That explains alot.

by stephanie
(Casselberry, FL)

My 23 month old will not chew food even though he has all his teeth. It has gotten worse lately where he wont even eat foods he has tried and liked before. He will just hold them in his mouth for hours and whine. He is fearful of mealtimes because he doesn't know the textures of what we are bringing out.

He doesn't play with other kids but is very object oriented, picking up anything and holding onto it fiercely. He hates clothes that are binding at the wrists and ankles and will not use blankets or stuffed animals unless they are as soft as possible. He dislikes being outside because of the light.

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Mar 20, 2010
I understand
by: Kathleen

Our son was exactly the same. Warm milk with a fresh egg from a chook in the back yard (not an egg from the store)is very good. You warm your milk. whip up the egg, strain the egg or the child is so sensitive they find little bits that shouldn't be there - mix the milk and egg together and this will help. My son had this for almost four years. The doctor told me we'd kept him alive by doing this. Then all through kindergarten other mothers accusations were very cruel and when you are unsure about what is wrong with your child it is very frustrating.

I used to mix up our meals in a processor - take our little boy outside, let him hold the garden hose while I stuck processed runny food into his mouth. While his mind was on the water, he wasn't actually concentrating on the food or what was going into his mouth. This worked well for a while until water restrictions came in. When he reached two and a half, I'd sit him in front of the computer with a Buzz Lightyear game and feed him a mashed up banana, again is concentration was on Buzz and not what was going into his mouth.

At five and a half our little boy had to have his tonsils and adenoids out. That was a hard time but he ate brilliantly after that for a little while. He has S.P.D and is seeing an O.T. Our son is still very picky with food. He is ten and a half and I have found foods that he will eat. The early years of persisting with him have paid off (even though my step father used to grumble about spoilt kid and other mothers looking down at their nose at me) because now, he eats good food rather than junk food.

For breakfast - still a big deal - I never ask him what he wants - it's too hard, I just cook something - he will eat rice cooked in water and salt, drain the rice - leaving still a little sloshy. He'll eat macaroni cooked in water and salt,sometimes with milk and a little sugar. Through winter he will eat it cooked with chicken cube. He'll eat my dinners, corned silver side, roast lamb or egg and bacon pie - but peas and carrots have to raw and he will eat fruit. He now eats toast as well. You have a big road ahead of you but every moment is beautiful - never listen to criticism as you're the mother and you know your child. We've been to hell and back with teachers trying to place our son in a box.

Finally, now that we know what it is we are able to help him. He needs tags cut off his clothes. Very sensitive, and knows how other people are feeling before they know themselves. -He knows whether a person likes him or not, before that other person knows if they like him or not. He's a bright boy, bright in school - just follow your heart and please feel free to write to me any time. I will share all our experiences with you.


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