My daughter with CP just turned 14 and for years she has picked her poop out of her diaper (even right out of her tushie) and eats it or smears it all over her walls!! What can I do to help her stop doin this? We've sat and spoke with her and have told her it's yucky and can make her sick. She continues to do it? She acts like she understands. Maybe?.... idk her dad n I just don't know what to do anymore bc were scared it's goin to hurt her not to mention it makes her and her room stinkðŸ˜
My now 5 year old does the same by: Ana
My 5 year old has now stopped smearing his poop all over his bedroom after we told him off on several occasions, time after time, but now he has started eating his poo.
Just over a year ago before he turned 4 he started touching his poo and smearing it all over, and now he even started eating his own poo! He is the 3rd out of 4 children and I never ever had this problem with any of my other children, even my youngest which is now 4 years old. I have no idea what triggered this or what might have caused it as he did amazingly with his toilet training and never had many accidents or anything whilst potty training but one day whilst on holidays he just decided to do this.Â
12 year started smearing and licking fingers by: Anonymous
I’m at the end of my rope with what to do, my 12 year was diagnosed with SPD as a small child but other than eat toys and his pencils and the occasional clothes it wasn’t anything major. This last year and a half his behavior has become extreme and now he is picking his butt and smearing poop all over our house and licking his fingers clean. To make matters worse yesterday he just dropped his pants started peeing on my floor after picking his butt. We only know because of cameras in our house. Has anyone had a dr. Run medical tests to find a resin for this? I don’t know what to do anymore, his response to everything is to get ma at us and say I don’t know.
Foster Mom by: Beverly
My foster child suffered horrific abuse. He hides his poop, poops everywhere but the toilet, eats his poop and he is fourteen years old. I don’t scold him , but would like to get to the source of his disorder to help him move beyond it.
My patient also has a poop eating and smearing issue by: Anonymous
My patient has angelman syndrome and he also has a constant problem with poop smearing and eating. Idk what to do to get him to stop and his doctors also don’t have any advice or suggestions. It’s such a problem I’m wondering if it’s part of something else and not his angelmans syndrome.
SOS-my bro needs help!!! by: Anonymous
My brother is almost ten and he eats his poop, rarely goes to poop in the toilet and has SPD. What’s wrong with him? We send him to the doctors and they say it’ll wear off and if he has medicine to make him poop he will be fine but he has been doing this since birth. He also almost died at birth and he gets bullied but he doesn’t tell anyone and even some of his "friends" laugh at him behind his back.
His only real friend (let’s call him Bob for safety reasons) is a boy with SPD.Bob’s brother has a disability and his sister is gluten free. (Not that it’s important to know that) What do we do? I’m worried about him!!!🥺🥺🥺
Help!!!! by: Anonymous
My little girl is 10years old she has ASD cerebral palsy and intellectual disability she has started smearing feces all over her room and herself she also pulls her feces out of her butt and eats it.
The doctors are no help to me they have not given any advice or tricks to help. I thought I was the only one dealing with things like this so at least now I know I’m not alone and I will be trying some of the stuff I’ve read in some of the comments here
To EXCUSE ME by: Anonymous
To EXCUSE ME, Yes, you have something more than SPD . If you have not heard of this then you should just say that. But to shame and accuse in this SERIOUS problem shows us that your issues are more than SPD.
As far as the mom who is struggling with this, you are not alone, you did nothing wrong and your child is doing something that meets a need.
I wish you the best.
To the anonymous poster who claims we're all lying and on drugs by: Sadi
@anonymous maybe you should do some research before you troll. This happens alot. To people who have never done drugs in their lives. Both of my daughters do it. The little one probably only because her sister does it. Just because you have a sensory disorder doesn't make you an expert anymore than me dying my hair makes me an expert in cosmetology.
@ Excuse Me! by: Anonymous
Are you serious right now you've never heard of it it's right here in Black and White story after story after Story I'm 52 years old when I was 8 years old there was a child in my home that my mother babysat and he ate his poop and he was autistic so the fact that people have not heard of this happening is absolutely insane because it does happen and it happens a lot and it happens to probably I'd say about 80% of the children that have this disorder so maybe you're just embarrassed but at least you can safely say you never did it yourself can't you?
Smell of Poop by: Shelly
My son also digs his poop out, he's 18 years old and has been doing it for awhile. he has always said that it's not sexual, he said that he likes the smell.
his therapists have tried different things to make him stop..rewards, weighted blankets/vests, heavy lifting "sensory diet", and recently an anal plug and nothing has seemed to work.
when he was inpatient for a month stay about a year ago was the only time he did not do it. I've never tried the strong coffee smell, I'm going to do that and see how it works.
Thank you to whoever posted that suggestion!!
