually suffered from! It has made school very annoying!!

Jan 20, 2009
mouth/nose/body noises
by: Anonymous

What all of us have is SOFT SOUND SENSITIVITY SYNDROME, but we also have SPD if we're sensitive to many other sounds. A Portland, Oregon Audiologist named Marsha Johnson coined the above phrase... also known as 4S. She discovered in her audiology practice several people with mouth noise issues and realized it must be some kind of syndrome.

Go to her website at Oregon Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Treatment Clinic. She has seen people from all over the country and the world. She can prescribe ear devices which may or may not work for the sufferer. Some have been helped... others not. They're generally not covered by insurance and they're very expensive. I still wear mine, but only to mask noises... they're like mini white noise machines worn in the ears. Ear plugs help, Bose ear muffs help, white noise machines help.

I'm 60 years old and have had this all my life. Thousands of us worldwide suffer this ailment. Most of these people think they're crazy. Us lucky ones at least know we have a true syndrome... something we can put a name to.

Jan 05, 2009
And More....
by: Mary KH

For me, it's cracking knuckles. The sound of cracking knuckles make me want to jump out of my skin. I have gotten to the point where I will tell strangers in a very terse tone, to stop. I also can't tolerant the scrape of a certain stoneware that a pizza "pan" is made from (given to me as a gift) against the metal of my sink or stove. It actually makes my teeth hurt.

And TV commercials where the actors yell to sell their product make me insane. And repetitive noises (drip-drip) or phrases, as again in TV commercials where they say the same thing several times in a short span, make me very upset.

These are just a few of the things that cause me great anxiety. I only found this site tonight--I'll have to come back and study more. Maybe I finally have an answer.

Dec 19, 2008
Me too!
by: Anonymous

I am 34 years old and have had "noise issues" forever. I can physically cry if someone is chewing gum, cracking gum, eating chips, etc. and any annoying noise really.

I am so happy to find out I am not alone! I don't go to the movies because of the popcorn and other noises. I don't eat at restaurants that serve chips (like Mexican food).

I also have trouble comprehending reading materials. I recently went to the Dr. and he thought the noise issues may be part of ADD. If anyone would like to chat and if anyone has some coping methods, I would love to hear them. Thank you.

Dec 09, 2008
whistling, too
by: Paul

I also am bothered by gum popping, sniffling, and whistling, especially if I am trying to concentrate. I struggled through many exams in college when someone had the sniffles, which was often. For me, I think whistling is the worst. It sends shivers down my spine.

Nov 14, 2008
Gum Popping
by: Anonymous

I can't believe I have finally found people who have the same problem as I do! I cannot tolerate the sound of someone popping gum. It causes me physical pain.

Two years ago, I had a nervous breakdown. I worked in an office where a lady constantly popped her gum. I had tried ear plugs but I could hear her over them. I tried wearing headphones and listening to music but I could still hear her cracking her gum. Finally, I stared having feelings of wanting to physically hurt her because she was causing me so much pain... at that point, I had to take a leave of absence and was hospitalized for a nervous breakdown. The gum popping lady quit while I was gone...Thank God!!!

Since then I have bought Noise Reducing Ear Buds by Koss and I wear them every day. I do data entry so I am allowed to wear them all the time. They totally seal noises out. I finally feel at peace at work. It's weird but I listen to the same 3 CD's over and over all day long and I never get tired of them.

I am in search of some sort of treatment. I don't want to live like this forever. I am afraid to switch jobs, afraid the next job won't let me wear ear buds or that a gum popper will sit right beside me. I would love to go back to school and be retrained for a better paying job but what would I do if I went in debt to go to school then have gum poppers in my class? It's awful, I feel trapped.

If anyone would like to be an Email Pen Pal and would like to talk to someone about their situation, I am here to listen. : ) Feel free to email me at It would be nice to communicate with people with similar symptoms as me. Thanks!

Nov 04, 2008
I know exactly what you mean
by: Discovering my sensory issues

Gum smacking drives me up a wall, so does someone sniffling. If I am trying to take a test with these noises, it makes it near impossible. Even a normal gum chewer, but especially someone who smacks. I also have issues with food chewers, I like bright lights and picking at things. I have always wondered what was wrong with me, it's good to find some people to relate to and somewhere to talk about this.

Often I try to mimic the sound and it helps me deal, a little. Good luck!

Oct 23, 2008
by: CNC

For me, popping gum is soothing to me. But I can do it with my mouth closed, so people don't hear it. If i really uncomfortable or anxious, sometimes I might forget and do it louder. One time, my sis and I were traveling and she yelled at me to "Please stop it!". Its funny, because I didn't even realize that I was doing it.

Its also the same way with humming. I can do that for hours on end and it doesn't bother me. My friends will ask me "What are you humming?". There is this a "tune" that I always hum, that I really don't know what the song is.

Once I was working in a room with a few people, a co-worker just yelled out in a frustrated manner "Who is humming? Quite a few people, stated it was me. I hadn't realized that I was that loud.

I cant recall right what noises irritate me. People jingling coins in their pocket is a major annoyance.

Oct 15, 2008
Gum is Gross
by: Tara

It's always a bit of a relief to hear stories of other "gum haters". I just started dental school and have to sit in the same room all day with the same 85 people, a lot of which are horrendous gum chewers. Add to that the pen tapping and foot jiggling and I feel like my head is going to explode. I've been using "gumisgross" as my mantra since I can remember!

Sep 24, 2008
Know what you mean
by: DJ

I know what you mean. I'm actually one of those who have to chew gum among other things to keep me from going into meltdown. Heavy breathers, nose whistlers, and hummers also bother me. I have a hard time with crowds, so I don't get myself into those situations if I can avoid them, but how about earplugs? I have to use those at work sometimes because I sit next to a (very nice) person who is both a nose breather and a hummer. On the other hand, I just found out I have SPD myself, so I don't have a lot of good advice. I'm kind of looking for a little help myself!

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