Sensory Seeker 14 month old

by Bean Man - 14 month

So I noticed my son has been different from the time he was born. He needed to swaddle as an infant, or if an arm or leg got out, he would start screaming. Then it moved to him having colic. Then after that, he would still just cry. Then we found out that he had gas issues. So we tried to do everything to make sure that he didn't get gasy anymore. Then we realized that he was still crying a whole lot!!!!

So then his doctor said that he is hypersensitive to environment. So I would limit the time he was around big crowds. Which I noticed that he would do better. Instead of having alot of people over at one time, I would only allow one or 2 people.

But then it got bad again... Then at 12 months, they told us that he had SPD. So he has been seeing an OT and we do the brushing and joint compressions. And we also have seen the feeding team, because he doesn't eat that much. He is a very picky eater. And they said that's apart of SPD. And the feeding team has been wonderful. My son needs alot of bold flavors. So we add ketchup, bar-be-que sauce and ranch to alot of this food. We add butter and creams to his food. And he has been doing a little better.

We have seen the OT about 4-5 times, and I am not seeing any results yet. I am wondering if anybody has a child this young, with SPD and what are some other things they are doing? I do spinning, rocking, and we are trying jumping.

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My 14 month Old
by: Anonymous

My 14 month old was recently diagnosed w. SPD. He has been extremely challenging from the time he was born. He barely eats, he tantrums alot, and is often inconsolable. He does though have times when he plays nicely, but it is difficult to track when/why that happens. He wacks his head really hard whenever he gets upset, and never sits still.
I hope OT will help.

Other possible ideas
by: Anonymous

Our sensory seeker from very young also responded to swinging and lots of bath time. We let him, within safety limits, climb on things and bang on things more than another child his age might. Ask your OT about a weighted blanket -- I'm not sure if it's appropriate for someone so young.

Sometimes children get worse with therapy before they get better.

Our son is now 5 years old and what we've found is that he has times when he's better then he grows or something else changes internally or externally for him and he regresses again. When he regresses we increase the sensory diet activities at home. The great news is that with SPD, usually children's brains mature by the time they are 7 years old at which time they can cognitively override their inappropriate tendencies. The sensory issues remain but they can control them better.

Hope this helps.

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