Sensory needs by: Anonymous
It may be that your child is hyposensitive and requires a really strong taste or smell to satisfy their sensory needs, and this is an easy way for them to meet that need and satisfy their senses. Bland food won't cut it for them and they may be craving or interested only in strong flavoured foods such as hot and spicy flavours, really bitter or sour flavours (lemons can be a favourite), and I've heard strong coffee smells can really help.
I don't know if sourcing strong flavoured foods or smells will help, but it's certainly worth trying..
Hey by: Anonymous
Please help i have a 12 year old son that smears his poop and digs his butt! He gets it all over everything in his room please help!!! And he urinates on the floor!! Needing some answers!!
Poop by: Anonymous
Could be a sensory-seeking behaviour?
Perhaps try encouraging child to occupy hands some other way, e.g. fiddle toy, play-dough, blu-tack, etc? Also ensure that clothing limits child's access to his own butt.
Toddler smearing poop by: Tia
My son is 3yrs in October. He has adhd and 3/5 aspects of autism. Spd is one of them.
He is starting to smear his poop more often now including on his dolls and toys even his TV. I've tried everything to stop him even removing all his toys in his room but he still does it. It's an extremely difficult thing to cope with and very unpleasant to deal with.
If anyone has any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it
poopy problem by: Anonymous
my 4 year old plays with his poop. smears it on walls,floors,toys,himself.
I am about to lose it. I have explained why it is gross and he shouldn't do but he doesn't seem to understand.
I ask him why he does it and he says he is trying to make something???
poo smearing by: Anonymous
Hi I was just wondering if the coffee thing worked?
I have 2 year old twins who poo smear everywhere, who do it everyday and have for months. My eldest has learning diff and did it until about four but I dont think these guys have it.
I have taped the nappies on but because there is two of them, they just undo each other. Help! please.
Coffee is the cure! by: Jaime
HI everyone,
I have a three year old who has been eating and smearing his poop. It started with him eating a half a crock of Vaseline, and then progressed to poop.
His OT has recommended a smell program in which cold, high concentrated coffee is included. For some reason, the smell of coffee satisfies the senses and deters them from wanting to eat their poop.
I decided to infuse his bedroom with a coffee scent to see if that actually works....I'll keep you all posted!
My 10 year old eats his poop by: Anonymous
He has been doing this since he was potty trained. His doctor said it's because he is asperger's autistic and this is one of his habits that he's gotten into.
I think it's disgusting & have repeatedly told him that he needs to stop doing it or he's going to become extremely ill yet he continues to do it.
When he's asked why he does it the only answer he can give me is "I don't know, & I won't do it again mommy" yet the next day I find him sitting on the toilet pulling poop out of himself & eating it.
Please help because I'm at the end of my rope & ready to put him in the mental ward.
same with our son:( by: Anonymous
I have a 3 1/2 yr. old with sensory processing disorder and not only does he smear feces on his walls, but when wearing a diaper and soiling it he then removes all of the poop from his diaper and spreads it all over the floor 3-4 times per day.
We have been told to use heavy duty tape on the diaper to hold it in place, but he knows how to remove it. We have placed the potty in his bedroom, and it works sometimes only. It seems like when we tell him to do something that he does not like he acts like this out of spite to get our goat.
All I can tell you is to pray, because it could be a very long time without getting your child potty trained. It is extremely frustrating and a living hell sometimes, but I try to focus on all the joy my child brings, not the bad stuff.
Hang in there and take plenty of breaks for yourself and spouse. It is easy to let this take control of every aspect of your life.
Reply to Poop Problems and SPD by: Anonymous
I am in the same boat. My daughter is 2 1/2 with SPD and does the same thing. It's a daily thing. She will even do it right in front of me.
I wish I had a solution. I have talked to her O/T which told me she had heard of it but never experienced it with any of her patients. I'm sort of at a loss for what to do as well. It's something that you don't really want to tell too many people.
As a parent I feel embarrassed that she does this. My daughter started doing this around 9 months, she stopped for a while and is back to doing it again. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but know you aren't alone.
I think my next step is to talk to her Pediatrician.
Poop Problems and SPD by: Anonymous
My son is eight years old, and when he was younger, I had this same problem. I asked the occupational therapist who was working with him at the time (he was three years old then), and she had never heard of it. She asked some of her colleagues if they ever heard of it, and they hadn't.
Eventually, he out grew it. I think it has something to do with the SPD, and their sense of taste and smell. My son also would eat lotion, hair oil, vaseline, and even licked the insect repellent off his arms.
One doctor mentioned Pica, and even though I had heard of Pica, I always read about it being related to eating clay, dirt and paint. This doctor said that Pica can be related to other non eatable things.
I hope this helps you.
EXCUSE ME by: Anonymous
Um. I have SPD and I have NEVER heard of "eatin your poop." Buy diapers and food, not dope. Thank you.
I am working with a child who is so sensitive to the feel of paper or anything like it with a dry feel, he says. He uses a transparency paper to put under
My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. He jumps around and holds his belly in whenever he feels the sensation