by Angie
(Glendale, CA)
Hi I am new to this and ashamed that my granddaughter has seemed to know what she needed all along. All the sensory aides, toys, rockers, etc. I used to try to keep her OFF the glider rocker because she rocked so hard on it she would break it. I have just spent over $500 - mini tramp, scooter, spinning chair, bean bag, push spin top, hammock, and on and on... While jumping on the trampoline it folded up on her and I returned it. For some reason we decided to get a pogo stick instead. I had to help her and remind her to keep it straight but she LOVES it!! This is a 9 year old who has no interest in learning to ride a bike without training wheels. I am surprised at how persistent she was and went from no jumps to her new record of 11 overnight.
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