Parent of 3 1/2 year old (Mother)
by Robyn
I found the checklist useful before and after my daughters evaluation. The booklet I had to fill out was a bit overwhelming for me. I had difficulty with the underlying factor of typical 3 year old behavior vs a sensory dysfunction.
After having the evaluation, I did get the "aha" momment, however I was also able to identify (with the OT) my daughters real issues and realizing that some were just the typical three year old behaviors. Utilizing the chart afterwards was helpful in zeroing in on what she needs help with, which is emotional regulation and hypersensitve to movement and hypersensitive to touch. She is definatley the child that avoids the sunlight in the car, however does not have the other symptoms associated with that.
Where do you draw the line though? It's very discouraging to think I have a child with a disorder and at the same time I want our lives and more importantly her life to be happy. I want a day where we are not arguing about the sunlight, or the way the sheets feel or how she prefers to watch the kids at the park instead of joining in. I'm not sure if any one else out there feels this way, but I'm very discouraged by it all, I feel like a bad mom because I am a single mother and maybe I should have noticed this earlier on. I kept saying it's the two's, then the three's and lately I was God the fours better be a good year. I also found out my insurance is not going to cover the cost of her services and I don't believe I can afford it. It's a bitter sweet day for me...but yes the checklist did help.