I agree with the last reply in that it is difficult to say because often children have more than one diagnosis and because spd is such a broad diagnosis. There are so many aspects or types as I am sure you know so it would be hard to say that all spd kids have trouble or even that it is common. In my case my son has an excellent memory but it is because he is highly sensitive (and has spd) and therefore pays close attention to details. He rarely forgets anything and often remembers things I forget like games we have played or songs we used to sing. But again I would attribute that to him being highly sensitive not to his spd.
Apr 20, 2010 Rating
memory problems by: Brenda
I think it would be hard to tell, since many children including my son seem to have a mixed diagnosis. My son has SPD but also global developmental delays, mild CP and possibly on the high end of the autistic spectrum. He does have memory problems but caused from what?
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation
I am a 29 year old single mother. I was born with sensory processing disorder. I am amazed their are other adults out there like me that are aware of this
Hi, i just want to share if anyone is experiencing the same. Since i was a kid i cannot sleep if i dont rub my feet on a rough texture fabric which i have